List of Sakigake!! Otokojuku characters
The following is a list of fictional characters who appear in Akira Miyashita's manga
Manga is the Japanese word for "comics" and consists of comics and print cartoons . In the West, the term "manga" has been appropriated to refer specifically to comics created in Japan, or by Japanese authors, in the Japanese language and conforming to the style developed in Japan in the late 19th...

 series Sakigake!! Otokojuku
Sakigake!! Otokojuku
by Akira Miyashita is a comedy martial arts manga that was originally serialized at the Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1985 to 1991. It is staged in a private boy's school that teaches ōendan to troubled teenagers. The students are trained to "revive the Spirit of Japan" and mainly engage in fighting or...


Kanto Gogakuren

The is a fictional group from Akira Miyashita's manga
Manga is the Japanese word for "comics" and consists of comics and print cartoons . In the West, the term "manga" has been appropriated to refer specifically to comics created in Japan, or by Japanese authors, in the Japanese language and conforming to the style developed in Japan in the late 19th...

 series Sakigake!! Otokojuku
Sakigake!! Otokojuku
by Akira Miyashita is a comedy martial arts manga that was originally serialized at the Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1985 to 1991. It is staged in a private boy's school that teaches ōendan to troubled teenagers. The students are trained to "revive the Spirit of Japan" and mainly engage in fighting or...


A group formed by Omito Date after leaving Otokojuku. He leads them in an attack on Otokojuku during a festival. They then take on Momotaro and the other main first years in the Kyoura Daiyon Kyousatsu.

Omito Date

(伊達 臣人, Date Omito)

. The Former leader of gogakuren school army. He uses the Hakyokuryuu retractable spear. He has three scars on each side of face. He is a feminist and refuses to kill women. Long ago he was a first year at Otokojuku but left after killing an instructor. He then became the class president of the Kanto Gogakuren and led the attack against the Momo and the first years in the Kyoura Daiyon Kyousatsu. He fights and is defeated by Momo in the 4th Assault and afterwards returns to Otokojuku. He assumes a second-in-command type role and usually fights the second strongest enemies. He was voted as the most popular character (even more popular than Momo) several times. In Ten yori Takaku and Akatsuki!! Otokojuku he has become the boss of a Bōryokudan, and his clone appears under the name Bishamonten of Hyoei Todo's Seven Lucky Gods
Seven Lucky Gods
The , commonly referred to in English as the Seven Lucky Gods, refer to the seven gods of good fortune in Japanese mythology and folklore. They are often the subject of netsuke carvings and other representations.Each has a traditional attribute:...


Gogakuren San Menken

(豪学連三面拳, Three Faces of Gogakuren)

Later the . The member's names come from old Japanese Army aircraft. In Akatsuki!! Otokojuku it is revealed that the Gogakuren Sanmenken are actually the 152nd Sanmenken, and the Sanmenken have existed for 2000 years, each generation chosen by phrenology
Phrenology is a pseudoscience primarily focused on measurements of the human skull, based on the concept that the brain is the organ of the mind, and that certain brain areas have localized, specific functions or modules...

, each with the same names, faces, fighting styles, and destinies as their predecessors. The 153rd Sanmenken serve the Sodom World Council.

(雷電, Mitsubishi J2M
Mitsubishi J2M
The Mitsubishi J2M Raiden was a single-engined land-based fighter aircraft used by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service in World War II. The Allied reporting name was "Jack".-Design and development:...


. The leader of the Sanmenken and master of Daiou Jouryuu taijutsu
is a Japanese blanket term for any combat skill, technique or system of martial art using body movements that are described as an empty-hand combat skill or system. The term is commonly used when referring to a traditional Japanese martial art but has also been used in the naming of modern martial...

, the oldest form of Chinese Kenpo
is the name of several Japanese martial arts. The word kenpō is a Japanese translation of the Chinese word "quánfǎ. This term is often informally transliterated as "kempo", as a result of applying Traditional Hepburn romanization, but failing to use a macron to indicate the long vowel...

 in history (fictional). He has a tattoo
A tattoo is made by inserting indelible ink into the dermis layer of the skin to change the pigment. Tattoos on humans are a type of body modification, and tattoos on other animals are most commonly used for identification purposes...

 of on his forehead. Uses knived shoes and fights with three monkeys later. He fights J in the Daiyon Kyousatsu 1st Assault . At first his taijutsu overwhelms J, but J ends the match in a draw with one of his Mach Punches. After this he enrolls in Otokojuku with Date and the other Sanmenken. He is very serious and loyal but has occasioanly shown a comical side. He is always training in all forms of Kenpo, and therefore can usually recognize and explain all enemy's techniques or identities. He is thought to be killed in the fight with Ryoukou, the boss of the Excellent Ryouzanpaku 16, but returned alive later.


(飛燕, Kawasaki Ki-61
Kawasaki Ki-61
The Kawasaki Ki-61 Hien was a Japanese World War II fighter aircraft used by the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force...


. One of the Sanmenken and a master of Choujinken who shows a liking for magnificent movement. He also uses throwing acupuncture needles that can manipulate an enemy's muscle movement. He usually wears a standard gakuran, but wears a Chinese fighter keikogi
or dōgi is a uniform for training, used in martial arts derived from Japan, or budō. . The prototype for the modern keikogi emerged in the late 19th century. The keikogi was developed by judo founder Kano Jigoro...

 when fighting. He fights Togashi in the Daiyon Kyousatsu 2nd Assault . His Choujinken dominates the entire fight, but Togashi's luck and will power forces the fight to end in a draw. He has long hair and bishōnen
is a Japanese term literally meaning "beautiful youth ". The equivalent English concept is a "pretty boy".The term describes an aesthetic that can be found in disparate areas in East Asia: a young man whose beauty transcends the boundary of gender or sexual orientation...

 looks. He is also very popular with female fans and is often asked by Toramaru and the others to introduce them to girls. His hobby is knitting
Knitting is a method by which thread or yarn may be turned into cloth or other fine crafts. Knitted fabric consists of consecutive rows of loops, called stitches. As each row progresses, a new loop is pulled through an existing loop. The active stitches are held on a needle until another loop can...

. He is initially a narcissist, but from the Tenchou Gorin on he has a calmer personality. He shows no mercy for his enemies. His hair is a light pink color, but in the anime it is orange. In Ten yori Takaku he has become a doctor and president of the All Japan Seinen
is a subset of manga that is generally targeted at a 20–30 year old male audience, but the audience can be older with some manga aimed at businessmen well into their 40s. In Japanese, the word Seinen means "young man" or "young men" and is not suggestive of sexual matters...

 Medical Association.


(月光, Nakajima J1N
Nakajima J1N
-See also:-Bibliography:* Francillon, Réne J. Japanese Aircraft of the Pacific War. London: Putnam & Company Ltd., 1970 . ISBN 0-370-30251-6....


. The strongest of the Senmenken. He is a master of Chakukeryuu Kenpo
is the name of several Japanese martial arts. The word kenpō is a Japanese translation of the Chinese word "quánfǎ. This term is often informally transliterated as "kempo", as a result of applying Traditional Hepburn romanization, but failing to use a macron to indicate the long vowel...

 and also possesses a tough will and physical strength. He uses a retractable baton
Club (weapon)
A club is among the simplest of all weapons. A club is essentially a short staff, or stick, usually made of wood, and wielded as a weapon since prehistoric times....

 which he once fought with as a golf club with steel golf balls. He fights and is defeated by Toramaru in the Daiyon Kyousatsu 3rd Assault . It is established during his fight with Centaur that he is naturally blind, but his skills are so good he can perform many tasks a regular blind man can not. He is thought to be killed by Raj Mahal of the Meiou Island 16 Warriors, but he was revived with brain surgery and returns as an enemy against Momo and Otokojuku in The Battle of The Seven Tusks. In the end he regains his memory and returns to Otokojuku.

Other Gogakuren Students


16 Practitioners of Phantom Lizard Style

(衒蜥流十六衆, Genseki-ryuu Juuroku-shuu)

A group from a martial arts
Martial arts
Martial arts are extensive systems of codified practices and traditions of combat, practiced for a variety of reasons, including self-defense, competition, physical health and fitness, as well as mental and spiritual development....

 school that specializes in cooperation techniques, they are Otokojuku’s first opponent in the prelims. They proclaim to be trained at a pro level and refer to the Otokojuku students as "boys", but they are all defeated by J alone.

16 Knights of Bando Style

(蕃鐃流十六騎, Bandou-ryuu Juurokki)

A group that uses the . All members wear hachimaki
A hachimaki is a stylized headband in Japanese culture, usually made of red or white cloth, worn as a symbol of perseverance or effort by the wearer. These are worn on many occasions, for example, by sports spectators, by women giving birth, students in cram school, office workers, expert...

s with written on them. They fight against Rouroukan in the 2nd preliminary round, but they all have their necks broken by Shuten-Doji’s Kaitou Senkotsusatsu.


(狼髏館, Wolf Skull Castle)

Otokojuku's opponents in the Preliminary League.

: (PS2 game). Leader of the 15 Rouroukan. He is a genius master of taijutsu
is a Japanese blanket term for any combat skill, technique or system of martial art using body movements that are described as an empty-hand combat skill or system. The term is commonly used when referring to a traditional Japanese martial art but has also been used in the naming of modern martial...

 and in his youth learned the Shoukyuu Soudan. He kills Dokugantetsu, who attacks him after he mocks Otokojuku. During his fight with Momo he tries to force him to commit seppuku
is a form of Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment. Seppuku was originally reserved only for samurai. Part of the samurai bushido honor code, seppuku was either used voluntarily by samurai to die with honor rather than fall into the hands of their enemies , or as a form of capital punishment...

 with the Shoukyuu Soudan, but Momo instead uses his own Shoukyuu Soudan to make him commit seppuku. However, Momo spares his life and makes him miss his vitals, and because of this he reforms. After the tournament ends he enrolls in Otokojuku.

: (audio drama).

16 Fighting Olympus
Mount Olympus
Mount Olympus is the highest mountain in Greece, located on the border between Thessaly and Macedonia, about 100 kilometres away from Thessaloniki, Greece's second largest city. Mount Olympus has 52 peaks. The highest peak Mytikas, meaning "nose", rises to 2,917 metres...


(PS2 game), Norio Wakamoto
Norio Wakamoto
is a veteran male seiyū and budō expert affiliated with Sigma Seven. He was born in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture, and was raised in Sakai, Osaka Prefecture. He graduated from Waseda University...

 (audio drama). The chief god of Olympus
Mount Olympus
Mount Olympus is the highest mountain in Greece, located on the border between Thessaly and Macedonia, about 100 kilometres away from Thessaloniki, Greece's second largest city. Mount Olympus has 52 peaks. The highest peak Mytikas, meaning "nose", rises to 2,917 metres...

. His heart, technique, and body are exceedingly powerful and he is completely on par with Jaki Daigouin. Three years ago at the Kanretsu Budou Taikai finals he and Jaki had a tremendous death match that finally ended in a draw after three days. Over the following three years he trains his fist and realizes their skills are indeed equal, so he proposes they settle things with the Snake Blood Contract. He torments Jaki with his Shining God Hands, but Jaki eventually strikes his key muscle with his Fuubu Ourankaku and defeats him. Zeus makes one last attempt to stand, but Jaki knocks him down for good with his Kyouten Kaishoukou. When Jaki tries to give him a serum
A drug, broadly speaking, is any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function. There is no single, precise definition, as there are different meanings in drug control law, government regulations, medicine, and colloquial usage.In pharmacology, a...

 out of friendship, he rejects him but drinks it without hesitation and kills himself by shoving his fist into his chest.

16 Priests of Gandhara
Gandhāra , is the name of an ancient kingdom , located in northern Pakistan and eastern Afghanistan. Gandhara was located mainly in the vale of Peshawar, the Potohar plateau and on the Kabul River...


: (audio drama). Leader of the 16 Priests of Gandhara and the 57th hight priest of Gandhara. After conquering the criminal underworld he participates in the tournament. The other 16 priests refer to him as , while the elder of Gandhara Temple and the Gandhara San Housei refer to him as . He keeps blades behind his limbs and hip and because Gandhara village has a perpetually snowy climate he specializes in battle under snowfall. He fights Momo in the finals and nearly defeats him with his snow rats, but Momo defeats him with his Shishi Tourouken, missing his vitals and sparing his life. After the tournament concludes he enrolls in Otokojuku, but unlike the others who enrolled at the same time as him, he was mostly inactive from then on.

: (audio drama)

Paron Kokurenju

The head of the Kokurenju. He uses the Shoukeja Gouken which allows him to manipulate countless snake
Snakes are elongate, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes that can be distinguished from legless lizards by their lack of eyelids and external ears. Like all squamates, snakes are ectothermic, amniote vertebrates covered in overlapping scales...

s at will. He corners J on a cliff with his Kyokuousatsu and Jagou Kekkaishuu techniques, but when a crack on the battleground of Akashi's battle effects their battleground, J is able to defeat the snakes in one clean sweep. With the battleground on the verge of collapse he uses the snakes as a rope, and although he narrowly survives he suggests to J that they stop. After the tournament ends he enrolls in Otokojuku.

: (audio drama)
: (audio drama)

Pharaoh is a title used in many modern discussions of the ancient Egyptian rulers of all periods. The title originates in the term "pr-aa" which means "great house" and describes the royal palace...

A sphinx is a mythical creature with a lion's body and a human head or a cat head.The sphinx, in Greek tradition, has the haunches of a lion, the wings of a great bird, and the face of a woman. She is mythicised as treacherous and merciless...


: (PS2 game), Ikuya Sawaki
Ikuya Sawaki
, better know by his stage name , is a Japanese voice actor who is affiliated with Arts Vision.-TV Anime:*Berserk *Cyborg 009 , better know by his stage name , is a Japanese voice actor who is affiliated with Arts Vision.-TV Anime:*Berserk (Boscogne)*Cyborg 009 (2001) , better know by his stage...

 (audio drama). The legitimate successor of the Pharaoh Sphinx. He fights Momo underneath a solar eclipse
Solar eclipse
As seen from the Earth, a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, and the Moon fully or partially blocks the Sun as viewed from a location on Earth. This can happen only during a new moon, when the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction as seen from Earth. At least...

, entering as a shining form from a golden coffin
A coffin is a funerary box used in the display and containment of dead people – either for burial or cremation.Contemporary North American English makes a distinction between "coffin", which is generally understood to denote a funerary box having six sides in plan view, and "casket", which...

. In the middle of his Reincarnation Cycle, his true form lurked in the coffin and he repeatedly threw firefly shaped knives
A knife is a cutting tool with an exposed cutting edge or blade, hand-held or otherwise, with or without a handle. Knives were used at least two-and-a-half million years ago, as evidenced by the Oldowan tools...

 from within. His true form is a large bald man with big ears, and he dominates Momo with his Venus of Ishtar and Agony of Oedipus techniques, but when Momo sees a photo of Edajima that falls from the bag Jaki had given him and becomes riled, he is defeated in a come from behind victory. After the fight ends, he feels in debt to Momo for risking his life to save him when their battleground collapsed, and as proof of their friendship he gives Momo his Tutankhamun's Tear forehead jewel. After the tournament concludes he enrolls in Otokojuku. From the Battle of the Seven Tusks on he is a comical character.

The Excellent Ryozanpaku
Mount Liang
Mount Liang is a mountain in Liangshan County, Shandong province, China which rises to 197.9 m above sea level. It is well known as the stronghold of the 108 legendary Song Dynasty heroes of the classic Chinese novel Water Margin...


: (audio drama)
: (PS2 game). The youngest of the Ryozanpaku Three Heads. He often displays a comical side, but he is actually a child progigy of Kenpo and a master of Taidousatsu no Hou. In his fight with J he mocks him by drawing a square ring in the sand and saying the first to be knocked out loses. Though he overwhelms J for most of the match, J wins in the end with his Spiral Hurricane Punch. Afterwards, Hakuhou leaves the battleground himself and apologizes for mocking his father. After Ryozanpaku's elimination he is the only surviving one of the Three Heads and vows to rebuild Ryozanpaku, but after the tournament he enrolls in Otokojuku.

: (audio drama). An archer
Archery is the art, practice, or skill of propelling arrows with the use of a bow, from Latin arcus. Archery has historically been used for hunting and combat; in modern times, however, its main use is that of a recreational activity...

 of superb spirit and skill and a master of Ryozanpaku-tou Kyuujutsu. He accuratley hits the badge on Togashi's hat from 500 meters away. He faces against Gekkou and his Tengai Soshindan in the Soujou Gekisha, using 10 arrows before hitting him with his Kouinchou Haisatsu. But he just barely misses his vitals, so Gekkou uses his last 8 shots to perform the Sankou Ryuuseidan and bust Souketsu's arm and evade a second Kouinchou Haisatsu. Souketsu receives the arrow in his chest this time, but Gekkou uses his Tengai Shinten to push it out and spare his life. After the tournament he enrolls in Otokojuku.

16 Warriors of Meiou Island

: (PS2 game). The commander of the 16 Warriors of Meiou Island. He has studied all forms of combat at the Souryuu Temple and mastered the Shinki Ryuukon.
He is Hyoei Todo's adopted son. He is quite vicious and inhuman, having battled his four "brothers" in a battle to decide who is Todo's son and also killed his own master who stole a secret scroll. However, he has also shown a deep compassionate and honorable side, like when he attacked a subordinate who tried to shoot Michelle while he was saving Togashi.

He had an even match against Momo and his Shinki Fuukon, but the burden of his teammates being imprisoned prevented his Shinki Fuukon, turning it into a one sided match. After the ōendan
An , literally "cheering squad" or "cheering section", is a Japanese sports rallying team similar in purpose to a cheerleading squad in the United States, but relies more on making a lot of noise with taiko drums, blowing horns and other items, waving flags and banners, and yelling through plastic...

 of his classmates reawakens Momo, Gouki suggests they settle things with the Entou Kyouyutou. He is sure of a victory after he breaks Momo's katana, but Momo ties the katana back together with his hachimaki
A hachimaki is a stylized headband in Japanese culture, usually made of red or white cloth, worn as a symbol of perseverance or effort by the wearer. These are worn on many occasions, for example, by sports spectators, by women giving birth, students in cram school, office workers, expert...

and uses it as a boomerang
A boomerang is a flying tool with a curved shape used as a weapon or for sport.-Description:A boomerang is usually thought of as a wooden device, although historically boomerang-like devices have also been made from bones. Modern boomerangs used for sport are often made from carbon fibre-reinforced...

 to attack from behind, dousing Gouki in flames.

After the flame of Momo's Shinki Fuukon disappears, Hyoei Todo has a sniper shoot him with a tranqulizer bullet. Unaware of this, Gouki overwhelms Momo with his Senretsuken and goes to stab him with his katana, but his katana breaks on the Otokojuku Representative Successorship Proof pendant
A pendant is a loose-hanging piece of jewellery, generally attached by a small loop to a necklace, when the ensemble may be known as a "pendant necklace". A pendant earring is an earring with a piece hanging down. In modern French "pendant" is the gerund form of “hanging”...

 Jaki had given Momo and instead Momo's fist goes through Gouki's chest. Afterwards Gouki is made aware of Momo's gunshot wound and raises his hand in victory before collapsing.

After the tournament he enrolls in Otokojuku and graduates with Momo and the others. In Ten yori Takaku he has taken over the remains of the Todo Clan.

: A.k.a , he is a user of the Siberian wolf controlling Rousouken, he also possesses enough monstrous strength to lift a boulder above his head. He refers to his wolves as his brothers. He nearly beats J with his Tougun San Chuushou, but J uses his Jet Sonic Megaton Punch to break the Todo Statue to bury the wolves underneath the rock. He then uses his personal taijutsu
is a Japanese blanket term for any combat skill, technique or system of martial art using body movements that are described as an empty-hand combat skill or system. The term is commonly used when referring to a traditional Japanese martial art but has also been used in the naming of modern martial...

 to fight and overwhelms J with his Binsakai Shousai, Soukaku Byoukou, and Soukaku Houchuusatsu, but J hits him on the crown of his head with his Flying Crash Megaton Punch, burying him up to his head in the ground. Because he abused their feelings during the fight his "brothers" were about to eat his head, but J had broken all their fangs and subsequently saved Gobalski's life. After the tournament ends he enrolls in Otokojuku and, along with Hakuhou and Pharaoh, acts as the comic relief
Comic relief
Comic relief is the inclusion of a humorous character, scene or witty dialogue in an otherwise serious work, often to relieve tension.-Definition:...

. He has not cleaned his fundoshi
is the traditional Japanese undergarment for adult males, made from a length of cotton. Before World War II, the fundoshi was the main form of underwear for Japanese adult males...

 in three years.

Fu'un Rakanjuku

is the east's Otokojuku's rival school of the west. They are more westernized and modern than Otokojuku, and use Italian-made blazers as uniforms. 30 years after Kumada and Edajima's oath they hold the pentathlon to test the schools' courage, intelligence, strength, solidity, and unity.

: The headmaster of Fu'un Rakanjuku. Edajima's rival from his Imperial University
Imperial university
-France:Imperial University or University of France refers to the French university re-organisation initiated by Napoleon.-Japan:...

 days, they are equal at everything and at graduation they were both awarded gold watches for having the best records. Unlike Edajima who is bald and wears a haori
The is a Japanese traditional garment worn by men, women and children. The word "kimono", which literally means a "thing to wear" , has come to denote these full-length robes...

and hakama
are a type of traditional Japanese clothing. They were originally worn only by men, but today they are worn by both sexes. Hakama are tied at the waist and fall approximately to the ankles. Hakama are worn over a kimono ....

, Kumada has a good physique and wears tailcoats. He is a true man who continues to live for fighting and always admits defeat when he loses.

: The representative of Fuun Rakanjuku who becomes Momo’s rival. He is at the top of both literary and military arts and greatly admires Kumada. He is a bit conceited and often scoffs at people. He proudly appears in the Gokonsen fourth event, family crest exchange. He immediately requests Momo as his opponent and steals his family crest that he took from a bōryokudan office. They save each other after being shot in the back, and because the point of the match was to test unity, the match is then ended.
: A Fu'un Rakanjuku student. He is first seen when he attempts to mug Momo, Toramaru, Matsuo, Tazawa, and Hidemaro while they are enjoying a holiday at Hesneyland. He is about as short as Hidemaro, except he also has some skills at Kenpō
is the name of several Japanese martial arts. The word kenpō is a Japanese translation of the Chinese word "quánfǎ. This term is often informally transliterated as "kempo", as a result of applying Traditional Hepburn romanization, but failing to use a macron to indicate the long vowel...

 and taijutsu with a bit of kicking force. He greatly respects Ijuuin.

: Rikishi siblings of the Taitou Heya
In sumo wrestling, a heya , usually translated into English as stable, is an organization of sumo wrestlers where they train and live. All wrestlers in professional sumo must belong to one. There are currently 49 heya , all but four of which belong to one of five ichimon...

. They appear in the first event, sumo
is a competitive full-contact sport where a wrestler attempts to force another wrestler out of a circular ring or to touch the ground with anything other than the soles of the feet. The sport originated in Japan, the only country where it is practiced professionally...

. The Otokojuku students view them a bit as celebrities, as their father was a former Ozeki and the present master of the Taito Heya. Since childhood they have been raised with special training and are the three years running All Japan Student Sumo Champion. The sumo world has pinned their hopes on them. The older brother fights Toramaru, while the younger faces against Hidemaro.

: A marathon expert. He appears in the second event, the marathon
The marathon is a long-distance running event with an official distance of 42.195 kilometres , that is usually run as a road race...

. He does not believe in will power, but when Togashi narrowly defeats him at the marathon he changes his mind.

: A 6th grader who is accepted into university, he is the three years running winner of the National Student Knowledge Exam. He is a prodigy of prodigies with an IQ of 250. He appears in the third event, mathematics
Mathematics is the study of quantity, space, structure, and change. Mathematicians seek out patterns and formulate new conjectures. Mathematicians resolve the truth or falsity of conjectures by mathematical proofs, which are arguments sufficient to convince other mathematicians of their validity...

, English
English language
English is a West Germanic language that arose in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England and spread into what was to become south-east Scotland under the influence of the Anglian medieval kingdom of Northumbria...

, and Japanese
Japanese language
is a language spoken by over 130 million people in Japan and in Japanese emigrant communities. It is a member of the Japonic language family, which has a number of proposed relationships with other languages, none of which has gained wide acceptance among historical linguists .Japanese is an...

. He utterly defeats Tazawa in numerical and Japanese-English translation problems. For the final match (chemistry) he builds a high quality radio
Radio is the transmission of signals through free space by modulation of electromagnetic waves with frequencies below those of visible light. Electromagnetic radiation travels by means of oscillating electromagnetic fields that pass through the air and the vacuum of space...

 out of a pile of electrical parts within 2 hours, but Tazawa makes a high-quality robot
A robot is a mechanical or virtual intelligent agent that can perform tasks automatically or with guidance, typically by remote control. In practice a robot is usually an electro-mechanical machine that is guided by computer and electronic programming. Robots can be autonomous, semi-autonomous or...

, resulting in a draw.

Other characters


Anime film original characters

: Leader of the American team 3S, the semi-finalists of the previous Big Battle August tournament. He is a master of the wind manipulating . He fights and is defeated by Momotaro in the final death match.
A member of 3S and a snobbish man. He trained in England
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 and uses fencing
Fencing, which is also known as modern fencing to distinguish it from historical fencing, is a family of combat sports using bladed weapons.Fencing is one of four sports which have been featured at every one of the modern Olympic Games...

 and billiards
Cue sports , also known as billiard sports, are a wide variety of games of skill generally played with a cue stick which is used to strike billiard balls, moving them around a cloth-covered billiards table bounded by rubber .Historically, the umbrella term was billiards...

 in his fights. He fights J to a double KO in the first death match.
A member of 3S and a short man. He uses Aikido
is a Japanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba as a synthesis of his martial studies, philosophy, and religious beliefs. Aikido is often translated as "the Way of unifying life energy" or as "the Way of harmonious spirit." Ueshiba's goal was to create an art that practitioners could use to...

 as well as a thin boomerang
A boomerang is a flying tool with a curved shape used as a weapon or for sport.-Description:A boomerang is usually thought of as a wooden device, although historically boomerang-like devices have also been made from bones. Modern boomerangs used for sport are often made from carbon fibre-reinforced...

 which he can also ride on. He fights and is defeated by Toramaru in the second death match.
A member of 3S, he trained in Texas
Texas is the second largest U.S. state by both area and population, and the largest state by area in the contiguous United States.The name, based on the Caddo word "Tejas" meaning "friends" or "allies", was applied by the Spanish to the Caddo themselves and to the region of their settlement in...

 and fights using horse riding and a whip. He is a heartless person who abandoned his own horse when it broke its leg. He fights and defeats Togashi in the third death match, but he dies immediately after when the battleground collapses.
A member of 3S and a large man. He is killed in the blink of an eye when he opposes Bruce.

  • The Priest: A priest who acts as an official for the Otokojuku/3S death matches.

Live action film original characters

Played by: Masaki Miura. The leader of the Otokojuku second year students. He likes to boss around and abuse the first years. Although a completely different character, he is essentially the replacement for the character Edogawa.

Played by: Hiroshi Ryōgoku. A member of the Kanto Gogakuren.

Played by: Tomoko Nakajima
Tomoko Nakajima
is a Japanese actress. She won the award for best supporting actress at the 12th Yokohama Film Festival for Tugumi.-Filmography:* Tugumi * Dance till Tomorrow * Parasite Eve * Give It All...

. Hidemaro's mother. She grows sick of his profligate ways and enrolls him in Otokojuku, hoping it will straigten him out so he can become a proper leader of the Gokukouji family.

Played by: Tetsuo Yamada. A member of the Gokukouji group.

Played by Kaoru Hirata. A girl who Togashi goes out with on his first date.

Played by Ayano Tsuji
Ayano Tsuji
is a J-Pop singer famous in her native Japan for her unconventional light singing style and ukulele music. She rose to fame after performing the end-title track for the Studio Ghibli film The Cat Returns in 2002.- Biography :In 1993, Ayano Tsuji attended...

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