Serous glands
Serous glands contain serous acini, a grouping of serous cells that secrete a fluid, isotonic
The term isotonic may refer to;*Isotonic for the term associated with muscle contraction*An isotone in nuclear physics*Sports drinks are sometimes designed in an isotonic way to assist athletes rehydrate while balancing electrolytes...

 with blood
Blood is a specialized bodily fluid in animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells....

 plasma, that contains enzymes such as alpha amylase
Amylase is an enzyme that catalyses the breakdown of starch into sugars. Amylase is present in human saliva, where it begins the chemical process of digestion. Food that contains much starch but little sugar, such as rice and potato, taste slightly sweet as they are chewed because amylase turns...


Serous glands are most common in the parotid gland
Parotid gland
The paired parotid glands are the largest of the salivary glands. They are each found wrapped around the mandibular ramus, and secrete saliva through Stensen's ducts into the oral cavity, to facilitate mastication and swallowing and to begin the digestion of starches.-Location:The parotid glands...

 and lacrimal gland
Lacrimal gland
The lacrimal glands are paired almond-shaped glands, one for each eye, that secrete the aqueous layer of the tear film. They are situated in the upper, outer portion of each orbit, in the lacrimal fossa of the orbit formed by the frontal bone. Inflammation of the lacrimal glands is called...

 but are also present in the submandibular gland
Submandibular gland
The paired submandibular glands are salivary glands located beneath the floor of the mouth. In humans, they account for 70% of the salivary volume and weigh about 15 grams. Unstimulated in humans, the percentage contribution to whole saliva; ~25% Parotid, Submandibular and Sublingual ~ 67% and...

 and, to a far lesser extent, the sublingual gland
Sublingual gland
The sublingual glands are salivary glands in the mouth.They lie anterior to the submandibular gland under the tongue, beneath the mucous membrane of the floor of the mouth.They are drained by 8-20 excretory ducts called the ducts of Rivinus....


External links

- "Tongue: Mucous and Serous Glands" - "Lingual Glands" - "Epithelial Tissue, Surface Specializations, and Glands multicellular; pure serous gland"
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