Starr Manning
Starr Irene Manning is a fictional character
on the ABC
soap opera
One Life to Live
. Portrayed by Kristen Alderson
since 1998, Starr is the oldest child of Todd Manning
and Blair Cramer
, and was originally known for her mischievous behavior, exacerbated by her parents' volatile relationship.
, who assumed the role in February 1998 at age six, appearing in her first episode on March 20, 1998. Alderson was later put on contract with the series in April 2001, at the time making her the youngest performer on daytime television with a contract role. Starr was born on-screen on January 8, 1996 and was changed to January 5, 1992 in 2008.
. Since Starr was known for fabrications, no one believed her claims of a "Man on the Wheel," leaving Starr as Troy's only lifeline.
many years ago. After Todd's supposed death at the hands of Mitch Laurence
, Starr was not willing to accept Walker Laurence as the new man in her mother Blair's life. However, Walker shared a secret with Starr: He was really Todd (after extensive plastic surgery). Elated that her father had returned and would be with her mother, Starr kept her father's secret.
When the truth came out Blair was furious with Todd and wanted nothing to do with him. After a heated night of passion, Blair accused Todd of rape. Starr found herself in the middle of her parents' battle, but ultimately blamed her mother. Starr was devastated when Todd was found guilty and sent to prison for rape. Starr took matters into her own hands by enlisting Matthew Buchanan, who later became her best friend, to help in arranging her father's escape. They stopped the van that was transporting Todd to prison, but in the process Matthew was kidnapped by Troy MacIver.
Starr felt terrible, and was relieved when Matthew was returned safely. For several days, Starr also stopped eating to protest her father's situation. With the help of her aunt Viki Lord Banks
(then Viki Davidson), Starr realized she was behaving in a dangerous manner, and agreed to start eating again.
Following all this, Blair was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor. It turned out the tumor caused memory lapses and caused her to misinterpret situations. Blair realized Todd had not raped her, and dropped all charges against him. Starr was ecstatic to have her father back, but soon realized her parents would never reunite. Depressed, Starr met a young man named Travis on the internet, and lied to him about her age. She planned a mother/daughter trip to New York City
so that she could meet Travis in person so they could run away together.
The first meeting with Travis did not go as planned, and he was angry that she lied about her age. Travis contacted Starr again, and asked for a second meeting. It turned out he had also lied about his age, and still wanted to run away with Starr. She agreed to meet him and together they ran away. Blair was frantic when she realized Starr was missing, and asked for Todd's help.
While walking through Central Park
, Starr and Travis were chased by cops. Although Starr got away, Travis was apprehended. Starr came across a young man named Laser, who kidnapped Starr, and contacted Todd and Blair for ransom money. He told them to meet him back in Llanview where they would make a trade: $1 million and Starr would go home. Travis followed Todd and Blair to Llanview and was determined to help them get Starr back.
The exchange for Starr went awry, and Todd and Blair were unable to get her back. Laser then contacted Blair, and told her to meet them back in New York. He sent her on a wild goose chase, and when the time came to get Starr back, Laser took Blair hostage. Luckily Todd had followed Blair out to New York, and after a suspenseful showdown, was able to rescue both Starr and Blair.
The kidnapping brought Blair and Todd closer together, and they eventually decided to reconcile.
Later, Travis came to Llanview for summer camp, and Starr spent the entire summer with him. Despite growing feelings between them, the relationship ended when Travis had to return to New York at the end of the summer.
Blair caught on to Margaret's role in Todd's disappearance, and set out to find Todd. However, Blair soon went missing, and Starr eagerly awaited the return of both parents. Starr was ecstatic when Todd returned to Llanview, but her happiness was short lived when she received the news that her mother was killed by Margaret.
Starr was crushed, but Todd was certain Blair had survived. Starr helped her father get to the truth of Blair's whereabouts by confronting Asa Buchanan
. It turned out that Asa had hidden Blair in an insane asylum, and Todd was able to bring her home safe and sound. Starr was reunited with both parents, but was wary that Margaret could return at any moment.
Margaret did return and tried to kill Starr. Starr escaped, but noticed that Margaret was pregnant. Todd confessed that it was his child---Margaret had raped him while she held him hostage---but begged Starr to keep the truth from Blair out of fear that Blair would be unable to accept the truth. Starr agreed.
Some time later, Margaret and her unborn child were murdered and Todd was accused of the crime. Starr refused to believe her father was guilty. However, Todd was convicted and sentenced to death. Todd was executed just before it was found that Margaret was not really dead. Although Todd had been given a lethal injection, the doctors were able to revive him.
, a classmate, at a high school party and became friends with him right away when he stuck up for her when mean girl, Britney Jennings teased her. Starr and Cole remained friends and, when the Halloween dance came around, Starr asked Cole to be her date. Cole had already accepted a date with Britney but turned her down to go with Starr. Both had a wonderful time at the dance, even though Britney arranged for a video that mocked Starr by portraying all her family's problems.
Cole stuck up for Starr and the two shared a kiss after the dance. Starr and Cole kept getting closer, but things started to go wrong at a party one night. Cole had been taking steroids because of peer pressure from his football buddies. At the party Cole got in a fight with another football player. Then, when Starr and Cole were alone together kissing, Cole got very angry when Starr asked him to slow down. In order to cause further trouble, Britney called the police on Cole and pretended to be Starr. At the police station, it was discovered that Cole's mom was none other than Marty Saybrooke
, the victim of a rape by Todd Manning
, which occurred when the two were in college.
Also Blair had a stillborn son with Cole's father, Patrick Thornhart
. So Starr and Cole technically share a half-brother, the deceased Brendan Thornhart. Because of these things, Cole and Starr's parents attempted to keep them away from each other. After trying to stay away from each other for some time, Cole and Starr were finally reunited on prom night.
Now, after some convincing, Cole and Starr finally have their mother's permission to date. When Starr's father went missing, Starr wasn't aware of the fact that Cole knew about her father's whereabouts and kept quiet in order to keep the secret of his mother killing Spencer Truman
. Eventually, Starr forgave Cole when she viewed what he had gone through from his perspective. Starr's great-aunt Dorian hired Rex Balsom
to find the parent's of Langston Wilde
, Starr's best friend. Dorian, Starr, Blair, and others were shocked to learn that Langston's parents died in a car accident a year and a half earlier.
Later, Langston walks in on Starr holding a pregnancy test. Todd eventually decides to trust Starr and put her back in school, as long as she agrees not to talk to Cole. Starr finds out she is pregnant but does not want to tell Cole. She considers having an abortion
so that her father will never find out about the pregnancy. With Langston's help, Starr sneaks out of the house with the intention of taking a bus to Atlantic City
to get an abortion.
Cole gets wind that Starr has gone to Atlantic City, and gets the address where Starr is going from Langston, not knowing that she was heading to an abortion clinic. Cole comes in at the last minute, figures out what is going on, and demands to see Starr. The nurses threaten to call police, but Starr comes out of the room in a hospital gown and the couple embraces. They return to Llanview without Starr having had the abortion. Cole sends Starr a letter stating that he wants her to have their baby.
Cole hatches a plan where he and Starr would run away to Virginia Beach. Starr is forced to endure a Manning family poker night with her parents and younger brothers while she was planning to run away. Before she leaves the room she tells her father, Todd, she loves him and hugs mother Blair tightly. Langston shows up and gives Starr a fake ID that Cole has procured for her (The name on Starr's IDs is Mindy Venta, while Cole's is Dan O'Connor. Both are names of two young real-world "One Life To Live" staffers) and a letter stating that she should meet him at 9 p.m. so they can run away and no one can ever tell them what to do again.
Starr's aunt, Viki Davidson, shows up with a scarf that Starr has misplaced. Langston figures out that Starr and Cole are running away, and Starr admits to it, and also confesses that she will probably have the baby. Starr hugs Langston and they say an emotional goodbye. Todd and Blair put the boys to bed, and Viki stays downstairs at La Boulaie, catching Starr red-handed as she is walking out the back door, bags in hand, ready to meet Cole.
Aunt Viki calls Starr back in, but doesn't catch on that was about to run away. Viki tells Starr that she knows she is upset and promises to keep Starr's confidence if she'll talk to Viki about her problems. Todd and Blair appear before Starr can tell Viki anything. Starr lies to Blair and Todd about being in the kitchen a few minutes before. When Blair and Todd leave, Viki confronts Starr about lying to her parents, knowing that Starr had not been in the kitchen, and asks her what she was doing. Starr confesses to Viki that she was sneaking out to meet Cole.
Viki presses Starr for more information, but Starr doesn't let on that she is pregnant. Todd walks in and presses Viki for what Starr said, but Viki doesn't tell Todd and Blair anything. Starr reaches Cole on Langston's cell phone and they make plans to meet down by the dock. Starr waits for the right time to make a break for it while Cole retrieves her bag off the back patio of La Boulaie and Todd nearly catches him outside.
Cole is relieved when Blair entices Todd back inside to go upstairs and make love. Starr sneaks past her parents when they are looking the other way and out towards the kitchen. Langston runs into Todd and Blair, who tell her that Starr is asleep. Blair looks into Starr's room, and is fooled by the lump in the bed. Starr and Cole meet on the dock. They embrace and kiss. Cole says he loves Starr, and promises that he will take care of her and "our" baby. With that, they run off into the night.
Later, they are found by Todd, Blair, and John. Todd throws Starr down a flight of stairs, then beats up Cole until he is unconscious. They are rushed to the hospital and John and Blair find out that Starr is pregnant.
Back in Llanview, Starr tells Blair that she wants to have the baby, but thinks that it should have a better life than she can offer a child. Blair tells her whatever happens will be okay with her. On June 18, 2008 she tells Cole that she will be placing the baby for adoption. Cole is heartbroken, and says that Starr really doesn't love him.
Starr wants Marcie to have the baby after it is born. Marcie is initially unwilling, but eventually decides to go along with the idea. Meanwhile, Cole threatens to sue for custody of his child, but eventually decides to give up all his rights to his child. He also ends his relationship with Starr.
Back at school in the fall of 2008, several boys make fun of Starr because of her pregnancy. Starr stands up for herself and Cole protects her telling the principal of the school, who has threatened to expel her from school, that if she kicks her out she better kick him out too, because he's the father of her baby. After everything that Starr and Cole have been through together, they decide to stay friends.
waiting outside. While Todd had originally planned to steal Starr's baby with the help of Janet Ketring/Lee Halpern and Starr's OB-GYN, Dr. Joplin, both of whom he has blackmailed, and raise the baby in New Mexico
with the amnesia-stricken Marty Saybrooke (Cole's mother), he has a change of heart after talking with Starr before she goes into labor, and decides to call the scheme off.
However, his plan is intercepted when Bess, an alter of Starr Manning's cousin Jessica Buchanan
, steals the baby instead, intending to pass it off as Jessica's (Jessica's own baby, born while her alter Tess was in control, was stillborn). Jessica reemerges not realizing that her newborn daughter is Starr's child, and with everyone thinking that Starr and Cole's newborn daughter Hope had died of RH
as confirmed by Dr. Joplin, and Starr's family mourn the loss of the baby they believe is hers.
The baby's headstone gives her name as Hope Manning McBain. Marcie later finds out that neither Cole nor Starr were RH positive, and that's what they said the baby died from. Natalie and Jared soon discover that Chloe who they think is Jessica's baby is Starr's baby. Marcie later tells Starr that Hope had to have died of something else because her and Cole are both RH negative.
Starr and Cole are about to receive the baby from Jessica, who is having a hard time admitting to her self that Chloe is dead. When they get Hope back from Jessica, Starr struggles with the decision to give up Hope or keep her. Starr eventually gives the baby to Michael and Marcie, but is clearly heartbroken by her decision. Starr and Cole start their relationship back up. Marcie realizes how difficult the decision to give away Hope was for Starr, and on June 15, 2009, she offers Starr the opportunity to raise the baby. Starr tearfully accepts, and Marcie gives Hope to Starr, saying that she loves them both.
Just as the pastor is about to announce them married, John McBain walks in to inform Cole that he will not have to go to prison if he co-operates in a sting operation to bring down the school drug dealer, Asher. Starr and Cole call the wedding off, deciding to wait. The day before Cole is supposed to go undercover, Starr proposes that Cole spend the night with her. The two make love and the next morning Cole says goodbye to Starr and Hope. In order to avoid going to prison still for three years, Cole goes undercover.
Starr and Cole accidentally meet in the park one day when he is doing his community service. Little to Starr's attention, Serge is watching them. Cole whispers in her ear that they are being watched. Then Starr and Cole decide to make a fake fight but end it with a heated kiss. One afternoon Marty meets up with Starr and Hope at Rodi's for lunch. Cole shows up soon after on an accident, they all sit and talk and have lunch together.
When Starr's father, Todd, catches Cole selling drugs to the mayor's son, he snaps a picture. After consulting with Téa
, he goes to tell Starr. Starr is forced to reveal that Cole is working undercover with John McBain
, fearing her father would put Cole's life in danger. Todd eventually believes his daughter and promises not to say anything about it.
Although later, he told Mayor Lowell and tells him about the undercover operation. He asks him to pull Cole off the case for Starr and Hope's safety. Lowell later informs Serge, who shows up at La Boulaie and holds Starr and Todd at gunpoint. Serge and his men kidnap Starr and Hope after knocking Todd out and shooting their bodyguard, Shaun. Starr and Hope are rescued by Brody Lovett
and are reunited with their family.
On October 9, 2009, Blair falls out of the window at La Boulaie during an argument with Téa. Thankfully, she does not get hurt severely and Starr is relieved. Her dad makes an unexpected trip to Seattle and her mother ends up having to go when he ends up in jail. When he returns, he's holding a picture of a girl who Starr asks about, and he tells her that it's Danielle
(Dani), Téa's daughter, and how he killed her father, Ross Rayburn
, when Ross kidnapped her. Starr doesn't ask any other questions.
Téa ends up leaving Llanview with Danielle to try and help her. After New Year's, Starr finds out that her Aunt Dorian, newly-appointed mayor of Llanview, hired Lowell as Commissioner to replace Bo Buchanan
. Starr and Blair are furious, and end up moving out of La Boulaie with Hope and Addie and into Todd's house, where they try to deal with having Lowell as the commissioner.
Cole later comes over and asks Starr to bring Hope and move in with him. Starr is excited, but Todd refuses to let her move in, and slips about not wanting to lose "another daughter." Starr wonders why her dad said that, when she's his only daughter, but just believes he misspoke. Blair later convinces Todd to let Starr move in with her boyfriend or he's going to lose her for good. Cole and Starr come to the apartment and find out that Langston is also moving in with Markko.
On her 18th birthday, Starr plans a joint birthday party at Capricorn with Langston to celebrate. While they are constructing a new toy for Hope, Matthew Buchanan
, Starr and Cole's friend arrives with Danielle, who recently came back to Llanview with her mom. Matthew reveals that Todd is actually Danielle's biological father, and that she and Starr are sisters. Dani shows her the DNA test that proves what Matthew told her, Starr is confounded. Matthew explains that Danielle found out about Todd's past, and is furious that he's her father, and thought Starr could help her out.
Cole pulls Starr aside to help her gain her composure. When Starr finally settles down, she tells Cole how upset she was over finding out about her dad, and that she wished that she had a sister that could help her out. Cole tells her that maybe that's what Dani needs right now to help her deal: a sister.
Starr tries to convince Dani that despite his past, Todd is a good father. She also tells Dani about Jack, Sam, and Hope. Starr knows she's not getting anywhere with helping Dani accept their father, but she is able to get along with Starr. Dani asks Starr if she can move in with her to help her deal, and Starr agrees on the condition that she tells her mother. Téa later shows up with Todd, looking for Danielle. She allows Danielle to stay to help her deal.
who Langston is currently cheating with on Markko. Langston begs Starr to keep the affair a secret after Starr found a condom wrapper on the floor in their apartment. Starr goes to Ford's apartment and tells him off about the affair but only to call Starr a slut. While at school, Langston writes a play called "Starr X'd Lovers" which is about Starr and Cole's relationship, culminating in Hope's birth.
Starr and Todd are at first offended by the idea but later accept it. Later while going over the script for the play with Danielle, who is playing Starr in the play, Todd shows up and helps them out with the rehearsal. Shortly thereafter, Cole shows up after Hannah tells him that she saw Todd push Marty down a flight of stairs, causing her to miscarry her baby with John McBain.
Cole nearly beats Todd to death in front of everyone in the school gymnasium and Todd is rushed to the hospital, where he flatlines but manages to pull through. Todd is arrested and charged with attempted murder, as is Cole, and they are later reunited in jail awaiting trial. Due to Hannah's flirtation with Cole, Starr and Cole's relationship is on shaky ground.
Since Cole was denied bail, there is no way he can join Starr at her senior prom, an event that has special meaning to them and their relationship. Starr is miserable with the way things are turning out, but after a little encouraging from her friends and family, she decides to go alone to the prom. Dorian enlists John's help in bringing Cole out of jail for the night so he can escort Starr to the prom. Cole shows up at Llanview High, where he and Starr share a dance in the empty school gym after everyone else had left. However, Cole is later forced to go back to lockup, leaving Starr alone.
However afterward, Starr goes to see Cole at his prison cell and Cole doesn't want to see Starr anymore. However later on while in the park a guy named James Ford
, who is later revealed to be the brother of Robert Ford, talks to Starr in the park with Hope. Hannah shows up at the park and takes a picture of the two talking on her camera phone and leaves. Later that night Starr is at the hospital parking garage with Hope and having car trouble.
James is running away from the hospital from a man who works for his and Robert's estranged father and runs into Starr in the parking garage and asks James for his help with her car. He helps her with the car and the man James is running away from shows up in the garage and James drives away in Starr's car along with Starr and baby Hope before the man can reach him. Later on during Starr's graduation, James shows up taking place simultaneously and pulls Starr away after she gets off the stage and takes her to a classroom to explain everything to her about what's going on and then they run away.
James gets a call from Bull coming from Starr's phone. Thinking he has Starr, James visits the apartment and finds the invitation as well. He attends Starr's graduation and grabs her before Bull even found her. He explains that Bull is after them now, and they must flee until he fixes everything.
Starr then takes James to her Aunt Viki's cabin on Llantano Mountain. Starr tells James that if he doesn't explain to her on what is really going on, she will call the police. James then reveals to Starr that the reason Bull is after them is because Bull is on a mission to capture James and the $50,000. And that Bull was hired by James' father to capture both the money and him.
James then tells Starr that he stole the money from his father, though it was originally his anyway. He reveals that when James was fifteen his father stopped the car they were in, and they both got out. He than handed James a toolbox and pointed to a car next to them. James knew his father wanted him to perform his first grand theft auto, but James refused. His father then punched James in the face, giving him a black eye.
A short time later, his father asked James again if he was ready to give it another shot. When James refused again, his father broke his nose. Leading to believe James and Ford both have a very powerful, rich and abusive father. Starr begins to feel bad for James and decides she will not call the police, but that she won't leave his side either, claiming that they're "in this together."
Upon leaving the cabin, James and Starr visit a dealership in which Todd was keeping a new car for Starr on hold until they got there. Starr demands her $50,000 back from Gil the car dealer so they could give that to Bull. But Gil informs her Todd needs to be at their assistance.
As Gil leaves, James has no choice but to steal the keys to the car. Starr at first refuses but realizes they have no choice. James and Starr steal the car, and James then tells Starr that they should just give the car to Bull so he could sell the parts. Though it is too late when James calls Bull, since he already has Nate at gunpoint. While arguing with Starr at a diner, James grabs her and kisses her.
On July 6, 2010, Starr accidentally shoots James. Starr stays by his side just to make sure he is okay but she gets something else from James that she doesn't expect; James tells her that he has feelings for her and Starr decides that they can no longer be friends. Later Starr learns that of Tea's brain tumor and that she and Todd are getting married again. They do marry on August 4, 2010 at Todd's house.
On August 12, 2010 Starr discusses her feelings for James with Langston, at first denying them, but then opening up. Both girls go over to the Ford Brother's apartment to talk. In October 2010 Starr, Hope, and Dani are kidnapped by Elijah Clark. They go to Cherryvale, Pennslyvannia so doctors can treat Eli. Starr and Hope escape Starr tries to call Cole but Hannah O'Connor gets them instead. Hannah knocks out Starr and she and Hope are locked up in Hannah's parents attic.
James figures this out, and Hannah locks him up as well. Hannah then takes them to a graveyard, and asks both to dig up their own graves. Once James is buried in his, Hannah tries to kill Starr, but James saves her.
Cole is sentenced to 10 years in prison. Before he is taken off to prison, Cole breaks up with Starr and tells her he wants her to move on with her life and implies that he wants her to be with James.
Depressed over Cole going to prison , Starr kisses James and attempts to make love with him. He stops her, knowing she doesn't really want this and she tells him it's what Cole wants. After getting angry at James for turning her down Starr later breaks down crying in his arms.
Clearly suspicious she lets James explain that Deanna is his ex from Dayton who broke up with him unexpectedly. James tells Starr that Deanna has no money to return and is staying in his apartment until she can find money to go home but Starr offers Deanna to stay with her at her house and Deanna accepts. Starr give Deanna money to go back to Dayton but Deanna asks if she can have a few moments to say a last goodbye to James, Starr agrees. Starr leaves and when she returns she finds that Deanna has not left and missed her bus. She offered to find Deanna another bus but Deanna declares she decided to stay in Llanview.
Besides the situation with Deanna and James, Starr is also trying to help her family with another issue. Her brother, Jack, aided and abetted by his friend, Brad, begin to viciously bully Shane Morasco. She sides with her mother, Blair, when she grounds him, and takes away his privileges. Jack is furious with her for this supposed "lack-of-loyalty".
Later, Starr meets Baz at Llanview University when he takes her iPod and replaces her songs with his. James now thinks Baz is a jerk and is trying to take Starr away when Starr kept his songs. We find out that Baz is Tómas' son making him Dani's cousin and a part of her family. One day while they were talking Baz leans in for a kiss, which mortifies Starr. In return Starr slaps Baz for that she already is dating James.
On August 1, 2011, while at David Vickers' movie premiere, Starr receives the shock of her life when a man with Todd's original face reveals himself to her, Blair, Tea, Jack, Tomas, and "Todd". Starr gently reaches out and touches his face, and begins to wonder if the man who has fathered her for eight years could have been an imposter.
On August 10, 2011, Starr and James make love for the first time.
On August 17, 2011, it is revealed that the man with Todd's original face is Starr's father, while the man claiming to be Todd now is her uncle Victor Lord Jr., Todd's twin brother (Todd's mother Irene Manning
, presumed to be dead, showed up still being alive running a rogue CIA project that had her kidnapp Todd, and held him hostage for eight years at her secret compound in Louisiana
. Irene then had Todd's twin brother Victor Jr. get plastic surgery to look like Walker Laurence posing as Todd!). Starr later tells Todd that he doesn't have to prove he's her father because she knows it's him. "I don't need proof. It's you, Dad. You're home." She later tells Dani that she had doubts all along about Victor being Todd.
On September 20, 2011, Baz tells Starr that he enlisted former pornographer Rick Powers, now working as a music producer, to help launch Starr's career as a pop singer. Starr relunctantly agrees, despite her being disgusted by his shady past in the porn industry. Baz then told Starr that he was leaving Llanview to take a DJ gig in Paris, France.
On September 28, 2011, Starr helps her father Todd escape from jail after he is arrested for Victor Jr.'s murder, but when Starr returns to Victor Jr.'s house, she discovers along with her family that Irene planted a bomb outside the house, and Bo helps get rid of the bomb before it blows up. Bo then has Starr arrested for helping Todd escape from jail on October 3, 2011.
On October 6, 2011, Starr saw Tomas join her in jail in the cell across from her, and asked him if her father is all right. Tomas told Starr that her Dad was shot by Irene and he escaped from the scene, and that he will be found safe and sound, since he survived eight years being tortured by his mother in her secret compound. Tomas also lied to Starr and told her that he shot and killed Irene, but not telling her that her father really did the crime.
On October 10, 2011, Starr discovered that her brother Jack took over their father's business running The Sun newspaper, where he wrote a scathing headline and cover story about their father being a murderer. Starr then confronted Jack and told him that she believed that he was lying about witnessing their father murdering Victor Jr., but Jack denied it, saying that he knows that his father is a killer.
On October 21, 2011, Starr was released from prison after Tea had the charges dropped against Starr. Starr then returned home to a mob of papparazzi at her front door. One of the photographers asked her if her father molested her as a child, which upset Starr so much that she knees him in his groin. Starr then a got a visit from her music producer Rick, telling her that she needs to use her time of being incarcerated to take advantage of her new "bad girl" image. Rick also told her that she also needed to breakup with her boyfriend James, and keep her teen motherhood a secret from the public so that she could stay true to her new image. Starr refused to follow Rick's career advice, and asked him to leave the house. Rick left the house to meet up with the photographer that took the picture of her kneeing another photographer in the groin, and he paid him for capturing that moment on camera.
On October 27, 2011, Rick hired Ford to direct the music video at the Ultra Violet nightclub, along with his brother Nate to play Starr's costar in the video, and paid Starr's boyfriend James to stay off the set.
Fictional character
A character is the representation of a person in a narrative work of art . Derived from the ancient Greek word kharaktêr , the earliest use in English, in this sense, dates from the Restoration, although it became widely used after its appearance in Tom Jones in 1749. From this, the sense of...
on the ABC
American Broadcasting Company
The American Broadcasting Company is an American commercial broadcasting television network. Created in 1943 from the former NBC Blue radio network, ABC is owned by The Walt Disney Company and is part of Disney-ABC Television Group. Its first broadcast on television was in 1948...
soap opera
Soap opera
A soap opera, sometimes called "soap" for short, is an ongoing, episodic work of dramatic fiction presented in serial format on radio or as television programming. The name soap opera stems from the original dramatic serials broadcast on radio that had soap manufacturers, such as Procter & Gamble,...
One Life to Live
One Life to Live
One Life to Live is an American soap opera which debuted on July 15, 1968 and has been broadcast on the ABC television network. Created by Agnes Nixon, the series was the first daytime drama to primarily feature racially and socioeconomically diverse characters and consistently emphasize social...
. Portrayed by Kristen Alderson
Kristen Alderson
Kristen DeAnn Alderson is an American actress and occasional singer.-Early life:Alderson was born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania to Richard and Kathy Alderson...
since 1998, Starr is the oldest child of Todd Manning
Todd Manning
Thomas Todd Manning is a fictional character from the ABC daytime drama One Life to Live. Created by writer Michael Malone, the role was originated in 1992 by actor Roger Howarth. In 2003, Howarth departed from the series and the role was recast with actor Trevor St. John as Todd, initially written...
and Blair Cramer
Blair Cramer
Blair Cramer is a fictional character on the American daytime drama One Life to Live...
, and was originally known for her mischievous behavior, exacerbated by her parents' volatile relationship.
The role was portrayed by child actors Ariella and Natalie Jamnik from 1996 to 1998 and Meghan Rayder in February 1998. Best known in the part is Kristen AldersonKristen Alderson
Kristen DeAnn Alderson is an American actress and occasional singer.-Early life:Alderson was born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania to Richard and Kathy Alderson...
, who assumed the role in February 1998 at age six, appearing in her first episode on March 20, 1998. Alderson was later put on contract with the series in April 2001, at the time making her the youngest performer on daytime television with a contract role. Starr was born on-screen on January 8, 1996 and was changed to January 5, 1992 in 2008.
Early years
Among other things, little Starr helped uncover the location of Viki and Dorian, who had been kidnapped and hidden beneath Llanfair by mobster Hugo Monroe. She'd later bring Troy MacIver food, keeping him alive as he was chained to an abandoned fun house wheel by Lindsay RappaportLindsay Rappaport
Lindsay Rappaport is a fictional character from the American daytime drama One Life to Live, portrayed by Catherine Hickland from May 1998 to October 2008. Hickland briefly reprised the role in July 2009. Hickland is set to reprise her role as Lindsay in late 2011...
. Since Starr was known for fabrications, no one believed her claims of a "Man on the Wheel," leaving Starr as Troy's only lifeline.
Helping Todd and friendship with Matthew
Starr has suffered through her father Todd's many mistakes, especially his rape of Marty SaybrookeMarty Saybrooke
Dr. Margaret "Marty" Saybrooke is a fictional character on the American daytime drama One Life to Live. The role was originated by Susan Haskell, who portrayed Marty from January 24, 1992 through September 16, 1997 and made brief appearances on February 16, 2004 and February 2005...
many years ago. After Todd's supposed death at the hands of Mitch Laurence
Mitch Laurence
Mitchell "Mitch" Laurence is a fictional character, portrayed by Roscoe Born, on the ABC daytime soap opera One Life to Live, from 1985 to 1987 and again from 2002 to 2003...
, Starr was not willing to accept Walker Laurence as the new man in her mother Blair's life. However, Walker shared a secret with Starr: He was really Todd (after extensive plastic surgery). Elated that her father had returned and would be with her mother, Starr kept her father's secret.
When the truth came out Blair was furious with Todd and wanted nothing to do with him. After a heated night of passion, Blair accused Todd of rape. Starr found herself in the middle of her parents' battle, but ultimately blamed her mother. Starr was devastated when Todd was found guilty and sent to prison for rape. Starr took matters into her own hands by enlisting Matthew Buchanan, who later became her best friend, to help in arranging her father's escape. They stopped the van that was transporting Todd to prison, but in the process Matthew was kidnapped by Troy MacIver.
Starr felt terrible, and was relieved when Matthew was returned safely. For several days, Starr also stopped eating to protest her father's situation. With the help of her aunt Viki Lord Banks
Victoria Lord
Victoria "Viki" Lord is the principal fictional character and matriarch of the Lord family on the ABC soap opera One Life to Live...
(then Viki Davidson), Starr realized she was behaving in a dangerous manner, and agreed to start eating again.
Following all this, Blair was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor. It turned out the tumor caused memory lapses and caused her to misinterpret situations. Blair realized Todd had not raped her, and dropped all charges against him. Starr was ecstatic to have her father back, but soon realized her parents would never reunite. Depressed, Starr met a young man named Travis on the internet, and lied to him about her age. She planned a mother/daughter trip to New York City
New York City
New York is the most populous city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the world. New York exerts a significant impact upon global commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and...
so that she could meet Travis in person so they could run away together.
The first meeting with Travis did not go as planned, and he was angry that she lied about her age. Travis contacted Starr again, and asked for a second meeting. It turned out he had also lied about his age, and still wanted to run away with Starr. She agreed to meet him and together they ran away. Blair was frantic when she realized Starr was missing, and asked for Todd's help.
While walking through Central Park
Central Park
Central Park is a public park in the center of Manhattan in New York City, United States. The park initially opened in 1857, on of city-owned land. In 1858, Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux won a design competition to improve and expand the park with a plan they entitled the Greensward Plan...
, Starr and Travis were chased by cops. Although Starr got away, Travis was apprehended. Starr came across a young man named Laser, who kidnapped Starr, and contacted Todd and Blair for ransom money. He told them to meet him back in Llanview where they would make a trade: $1 million and Starr would go home. Travis followed Todd and Blair to Llanview and was determined to help them get Starr back.
The exchange for Starr went awry, and Todd and Blair were unable to get her back. Laser then contacted Blair, and told her to meet them back in New York. He sent her on a wild goose chase, and when the time came to get Starr back, Laser took Blair hostage. Luckily Todd had followed Blair out to New York, and after a suspenseful showdown, was able to rescue both Starr and Blair.
The kidnapping brought Blair and Todd closer together, and they eventually decided to reconcile.
Later, Travis came to Llanview for summer camp, and Starr spent the entire summer with him. Despite growing feelings between them, the relationship ended when Travis had to return to New York at the end of the summer.
Confrontations with Asa and Margaret
Starr distracted herself by helping with her parents' wedding. Starr was devastated when her father disappeared right before the wedding, leaving only a note that claimed he couldn't go through with the nuptials. Starr comforted her mother, but was convinced that there was more to her father's disappearance. Starr was right: Todd was actually kidnapped and held captive in an isolated cabin by an obsessed stalker, Margaret CochranMargaret Cochran
Margaret Cochran is a fictional character on the soap opera, One Life to Live. The character was played by Rebecca Mader from March 26 to June 8, 2004...
Blair caught on to Margaret's role in Todd's disappearance, and set out to find Todd. However, Blair soon went missing, and Starr eagerly awaited the return of both parents. Starr was ecstatic when Todd returned to Llanview, but her happiness was short lived when she received the news that her mother was killed by Margaret.
Starr was crushed, but Todd was certain Blair had survived. Starr helped her father get to the truth of Blair's whereabouts by confronting Asa Buchanan
Asa Buchanan
Asa Buchanan is a fictional character and patriarch of the Buchanan family on the ABC soap opera One Life to Live. The Texan industrialist father of newly-arrived characters Clint and Bo Buchanan, Asa was originated in 1980 by Philip Carey. Carey portrays the nearly continuously for nearly three...
. It turned out that Asa had hidden Blair in an insane asylum, and Todd was able to bring her home safe and sound. Starr was reunited with both parents, but was wary that Margaret could return at any moment.
Margaret did return and tried to kill Starr. Starr escaped, but noticed that Margaret was pregnant. Todd confessed that it was his child---Margaret had raped him while she held him hostage---but begged Starr to keep the truth from Blair out of fear that Blair would be unable to accept the truth. Starr agreed.
Some time later, Margaret and her unborn child were murdered and Todd was accused of the crime. Starr refused to believe her father was guilty. However, Todd was convicted and sentenced to death. Todd was executed just before it was found that Margaret was not really dead. Although Todd had been given a lethal injection, the doctors were able to revive him.
Starr and Cole
Starr met Cole ThornhartCole Thornhart
Cole Patrick Thornhart is a fictional character on ABC's daytime drama One Life to Live. He was played by Brandon Buddy from October 10, 2006 to November 10, 2010. He is also the nephew of Ian Thornhart, Patrick's identical twin brother from the now-defunct series Port Charles...
, a classmate, at a high school party and became friends with him right away when he stuck up for her when mean girl, Britney Jennings teased her. Starr and Cole remained friends and, when the Halloween dance came around, Starr asked Cole to be her date. Cole had already accepted a date with Britney but turned her down to go with Starr. Both had a wonderful time at the dance, even though Britney arranged for a video that mocked Starr by portraying all her family's problems.
Cole stuck up for Starr and the two shared a kiss after the dance. Starr and Cole kept getting closer, but things started to go wrong at a party one night. Cole had been taking steroids because of peer pressure from his football buddies. At the party Cole got in a fight with another football player. Then, when Starr and Cole were alone together kissing, Cole got very angry when Starr asked him to slow down. In order to cause further trouble, Britney called the police on Cole and pretended to be Starr. At the police station, it was discovered that Cole's mom was none other than Marty Saybrooke
Marty Saybrooke
Dr. Margaret "Marty" Saybrooke is a fictional character on the American daytime drama One Life to Live. The role was originated by Susan Haskell, who portrayed Marty from January 24, 1992 through September 16, 1997 and made brief appearances on February 16, 2004 and February 2005...
, the victim of a rape by Todd Manning
Todd Manning
Thomas Todd Manning is a fictional character from the ABC daytime drama One Life to Live. Created by writer Michael Malone, the role was originated in 1992 by actor Roger Howarth. In 2003, Howarth departed from the series and the role was recast with actor Trevor St. John as Todd, initially written...
, which occurred when the two were in college.
Also Blair had a stillborn son with Cole's father, Patrick Thornhart
Patrick Thornhart
Patrick Thornhart is a fictional character on the daytime soap opera, One Life to Live. He was played by Thorsten Kaye from October 1995 to September 16, 1997, and an unknown actor by June 3, 2011 to June 6, 2011.-Storylines:...
. So Starr and Cole technically share a half-brother, the deceased Brendan Thornhart. Because of these things, Cole and Starr's parents attempted to keep them away from each other. After trying to stay away from each other for some time, Cole and Starr were finally reunited on prom night.
Now, after some convincing, Cole and Starr finally have their mother's permission to date. When Starr's father went missing, Starr wasn't aware of the fact that Cole knew about her father's whereabouts and kept quiet in order to keep the secret of his mother killing Spencer Truman
Spencer Truman
Dr. Spencer Truman was a fictional character on the soap opera One Life to Live. He was played by Paul Satterfield from May 25, 2005 to January 30, 2007. Satterfield has reprised the role, in the form of Ghost by characters Miles Laurence and John McBain, several times in 2007...
. Eventually, Starr forgave Cole when she viewed what he had gone through from his perspective. Starr's great-aunt Dorian hired Rex Balsom
Rex Balsom
Rex Balsom is a fictional character on the American daytime drama One Life to Live, portrayed by John-Paul Lavoisier since May 9, 2002.With the character initially named "Jamie" prior to production, then-Executive Producer Gary Tomlin "toyed with the idea" of putting Rex in a gay storyline;...
to find the parent's of Langston Wilde
Langston Wilde
Langston Wilde Cramer is a fictional character on ABC's daytime drama One Life to Live. She has been played by Brittany Underwood from May 17, 2006 til April 12, 2011...
, Starr's best friend. Dorian, Starr, Blair, and others were shocked to learn that Langston's parents died in a car accident a year and a half earlier.
Todd decides to move his family to Hawaii, fearing for their safety. Starr and Cole, wanting to spend one last night together before the big move, go to Langston's old house, where they sleep together for the first time. Todd walks in on them and nearly beats Cole to death. Todd decides to forbid Starr to see Cole or get anywhere near him, even though she assures him that he walked in before anything happened. Todd takes Starr out of school and decides that she should be home schooled to prevent her from seeing Cole.Later, Langston walks in on Starr holding a pregnancy test. Todd eventually decides to trust Starr and put her back in school, as long as she agrees not to talk to Cole. Starr finds out she is pregnant but does not want to tell Cole. She considers having an abortion
Abortion is defined as the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo prior to viability. An abortion can occur spontaneously, in which case it is usually called a miscarriage, or it can be purposely induced...
so that her father will never find out about the pregnancy. With Langston's help, Starr sneaks out of the house with the intention of taking a bus to Atlantic City
Atlantic City, New Jersey
Atlantic City is a city in Atlantic County, New Jersey, United States, and a nationally renowned resort city for gambling, shopping and fine dining. The city also served as the inspiration for the American version of the board game Monopoly. Atlantic City is located on Absecon Island on the coast...
to get an abortion.
Cole gets wind that Starr has gone to Atlantic City, and gets the address where Starr is going from Langston, not knowing that she was heading to an abortion clinic. Cole comes in at the last minute, figures out what is going on, and demands to see Starr. The nurses threaten to call police, but Starr comes out of the room in a hospital gown and the couple embraces. They return to Llanview without Starr having had the abortion. Cole sends Starr a letter stating that he wants her to have their baby.
Cole hatches a plan where he and Starr would run away to Virginia Beach. Starr is forced to endure a Manning family poker night with her parents and younger brothers while she was planning to run away. Before she leaves the room she tells her father, Todd, she loves him and hugs mother Blair tightly. Langston shows up and gives Starr a fake ID that Cole has procured for her (The name on Starr's IDs is Mindy Venta, while Cole's is Dan O'Connor. Both are names of two young real-world "One Life To Live" staffers) and a letter stating that she should meet him at 9 p.m. so they can run away and no one can ever tell them what to do again.
Starr's aunt, Viki Davidson, shows up with a scarf that Starr has misplaced. Langston figures out that Starr and Cole are running away, and Starr admits to it, and also confesses that she will probably have the baby. Starr hugs Langston and they say an emotional goodbye. Todd and Blair put the boys to bed, and Viki stays downstairs at La Boulaie, catching Starr red-handed as she is walking out the back door, bags in hand, ready to meet Cole.
Aunt Viki calls Starr back in, but doesn't catch on that was about to run away. Viki tells Starr that she knows she is upset and promises to keep Starr's confidence if she'll talk to Viki about her problems. Todd and Blair appear before Starr can tell Viki anything. Starr lies to Blair and Todd about being in the kitchen a few minutes before. When Blair and Todd leave, Viki confronts Starr about lying to her parents, knowing that Starr had not been in the kitchen, and asks her what she was doing. Starr confesses to Viki that she was sneaking out to meet Cole.
Viki presses Starr for more information, but Starr doesn't let on that she is pregnant. Todd walks in and presses Viki for what Starr said, but Viki doesn't tell Todd and Blair anything. Starr reaches Cole on Langston's cell phone and they make plans to meet down by the dock. Starr waits for the right time to make a break for it while Cole retrieves her bag off the back patio of La Boulaie and Todd nearly catches him outside.
Cole is relieved when Blair entices Todd back inside to go upstairs and make love. Starr sneaks past her parents when they are looking the other way and out towards the kitchen. Langston runs into Todd and Blair, who tell her that Starr is asleep. Blair looks into Starr's room, and is fooled by the lump in the bed. Starr and Cole meet on the dock. They embrace and kiss. Cole says he loves Starr, and promises that he will take care of her and "our" baby. With that, they run off into the night.
Later, they are found by Todd, Blair, and John. Todd throws Starr down a flight of stairs, then beats up Cole until he is unconscious. They are rushed to the hospital and John and Blair find out that Starr is pregnant.
Back in Llanview, Starr tells Blair that she wants to have the baby, but thinks that it should have a better life than she can offer a child. Blair tells her whatever happens will be okay with her. On June 18, 2008 she tells Cole that she will be placing the baby for adoption. Cole is heartbroken, and says that Starr really doesn't love him.
Starr wants Marcie to have the baby after it is born. Marcie is initially unwilling, but eventually decides to go along with the idea. Meanwhile, Cole threatens to sue for custody of his child, but eventually decides to give up all his rights to his child. He also ends his relationship with Starr.
Back at school in the fall of 2008, several boys make fun of Starr because of her pregnancy. Starr stands up for herself and Cole protects her telling the principal of the school, who has threatened to expel her from school, that if she kicks her out she better kick him out too, because he's the father of her baby. After everything that Starr and Cole have been through together, they decide to stay friends.
Baby switch
Hope Manning-Thornhart is born on November 6, 2008. Blair and Marcie are with Starr during the delivery, with Cole and Langston WildeLangston Wilde
Langston Wilde Cramer is a fictional character on ABC's daytime drama One Life to Live. She has been played by Brittany Underwood from May 17, 2006 til April 12, 2011...
waiting outside. While Todd had originally planned to steal Starr's baby with the help of Janet Ketring/Lee Halpern and Starr's OB-GYN, Dr. Joplin, both of whom he has blackmailed, and raise the baby in New Mexico
New Mexico
New Mexico is a state located in the southwest and western regions of the United States. New Mexico is also usually considered one of the Mountain States. With a population density of 16 per square mile, New Mexico is the sixth-most sparsely inhabited U.S...
with the amnesia-stricken Marty Saybrooke (Cole's mother), he has a change of heart after talking with Starr before she goes into labor, and decides to call the scheme off.
However, his plan is intercepted when Bess, an alter of Starr Manning's cousin Jessica Buchanan
Jessica Buchanan
Jessica Eugenia Buchanan is a fictional character on the ABC soap opera One Life to Live...
, steals the baby instead, intending to pass it off as Jessica's (Jessica's own baby, born while her alter Tess was in control, was stillborn). Jessica reemerges not realizing that her newborn daughter is Starr's child, and with everyone thinking that Starr and Cole's newborn daughter Hope had died of RH
Rh disease
Rh disease is one of the causes of hemolytic disease of the newborn...
as confirmed by Dr. Joplin, and Starr's family mourn the loss of the baby they believe is hers.
The baby's headstone gives her name as Hope Manning McBain. Marcie later finds out that neither Cole nor Starr were RH positive, and that's what they said the baby died from. Natalie and Jared soon discover that Chloe who they think is Jessica's baby is Starr's baby. Marcie later tells Starr that Hope had to have died of something else because her and Cole are both RH negative.
Starr and Cole are about to receive the baby from Jessica, who is having a hard time admitting to her self that Chloe is dead. When they get Hope back from Jessica, Starr struggles with the decision to give up Hope or keep her. Starr eventually gives the baby to Michael and Marcie, but is clearly heartbroken by her decision. Starr and Cole start their relationship back up. Marcie realizes how difficult the decision to give away Hope was for Starr, and on June 15, 2009, she offers Starr the opportunity to raise the baby. Starr tearfully accepts, and Marcie gives Hope to Starr, saying that she loves them both.
Starr, Cole and Hope and Cole goes undercover
Starr and Cole knowing that they can get through anything now decide to get married before Cole goes off to prison for drug possession. Todd does not agree with this. Thinking Blair won't give consent, Todd hopes to win over Starr. Blair eventually gives consent and Todd tells Starr there's no way in hell he will let his daughter marry Cole. Starr tells Todd she doesn't care what he says and tells him that if he doesn't give them his consent, the moment she turns 18 she'll take Hope and leave and they will never see them again. Todd finally gives in.Just as the pastor is about to announce them married, John McBain walks in to inform Cole that he will not have to go to prison if he co-operates in a sting operation to bring down the school drug dealer, Asher. Starr and Cole call the wedding off, deciding to wait. The day before Cole is supposed to go undercover, Starr proposes that Cole spend the night with her. The two make love and the next morning Cole says goodbye to Starr and Hope. In order to avoid going to prison still for three years, Cole goes undercover.
Starr and Cole accidentally meet in the park one day when he is doing his community service. Little to Starr's attention, Serge is watching them. Cole whispers in her ear that they are being watched. Then Starr and Cole decide to make a fake fight but end it with a heated kiss. One afternoon Marty meets up with Starr and Hope at Rodi's for lunch. Cole shows up soon after on an accident, they all sit and talk and have lunch together.
When Starr's father, Todd, catches Cole selling drugs to the mayor's son, he snaps a picture. After consulting with Téa
Téa Delgado
Téa Delgado is a fictional character from the ABC daytime drama One Life to Live. The role was portrayed by Florencia Lozano from January 27, 1997 to March 2, 2000 and briefly in 2002; Lozano returned to the role once again on December 5, 2008.A stern but passionate personality, the character has...
, he goes to tell Starr. Starr is forced to reveal that Cole is working undercover with John McBain
John McBain (One Life to Live)
John McBain is a fictional character on the American daytime drama One Life to Live, portrayed by Michael Easton since October 1, 2003.-Natalie and Evangeline:...
, fearing her father would put Cole's life in danger. Todd eventually believes his daughter and promises not to say anything about it.
Although later, he told Mayor Lowell and tells him about the undercover operation. He asks him to pull Cole off the case for Starr and Hope's safety. Lowell later informs Serge, who shows up at La Boulaie and holds Starr and Todd at gunpoint. Serge and his men kidnap Starr and Hope after knocking Todd out and shooting their bodyguard, Shaun. Starr and Hope are rescued by Brody Lovett
Brody Lovett
Brody Lovett is a fictional character on the ABC soap opera One Life to Live portrayed by Mark Lawson since April 24, 2008.-Arrival:Brody is a former Navy SEAL brought to Llanview by Adriana Cramer to distract Gigi Morasco from Adriana's fiancé Rex Balsom...
and are reunited with their family.
New start and sister
After finding out her father exposed Cole to Lowell and got her kidnapped, Starr becomes more distant from her dad. However, she doesn't stay mad forever and Todd is there when Hope turns one. Todd, meanwhile, gets married to Téa, but later finds out their marriage is invalid because she's married to someone else.On October 9, 2009, Blair falls out of the window at La Boulaie during an argument with Téa. Thankfully, she does not get hurt severely and Starr is relieved. Her dad makes an unexpected trip to Seattle and her mother ends up having to go when he ends up in jail. When he returns, he's holding a picture of a girl who Starr asks about, and he tells her that it's Danielle
Danielle Rayburn
Danielle "Dani" Manning is a fictional character from ABC soap opera One Life to Live. Created by writer Ron Carlivati, the role was originated in 2009 by actress Kelley Missal. The character was conceived as part of her mother Téa Delgado's absence on the series from 2002 through 2008...
(Dani), Téa's daughter, and how he killed her father, Ross Rayburn
Ross Rayburn
Ross Rayburn is a fictional character from the ABC soap opera One Life to Live. The role was originated by Shawn Christian in 2002. Michael Lowry portrayed the role from August 28, 2009 to December 14, 2009, from January 8 to 13, 2010 and on April 29, 2010...
, when Ross kidnapped her. Starr doesn't ask any other questions.
Téa ends up leaving Llanview with Danielle to try and help her. After New Year's, Starr finds out that her Aunt Dorian, newly-appointed mayor of Llanview, hired Lowell as Commissioner to replace Bo Buchanan
Bo Buchanan
Beaufort Oglethorpe "Bo" Buchanan is a fictional character on the ABC soap opera One Life to Live.-Casting and awards:The role was originated in 1979 by Robert S. Woods, who briefly left the series in 1986 but returned in 1988, and currently portrays the role...
. Starr and Blair are furious, and end up moving out of La Boulaie with Hope and Addie and into Todd's house, where they try to deal with having Lowell as the commissioner.
Cole later comes over and asks Starr to bring Hope and move in with him. Starr is excited, but Todd refuses to let her move in, and slips about not wanting to lose "another daughter." Starr wonders why her dad said that, when she's his only daughter, but just believes he misspoke. Blair later convinces Todd to let Starr move in with her boyfriend or he's going to lose her for good. Cole and Starr come to the apartment and find out that Langston is also moving in with Markko.
On her 18th birthday, Starr plans a joint birthday party at Capricorn with Langston to celebrate. While they are constructing a new toy for Hope, Matthew Buchanan
Matthew Buchanan
Matthew Buchanan is a fictional character on the ABC soap opera One Life to Live.-Casting:The role was portrayed by child actors Steven and Nicholas Towler from 1999 to June 2000 and Ian Chandler Sheaffer from July 2000 to May 2001...
, Starr and Cole's friend arrives with Danielle, who recently came back to Llanview with her mom. Matthew reveals that Todd is actually Danielle's biological father, and that she and Starr are sisters. Dani shows her the DNA test that proves what Matthew told her, Starr is confounded. Matthew explains that Danielle found out about Todd's past, and is furious that he's her father, and thought Starr could help her out.
Cole pulls Starr aside to help her gain her composure. When Starr finally settles down, she tells Cole how upset she was over finding out about her dad, and that she wished that she had a sister that could help her out. Cole tells her that maybe that's what Dani needs right now to help her deal: a sister.
Starr tries to convince Dani that despite his past, Todd is a good father. She also tells Dani about Jack, Sam, and Hope. Starr knows she's not getting anywhere with helping Dani accept their father, but she is able to get along with Starr. Dani asks Starr if she can move in with her to help her deal, and Starr agrees on the condition that she tells her mother. Téa later shows up with Todd, looking for Danielle. She allows Danielle to stay to help her deal.
Hannah and James
Meanwhile in spring 2010, Hannah O'Connor comes to Llanview to attend Llanview university with Cole and Markko and is assigned to be Cole's partner for a sociology project. Hannah is revealed to be the ex-girlfriend of Robert FordRobert Ford (One Life to Live)
Robert "Bobby" Ford is a fictional character from the ABC original soap opera One Life to Live. The role was originated by David A. Gregory on August 10, 2009 on a recurring basis. Gregory was upgraded to contract status in December 2009....
who Langston is currently cheating with on Markko. Langston begs Starr to keep the affair a secret after Starr found a condom wrapper on the floor in their apartment. Starr goes to Ford's apartment and tells him off about the affair but only to call Starr a slut. While at school, Langston writes a play called "Starr X'd Lovers" which is about Starr and Cole's relationship, culminating in Hope's birth.
Starr and Todd are at first offended by the idea but later accept it. Later while going over the script for the play with Danielle, who is playing Starr in the play, Todd shows up and helps them out with the rehearsal. Shortly thereafter, Cole shows up after Hannah tells him that she saw Todd push Marty down a flight of stairs, causing her to miscarry her baby with John McBain.
Cole nearly beats Todd to death in front of everyone in the school gymnasium and Todd is rushed to the hospital, where he flatlines but manages to pull through. Todd is arrested and charged with attempted murder, as is Cole, and they are later reunited in jail awaiting trial. Due to Hannah's flirtation with Cole, Starr and Cole's relationship is on shaky ground.
Since Cole was denied bail, there is no way he can join Starr at her senior prom, an event that has special meaning to them and their relationship. Starr is miserable with the way things are turning out, but after a little encouraging from her friends and family, she decides to go alone to the prom. Dorian enlists John's help in bringing Cole out of jail for the night so he can escort Starr to the prom. Cole shows up at Llanview High, where he and Starr share a dance in the empty school gym after everyone else had left. However, Cole is later forced to go back to lockup, leaving Starr alone.
However afterward, Starr goes to see Cole at his prison cell and Cole doesn't want to see Starr anymore. However later on while in the park a guy named James Ford
James Ford (One Life to Live)
James Ford is a fictional character from the ABC original soap opera One Life to Live. The role was originated by Nic Robuck on June 9, 2010.-Casting and character creation:...
, who is later revealed to be the brother of Robert Ford, talks to Starr in the park with Hope. Hannah shows up at the park and takes a picture of the two talking on her camera phone and leaves. Later that night Starr is at the hospital parking garage with Hope and having car trouble.
James is running away from the hospital from a man who works for his and Robert's estranged father and runs into Starr in the parking garage and asks James for his help with her car. He helps her with the car and the man James is running away from shows up in the garage and James drives away in Starr's car along with Starr and baby Hope before the man can reach him. Later on during Starr's graduation, James shows up taking place simultaneously and pulls Starr away after she gets off the stage and takes her to a classroom to explain everything to her about what's going on and then they run away.
James gets a call from Bull coming from Starr's phone. Thinking he has Starr, James visits the apartment and finds the invitation as well. He attends Starr's graduation and grabs her before Bull even found her. He explains that Bull is after them now, and they must flee until he fixes everything.
Starr then takes James to her Aunt Viki's cabin on Llantano Mountain. Starr tells James that if he doesn't explain to her on what is really going on, she will call the police. James then reveals to Starr that the reason Bull is after them is because Bull is on a mission to capture James and the $50,000. And that Bull was hired by James' father to capture both the money and him.
James then tells Starr that he stole the money from his father, though it was originally his anyway. He reveals that when James was fifteen his father stopped the car they were in, and they both got out. He than handed James a toolbox and pointed to a car next to them. James knew his father wanted him to perform his first grand theft auto, but James refused. His father then punched James in the face, giving him a black eye.
A short time later, his father asked James again if he was ready to give it another shot. When James refused again, his father broke his nose. Leading to believe James and Ford both have a very powerful, rich and abusive father. Starr begins to feel bad for James and decides she will not call the police, but that she won't leave his side either, claiming that they're "in this together."
Upon leaving the cabin, James and Starr visit a dealership in which Todd was keeping a new car for Starr on hold until they got there. Starr demands her $50,000 back from Gil the car dealer so they could give that to Bull. But Gil informs her Todd needs to be at their assistance.
As Gil leaves, James has no choice but to steal the keys to the car. Starr at first refuses but realizes they have no choice. James and Starr steal the car, and James then tells Starr that they should just give the car to Bull so he could sell the parts. Though it is too late when James calls Bull, since he already has Nate at gunpoint. While arguing with Starr at a diner, James grabs her and kisses her.
On July 6, 2010, Starr accidentally shoots James. Starr stays by his side just to make sure he is okay but she gets something else from James that she doesn't expect; James tells her that he has feelings for her and Starr decides that they can no longer be friends. Later Starr learns that of Tea's brain tumor and that she and Todd are getting married again. They do marry on August 4, 2010 at Todd's house.
On August 12, 2010 Starr discusses her feelings for James with Langston, at first denying them, but then opening up. Both girls go over to the Ford Brother's apartment to talk. In October 2010 Starr, Hope, and Dani are kidnapped by Elijah Clark. They go to Cherryvale, Pennslyvannia so doctors can treat Eli. Starr and Hope escape Starr tries to call Cole but Hannah O'Connor gets them instead. Hannah knocks out Starr and she and Hope are locked up in Hannah's parents attic.
James figures this out, and Hannah locks him up as well. Hannah then takes them to a graveyard, and asks both to dig up their own graves. Once James is buried in his, Hannah tries to kill Starr, but James saves her.
Cole goes to Prison
Thinking Starr and Hope were killed by Eli, Cole decides to take matters into his own hands and shoots him dead. Marty tries to protect Cole by lying for him but the truth ends up coming out. Starr tries to get Cole to run away with her and Hope but he instead decides to turn himself in as he doesn't want Starr to have to live constantly afraid of him getting caught.Cole is sentenced to 10 years in prison. Before he is taken off to prison, Cole breaks up with Starr and tells her he wants her to move on with her life and implies that he wants her to be with James.
Depressed over Cole going to prison , Starr kisses James and attempts to make love with him. He stops her, knowing she doesn't really want this and she tells him it's what Cole wants. After getting angry at James for turning her down Starr later breaks down crying in his arms.
Relationship with James
After that, Starr refuses to date James, so James starts dating Michelle, a girl who goes to college with them. They almost have sex but Michelle stops it. As Michelle leaves James' apartment Starr sees her. Starr had just broken up with Cole to be in a relationship with James, but after seeing this, she never thought they would be together. When Starr's sister, Dani, goes missing, she and James go to find her. But the truth gets revealed. Starr and James kiss.Langston's Departure, Deanna, Baz, the Real Todd, and her music career
On April 12, 2011, Starr learns that Markko has returned to Llanview with a proposition for Langston: she helps him work on the new David Vickers Movie. Starr is happy at the news, but becomes very sad when Langston tells her that she is going away to California with Markko. Starr shares one final tearful moment with Langston, and promises they will see each other again someday. She leaves the house in tears, and goes to see James, and finds him with Deanna.Clearly suspicious she lets James explain that Deanna is his ex from Dayton who broke up with him unexpectedly. James tells Starr that Deanna has no money to return and is staying in his apartment until she can find money to go home but Starr offers Deanna to stay with her at her house and Deanna accepts. Starr give Deanna money to go back to Dayton but Deanna asks if she can have a few moments to say a last goodbye to James, Starr agrees. Starr leaves and when she returns she finds that Deanna has not left and missed her bus. She offered to find Deanna another bus but Deanna declares she decided to stay in Llanview.
Besides the situation with Deanna and James, Starr is also trying to help her family with another issue. Her brother, Jack, aided and abetted by his friend, Brad, begin to viciously bully Shane Morasco. She sides with her mother, Blair, when she grounds him, and takes away his privileges. Jack is furious with her for this supposed "lack-of-loyalty".
Later, Starr meets Baz at Llanview University when he takes her iPod and replaces her songs with his. James now thinks Baz is a jerk and is trying to take Starr away when Starr kept his songs. We find out that Baz is Tómas' son making him Dani's cousin and a part of her family. One day while they were talking Baz leans in for a kiss, which mortifies Starr. In return Starr slaps Baz for that she already is dating James.
On August 1, 2011, while at David Vickers' movie premiere, Starr receives the shock of her life when a man with Todd's original face reveals himself to her, Blair, Tea, Jack, Tomas, and "Todd". Starr gently reaches out and touches his face, and begins to wonder if the man who has fathered her for eight years could have been an imposter.
On August 10, 2011, Starr and James make love for the first time.
On August 17, 2011, it is revealed that the man with Todd's original face is Starr's father, while the man claiming to be Todd now is her uncle Victor Lord Jr., Todd's twin brother (Todd's mother Irene Manning
Irene Manning
Irene Manning was an actress/singer.She was born Inez Harvuot in Cincinnati, Ohio in a family of five siblings. Her family loved to go on outdoor picnics where the featured activity was group singing. This family environment helped Irene to develop a keen interest in singing at a very early age...
, presumed to be dead, showed up still being alive running a rogue CIA project that had her kidnapp Todd, and held him hostage for eight years at her secret compound in Louisiana
Louisiana is a state located in the southern region of the United States of America. Its capital is Baton Rouge and largest city is New Orleans. Louisiana is the only state in the U.S. with political subdivisions termed parishes, which are local governments equivalent to counties...
. Irene then had Todd's twin brother Victor Jr. get plastic surgery to look like Walker Laurence posing as Todd!). Starr later tells Todd that he doesn't have to prove he's her father because she knows it's him. "I don't need proof. It's you, Dad. You're home." She later tells Dani that she had doubts all along about Victor being Todd.
On September 20, 2011, Baz tells Starr that he enlisted former pornographer Rick Powers, now working as a music producer, to help launch Starr's career as a pop singer. Starr relunctantly agrees, despite her being disgusted by his shady past in the porn industry. Baz then told Starr that he was leaving Llanview to take a DJ gig in Paris, France.
On September 28, 2011, Starr helps her father Todd escape from jail after he is arrested for Victor Jr.'s murder, but when Starr returns to Victor Jr.'s house, she discovers along with her family that Irene planted a bomb outside the house, and Bo helps get rid of the bomb before it blows up. Bo then has Starr arrested for helping Todd escape from jail on October 3, 2011.
On October 6, 2011, Starr saw Tomas join her in jail in the cell across from her, and asked him if her father is all right. Tomas told Starr that her Dad was shot by Irene and he escaped from the scene, and that he will be found safe and sound, since he survived eight years being tortured by his mother in her secret compound. Tomas also lied to Starr and told her that he shot and killed Irene, but not telling her that her father really did the crime.
On October 10, 2011, Starr discovered that her brother Jack took over their father's business running The Sun newspaper, where he wrote a scathing headline and cover story about their father being a murderer. Starr then confronted Jack and told him that she believed that he was lying about witnessing their father murdering Victor Jr., but Jack denied it, saying that he knows that his father is a killer.
On October 21, 2011, Starr was released from prison after Tea had the charges dropped against Starr. Starr then returned home to a mob of papparazzi at her front door. One of the photographers asked her if her father molested her as a child, which upset Starr so much that she knees him in his groin. Starr then a got a visit from her music producer Rick, telling her that she needs to use her time of being incarcerated to take advantage of her new "bad girl" image. Rick also told her that she also needed to breakup with her boyfriend James, and keep her teen motherhood a secret from the public so that she could stay true to her new image. Starr refused to follow Rick's career advice, and asked him to leave the house. Rick left the house to meet up with the photographer that took the picture of her kneeing another photographer in the groin, and he paid him for capturing that moment on camera.
On October 27, 2011, Rick hired Ford to direct the music video at the Ultra Violet nightclub, along with his brother Nate to play Starr's costar in the video, and paid Starr's boyfriend James to stay off the set.