Sirra or was an ancient Greek
Ancient Greek
Ancient Greek is the stage of the Greek language in the periods spanning the times c. 9th–6th centuries BC, , c. 5th–4th centuries BC , and the c. 3rd century BC – 6th century AD of ancient Greece and the ancient world; being predated in the 2nd millennium BC by Mycenaean Greek...

 poleis (after the 4th century BC) located in Thrace, in the region between the river Strymon and the river Nestos. The city ethnic name was or and its territory was called . Sirra was located in the territory of the Odomantes. It was founded by Philip II of Macedon
Philip II of Macedon
Philip II of Macedon "friend" + ἵππος "horse" — transliterated ; 382 – 336 BC), was a king of Macedon from 359 BC until his assassination in 336 BC. He was the father of Alexander the Great and Philip III.-Biography:...

, expanded with immigrants and extended to compromise a vast territory with its Komai. Sirra had participated in a local Pentapolis and perhaps in the earlier Sympoliteia. It was the northern limit along with Daneiros of the territory granted to another polis, Philippi
Philippi was a city in eastern Macedonia, established by Philip II in 356 BC and abandoned in the 14th century after the Ottoman conquest...

 by Philip II. Sirra's name has remained relatively unchanged since antiquity, in Serres
Serres is a city in Greece, seat of the Serres prefecture.Serres may also refer to:Places:* Serres, Germany, a part of Wiernsheim in Baden-WürttembergIn France:* Serres, Aude in the Aude département...

. Sirra was located inland. The precise location and positive of Ancient Sirra is on the Koulas hill north of the modern city with sparse remains. An improbable identification of Ancient Sirra occurred in the case of .
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