Xarabank is a prime time
Prime time
Prime time or primetime is the block of broadcast programming during the middle of the evening for television programing.The term prime time is often defined in terms of a fixed time period—for example, from 19:00 to 22:00 or 20:00 to 23:00 Prime time or primetime is the block of broadcast...

 talk show
Talk show
A talk show or chat show is a television program or radio program where one person discuss various topics put forth by a talk show host....

 produced by Where's Everybody
Where's Everybody
Where’s Everybody is a television production company based in the Malta.-History:Where’s Everybody was founded in 1999 as a TV production company, a partnership between Peppi Azzopardi, Lou Bondi and PJ Vassallo Mintoff...

 that airs every Friday on the Maltese
Malta , officially known as the Republic of Malta , is a Southern European country consisting of an archipelago situated in the centre of the Mediterranean, south of Sicily, east of Tunisia and north of Libya, with Gibraltar to the west and Alexandria to the east.Malta covers just over in...

 national television station TVM
TVM (Malta)
Television Malta is the national television station of Malta. TVM is operated by Public Broadcasting Services Ltd . PBS Ltd is state owned....

. The show is presented by Peppi Azzopardi
Peppi Azzopardi
Joseph "Peppi" Azzopardi, is a Maltese personality, most popular for hosting the popular discussion show Xarabank. He also contributed to L-Istrina, a yearly program which aims at gathering money for charity.-External links:* * * aaa...

. Various topics are discussed- from politics to hobbies.

The name comes from the Maltese word for "bus
Malta bus
A Malta bus was both the bus used for public transport on the Mediterranean island of Malta, and also a major tourist attraction on the island, due to their unique appearance grounded in the bus ownership and operation model employed on Malta...

", as on a Maltese bus one finds different people with different opinions who end up discussing and arguing on different topics.

Xarabank is Malta's most watched television programme.
Xarabank is the only discussion programme in Malta that has a live audience who can participate by having his/her say live.
Xarabank is broadcasted every Friday evening on TVM, Malta's National TV Station, between October and July. Xarabank has been on air since April 1997.
Xarabank investigates, discusses different issues and sometimes entertains.

External links

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