Requests and inquiries
Requests and inquiries, in parliamentary procedure
Parliamentary procedure
Parliamentary procedure is the body of rules, ethics, and customs governing meetings and other operations of clubs, organizations, legislative bodies, and other deliberative assemblies...

, are non-debatable, non-amendable motions used by members of a deliberative assembly
Deliberative assembly
A deliberative assembly is an organization comprising members who use parliamentary procedure to make decisions. In a speech to the electorate at Bristol in 1774, Edmund Burke described the English Parliament as a "deliberative assembly," and the expression became the basic term for a body of...

 to obtain information or to do or have something done that requires permission of the assembly.

Explanation and Use

These requests are in order when another has the floor if they require immediate attention. The requests and inquiries include parliamentary inquiry
Parliamentary inquiry
A parliamentary inquiry is a question directed to the presiding officer of a deliberative assembly to obtain information on a matter of parliamentary law or the rules of the organization bearing on the business at hand...

, point of information
Point of information (motion)
In parliamentary procedure, a point of information is a request directed to the chair, or through the chair to another person, for information relevant to the business at hand...

, request for permission to withdraw or modify a motion
Request for permission to withdraw or modify a motion
The motion of request for permission to withdraw or modify a motion is made if the maker of the motion wishes to withdraw or change it after it has been stated by the chair.-Explanation and Use:...

, request to read papers
Request to read papers
The motion to request to read papers is used to allow a member of a deliberative assembly to read from a paper, book, manuscript, newspaper, or other document as part of his speech.-Explanation and Use:...

, and request for any other privilege
Request for any other privilege
The motion of request for any other privilege is used when one wishes to, for instance, make a presentation when no motion is pending.-Explanation and Uses:Generally, this motion is handled by unanimous consent...

. The request to be excused from a duty
Request to be excused from a duty
The motion to request to be excused from a duty is used when a member of a deliberative assembly wishes to be excused from, for instance, attending a certain number of meetings, preparing talks or papers, serving on committees, etc.-Explanation and Use:...

does not fall in this category of motions because it is debatable and amendable.
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