Selimus is a spider
Spiders are air-breathing arthropods that have eight legs, and chelicerae with fangs that inject venom. They are the largest order of arachnids and rank seventh in total species diversity among all other groups of organisms...

 genus of the Salticidae family (jumping spiders). Its only described species S. venustus is found in Brazil
Brazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil , is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population with over 192 million people...


Saaristo (2006) erroneously erected a genus of the same name in the family Theridiidae
Theridiidae is a large family of spiders, also known as the tangle-web spiders, cobweb spiders and comb-footed spiders. The diverse family includes over 2200 species in over 100 genera) of three-dimensional space-web-builders found throughout the world...

 for the species Anelosimus placens, described by Blackwall in 1877 as Theridion
The spider genus Theridion, after which the family Theridiidae is named, consists of almost 600 described species that occur all around the world....

, and moved to Anelosimus
Anelosimus is a genus of tangle web spider described by Eugène Simon, in 1891, from Venezuela. It includes the South American social spider Anelosimus eximius and related species....

by Saaristo (1978). If this new genus is valid it will have to be renamed.
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