List of reptiles of Turkey
CheloniidaeCheloniidaeCheloniidae is a family of turtles belonging to the sea turtle superfamily Chelonioidea.-Extant genera:*Genus Caretta**Loggerhead sea turtle *Genus Chelonia**Green sea turtle *Genus Eretmochelys...
- Caretta
- Caretta caretta
- Chelonia
- Chelonia mydas
GeoemydidaeGeoemydidaeGeoemydidae is the largest and most diverse family in the order Testudines with about 70 species. It includes the Eurasian pond and river turtles and Neotropical wood turtles.-Characteristics:...
- MauremysMauremysMauremys is a genus of turtle in the family Geoemydidae . Ocadia and Chinemys are included here by some scientists, but not by the majority nor by hobbyists.Species include:...
- Mauremys caspica
- Mauremys rivulata
TrionychidaeTrionychidaeTrionychidae is a taxonomic family which comprises a number of turtle genera commonly known as softshells. They are also sometimes called pancake turtles. Softshells consist of some of the world's largest fresh water turtles, though many can adapt to living in highly brackish areas. Members of this...
- Rafetus euphraticus
- RafetusRafetusRafetus is a genus of highly endangered softshell turtles in the Trionychidae family. According to most taxonomists, it contains the following 2 species:* Euphrates softshell turtle...
- Rafetus
- Trionyx
- Trionyx triunguis
- TestudoTestudoTestudo may refer to:* Testudo , a genus of tortoises* The Latin variant of the Greek chelys harp made from a tortoise shell* The testudo formation, a Roman military tactic...
- Testudo graeca
- Testudo hermanni
- Testudo marginata
- CyrtopodionCyrtopodionCyrtopodion is a large genus of the Gekkonidae family. It has 37 described species.Species in this genus are:* Cyrtopodion agamuroides* Cyrtopodion amictopholis* Cyrtopodion baigii Masroor, 2008* Cyrtopodion battalensis...
- Cyrtopodion scabrumCyrtopodion scabrumRough-tailed Gecko Cyrtopodion scabrum is a species of gecko.-Distribution:Turkey, Egypt [Siwa Oasis: HR 31: 254], Sinai/Tor, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman,...
- Cyrtopodion scabrum
- EublepharisEublepharisThe genus Eublepharis was first described by the British zoologist John Edward Gray in 1827. The etymology of their name is 'eu' = Good |'blephar' = Eyelid, and all have fully functional eyelids. Members of this genus are found in eastern and southwestern Asia where they are found in arid and...
- Eublepharis angramainyu
- HemidactylusHemidactylusHemidactylus is a genus of the family of typical geckos, Gekkonidae. It is the second-most speciose genus in the family, with about 90 described species, newfound ones being described every few years. These geckos are found in all the tropical regions of the world, extending into the subtropical...
- Hemidactylus turcicusHemidactylus turcicusMediterranean House Gecko, or more commonly Turkish Gecko as it is represented in its Latin name Hemidactylus turcicus is a species of gecko. They are nocturnal and insectivorous, rarely exceeding in length, have large, lidless eyes with elliptical pupils, and yellow- or tan-colored skin with...
- Hemidactylus turcicus
- Mediodactylus
- Mediodactylus heterocercum
- Mediodactylus kotschyi
- StenodactylusStenodactylusStenodactylus is a genus of Middle-Eastern and North-African geckos, commonly known as Short-fingered Geckos.-Classification of genus Stenodactylus:*Iranian Short-fingered Gecko, Stenodactylus affinis...
- Stenodactylus grandiceps
AgamidaeAgamidaeAgamids, lizards of the family Agamidae, include more than 300 species in Africa, Asia, Australia, and a few in Southern Europe. Many species are commonly called dragons or dragon lizards. Phylogenetically they may be sister to the Iguanidae, and have a similar appearance. Agamids usually have...
- LaudakiaLaudakiaAsian Rock Agamas are lizards of the genus Laudakia found in Eurasia. For African agamas see the genera Agama and Acanthocercus.-Species and subspecies:*Laudakia agrorensis – Agror Agama...
- Laudakia caucasiaLaudakia caucasiaThe Caucasian agama is a species of agamid lizard found in the Caucasus, E/S Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Dagestan , E Turkey, Iraq, N Iran, Afghanistan, NW Pakistan and parts of Kashmir.-Description:...
- Laudakia stellioLaudakia stellioA stellion , also known as a hardim or star lizard, is a species of agamid lizard found in Greece, Southwest Asia, and Northeast Africa. Like many agamas, stellions can change color to express their moods. They bask on stone walls, rocks and buildings, and also on trees...
- Laudakia caucasia
- PhrynocephalusPhrynocephalusPhrynocephalus, commonly called Toadhead Agamas or Toad-headed Agama, includes more than 45 species of small and medium sized agamid lizards that inhabit open arid and semiarid environments of Asia and Eastern Europe. Systematics of this genus is very complicated. And there are a lot of...
- Phrynocephalus helioscopus
- Phrynocephalus persicusPhrynocephalus persicusThe Persian Toad-headed Agama , also known as Horvath's Toad Headed Agama, is a species of agamid lizards in the Phrynocephalus genus that inhabits central Asia...
- TrapelusTrapelusTrapelus is a genus of Middle East Agama lizards which contains 14 or 15 species.-Species:Listed alphabetically.*Trapelus agilis – Brilliant Ground Agama*Trapelus flavimaculatus Rüppell, 1835 – Yellow-spotted Agama...
- Trapelus lessonae
AnguidaeAnguidaeThe Anguidae is a large and diverse family of lizards native to the northern hemisphere. The group includes the slowworms, glass lizards, and alligator lizards, among others. Anguidae is divided into three subfamilies and contains 94 species in eight genera. Their closest living relatives are the...
- PseudopusPseudopus-Classification:Genus Pseudopus**Pseudopus apodus *Known from fossils only**†Pseudopus laurillardi**†Pseudopus pannonicus...
- Pseudopus apodus
- AnguisAnguisAnguis, or the slow worm, is a small genus of lizard in the family Anguidae. It has two described species.Although they are lizards, slow worms have lost their limbs completely and are often mistaken as snakes. Slow-worms typically grow to between , with the females slightly larger than the males...
- Anguis fragilisAnguis fragilisAnguis fragilis, or slow worm, slow-worm or slowworm, is a limbless reptile native to Eurasia. It is also sometimes referred to as the blindworm or blind worm, though the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds considers this to be incorrect.Slow worms are semi-fossorial lizards spending much...
- Anguis fragilis
- AblepharusAblepharusThe skink genus Ablepharus contains the common snake-eyed skinks. Their name refers to the fact that their eyelids have fused to a translucent capsule; like snakes, they thus cannot blink.-Species:* Twin-striped Skink...
- Ablepharus bivittatus
- Ablepharus budakiAblepharus budakiAblepharus budaki, or Budak's Snake-eyed Skink, is a species of skink. In 1997, it was promoted from status as a subspecies of Ablepharus kitaibelii to species status.- Range :...
- Ablepharus chernovi
- Ablepharus kitaibeliiAblepharus kitaibeliiAblepharus kitaibelii, the European copper skink, Juniper skink or European Snake-eyed skink, is a species of lizards from the skink family ....
- ChalcidesChalcidesChalcides is a genus of skinks .It is usually placed in the subfamily Scincinae which seems to be paraphyletic however. It belongs to a major clade of this group which does not seem to include the type genus Scincus however...
- Chalcides ocellatusChalcides ocellatusChalcides ocellatus, or Ocellated Skink is a species of skink found in Greece, southern Italy, Malta, and parts of northern Africa....
- Chalcides ocellatus
- EumecesEumecesThe genus Eumeces skinks comprises four African to Middle-Eastern species.-Systematics:Two taxonomic revisions have been made in the 19th century regarding genus Eumeces. They both resulted in similar results; the genus is paraphyletic and must be sliced up into several different genera...
- Eumeces schneideriEumeces schneideriSchneider's Skink , Eumeces schneideri, is a species of skink found in central and west Asia and north Africa. It is named after the German zoologist, Johann Gottlob Schneider.-Description:Head moderate; snout short, obtuse...
- Eumeces schneideri
- OphiomorusOphiomorus-Classification:Genus Ophiomorus*Ophiomorus blanfordi*Ophiomorus brevipes*Ophiomorus chernovi*Ophiomorus latastii*Ophiomorus nuchalis*Ophiomorus persicus*Ophiomorus punctatissimus*Ophiomorus raithmai...
- Ophiomorus punctatissimus
- TrachylepisTrachylepisTrachylepis is a skink genus in the subfamily Lygosominae found mainly in Africa. Its members were formerly included in the "wastebin taxon" Mabuya, and for some time in Euprepis. As defined today, Trachylepis contains the clade of Afro-Malagasy mabuyas. The genus also contains a species from the...
- Trachylepis aurata
- Trachylepis vittata
LacertidaeLacertidaeLacertidae is the family of the wall lizards, true lizards, or sometimes simply lacertas, which are native to Europe, Africa, and Asia. The group includes the genus Lacerta, which contains some of the most commonly seen lizard species in Europe...
- AcanthodactylusAcanthodactylusAcanthodactylus is a genus of lizards within the Lacertidae family, commonly referred to as fringe-fingered or fringe-toed lizards ....
- Acanthodactylus boskianus
- Acanthodactylus harranensisAcanthodactylus harranensisAcanthodactylus harranensis is a species of lizard in the Lacertidae family. It is native to Turkey, and is currently known only from the ruins of the ancient city of Harran...
- Acanthodactylus schreiberi
- Anatololacerta
- Anatololacerta anatolica
- Anatololacerta danfordi
- Anatololacerta oertzeni
- Apathya
- Apathya cappadocica (Lacerta cappadocica)
- DarevskiaDarevskiaDarevskia is a genus of wall lizards of the family Lacertidae.-Species:*Darevskia alpina*Darevskia armeniaca*Darevskia bendimahiensis*Darevskia brauneri*Darevskia caucasica*Darevskia clarkorum*Darevskia daghestanica...
- Darevskia armeniaca
- Darevskia bendimahiensis
- Darevskia brauneri
- Darevskia clarkorum
- Darevskia derjugini
- Darevskia dryada
- Darevskia mixta
- Darevskia parvula
- Darevskia praticola
- Darevskia raddei
- Darevskia rudis
- Darevskia sapphirina
- Darevskia saxicola
- Darevskia unisexualis
- Darevskia uzzelli
- Darevskia valentini
- EremiasEremiasEremias is a genus of wall lizards of the family Lacertidae.-Species:*Eremias acutirostris*Eremias afghanistanica*Eremias andersoni*Eremias argus*Eremias arguta*Eremias aria*Eremias brenchleyi*Eremias buechneri...
- Eremias arguta
- Eremias pleskei
- Eremias strauchi
- Eremias suphani
- LacertaLacertaLacerta is one of the 88 modern constellations defined by the International Astronomical Union. Its name is Latin for lizard. A small, faint constellation, it was created in 1687 by the astronomer Johannes Hevelius. Its brightest stars form a "W" shape similar to that of Cassiopeia, and it is thus...
- Lacerta agilis
- Lacerta media
- Lacerta pamphylica
- Lacerta strigata
- Lacerta trilineata
- Lacerta viridis
- MesalinaMesalinaMesalina is a genus of wall lizards of the family Lacertidae. It has fourteen described species.-Species:*Mesalina adramitana - *Mesalina ayunensis - Arnold, 1980*Mesalina bahaeldini - Segoli Cohen & Werner, 2002...
- Mesalina brevirostris
- OphisopsOphisopsOphisops is a genus of wall lizards of the family Lacertidae. Small lacertids characterized by transparent lower eyelids that are completely or partially fused with the upper lids to form a cap over the eye....
- Ophisops elegansOphisops elegansSnake-eyed Lizard is a species of lizard found in the Mediterranean region and Central Asia.-Description:Head moderate, feebly depressed...
- Ophisops elegans
- Parvilacerta
- Parvilacerta parva
- Phoenicolacerta
- Phoenicolacerta cyanisparsa
- Phoenicolacerta laevis
- PodarcisPodarcisPodarcis is a genus of lizards. Its members look very similar to lizards of the genus Lacerta, but their internal body structure is different . They are commonly known as wall lizards. They are native to Europe and northern Africa, and most species are restricted to the Mediterranean region...
- Podarcis muralis
- Podarcis siculus
- Podarcis tauricus
- TimonTimonTimon is a genus of wall lizards of the family Lacertidae.-Species:*Timon lepidus*Timon pater*Timon princeps*Timon tangitanus...
- Timon princepsTimon princepsTimon Princeps is a subgenus of Timon which belongs to the family of Lacertidae, the wall lizards. -Common name:Common names for this wall lizard are:*English: Zagrosian Lizard*German: Zagroseidechse; kurdistanica: Kurdische Zagroseidechse...
- Timon princeps
TyphlopidaeTyphlopidaeThe Typhlopidae are a family of blind snakes. They are found mostly in the tropical regions of Africa, Asia, the Americas, and all mainland Australia and various islands. The rostral scale overhangs the mouth to form a shovel like burrowing structure. They live underground in burrows, and since...
- TyphlopsTyphlopsTyphlops is a genus of blind snakes found in Europe, Africa, Asia and Central and South America. Currently, 120 species are recognized.-Geographic range:...
- Typhlops vermicularisTyphlops vermicularisTyphlops vermicularis, the European blind snake or European worm snake, is a reptile species in the genus Typhlops found in Europe and in Lebanon ....
- Typhlops vermicularis
- RhinotyphlopsRhinotyphlopsRhinotyphlops is a genus of blind snakes found in Africa, the Middle East and India. Currently, 28 species are recognized.-Species:*) Not including the nominate subspecies.T) Type species....
- Rhinotyphlops episcopus (Letheobia episcopu)
LeptotyphlopidaeLeptotyphlopidaeThe Leptotyphlopidae are a family of snakes found in North and South America, Africa, and Asia. All are fossorial and adapted to burrowing, feeding on ants and termites...
- Myriopholis
- Myriopholis macrorhyncha (Leptotyphlops macrorhynchusLeptotyphlops macrorhynchusLeptotyphlops macrorhynchus is a harmless blind snake species found in northern Africa and southwestern Asia. No subspecies are currently recognized.-Geographic range:Found in isolated populations across northern Africa and in southwestern Asia...
- Myriopholis macrorhyncha (Leptotyphlops macrorhynchus
- CoronellaCoronellaCoronella is a genus of harmless colubrids found in Europe, North Africa and West Asia. Three species are currently recognized.-Description:...
- Coronella austriaca
- Dolichophis
- Dolichophis caspius
- Dolichophis jugularis
- Dolichophis schmidti
- EirenisEirenisEirenis is a genus of snakes in the Colubridae family.It contains the following eighteen described species:* Eirenis africana * Eirenis aurolineatus * Baran dwarf racer, Eirenis barani Schmidtler, 1988...
- Eirenis aurolineatus
- Eirenis baraniEirenis baraniThe Baran Dwarf Racer is a species of snake in the Colubridae family.It is found in southern Turkey and northwestern Syria.Its natural habitats are Mediterranean-type shrubby vegetation and rocky areas.-References:...
- Eirenis collaris
- Eirenis coronella
- Eirenis decemlineatus
- Eirenis eiselti
- Eirenis hakkariensis
- Eirenis levantinusEirenis levantinusEirenis levantinus is a species of snake in the Colubridae family.It is found in Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey.Its natural habitats are Mediterranean-type shrubby vegetation, plantations, and rural gardens.It is threatened by habitat loss....
- Eirenis lineomaculatusEirenis lineomaculatusEirenis lineomaculatus is a species of snake in the Colubridae family.It is found in Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestinian Territory, Occupied, Syria, and Turkey....
- Eirenis modestus
- Eirenis punctatolineatus
- Eirenis rothii
- Eirenis thospitis
- ElapheElapheElaphe is one of the main genera of the rat snakes, which are found in many regions of the northern hemisphere. Elaphe are medium to large constrictors by nature....
- Elaphe sauromates
- HemorrhoisHemorrhoisHemorrhois is a genus of snakes in the Colubridae family.It contains the following four species:* Hemorrhois algirus * Hemorrhois hippocrepis , horseshoe whip snake* Hemorrhois nummifer...
- Hemorrhois nummifer
- Hemorrhois ravergieriHemorrhois ravergieriHemorrhois ravergieri, commonly called the spotted whip snake is a species of snake found in Western Asia, Central Asia and South-Central Asia.-Geographic range:...
- Malpolon
- Malpolon monspessulanusMalpolon monspessulanusMalpolon monspessulanus, commonly known as the Montpellier snake, is a species of colubrid.-Geographic range:It is very common throughout the Mediterranean basin...
- Malpolon monspessulanus
- NatrixNatrixNatrix is a genus of colubrid snakes. There are three or four species in the genus. They are collectively called grass snakes and water snakes...
- Natrix megalocephala
- Natrix natrix
- Natrix tessellata
- Platyceps
- Platyceps collaris
- Platyceps najadum
- Platyceps ventromaculatus
- Pseudocyclophis
- Pseudocyclophis persicus
- Rhynchocalamus
- Rhynchocalamus barani
- Rhynchocalamus melanocephalus
- SpalerosophisSpalerosophisSpalerosophis is a small genus of snakes in the Colubridae family.-Geographic range:Member species are found in a wide range from Southern Asia, the Middle East and North Africa.-Species:It contains the following species:...
- Spalerosophis diademaSpalerosophis diademaThe diadem snake is a species of large colubrine snake.-Geographic range:It is found in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Western Pakistan, Northern India,...
- Spalerosophis diadema
- TelescopusTelescopusTelescopus, the Old World catsnakes, is a genus of 12 species of opisthoglyphous snakes in the Colubridae family.-Geographic range:...
- Telescopus fallax
- Telescopus nigriceps
- ZamenisZamenisZamenis is a genus of snake in the Colubridae family.It contains the following species:* Transcaucasian ratsnake * Italian Aesculapian Snake * Aesculapian Snake...
- Zamenis hohenackeri
- Zamenis longissimus
- Zamenis situla
ElapidaeElapidaeElapidae is a family of venomous snakes found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, terrestrially in Asia, Australia, Africa, North America and South America and aquatically in the Pacific and Indian Oceans...
- Walterinnesia
- Walterinnesia morgani (Naia morgani)
ViperidaeViperidaeThe Viperidae are a family of venomous snakes found all over the world, except in Antarctica, Australia, Ireland, Madagascar, Hawaii, various other isolated islands, and above the Arctic Circle. All have relatively long, hinged fangs that permit deep penetration and injection of venom. Four...
- MacroviperaMacroviperaMacrovipera is a genus of venomous vipers that inhabit the semideserts and steppes of North Africa, the Near and Middle East, and the Milos Archipelago in the Aegean Sea. These snakes are responsible for a number of bites in Africa and western Asia every year...
- Macrovipera lebetinaMacrovipera lebetinaMacrovipera lebetina is a venomous viper species found in North Africa, much of the Middle East, and as far east as Kashmir. Five subspecies are currently recognized, including the nominate race described here.-Description:...
- Macrovipera lebetina
- Montivipera
- Montivipera albizona
- Montivipera raddei
- Montivipera wagneri
- Montivipera xanthina
- PseudocerastesPseudocerastesPseudocerastes is a monotypic genus created for a venomous viper species, P. persicus. This species is found throughout the Middle East and as far east as Pakistan, but not on the African mainland. Often referred to as the false horned viper because of the hornlike structures above their eyes that...
- Pseudocerastes persicus
- ViperaViperaVipera is a genus of venomous vipers. It has a very wide range, being found from North Africa to just within the Arctic Circle and from Great Britain to Pacific Asia. The name is possibly derived from the Latin words vivus and pario, meaning "alive" and "bear" or "bring forth"; likely a reference...
- Vipera ammodytesVipera ammodytesVipera ammodytes is a venomous viper species found in southern Europe through to the Balkans and parts of the Middle East. It is reputed to be the most dangerous of the European vipers due to its large size, long fangs and high venom toxicity...
- Vipera baraniVipera baraniVipera barani is a venomous viper species endemic to Turkey. No subspecies are currently recognized.-Description:Stoutly built, adult females are reported to reach a maximum length of 60 cm. Adult males are shorter with a maximum of 54.5 cm....
- Vipera berusVipera berusVipera berus, the common European adder or common European viper, is a venomous viper species that is extremely widespread and can be found throughout most of Western Europe and all the way to Far East Asia. Known by a host of common names including Common adder and Common viper, adders have been...
- Vipera darevskiiVipera darevskiiVipera darevskii is a venomous viper species found in Armenia and Turkey and possibly also in Georgia. No subspecies are currently recognized.-Geographic range:...
- Vipera eriwanensis
- Vipera kaznakoviVipera kaznakoviVipera kaznakovi is a venomous viper species found in Turkey, Georgia and Russia. No subspecies are currently recognized.-Description:A stoutly built species, of which the males are usually shorter and more slender than the females. Adults may reach a maximum length of 65-70 cm, but are usually less...
- Vipera ponticaVipera ponticaVipera pontica is a venomous viper species found in Turkey and Georgia. No subspecies are currently recognized.-Description:Probably does not grow to more than 60 cm in length. The largest type specimen was 277 mm.Holotype: NHMG 5021....
- Vipera transcaucasiana
- Vipera ursiniiVipera ursiniiVipera ursinii is a venomous viper and a very widespread species, found from southeastern France all the way to China . No subspecies are currently recognized...
- Vipera ammodytes