Marc Bogaerts
Marc Bogaerts is a Belgian choreographer and artistic director
Artistic director
An artistic director is the executive of an arts organization, particularly in a theatre company, that handles the organization's artistic direction. He or she is generally a producer and director, but not in the sense of a mogul, since the organization is generally a non-profit organization...

. He has worked internationally for over more than 50 dance, opera and circus companies.
Bogaerts stipulates that our current generational dynamic is complex and routed in the mundane and monotonous rigors of our daily need to survive or surpass. Therefore he believes in the need to counterbalance routine by symmetrically presenting traditionally segregated styles such as opera
Opera is an art form in which singers and musicians perform a dramatic work combining text and musical score, usually in a theatrical setting. Opera incorporates many of the elements of spoken theatre, such as acting, scenery, and costumes and sometimes includes dance...

, ballet
Ballet is a type of performance dance, that originated in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th century, and which was further developed in France and Russia as a concert dance form. The early portions preceded the invention of the proscenium stage and were presented in large chambers with...

, nouveau circus
Contemporary circus
Contemporary circus, or nouveau cirque , is a genre of performing art developed in the later 20th century in which a story or a theme is conveyed through traditional circus skills. Animals are rarely used in this type of circus, and traditional circus skills are blended with a more character-driven...

 and stationary art.
Following postmodernism, Marc Bogaerts builds a bridge between all forms of physical expression. Making unconventional combinations (modern dance
Modern dance
Modern dance is a dance form developed in the early 20th century. Although the term Modern dance has also been applied to a category of 20th Century ballroom dances, Modern dance as a term usually refers to 20th century concert dance.-Intro:...

rs with athletes, circus artists
A circus is commonly a travelling company of performers that may include clowns, acrobats, trained animals, trapeze acts, musicians, hoopers, tightrope walkers, jugglers, unicyclists and other stunt-oriented artists...

 with ballroom dance
Ballroom dance
Ballroom dance refers to a set of partner dances, which are enjoyed both socially and competitively around the world. Because of its performance and entertainment aspects, ballroom dance is also widely enjoyed on stage, film, and television....

rs, ice skaters
Ice skating
Ice skating is moving on ice by using ice skates. It can be done for a variety of reasons, including leisure, traveling, and various sports. Ice skating occurs both on specially prepared indoor and outdoor tracks, as well as on naturally occurring bodies of frozen water, such as lakes and...

 with snake women, breakdancers with classical dancers
Ballet is a type of performance dance, that originated in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th century, and which was further developed in France and Russia as a concert dance form. The early portions preceded the invention of the proscenium stage and were presented in large chambers with...

) and bringing in his productions sport
A Sport is all forms of physical activity which, through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical fitness and provide entertainment to participants. Sport may be competitive, where a winner or winners can be identified by objective means, and may require a degree...

, art
Art is the product or process of deliberately arranging items in a way that influences and affects one or more of the senses, emotions, and intellect....

, ecology
Ecology is the scientific study of the relations that living organisms have with respect to each other and their natural environment. Variables of interest to ecologists include the composition, distribution, amount , number, and changing states of organisms within and among ecosystems...

/innovations together he creates unusual symbiosis
Symbiosis is close and often long-term interaction between different biological species. In 1877 Bennett used the word symbiosis to describe the mutualistic relationship in lichens...



He studied 7 years Latin, Greek and philosophy with the Jesuits, which influenced his later work by integrated understanding of all sports, the unity of body and soul, as it was formulated by the ancient Greek
Ancient Greek
Ancient Greek is the stage of the Greek language in the periods spanning the times c. 9th–6th centuries BC, , c. 5th–4th centuries BC , and the c. 3rd century BC – 6th century AD of ancient Greece and the ancient world; being predated in the 2nd millennium BC by Mycenaean Greek...

s. In 1975 he started his career as a dancer and soon also as a choreographer with the Royal Ballet of Flanders. From 1982 to 1993 he resided in New York
New York
New York is a state in the Northeastern region of the United States. It is the nation's third most populous state. New York is bordered by New Jersey and Pennsylvania to the south, and by Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont to the east...

, where he danced as an honorary guest performer with Merce Cunningham
Merce Cunningham
Mercier "Merce" Philip Cunningham was an American dancer and choreographer who was at the forefront of the American avant-garde for more than 50 years. Throughout much of his life, Cunningham was considered one of the greatest creative forces in American dance...

, Trisha Brown
Trisha Brown
Trisha Brown is a postmodernist American choreographer and dancer.Brown was born in Aberdeen, Washington, and received a B.A. degree in dance from Mills College in 1958. Brown later received a D.F.A. from Bates College in 2000. For several summers she studied with Louis Horst at the American Dance...

 and Laura Dean
Laura Dean
Laura Dean is a dancer, choreographer and composer.Dean is the recipient of many awards including the 2008 Samuel H. Scripps American Dance Festival Award for Lifetime Achievement in Dance. She has also received a "Bessie" New York Dance Award for her work with composer Steve Reich...

, taught at the Actors Studio
Actors Studio
The Actors Studio is a membership organization for professional actors, theatre directors and playwrights at 432 West 44th Street in the Clinton neighborhood of Manhattan in New York City. It was founded October 5, 1947, by Elia Kazan, Cheryl Crawford, Robert Lewis and Anna Sokolow who provided...

 in New York and initiated numerous artistic social projects raising awareness about abortion
Abortion is defined as the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo prior to viability. An abortion can occur spontaneously, in which case it is usually called a miscarriage, or it can be purposely induced...

, drugs
Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows are an American post-hardcore band formed in 2010. They released their debut self-titled album on February 22, 2011.- Formation :...

 and genocide
Genocide is defined as "the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group", though what constitutes enough of a "part" to qualify as genocide has been subject to much debate by legal scholars...

. From New York he moved to Berlin
Berlin is the capital city of Germany and is one of the 16 states of Germany. With a population of 3.45 million people, Berlin is Germany's largest city. It is the second most populous city proper and the seventh most populous urban area in the European Union...

. As the only choreographer working for all three opera houses in Berlin: Deutsche Oper Berlin
Deutsche Oper Berlin
The Deutsche Oper Berlin is an opera company located in the Charlottenburg district of Berlin, Germany. The resident building is also home to the Berlin State Ballet.-History:...

, Staatsoper Unter den Linden, Komische Oper Berlin
Komische Oper Berlin
The Komische Oper Berlin is an opera company in Berlin, Germany, which specializes in German language productions of opera, operetta and musicals....

 he created performances such as Carmina Burana, L’Histoire du Soldat or Four Seasons. He has also worked for many Olympic ice skaters. Under the guidance of Marc Bogaerts and Martin Skotnicky
Martin Skotnicky
Martin Skotnicky is a former Czechoslovak ice dancer who competed with Diana Skotnicka. He is currently a figure skating coach and has worked with:* Nelli Zhiganshina and Alexander Gazsi* Kati Winkler and René Lohse* Christina Beier and William Beier...

, the two German ice skaters Kati Winkler
Kati Winkler
Kati Winkler Kati Winkler Kati Winkler (born January 16, 1974 in Karl-Marx-Stadt (today Chemnitz) is a German ice dancer. With partner René Lohse, she is the 2004 World bronze medalist.- Biography :...

 and René Lohse
René Lohse
René Lohse is a German ice dancer. With partner Kati Winkler, he is the 2004 World bronze medalist.- Biography :...

 would go on to win the bronze medal in Ice Dancing at the World Figure Skating Championships
World Figure Skating Championships
The World Figure Skating Championships is an annual figure skating competition sanctioned by the International Skating Union in which elite figure skaters compete for the title of World Champion...

 2004. Later on Bogaerts worked in Canada
Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...

, Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...

, Switzerland
Switzerland name of one of the Swiss cantons. ; ; ; or ), in its full name the Swiss Confederation , is a federal republic consisting of 26 cantons, with Bern as the seat of the federal authorities. The country is situated in Western Europe,Or Central Europe depending on the definition....

, Portugal
Portugal , officially the Portuguese Republic is a country situated in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula. Portugal is the westernmost country of Europe, and is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the West and South and by Spain to the North and East. The Atlantic archipelagos of the...

 and Romania
Romania is a country located at the crossroads of Central and Southeastern Europe, on the Lower Danube, within and outside the Carpathian arch, bordering on the Black Sea...

. Living all around the world he finds inspiration for his interdisciplinary productions. At the moment creating a synthesis of sport and stage art is in the centre of his artistic work.

Dance productions

He choreographed so far for more than 48 operas, dance companies and circus groups including:
  • Royal Danish Ballet
    Royal Danish Ballet
    The Royal Danish Ballet is one of the oldest ballet companies in the world. Based in Copenhagen, Denmark, it originates from 1748, when the Royal Danish Theatre was founded, and was finally organized in 1771 in response to the great popularity of French and Italian styles of dance...

  • The Royal Ballet of Flanders
  • Deutsche Oper Berlin
    Deutsche Oper Berlin
    The Deutsche Oper Berlin is an opera company located in the Charlottenburg district of Berlin, Germany. The resident building is also home to the Berlin State Ballet.-History:...

  • Staatsoper Unter den Linden
  • Tanztheater of the Komische Oper Berlin
    Komische Oper Berlin
    The Komische Oper Berlin is an opera company in Berlin, Germany, which specializes in German language productions of opera, operetta and musicals....

  • Joffrey Ballet Chicago
  • Santa Barbara Ballet
  • Dance Theatre Indianapolis
  • Washington Ballet
    Washington Ballet
    The Washington Ballet is an ensemble of professional athletic classical ballet dancers. It was founded in 1976 by American ballet pioneer Mary Day, and has been under the artistic directorship of Septime Webre since 1999.-The Mary Day years :...

  • Milwaukee Ballet
    Milwaukee Ballet
    The Milwaukee Ballet is a professional ballet company located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States. It was founded in 1969 by Roberta Boorse and held its first performance on April 24, 1970. It is currently ranked among the top twelve ballet companies in the United States...

  • Southern Ballet
  • Ballett des Stadttheater St-Gallen
  • Companhia de Danza Lisboa
  • National Opera of Bucharest
  • Mecklenburgische Staatstheater Schwerin
  • Bayerische Staatsballett
  • Deutsches Fernsehballet

He represented Belgium at the Contemporary Dance Festival in the Guggenheim Museum
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is a museum of modern and contemporary art, designed by Canadian-American architect Frank Gehry, built by Ferrovial, and located in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain. It is built alongside the Nervion River, which runs through the city of Bilbao to the Atlantic Coast. The...

Bilbao ) is a Spanish municipality, capital of the province of Biscay, in the autonomous community of the Basque Country. With a population of 353,187 , it is the largest city of its autonomous community and the tenth largest in Spain...

, Spain
Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...


The Emperor’s Dream with performances in Brussels
Brussels , officially the Brussels Region or Brussels-Capital Region , is the capital of Belgium and the de facto capital of the European Union...

, Frankfurt
Frankfurt am Main , commonly known simply as Frankfurt, is the largest city in the German state of Hesse and the fifth-largest city in Germany, with a 2010 population of 688,249. The urban area had an estimated population of 2,300,000 in 2010...

 (Jahrhunderhalle) and Madrid
Madrid is the capital and largest city of Spain. The population of the city is roughly 3.3 million and the entire population of the Madrid metropolitan area is calculated to be 6.271 million. It is the third largest city in the European Union, after London and Berlin, and its metropolitan...

 was a production made for the celebrations of the change of millennium.

For The National Ballet of the Opera Bucharest he made a contemporary dance production Midsummernight’s dream.

For the International Theatre Festival of Sibiu
Sibiu is a city in Transylvania, Romania with a population of 154,548. Located some 282 km north-west of Bucharest, the city straddles the Cibin River, a tributary of the river Olt...

 he choreographed the production Moi Rodin (director- Mihai Maniutiu
Mihai Maniutiu
Mihai Maniutiu is a European theatre director, writer and theatre/performance theoretician of Romanian origin. He has directed over eighty productions in important theatres, many of which have been toured internationally, broadcast on European TV chanels, and won numerous awards in the categories...

, text by Patrick Roegiers). Performances were shown also at the International Theatre Festival in Russia
Russia or , officially known as both Russia and the Russian Federation , is a country in northern Eurasia. It is a federal semi-presidential republic, comprising 83 federal subjects...

, Poland
Poland , officially the Republic of Poland , is a country in Central Europe bordered by Germany to the west; the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south; Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania to the east; and the Baltic Sea and Kaliningrad Oblast, a Russian exclave, to the north...

, Israel
The State of Israel is a parliamentary republic located in the Middle East, along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea...

, France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

, Korea
Korea ) is an East Asian geographic region that is currently divided into two separate sovereign states — North Korea and South Korea. Located on the Korean Peninsula, Korea is bordered by the People's Republic of China to the northwest, Russia to the northeast, and is separated from Japan to the...

, Canada
Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...


He created a multi dance project De koninginnen van de nacht with participation of: Jean Bosco Safari and Geike Arnaert
Geike Arnaert
Geike Arnaert was the lead singer of the Belgian band Hooverphonic from 1997 up to October 2008.Arnaert was born on 13 September 1979, in Heuvelland, Belgium...

, European and World Champion in Karate Tina Bellemans, boxer and ex-Mr. Universe Bill Richardson accompanied by live drum music with the Japanese Wadokyo / taiko Tenbe.

His production Not strictly Rubens for the Royal Ballet of Flanders (music- Praga Kahn, costumes- Walter Van Beirendonck
Walter Van Beirendonck
Walter Van Beirendonck is a Belgian fashion designer. He graduated in 1980 from the Royal Arts Academy in Antwerp. Together with Dirk Van Saene, Dries van Noten, Ann Demeulemeester, Marina Yee and Dirk Bikkembergs they became known as the Antwerp Six.Since 1983, he issues his own collections...

) involved creating new MTV video clip, a CD and a fashion exhibition in Antwerp.

His production DuXtrou (Antwerp Accent) was described by the press as a poetic, unprecedented event.

He made Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde
Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde was an Irish writer and poet. After writing in different forms throughout the 1880s, he became one of London's most popular playwrights in the early 1890s...

) for the ballet and orchestra of the Staatstheater Schwerin.

His Sleeping Beauty with 40 actors and dancers was shown on a contemporary dance theater presentation for the Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
The Lucian Blaga National Theatre in Cluj-Napoca, Romania is one of the most prestigious theatrical institutions in Romania...

, Romania
Romania is a country located at the crossroads of Central and Southeastern Europe, on the Lower Danube, within and outside the Carpathian arch, bordering on the Black Sea...



  • Traviata, Meistersinger von Nurenberg - Vlaamse Opera
    Vlaamse Opera
    The Vlaamse Opera ' is an opera company in Belgium directed by Aviel Cahn which operates in two different opera houses in two Flemish cities, the Vlaamse Opera Antwerpen at Van Ertbornstraat 8 and the Vlaamse Opera Ghent at Schouwburgstraat 3...

  • Carmina Burana, L'Histoire du Soldat - Deutsche Oper Berlin
    Deutsche Oper Berlin
    The Deutsche Oper Berlin is an opera company located in the Charlottenburg district of Berlin, Germany. The resident building is also home to the Berlin State Ballet.-History:...

  • Pur ti miro - Balthasar-Neumann Ensemble, Thomas Hengelbrock
    Thomas Hengelbrock
    Thomas Hengelbrock is a German violinist, musicologist, stage director and conductor.- Biography :Thomas Hengelbrock studied the violin with Rainer Kussmaul and started his career in Würzburg and Freiburg im Breisgau...

    , GMD Volksoper Wiena
  • El Divisione del Mondo - Schwetzingen Festival
    Schwetzingen Festival
    The Schwetzingen Festival is an early summer festival of opera and other classical music presented each year from May to early June in Schwetzingen, Germany....

     and the Innsbruck Festival of Early Music


  • The nouveau circus
    Contemporary circus
    Contemporary circus, or nouveau cirque , is a genre of performing art developed in the later 20th century in which a story or a theme is conveyed through traditional circus skills. Animals are rarely used in this type of circus, and traditional circus skills are blended with a more character-driven...

      "All about Eve"- Tollwoodfestival, Munich
  • Cirque du Soleil
    Cirque du Soleil
    Cirque du Soleil , is a Canadian entertainment company, self-described as a "dramatic mix of circus arts and street entertainment." Based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and located in the inner-city area of Saint-Michel, it was founded in Baie-Saint-Paul in 1984 by two former street performers, Guy...

    - Montreal, Canada
  • 50 Jahren Artistenschule- Friedrichstadtpalast, Berlin

Mass spectacles

  • 100 years of the Scouts
    Scouting, also known as the Scout Movement, is a worldwide youth movement with the stated aim of supporting young people in their physical, mental and spiritual development, that they may play constructive roles in society....

    - King Baudouin Stadium
    King Baudouin Stadium
    The King Baudouin Stadium is a sports ground in north-west Brussels, Belgium. It was inaugurated on 23 August 1930 as the Stade du Jubilé or Jubelstadion in the presence of Prince Leopold. It was built to embellish the Heysel plateau in view of the Brussels International Exposition...

    , Brussels, for 80.000 young spectators
  • Father Damiaen
  • Opening Pan American Games
    Pan American Games
    The Pan-American or Pan American Games are a major event in the Americas featuring summer and formerly winter sports, in which thousands of athletes participate in a variety of competitions. The Pan American Games are the second largest multi-sport event after the Summer Olympics...

     (Indianapolis, USA)

Music theater

  • Sound of Silence - Japan: I Fiamminghi
  • Mingus and Mairan with Charles Deruwe
  • Dracula for the Mecklenburgische Staatstheater Schwerin
  • Code Red for Praga Khan
    Praga Khan
    Praga Khan is a Belgian techno musician, primarily in the new beat style.-Overview:Praga Khan is one of the pioneers of the new beat / acid house / rave sound, and has contributed to the theatrical scene with his musical collaborations in The Next Dimension and Code Red.In the late 1980s, he...

  • Eroticon - Inja Van Gastel / Maurice Engelen

Street theater

  • Not strictly Van Eyck - Street theatre with band "Carpe Diem" and the improvisational actors from Quicksilver


  • The Great Globe , Si le Monde... and Tipassa - multi-media installations together with conductor of the Night of the Proms
    Night of the Proms
    Night of the Proms is a series of concerts held yearly in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and Poland. Regularly there are also shows in France, Spain, Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg...

    - Robert Groslot
  • Hooverphonic
    Hooverphonic are a Belgian rock/pop group, formed in 1995. Though early on categorized as a trip hop group, they quickly expanded their sound to the point where they could no longer be described as a lone genre, but rather encompass alternative, electronica, electropop, rock, and mixture of others...

  • Placebo
    Placebo (band)
    Placebo are a British rock band from London, England, formed in 1994 by singer and guitarist Brian Molko and bass guitarist Stefan Olsdal. The band was joined by drummer Robert Schultzberg, who was later replaced by Steve Hewitt after conflicts with Molko. Hewitt left the band in October 2007 and...

  • Praga Kahn

Sport v.s. Art

Since 10 years Bogaerts works worldwide in close cooperation with numerous Olympic training centers in order to bring more value in the world of sport. He led many artistic skate dancers to the Olympic Games
Olympic Games
The Olympic Games is a major international event featuring summer and winter sports, in which thousands of athletes participate in a variety of competitions. The Olympic Games have come to be regarded as the world’s foremost sports competition where more than 200 nations participate...

, did the opening of the Pan American Games
Pan American Games
The Pan-American or Pan American Games are a major event in the Americas featuring summer and formerly winter sports, in which thousands of athletes participate in a variety of competitions. The Pan American Games are the second largest multi-sport event after the Summer Olympics...

 and was also the director of the Berlin International Deutsches Turnfest in Deutschlandhalle
Deutschlandhalle is an arena in the Westend neighbourhood of Berlin, Germany. It was inaugurated on 29 November 1935 by Adolf Hitler. The building has been granted landmark status in 1995....

 where he proposed 18,000 spectators (live RBB broadcast) his vision of bringing sport and art together.
With the idea of Sport vs Art he made in Belgium productions for Rotterdam Sport Congress, FIG-Gala (Ghent
Ghent is a city and a municipality located in the Flemish region of Belgium. It is the capital and biggest city of the East Flanders province. The city started as a settlement at the confluence of the Rivers Scheldt and Lys and in the Middle Ages became one of the largest and richest cities of...

 2006), Flemish Sport Prize Award (Brussels, KVS 2006), "Apotheosis" (Antwerp), Ghent Sports Arena, West-Flemish Sport Prize, "S.P.O.R.T." Hour Culture at the Catholic University of Leuven
Catholic University of Leuven
The Catholic University of Leuven, or of Louvain, was the largest, oldest and most prominent university in Belgium. The university was founded in 1425 as the University of Leuven by John IV, Duke of Brabant and approved by a Papal bull by Pope Martin V.During France's occupation of Belgium in the...



Convinced about stagnation of modern dance
Modern dance
Modern dance is a dance form developed in the early 20th century. Although the term Modern dance has also been applied to a category of 20th Century ballroom dances, Modern dance as a term usually refers to 20th century concert dance.-Intro:...

 after the death of Limón and Graham
Martha Graham
Martha Graham was an American modern dancer and choreographer whose influence on dance has been compared with the influence Picasso had on modern visual arts, Stravinsky had on music, or Frank Lloyd Wright had on architecture.She danced and choreographed for over seventy years...

, foreseeing new development in contemporary
Contemporary dance
Contemporary dance is a genre of concert dance that employs compositional philosophy, rather than choreography, to guide unchoreographed movement...

 and classical dance
Ballet is a type of performance dance, that originated in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th century, and which was further developed in France and Russia as a concert dance form. The early portions preceded the invention of the proscenium stage and were presented in large chambers with...

, Bogaerts developed a methodical-pedagogic system starting at age of twelve, that combines the Vaganova method
Vaganova method
The Vaganova method is a ballet technique and training system devised by the Russian dancer and pedagogue Agrippina Vaganova . Fusing elements of traditional French technique from the romantic era, with the athleticism and virtuosity of the Italian school, the method is designed to work the body...

 with Limón technique and emphasises on the knowledge he acquired working for many Olympic Training centres worldwide.
He taught this system at the Staatliche Ballettschule Berlin, Ballettschule der Wiener Staatsoper, Heinz-Bosl-Stiftung Munich
Munich The city's motto is "" . Before 2006, it was "Weltstadt mit Herz" . Its native name, , is derived from the Old High German Munichen, meaning "by the monks' place". The city's name derives from the monks of the Benedictine order who founded the city; hence the monk depicted on the city's coat...

, the Royal Ballet School Antwerp, the Australian Conservatory of Ballet, the Victoria College of the Arts, University of North Carolina School of the Arts
University of North Carolina School of the Arts
The University of North Carolina School of the Arts , formerly the North Carolina School of the Arts, is a public coeducational arts conservatory in Winston-Salem, North Carolina that grants high school, undergraduate and graduate degrees. It is one of the seventeen constituent campuses of the...

 , Saint Petersburg and the Royal Danish Ballet School.


  • For his drug awareness work in collaboration with the "Just Say No
    Just Say No
    "Just Say No" was an advertising campaign, part of the U.S. "War on Drugs", prevalent during the 1980s and early 1990s, to discourage children from engaging in recreational drug use by offering various ways of saying no. Eventually, this also expanded the realm of "Just Say No" to violence and...

    " week established by Nancy Reagan
    Nancy Reagan
    Nancy Davis Reagan is the widow of former United States President Ronald Reagan and was First Lady of the United States from 1981 to 1989....

     the Mayor of Orlando
    Orlando, Florida
    Orlando is a city in the central region of the U.S. state of Florida. It is the county seat of Orange County, and the center of the Greater Orlando metropolitan area. According to the 2010 US Census, the city had a population of 238,300, making Orlando the 79th largest city in the United States...

     created Marc Bogaerts Day.
  • For his work with orphans in collaboration with Boystown he received the Keys to the City Omaha
    Omaha may refer to:*Omaha , a Native American tribe that currently resides in the northeastern part of the U.S. state of Nebraska-Places:United States* Omaha, Nebraska* Omaha, Arkansas* Omaha, Georgia* Omaha, Illinois* Omaha, Texas...

    , Nebraska, USA.
  • Chosen to be knighted as a Commander in the Order of Merit for lifetime achievement by the Foreign Office of Belgium in 2008.
  • Received the highest protection of the Queen Fabiola and the First Lady Christiane Herzog
    Christiane Herzog
    Christiane Herzog, née Krauss was the wife of Roman Herzog, the former President of Germany....

     for "Requiem von Mozart".

External links

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