New Radio and Performing Arts
New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc. (NRPA), and its satellite project,, commissions and archives new and experimental radio
Radio art
Radio art refers to the use of radio for art. "Radio Art implies that the artist who works in, and with, radio is not necessarily a trained DJ, programmer, producer, engineer, or personality, but one who uses sound to make art and seeks ways to transit it through radio as art...

 and sound art
Sound art
Sound art is a diverse group of art practices that considers wide notions of sound, listening and hearing as its predominant focus. There are often distinct relationships forged between the visual and aural domains of art and perception by sound artists....

, net art
Internet art
Internet art is a form of digital artwork distributed via the Internet. This form of art has circumvented the traditional dominance of the gallery and museum system, delivering aesthetic experiences via the Internet. In many cases, the viewer is drawn into some kind of interaction with the work...

 and mixed reality
Mixed reality
Mixed reality refers to the merging of real and virtual worlds to produce new environments and visualisations where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time...


New American Radio

Founded in New York City (1981), NRPA is well-known for its New American Radio series, a weekly public radio program of its commissioned experimental sound art pieces from 1987 - 1998. Their archive, available online since 2002, includes "over 300 works by artists such as Pauline Oliveros
Pauline Oliveros
Pauline Oliveros is an American accordionist and composer who is a central figure in the development of post-war electronic art music....

, Christian Marclay
Christian Marclay
Christian Marclay is a Swiss-American visual artist and composer.Marclay's work explores connections between sound, noise, photography, video, and film...

, and Terry Allen
Terry Allen
Terry Allen may refer to:*Terry Allen , American Big Band singer*Terry Allen , American country singer and artist*Magnum T.A...


With the launch of in 1996, NRPA expanded its mandate to "regularly commission net art from the US and abroad" and it now holds the largest archive of such work. Through open calls, competitions and awards, the group supports exhibitions "in real space, as well as on the Web," "from full-blown museum exhibitions to esoteric hacks," and acts as an "incubator" for "high-tech art."

Today NRPA’s main focus is on supporting established and emerging artists who create net art or networked hybrid art (art for both virtual and physical space) by: 1) commissioning work for (over 195 commissions ranging from $1,500-$25,000); 2) providing exhibition venues on- and offline; 3) archiving the work. Commissioned artists include Martin Wattenberg
Martin M. Wattenberg
Martin M. Wattenberg is an American scientist and artist known for his work with data visualization. Along with Fernanda Viégas, he worked at the Cambridge location of IBM's Thomas J. Watson Research Center as part of the Visual Communication Lab, and created Many Eyes...

 & Marek Walczak, Brooke Singer, Golan Levin
Golan Levin
Golan Levin is an American new media artist, composer, performer and engineer interested in developing artifacts and events which explore supple new modes of reactive expression.-Biography:...

, Andy Deck, Mary Flanagan
Mary Flanagan
Mary Flanagan is an artist, author, educator, and designer currently residing in Hanover, New Hampshire. She is inaugural chair holder of the Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Professorship in Digital Humanities at Dartmouth College and the director of the Tiltfactor Lab, an activist game design group...

, Ethan Ham, Jason Freeman, Scott Kildall
Scott Kildall
Scott Kildall is an American conceptual artist working with new technologies in a variety of media including video art, prints, sculpture and performance art. Kildall works broadly with virtual worlds, networked art and speculative technologies. His work centers on repurposing technology and...

 & Victoria Scott, Michael Takeo Magruder, Kate Armstrong and Michael Tippett, Nathaniel Stern
Nathaniel Stern
Nathaniel Stern is an interdisciplinary artist who works in a variety of media, including interactive art, public art interventions, installation, video art, and printmaking...

, Usman Haque, Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder, Teri Reub, Cory Arcangel
Cory Arcangel
Cory Arcangel is a Brooklyn, New York artist who makes work in many different media, including drawing, music, video, performance,, and video game modifications, for which he is perhaps best known...

, Nurit Bar-Shai, David Crawford
David Crawford
David Crawford may refer to:*Dave Crawford, former head coach at the Hawaii college football program* David Crawford , Australian rules footballer*David Crawford , Australian non-executive director...

, Stephanie Rothenberg, R. Luke DuBois
R. Luke DuBois
Roger Luke DuBois is an American composer, performer, conceptual new media artist, programmer, record producer and pedagogue based in New York City.-Biography:...

, Ursula Endlicher, MTAA
MTAA is a Brooklyn, New York-based conceptual and new media art duo composed of M.River and T.Whid . The two artists founded MTAA in 1996...

, EcoArtTech, Zoe Beloff, and many more.

The collection is being archived at the Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art, Cornell University
Cornell University
Cornell University is an Ivy League university located in Ithaca, New York, United States. It is a private land-grant university, receiving annual funding from the State of New York for certain educational missions...

, Ithaca, New York. The archiving project is one of three case studies in Virtueel Platform Research: Archiving the Digital by Annet Dekker and Rachel Somers-Miles.

Other Projects



Upgrade! Boston

Networked: a (networked_book) about (networked_art)

Floating Points with Emerson College
Emerson College
Emerson College is a private coeducational university located in Boston, Massachusetts. Founded in 1880 by Charles Wesley Emerson as a "school of oratory," Emerson is "the only comprehensive college or university in America dedicated exclusively to communication and the arts in a liberal arts...

Programmable Media with Pace University
Pace University
Pace University is an American private, co-educational, and comprehensive multi-campus university in the New York metropolitan area with campuses in New York City and Westchester County, New York.-Programs:...

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