Yalwa is a worldwide business directory
in which companies can list their business and advertise within their local neighborhood. The Yalwa Business Directory is available in 38 countries worldwide, covering over 1600 cities and 5 major languages.
owners can list their company. Yalwa offers more than a thousand different categories to specify exactly what kind of products or services the listed businesses offer.
, Germany. Yalwa was launched in June 2007 with 12 English speaking countries. Within the following year, Yalwa was launched in 16 further countries, covering the languages Spanish, German, Dutch, and French. With the launch of 10 additional countries in December 2009, Yalwa was made available in 38 countries worldwide and in 5 languages.
Klaus P. Gapp, CEO and founder of the German start-up company Yalwa, previously founded and operated OpusForum.org, a local classifieds site for the German speaking market. OpusForum.org was bought by Ebay
in 2005 and merged with its classifieds site Kijiji one year later.
The major competitor for Yalwa are the Yellow Pages
Yalwa Blog: http://www.yalwa.info/local_business/blog/
Business directory
A Business directory is a website or print media listing of information which lists all businesses within some category. Businesses can be categorized by business, location, activity, or size. Business may be compiled either manually or through an automated online search software.The details...
in which companies can list their business and advertise within their local neighborhood. The Yalwa Business Directory is available in 38 countries worldwide, covering over 1600 cities and 5 major languages.
At the Yalwa business directory, small businessSmall business
A small business is a business that is privately owned and operated, with a small number of employees and relatively low volume of sales. Small businesses are normally privately owned corporations, partnerships, or sole proprietorships...
owners can list their company. Yalwa offers more than a thousand different categories to specify exactly what kind of products or services the listed businesses offer.
The Yalwa business directory is operated by the German startup company Yalwa located in WiesbadenWiesbaden
Wiesbaden is a city in southwest Germany and the capital of the federal state of Hesse. It has about 275,400 inhabitants, plus approximately 10,000 United States citizens...
, Germany. Yalwa was launched in June 2007 with 12 English speaking countries. Within the following year, Yalwa was launched in 16 further countries, covering the languages Spanish, German, Dutch, and French. With the launch of 10 additional countries in December 2009, Yalwa was made available in 38 countries worldwide and in 5 languages.
Klaus P. Gapp, CEO and founder of the German start-up company Yalwa, previously founded and operated OpusForum.org, a local classifieds site for the German speaking market. OpusForum.org was bought by Ebay
eBay Inc. is an American internet consumer-to-consumer corporation that manages eBay.com, an online auction and shopping website in which people and businesses buy and sell a broad variety of goods and services worldwide...
in 2005 and merged with its classifieds site Kijiji one year later.
The major competitor for Yalwa are the Yellow Pages
Yellow Pages
Yellow Pages refers to a telephone directory of businesses, organized by category, rather than alphabetically by business name and in which advertising is sold. As the name suggests, such directories were originally printed on yellow paper, as opposed to white pages for non-commercial listings...
External links
Yalwa homepage: http://www.yalwa.info/Yalwa Blog: http://www.yalwa.info/local_business/blog/