RAW (unbleached vegan rolling paper)
RAW is a brand of cigarette
A cigarette is a small roll of finely cut tobacco leaves wrapped in a cylinder of thin paper for smoking. The cigarette is ignited at one end and allowed to smoulder; its smoke is inhaled from the other end, which is held in or to the mouth and in some cases a cigarette holder may be used as well...

 rolling paper used in the process of RYO (Rolling Your Own Cigarette). It contains a "proprietary" blend of vegan
Veganism is the practice of eliminating the use of animal products. Ethical vegans reject the commodity status of animals and the use of animal products for any purpose, while dietary vegans or strict vegetarians eliminate them from their diet only...

 unbleached fibers, resulting in a thin, brown translucent paper. There is also a RAW Organic Hemp paper made from Organic Unbleached Hemp.

Although using nonchloriated paper such as RAW may reduce the amount of toxic dioxins produced from tobacco smoking
Tobacco smoking
Tobacco smoking is the practice where tobacco is burned and the resulting smoke is inhaled. The practice may have begun as early as 5000–3000 BCE. Tobacco was introduced to Eurasia in the late 16th century where it followed common trade routes...

, the dioxins are only one of the many classes of pollutants released from burning tobacco
Tobacco is an agricultural product processed from the leaves of plants in the genus Nicotiana. It can be consumed, used as a pesticide and, in the form of nicotine tartrate, used in some medicines...

Ref. One thing that some smokers have noted is that the natural hemp gum adhesive on RAW papers is not as strong as conventional toxin based glues (because RAW does not use a polyvinyl chemical glue), however this can easily be corrected by using a lighter to heat the paper after it has been set or by moistening gently. Natural glues such as the RAW hemp glue burn without the toxic emissions released by burning conventional polyvinyl acetate glues used on standard commercial rolling papers.

RAW also makes tobacco seeds for the grow your own market and rolling machines made out of a natural plastic (hemp based).

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