Amateur radio call signs of India
Amateur radio or ham radio
Amateur radio
Amateur radio is the use of designated radio frequency spectrum for purposes of private recreation, non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, and emergency communication...

 is practised by more than 16,000 licensed users in India
India , officially the Republic of India , is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world...

. The first amateur radio operator was licensed in 1921, and by the mid-1930s, there were around 20 amateur radio operators in India. Amateur radio operators have played an important part in the Indian independence movement
Indian independence movement
The term Indian independence movement encompasses a wide area of political organisations, philosophies, and movements which had the common aim of ending first British East India Company rule, and then British imperial authority, in parts of South Asia...

 with the establishment of pro-independence radio stations in the 1940s, which were illegal. The Wireless and Planning and Coordination Wing
Wireless and Planning and Coordination Wing
The Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing is a branch of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of the Government of India. The department is responsible for issuing amateur radio licenses and allotting the frequency spectrum and monitoring the frequency spectrum...

 (WPC)—a division of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (India)
The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology is an Indian government ministry. It contains three departments:*Department of Telecommunications*Department of Information Technology*Department of Posts...

—regulates amateur radio in India. The WPC assigns call signs, issues amateur radio licences, conducts exams, allots frequency spectrum, and monitors the radio waves.

Callsign blocks

The International Telecommunication Union
International Telecommunication Union
The International Telecommunication Union is the specialized agency of the United Nations which is responsible for information and communication technologies...

 has assigned India the following callsigns:
Callsign CQ ITU
8TA to 8YZ 22 41
VU to VW 22 41
ATA to AWZ 22 41

Note: The Andaman and Nicobar Islands come under ITU Zone 49 and CQ Zone 26.

In addition to the above, the base of Maitri
Maitri is India's second permanent research station in Antarctica. It was built and finished in 1989, shortly before the first station Dakshin Gangotri was buried in ice and abandoned in 1990-91...

 and the abandoned station of Dakshin Gangotri, also use the Indian callsigns but come under ITU Zone 67 and CQ Zone 38 respectively.

Defunct callsigns

  • CR8 – Portuguese India
    Portuguese India
    The Portuguese Viceroyalty of India , later the Portuguese State of India , was the aggregate of Portugal's colonial holdings in India.The government started in 1505, six years after the discovery of a sea route to India by Vasco da Gama, with the nomination of the first Viceroy Francisco de...

  • FN8 – French India
    French India
    French India is a general name for the former French possessions in India These included Pondichéry , Karikal and Yanaon on the Coromandel Coast, Mahé on the Malabar Coast, and Chandannagar in Bengal...

  • AC3 – the former monarchy of Sikkim
    Sikkim is a landlocked Indian state nestled in the Himalayan mountains...

    , now a state of India


The International Telecommunication Union
International Telecommunication Union
The International Telecommunication Union is the specialized agency of the United Nations which is responsible for information and communication technologies...

 (ITU) has divided all countries into three regions; India is located in ITU Region 3. These regions are further divided into two competing zones, the ITU and the CQ
CQ Amateur Radio
CQ Amateur Radio is a magazine for amateur radio enthusiasts. The magazine has a worldwide readership base for its English language edition. A Spanish language edition is published in Spain with some translations of articles from the English language edition and some original European content...

. Mainland India
Mainland India
Mainland India are the territories of India located on the Asian continental mainland. This includes the twenty-eight states and five out of seven union territories...

 and the Lakshadweep Islands come under ITU Zone 41 and CQ Zone 22, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands under ITU Zone 49 and CQ Zone 26. The ITU has assigned to India call-sign blocks 8TA to 8YZ, VUA to VWZ, and ATA to AWZ. The WPC allots the individual call-signs, or call sign series.

Call-sign Description
2** Callsigns used by early amateur radio operators before 1928. They were later converted to the VU series. (defunct)
  • AT0A – Antarctic expedition to Dakshin Gangotri in 1983
AT*JCB AT0JCB to AT9JCB – Special callsign allotted to mark the birth centenary of radio scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose in November/December 2007. See also AU*JCB.
  • AT3D – Special callsign for an Antarctic expedition for a 1994-1996 expedition to Antarctica.
  • AT3ANT – Special callsign for the 3rd and 5th Antarctic Activity Week.
  • AT6
  • AT6MM – Mahamastabhishekha Celebrations 2006 Special Event Amateur Radio Station
  • AT7
  • AT7CD – Bangalore Amateur Radio Club VU2ARC National Disaster Reduction Day
  • AT7LEO – Special Event Station at Tirupathi, Andhra Pradesh
    Andhra Pradesh
    Andhra Pradesh , is one of the 28 states of India, situated on the southeastern coast of India. It is India's fourth largest state by area and fifth largest by population. Its capital and largest city by population is Hyderabad.The total GDP of Andhra Pradesh is $100 billion and is ranked third...

  • AT8
  • AT8LH – Mahaballipuram Amateur Radio Light House Operation International LightHouse and LightShip Week
  • AT8LHC – Kadalur Point Lighthouse - Kerala - ILLW 2009 on occasion of Centenary Celebrations
  • AT8ESP – 5th Asian Congress of Esperanto Special Event Amateur (Ham) Radio Station, Bangalore
  • AT8WWF – India's First Flora and Fauna Amateur Radio Activity at Bannerhatta National Park
  • ATA
  • Time signal broadcast by the National Physical Laboratory of India at New Delhi
    New Delhi
    New Delhi is the capital city of India. It serves as the centre of the Government of India and the Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi. New Delhi is situated within the metropolis of Delhi. It is one of the nine districts of Delhi Union Territory. The total area of the city is...

  • Antarctic expeditions
  • ATN Antarctic expeditions
    AU*JSB AU0JCB to AU9JCB – Special callsign allotted to mark the birth centenary of radio scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose in November/December 2007. See also AT*JCB.
    VT (Aircraft)
    VU0 Special call sign to celebrate the birth centenary of Mahatma Gandhi
    Mahatma Gandhi
    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi , pronounced . 2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948) was the pre-eminent political and ideological leader of India during the Indian independence movement...

     in 1969
    VU2 Grade I and Advanced Grade callsigns
    VU3 Grade II and Grade II restricted callsigns
    VU4 Special callsign used for an Andaman and Nicobar Islands DX-pedition
    A DX-pedition is an expedition to what is considered an exotic place by amateur radio operators, perhaps because of its remoteness or because there are very few radio amateurs active from that place. This could be an island, a country, or even a particular spot on a geographical grid.The activity...

     in 2004
  • Callsigns used by the erstwhile Maharaja of Mysore
    Maharaja of Mysore
    Maharaja of Mysore was the principal title of the ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore in India.The Wodeyar dynasty founded a feudatory principality in 1399, which grew into the Kingdom of Mysore...

     and Indian railways
    Indian Railways
    Indian Railways , abbreviated as IR , is a departmental undertaking of Government of India, which owns and operates most of India's rail transport. It is overseen by the Ministry of Railways of the Government of India....

    High frequency
    High frequency radio frequencies are between 3 and 30 MHz. Also known as the decameter band or decameter wave as the wavelengths range from one to ten decameters . Frequencies immediately below HF are denoted Medium-frequency , and the next higher frequencies are known as Very high frequency...

     transmitters in pre-independence India.
  • Callsign used by the Lakshadweep Islands
  • Callsign used by a 1960 DX-pedition to the Andaman Islands
  • VU6 Special callsign used by a broadcast station in pre-independence India
    VU7 Special callsign used by a DX-pedition
    A DX-pedition is an expedition to what is considered an exotic place by amateur radio operators, perhaps because of its remoteness or because there are very few radio amateurs active from that place. This could be an island, a country, or even a particular spot on a geographical grid.The activity...

     in the Lakshadweep Islands in 2007
    VW (Marine vessels)
    CR8 Portuguese India
    Portuguese India
    The Portuguese Viceroyalty of India , later the Portuguese State of India , was the aggregate of Portugal's colonial holdings in India.The government started in 1505, six years after the discovery of a sea route to India by Vasco da Gama, with the nomination of the first Viceroy Francisco de...

    AC3 Former monarchy of Sikkim
    Sikkim is a landlocked Indian state nestled in the Himalayan mountains...

    FN8 French India
    French India
    French India is a general name for the former French possessions in India These included Pondichéry , Karikal and Yanaon on the Coromandel Coast, Mahé on the Malabar Coast, and Chandannagar in Bengal...


    See also

    • Amateur radio in India
      Amateur radio in India
      Amateur radio or ham radio is practised by more than 16,000 licensed users in India. The first amateur radio operator was licensed in 1921, and by the mid-1930s, there were around 20 amateur radio operators in India. Amateur radio operators played an important part in the Indian independence...

    • Amateur Station Operator's Certificate
      Amateur Station Operator's Certificate
      Amateur Station Operator's Certificate or ASOC is the examination that needs to be passed to receive an amateur radio licence in India. The exam is conducted by the Wireless and Planning and Coordination Wing of the Ministry of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology...

    • Amateur Radio Society of India
      Amateur Radio Society of India
      The Amateur Radio Society of India is a national non-profit organization for amateur radio enthusiasts in India. ARSI is recognized by the Indian government under the provisions of Section 13 of the Indian Societies Registration Act as amended and extended...

    • National Institute of Amateur Radio
      National Institute of Amateur Radio
      The National Institute of Amateur Radio is an amateur radio society based in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh in India. The organisation organises several HAM fests and coordinates between government bodies for the promotion of HAM radio....

    • Hamfest Celebrations in India

    External links

    The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.