Mayor Buratovich
Mayor Buratovich is a town in the southwest corner Buenos Aires Province
Buenos Aires Province
The Province of Buenos Aires is the largest and most populous province of Argentina. It takes the name from the city of Buenos Aires, which used to be the provincial capital until it was federalized in 1880...

, Argentina
Argentina , officially the Argentine Republic , is the second largest country in South America by land area, after Brazil. It is constituted as a federation of 23 provinces and an autonomous city, Buenos Aires...

, in the partido
Departments of Argentina
Departments form the second level of administrative division in the provinces of Argentina. There are no departments in the city of Buenos Aires, which has so far been divided into neighbourhoods as its administrative divisions, but is to be divided now into communes by a recently passed local act...

 of Villarino Partido
Villarino Partido
Villarino Partido is a partido in the south of Buenos Aires Province in Argentina.The provincial subdivision has a population of about 26,500 inhabitants in an area of , and its capital city is Médanos, which is located from Buenos Aires and that is known for its garlic and premium wine...

. It is located on National Route 3 (Argentina)
National Route 3 (Argentina)
Ruta Nacional 3 is an Argentine highway, stretching from the eastern side of the country in Buenos Aires, crossing the provinces of Buenos Aires, Río Negro, Chubut Province, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego...


The town is named after Croatian
Croatia , officially the Republic of Croatia , is a unitary democratic parliamentary republic in Europe at the crossroads of the Mitteleuropa, the Balkans, and the Mediterranean. Its capital and largest city is Zagreb. The country is divided into 20 counties and the city of Zagreb. Croatia covers ...

 military engineer Santiago Buratovich (1846-1909) (born Jakov Buratović), who worked on the construction of the Suez Canal
Suez Canal
The Suez Canal , also known by the nickname "The Highway to India", is an artificial sea-level waterway in Egypt, connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. Opened in November 1869 after 10 years of construction work, it allows water transportation between Europe and Asia without navigation...

. He came to Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires is the capital and largest city of Argentina, and the second-largest metropolitan area in South America, after São Paulo. It is located on the western shore of the estuary of the Río de la Plata, on the southeastern coast of the South American continent...

 in 1869, and worked as an engineer, including on telegraph line work, and in military struggles against Indians. Buratovich advocated for the development of rail service to the area, and a station opened in 1912 where the town developed. In 1913, the station was renamed Mayor Buratovich for Buratovich's services to the country.

The rural area's primary economic activity is agricultural, focusing almost exclusively the production on onions for export. Migrant workers from northern Argentina and Bolivia now perform much of the farm labor.Un Vagon Hermoso - A beautiful wagon (in English) (Retrieved July 14, 2011)

The town is located approximated 58 km south of Médanos
Médanos, Buenos Aires
Médanos is a town in the Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. The town hosts the "Fiesta Nacional del Ajo" and is located in the Buenos Aires wines area that has started producing premium wines at the beginning of the 21st century....

 (the capital of Villarino Partido), and 92 km south of Bahía Blanca
Bahía Blanca
Bahía Blanca is a city located in the south-west of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, by the Atlantic Ocean, and seat of government of Bahía Blanca Partido. It has a population of 274,509 inhabitants according to the...

, the nearest major city.

See also

  • Villarino Partido
    Villarino Partido
    Villarino Partido is a partido in the south of Buenos Aires Province in Argentina.The provincial subdivision has a population of about 26,500 inhabitants in an area of , and its capital city is Médanos, which is located from Buenos Aires and that is known for its garlic and premium wine...

External links

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