List of Doug episodes
Below is an episode list for the Nickelodeon animated television series Doug
Doug is an American animated sitcom created by Jim Jinkins and co-produced by his studio, Jumbo Pictures . Doug centers on the surreal and imaginative exploits of its title character, Douglas "Doug" Funnie, who experiences common predicaments while attending middle school. The series lampoons...

. The series premiered on Nickelodeon in 1991, produced through 1994 and running there until 1996, and then was produced and aired by Disney's ABC
American Broadcasting Company
The American Broadcasting Company is an American commercial broadcasting television network. Created in 1943 from the former NBC Blue radio network, ABC is owned by The Walt Disney Company and is part of Disney-ABC Television Group. Its first broadcast on television was in 1948...

 network through 1999.

Nickelodeon's Doug (52 episodes; 4 seasons) featured two eleven-minute stories with a commercial break between. Sometimes, they would do twenty-two minute stories, with a first and second act. ABC's Doug (65 episodes; 3 seasons) had a single theme the whole episode, split into three acts, and four commercial breaks; one after the opening title sequence (sometimes after the episode teaser/title card), one after the first act, one after the second act, and one after the third act. A total of 117 episodes were produced from both series.

In the closing credits for the first season of Nickelodeon's Doug, two different pieces of music would play: the first piece would be taken from the second story in the episode, and during the last third, Porkchop would don headphones and listen to music from the first story, immediately drowning out the original background music and angering Doug. Subsequent seasons, however, use a single piece of music for their closing credits (despite using the same animation).

Doug (Nickelodeon) (1991 - 1994)

Season Episodes Season Premiere Season Finale
1 13 August 11, 1991 November 3, 1991
2 13 April 12, 1992 July 5, 1992
3 13 April 11, 1993 July 11, 1993
4 13 April 10, 1994 June 19, 1994

Disney's Doug (1996 - 1999)

Season Episodes Season Premiere Season Finale
1 26 September 7, 1996 March 8, 1997
2 8 September 6, 1997 October 18, 1997
3 31 September 12, 1998 June 26, 1999

Season 1: 1991

# Episode Original airdate
# Plot Summary|Code

Season 3: 1993

# Plot Summary|Code

Season 4: 1994

# Plot Summary|Code

Season 1: 1996-1997

During its first two seasons, the show was titled Brand Spanking New! Doug.
# Episode Original airdate
# Episode Original airdate
# Episode Original airdate The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.