Taalam Acey
Taalam Acey is an American spoken word artist. He began pursuing the art in 1997 after visiting a poetry reading upon the invitation of a friend. At that point in his life, Acey was a full-time lecturer in senior level accounting at Rutgers University
Rutgers University
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey , is the largest institution for higher education in New Jersey, United States. It was originally chartered as Queen's College in 1766. It is the eighth-oldest college in the United States and one of the nine Colonial colleges founded before the American...

 and a principal partner in a small business consulting firm. In 1999, Acey left Rutgers University to become a full-time performance poet. Each year, he travels to more than 50 cities in the United States and abroad to share his art and perspectives with enthralled audiences.
Much of Acey's poetry addresses social and political issues from an afro-centric perspective while he maintains a fan base of a wide range of ethinicities. His work also provides a poetic perspective of relationships, whether man to woman, mother to son, or man to man. He champions the struggles of single parenthood and fatherly responsibility.

Early years

Born in Newark, New Jersey
Newark, New Jersey
Newark is the largest city in the American state of New Jersey, and the seat of Essex County. As of the 2010 United States Census, Newark had a population of 277,140, maintaining its status as the largest municipality in New Jersey. It is the 68th largest city in the U.S...

, Acey spent his childhood immersed in the African-centered political analysis. At the time of his birth, his teenage parents were field soldiers in Amiri Baraka
Amiri Baraka
Amiri Baraka , formerly known as LeRoi Jones, is an American writer of poetry, drama, fiction, essays, and music criticism...

’s Community for a Unified Newark (CUAN). Notably, the year of Acey's birth, CUAN helped Kenneth Gibson
Kenneth A. Gibson
Kenneth Allen Gibson is an American Democratic Party politician, who was elected in 1970 as the 34th Mayor of Newark, New Jersey, the largest city in the state. He was the first African American elected mayor of any major Northeastern U.S. city...

 become the first black mayor of Newark.

Acey acquired his elementary education at Chad School in Newark. His father had been instrumental in organizing the private school, which employed all African-American staff and administrators. Chad School held high academic expectations of its students. The curriculum was geared to provide a positive sense of self, dispel negative stereotypes about African Americans, and teach the contributions of African Americans in society.

Career highlights

Acey was one of four poets from around the US selected by Essence
Essence (magazine)
Essence is a monthly magazine for African-American women between the ages of 18 and 49. The magazine covers fashion, lifestyle and beauty with an intimate girlfriend-to-girlfriend tone.-History:...

magazine to feature at the 2001 Essence Music Festival
Essence Music Festival
Essence Music Festival is an annual music festival celebrating contemporary African American music and culture. It is the largest event celebrating African American culture and music in the United States. It has been held in New Orleans, Louisiana every year since 1995 except for 2006, where it...

 in New Orleans. Previous to that, he was chosen to open up for activist Dick Gregory
Dick Gregory
Richard Claxton "Dick" Gregory is an American comedian, social activist, social critic, writer, and entrepreneur....

 for a live PBS broadcast from the University of Texas at Austin http://www.utexas.edu/. Acey was one of five poets from around the United States selected to feature in the New Jersey Performing Arts Center's ground breaking, "Theater of the Spoken Word". Acey has also lectured on performance poetry for the University of California at Berkeley's Center for Urban Education.

Along with Essence magazine (September 2001), his work has been featured in several publications including Philadelphia Weekly (December 2005), New Jersey Star Ledger (July 2001). Marc Smith
Marc Smith
Marc Kelly Smith is an American poet, and the creator and founder of the poetry slam movement, for which he received the nickname Slam Papi....

 the founder of slam poetry used examples of Acey's poetry in Smith's definitive book on slam poetry- The Complete Idiot's Guide to Slam Poetry (2004). BBC Radio One (London) featured Acey in its documentary on slam poetry
Slam poetry
A poetry slam is a competition at which poets read or recite original work. These performances are then judged on a numeric scale by previously selected members of the audience.-History:...


Acey was a member of the 1999 New York City slam team representing the world famous Nuyorican Cafe [www.nuyorican.org]. He was the 2000 Grand Slam Champion of London's Paddington International Poetry Festival. He was also the 2000-2001 New Jersey Slam master and the District of Columbia's Black Words Grand Slam Champion.

His first spoken word
Spoken word
Spoken word is a form of poetry that often uses alliterated prose or verse and occasionally uses metered verse to express social commentary. Traditionally it is in the first person, is from the poet’s point of view and is themed in current events....

 video "When the Smoke Clearz" was shown in film festivals in Los Angeles, New York, Amsterdam and Rotterdam. The video was one of only 22 films nominated for a 2002 Sundance Film Festival
Sundance Film Festival
The Sundance Film Festival is a film festival that takes place annually in Utah, in the United States. It is the largest independent cinema festival in the United States. Held in January in Park City, Salt Lake City, and Ogden, as well as at the Sundance Resort, the festival is a showcase for new...

 On-line Award.

He has won poetry slams and performed his poetry extensively throughout the continental United States, from Los Angeles
Los Ángeles
Los Ángeles is the capital of the province of Biobío, in the commune of the same name, in Region VIII , in the center-south of Chile. It is located between the Laja and Biobío rivers. The population is 123,445 inhabitants...

 to Amsterdam as well as in Mexico
The United Mexican States , commonly known as Mexico , is a federal constitutional republic in North America. It is bordered on the north by the United States; on the south and west by the Pacific Ocean; on the southeast by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea; and on the east by the Gulf of...

, Canada
Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...

, Germany
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...

, UK, Jamaica
Jamaica is an island nation of the Greater Antilles, in length, up to in width and 10,990 square kilometres in area. It is situated in the Caribbean Sea, about south of Cuba, and west of Hispaniola, the island harbouring the nation-states Haiti and the Dominican Republic...

, and Holland. Acey also makes time to perform for non-profit organizations such as shelters that serve as a lifeline to people at tenuous points in their lives. In 2004, Acey worked with Project Stay Free http://www.projectstayfree.org/, an at-risk youth program in Delaware (2008) designed to “educate and liberate youth from the juvenile justice system".

Along with thirteen spoken word CDs, Acey has published an award winning memoir, a novel, a comprehensive compilation of his poetry and most recently, a book titled, Excellent Exposure. Acey describes his latest effort as, "A defiantly open compendium of essays and poems derived from over a decade of success as a full-time world traveling poet. This self expository collection weaves critical thought, blunt introspection and empirical enlightenment."


Excellent Exposure, essays and poems, Word Supremacy Press, 2009

Troubled Soul Refinery, poetry compilation, Word Supremacy Press, 2007

What You Deserve, a novel, Word Supremacy Press, 2006

Eyes Free: The Memoir, Word Supremacy Press, 2003

Recorded Performances/CD

The Market 4 Change, Volume 2 (2009)

California Suite (2008)

Self Construct (2007)

The Market 4 Change (2007)

Underground Heavy (2006)

Pieces of Change Disc 2 (2005)

Pieces of Change Disc 1 (2005)

Belief System (2003)

Blues Resurgence (2002)

Code Blues (2001)

Morally Bankrupt Final: Mood Demystify (2000)

Morally Bankrupt Two: Pain Remover (2000)

Morally Bankrupt One: The Wickedest Man in Babylon (1999)

External links

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