Rotaru is a Romanian
Romanian language
Romanian Romanian Romanian (or Daco-Romanian; obsolete spellings Rumanian, Roumanian; self-designation: română, limba română ("the Romanian language") or românește (lit. "in Romanian") is a Romance language spoken by around 24 to 28 million people, primarily in Romania and Moldova...

 surname, means "wheelwright
A wheelwright is a person who builds or repairs wheels. The word is the combination of "wheel" and the archaic word "wright", which comes from the Old English word "wryhta", meaning a worker or maker...


Notable people with the surname Rotaru include:
  • Sofia Rotaru
    Sofia Rotaru
    Sofia Mykhailivna Yevdokymenko-Rotaru known as Sofia Rotaru is a Soviet and Ukrainian pop singer of Romanian/Moldavian heritage....

     (born 1947), a Soviet
    Soviet Union
    The Soviet Union , officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics , was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia between 1922 and 1991....

     and Ukrainian
    Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. It has an area of 603,628 km², making it the second largest contiguous country on the European continent, after Russia...

     pop singer of Romanian descent
  • Doina Rotaru
    Doina Rotaru
    Doina Rotaru is a Romanian composer of mostly orchestral and chamber works that have been performed throughout the world. Rotaru studied at the National University of Music and is currently a professor of composition at the same institution.-External links:* * at The Living Composers Project....

     (born 1951), a Romanian composer
  • Gabriel Rotaru
    Gabriel Rotaru
    Gabriel Rotaru is an Romanian footballer currently under contract with Liga II side Unirea Alba Iulia.-External links:*...

     (born 1971), a Romanian footballer

See also

Related toponyms:
  • Rotăreşti
    Rotăreşti may refer to several villages in Romania:* Rotăreşti, a village in Sâmbăta Commune, Bihor County* Rotăreşti, a village in Talpa Commune, Teleorman County...

Related fanmily names:
  • Rotar
    Rotar may refrer to:fictional character* RotarPlace name in Moldova* Rotari , a commune in the Camenca sub-district of Transnistria, MoldovaFamily name:* Igor Rotar , a Russian journalist* Ivan Rotar...

  • Wheelwright (disambiguation)
    Wheelwright (disambiguation)
    Wheelwright may refer to:Occupation:* Wheelwright, a person who builds or repairs wheelsPeople:* Edmund M. Wheelwright , American architect* Edward Lawrence Wheelwright , Australian economist and political theorist,...

  • Cartwright
    Cartwright (surname)
    Cartwright is a surname that originally means a maker of carts.People surnamed Cartwright include:* Alan Cartwright , British musician * Alexander Cartwright , American engineer and supposed inventor of baseball...

  • Wainwright
    Wainwright (name)
    Wainwright is an Anglo-Saxon occupational surname derived from the pre-7th century Old English word waegnwyrhta. The prefix, "waegn/waen, refers to a vehicle/wagon, common in its time as being horse-driven and four-wheeled. The suffix, wyrhta/wright, refers to a maker/builder. The earliest...

  • Carter
    Carter (surname)
    Carter is a family name, and also may be a given name. Carter is of English and Irish origin and is an occupational name given to one who transports goods by cart or wagon. The name is derived from Anglo-Norman caretier, which is further derived from the Old French caret .. Carter is also cinema...

  • Wagner
    Wagner (surname)
    Wagner is derived from the Germanic surname Waganari, meaning "wagonmaker" or "wagon driver".This common occupational surname was often given to one who transported produce or other goods via high-sided wagons or carts...

    , Wegener
    Wegener may refer to:* Alfred Wegener , German geologist and meteorologist**Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research**Wegener Canyon, undersea canyon**Mount Wegener, Antarctic mountain in the Read Mountains in the Shackleton Range...

    , Wegner
    Wegner is a surname, and may refer to:* Armin T. Wegner, soldier, writer, and political activist.* Daniel Wegner, experimental psychologist.* Franz Wegner, physicist.* Hans Wegner, Danish furniture designer....

    , Wehner
    Wehner is a surname that refers to:* Herbert Wehner , German politician; served in the Bundestag 1949–83* John Wehner , American professional baseball player and sports broadcaster...

    , Weiner
    Weiner is a surname originating in the German language. The name is related to Wagner and means the same in an old variant of the German dialect in Lower Silesia....

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