Pierre-Michel Nguimbi
Pierre-Michel Nguimbi is a Congolese
Republic of the Congo
The Republic of the Congo , sometimes known locally as Congo-Brazzaville, is a state in Central Africa. It is bordered by Gabon, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo , the Angolan exclave province of Cabinda, and the Gulf of Guinea.The region was dominated by...

 politician who served in the government of Congo-Brazzaville as Minister of Technical and Vocational Education from 2002 to 2009. Previously, he was briefly a minister in 1992 and was an ambassador during the mid-1990s.

Political career

Nguimbi was born in Dolisie. Under President Pascal Lissouba
Pascal Lissouba
Pascal Lissouba was the first democratically elected President of the Republic of the Congo from August 31, 1992 to October 15, 1997. He was overthrown by the current President Denis Sassou Nguesso in the 1997 civil war....

, he was Minister of Scientific and Technological Development, in charge of Technical and Vocational Education, from September 1992 to December 1992 as part of the short-lived government of Prime Minister Stéphane Maurice Bongho-Nouarra
Stéphane Maurice Bongho-Nouarra
Stéphane Maurice Bongho-Nouarra was a Congolese politician. He served in the government of Congo-Brazzaville during the late 1960s, and after a long period in exile, he returned and played an important role in the politics of the 1990s...

. After that government lost its parliamentary majority and was replaced, Nguimbi served as President Lissouba's adviser on matters of science and technology from 1993 to 1994. He was subsequently posted as Congo-Brazzaville's Ambassador to Israel
The State of Israel is a parliamentary republic located in the Middle East, along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea...

 from 1994 to 1995 and as Ambassador to France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

 from 1995 to 1997.

In 2002, when the Club 2002
Club 2002
The Club 2002-Party for the Unity of the Republic is a political party in the Republic of the Congo. It was founded on January 30, 2002 and is led by Wilfrid Nguesso, a nephew of President Denis Sassou Nguesso....

 was formed, Nguimbi became a member of its National Executive Bureau. After the May–June 2002 parliamentary election
Republic of the Congo parliamentary election, 2002
A parliamentary election was held in the Republic of the Congo in 2002; the first round was held on 26 May and the second round on 20 June. The Congolese Labour Party and its allies won a majority of seats in the National Assembly....

, Nguimbi was appointed as Minister of Technical and Vocational Education on 18 August 2002. He succeeded André Okombi Salissa
André Okombi Salissa
André Okombi Salissa is a Congolese politician. A member of the Congolese Labour Party , he has served in the government of Congo-Brazzaville since 1997 and is currently the Minister of Tourism and the Environment; he is also the President-Coordinator of the Action Committee for the Defense of...

 at the head of that ministry on 23 August 2002. Nguimbi eventually left the Club 2002 and joined the Congolese Labour Party (PCT).

In the 2007 parliamentary election
Republic of the Congo parliamentary election, 2007
A parliamentary election was held in the Republic of the Congo on 24 June 2007, with a second round initially planned for 22 July 2007, but then postponed to 5 August 2007. According to the National Commission of the Organization of the Elections , 1,807 candidates stood in the first round for 137...

, Nguimbi was elected to the National Assembly
National Assembly of the Republic of the Congo
The Parliament of the Republic of Congo has two chambers. The lower house is the National Assembly . It has 153 members, for a five year term in single-seat constituencies.-See also:...

as the PCT candidate in the first constituency of Dolisie. He was retained as Minister of Technical and Vocational Education in the government appointed on 30 December 2007.

After nine years as Minister of Technical and Vocational Education, Nguimbi was dismissed from the government on 15 September 2009. He subsequently returned to his seat in the National Assembly.

As of 2010, Nguimbi is the President of the Circle for the Renaissance of Dolisie, an organization promoting local development in Dolisie.
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