Nailia Galiamova
Nailia Galiamova is a composer
A composer is a person who creates music, either by musical notation or oral tradition, for interpretation and performance, or through direct manipulation of sonic material through electronic media...

, living and working in Vilnius
Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania, and its largest city, with a population of 560,190 as of 2010. It is the seat of the Vilnius city municipality and of the Vilnius district municipality. It is also the capital of Vilnius County...

, Lithuania
Lithuania , officially the Republic of Lithuania is a country in Northern Europe, the biggest of the three Baltic states. It is situated along the southeastern shore of the Baltic Sea, whereby to the west lie Sweden and Denmark...



Galiamova studied piano and composition at the Vladislav Uspensky Secondary Music School by the Tashkent State Conservatoire from 1968 until 1979. From 1979 to 1984 she studied composition
Musical composition
Musical composition can refer to an original piece of music, the structure of a musical piece, or the process of creating a new piece of music. People who practice composition are called composers.- Musical compositions :...

 under the tutelage of Prof. Albert Leman
Albert Leman
Albert Semionovich Leman , — 3 December 1998, Moscow ) was a Russian and Soviet composer of classical music.Albert Leman received his music education in the Leningrad Conservatory under Michail Fabianowitsch Gnessin and Vladimir Vladimirovich Nil'sen. In 1941-42 he was the chief of musical...

 at the Piotr Tchaikovsky State Conservatoire in Moscow
Moscow Conservatory
The Moscow Conservatory is a higher musical education institution in Moscow, and the second oldest conservatory in Russia after St. Petersburg Conservatory. Along with the St...

, which she graduated with distinction. She furthered composition studies in postgraduate program from 1984 until 1989.

In 1984 she married Lithuanian trumpeter Algirdas Januševičius and in 1985 gave birth to her son Gintaras
Gintaras Januševicius
Gintaras Januševičius is a Lithuanian pianist. Gintaras is renowned for his tender and original interpretations; particularly that of Rachmaninoff, Chopin, Liszt and Mussorgsky...

. In 1987 the family moved to Klaipėda
Klaipėda is a city in Lithuania situated at the mouth of the Nemunas River where it flows into the Baltic Sea. It is the third largest city in Lithuania and the capital of Klaipėda County....

, Lithuania
Lithuania , officially the Republic of Lithuania is a country in Northern Europe, the biggest of the three Baltic states. It is situated along the southeastern shore of the Baltic Sea, whereby to the west lie Sweden and Denmark...

. There Galiamova was a faculty member of the choral conducting department of Klaipėda Branch of the Lithuanian State Conservatoire
Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre
The Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre in Vilnius, Lithuania, is a state-supported conservatory that trains students in music, theatre, and multimedia arts.-History:...

. In 1993 the family, already including their 1 year old daughter Donata, moved to Vilnius
Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania, and its largest city, with a population of 560,190 as of 2010. It is the seat of the Vilnius city municipality and of the Vilnius district municipality. It is also the capital of Vilnius County...

. Since 1994 she has served as a supervisor of the record library at the Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis
Mikalojus Konstantinas Ciurlionis
Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis , also known as M. K. Čiurlionis was a Lithuanian painter and composer. Čiurlionis contributed to symbolism and art nouveau and was representative of the fin de siècle epoch. During his short life he composed about 250 pieces of music and created about 300 paintings...

 School of Arts, and has taught music analysis
Musical analysis
Musical analysis is the attempt to answer the question how does this music work?. The method employed to answer this question, and indeed exactly what is meant by the question, differs from analyst to analyst, and according to the purpose of the analysis. According to Ian Bent , analysis is "an...

, orchestration
Orchestration is the study or practice of writing music for an orchestra or of adapting for orchestra music composed for another medium...

, polyphony
In music, polyphony is a texture consisting of two or more independent melodic voices, as opposed to music with just one voice or music with one dominant melodic voice accompanied by chords ....

 and composition
Musical form
The term musical form refers to the overall structure or plan of a piece of music, and it describes the layout of a composition as divided into sections...



Galiamova's works were performed in various concerts, competitions and festivals in Tashkent, Moscow
Moscow is the capital, the most populous city, and the most populous federal subject of Russia. The city is a major political, economic, cultural, scientific, religious, financial, educational, and transportation centre of Russia and the continent...

, St.Petersburg, Vilnius
Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania, and its largest city, with a population of 560,190 as of 2010. It is the seat of the Vilnius city municipality and of the Vilnius district municipality. It is also the capital of Vilnius County...

 and other cities. In 1985 and 1987 All-Union students' and postgraduates' competitions her Piano Concerto
Piano concerto
A piano concerto is a concerto written for piano and orchestra.See also harpsichord concerto; some of these works are occasionally played on piano...

 was awarded first and Cello Sonata
Cello sonata
A cello sonata is usually a sonata written for cello and piano, though other instrumentations are used, such as solo cello. The most famous Romantic-era cellos sonatas are those written by Johannes Brahms and Ludwig van Beethoven...

 second prize.

In addition to large-scale instrumental compositions Nailia Galiamova has written pieces for piano and strings, songs and romances for soloists and choirs, and music for children. She chooses traditional genres, moderate stylistics (displaying features of neo-classicism and minimalism
Minimalism describes movements in various forms of art and design, especially visual art and music, where the work is set out to expose the essence, essentials or identity of a subject through eliminating all non-essential forms, features or concepts...

) and tonal harmonic language
Tonality is a system of music in which specific hierarchical pitch relationships are based on a key "center", or tonic. The term tonalité originated with Alexandre-Étienne Choron and was borrowed by François-Joseph Fétis in 1840...

. The composer has made orchestral arrangements of a number of works by various composers for the Lithuanian State Symphony Orchestra, Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, and St.Christopher Chamber Orchestra among others.

External links

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