SCOP may refer to:
  • Structural Classification of Proteins
    Structural Classification of Proteins
    The Structural Classification of Proteins database is a largely manual classification of protein structural domains based on similarities of their structures and amino acid sequences. A motivation for this classification is to determine the evolutionary relationship between proteins...

  • Suprachiasmatic nucleus circadian oscillatory protein, a member of the leucine-rich repeat
    Leucine-rich repeat
    A leucine-rich repeat is a protein structural motif that forms an α/β horseshoe fold. It is composed of repeating 20–30 amino acid stretches that are unusually rich in the hydrophobic amino acid leucine...

     protein family
  • Société coopérative, a type of corporation
    A corporation is created under the laws of a state as a separate legal entity that has privileges and liabilities that are distinct from those of its members. There are many different forms of corporations, most of which are used to conduct business. Early corporations were established by charter...

     in France
    The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

  • Standing Conference of Principals
    GuildHE, formerly the Standing Conference of Principals , is a British membership organisation representing the heads of higher education institutions - from some of the most recently designated universities and university colleges, specialist colleges and other bodies providing higher education...

    , a British higher education organisation
  • SCOP Formalism
    SCOP Formalism
    - State COntext Property Formalism :Our minds are able to construct a multitude of imaginary, hypothetical, or counterfactual deviations from the more prototypical states of particular concept, and the State COntext Property can model this. The SCOP formalism was inspired by the need to...

    , State Context Property Formalism: Foundations of quantum mechanics, Theory of Concepts

  • SCOPS, sustainable control of parasites in sheep
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