Parnassius tianschianicus
Large Keeled Apollo Parnassius tianschianicus is a high altitude butterfly. It is a member of the Snow Apollo genus Parnassius
Parnassius is a genus of northern circumpolar and montane butterflies usually known as Apollos. They can vary in colour and form significantly based on their altitude. They also show an adaptation to high altitudes called altitudinal melanism...

of the Swallowtail (Papilionidae) family.


Uzbekistan, Tadzikistan and Kirghistan. Afghanistan, Pakistan, South-western China and Sinkiang, reported from northern India (Jammu & Kashmir) by some authors by mistake.


Locally very common but generally a rare butterfly. It is declining due to changes in its habitat and is thus considered to be Vulnerable. More information is needed on this species.

See also

External links

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