Parennefer called Wennefer
Parennefer also called Wennefer was a High Priest of Amun
High Priests of Amun
The High Priest of Amun or First Prophet of Amun was the highest ranking priest in the priesthood of the Ancient Egyptian god Amun...

 during the reigns of Tutankhamen and Horemheb
Horemheb was the last Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty from either 1319 BC to late 1292 BC, or 1306 to late 1292 BC although he was not related to the preceding royal family and is believed to have been of common birth.Before he became pharaoh, Horemheb was the commander in chief...

 (and possibly later). He was previously thought to date to the time of Ramesses II
Ramesses II
Ramesses II , referred to as Ramesses the Great, was the third Egyptian pharaoh of the Nineteenth dynasty. He is often regarded as the greatest, most celebrated, and most powerful pharaoh of the Egyptian Empire...

, but he is now dated to the end of the Eighteenth Dynasty. Parennefer was more firmly put at the end of the Eighteenth Dynasty after extensive excavations of his tomb in Thebes in 1990-1993.

Parennefer was High Priest of Anhur
In early Egyptian mythology, Anhur was originally a god of war who was worshipped in the Egyptian area of Abydos, and particularly in Thinis...

 and sealbearer of the king before being raised to the position of High Priest of Amun.


Parennefer/Wennefer was a son of Minhotep and Maia. On monuments he is said to have two brothers: Pennesuttawy
Pennesuttawy was a Military Commander and Superintendent of the Southern Lands during the beginning of the Nineteenth dynasty of Egypt.-Family:...

, who was a Troop Commander in Kush
Kingdom of Kush
The native name of the Kingdom was likely kaš, recorded in Egyptian as .The name Kash is probably connected to Cush in the Hebrew Bible , son of Ham ....

, and Minmose, who served as the high priest of Min
Min (god)
Min is an Ancient Egyptian god whose cult originated in predynastic times . He was represented in many different forms, but was often represented in male human form, shown with an erect penis which he holds in his left hand and an upheld right arm holding a flail...

 and Isis
Isis or in original more likely Aset is a goddess in Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs, whose worship spread throughout the Greco-Roman world. She was worshipped as the ideal mother and wife as well as the matron of nature and magic...


Parennefer/Wennefer was married to Isis, who was Chief of the Harem of Amun
Amun, reconstructed Egyptian Yamānu , was a god in Egyptian mythology who in the form of Amun-Ra became the focus of the most complex system of theology in Ancient Egypt...

. A family monument lists four sons and a daughter. The eldest son was named Hori and served as high priest of Anhur
In early Egyptian mythology, Anhur was originally a god of war who was worshipped in the Egyptian area of Abydos, and particularly in Thinis...

 after his father. Hori's son Minmose would also serve as high priest of Anhur. It is possible that Hori later served as high priest of Amun under Ramesses II. Amenemone is said to have been a childhood friend of Ramesses II
Ramesses II
Ramesses II , referred to as Ramesses the Great, was the third Egyptian pharaoh of the Nineteenth dynasty. He is often regarded as the greatest, most celebrated, and most powerful pharaoh of the Egyptian Empire...

 and later was the Chief of Works.

A son by the name of Amenemope served as the Chief of Seers, i.e., as the high priest of Ra
Ra is the ancient Egyptian sun god. By the Fifth Dynasty he had become a major deity in ancient Egyptian religion, identified primarily with the mid-day sun...

 in Heliopolis
Heliopolis (ancient)
Heliopolis was one of the oldest cities of ancient Egypt, the capital of the 13th Lower Egyptian nome that was located five miles east of the Nile to the north of the apex of the Nile Delta...

. Amenemope was also a chamberlain of the Lord of the Two Lands. A son named Khaemwaset is listed on a monument belonging to Amenemone. Khaemwaset was a scribe of the sacred books in the House of Amun.
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