OpenEaagles is an open source framework designed to support the rapid construction of virtual (human-in-the-loop) and constructive simulation
Simulation is the imitation of some real thing available, state of affairs, or process. The act of simulating something generally entails representing certain key characteristics or behaviours of a selected physical or abstract system....

 applications. It has been used extensively to build DIS
Distributed Interactive Simulation
Distributed Interactive Simulation is an IEEE standard for conducting real-time platform-level wargaming across multiple host computers and is used worldwide, especially by military organizations but also by other agencies such as those involved in space exploration and medicine.-History:The...

 compliant distributed simulation systems. It is based upon Eaagles, a popular simulation framework developed and maintained by the U.S. Air Force to support a multitude of simulation activities.

Serving as a simulation design pattern it provides a structure for constructing simulation applications. The framework aids the design of robust, scalable, virtual, constructive, stand-alone, and distributed simulation applications. It leverages modern object-oriented software design principles while incorporating fundamental real-time system design techniques to meet human interaction requirements.

By providing abstract representations of system components (that the object-oriented design philosophy promotes), multiple levels of fidelity can be easily intermixed and selected for optimal runtime performance. Abstract representations of systems allow a developer to tune the application to run efficiently so that human-in-the-loop interaction latency deadlines can be met. On the flip side, constructive-only simulation applications that do not need to meet time-critical deadlines can use models with even higher levels of fidelity.

The framework embraces the model-view-controller
Model–view–controller is a software architecture, currently considered an architectural pattern used in software engineering. The pattern isolates "domain logic" from the user interface , permitting independent development, testing and maintenance of each .Model View Controller...

 (MVC) software design pattern by partitioning functional components into packages. This concept is taken a step further by providing an abstract network interface so custom protocols can be implemented without affecting system models. Examples include the Distributed Interactive Simulation
Distributed Interactive Simulation
Distributed Interactive Simulation is an IEEE standard for conducting real-time platform-level wargaming across multiple host computers and is used worldwide, especially by military organizations but also by other agencies such as those involved in space exploration and medicine.-History:The...

(DIS) protocol interface.

External links

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