Marie-Guillaume-Alphonse Devergie
Marie-Guillaume-Alphonse Devergie (February 15, 1798 – October 2, 1879) was a French dermatologist who was born in Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...

. In 1834 he became a physician of Parisian hospitals (médecin des hôpitaux), and in 1840 succeeded Laurent-Théodore Biett
Laurent-Théodore Biett
Laurent-Théodore Biett was a Swiss-born dermatologist from Schams in the canton of Graubünden. He is chiefly remembered for introducing into France an anatomical methodology of analyzing skin diseases; a system that was first developed by British dermatologist Robert Willan .In 1786 he moved with...

 (1781–1840) at the Hôpital Saint-Louis
Hôpital Saint-Louis
Hôpital Saint-Louis is a hospital in Paris, France. It is part of the Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris hospital system, and it is located at 1 avenue Claude-Vellefaux, in the 10th arrondissement, near the metro station: Goncourt.-External links:*...

, where he practiced medicine until his retirement. In 1874 he was elected president of the Académie de Médecine.

In 1856 Devergie was the first to describe a rare dermatological disorder known as pityriasis rubra pilaris
Pityriasis rubra pilaris
Pityriasis rubra pilaris refers to a group of chronic disorders characterized by reddish orange, scaling plaques and keratotic follicular papules...

, which is sometimes referred to as Devergie's disease. In 1854 published an important textbook
A textbook or coursebook is a manual of instruction in any branch of study. Textbooks are produced according to the demands of educational institutions...

 on skin diseases titled Traité pratique des maladies de la peau. After his retirement, Devergie gave his collection of dermatological watercolors to the Parisian hospital administration. This donation was instrumental in creation of a medical museum at Hôpital Saint-Louis
Hôpital Saint-Louis
Hôpital Saint-Louis is a hospital in Paris, France. It is part of the Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris hospital system, and it is located at 1 avenue Claude-Vellefaux, in the 10th arrondissement, near the metro station: Goncourt.-External links:*...


Devergie was one of the founders of forensic medicine in France, and was co-publisher of the journal Annales d’hygiène publique et de médecine légale with Mathieu Orfila
Mathieu Orfila
Mathieu Joseph Bonaventure Orfila was a Spanish-born French toxicologist and chemist, the founder of the science of toxicology.- Role in Forensic Toxicology :...

 (1787–1853), Gabriel Andral
Gabriel Andral
Gabriel Andral was a distinguished French pathologist and a professor at the University of Paris.In 1828 Andral was appointed professor of hygiene, and in 1839 succeeded François-Joseph-Victor Broussais as chairman of general pathology and therapy, a position he held for 27 years...

 (1797–1876), Jean-Étienne Dominique Esquirol
Jean-Étienne Dominique Esquirol
Jean-Étienne Dominique Esquirol was a French psychiatrist.Born and raised in Toulouse, Esquirol completed his education at Montpellier...

 (1772–1840) and François Leuret
François Leuret
François Leuret was a French anatomist and psychiatrist who was a native of Nancy.He studied medicine under Jean-Étienne Dominique Esquirol , and was later chief physician at the Bicêtre in Paris. Two of his better known students were Paul Broca and Louis Pierre Gratiolet...

(1797–1851). In 1836 he published a two-volume book on judicial medicine called Medecine legale, theorique et pratique.
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