Sucos of East Timor
The subdistricts of East Timor
East Timor
The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, commonly known as East Timor , is a state in Southeast Asia. It comprises the eastern half of the island of Timor, the nearby islands of Atauro and Jaco, and Oecusse, an exclave on the northwestern side of the island, within Indonesian West Timor...

 are subdivided into 442 sucos and 2,336 towns, villages and hamlets (aldeias).

District Aileu
Aileu (district)
Aileu is an administrative district of East Timor. It has a population of 36,889 and an area of 729 km². The capital of the district is also named Aileu. The subdistricts are Aileu, Laulara, Lequidoe and Remexio....

  • Subdistrict Aileu
    Aileu is the main township in Aileu District, East Timor. It is located 47km southwest of Dili, the national capital, Dili and has a population of 17,356....

    • Suco Aisirimou
    • Suco Bandudatu
    • Suco Fahiria
    • Suco Fatubosa
    • Suco Hoholau
    • Suco Lahae
    • Suco Lausi
    • Suco Liurai
    • Suco Malere
    • Suco Saboria
    • Suco Seloi Kraik
  • Subdistrict Laulara
    Laulara is a town and subdistrict in the Aileu District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 5,448.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Fatisi
    • Suco Kotolau
    • Suco Madabeno
    • Suco Talitu
    • Suco Tohumeta
  • Subdistrict Lequidoe
    Lequidoe is a town and subdistrict in the Aileu District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 5,819.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Acubilitoho
    • Suco Bereleu
    • Suco Betulau
    • Suco Fahisoi
    • Suco Fautrilau
    • Suco Manukasa
    • Suco Namleso
  • Subdistrict Remexio
    Remexio is a town and subdistrict in the Aileu District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 9.493....

    • Suco Acumau
    • Suco Fadabloko
    • Suco Fahisoi
    • Suco Faturasa
    • Suco Hautuho
    • Suco Liurai
    • Suco Maumeta
    • Suco Tulatakeu

District Ainaro
Ainaro (district)
Ainaro is one of 13 administrative districts of East Timor, in the southwest part of the country. It has a population of 53,629 and an area of 797 km2...

  • Subdistrict Ainaro
    Ainaro is a town in East Timor, the capital of the Ainaro District, and is located in the southwest part of the country. The subdistrict has a population of approximately 12,000 people. It contains the small mountain town of Ainaro, the district capital, along with the villages of Soro, Maununo,...

    • Suco Ainaro
    • Suco Cassa
    • Suco Manutassi
    • Suco Mau-Nunu
    • Suco Mau-Ulo
    • Suco Soro
    • Suco Suro-Craic
  • Subdistrict Hato-Udo
    • Suco Beikala
    • Suco Leolima
  • Subdistrict Hatu-Builico
    Hatu Builico is a town and subdistrict in the Ainaro District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 10,807.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Mulo
    • Suco Mauchiga
    • Suco Nunu Mogue
  • Subdistrict Maubisse
    Maubisse is a town, suco and subdistrict in Ainaro District, East Timor. The suco has 4,947 inhabitants ....

    • Suco Aituto
    • Suco Edi
    • Suco Fatubessi
    • Suco Horiauic
    • Suco Liurai
    • Suco Manelobas
    • Suco Manetu
    • Suco Maubisse
      Maubisse is a town, suco and subdistrict in Ainaro District, East Timor. The suco has 4,947 inhabitants ....

    • Suco Maulau

District Baucau
Baucau (district)
Baucau , is a district of East Timor, on the northern coast in the eastern part of the country. The capital is also called Baucau . The population of the district is 104,571 and it has an area of 1,494 km2. The subdistricts are Baguia, Baucau, Laga, Quelicai, Vemasse, and Venilale...

  • Subdistrict Baguia
    • Suco Afaloicai
    • Suco Alaua-Craik
    • Suco Alaua-Leten
    • Suco Defa-Uassi
    • Suco Hae-Coni
    • Suco Larisula
    • Suco Lavateri
    • Suco Osso-Huna
    • Suco Samalari
    • Suco Uacala
  • Subdistrict Baucau
    Baucau is the second-largest city in East Timor, after Dili, the capital, which lies 122 km east of Dili.Baucau has about 16,000 inhabitants, and is the capital of Baucau, located in the eastern part of the country...

    • Suco Bahú
      Bahu or Bahuka was a king of the Ikshvaku dynasty or the Suryavamsha . According to the Puranas, he was son of Vrika. But the Ramayana mentions him as Asita, son of Bharata. According to this text, he had two queens, one of them was Kalindi...

    • Suco Bucoli
    • Suco Buibau
    • Suco Buruma
    • Suco Caibada Uaimua
    • Suco Samalari
    • Suco Seiçal
    • Suco Tirilolo
    • Suco Triloka
    • Suco Gariuai
    • Suco Uailili
  • Subdistrict Laga
    Laga (East Timor)
    Laga is a city and subdistrict in Baucau District, East Timor....

    • Suco Atelari
    • Suco Libagua
    • Suco Nunira
    • Suco Saelari
    • Suco Sagadate
    • Suco Samalari
    • Suco Soba
    • Suco Tequinaumata
  • Subdistrict Quelicai
    • Suco Abafala
    • Suco Abo
    • Suco Afaçá
    • Suco Baguia
    • Suco Bualale
    • Suco Guruça
    • Suco Lacoliu
    • Suco Laisorulai de baixo
    • Suco Laisorulai de cima
    • Suco Lelalai
    • Suco Letemumo
    • Suco Macalaco
    • Suco Maluro
    • Suco Namanei
    • Suco Uaitame
  • Subdistrict Vemasse
    Vemasse is a town and subdistrict in the Baucau District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 8,886.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Caicua
    • Suco Loilubo
    • Suco Ossoala
    • Suco Ostico
    • Suco Uaigae
    • Suco Uatu-Lari
    • Suco Vemasse
  • Subdistrict Venilale
    Venilale is a city and subdistricts in Baucau District, East Timor....

    • Suco Bado-Ho’o
    • Suco Bahamori
    • Suco Fatulia
    • Suco Uailaha
    • Suco Uai-Oli
    • Suco Uatu-Haco
    • Suco Uma-Anaico
    • Suco Uma Analu

District Bobonaro

  • Subdistrict Atabae
    Atabae is a city in the suco of Rairobo ....

    • Suco Aidabaleten
    • Suco Atabai
    • Suco Rairobo
    • Suco Hataz
  • Subdistrict Balibo
    Balibo is a town in East Timor situated approximately from the Indonesian border. It is located in the subdistrict of Balibo, Bobonaro District....

    • Suco Balibo Kota
    • Suco Batugade
    • Suco Cová
      Two parishes have the name Cova :*Cova, Portugal, a parish in the municipality of Vieira do Minho*Cova Figueira, a parish in the island of Fogo, Cape Verde...

    • Suco Leohitu
    • Suco Leolima
    • Suco Sanirin
  • Subdistrict Bobonaro
    The Bobonaro district is one of 13 administrative districts within the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste commonly known as East Timor. It is the second-most western district on the east half of the island. It has a population of 82,385 and an area of 1,368 km2. Its subdistricts are Atabae,...

    • Suco Ai-Assa
    • Suco Atu Aben
    • Suco Bobonaro
      The Bobonaro district is one of 13 administrative districts within the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste commonly known as East Timor. It is the second-most western district on the east half of the island. It has a population of 82,385 and an area of 1,368 km2. Its subdistricts are Atabae,...

    • Suco Carabau
    • Suco Colimau
    • Suco Cota Bo’ot
    • Suco Ilatalaun
    • Suco Leber
    • Suco Lour
    • Suco Lourba
    • Suco Maliubu
    • Suco Malilait
    • Suco Molop
    • Suco Oe-Leu
    • Suco Sibuni
    • Suco Soi Leco
    • Suco Tapo
      Tashkent Aviation Production Association named after V. P. Chkalov or TAPO/TAPOiCh for short is a leading high-technology company of Uzbekistan, which was originally moved from Russia to the rear of the Soviet Union, Uzbekistan in 1941 during the World War II.-Origins:During the first and the...

    • Suco Tebabui
  • Subdistrict Cailaco
    Cailaco is a town and subdistrict in the Bobonaro District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 8,374.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Atudara
    • Suco Daudo
    • Suco Goulolo
    • Suco Guenolai
    • Suco Manapa
    • Suco Miligo
    • Suco Purogoa
    • Suco Raiheu
  • Subdistrict Lolotoe
    Lolotoe is a city in Bobonaro District, East Timor. It is the capitel of Lolotoe subdistrict, which has 7,021 inhabitants. Most of them are cultivating coffee....

    • Suco Deudet
    • Suco Gildapil
    • Suco Guda
    • Suco Lebos
    • Suco Lontas
    • Suco Lupai
    • Suco Opa
  • Subdistrict Maliana
    Maliana is a city in East Timor, 149 km southwest of Dili, the national capital. It has a population of 22,000. It is the capital of the district of Bobonaro and subdistrict of Maliana, and is located just a few kilometers from the border with Indonesia...

    • Suco Holsa
    • Suco Lahomea
    • Suco Odamau
    • Suco Rai Fun
    • Suco Ritabou
    • Suco Saburai
    • Suco Tapo Memo

District Cova Lima

  • Subdistrict Fatululic
    • Suco Fatululic
    • Suco Taroman
  • Subdistrict Fatumean
    Fatumean is a subdistrict in the Cova Lima District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 3,346. Capital is Fatumea.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Beluluik Leten
    • Suco Fatumea
    • Suco Nanu
  • Subdistrict Fohorem
    Fohorem is a subdistrict in Cova Lima District, East Timor. Capital is Fohoren.- References :...

    • Suco Dato Rua
    • Suco Dato Tolu
    • Suco Fohoren
    • Suco Lactos
  • Subdistrict Zumalai
    Zumalai is a city and subdistrict in East Timor. It is part of Cova Lima District since 2003. Before, it was in Ainaro District....

    • Suco Beco II
    • Suco Fatuleto
    • Suco Lepo
    • Suco Lour
    • Suco Mape
    • Suco Raimera
    • Suco Ucecai
    • Suco Zulo
  • Subdistrict Maucatar
    Maucatar is a town and subdistrict in the Cova Lima District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 5,876.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Belecasac
    • Suco Holpilat
    • Suco Matai
      Matai (Maucatar)
      Matai is located on the northeast town of Suai, and it is Maucatar sub-district. Matai has three sub-Villages , Kunain/Maior, Kiar and Lohorai, each of these villages has its own leaders which under the Village Leader of Matai....

    • Suco Ogues
  • Subdistrict Suai
    Suai is a city in East Timor. It has a population of 23,000 and is located 138 km to the southwest of Dili, the national capital. Suai is the capital of the Cova Lima district, which is in the southwest of the country. It is located just a few kilometers from the Timor Sea, on the south side of the...

    • Suco Beco I
    • Suco Debos
    • Suco Labarat
    • Suco Kamenasa
    • Suco Suai Loro
  • Subdistrict Tilomar
    Tilomar is a city and subdistrict in Cova Lima District, East Timor....

    • Suco Foholulik
    • Suco Lalawa
    • Suco Maudemu

District Dili

  • Subdistrict Ataúro
    • Suco Beloi
    • Suco Biqueli
    • Suco Macadade
    • Suco Maquili
    • Suco Vila
  • Subdistrict Cristo Rei
    Cristo Rei
    Cristo Rei is a town and subdistrict in the Dili District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 43,909.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Akadiru-Hun
    • Suco Balibar
    • Suco Becora
    • Suco Bemori
    • Suco Hera
    • Suco Camea
    • Suco Kulu Hun
  • Subdistrict Dom Aleixo
    Dom Aleixo
    Dom Aleixo is a town and subdistrict in the Dili District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 71,489.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Bairro Pite
    • Suco Colmera
    • Suco Comoro
    • Suco Fatuhada
    • Suco Kampung Alor
    • Suco Motael
    • Suco Vila Verde
  • Subdistrict Metinaro
    Metinaro is a city in Dili District, East Timor. The coast has a wonderful diving area with a colourful world of animals.Metinaro is also the home of the East Timor's 1st Battalion F-FDTL . Located at the Metinaro Barracks is also the Recruit Training Centre and the Defence Force School of Languages...

    • Suco Sabuli
    • Suco Duyung
  • Subdistrict Nain Feto
    Nain Feto
    Nain Feto is a town and subdistrict in the Dili District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 18,693.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Bairro Central
    • Suco Bairro dos Grilhos
    • Suco Bairro Formosa
    • Suco Bidau Lecidere
    • Suco Bidau Santana
    • Suco Meti Aut
  • Subdistrict Vera Cruz
    Vera Cruz (East Timor)
    Vera Cruz is a subdistrict in the Dili District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 28,178.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Caicoli
    • Suco Dare
    • Suco Lahane Ocidental
    • Suco Lahane Oriental
    • Suco Mascarenhas
    • Suco Santa Cruz

District Ermera

  • Subdistrict Atsabe
    Atsabe is a town and subdistrict in the Ermera District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 16,037....

    • Suco Atara
    • Suco Baboe Kraik
    • Suco Baboe Leten
    • Suco Batu Manu
    • Suco Laklo
    • Suco Lasaun
    • Suco Laubonu
    • Suco Leimea Leten
    • Suco Malabe
    • Suco Obulo
    • Suco Parami
    • Suco Tiarlelo
  • Subdistrict Ermera
    Ermera is one of the districts of East Timor, located in the west-central part of the country. It has a population of 103,169 and an area of 746 km2. Its capital is Gleno, which is located 30 km to the southwest of the national capital, Dili...

    • Suco Estado
    • Suco Humboe
    • Suco Lauala
    • Suco Liguimea
    • Suco Mertutu
    • Suco Poetete
    • Suco Ponilala
    • Suco Raimerhei
    • Suco Riheu
    • Suco Talimoro
  • Subdistrict Hatulia
    Hatulia is a town and subdistrict in the Ermera District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 30,659.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Ailelo
    • Suco Asulau/Sare
    • Suco Fatubalu
    • Suco Fatubessi
    • Suco Hatulia
      Hatulia is a town and subdistrict in the Ermera District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 30,659.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Kailete Leotela
    • Suco Leimea Kraik
    • Suco Leimea Sarinbala
    • Suco Lisabat
    • Suco Manusea
    • Suco Mauabu
    • Suco Samara
    • Suco Uruhau
  • Subdistrict Letefoho
    Letefoho is a town and subdistrict in the Ermera District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 19,917.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Dukurai
    • Suco Eraulo
    • Suco Goulolo
    • Suco Hatugau
    • Suco Katrai Kraik
    • Suco Katrai Leten
    • Suco Lauana
    • Suco Letefoho
      Letefoho is a town and subdistrict in the Ermera District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 19,917.-Reference:*...

  • Subdistrict Railaco
    Railaco is a town and subdistrict in the Ermera District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 9,293.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Fatuquero
    • Suco Lihu
    • Suco Matata
    • Suco Oeleso
    • Suco Railaco Kraik
    • Suco Railako Leten
    • Suco Samaleten
    • Suco Taraso
    • Suco Tokoluli

District Lautém

  • Subdistrict Iliomar
    Iliomar is a town and subdistrict in the Lautém District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 6,726.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Iliomar I
      Iliomar is a town and subdistrict in the Lautém District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 6,726.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Iliomar II
      Iliomar is a town and subdistrict in the Lautém District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 6,726.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Ailebere
    • Suco Fuat
    • Suco Cainliu
    • Suco Tirilolo
  • Subdistrict Lautém
    Lautém (city)
    Lautém is a town and subdistrict in the Lautém District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 13,866.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Baduro
    • Suco Com
    • Suco Daudere
    • Suco Eukisi
    • Suco Ililai
    • Suco Maina I
    • Suco Maina II
    • Suco Pairara
    • Suco Parlamento
    • Suco Serelau
  • Subdistrict Lospalos
    Lospalos is a city in East Timor, 248 km to the east of Dili, the national capital. Lospalos has a population of 17,186 and is the capital of the district of Lautém and the subdistrict of Lospalos...

    • Suco Bauro
    • Suco Cacaven
    • Suco Fuiloro
      Fuiloro is a village on the northeastern tip of East Timor, near the city of Lospalos.- Airfield :Abisu Airfield was a heavy bomber airfield in Second World War consisting of two strips.- External links :*...

    • Suco Home
    • Suco Leuro
    • Suco Loré I
    • Suco Loré II
    • Suco Muapitine
    • Suco Raça
      Raca or RACA can refer to:* Raca, a Biblical term of Aramaic origin used in Matthew 5:22. See Aramaic of Jesus or Expounding of the Law.* Rača, a town and municipality in Serbia* Rača , river in Serbia...

    • Suco Souro
  • Subdistrict Luro
    Luro is a subdistrict and the name of two towns there in the Lautém District of East Timor. Its population at the 2010 census was 5,367, at the 2004 census was 6,205.- Reference :*...

    • Suco Afabubu
    • Suco Baricafa
    • Suco Cotamuto
    • Suco Lakawa
    • Suco Luro
      Luro is a subdistrict and the name of two towns there in the Lautém District of East Timor. Its population at the 2010 census was 5,367, at the 2004 census was 6,205.- Reference :*...

    • Suco Wairoke
  • Subdistrict Tutuala
    Tutuala is a town and subdistrict in the Lautém District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 3,707....

    • Suco Mehara
    • Suco Tutuala
      Tutuala is a town and subdistrict in the Lautém District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 3,707....

District Liquiçá
Liquiçá (district)
Liquiçá is one of the districts of East Timor. Its capital is also called Liquiçá.-Geography:Liquiçá District is situated on the northern coast of East Timor, and borders the districts of Dili to the east, Aileu to the Southeast, Ermera to the south, and Bobonaro to the southwest. To the...

  • Subdistrict Bazartete
    Bazartete is a village in East Timor, comprising a subdistrict of Liquiçá district, located on a mountain top deep in the rain forest, just to the southeast of Liquiçá township...

    • Suco Fahilebo
    • Suco Fatumasi
    • Suco Lauhata
    • Suco Leorema
    • Suco Maumeta
    • Suco Metagou
    • Suco Motaulun
    • Suco Tibar
    • Suco Ulmera
  • Subdistrict Liquiçá
    Liquiçá is a coastal city in East Timor, 32 km to the west of Dili, the national capital. Liquiçá is the capital of Liquiçá district...

    • Suco Asumano
    • Suco Darulete
    • Suco Dato
      Dato may refer to:* Dato', a Malay state title* dato , a Danish newspaper* Eduardo Dato e Iradier, Spanish politician* David "Dato" Khujadze, Georgian pop singer...

    • Suco Hatukesi
    • Suco Leotela
    • Suco Loidahar
    • Suco Lukulai
  • Subdistrict Maubara
    Maubara is a village in East Timor and is a subdistrict of the district of Liquiçá, just west of the city of Liquiçá.During the beginning of the Portuguese occupation, it was taken by the Netherlands. There is a historic Dutch fort, located at the entrance to the village on the seaside overlooking...

    • Suco Guguleur
    • Suco Guico
    • Suco Lisadilia
    • Suco Maubaralisa
    • Suco Vatuboro
    • Suco Vatuvou
    • Suco Vaviquinia

District Manatuto
Manatuto (district)
Manatuto is one of the districts of East Timor, located in the central part of the country. It reaches both the south and north coasts of the island, and is only one of two districts to do so . To the north is the Strait of Wetar, to the south is the Timor Sea...

  • Subdistrict Barique
    Barique (East Timor)
    Bariqu is a town and subdistrict in the Manatuto District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 4,781.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Aubeon
    • Suco Barique
      Barique (East Timor)
      Bariqu is a town and subdistrict in the Manatuto District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 4,781.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Fatuwaqui
    • Suco Manehat
    • Suco Umaboku
  • Subdistrict Laclo
    Laclo is a town and subdistrict in the Manatuto District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 7,558.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Hohorai
    • Suco Lacumesac
    • Suco Uma Caduac
    • Suco Uma Naruc
  • Subdistrict Laclubar
    Laclubar is a town and subdistrict in the Manatuto District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 8,034.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Batara
    • Suco Fatumakerek
    • Suco Funar
    • Suco Manelima
    • Suco Orlalan
    • Suco Sananain
  • Subdistrict Laleia
    Laleia is a town and subdistrict in the Manatuto District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 3,205.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Cairui
    • Suco Hatularan
    • Suco Lifau
  • Subdistrict Manatuto
    Manatuto is a city and one of the subdistricts of Manatuto District/East Timor.-The city:Manatuto Vila has 1,924 inhabitants and is capital of the subdistrict and district Manatuto. It is on the north coast of Timor, located 64 km to the east of Dili, the national capital, on the way to Baucau...

    • Suco Ailili
    • Suco Aiteas
    • Suco Cribas
    • Suco Iliheu
    • Suco Maabat
    • Suco Sau
  • Subdistrict Soibada
    Soibada is a town and subdistrict in the Manatuto District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 2,692.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Fatumakerek
    • Suco Leohat
    • Suco Manlala
    • Suco Maunfahe
    • Suco Samoro

District Manufahi
Manufahi is one of the districts of East Timor. It has a population of 44,235 and an area of 1,325 km2. The capital of the district is Same. The subdistricts are Alas, Fatuberlio, Same, and Turiscai. In the times of the Portuguese colony, the district was called Same, after the capital city...

  • Subdistrict Alas
    Alas (East Timor)
    Alas is a town and subdistrict in the Manufahi District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 6,485....

    • Suco Aituha
    • Suco Dotik
    • Suco Malagidan
    • Suco Taitudal
    • Suco Uma Berloik
  • Subdistrict Fatuberliu
    • Suco Bubususu
    • Suco Fatukahi
    • Suco Kaikasa
    • Suco Klakuk
    • Suco Talinehar
  • Subdistrict Same
    Same (East Timor)
    Same is a city and subdistrict in the interior of East Timor, 81 km south of Dili, the national capital. Same has a population of 25,000 and is the capital of the district of Manufahi, which was known as the district of Same in Portuguese Timor....

    • Suco Babulu
    • Suco Betano
    • Suco Daisula
    • Suco Gratu
    • Suco Holarua
    • Suco Letefoho
      Letefoho is a town and subdistrict in the Ermera District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 19,917.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Rotutu
    • Suco Tutuluro
  • Subdistrict Turiscai
    Turiscai is a town and subdistrict in the Manufahi District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 6,073.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Aitenua
    • Suco Beremana
    • Suco Fatukalo
    • Suco Kaimauk
    • Suco Foholau
    • Suco Lesuata
    • Suco Liurai
    • Suco Manumera
    • Suco Matorek
    • Suco Mindelo
    • Suco Orana

District Oecussi-Ambeno

  • Subdistrict Nitibe
    Nitibe is a small town in Nitibe subdistrict, in the East Timor exclave of Oecusse. It is located inland in the west of the exclave.-References:*Wheeler, T. East Timor. Footscray, VIC: Lonely Planet....

    • Suco Banafi
    • Suco Bebe Ufe
    • Suco Lela Ufe
    • Suco Suni Ufe
    • Suco Usi Taco
  • Subdistrict Oesilo
    Oesilo is a small town and sub-district in the East Timor exclave of Oecussi-Ambeno. It is located in the southeast of the exclave, close to the border with Indonesia.-References:*Wheeler, T. East Timor. Footscray, VIC: Lonely Planet....

    • Suco Bobometo
    • Suco Usitakeno
    • Suco Usitasae
  • Subdistrict Pante Macassar
    Pante Macassar
    Pante Macassar is a city and subdistrict on the north coast of East Timor, 281 km to the west of Dili, the nation's capital. It has a population of 4,730 . It is the capital of the Oecusse exclave .The name literally means "beach of Makasar," alluding to the erstwhile trade with Makasar in Sulawesi...

    • Suco Bobocasae
    • Suco Costa
    • Suco Cunha
    • Suco Lalisuk
    • Suco Lifau
      Lifau is a town and suco in the East Timor exclave of Oecusse District. The city is located west of the mouth of the Tono River. 1,938 people are living in the suco.- History :...

    • Suco Naimeco
    • Suco Nipane
      Nipane is a village development committee in Sindhuli District in the Janakpur Zone of south-eastern Nepal. At the time of the 1991 Nepal census it had a population of 1944 people living in 342 individual households.-External links:*...

    • Suco Taiboco
  • Subdistrict Passabe
    Passabe is a subdistrict of the Oecusse District of East Timor, which is an enclave surrounded by Indonesian West Timor. In the 2004 census it had a population of 7,531 people in 1,153 households. Passabe is a small village in the subdistrict, very near the Indonesian border...

    • Suco Abani
    • Suco Malelat

District Viqueque
Viqueque (district)
Viqueque is the largest of the districts of East Timor. It has a population of 66,434 and an area of 1,781 km2. The capital of the district is also named Viqueque. The subdistricts are Lacluta, Ossu, Uato-Lari , Uato Carabau and Viqueque...

  • Subdistrict Lacluta
    Lacluta is a town and subdistrict in the Viqueque District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 5,187.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Ahic
    • Suco Dilor
    • Suco Laline
    • Suco Uma Tolu
  • Subdistrict Ossu
    Õssu is a village in Ülenurme Parish, Tartu County, Estonia. It borders the city of Tartu to the east and is located by the Tartu–Viljandi road. Õssu has a population of 163 ....

    • Suco Builale
    • Suco Liaruca
    • Suco Loi-Huno
    • Suco Nahareca
    • Suco Ossorua
    • Suco Ossu de Cima
    • Suco Uabubo
    • Suco Uaguia
    • Suco Uaibobo
  • Subdistrict Uato-Lari
    Uato-Lari is a town and subdistrict in the Viqueque District of East Timor. Its population at the 2010 census was 18,145.- References :...

    • Suco Afaloicai
    • Suco Babulo
    • Suco Macadique
    • Suco Matohoi
    • Suco Uaitame
    • Suco Vessoru
  • Subdistrict Uatucarbau
    Uatucarbau is a town and subdistrict in the Viqueque District of East Timor. Its population at the 2004 census was 6,725.-Reference:*...

    • Suco Afaloicai
    • Suco Bahatata
    • Suco Irabin de baixo
    • Suco Irabin de cima
    • Suco Loi - Ulu
    • Suco Uani Uma
  • Subdistrict Viqueque
    Viqueque is a city in the south-east of East Timor, 183 km from Dili, the national capital. Viqueque is the capital of the district of Viqueque and subdistrict of Viqueque, in the eastern part of the country with five subdistricts under its control, they are: Uatu-Lari, Uatu-Carbau, Viqueque,...

    • Suco Bahalarauain
    • Suco Bibileo
    • Suco Caraubalu
    • Suco Fatu Dere
    • Suco Luca
    • Suco Maluru
    • Suco Uaimori
    • Suco Uma Qui’ic
    • Suco Uma Uain Craic
    • Suco Uma Uain Leten


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