Wahrmann is a surname
A surname is a name added to a given name and is part of a personal name. In many cases, a surname is a family name. Many dictionaries define "surname" as a synonym of "family name"...

 and may refer to:
  • Israel ben Solomon Wahrmann
    Israel ben Solomon Wahrmann
    Israel ben Solomon Wahrmann was the first officially recognized rabbi of Pest, Hungary- Biography :Wahrmann was born at Óbuda . In 1799 he was called to the rabbinate of Pest, and was the first officially recognized rabbi of the community, which developed rapidly under his leadership. His...

     , Hungarian rabbi and Talmudist
    • Judah Wahrmann
      Judah Wahrmann
      Judah Wahrmann, Hungarian rabbi; son of Israel Wahrmann; born 1791; died at Pest November 14, 1868. He was appointed associate rabbi and teacher of religion at the gymnasium of Budapest on 9 February 1851, and was the author of Ma'areket ha-Ha'ataḳot and Dat Yehudah, Mosaische Religionslehre...

       (1791 - 1868), rabbi, son of Israel Wahrmann
    • Moritz Wahrmann
      Moritz Wahrmann
      Moritz Wahrmann, Wahrmann Mór, Hungarian politician; grandson of Israel Wahrmann; born at Budapest 28 February 1832; died there 26 November 1892...

       (1832 - 1892), Hungarian politician, grandson of Israel
    • Alexander Wahrmann (?)


  • Abraham David ben Asher-Anshel Wahrman (Buczacz)
    Abraham David ben Asher Anshel Buczacz
    Abraham David ben Asher Anshel Wahrman , was a Galician Talmudist....

     (1770, Nadworna - 1840, Buczacz)
  • Wayne R. (P.) Wahrman
    Wayne Wahrman
    Wayne Wahrman, sometimes credited as Wayne P. Wahrman or Wayne R. Wahrman, is a film editor. He has worked on over twenty films in a career that has lasted more than three decades.-Filmography:* Tunnel Vision * Going Back...

    , a film editor
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