Milzkalne is a village in Latvia
Latvia , officially the Republic of Latvia , is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by Estonia , to the south by Lithuania , to the east by the Russian Federation , to the southeast by Belarus and shares maritime borders to the west with Sweden...

n Smārde parish
Smārde parish
- Towns, villages and settlements of Smārde parish :*...

 administrative unit of the Engure municipality
Engure municipality
Engure municipality is a municipality in Zemgale, Latvia. The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Engure parish, Smārde parish and Lapmežciems parish the administrative centre being Smārde.- References :...

. The village was added to the Smārde district in 1965 as a Soviet collective farm
A kolkhoz , plural kolkhozy, was a form of collective farming in the Soviet Union that existed along with state farms . The word is a contraction of коллекти́вное хозя́йство, or "collective farm", while sovkhoz is a contraction of советское хозяйство...

 during the Soviet Latvia
Soviet Latvia
The term Soviet Latvia usually refers to the Latvian SSR, a Union Republic of the USSR from 1940 to 1991.It may also refer to other periods of communist government on the territory of present-day Latvia, e.g.:*the so-called "Iskolat Republic"...

  period. The Šlokenbeka Castle, a medieval
Middle Ages
The Middle Ages is a periodization of European history from the 5th century to the 15th century. The Middle Ages follows the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 and precedes the Early Modern Era. It is the middle period of a three-period division of Western history: Classic, Medieval and Modern...

 fortified manor
Manor house
A manor house is a country house that historically formed the administrative centre of a manor, the lowest unit of territorial organisation in the feudal system in Europe. The term is applied to country houses that belonged to the gentry and other grand stately homes...

built in 15th century, is located in Milzkalne.
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