Paul Brandner
Paul Brandner is a fictional character
Fictional character
A character is the representation of a person in a narrative work of art . Derived from the ancient Greek word kharaktêr , the earliest use in English, in this sense, dates from the Restoration, although it became widely used after its appearance in Tom Jones in 1749. From this, the sense of...

 of German
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...

 soap opera
Soap opera
A soap opera, sometimes called "soap" for short, is an ongoing, episodic work of dramatic fiction presented in serial format on radio or as television programming. The name soap opera stems from the original dramatic serials broadcast on radio that had soap manufacturers, such as Procter & Gamble,...

 Verbotene Liebe
Verbotene Liebe
Verbotene Liebe , often abbreviated to VL, is a Rose d'Or Award-winning German television soap opera. The show was created by Reg Watson and first broadcast on Das Erste on 2 January 1995...

 (Forbidden Love)
. The character was portrayed by actor Tobias Schönenberg
Tobias Schönenberg
Tobias Schönenberg is a German actor and photomodel.In 2003, Tobias began earning money as a photomodel...

 from April 15, 2005 to April 27, 2007. Paul was written out, when Schönenberg decided not to re-sign with the show .

Character's background

Paul is a passionate beach volleyball player and had a sad childhood. His biological mother Anna died of AIDS
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus...

, when he was only twelve years old. Susanne Brandner (Claudia Scarpatetti), the best friend of his mother, decides to take care of him. She adopts Paul together with her husband Alex Wiegand (Frank Behnke). Together with his adoptive sister Lisa (Lilli Hollunder), who was a friend of his before, they become a real family, living in Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires is the capital and largest city of Argentina, and the second-largest metropolitan area in South America, after São Paulo. It is located on the western shore of the estuary of the Río de la Plata, on the southeastern coast of the South American continent...

. But there perfect world falls apart, when Alex keeps sleeping with another woman. Susanne tries to rescue their family and wants to hold on to her marriage. But when her company goes bankrupt, Susanne decides to leave Alex. Against his will, Susanne wants to take the children back to Germany, where her father Arno
Arno Brandner
Arno Brandner is a fictional character on German soap opera Verbotene Liebe . The character is portrayed since the show's debut on January 2, 1995 by actor Konrad Krauss.-Background:...

 (Konrad Krauss) lives and she sees the chance to start over. She hides Lisa and Paul at a friend's place, while she flies to Germany and prepares their arrival.

It doesn't take long and Susanne brings Lisa and Paul to Germany. While Lisa thinks they are only visiting Arno, Paul discovered the one-way tickets and knows that Susanne came to stay. When Lisa finds out the truth, she has a huge fight with Susanne. Paul tries to interfere and reassure Lisa. But she stays mad for a while. On their first night at Arno's house, they meet Susanne's cousins Robin (Nils Brunkhorst), Jana
Jana von Lahnstein
Jana von Lahnstein is a fictional character on German soap opera Verbotene Liebe . The character was played by actress Friederike Sipp from October 1, 2002 to March 21, 2005...

 (Vanessa Jung
Vanessa Jung
Vanessa Jung is a German actress.After school she went to New York and had a professional acting training. Before, she had a modern dance training in Munich....

) and Jana's half-sister Nico
Nico von Lahnstein
Nicola "Nico" von Lahnstein is a fictional character of the German soap opera Verbotene Liebe . The character has been played by actress Verena Bonato from October 1, 2002 to September 11, 2007. While on contract, the actress took a seven months break from February 2006 to September 2006...

, who brings Constantin von Lahnstein
Constantin von Lahnstein
Constantin von Lahnstein is a fictional character on German soap opera Verbotene Liebe and was portrayed by actor Milan Marcus from December 9, 2004 to November 26, 2008. Marcus left the show for college, but had several guest appearance since then and was still listed as main cast member in the...

 (Milan Marcus) with her. Lisa immediately begins to fall for him. Paul and Constantin seem to have a good connection as well and the three arrange to meet each other the very next day. Paul and Constantin become the best friends and share the passion for beach volleyball. While the training, they meet two beautifulwants girls, Jeannine and Ariane and begin to flirt with them. Constantin invites them to Castle Königsbrunn, where he and Paul try to hook up with them. But Paul doesn't get late that night. The next morning, Paul wants to impress the girls with one of the cars, that Constantin's father Johannes
Johannes von Lahnstein
Johannes von Lahnstein is a fictional character on the German soap opera Verbotene Liebe . The character was portrayed by actor Thomas Gumpert from September 23, 2003 to January 9, 2008.-Storylines:...

 (Thomas Gumpert
Thomas Gumpert
Thomas Gumpert is a German actor.He studied acting from 1972 to 1976 in Leipzig.Since 2003, he played the role of the patriarch Johannes von Lahnstein in the soap opera Verbotene Liebe.-Theater:...

) owns. After a little jaunt they even drive the girls home, when Paul and Constantin get flashed for fast driving. It seems to get worse, when Constantin's brother Ansgar
Ansgar von Lahnstein
Ansgar Eduard Johannes von Lahnstein is a fictional character of the German soap opera Verbotene Liebe , portrayed by actor Wolfram Grandezka. He debuted in the role on January, 22 2004....

 (Wolfram Grandezka
Wolfram Grandezka
Wolfram Grandezka is a German actor.He landed the role of Roman Klingenberg in the Daytime soap opera Unter uns. He played the role from January 5, 1998 to April 26, 2000. Wolfram came to another soap, Verbotene Liebe, four years later...

) catches them on their return. But Ansgar promises to keep quiet about their little adventure and it almost seems forgotten, when Carla
Carla von Lahnstein
Carla Sophia von Lahnstein is a fictional character from the German soap opera Verbotene Liebe , portrayed by actress Claudia Hiersche. She made her first appearance on screen on September 19, 2003 and left the show on November 10, 2009. Hiersche then returned for a guest stint on January 29, 2010...

 (Claudia Hiersche
Claudia Hiersche
Claudia Hiersche Claudia Hiersche Claudia Hiersche (* 22 February 1977 in Frankfurt (Oder), German Democratic Republic [now Federal Republic of Germany] is a German host and actress and is well known for her portrayal of the lesbian fictional character Carla von Lahnstein in the soap opera...

) gets the letter from the police about Paul and Constantin's fast driving. But thanks to Lisa, Johannes can't be mad at them for long. After a back and forth, Ariane and Paul sleep together, but it doesn't get any further.

When Susanne breaks up with her short-time-boyfriend Jens, Paul thinks another man is behind the break-up. But he later discovers that Susanne seems to fall in love with Carla, Constantin's half-sister. At first, Susanne denies to have any feelings for Carla at all. But then she tells Paul her secret and Paul promises to keep quiet about it. Susanne is happy that she can tell Paul things like this and is impressed in how he is dealing with it. When Paul needs money for a surf trip he discovers an advertisement for a male nude model. He takes the job and is surprised, when Carla is one of the artists to sketch him. Because Paul doesn't want Susanne to find out about his job, he wants to quit. But Carla tells him that Susanne doesn't have to know and that they could keep it as their secret. Paul is impressed over Carla's coolness and starts to fall for her. End of 2006, Alex comes back to Germany for searching his family. He finds Susanne and tells her, he only wants Lisa to come back with him. Lisa can not make a decision. On the wedding of Susanne and Carla, Alex appears and brought with the post a bomb, whisch should explode the hole Castle Königsbrunn. He takes almost all of the guest as hostages. He wants to flee with Lisa, but Susanne cannot let that happened. So he want to shot Carla and Susanne. Arno put himself in front and was shooted by alex. Leonard and Nico could save Arnos live. he had to move to a hospital for some time after. Alex was arrested and they brought him to a psychiatric, cause he was going mad. Lisa decides to stay with Paul, Arno and Susanne.

In April 2007, Paul leaves Düsseldorf
Düsseldorf is the capital city of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia and centre of the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region.Düsseldorf is an important international business and financial centre and renowned for its fashion and trade fairs. Located centrally within the European Megalopolis, the...

and decides to start a new life with his former teacher Anne Siebert (Tabea Heynig) in Marseille. Susanne first refuses to let Paul go. But she then sees that Anne and Paul really seem to love each other and doesn't want to hold Paul back. One year later, Susanne and Lisa join Anne and Paul when they move to Marseille as well, after Susanne and Carla ended their marriage.
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