List of mammal genera
There are currently 1243 genera, 155 families, 29 orders, and 5773 species of described mammal
Mammals are members of a class of air-breathing vertebrate animals characterised by the possession of endothermy, hair, three middle ear bones, and mammary glands functional in mothers with young...
- Ornithorhynchus
- Tachyglossus
- Zaglossus
DasyuromorphiaDasyuromorphiaThe order Dasyuromorphia comprises most of the Australian carnivorous marsupials, including quolls, dunnarts, the numbat, the Tasmanian devil, and the recently extinct thylacine...
- Dasycercus
- Dasykaluta
- Dasyuroides
- Dasyurus
- MyoictisMyoictisMyoictis is a genus of marsupials in the order Dasyuromorphia. It is found in New Guinea.There are four species:* Woolley’s Three-striped Dasyure, Myoictis leucura* Three-striped Dasyure, Myoictis melas...
- Neophascogale
- Parantechinus
- Phascolosorex
- Pseudantechinus
- SarcophilusSarcophilusSarcophilus is a genus of carnivorous marsupial best known for its only living member, the Tasmanian Devil.There are three species of Sarcophilus. S. laniarius and S. moornaensis are only known from fossils from the Pleistocene. S. laniarius was larger than the contemporary, and only surviving,...
- AntechinusAntechinusAntechinus is a genus of dasyurid marsupial that is indigenous to Australia and New Guinea. The majority of Antechinus species occur in Australia and only two species have been described in New Guinea...
- Micromurexia
- Murexechinus
- Murexia
- Paramurexia
- PhascogalePhascogaleThe Phascogales , also known as Wambengers, are carnivorous Australian marsupials of the family Dasyuridae. There are two species: the Brush-tailed Phascogale and the Red-tailed Phascogale...
- Phascomurexia
- PlanigalePlanigaleThe genus Planigale are small carnivorous marsupials found in Australia and New Guinea. It is the only genus in the Planigalini tribe of the subfamily Sminthopsinae...
- Antechinomys
- NingauiNingauiNingauis, members of the genus Ningaui, are small members of the dasyurid family. Along with the planigales, they are among the smallest marsupials. They are related to the dunnarts and are restricted to arid regions of Australia....
- Sminthopsis
- Myrmecobius
DidelphimorphiaDidelphimorphiaOpossums make up the largest order of marsupials in the Western Hemisphere, including 103 or more species in 19 genera. They are also commonly called possums, though that term technically refers to Australian fauna of the suborder Phalangeriformes. The Virginia opossum was the first animal to be...
- Caluromys
- Caluromysiops
- Chironectes
- DidelphisDidelphisThe six species in the genus Didelphis, commonly known as large American opossums, are members of the Didelphimorphia order....
- Lutreolina
- Philander
- MarmosaMarmosaThe nine species in the genus Marmosa are relatively small Neotropic members of the order Didelphimorphia. This genus is one of four that are known as mouse opossums. The others are Micoureus , Thylamys and Tlacuatzin, the grayish mouse opossum...
- MicoureusMicoureusMicoureus is a genus of Neotropic opossums of the family Didelphidae. It includes the following species:* Alston's Mouse Opossum * White-bellied Woolly Mouse Opossum...
- Monodelphis
- Tlacuatzin
- Metachirus
- Chacodelphys
- CryptonanusCryptonanusCryptonanus is a genus of opossums from South America. It includes five species found from Bolivia to Uruguay and eastern Brazil, one of which is now extinct. Although the first species were discovered in 1931, the genus was not recognized as distinct from Gracilinanus until 2005...
- GracilinanusGracilinanusGracilinanus is a genus of opossum in the family Didelphidae. It was separated from the genus Marmosa in 1989, and has since had the genus Cryptonanus removed from it...
- Lestodelphys
- MarmosopsMarmosopsMarmosops is a genus of Neotropic opossums of the family Didelphidae. It includes the following species:* Genus Marmosops** Bishop's Slender Opossum ** Narrow-headed Slender Opossum...
- ThylamysThylamysThylamys is a genus of opossum in the family Didelphidae. The premaxillae are rounded rather than pointed. The females lack a pouch. The females' nipples are arranged in two symmetrical rows on the abdomen All species but T...
- Glironia
- Hyladelphys
- DiprotodontiaDiprotodontiaDiprotodontia is a large order of about 120 marsupial mammals including the kangaroos, wallabies, possums, koala, wombats, and many others. Extinct diprotodonts include the rhinoceros-sized Diprotodon, and Thylacoleo, the so-called "marsupial lion"....
DiprotodontiaDiprotodontiaDiprotodontia is a large order of about 120 marsupial mammals including the kangaroos, wallabies, possums, koala, wombats, and many others. Extinct diprotodonts include the rhinoceros-sized Diprotodon, and Thylacoleo, the so-called "marsupial lion"....
- Hypsiprymnodon
- Dendrolagus
- DorcopsisDorcopsisThe dorcopsises are the marsupials of the genera Dorcopsis and Dorcopsulus. They are found in the tropical forests of New Guinea and Southeast Indonesia. They are placed in the subfamily Macropodinae, along with other Australasian marsupials such as wallabies, kangaroos, tree-kangaroos, pademelons,...
- DorcopsulusDorcopsulusDorcopsulus is a genus of marsupial in the Macropodidae family. It contains the following species:* Macleay's Dorcopsis * Small Dorcopsis...
- LagorchestesLagorchestesLagorchestes is a genus containing all but one of the species referred to as hare-wallabies. It has four species, two of which are extinct:* †Lake Mackay Hare-wallaby, Lagorchestes asomatus...
- MicropusMicropusMicropus is a genus of flowering plants in the daisy family.-Species:Species include:* Micropus amphibolus* Micropus californicus* Micropus supinus...
- Onychogalea
- Petrogale
- Setonix
- Thylogale
- Wallabia
- Lagostrophus
- Aepyprymnus
- Bettongia
- Potorous
- Acrobates
- Distoechurus
- DactylopsilaDactylopsilaDactylopsila is a genus of marsupial in the Petauridae family.It contains the following species:*Great-tailed Triok, Dactylopsila megalura*Long-fingered Triok, Dactylopsila palpator*Tate's Triok, Dactylopsila tatei...
- Gymnobelideus
- PetaurusPetaurusThe genus Petaurus contains flying phalangers or wrist-winged gliders, a group of arboreal marsupials. There are six species, Sugar Glider, Squirrel Glider, Mahogany Glider, Northern Glider, Yellow-bellied Glider and Biak Glider, and are native to Australia or New Guinea.Flying phalangers are...
- Hemibelideus
- Petauroides
- Petropseudes
- PseudocheirusPseudocheirusPseudocheirus is a genus of ringtail possums . It includes a single living species, the Common Ringtail Possum of Australia, as well as the fossil Pseudocheirus marshalli from the Pliocene of Victoria.Other species have previously been included in this genus...
- PseudochirulusPseudochirulusPseudochirulus is a genus of marsupial in the Pseudocheiridae family native to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Queensland, Australia.It contains the following species:*Lowland Ringtail Possum, Pseudochirulus canescens...
- PseudochiropsPseudochiropsPseudochirops is a genus of marsupial in the Pseudocheiridae family.It contains the following species:*D'Albertis' Ringtail Possum, Pseudochirops albertisii*Green Ringtail Possum, Pseudochirops archeri...
- Tarsipes
- BurramysBurramysBurramys is a genus of the family Burramyidae, and is represented by one living and 3 extinct species. It is one of two genera of pygmy possum, the other being Cercartetus.-Taxonomy:*Genus Burramys**†Burramys wakefieldi...
- CercartetusCercartetusThe genus Cercartetus is a group of very small possums known as pygmy possums. Four species comprise this genus, which together with the genus Burramys make up the marsupial family Burramyidae....
- Ailurops
- StrigocuscusStrigocuscusStrigocuscus is a marsupial genus in the family Phalangeridae. It contains the following species:* Sulawesi Dwarf Cuscus * Peleng Cuscus...
- PhalangerPhalangerPhalanger, from the Greek Phalangion, meaning spider's web, from their webbed toes is a genus of possum. They are marsupials of the family Phalangeridae...
- SpilocuscusSpilocuscusSpilocuscus is a genus of marsupial in the family Phalangeridae.It contains the following species:*Admiralty Island Cuscus, Spilocuscus kraemeri*Common Spotted Cuscus, Spilocuscus maculatus*Waigeou Cuscus, Spilocuscus papuensis...
- Trichosurus
- Wyulda
- PhascolarctosPhascolarctosThe genus Phascolarctos consists of 3 species, of which only one is alive today. The largest species was P. stirtoni that lived in the Pleistocene epoch...
- LasiorhinusLasiorhinusLasiorhinus is the genus containing the two hairy-nosed wombats, which are found in Australia. The species are:* Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat, Lasiorhinus krefftii* Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat, Lasiorhinus latifrons...
- Vombatus
- CaenolestesCaenolestesThe common shrew opossums , are members of the Caenolestidae family....
- Lestoros
- Rhyncholestes
PeramelemorphiaPeramelemorphiaThe order Peramelemorphia includes the bandicoots and bilbies: it equates approximately to the mainstream of marsupial omnivores...
- Echymipera
- Microperoryctes
- Rhynchomeles
- Isoodon
- Perameles
- Peroryctes
- Macrotis
AfrosoricidaAfrosoricidaThe order Afrosoricida contains the golden moles of southern Africa and the tenrecs of Madagascar and Africa, two families of small mammals that have traditionally been considered to be a part of the order Insectivora.Some biologists use Tenrecomorpha as the name for the tenrec-golden mole clade,...
- AmblysomusAmblysomusGolden Moles , also African Golden Moles and South African Golden Moles, is a genus of mammal in the Chrysochloridae family.It contains the following species:* Fynbos Golden Mole...
- CalcochlorisCalcochlorisCalcochloris is a genus of mammal in the Chrysochloridae family.It contains the following species:* Congo Golden Mole * Yellow Golden Mole * Somali Golden Mole...
- Neamblysomus
- Carpitalpa
- ChlorotalpaChlorotalpaChlorotalpa is a genus of mammal in the Chrysochloridae family.It contains the following species:* Duthie's Golden Mole * Sclater's Golden Mole...
- ChrysochlorisChrysochlorisChrysochloris is a genus of mammal in the Chrysochloridae family.It contains the following species:* Subgenus Chrysochloris**Cape Golden Mole **Visagie's Golden Mole...
- ChrysospalaxChrysospalaxChrysospalax is a small genus of mammal in the Chrysochloridae family. The two members are endemic to South Africa.It contains the following species:* Rough-haired Golden Mole * Giant Golden Mole...
- CryptochlorisCryptochlorisCryptochloris is a genus of golden moles, containing the two species De Winton's Golden Mole and Van Zyl's Golden Mole ....
- Eremitalpa
- Geogale
- Limnogale
- MicrogaleMicrogaleMicrogale is a genus of mammal in the Tenrecidae family. There are 22 living species and one known extinct species known from a fossil. Some species have been discovered in the last twenty years.It contains the following extant species:...
- Oryzorictes
- MicropotamogaleMicropotamogaleMicropotamogale is a genus of small, otter-like tenrecs native to riverine habitats of West African rainforests. They feed on aquatic animals and insects they can find and capture.Two species are recognized:...
- Potamogale
- EchinopsEchinopsEchinops is a genus of about 120 species of thistles in the daisy family Asteraceae, commonly known as globe thistles. They are native to Europe east to central Asia and south to the mountains of tropical Africa.Species include:...
- HemicentetesHemicentetesHemicentetes is a genus of tenrec with two species....
- Setifer
- Tenrec
- ElephantulusElephantulusElephantulus is a genus of elephant shrew in the Macroscelididae family.It contains the following species:* Short-snouted Elephant Shrew * Cape Elephant Shrew...
- Macroscelides
- Petrodromus
- RhynchocyonRhynchocyonRhynchocyon is a genus of elephant shrew in the Macroscelididae family. Members of this genus are known colloquially as the checkered elephant shrews.It contains the following four species:*Golden-rumped Elephant Shrew, Rhynchocyon chrysopygus...
- Dendrohyrax
- Heterohyrax
- Procavia
- Cynocephalus
- Galeopterus
LagomorphaLagomorphaThe lagomorphs are the members of the taxonomic order Lagomorpha, of which there are two living families, the Leporidae , and the Ochotonidae...
- Brachylagus
- Bunolagus
- Caprolagus
- LepusLepusLepus is the genus of hares.Lepus may also be:* Lepus , a group of stars* Arieşeni, a commune in Romania* Lepus-the story of a hare, a book by D.Brian Plummer...
- NesolagusNesolagusNesolagus is a genus of rabbits containing two species of striped rabbit, the Annamite Striped Rabbit and the Sumatran Striped Rabbit.-Species:Genus Nesolagus includes two species:* Annamite Striped Rabbit, Nesolagus timminsi...
- Oryctolagus
- Pentalagus
- Poelagus
- Pronolagus
- Romerolagus
- Sylvilagus
- Ochotona
- Allenopithecus
- Cercopithecus
- ChlorocebusChlorocebusChlorocebus is a genus of medium-sized primates from the family of Old World monkeys. There are six species currently recognized, although some classify them all as a single species with numerous subspecies...
- Erythrocebus
- Miopithecus
- Macaca
- Lophocebus
- Papio
- Theropithecus
- Cercocebus
- MandrillusMandrillusMandrillus is the genus of the mandrill and its close relative the drill. These two species are closely related to the baboons, and until recently were lumped together as a single species of baboon. Both Mandrillus species have long furrows on either side of their elongated snouts. The adult male...
- Rungwecebus
- Colobus
- NasalisProboscis MonkeyThe proboscis monkey or long-nosed monkey, known as the bekantan in Malay, is a reddish-brown arboreal Old World monkey that is endemic to the south-east Asian island of Borneo...
- Presbytis
- ProcolobusProcolobusProcolobus is the genus of the red colobus monkeys and the olive colobus. Some authorities restrict the genus Procolobus to the olive colobus, placing the remaining in Piliocolobus. They are found in Africa where almost entirely restricted to forests...
- Pygathrix
- Rhinopithecus
- Semnopithecus
- Simias
- Trachypithecus
- GorillaGorillaGorillas are the largest extant species of primates. They are ground-dwelling, predominantly herbivorous apes that inhabit the forests of central Africa. Gorillas are divided into two species and either four or five subspecies...
- HomoHomoHomo may refer to:*the Greek prefix ὅμο-, meaning "the same"*the Latin for man, human being*Homo, the taxonomical genus including modern humans...
- PanChimpanzeeChimpanzee, sometimes colloquially chimp, is the common name for the two extant species of ape in the genus Pan. The Congo River forms the boundary between the native habitat of the two species:...
- Pongo
- HylobatesHylobatesThe genus Hylobates is one of the four genera of gibbons. It was once considered the only genus, but recently its subgenera have been elevated to the genus level. Hylobates remains the most speciose and widespread of gibbon genera, ranging from southern China to western and central Java...
- Hoolock
- NomascusNomascusNomascus is the second most speciose genus of gibbons . Originally this genus was a subgenus of Hylobates, and all individuals were considered one species, Hylobates concolor. Species within Nomascus are characterized by 52 chromosomes...
- Symphalangus
- Callimico
- Callibella
- CallithrixCallithrixCallithrix is a genus of New World Monkeys of the family Callitrichidae, the family containing marmosets and tamarins. The genus contains the Atlantic forest marmosets. The genera Mico and Callibella were formerly considered a subgenus of the genus Callithrix...
- Cebuella
- MicoMico (genus)Mico is a genus of New World monkeys of the family Callitrichidae, the family containing marmosets and tamarins. The genus was formerly considered a subgenus of the genus Callithrix.-Taxonomy:...
- Saguinus
- Leontopithecus
- CebusCEBusCEBus, short for Consumer Electronics Bus, also known as EIA-600, is a set of electrical standards and communication protocols for electronic devices to transmit commands and data...
- Saimiri
- Aotus
- Pithecia
- Chiropotes
- Cacajao
- Callicebus
- Ateles
- Brachyteles
- Lagothrix
- Oreonax
- Alouatta
- Tarsius
- Daubentonia
- Allocebus
- Cheirogaleus
- Microcebus
- MirzaMirzaMirza , is of Persian origin, denoting the rank of a high nobleman or Prince. It is usually translated into English as a royal or imperial Prince of the Blood...
- Phaner
- Avahi
- IndriIndriThe indri , also called the babakoto, is one of the largest living lemurs. It is a diurnal tree-dweller related to the sifakas and, like all lemuroids, it is native to Madagascar.- Etymology :...
- Propithecus
- Eulemur
- Hapalemur
- LemurLemurLemurs are a clade of strepsirrhine primates endemic to the island of Madagascar. They are named after the lemures of Roman mythology due to the ghostly vocalizations, reflective eyes, and the nocturnal habits of some species...
- Prolemur
- Varecia
- Lepilemur
- Otolemur
- Euoticus
- GalagoGalagoGalagos , also known as bushbabies, bush babies or nagapies , are small, nocturnal primates native to continental Africa, and make up the family Galagidae...
- Arctocebus
- Loris
- Nycticebus
- Perodicticus
- Pseudopotto
- Aplodontia
- CallosciurusCallosciurusCallosciurus is a genus of squirrels collectively referred to as the "Beautiful squirrels". They are found mainly in Southeast Asia, though a few species also occur in Nepal, northeastern India, Bangladesh and southern China. Several of the species have settled on islands. In total, the genus...
- Dremomys
- ExilisciurusExilisciurusExilisciurus is a genus of rodent in the Sciuridae family.It contains the following species:* Philippine Pygmy Squirrel * Least Pygmy Squirrel * Tufted Pygmy Squirrel...
- FunambulusFunambulusFunambulus is a genus of rodent in the Sciuridae family.It contains the following species:* Genus Funambulus** Subgenus Funambulus*** Layard's Palm Squirrel *** Indian Palm Squirrel...
- Glyphotes
- HyosciurusHyosciurusHyosciurus is a genus of rodent in the Sciuridae family found in Indonesia.It contains the following species:* Montane Long-nosed Squirrel * Lowland Long-nosed Squirrel -References:...
- LariscusLariscusStriped ground squirrels form a taxon of squirrels under the subfamily Callosciurinae. They are only found in Southeast Asia. Species in this genus include:...
- Menetes
- Nannosciurus
- ProsciurillusProsciurillusProsciurillus is a genus of rodent in the Sciuridae family, found in Indonesia.It contains the following species:* Secretive Dwarf Squirrel * Whitish Dwarf Squirrel...
- Rhinosciurus
- Rubrisciurus
- SundasciurusSundasciurusSundasciurus is a genus of rodent in the Sciuridae family.It contains two subgenera with 15 species:*Genus Sundasciurus**Subgenus Sundasciurus*** Brooke's Squirrel...
- Tamiops
- Ratufa
- MicrosciurusMicrosciurusMicrosciurus or dwarf squirrels is a genus of squirrels from the tropical regions of Central and South America.There are four recognized species, however, recent DNA analysis has shown that there is some confusion regarding the traditional classification of the Microsciurus species:Genus...
- Rheithrosciurus
- SciurusSciurusThe genus Sciurus contains most of the common, bushy-tailed squirrels in North America, Europe, temperate Asia, Central America and South America.-Species:There are 30 species.Genus Sciurus - Tree squirrels*Subgenus Sciurus...
- Syntheosciurus
- Tamiasciurus
- Aeretes
- Aeromys
- Belomys
- Biswamoyopterus
- Eoglaucomys
- Eupetaurus
- Glaucomys
- HylopetesHylopetesHylopetes is a genus of flying squirrels.-Species:*Particolored Flying Squirrel Hylopetes alboniger *Afghan Flying Squirrel Hylopetes baberi *Bartel's Flying Squirrel Hylopetes bartelsi Chasen, 1939...
- IomysIomysIomys is a genus of rodent in the Sciuridae family.Its species include:* Javanese Flying Squirrel * Mentawi Flying Squirrel...
- Petaurillus
- PetauristaPetauristaPetaurista is a genus of rodent in the Sciuridae family. Squirrels in this family are generally large nocturnal squirrels.It contains the following species:* Red And White Giant Flying Squirrel...
- PetinomysPetinomysPetinomys is a genus of rodent in the Sciuridae family.It contains the following species:* Basilan Flying Squirrel * Travancore Flying Squirrel * Whiskered Flying Squirrel...
- Pteromys
- Pteromyscus
- Trogopterus
- Sciurillus
- Ammospermophilus
- Cynomys
- EutamiasEutamiasEutamias is a genus of chipmunks within the tribe Marmotini of the squirrel family. It includes a single living species, the Siberian chipmunk . The genus is often treated as a subgenus of Tamias, which is now restricted to the eastern chipmunk of North America...
- Marmota
- NeotamiasNeotamiasNeotamias is a genus of chipmunks within the tribe Marmotini of the squirrel family. It contains 23 species, which mostly occur in western North America...
- NotocitellusNotocitellusNotocitellus is a genus of ground squirrels, containing two species. These species are the tropical ground squirrel , and the ring-tailed ground squirrel . Notocitellus was formerly placed in the large ground squirrel genus Spermophilus, as a subgenus or species group...
- OtospermophilusOtospermophilusOtospermophilus is a genus of ground squirrels in the family Sciuridae, containing three species. Otospermophilus was formerly placed in the large ground squirrel genus Spermophilus, as a subgenus or species group...
- Poliocitellus
- SciurotamiasSciurotamiasSciurotamias is a genus of rodent in the Sciuridae family, found in China.It contains the following species:* Pére David's Rock Squirrel * Forrest's Rock Squirrel...
- SpermophilusSpermophilusSpermophilus is a genus of ground squirrels in the family Sciuridae. The majority of ground squirrel species, over 40 in total, are usually placed in this genus...
- Tamias
- XerospermophilusXerospermophilusXerospermophilus is a genus of ground squirrels in the family Sciuridae, containing four species. The members of this genus were formerly placed in the large ground squirrel genus Spermophilus. Since DNA sequencing of the cytochrome b gene has shown Spermophilus to be paraphyletic to the prairie...
- EpixerusEpixerusEpixerus ebii, also known as Ebian's Palm Squirrel, Temminck's Giant Squirrel, or the Western Palm Squirrel, is a species of rodent in the Sciuridae family...
- Funisciurus
- Heliosciurus
- Myosciurus
- Paraxerus
- Protoxerus
- Atlantoxerus
- Spermophilopsis
- Xerus
- GraphiurusGraphiurusThe African dormice, Graphiurus, are a genus of dormouse that live throughout sub-Saharan Africa in a variety of habitats. They are very agile climbers and have bushy tails...
- Chaetocauda
- Dryomys
- EliomysEliomysEliomys is a genus of rodent in the Gliridae family.It contains the following species:* Asian Garden Dormouse, Eliomys melanurus* Maghreb Garden Dormouse, Eliomys munbyanus* Garden Dormouse, Eliomys quercinus-References:...
- MyomimusMyomimusMyomimus is a genus of rodent in the Gliridae family.It contains the following species:* Masked Mouse-tailed Dormouse * Roach's Mouse-tailed Dormouse * Setzer's Mouse-tailed Dormouse...
- Muscardinus
- Selevinia
- Glirulus
- Glis
- CastorBeaverThe beaver is a primarily nocturnal, large, semi-aquatic rodent. Castor includes two extant species, North American Beaver and Eurasian Beaver . Beavers are known for building dams, canals, and lodges . They are the second-largest rodent in the world...
- Dipodomys
- Microdipodops
- HeteromysHeteromysHeteromys is a genus of rodent in the family Heteromyidae.It contains the following species:* Trinidad Spiny Pocket Mouse * Southern Spiny Pocket Mouse...
- LiomysLiomysLiomys is a genus of rodent in the Heteromyidae family.It contains the following species:* Panamanian Spiny Pocket Mouse * Mexican Spiny Pocket Mouse * Painted Spiny Pocket Mouse...
- ChaetodipusChaetodipusChaetodipus is a genus of pocket mouse containing 19 species endemic to the United States and Mexico. Like other members of their family such as pocket mice in the genus Perognathus, they are more closely related to pocket gophers than to true mice....
- PerognathusPerognathusPerognathus is a genus of pocket mouse. Like other members of their family they are more closely related to pocket gophers than to true mice.-Characteristics:...
- CratogeomysCratogeomysCratogeomys is a genus of rodent in the Geomyidae family. It was previously considered a subgenus of Pappogeomys.It contains the following species:* Yellow-faced Pocket Gopher...
- GeomysGeomysThe genus Geomys contains nine species of pocket gophers often collectively referred to as the eastern pocket gophers. Like all pocket gophers, members of this genus are fossorial herbivores.-Species:*Geomys...
- OrthogeomysOrthogeomysOrthogeomys is a genus of rodent in the Geomyidae family, found in Mexico, Central America and Colombia.It contains the following species:* Chiriqui Pocket Gopher * Cherrie's Pocket Gopher...
- PappogeomysPappogeomysPappogeomys is a genus of rodent in the Geomyidae family.It contains the following species:* Alcorn's Pocket Gopher * Buller's Pocket Gopher...
- Thomomys
- Zygogeomys
- AllactagaAllactagaThe genus Allactaga contains the four and five-toed jerboas of Asia.-Characteristics:These are hopping rodents of desert and semi-arid regions with long ears, tails and feet. All members of the genus have five toes except for a single species, the Four-toed Jerboa, Allactaga tetradactyla of...
- Allactodipus
- PygeretmusPygeretmusPygeretmus is a genus of rodent in the Dipodidae family.It contains the following species:* Lesser Fat-tailed Jerboa * Dwarf Fat-tailed Jerboa * Greater Fat-tailed Jerboa...
- Cardiocranius
- Salpingotulus
- SalpingotusSalpingotusSalpingotus is a genus of rodent in the Dipodidae family.It contains the following species:* Genus Salpingotus**Subgenus Anguistodontus*** Thick-tailed Pygmy Jerboa **Subgenus Prosalpingotus...
- Dipus
- Eremodipus
- JaculusJaculusThe jaculus is a small mythical serpent or dragon. It can be shown with wings and sometimes has front legs. It is also sometimes known as the javelin snake.-In Mythology:...
- Paradipus
- StylodipusStylodipusStylodipus is a genus of rodent in the Dipodidae family.It contains the following species:* Andrews's Three-toed Jerboa * Mongolian Three-toed Jerboa...
- Euchoreutes
- Sicista
- Eozapus
- Napaeozapus
- ZapusZapusZapus is a genus of North American jumping mice. It is the only genus whose members have the dental formula: Zapus are the only extant mammals with a total of 18 teeth ....
- Platacanthomys
- Typhlomys
- Calomyscus
- AlticolaAlticolaAlticola is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:*Subgenus Alticola** White-tailed Mountain Vole ** Silver Mountain Vole...
- Arborimus
- ArvicolaArvicolaThe water voles are large voles in the genus Arvicola. They are found in both aquatic and dry habitat through Europe and much of northern Asia...
- BlanfordimysBlanfordimysBlanfordimys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Afghan Vole * Bucharian Vole -References:...
- Caryomys
- ChionomysChionomysChionomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Caucasian Snow Vole * European Snow Vole * Robert's Snow Vole -References:...
- Dicrostonyx
- Dinaromys
- EllobiusEllobiusEllobius is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Alai Mole Vole * Southern Mole Vole * Transcaucasian Mole Vole...
- EolagurusEolagurusEolagurus is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Yellow Steppe Lemming * Przewalski's Steppe Lemming -References:...
- EothenomysEothenomysEothenomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Kachin Red-backed Vole * Pratt's Vole * Southwest China Vole...
- HyperacriusHyperacriusHyperacrius is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* True's Vole * Murree Vole -References:...
- LagurusLagurus (rodent)Lagurus is a genus in the subfamily Arvicolinae . Together with the closely related Eolagurus, it forms the tribe Lagurini. Lagurus includes a single living species, the steppe lemming of central Eurasia...
- LasiopodomysLasiopodomysLasiopodomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Brandt's Vole * Plateau Vole * Mandarin Vole -References:...
- Lemmiscus
- Lemmus
- MicrotusMicrotusThe genus Microtus is a group of voles found in North America, Europe and northern Asia. The genus name refers to the small ears of these animals. There are 62 species in the genus....
- Myodes
- Myopus
- NeodonNeodonNeodon is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae. Species within the Neodon genus are classified as relics of the Pleistocene epoch because the occlusal patterns resemble the extinct Allophaiomys.The Neodon genus contains the following species:...
- Neofiber
- Ondatra
- Phaiomys
- Phenacomys
- ProedromysProedromysProedromys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae from China. It is part of the tribe Arvicolini within the subfamily Arvicolinae, which contains the voles, lemmings, and relatives.It contains the following species:...
- Prometheomys
- Synaptomys
- VolemysVolemysVolemys is a small genus of rodents in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Szechuan Vole * Marie's Vole Both members of this genus are endemic to China.-References:...
- AllocricetulusAllocricetulusAllocricetulus is a genus of hamsters in the family Cricetidae, which are found in Asia.It contains the following two species:* Mongolian Hamster * Eversmann's Hamster -References:...
- Cansumys
- Cricetulus
- Cricetus
- MesocricetusMesocricetusMesocricetus is a genus of Old World hamsters, including the Golden hamster or Syrian hamster, the first hamster to be introduced as a domestic pet and still the most popular species for that purpose....
- Phodopus
- Tscherskia
- BaiomysBaiomysBaiomys is the genus of New World pygmy mice. Together with Scotinomys, it forms the tribe Baiomyini. It currently contains two extant species:*Southern Pygmy Mouse, Baiomys musculus*Northern Pygmy Mouse, Baiomys taylori-References:...
- HabromysHabromysHabromys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae, found in Mexico and Central America.It contains the following species:* Chinanteco Deermouse * Delicate Deermouse ...
- Hodomys
- IsthmomysIsthmomysIsthmomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae, belonging to the tribe Reithrodontomyini. Species are:*Yellow Isthmus Rat *Mt. Pirri Isthmus Rat -References:...
- MegadontomysMegadontomysMegadontomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae, found in Mexico.It contains the following species:* Oaxaca Giant Deer Mouse * Nelson's Giant Deer Mouse...
- Nelsonia
- Neotoma
- Neotomodon
- Ochrotomys
- Onychomys
- Osgoodomys
- PeromyscusPeromyscusThe genus Peromyscus contains the animal species commonly referred to as deer mice. This is a genus of New World mouse only distantly related to the common house mouse and laboratory mouse, Mus musculus...
- Podomys
- ReithrodontomysReithrodontomysReithrodontomys is the genus of groove-toothed New World harvest mice.-Species:This genus contains twenty species:*Guerrero Harvest Mouse *Short-Nosed Harvest Mouse...
- ScotinomysScotinomysScotinomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae. Together with Baiomys, it forms the tribe Baiomyini.It contains the following species:* Alston's Brown Mouse * Chiriqui Brown Mouse...
- Xenomys
- DelomysDelomysDelomys is a genus of South American rodents in the tribe Thomasomyini of family Cricetidae. Three species are known, all found in Argentina and Brazil. They are as follows:* Montane Atlantic Forest Rat...
- Irenomys
- JuliomysJuliomysJuliomys is a genus of South American rodents of the family Cricetidae. Four species are known, all found in Argentina and Brazil. They are as follows:* Juliomys anoblepas * Juliomys ossitenuis*Juliomys pictipes...
- Phaenomys
- PunomysPunomysPunomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Eastern Puna Mouse * Puna Mouse...
- WiedomysWiedomysWiedomys is a genus of South American rodents in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Cerrado Red-nosed Mouse * Red-nosed Mouse...
- Wilfredomys
- AbrothrixAbrothrixAbrothrix is a genus of rodent in the tribe Abrotrichini of family Cricetidae.It contains the following living species:*Abrothrix andinus*Abrothrix hershkovitzi*Abrothrix illuteus*Abrothrix jelskii*Abrothrix lanosus...
- ChelemysChelemysChelemys is a genus of South American rodents in the tribe Abrotrichini of family Cricetidae. Three species—Chelemys delfini, Chelemys macronyx, and Chelemys megalonyx—are known, all found in central and southern Chile and Argentina....
- Geoxus
- Notiomys
- Pearsonomys
- AkodonAkodonAkodon is a genus consisting of South American grass mice. They mostly occur south of the Amazon Basin and along the Andes north to Venezuela, but are absent from much of the basin itself, the far south of the continent, and the lowlands west of the Andes. Akodon is one of the most species-rich...
- BibimysBibimysBibimys is a genus of new world rats. Commonly known as the crimson-nosed rats, there are three species:*Bibimys chacoensis - Chaco Crimson-nosed Rat - found in north-east Argentina...
- Blarinomys
- Brucepattersonius
- Deltamys
- JuscelinomysJuscelinomysJuscelinomys is a genus of burrowing mice. The name is derived from Brazilian president Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira who created the city of Brasilia where the Brasilia Burrowing Mouse was discovered.There are two living species:...
- KunsiaKunsiaKunsia is the genus of giant rats. There are two South American species, both of which are classified as vulnerable by IUCN:*K. fronto *K. tomentosus...
- Lenoxus
- NecromysNecromysNecromys is a genus of South American sigmodontine rodents allied to Akodon. This genus has also been known as Cabreramys or more recently Bolomys. N. urichi has recently been transferred from Akodon....
- OxymycterusOxymycterusOxymycterus is the genus of hocicudos. They are rat-like animals endemic to South America.Species listing:Oxymycterus is the genus of hocicudos. They are rat-like animals endemic to South America.Species listing:...
- Podoxymys
- ScapteromysScapteromysScapteromys is a genus of South American rodents in the tribe Akodontini of family Cricetidae. Two species are known, found in northern Argentina, southern Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay...
- ThalpomysThalpomysThalpomys is a genus of South American rodents in the tribe Akodontini of family Cricetidae. Two species are known, both found in the cerrado tropical savanna ecoregion of central Brazil. They are as follows:* Cerrado Mouse...
- Thaptomys
- Anotomys
- ChibchanomysChibchanomysChibchanomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Las Cajas Water Mouse * Chibchan Water Mouse...
- IchthyomysIchthyomysIchthyomys is a genus of semiaquatic rodents in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Crab-eating Rat * Pittier's Crab-eating Rat...
- NeusticomysNeusticomysNeusticomys is a genus of semiaquatic South American rodents in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Ferreira's Fish-eating Rat * Montane Fish-eating Rat...
- RheomysRheomysRheomys is a genus of semiaquatic rodents in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Mexican Water Mouse * Goldman's Water Mouse * Thomas's Water Mouse...
- AegialomysAegialomysAegialomys is a genus of oryzomyine rodents from the lowlands and mountains of western Peru and Ecuador, including the Galápagos Islands. The species in this genus have historically been placed in Oryzomys, but according to cladistic research, the genus is more closely related to a group...
- Amphinectomys
- CerradomysCerradomysCerradomys is a genus of oryzomyine rodents from eastern Bolivia, Paraguay, and central Brazil found in cerrado, Caatinga and Gran Chaco habitats. The species in this genus have historically been placed in Oryzomys, but according to cladistic research, they are not more closely related to the type...
- DrymoreomysDrymoreomysDrymoreomys is a genus of rodents in the tribe Oryzomyini, from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. The single species, D. albimaculatus, is known only from the states of São Paulo and Santa Catarina and was not named until 2011. It lives in the humid forest on the eastern slopes of the Serra do...
- Eremoryzomys
- EuryoryzomysEuryoryzomysEuryoryzomys is a genus of rodents in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae. It includes six species, which are distributed in South America. Until 2006, its members were included in the genus Oryzomys, but they are not closely related to the type species of that genus, and therefore they were...
- HandleyomysHandleyomysHandleyomys is a genus of Central and South American rodents in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae. It was first described in 2002 to include two species from the Colombian Andes which were previously included in distinct and unrelated genera, Aepeomys and Oryzomys, but which turned out to...
- HolochilusHolochilusHolochilus is a genus of semiaquatic rodents in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae, sometimes called marsh rats. It contains three living species, Holochilus brasiliensis, Holochilus chacarius, and Holochilus sciureus, which are widely distributed in South America east of the Andes, and a...
- HylaeamysHylaeamysHylaeamys is a genus of South American oryzomyine rodents found principally in humid forested areas east of the Andes. The species in this genus have historically been placed in Oryzomys. They are most closely related to Euryoryzomys, Transandinomys, Nephelomys, Oecomys, and Handleyomys, and most...
- Lundomys
- MelanomysMelanomysMelanomys is a genus of rodent in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae, which is distributed in northern South America and adjacent Central America. It contains three species, two of which—Melanomys robustulus and Melanomys zunigae—have limited distributions...
- Microakodontomys
- MicroryzomysMicroryzomysMicroryzomys is a genus of rodent in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae. It is closely related to Oreoryzomys, Oligoryzomys, and Neacomys. It contains two species, both restricted to the Andes: Microryzomys altissimus and Microryzomys minutus.-Literature cited:*Musser, G.G. and Carleton,...
- Mindomys
- NeacomysNeacomysThe genus Neacomys, also known as bristly mice because of their spiny fur, includes several species of rodents in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae. It is most closely related to Oligoryzomys, Oreoryzomys, and Microryzomys. Neacomys species are mainly found in Amazonia, but N. pictus occurs...
- NectomysNectomysNectomys is a genus of rodent in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae. It is closely related to Amphinectomys and was formerly considered congeneric with Sigmodontomys...
- NephelomysNephelomysNephelomys is a genus of South American oryzomyine rodents found in the Andes from Bolivia to Venezuela, with a westward extension into the mountains of Costa Rica...
- NesoryzomysNesoryzomysNesoryzomys is a genus of rodent in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae, endemic to the Galápagos Islands. Other rodents restricted to the Galápagos include Megaoryzomys curioi and Aegialomys galapagoensis.-References:...
- OecomysOecomysOecomys is a genus of rodent within the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae. It contains about 17 species, which live in trees and are distributed across forested parts of South America, extending into Panama and Trinidad.-Literature cited:...
- OligoryzomysOligoryzomysOligoryzomys is a genus of rodents in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae. Many species are known as pygmy rice rats or colilargos...
- Oreoryzomys
- OryzomysOryzomysOryzomys is a genus of semiaquatic rodents in the tribe Oryzomyini living in southern North America and far northern South America. It includes eight species, two of which—the marsh rice rat of the United States and O. couesi of Mexico and Central America—are widespread; the six others have...
- Pseudoryzomys
- ScolomysScolomysScolomys is a genus of rodent in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae. Some evidence suggests that it is related to Zygodontomys. It is characterized, among other traits, by spiny fur. It contains two species, Scolomys melanops and Scolomys ucayalensis.-Literature cited:*Musser, G.G. and...
- SigmodontomysSigmodontomysSigmodontomys is a genus of rodent in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae. It is related to Nectomys and Melanomys and was previously included in Nectomys. It includes two species, Sigmodontomys alfari and the much rarer Sigmodontomys aphrastus, but whether these are indeed each other's...
- Sooretamys
- TransandinomysTransandinomysTransandinomys is a genus of rodents in the tribe Oryzomyini of family Cricetidae. It includes two species—T. bolivaris and T. talamancae—found in forests from Honduras in Central America south and east to southwestern Ecuador and northwestern Venezuela in northern South America...
- ZygodontomysZygodontomysZygodontomys is a genus of rodent in the tribe Oryzomyini of the family Cricetidae. Its closest relative may be Scolomys. It ranges from Central America east to the Guianas. It contains two species: Zygodontomys brunneus and Zygodontomys brevicauda....
- AndalgalomysAndalgalomysAndalgalomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Olrog's Chaco Mouse * Pearson's Chaco Mouse * Roig's Chaco Mouse...
- Andinomys
- AuliscomysAuliscomysAuliscomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Bolivian Big-eared Mouse * Painted Big-eared Mouse * Andean Big-eared Mouse...
- Calomys
- Chinchillula
- EligmodontiaEligmodontiaThe genus Eligmodontia consists of five or six species of South American sigmodontine mice restricted to Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. Species of Eligmodontia occur along the eastern side of the Andes Mountains, in Patagonia, and in the Chaco thorn forest of South America. They can be found in...
- Galenomys
- GraomysGraomysGraomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Central Leaf-eared Mouse * Pale Leaf-eared Mouse * Edith's Leaf-eared Mouse...
- LoxodontomysLoxodontomysLoxodontomys is a genus of South American rodents in the tribe Phyllotini of family Cricetidae. Two species are known, found in Argentina and Chile. They are as follows:* Southern Big-eared Mouse...
- Paralomys
- PhyllotisPhyllotisPhyllotis is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Phyllotis alisosiensis* Friendly Leaf-eared Mouse * Andean Leaf-eared Mouse...
- Salinomys
- Tapecomys
- EuneomysEuneomysEuneomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Patagonian Chincilla Mouse * Burrowing Chincilla Mouse * Biting Chincilla Mouse...
- Neotomys
- ReithrodonReithrodonReithrodon is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Bunny Rat * Naked-soled Conyrat...
- Sigmodon
- Abrawayaomys
- AepeomysAepeomysAepeomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Olive Montane Mouse * Reig's Montane Mouse...
- Chilomys
- RhagomysRhagomysRhagomys is a genus of South American rodents in the tribe Thomasomyini of family Cricetidae. Two species are known, found in Bolivia, southeast Peru and the Atlantic Forest of southeast Brazil. They are as follows:...
- RhipidomysRhipidomysRhipidomys is a genus of rodents in the family Cricetidae, comprising at least 18 species of climbing mouse:* Southern Climbing Mouse * Cariri Climbing Mouse...
- ThomasomysThomasomysThomasomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae, named after British zoologist Oldfield Thomas. It contains the following species:* Anderson's Oldfield Mouse * Apeco Oldfield Mouse...
- Otonyctomys
- Nyctomys
- TylomysTylomysTylomys is a genus of rodent in the family Cricetidae.It contains the following species:* Chiapan Climbing Rat * Fulvous-bellied Climbing Rat * Mira Climbing Rat...
- Ototylomys
- Lophiomys
- Acomys
- Deomys
- Lophuromys
- Uranomys
- Ammodillus
- Brachiones
- Desmodilliscus
- Desmodillus
- DipodillusDipodillusDipodillus is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Botta's Gerbil * North African Gerbil * Wagner's Gerbil...
- Gerbilliscus
- GerbillurusGerbillurusGerbillurus is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae. It contains the following species:* Hairy-footed Gerbil * Namib Brush-tailed Gerbil * Dune Hairy-footed Gerbil...
- GerbillusGerbillusGerbillus is a genus that contains most common gerbils. Traditionally the genera Dipodillus and Microdillus have been included in this genus by some authorities.-Species:Genus Gerbillus*Subgenus Hendecapleura...
- MerionesMeriones (genus)Meriones is a rodent genus that includes the gerbil most commonly kept as a pet, Meriones unguiculatus. The genus contains most animals referred to as jirds, but members of the genera Sekeetamys, Brachiones, and sometimes Pachyuromys are also known as jirds. The distribution of Meriones ranges...
- Microdillus
- Pachyuromys
- PsammomysPsammomysPsammomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Fat Sand Rat * Thin Sand Rat -References:...
- Rhombomys
- Sekeetamys
- Tatera
- TaterillusTaterillusTaterillus is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Robbins's Tateril * Congo Gerbil * Emin's Gerbil...
- Leimacomys
- Abditomys
- Abeomelomys
- AethomysAethomysAethomys is a genus of rodent from Africa. They are commonly referred to as rock rats, bush rats or rock mice.-Species:*Genus Aethomys**Aethomys bocagei - Bocage's Rock Rat...
- Anisomys
- Anonymomys
- ApodemusApodemusApodemus is the genus of Muridae which contains the Eurasian field mice. Related to the Ryūkyū spiny rats and the prehistoric Rhagamys – and far more distantly to Mus and Malacomys –, it includes the following species:*Striped Field Mouse, Apodemus agrarius*Alpine Field Mouse, Apodemus...
- ApomysApomysApomys is a genus of rodent endemic to the Philippines. Mice belonging to this genus are generally called Philippine forest mice and can be found on most islands of the Philippines except in Palawan, the Sulu Archipelago, and the Batanes and Babuyan group of islands.Apomys mice weigh from 18g to...
- ArchboldomysArchboldomysArchboldomys, the shrew-mice, are a genus of rodents in the family Muridae. They are carnivores that feed on invertebrates much like shrews do...
- ArvicanthisArvicanthisArvicanthis is a genus of rodent from Africa. They are commonly referred to as unstriped grass mice, unstriped grass rats, and kusu rats-Species:Genus Arvicanthis - unstriped grass mice...
- Baiyankamys
- BandicotaBandicotaBandicota is a genus of rodent from Asia. They are known as the bandicoot rats.-Species:Genus Bandicota - bandicoot rats*Lesser Bandicoot Rat, Bandicota bengalensis Gray and Hardwicke, 1833...
- BatomysBatomysBatomys is a genus of rodent from the Philippines.-Species:Genus Batomys - Luzon and Mindanao forest rats*Large-toothed Hairy-tailed Rat, Batomys dentatus*Luzon Hairy-tailed Rat, Batomys granti...
- BerylmysBerylmysThe White-toothed rats, genus Berylmys, are a group of Old World rats from Asia.-Species:Genus Berylmys*Small White-toothed Rat, Berylmys berdmorei Blyth, 1851*Bower's White-Toothed Rat, Berylmys bowersi Anderson, 1879...
- BullimusBullimusBullimus is a genus of rodent from the Philippines, as first catalogued by Mearns, in 1905.-Species:Genus Bullimus*Bagobo Rat, Bullimus bagobus, Mindanao*Camiguin Forest Rat, Bullimus gamay, Camiguin...
- BunomysBunomysBunomys is a genus of rodent from Sulawesi and Butung Island.-Species:Genus Bunomys*Andrew's Hill Rat, Bunomys andrewsi J. A...
- CarpomysCarpomysCarpomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Short-footed Luzon Tree Rat * White-bellied Luzon Tree Rat...
- Chiromyscus
- Chiropodomys
- ChiruromysChiruromysChiruromys is a genus of Old World mouse that is restricted to New Guinea and the nearby islands of Goodenough, Fergusson, and Normanby.-Characteristics:...
- ChrotomysChrotomysThe genus Chrotomys contain a unique group of rodents found only in the Philippines, specifically the islands of Luzon, Mindoro, and Sibuyan. Instead of being predominantly herbivorous or omnivorous like other murines, these rats feed predominantly on invertebrates although they do eat some...
- CoccymysCoccymysCoccymys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* White-toothed Brush Mouse * Coccymys kirrhos * Rümmler's Brush Mouse * Coccymys shawmayeri...
- Colomys
- Conilurus
- CrateromysCrateromysCrateromys is a genus of rodent, native to the Philippines, in the family Muridae.It contains four species:* Dinagat Bushy-Tailed Cloud Rat * Giant Bushy-Tailed Cloud Rat...
- CremnomysCremnomysCremnomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Cutch Rat * Elvira Rat...
- Crossomys
- CrunomysCrunomysCrunomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Celebes Shrew Rat * Northern Luzon Shrew Rat * Mindanao Shrew Rat...
- Dacnomys
- DasymysDasymysDasymys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Glover Allen's Shaggy Rat * Crawford-Cabral's Shaggy Rat * Fox's Shaggy Rat...
- DephomysDephomysDephomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Defua Rat * Ivory Coast Rat...
- DesmomysDesmomysDesmomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:Genus Desmomys*Harrington's Rat, Desmomys harringtoni*Yalden's Rat, Desmomys yaldeni...
- Diomys
- Diplothrix
- EchiothrixEchiothrixEchiothrix is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Central Sulawesi Spiny Rat * Sulawesi Spiny Rat...
- Eropeplus
- Golunda
- GrammomysGrammomysGrammomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Arid Thicket Rat * Grammomys brevirostris* Bunting's Thicket Rat...
- HadromysHadromysHadromys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Manipur Bush Rat * Hadromys loujacobsi* Yunnan Hadromys...
- HaeromysHaeromysHaeromys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Ranee Mouse * Minahassa Ranee Mouse * Lesser Ranee Mouse...
- HapalomysHapalomysHapalomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Delacour's Marmoset Rat * Marmoset Rat...
- Heimyscus
- HybomysHybomysHybomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Eisentraut's Hybomys * Bioko Hybomys * Moon Striped Mouse...
- HydromysHydromysHydromys is a genus of rodents in the subfamily Murinae.- List of species :Genus Hydromys - water rats*Rakali, Hydromys chrysogaster E...
- HylomyscusHylomyscusHylomyscus is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:Genus Hylomyscus - African wood mice*H. aeta group**Beaded Wood Mouse, Hylomyscus aeta**Hylomyscus grandis*H...
- HyomysHyomysThe White-eared giant rats, genus Hyomys, are a group of Old World rats from New Guinea.-Species:Genus Hyomys - white-eared rats*Western White-eared Giant Rat, Hyomys dammermani Stein, 1933...
- Kadarsanomys
- Komodomys
- Lamottemys
- LeggadinaLeggadinaLeggadina is a genus of rodent from Australia.-Species:Genus Leggadina*Forrest's Mouse, Leggadina forresti Thomas, 1906*Lakeland Downs Mouse, Leggadina lakedownensis Watts, 1976...
- Lemniscomys
- Lenomys
- Lenothrix
- LeopoldamysLeopoldamysLeopoldamys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Sundaic Mountain Long-tailed Giant Rat * Edwards's Long-tailed Giant Rat...
- LeporillusLeporillusLeporillus is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Lesser Stick-nest Rat * Greater Stick-nest Rat...
- LeptomysLeptomysLeptomys is a genus of rodent from New Guinea. It is considered part of the New Guinea Old Endemics, meaning it was part of the first wave of murine rodents to colonize the island.-Species:* Leptomys arfakensis Musser, Helgen & Lunde, 2008...
- LimnomysLimnomysLimnomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Gray-bellied Mountain Rat * Mindanao Mountain Rat...
- Lorentzimys
- MacruromysMacruromysMacruromys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Lesser Small-toothed Rat * Eastern Small-toothed Rat...
- Madromys
- MalacomysMalacomysMalacomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Cansdale's Swamp Rat * Edward's Swamp Rat * Big-eared Swamp Rat -References:...
- MallomysMallomysMallomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae. The name of the genus derives from the Greek μαλλός, mallós, wool, and μῦς, mȳs, mouse/rat. These very large rats weigh between and are native to highlands in New Guinea...
- MammelomysMammelomysMammelomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:Genus Mammelomys*Large-scaled Mosaic-tailed Rat, Mammelomys lanosus*Large Mosaic-tailed Rat, Mammelomys rattoides...
- MargaretamysMargaretamysMargaretamys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Beccari's Margareta Rat * Elegant Margareta Rat * Little Margareta Rat...
- Mastacomys
- MastomysMastomysMastomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Awash Mastomys * Southern Multimammate Mouse * Guinea Multimammate Mouse...
- MaxomysMaxomysMaxomys is a genus of mice, widespread in Southeast Asia. They are mid-sized rodents, similar to rats, that live on the ground of tropical rainforests. There they build nests, padded with fallen leaves from trees. They feed on roots, fallen fruit, and other plants, as well as insects...
- Melasmothrix
- MelomysMelomysMelomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Dusky Mosaic-tailed Rat * Rossel Island Mosaic-tailed Rat...
- MesembriomysMesembriomysMesembriomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Black-footed Tree-rat * Golden-backed Tree Rat...
- Micaelamys
- MicrohydromysMicrohydromysMicrohydromys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Southern groove-toothed moss-mouse * Northern Groove-toothed Shrew Mouse...
- MicromysMicromysMicromys is a genus of small rodents in the subfamily Murinae without close relations to any other murine genus. It contains two living species: the widespread Eurasian harvest mouse of much of Europe and Asia and the more restricted Micromys erythrotis of Vietnam, southern China, and perhaps...
- MillardiaMillardiaMillardia is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Sand-colored Soft-furred Rat * Miss Ryley's Soft-furred Rat * Kondana Soft-furred Rat...
- MirzamysMirzamysMirzamys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Mirza’s western moss-rat * Mirza’s eastern moss-rat...
- Muriculus
- Mus
- Musseromys
- MylomysMylomysMylomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* African Groove-toothed Rat * Ethiopian Mylomys -References:...
- MyomyscusMyomyscusMyomyscus is a genus of rodent. Species in this genus are often placed in the genus Myomys Thomas, 1915, but the type specimen for Myomys is actually a Mastomys...
- MyotomysMyotomysMyotomys is a genus of African Karoo rats that inhabit the Karoo, a semi-desert region in the southern portion of the African continent. Previously placed in the genus Otomys, they are sometimes referred to as Vlei rats.-Species:...
- NesokiaNesokiaNesokia is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Bunn's Short-tailed Bandicoot Rat * Short-tailed Bandicoot Rat -References:...
- Nesoromys
- Nilopegamys
- NiviventerNiviventerNiviventer is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae. It contains the following species:* Anderson's White-bellied Rat, Niviventer andersoni* Brahma White-bellied Rat, Niviventer brahma...
- Notomys
- OenomysOenomysOenomys is a genus of African rodents. Known as rufous-nosed rats or rusty-nosed rats, they occur from Sierra Leone east to Ethiopia and as far south as northern Angola...
- OtomysOtomysAfrican vlei rats , also known as groove-toothed rats, live in many areas of sub-Saharan Africa. They live in marshlands and grasslands, and eat the green grass and herbs that grow there, occasionally supplementing this with roots and seeds...
- Palawanomys
- PapagomysPapagomysPapagomys is a genus of very large rats in the tribe Rattini of the subfamily Murinae. It contains two species, which are known only from the Indonesian island of Flores:*Flores Giant Rat Papagomys armandvillei...
- Parahydromys
- ParaleptomysParaleptomysParaleptomys is a genus of rodent from New Guinea. It is considered part of the New Guinea Old Endemics, meaning it was part of the first wave of murine rodents to colonize the island.-Species:*Genus Paraleptomys...
- Paramelomys
- ParotomysParotomysParotomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Brants's Whistling Rat * Littledale's Whistling Rat...
- Paruromys
- Paulamys
- PelomysPelomysPelomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Bell Groove-toothed Swamp Rat * Creek Groove-toothed Swamp Rat * Hopkins's Groove-toothed Swamp Rat...
- PhloeomysPhloeomysPhloeomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Southern Giant Slender-Tailed Cloud Rat * Northern Luzon Giant Cloud Rat...
- PithecheirPithecheirPithecheir is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Red Tree Rat * Malayan Tree Rat...
- Pithecheirops
- PogonomelomysPogonomelomysPogonomelomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Lowland Brush Mouse * Shaw Mayer's Brush Mouse...
- PogonomysPogonomysPogonomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.Species include:* Champion's Tree Mouse * D'Entrecasteaux Archipelago Tree Mouse * Large Tree Mouse...
- PraomysPraomysPraomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Praomys coetzeei* Dalton's Mouse, Praomys daltoni* De Graaff's Soft-furred Mouse, Praomys degraaffi...
- Protochromys
- PseudohydromysPseudohydromysPseudohydromys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Bishop moss-mouse * Huon small-toothed moss-mouse...
- PseudomysPseudomysPseudomys is a genus of rodent that contains a wide variety of mice native to Australia and New Guinea. They are among the few terrestrial placental mammals that colonised Australia without human intervention.-Natural history:...
- Rattus
- RhabdomysRhabdomysRhabdomys is a small muroid rodent that is widespread and abundant in the southern African subregion...
- Rhynchomys
- Saxatilomys
- SolomysSolomysSolomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Poncelet's Giant Rat * Florida Naked-tailed Rat * Bougainville Naked-tailed Rat...
- SommeromysSommeromysSommer’s Sulawesi Rat is a recently described species of rodent from Sulawesi. It is only species of genus Sommeromys. The species was described by Musser & Durden .- Distribution :...
- Srilankamys
- StenocephalemysStenocephalemysStenocephalemys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species, all of which are found in or near Ethiopia:* Ethiopian White-footed Mouse...
- Stochomys
- SundamysSundamysSundamys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Mountain Giant Sunda Rat * Bartels's Rat * Müller's Giant Sunda Rat...
- TaeromysTaeromysTaeromys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Salokko Rat * Lovely-haired Rat * Celebes Rat...
- TarsomysTarsomysTarsomys is a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It contains the following species:* Long-footed Rat * Spiny Long-footed Rat...
- TateomysTateomysTateomys is a genus of rodent from Sulawesi.Both species have been classified as vulnerable by IUCN.-Species:*Genus Tateomys**Long-tailed Shrew Rat - Tateomys macrocercus Musser, 1982...
- ThallomysThallomysThe Acacia rats are a genus of rodent in the family Muridae.It is found in Botswana, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Somalia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe....
- ThamnomysThamnomysThe thicket rats, genusThamnomys, are a group of Old World rats from East Central Africa.-Species:*Genus Thamnomys**Kemp's Thicket Rat - Thamnomys kempi Dollman, 1911 **Hatt's Thicket Rat - Thamnomys major Hatt, 1934...
- TokudaiaTokudaiaTokudaia is a genus of murine rodent native to Japan. Known as Ryūkyū spiny rats or spinous country-rats, population groups exist on several non-contiguous islands...
- Tonkinomys
- Tryphomys
- UromysUromysThe giant naked-tailed rats, genus Uromys, are a group of Old World rats from Australia, New Guinea, Guadalcanal and nearby islands.-Species:Genus Uromys - giant naked-tailed rats*Giant Naked-tailed Rat, Uromys anak Thomas, 1907...
- VandeleuriaVandeleuriaVandeleuria is a small genus of rodent from Asia with only three species. Also known as the long-tailed climbing mice.-Species:Genus Vandeleuria - long-tailed climbing mice...
- VernayaVernayaVernaya is a genus of rodent in the subfamily Murinae from southern China and northern Burma. It contains a single extant species, Red Climbing Mouse , and several extinct species, all described by Zheng in 1993, namely Vernaya prefulva, Vernaya pristina, Vernaya giganta and Vernaya wushanica....
- Xenuromys
- Xeromys
- ZelotomysZelotomysZelotomys is a small genus of rodent from Africa with only two species. They are commonly referred to as broad-headed stink mice or broad-headed mice.-Species:Genus Zelotomys - stink mice...
- ZyzomysZyzomysZyzomys is a genus of rodents with unusually thick, long tails. Five species of the genus are known in Australia, where they are called rock rats or thick-tailed rats. They were discovered by Michael Rogers Oldfield Thomas in 1909.-Taxonomy:...
- BeamysBeamysBeamys is a genus of rodent in the Nesomyidae family.It contains the following species:* Lesser Hamster-rat * Greater Hamster-rat -References:...
- Cricetomys
- SaccostomusSaccostomusSaccostomus is a genus of rodent in the Nesomyidae family.It contains the following species:* South African Pouched Mouse * Mearns's Pouched Mouse -References:...
- Delanymys
- DendromusDendromusMice in the genus Dendromus are commonly referred to as African climbing mice or tree mice, although these terms are often used to describe all members of the subfamily Dendromurinae...
- Dendroprionomys
- Leimacomys
- Malacothrix
- Megadendromus
- Prionomys
- SteatomysSteatomysSteatomys is a genus of rodent in the Nesomyidae family.It contains the following species:* Bocage's African Fat Mouse * Northwestern Fat Mouse * Dainty Fat Mouse...
- Mystromys
- BrachytarsomysBrachytarsomysBrachytarsomys is a genus of rodent in the family Nesomyidae.It contains the following species:* White-tailed Antsangy * Brachytarsomys mahajambaensis * Hairy-tailed Antsangy...
- BrachyuromysBrachyuromysBrachyuromys is a genus of rodent in the family Nesomyidae.It contains the following species:* Betsileo Short-tailed Rat * Gregarious Short-tailed Rat...
- EliurusEliurusEliurus is a genus of rodent in the family Nesomyidae.It contains the following species:* Tsingy Tufted-tailed Rat * Ankarana Special Reserve Tufted-tailed Rat...
- Gymnuromys
- Hypogeomys
- MacrotarsomysMacrotarsomysMacrotarsomys is a genus of rodent in the family Nesomyidae.It contains the following species:Genus Macrotarsomys - Big-footed mice*Bastard Big-Footed Mouse, Macrotarsomys bastardi Milne-Edwards and G. Grandidier, 1898...
- MonticolomysMonticolomysMonticolomys is a genus of rodents within the subfamily Nesomyinae of the family Nesomyidae, and is closely related to Macrotarsomys. The only species, Monticolomys koopmani, also known as the Malagasy Mountain Mouse or Koopman's Montane Voalavo, is found in the highlands of eastern Madagascar...
- NesomysNesomysNesomys is a genus of rodent in the family Nesomyidae. It is found only on Madagascar, and contains the following species:* White-bellied Nesomys * Western Nesomys * Nesomys narindaensis †...
- VoalavoVoalavoVoalavo is a genus of rodent in the subfamily Nesomyinae, found only in Madagascar. Two species are known, both of which occur in mountain forest above 1250 m altitude; Voalavo gymnocaudus lives in northern Madagascar and Voalavo antsahabensis is restricted to a small area in the central part...
- PetromyscusPetromyscusPetromyscus is a genus of rodent in the family Nesomyidae. It is so distinct from other rodents that it is placed as the only genus in subfamily Petromyscinae. In previous classifications, Delanymys brooksi, has also been placed in the subfamily. They are found in southwestern Africa. These animals...
- Myospalax
- EospalaxEospalaxEospalax is a genus of rodent in the Spalacidae family. It contains the following species:*Chinese Zokor, Eospalax fontanierii*Rothschild's Zokor, Eospalax rothschildi*Smith's Zokor, Eospalax smithii...
- Cannomys
- RhizomysRhizomysRhizomys is a genus of rodent in the Spalacidae family.It contains the following species:* Hoary Bamboo Rat * Chinese Bamboo Rat * Large Bamboo Rat...
- TachyoryctesTachyoryctesTachyoryctes is a genus of rodent in the Spalacidae family.It contains the following species:* Ankole Mole Rat * Mianzini Mole Rat * Audacious Mole Rat...
- SpalaxSpalaxThe genus Spalax contains the blind, fossorial, or subterranean mole rats, which are one of several types of rodents that are called mole rats. The hystricognath mole rats of the family Bathyergidae are completely unrelated, but some other forms are also in the family Spalacidae...
- AnomalurusAnomalurusAnomalurus is the largest genus in the rodent family Anomaluridae, with four species. It is the only genus in the subfamily Anomalurinae.- Species :*A. beecrofti - Beecroft's Scaly-tailed Squirrel...
- Idiurus
- Zenkerella
- PedetesPedetesPedetes is a genus of rodent in the Pedetidae family. Members of the genus are distributed across southern Africa and also occur in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.-Species:...
- CtenodactylusCtenodactylusCtenodactylus is a genus of rodent in the family Ctenodactylidae.-References:* Dieterlen, F. 2005. Family Ctenodactylidae pp. 1536-1537 in D. E. Wilson and M. A. Reeder, eds. Mammal Species of the World, 3rd edition, p. 1536....
- Felovia
- Massoutiera
- Pectinator
- Laonastes
- BathyergusBathyergusBathyergus is the genus of dune mole rats endemic to South Africa. It contains two species — B. janetta, the Namaqua Dune Mole Rat, and B. suillus, the Cape Dune Mole Rat.-References:...
- CryptomysCryptomysCryptomys is the genus of common mole rats, endemic to Africa. Most of the species formerly placed in this genus were moved to the genus Fukomys in 2006.-References:...
- FukomysFukomysFukomys is a recently-described genus of common mole rats, containing several species that were formerly placed in the genus Cryptomys; its species are endemic to Africa.-References:...
- Georychus
- Heliophobius
- Heterocephalus
- Atherurus
- HystrixHystrixHystrix is a genus of porcupine that contains what are the best known and most distinctive of the Old World porcupines.-Species:*Genus Hystrix**Subgenus Thecurus***Hystrix crassispinis - Thick-spined Porcupine...
- Trichys
- Petromus
- Thryonomys
- AbrocomaAbrocomaAbrocoma is a genus of abrocomid rodents found in the Andes of South America, from southern Peru to central Chile. The genus contains eight species, most of which are found in isolated mountain ranges in northwestern Argentina.- Species :...
- CuscomysCuscomysCuscomys is a genus of rodents found in the Andes of Cusco in southern Peru. These relatively large chinchilla rats are dark grey with a distinct white line running from the crown to the nose. The genus was coined in 1999 when C. ashaninka was scientifically described, but later it was discovered...
- Capromys
- GeocapromysGeocapromysGeocapromys is a genus of rodent, comprising two extant species of hutia. The Bahamian Hutia or Ingraham's Hutia is native to the Bahamas, while the Jamaican Hutia , which is also known as the Jamaican Coney or Brown's Hutia, is endemic to Jamaica.The Little Swan Island Hutia Geocapromys is a...
- MesocapromysMesocapromysMesocapromys is a genus of rodent in the Capromyidae family. The genus is restricted to Cuba and associated islands.It contains the following species:* Cabrera's Hutia * Eared Hutia...
- MysatelesMysatelesMysateles is a genus of rodent in the Capromyidae family.It contains the following species:* Chapman's Prehensile-tailed Hutia * Black-tailed Hutia...
- PlagiodontiaPlagiodontiaPlagiodontia is a genus of rodent in the Capromyidae family. The name Plagiodontia means "oblique tooth" in Greek.This genus contains the following four species :*† Samana Hutia Johnson, 1948...
- CaviaCaviaCavia is a genus in the subfamily Caviinae that contains the rodents commonly known as guinea pigs. The best-known species in this genus is the domestic guinea pig, Cavia porcellus, an important meat animal in South America and a common household pet in the West.-Taxonomic controversy:Cavia are...
- GaleaGalea (genus)Galea is a genus of South American rodents of the family Caviidae. Four species are known, found in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru and Brazil. They are as follows:* Brandt's Yellow-toothed Cavy...
- MicrocaviaMicrocaviaMicrocavia is a rodent genus in the family Caviidae.It contains the following species:* Southern Mountain Cavy, Microcavia australis* Andean Mountain Cavy, Microcavia niata...
- Dolichotis
- HydrochoerusHydrochoerusThe genus Hydrochoerus contains two living species of capybaras from South America and Panama, the largest living rodents in the world. The genus name is derived from the Greek ὕδωρ plus χοίρος ....
- KerodonKerodonThe genus Kerodon contains two species of South American rock cavies related to capybaras.-Characteristics:Adults weigh about 800 grams. Gestation period is 76–77 days with 1-3 young born to females. Metabolic rate is 0.45 ml-O2/...
- ChinchillaChinchillaChinchillas are crepuscular rodents, slightly larger and more robust than ground squirrels, and are native to the Andes mountains in South America. Along with their relatives, viscachas, they make up the family Chinchillidae....
- LagidiumLagidiumLagidium is a genus of rodent in the family Chinchillidae.It contains the following species:* Northern Viscacha * Southern Viscacha * Wolffsohn's Viscacha...
- LagostomusLagostomusLagostomus is a South American genus of rodents in the family Chinchillidae. It contains a single living species, the plains viscacha, and it is the only recent genus in the subfamily Lagostominae....
- Ctenomys
- CuniculusPacaThe Lowland Paca , also known as the Spotted Paca, is a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical America, from East-Central Mexico to Northern Argentina...
- Dasyprocta
- Myoprocta
- Dinomys
- DactylomysDactylomysDactylomys is the genus of South American bamboo rats or coro-coros. Coro-coros are arboreal members of the family Echimyidae. This genus contains three species....
- Kannabateomys
- OlallamysOlallamysOlallamys is the genus of Andean soft-furred spiny rat that range from Panama through Colombia and Venezuela to northern Ecuador. These species are typically found at elevations above 2000 meters.*Genus Olallamys...
- Callistomys
- DiplomysDiplomysDiplomys is a genus of rodent in the Echimyidae family. They are found in Ecuador, Colombia and Panama.It contains the following species:* Arboreal Soft-furred Spiny Rat * Rufous Tree Rat...
- EchimysEchimysEchimys is a genus of spiny rat. Members of the genus are collectively called Spiny Tree-rats as they are arboreal and have pronounced spines.-Classification:The genus contains three extant species...
- IsothrixIsothrixThe toros or brush-tailed rats, genus Isothrix, are a group of spiny rats found in tropical South America, particularly in the Amazon Basin.-Description:...
- MakalataMakalataMakalata is a genus of rodents in the family Echimyidae.It contains the following species:* Brazilian Spiny Tree Rat * Long-tailed Armored Tree-rat * Dusky Spiny Tree Rat...
- PattonomysPattonomysPattonomys is a genus of rodent in the Echimyidae family.It contains the following species:* Bare-tailed Armored Tree-rat * Speckled Spiny Tree-rat...
- PhyllomysPhyllomysPhyllomys is a genus of arboreal spiny rat, geographically restricted to the forests of eastern Brazil . There are thirteen named species in the genus...
- Toromys
- Carterodon
- ClyomysClyomysClyomys is a South American rodent genus in the family Echimyidae. It contains two species, found in Brazil and Paraguay. They are as follows:* Bishop's Fossorial Spiny Rat * Broad-headed Spiny Rat...
- EuryzygomatomysEuryzygomatomysEuryzygomatomys is a South American rodent genus in the family Echimyidae. It contains two species, found in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. They are as follows:* Brandt's Guiara...
- Hoplomys
- Lonchothrix
- MesomysMesomysMesomys is a genus of South American spiny rats in the family Echimyidae....
- ProechimysProechimysProechimys is a genus of South American spiny rats of the family Echimyidae....
- ThrichomysThrichomysThrichomys is a South American rodent genus in the family Echimyidae. It contains three species, found in Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay. They are as follows:* Common Punaré * Highlands Punaré...
- TrinomysTrinomysTrinomys is a genus of South American spiny rats in the family Echimyidae.- Extant species of Trinomys according to Natureserve :...
- Chaetomys
- Coendou
- Echinoprocta
- Erethizon
- SphiggurusSphiggurusSphiggurus is a genus of New World porcupine. It contains the following species:*Sphiggurus ichillus - Streaked Dwarf Porcupine*Sphiggurus insidiosus - Bahia Porcupine*Sphiggurus melanurus - Black-tailed Hairy Dwarf Porcupine...
- Myocastor
- AconaemysAconaemysAconaemys is a genus of rodent in the Octodontidae family.It contains the following species:* Chilean Rock Rat * Porter’s Rock Rat * Sage's Rock Rat - References :...
- OctodonOctodonOctodon is a genus of octodontid rodents, of which the best-known member is the degu O. degus. The full list of species is:* O. bridgesi, Bridge's Degu, found in Argentina and Chile...
- Octodontomys
- Octomys
- PipanacoctomysPipanacoctomysThe Golden Vizcacha Rat ' is the single species of the genus Pipanacoctomys of the rodent family Octodontidae. This animal is tetraploid and has 4x = 2n = 92 chromosomes...
- Salinoctomys
- Spalacopus
- Tympanoctomys
- Ptilocercus
- Anathana
- DendrogaleDendrogaleDendrogale is a genus of treeshrew in the Tupaiidae family. It contains the following species:* Bornean Smooth-tailed Tree Shrew * Northern Smooth-tailed Tree Shrew...
- TupaiaTupaia (genus)Tupaia is a genus of treeshrew in the Tupaiidae family.The genus was first described by Thomas Stamford Raffles in 1821, as having an elongated snout, 8 to 10 incisors, well developed limbs, five-toed naked feet, and the sole furnished with projecting pads and sharp claws, with a habit and tail of...
- Urogale
- Choeropsis
- HippopotamusHippopotamusThe hippopotamus , or hippo, from the ancient Greek for "river horse" , is a large, mostly herbivorous mammal in sub-Saharan Africa, and one of only two extant species in the family Hippopotamidae After the elephant and rhinoceros, the hippopotamus is the third largest land mammal and the heaviest...
- BabyrousaBabyrousaThe babirusas are a genus, Babyrousa, in the pig family found in Wallacea, or specifically the Indonesian islands of Sulawesi, Togian, Sula and Buru. All members of this genus were considered part of a single species until 2002, the babirusa, B...
- Hylochoerus
- PhacochoerusPhacochoerusPhacochoerus is a genus of wild pigs in the Suidae family that are known as warthogs. It is the sole genus of subfamily Phacochoerinae. They are found in open and semi-open habitats, even in quite arid regions, in sub-Saharan Africa...
- PotamochoerusPotamochoerusPotamochoerus is a genus in the pig family . The two species are restricted to Sub-saharan Africa, although the Bushpig, possibly due to introduction by man, also occurs in Madagascar and nearby islands.-Species:...
- Sus
- Porcula
- Catagonus
- PecariPecariPecari is a genus of mammals in the peccary family, Tayassuidae. The genus was monotypic until the description of P. maximus in 2007, but the scientific evidence for its status as a species separate from P...
- Tayassu
- Camelus
- LamaLama (genus)Lama is the modern genus name for two South American camelids, the wild guanaco and the domesticated llama. This genus is closely allied to the wild vicuña and domesticated alpaca of the genus Vicugna. Before the Spanish conquest of the Americas, llamas and alpacas were the only domesticated...
- VicugnaVicugnaVicugna is a genus containing two South American camelids, the vicuña and the alpaca.Previously thought to be descended from the llama, the alpaca was reclassified as part of Vicugna after a 2001 paper on alpaca DNA. The paper showed that the alpaca is descended from the vicuña, not the...
- Antilocapra
- Aepyceros
- AlcelaphusAlcelaphusAlcelaphus is a genus of antelope. It contains the Hartebeest, Red Hartebeest and Lichtenstein's Hartebeest....
- Beatragus
- Connochaetes
- DamaliscusDamaliscusDamaliscus, known as sassabies is a genus of antelope with just four species in the family Bovidae, subfamily Alcelaphinae found in Africa....
- Ammodorcas
- Antidorcas
- Antilope
- Dorcatragus
- EudorcasEudorcasEudorcas is a genus of antelope. The species within the genus Eudorcas are often called gazelles. Eudorcas was originally considered a subgenus within the genus Gazella but has since been elevated to genus status. There are four species within the genus Eudorcas, one of which is extinct:* Genus...
- Gazella
- Litocranius
- Madoqua
- NangerNangerNanger is a genus of antelope. The species within the genus Nager are often called gazelles. Nanger was originally considered a subgenus within the genus Gazella but has since been elevated to genus status. There are three species within the genus Nanger:* Genus Nanger** Dama Gazelle, N. dama**...
- NeotragusNeotragusNeotragus is a genus of antelope. The three species are native animals of Africa....
- Oreotragus
- Ourebia
- Pantholops
- ProcapraProcapraProcapra refers to a genus of Asian gazelles. It includes three living species:*Mongolian Gazelle Procapra gutturosa*Tibetan Gazelle Procapra picticaudata*Przewalski's Gazelle Procapra przewalskii...
- RaphicerusRaphicerusRaphicerus is a genus of small antelopes of the Tribe Neotragini .Raphicerus is endemic to Sub-Saharan Africa, ranging from Kenya in the north to the Western Cape in South Africa.The genus contains three species:...
- Saiga
- BisonBisonMembers of the genus Bison are large, even-toed ungulates within the subfamily Bovinae. Two extant and four extinct species are recognized...
- BosBosBos is the genus of wild and domestic cattle. Bos can be divided into four subgenera: Bos, Bibos, Novibos, and Poephagus, but these divisions are controversial. The genus has five extant species...
- Boselaphus
- BubalusBubalusBubalus is a genus of bovines, whose English name is buffalo. Species that belong to this genus are:* Subgenus Bubalus** Water Buffalo, Bubalus bubalis*** Carabao, Bubalus bubalis carabanesis...
- Poephagus
- Pseudoryx
- Syncerus
- TaurotragusTaurotragusTaurotragus, commonly called Eland, is a genus of antelopes of the African savannah, containing two species: the Common Eland and the Giant Eland...
- Tetracerus
- TragelaphusTragelaphusThe genus Tragelaphus contains several species of bovine, all of which are relatively antelope-like. Species in this genus tend to be large sized, lightly built, have long necks and considerable sexual dimorphism. The Common Eland was once classified in this genus as T. oryz...
- Ammotragus
- Arabitragus
- Budorcas
- CapraCapra (genus)Capra is a genus of mammals, the goats or wild goats, composed of up to nine species including the wild goat, the markhor and several species known as ibex....
- Capricornis
- Hemitragus
- Naemorhedus
- Nilgiritragus
- OreamnosOreamnosOreamnos is a genus of North American caprines. The Mountain goat is the only living species. Until the end of the Pleistocene another species, Oreamnos harringtoni, was distributed to the south of the recent form....
- Ovibos
- OvisOvisOvis is a genus of mammals, part of the goat-antelope subfamily of the ruminant family Bovidae. Its five or more highly gregarious species are known as sheep...
- Pantholops
- PseudoisPseudoisPseudois is a genus in the subfamily Caprinae comprising two species, the Bharal and the Dwarf Blue Sheep . Both species in the genus are variously known as blue sheep, the Bharal's alternate name being the Himalayan blue sheep....
- RupicapraRupicapraRupicapra is a genus of the family Bovidae , which contains two species:*Chamois *Pyrenean Chamois .-External links and references:...
- Cephalophus
- Philantomba
- Sylvicapra
- AddaxAddaxThe Addax , also known as the screwhorn antelope, is a critically endangered species of antelope that lives in the Sahara desert. As suggested by its alternative name, this pale antelope has long, twisted horns. It is closely related to the oryx, but differs from other antelopes by having large...
- HippotragusHippotragusHippotragus is a genus of antelope which includes three species. The species are:* Roan Antelope, Hippotragus equinus* Bluebuck, Hippotragus leucophaeus †* Sable Antelope, Hippotragus niger...
- OryxOryxOryx is one of four large antelope species of the genus Oryx. Three of the species are native to arid parts of Africa, with a fourth native to the Arabian Peninsula. Their pelage is pale with contrasing dark markings in the face and on the legs, and their long horns are almost straight...
- KobusKobus (antelope)Kobus is a genus containing 6 species of African antelopes, all of which are associated with marshes, floodplains or other grassy areas near water...
- PeleaGrey RhebokThe Grey Rhebok or Grey Rhebuck is a species of antelope endemic to South Africa, Zimbabwe, Lesotho and Swaziland....
- Redunca
- Alces
- Blastocerus
- CapreolusCapreolusCapreolus is a genus of deer with at least two extant species:* Capreolus capreolus * Capreolus pygargus...
- Hippocamelus
- MazamaBrocket DeerBrocket deer are the species of deer in the genus Mazama. They are medium to small in size, and are found in the Yucatán Peninsula, Central and South America, and the island of Trinidad. Most species are primarily found in forests. They are superficially similar to the African duikers and the Asian...
- OdocoileusOdocoileusOdocoileus is a genus of medium-sized deer containing two species native to the Americas. The name is sometimes spelt odocoeleus; it is from a contraction of the roots odonto- and coelus meaning "hollow-tooth".-Species:...
- Ozotoceros
- PuduPudúThe pudús are two species of South American deer from the genus Pudu; the world's smallest deer. The name is a loanword from Mapudungun the language of the indigenous Mapuche people of southern Chile...
- RangiferReindeerThe reindeer , also known as the caribou in North America, is a deer from the Arctic and Subarctic, including both resident and migratory populations. While overall widespread and numerous, some of its subspecies are rare and one has already gone extinct.Reindeer vary considerably in color and size...
- Axis
- CervusCervusCervus is a genus of deer that primarily are native to Eurasia, although one species occurs in northern Africa and another in North America. In addition to the species presently placed in this genus, it has included a whole range of other species now commonly placed in other genera, but some of...
- Dama
- Elaphodus
- Elaphurus
- Muntiacus
- Hydropotes
- GiraffaGiraffaGiraffa is a genus of mammals in the Giraffidae family. The genus consists of seven species including the giraffe, Giraffa camelopardalis, the only extant species.- Species :There are six species in the genus Giraffa....
- Okapia
- MoschusMoschusMoschus , ancient Greek bucolic poet and student of the Alexandrian grammarian Aristarchus of Samothrace, was born at Syracuse and flourished about 150 BC...
- Hyemoschus
- MoschiolaMoschiolaMoschiola is a genus of small even-toed ungulates in the Tragulidae family. They are found in forests in India, Sri Lanka and perhaps Nepal, and have pale-spotted or -striped upperparts unlike the other Asian members of the family, the mouse-deer of the genus Tragulus.Traditionally only a single...
- TragulusTragulusTragulus is a genus of even-toed ungulates in the Tragulidae family that are known as mouse-deer. Tragos refers to a goat in Greek, while –ulus in Latin means 'tiny'. With a weight of and a length of they are the smallest ungulates in the world, though the largest species of mouse-deer surpass...
CarnivoraCarnivoraThe diverse order Carnivora |Latin]] carō "flesh", + vorāre "to devour") includes over 260 species of placental mammals. Its members are formally referred to as carnivorans, while the word "carnivore" can refer to any meat-eating animal...
- Ailurus
- Atelocynus
- CanisCanisCanis is a genus containing 7 to 10 extant species, including dogs, wolves, coyotes, and jackals, and many extinct species.-Wolves, dogs and dingos:Wolves, dogs and dingos are subspecies of Canis lupus...
- Cerdocyon
- Chrysocyon
- Cuon
- Lycalopex
- LycaonLycaon (genus)Lycaon is a canid genus comprising two species, the extant L. pictus, known as the African wild dog, painted dog , or African hunting dog; and the extinct L. sekowei....
- NyctereutesNyctereutesNyctereutes is an east Asian genus of the family Canidae, consisting of just one living species, the Raccoon Dog. Nyctereutes appeared about 9.0 Ma, with all but one species becoming extinct before the Pleistocene.-Taxonomy:...
- Otocyon
- SpeothosSpeothosSpeothos is a genus of canid found in Central and South America. The genus includes the living Bush Dog, Speothos venaticus, as well as an extinct Pleistocene species, Speothos pacivorus. Surprisingly, the fossil species was identified and named prior to the discovery of the extant species, with...
- UrocyonUrocyonThe genus Urocyon is a genus that contains two living Western Hemisphere foxes in the family Canidae, the Gray Fox and the closely related Island Fox which is a dwarf cousin of the Gray Fox; as well as one fossil species, Urocyon progressus.Urocyon and the...
- VulpesVulpesVulpes is a genus of the Canidae family. Its members are referred to as 'true foxes', although there are species in other genera whose common names include the word 'fox'....
- Conepatus
- MephitisMephitis (genus)The genus Mephitis is one of several genera of skunks, which has two species and a North American distribution.*Striped Skunk *Hooded Skunk...
- MydausMydausMydaus is a genus of Old World carnivore comprising two species of stink badger. There are two species - the Palawan stink badger , and the Sunda stink badger or Teledu...
- Spilogale
- Amblonyx
- AonyxAonyxAonyx is a genus of otters, containing two species, the African Clawless Otter and the Oriental Small-clawed Otter. The word 'Aonyx' means 'clawless', derived from the prefix 'a-' and .-Species and subspecies:...
- EnhydraSea OtterThe sea otter is a marine mammal native to the coasts of the northern and eastern North Pacific Ocean. Adult sea otters typically weigh between 14 and 45 kg , making them the heaviest members of the weasel family, but among the smallest marine mammals...
- Hydrictis
- LontraLontraLontra is a genus of otters from the American continent.The genus comprises four species:*North American River Otter *Southern River Otter *Neotropical Otter...
- LutraLutraLutra is a genus of otters.*Lutra nippon - Japanese otter*Lutra sumatrana - Hairy-nosed otter*Lutra lutra - European otter-Habitat:Lutra are semi-aquatic mammals and therefore need to be well-adapted to both water and land...
- LutrogaleLutrogaleLutrogale is a genus of otter, with only one extant species - the smooth-coated otter.*† Lutrogale cretensis - Cretan Otter*† Lutrogale palaeoleptonyx*Lutrogale perspicillata - Smooth-coated Otter...
- Pteronura
- Arctonyx
- EiraEiraEira is a neighborhood in Helsinki, the capital of Finland.The district dates back to the early 20th century and received its name after Eira Hospital in the neighboring district of Ullanlinna, which in turn took its name from Eira Hospital in Stockholm, which was named after Eir, the old...
- GalictisGalictisThe grison, also known as the South American glutton, is a neotropical mustelid of South America. Comprising the genus Galictis, it is divided into two species: the greater grison , which is found widely in South America, through Central America to southern Mexico; and the lesser grison , which is...
- Gulo
- IctonyxIctonyxIctonyx is a genus in the Mustelidae family . It contains two species:* Saharan Striped Polecat * Striped Polecat...
- Lyncodon
- Martes
- MelesMeles (genus)Meles is a genus of badgers, containing three living species, the Japanese Badger , Asian Badger , and European Badger ....
- Mellivora
- MelogaleMelogaleFerret-badgers are the five species of mustelids of the genus Melogale.* Bornean Ferret-badger * Chinese Ferret-badger * Javan Ferret-badger...
- Mustela
- NeovisonNeovisonA genus of Mustelids, including the extinct sea mink and the extant American mink....
- Poecilogale
- Taxidea
- Vormela
- Odobenus
- ArctocephalusArctocephalusThe genus Arctocephalus consists of eight of the nine species of fur seal. For details see the fur seal article, or the individual species articles.-Taxonomy:* SUBORDER PINNIPEDIA* Family Otariidae...
- Callorhinus
- Eumetopias
- Neophoca
- Otaria
- Phocarctos
- ZalophusZalophusZalophus is a genus of the family Otariidae of order Carnivora. It includes three species of which one became recently extinct:*Z. californianus: California Sea Lion*Z. japonicus: Japanese Sea Lion †...
- CystophoraCystophoraCystophora is a genus of brown algae....
- Erignathus
- Halichoerus
- Histriophoca
- Hydrurga
- Leptonychotes
- Lobodon
- Mirounga
- MonachusMonachusMonachus is a genus containing the monk seals, a group of three Pinniped species. They are the only earless seals which are found in tropical climates...
- Ommatophoca
- Pagophilus
- PhocaPhocaPhoca is a genus of the earless seals, within the Family Phocidae. It now contains just two species, the Common Seal and the Spotted Seal...
- PusaPusaPusa is a genus of the earless seals, within the Family Phocidae. The three species of this genus were split from the genus Phoca, and some sources still give Phoca as an acceptable synonym for Pusa....
- Bassaricyon
- Potos
- BassariscusBassariscusBassariscus is a genus in the family Procyonidae. There are two species in the genus: the ringtail or ring-tailed cat and the cacomistle . Genetic studies have suggested that the closest relatives of Bassariscus are raccoons.The genus was first described by Elliott Coues in 1887...
- NasuaNasuaNasua is a genus within the Raccoon family, Procyonidae. The three species within the genus Nasua are generally referred to as coatis. Two additional species of coatis, commonly known as mountain coatis, are placed in the genus Nasuella...
- NasuellaNasuellaMountain coatis are two species of procyonid mammals from the genus Nasuella. Unlike the larger coatis from the genus Nasua, mountain coatis only weigh and are endemic to the north Andean highlands in South America. Until recently only a single species with three subspecies was recognized. In 2009...
- ProcyonProcyonProcyon is the brightest star in the constellation Canis Minor. To the naked eye, it appears to be a single star, the seventh brightest in the night sky with a visual apparent magnitude of 0.34...
- AiluropodaAiluropodaAiluropoda is the only genus in the ursid subfamily Ailuropodinae. It contains one living and four fossil species of giant panda....
- Helarctos
- Melursus
- TremarctosTremarctosTremarctos is a genus of the family Ursidae, subfamily Tremarctinae endemic to Americas from the Pliocene to recent. The northern species, the Florida short-faced bear was extinct 11 000 years ago...
- UrsusUrsus (genus)Ursus is a genus in the family Ursidae that includes the widely distributed brown bears, the polar bear, and black bears. The name is derived from the Latin ursus, meaning bear.-Species and subspecies of Ursus:...
- Eupleres
- Fossa
- Cryptoprocta
- Galidia
- GalidictisGalidictisGalidictis is a genus of carnivoran in the family Eupleridae endemic to Madagascar.It contains the following species:* Broad-striped Malagasy Mongoose .* Grandidier's Mongoose ....
- Mungotictis
- SalanoiaSalanoiaSalanoia is a genus of euplerid carnivoran with two currently described species found in Madagascar. They are mongoose-like, which is reflected in the older versions of their English names, for example brown-tailed mongoose which is now called brown-tailed vontsira. The name Salanoia is derived...
- AcinonyxAcinonyxAcinonyx is a genus of mammals from the family Felidae. It is currently distributed in Africa and Asia, but at one time was also present in Europe. The cheetah is the only extant species in the genus. Wozencraft put the genus Acinonyx in their own monophyletic subfamily, Acinonychinae. Salles ,...
- CaracalCaracalThe caracal is a fiercely territorial medium-sized cat ranging over Western Asia, South Asia and Africa.The word caracal comes from the Turkish word "karakulak", meaning "black ear". In North India and Pakistan, the caracal is locally known as syahgosh or shyahgosh, which is a Persian term...
- CatopumaCatopumaCatopuma is a genus including two small Asian felines, the Bay Cat and the Asian Golden Cat .Both are typically reddish brown in colour, with darker markings on the head. They inhabit forested environments in South East Asia, with the Bay Cat being restricted to the island of Borneo...
- FelisFelisFelis is a genus of cats in the family Felidae, including the familiar domestic cat and its closest wild relatives. The wild species are distributed widely across Europe, southern and central Asia, and Africa; the domestic cat has been introduced worldwide.Members of the genus Felis are all small...
- LeopardusLeopardusLeopardus is a genus consisting of small spotted cats mostly native to Middle and South America. Very few range into the southern United States. The genus is considered the oldest branch of the part of the cat family to cross into the Americas, followed by the genera Lynx and Puma...
- Leptailurus
- LynxLynxA lynx is any of the four Lynx genus species of medium-sized wildcats. The name "lynx" originated in Middle English via Latin from Greek word "λύγξ", derived from the Indo-European root "*leuk-", meaning "light, brightness", in reference to the luminescence of its reflective eyes...
- PardofelisPardofelisPardofelis was first proposed by the Russian explorer and naturalist Nikolai Severtzov in 1858 as generic name comprising a single felid species occurring in tropical Asia, the marbled cat Pardofelis marmorata....
- PrionailurusPrionailurusPrionailurus is a genus of four species of small, spotted wild cats found in Asia. They are typically forest-dwelling. Most are able to swim well; some species are actually semi-aquatic and feed mainly on fish and other aquatic animals....
- Profelis
- PumaPuma (genus)Puma is a genus in Felidae that contains the cougar and the jaguarundi, and may also include several poorly known Old World fossil representatives .-Species:*Puma concolor – CougarPuma pardoides Puma is a genus in Felidae that contains the cougar (also known as the puma, among other names)...
- NeofelisNeofelisThe genus Neofelis comprises two species, the Clouded Leopard and the Sunda Clouded Leopard , which are classified as vulnerable by IUCN. Both species are listed on CITES Appendix I.- Characteristics :...
- PantheraPantheraPanthera is a genus of the family Felidae , which contains four well-known living species: the tiger, the lion, the jaguar, and the leopard. The genus comprises about half of the Pantherinae subfamily, the big cats...
- Uncia
- Atilax
- BdeogaleBdeogaleBdeogale is a genus of three species of mongoose native to the rainforests of central and western Africa. They are primarily terrestrial and insectivorous.- Species :*Bushy-tailed Mongoose, Bdeogale crassicauda - Kenya and Tanzania...
- CrossarchusCrossarchusCrossarchus is a genus of mongoose, commonly referred to as the kusimanse, mangue, or dwarf mongoose.-Range and habitat:...
- Cynictis
- Dologale
- GalerellaGalerellaGalerella is a genus of mongooses native to Africa commonly called the slender mongooses.There are four species in this genus:* Angolan Slender Mongoose, Galerella flavescens* Somalian Slender Mongoose, Galerella ochracea...
- HelogaleHelogaleHelogale is a genus of two species of mongooses, namely the Common Dwarf Mongoose and Ethiopian Dwarf Mongoose. They are the smallest species of mongoose and both are endemic to Africa. The distribution of the latter species is more tropical, and overlaps completely with that of the Common Dwarf...
- HerpestesHerpestesHerpestes is a genus of the mongoose family, Herpestidae .It contains the following species and subspecies:* Short-tailed Mongoose, Herpestes brachyurus** H. b. brachyurus...
- Ichneumia
- Liberiictis
- MungosMungosMungos is a mongoose genus in the family Herpestidae.It contains the following species:* Gambian Mongoose, Mungos gambianus* Banded Mongoose, Mungos mungo...
- Paracynictis
- Rhynchogale
- SuricataMeerkatThe meerkat or suricate, Suricata suricatta, is a small mammal belonging to the mongoose family. Meerkats live in all parts of the Kalahari Desert in Botswana, in much of the Namib Desert in Namibia and southwestern Angola, and in South Africa. A group of meerkats is called a "mob", "gang" or "clan"...
- Crocuta
- HyaenaHyaenaFor the Siouxsie and the Banshees album, see Hyæna.For the group of animals commonly known as "hyaena", see Hyena.Hyaena is a genus comprising two of the living species of hyenas: the striped hyena from western Asia and northern Africa and the brown hyena from southern Africa...
- Proteles
- Nandinia
- Chrotogale
- Cynogale
- Diplogale
- Hemigalus
- Arctictis
- Arctogalidia
- Macrogalidia
- Paguma
- ParadoxurusParadoxurusParadoxurus is a genus of viverrids in one of the civet subfamilies, Paradoxurinae. There are at least six species, one of which is common over tropical Asia, while the others are less common and limited in locality:...
- Prionodon
- Civettictis
- Genetta
- Poiana
- ViverraViverraViverra is a genus of civet commonly found in Southeast Asia.-Species:* Malabar Large-spotted Civet * Large-spotted Civet * Malayan Civet * Large Indian Civet...
- Viverricula
CetaceaCetaceaThe order Cetacea includes the marine mammals commonly known as whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Cetus is Latin and is used in biological names to mean "whale"; its original meaning, "large sea animal", was more general. It comes from Ancient Greek , meaning "whale" or "any huge fish or sea...
- BalaenaBalaenaBalaena is a genus of cetacean in the Balaenidae family. This family is also known as the Right Whales, which can cause confusion as there is also a species of whale called the Right Whale. The only extant species is the Bowhead whale. The fossil record of Balaena, dating to the late Miocene,...
- Eubalaena
- BalaenopteraBalaenopteraBalaenoptera is a genus of Balaenopteridae, the Rorqual whales, and contains eight species. The species Balaenoptera omurai was published in 2003...
- Megaptera
- Eschrichtius
- Caperea
- CephalorhynchusCephalorhynchusCephalorhynchus is a genus in the dolphin family Delphinidae. It consists of four species:*Commerson's Dolphin, Cephalorhyncus commersonii*Chilean Dolphin, Cephalorhyncus eutropia*Heaviside's Dolphin, Cephalorhyncus heavisidii...
- DelphinusDelphinusDelphinus is a constellation in the northern sky, close to the celestial equator. Its name is Latin for dolphin. Delphinus was one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd century astronomer Ptolemy, and it remains among the 88 modern constellations recognized by the International Astronomical...
- Feresa
- Globicephala
- Grampus
- Lagenodelphis
- LagenorhynchusLagenorhynchusLagenorhynchus is a genus in the order Cetacea, traditionally containing six species:* white-beaked dolphin, Lagenorhynchus albirostris* Atlantic white-sided dolphin, Lagenorhynchus acutus...
- Lissodelphis
- OrcaellaOrcaellaThe snubfin dolphins are a genus of dolphins containing two members: the Irrawaddy Dolphin and Australian Snubfin Dolphin. The genus was long believed to be monotypic with the only species being the Irrawaddy Dolphin; however, in 2005, genetic analysis showed that the Australian Snubfin Dolphin is...
- Orcinus
- Peponocephala
- Pseudorca
- Sotalia
- Sousa
- StenellaStenellaStenella is a genus of aquatic mammals in Delphinidae, the family informally known as the oceanic dolphins.Currently five species are recognised in this genus:*Pantropical Spotted Dolphin, S. attenuata*Atlantic Spotted Dolphin, S. frontalis...
- Steno
- Tursiops
- Delphinapterus
- Monodon
- Neophocaena
- Phocoena
- Phocoenoides
- IniaIniaInia is a genus of river dolphin containing one or possibly two species.-Taxonomy:The genus was described by Alcide d'Orbigny in 1834 when Delphinus geoffrensis, described by Henri Marie Ducrotay de Blainville in 1817, was recognized to be a unique taxon...
- Lipotes
- Platanista
- PontoporiaLa Plata DolphinThe La Plata Dolphin or Franciscana is found in coastal Atlantic waters of southeastern South America. Taxonomically it is a member of the river dolphin group and the only one that actually lives in the ocean and saltwater estuaries, rather than inhabiting exclusively freshwater...
- Kogia
- Physeter
- Berardius
- Hyperoodon
- Indopacetus
- Mesoplodon
- Tasmacetus
- Ziphius
- EonycterisEonycterisEonycteris is a genus of megabats found in Asia. Species within this genus are:*Greater Nectar Bat, Eonycteris major*Cave Nectar Bat, Eonycteris spelaea*Philippine Dawn Bat, Eonycteris robusta...
- MacroglossusMacroglossusThe Long-tongued Nectar Bat is a species of megabat. M. minimus is one of the smallest species in the family Pteropodidae with an average length of 60 - 85 mm. They have a reddish brown colouring with relatively long hair compared to the other species...
- Megaloglossus
- NotopterisNotopterisNotopteris is a genus of megabat in the Pteropodidae family.It contains the following species:Genus Notopteris* Long-tailed Fruit Bat, Notopteris macdonaldi...
- SyconycterisSyconycterisSyconycteris is a genus of megabat in the Pteropodidae family.It contains the following species:Genus Syconycteris* Halmahera Blossom Bat, Syconycteris carolinae* Moss-forest Blossom Bat, Syconycteris hobbit...
- MelonycterisMelonycterisMelonycteris is a genus of megabat in the Pteropodidae family. Members are found in the Solomon Islands or in the case of the Black-bellied Fruit Bat, in Papua New Guinea.It contains the following species:Genus Melonycteris...
- AethalopsAethalopsThe Pygmy Fruit Bat , also known as the Grey Fruit Bat, is a species of megabat.-Distribution:Three specimens were collected in April 1995 from Bario highlands in Sarawak. A. alecto is confined to montane forest above 1000 m from Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Java...
- Alionycteris
- Balionycteris
- ChironaxChironaxThe Black-capped Fruit Bat is a species of megabat in the monotypic genus Chironax.-Distribution:Seven specimens of C. melanocephalus were collected from the lowland forest at Kubah and Lambir, and beach forest at Samunsam, Sarawak, Borneo...
- CynopterusCynopterusCynopterus is a genus of megabats. The Cynopterine section is represented by 11 genera, five of which occur in Malaysia, namely, Chironx, Balionycteris, Penthetor, Dyacopterus and Cynopterus...
- DyacopterusDyacopterusDyacopterus is a genus of megabats from south-east Asia. It contains three species, namely:Genus Dyacopterus*Dayak Fruit Bat, Dyacopterus spadiceus*Brooks’s Dyak Fruit Bat, Dyacopterus brooksi...
- Haplonycteris
- LatidensLatidensSalim Ali's fruit bat is a rare megabat species in the monotypic genus Latidens.It was first collected by Angus Hutton, a planter and naturalist in the High Wavy Mountains in the western ghats of Theni district, Tamilnadu in South India in 1948.It was originally misidentified as a short-nosed...
- MegaeropsMegaeropsMegaerops is a genus of megabat.It includes the species*Tailess fruit bat, Megaerops ecaudatus*Javan Tailless Fruit Bat, Megaerops kusnotoi*Ratanaworabhan's Fruit Bat, Megaerops niphanae*White-collared fruit bat, Megaerops wetmorei...
- Otopteropus
- PenthetorPenthetorThe Dusky Fruit Bat , the only member of the genus Penthetor, a genus of megabat.-Distribution:This species was recorded from six localities, Balui , Tanjung Datu , Gunung Gading , Kubah , Lambir and Samunsam , all from Borneo...
- PtenochirusPtenochirusPtenochirus is a genus of bat in the Pteropodidae family.It contains the following species:Genus Ptenochirus* Greater Musky Fruit Bat, Ptenochirus jagori* Lesser Musky Fruit Bat, Ptenochirus minor...
- Sphaerias
- Thoopterus
- NyctimeneNyctimene (genus)Nyctimene is a genus of megabats in the Pteropodidae family. They are distributed in the central Philippines, eastern Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and the north eastern tip of Queensland, Australia.It contains these species:Genus Nyctimene...
- Paranyctimene
- Casinycteris
- EpomophorusEpomophorusEpomophorus is a genus of bat in the Pteropodidae family. They have a distribution throughout Africa.-Species:Epomophorus contains the following species:Genus Epomophorus* Angolan Epauletted Fruit Bat, Epomophorus angolensis...
- EpomopsEpomopsEpomops is a genus of bat in the Pteropodidae family.It contains the following species:* Buettikofer's Epauletted Fruit Bat, Epomops buettikoferi* Dobson's Fruit Bat, Epomops dobsoni* Franquet's Epauletted Fruit Bat, Epomops franqueti...
- Hypsignathus
- MicropteropusMicropteropusMicropteropus is a genus of bat in the Pteropodidae family.It contains the following species:* Hayman's Dwarf Epauletted Fruit Bat, Micropteropus intermedius* Peter's Dwarf Epauletted Fruit Bat, Micropteropus pusillus...
- Nanonycteris
- Plerotes
- ScotonycterisScotonycterisScotonycteris is a small genus of bat in the Pteropodidae family. These bats are found in various countries of West and Central Africa.It contains at least two known species:Genus Scotonycteris* Zenker's Fruit Bat, Scotonycteris zenkeri...
- HarpyionycterisHarpyionycterisHarpyionycteris is a genus of megabat in the Pteropodidae family.It contains the following species:Genus Harpyionycteris* Harpy Fruit Bat, Harpyionycteris whiteheadi* Sulawesi Harpy Fruit Bat, Harpyionycteris celebensis...
- Aproteles
- DobsoniaDobsoniaDobsonia is a genus of megabat in the Pteropodidae family.It contains the following 13 species :Genus Dobsonia* Andersen's Naked-backed Fruit Bat, Dobsonia anderseni* Beaufort's Naked-backed Fruit Bat, Dobsonia beauforti...
- AcerodonAcerodonAcerodon is a genus of megabat in the Pteropodidae family. It contains six species, five of which are extant.-Species:Genus Acerodon* Sulawesi Flying Fox, Acerodon celebensis* Talaud Flying Fox, Acerodon humilis...
- DesmalopexDesmalopexDesmalopex is a genus of megabats in the Pteropodidae family. It has historically been included in the genus Pteropus and occurs only in the Philippines.It comprises the following species:*White-winged Flying Fox, Desmalopex leucopterus...
- Mirimiri
- Neopteryx
- PteralopexPteralopexPteralopex is a genus of large megabats in the Pteropodidae family. They are restricted to Solomon Islands rain forests in Melanesia, and all species are seriously threatened, being rated as either endangered or critically endangered by IUCN. Two species, P. taki and P...
- PteropusPteropusBats of the genus Pteropus, belonging to the megabat or Megachiroptera sub-order, are the largest bats in the world. They are commonly known as the fruit bats or flying foxes among other colloquial names...
- StylocteniumStylocteniumStyloctenium is a genus of stripe-faced fruit bat in the Pteropodidae or family.It comprises the following species:*Mindoro stripe-faced fruit bat, Styloctenium mindorensis*Sulawesi Stripe-faced Fruit Bat, Styloctenium wallacei...
- EidolonEidolon (genus)Eidolon is a genus of megabats in the Pteropodidae family. It contains two species:*Madagascan Fruit Bat, Eidolon dupreanum*Straw-coloured Fruit Bat, Eidolon helvum-References:...
- LissonycterisLissonycterisLissonycteris is a genus of bat in the Pteropodidae family.It contains the following species:* Angolan Fruit Bat * Harrison's Fruit Bat * Petra Fruit Bat...
- MyonycterisMyonycterisMyonycteris is a genus of bat in the Pteropodidae family.It contains the following species:Genus Myonycteris* Sao Tomé Collared Fruit Bat, Myonycteris brachycephala* East African Little Collared Fruit Bat, Myonycteris relicta...
- RousettusRousettusRousettus is a genus of Old World fruit bats or megabats. They are sometimes referred to as dog-faced fruit bats, or flying foxes. The genus is a member of the suborder Megachiroptera...
- BalantiopteryxBalantiopteryxBalantiopteryx is a genus of sac-winged bats. It comprises three species:*Balantiopteryx infusca *Balantiopteryx io *Balantiopteryx plicata -External links:*...
- CentronycterisCentronycterisCentronycteris is a genus of sac-winged bats. It contains 2 species:*Thomas's Shaggy Bat *Shaggy Bat ...
- ColeuraColeuraColeura is a genus of sac-winged bat in the family Emballonuridae.It contains the following species:* African Sheath-tailed Bat * Seychelles Sheath-tailed Bat...
- Cormura
- Cyttarops
- DiclidurusDiclidurusDiclidurus is a genus of bats whose common name is the ghost bats. They all inhabit South America and sometimes also Central America....
- EmballonuraEmballonuraEmballonura is a genus of sac-winged bat in the family Emballonuridae.It contains the following species:* Small Asian Sheath-tailed Bat * Peters's Sheath-tailed Bat...
- Mosia
- PeropteryxPeropteryxPeropteryx is a genus of 5 species of bat in the family Emballonuridae, namely:*Greater Dog-like Bat *White-winged Dog-like Bat *Lesser Dog-like Bat...
- Rhynchonycteris
- SaccopteryxSaccopteryxSaccopteryx is a genus of sac-winged bats from Central and South America. The species within this genus are:*Antioquian Sac-winged Bat Saccopteryx antioquensis*Greater Sac-winged Bat Saccopteryx bilineata...
- SaccolaimusSaccolaimusSaccolaimus is a genus of sac-winged bat in the family Emballonuridae.It contains the following species:* Yellow-Bellied Pouched Bat * Troughton's Pouched Bat...
- TaphozousTaphozousTaphozous is a genus of sac-winged bat in the family Emballonuridae.It contains the following species:* Indonesian Tomb Bat * Coastal Tomb Bat * Sharp-Nosed Tomb Bat...
- Antrozous
- Bauerus
- ChaerephonChaerephonChaerephon , of the Athenian deme Sphettus, was a loyal friend and follower of Socrates. He is known only through brief descriptions by classical writers and was "an unusual man by all accounts", though a man of loyal democratic values.-Life:...
- CheiromelesCheiromelesThere are only two species in the genus Cheiromeles. They are commonly referred to as Naked Bats, Hairless Bats, or Naked Bulldog Bats, as they are almost completely devoid of hair, except for very fine coat on the tail, head, and in a collar about the neck.The skin is remarkably thickened, black...
- CynomopsCynomopsCynomops is a genus of Central and South American bats in the family Molossidae. It has sometimes been considered a subgenus of Molossops...
- EumopsEumopsEumops is a genus of bats in the family Molossidae.-Reference:* Baker, R.J.; McDonough, M.M.; Swier, V.J.; Larsen, P.A.; Carrera, J.P.; Ammerman, L.K. 2009. New species of bonneted bat, genus Eumops from the lowlands of western Ecuador and Peru. Acta Chiropterologica 11 : 1-13....
- MolossopsMolossopsMolossops is a genus of bat in the family Molossidae.The four member species are found in nearly every country of South America, with the Dwarf Dog-faced Bat being found in the most countries.It contains the following species:...
- Molossus
- Mops
- MormopterusMormopterusThe bat genus Mormopterus belongs to a group commonly referred to as "free-tailed bats"...
- MyopterusMyopterusAfrican Free-tailed Bats are a genus of bat in the family Molossidae.It contains the following species:* Daubenton's Free-tailed Bat * Bini Free-tailed Bat...
- NyctinomopsNyctinomopsNyctinomops is a genus of bats in the family Molossidae....
- OtomopsOtomopsOtomops is a genus of bat in the family Molossidae.It contains the following species:* Javan Mastiff Bat * Otomops johnstonei* Madagascar Free-tailed Bat...
- Platymops
- PromopsPromopsPromops is a genus of molossid bats.-Species:Promops is a genus of molossid bats.-Species:Promops is a genus of molossid bats.-Species::Promops centralis - big crested mastiff bat:Promops nasutus - brown mastiff bat...
- Sauromys
- TadaridaTadaridaThe genus Tadarida has ten or more species of bats divided into two subgenera, with the first of these containing seven species spread across the Old World...
- Tomopeas
- Amorphochilus
- Furipterus
- MyzopodaMyzopodaMyzopoda is the only genus in family Myzopodidae, a family of bats, endemic to Madagascar.Two species:FAMILY MYZOPODIDAE*Genus Myzopoda**Madagascar Sucker-footed Bat, Myzopoda aurita Milne-Edwards & Grandidier, 1878...
- ChilonatalusChilonatalusThe genus Chilonatalus of funnel-eared bats is found in South America and the Antilles. It has two species....
- NatalusNatalusThe genus Natalus of funnel-eared bats is found from Mexico to Brazil and the Caribbean islands. They are slender bats with unusually long tails and, as their name suggests, funnel-shaped ears. They are small, at only 3.5 to 5.5 cm in length, with brown, grey, or reddish fur...
- Nyctiellus
- Thyroptera
- MormoopsMormoopsMormoops is a genus of bat in the family Mormoopidae.It contains the following species:* Antillean Ghost-faced Bat * Giant Ghost-faced Bat * Ghost-faced Bat...
- PteronotusPteronotusPteronotus is a genus of bats. Seven extant species have been recognized, as well as one relatively recently extinct species-References:...
- Mystacina
- Noctilio
- BrachyphyllaBrachyphyllaBrachyphylla is a genus of bat in the family Phyllostomidae.It contains the following species:* Cuban Fruit-eating Bat * Antillean Fruit-eating Bat...
- CarolliaCarolliaCarollia is a genus of bats often referred to as the short-tailed fruit bats. Along with the genus, Rhinophylla, Carollia makes up the subfamily Carolliinae of family Phyllostomidae, the leaf-nosed bats. Currently, nine species of Carollia are recognized, with a number having been described since...
- RhinophyllaRhinophyllaRhinophylla is a genus of South American bats in the family Phyllostomidae. It contains the following species:* Hairy Little Fruit Bat * Fischer's Little Fruit Bat...
- DesmodusDesmodusDesmodus is a genus of bats often referred to as the vampire bats. Along with the genera, Diaemus and Diphylla, Desmodus makes up the subfamily Desmodontinae of family Phyllostomidae, the vampire bats.Genus Desmodus - vampire bats...
- Diaemus
- Diphylla
- AnouraAnouraAnoura is a genus of leaf-nosed bats from Central and South America.-Species:*Anoura aequatoris*Cadena's Tailless Bat, Anoura cadenai*Anoura canishina*Tailed Tailless Bat, Anoura caudifer*Handley's Tailless Bat, Anoura cultrata...
- ChoeroniscusChoeroniscusChoeroniscus is a genus of bat in the family Phyllostomidae.It contains the following species:* Godman's Long-tailed Bat * Greater Long-tailed Bat...
- Choeronycteris
- GlossophagaGlossophagaGlossophaga is a genus of bats in the leaf-nosed bat family, Phyllostomidae. Members of the genus are native to the American Neotropics.-Species:*G. commissarisi : Commissaris's Long-tongued Bat - Central and South America...
- Hylonycteris
- Leptonycteris
- Lichonycteris
- MonophyllusMonophyllusMonophyllus is a genus of bat in the family Phyllostomidae.It contains the following species:* Insular Single Leaf Bat * Leach's Single Leaf Bat...
- Musonycteris
- Scleronycteris
- Lionycteris
- LonchophyllaLonchophyllaLonchophylla is a genus of bats in the family Phyllostomidae.-List of species:Genus Lonchophylla*Bokermann's Nectar Bat, Lonchophylla bokermanni*Cadena's Long-tongued Bat, Lonchophylla cadenai...
- Platalina
- XeronycterisXeronycterisXeronycteris vieirai is a species of bat from northeastern Brazil, discovered in 2005 by Gregorin and Ditchfield....
- Erophylla
- PhyllonycterisPhyllonycterisPhyllonycteris is a genus of bat in the family Phyllostomidae.It contains the following species:* Jamaican Flower Bat * † Puerto Rican Flower Bat * Cuban Flower Bat...
- Chrotopterus
- GlyphonycterisGlyphonycterisGlyphonycteris is a genus of bat in the family Phyllostomidae.It contains the following species:* Behn's Bat * Davies's Big-eared Bat * Tricolored Big-eared Bat...
- Lampronycteris
- LonchorhinaLonchorhinaLonchorhina is a genus of Central and South American bats in the family Phyllostomidae.-Species:Genus Lonchorhina - Sword-nosed Bats*Tomes's Sword-nosed Bat, Lonchorhina aurita - Tomes, 1863...
- LophostomaLophostomaLophostoma is a genus of Central and South American bats in the family Phyllostomidae.-Species:Genus Lophostoma*Equatorial Round-eared Bat, Lophostoma aequatorialis*Pygmy Round-eared Bat, Lophostoma brasiliense...
- Macrophyllum
- MacrotusMacrotusMacrotus is a genus of bats in the Neotropical family Phyllostomidae. This genus contains two species, Macrotus californicus commonly known as California Leaf-nosed Bat and Macrotus waterhousii commonly known as Mexican or Waterhouse's Leaf-nosed Bat...
- MicronycterisMicronycterisMicronycteris is a genus of leaf-nosed bats.-List of species:Genus Micronycteris - Little Big-eared Bats*Brosset's Big-eared Bat, Micronycteris brosseti*Giovanni's Big-eared Bat, Micronycteris giovanniae...
- MimonMimonMimoň is a town in the Czech Republic.- People :* Rudolf Watzke , bass singer* Rudolf Schicketanz , Nazi politician* Hans Watzek , poltician...
- Neonycteris
- Phylloderma
- PhyllostomusPhyllostomusPhyllostomus is a genus of leaf-nosed bat. It contains four described species.-Species:Genus Phyllostomus - Spear-nosed Bats*Pale Spear-nosed Bat, Phyllostomus discolor*Lesser Spear-nosed Bat, Phyllostomus elongatus...
- TonatiaTonatiaTonatia is a genus of South and Central American phyllostomid bats.-Species:Tonatia is a genus of South and Central American phyllostomid bats.-Species:Tonatia is a genus of South and Central American phyllostomid bats....
- Trachops
- Trinycteris
- Vampyrum
- Ametrida
- Ardops
- Ariteus
- ArtibeusArtibeusThe Neotropical fruit bats are a genus of bats within the subfamily Stenodermatinae. The genus consists of 21 species, which are native to Central and South America, as well as parts of the Caribbean.-Description:...
- CenturioWrinkle-faced BatThe Wrinkle-faced Bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is the only identified member of the genus Centurio. It is found in various countries in and around Central America. It eats fruit but is not classified within the fruit bats. It is classified as a leaf-nosed bat but does...
- ChirodermaChirodermaChiroderma is a genus of leaf-nosed bat found in Central America, South America and the Lesser Antilles.-Species:Genus Chiroderma - Big-eyed Bats or White-lined Bats*Brazilian Big-eyed Bat, Chiroderma doriae...
- Ectophylla
- Enchisthenes
- Mesophylla
- Phyllops
- PlatyrrhinusPlatyrrhinusPlatyrrhinus is a genus of leaf-nosed bats.-Species:Genus Platyrrhinus*Alberico's Broad-nosed Bat, Platyrrhinus albericoi*Platyrrhinus angustirostris*Platyrrhinus aquilus...
- Pygoderma
- Sphaeronycteris
- Stenoderma
- UrodermaUrodermaUroderma is a genus of Central and South American phyllostomid bats.-Species:Uroderma is a genus of Central and South American phyllostomid bats.-Species:Uroderma is a genus of Central and South American phyllostomid bats....
- VampyressaVampyressaVampyressa is a genus of bat in the family Phyllostomidae.It contains the following species:* Bidentate Yellow-eared Bat * Brock's Yellow-eared Bat * Melissa's Yellow-eared Bat...
- Vampyrodes
- SturniraSturniraSturnira is a genus of bat in the family Phyllostomidae.It contains the following species:* Aratathomas's Yellow-shouldered Bat, Sturnira aratathomasi* Bidentate Yellow-shouldered Bat, Sturnira bidens...
- Cardioderma
- Lavia
- Macroderma
- MegadermaMegadermaMegaderma is a genus of bat in the Megadermatidae family.It contains the following two species:* Lesser False Vampire Bat * Greater False Vampire Bat...
- Nycteris
- Rhinolophus
- Anthops
- AselliaAselliaAsellia is a genus of bat in the family Hipposideridae.It contains the following species:* Patrizi's Trident Leaf-nosed Bat * Trident Bat -References:...
- AselliscusAselliscusAselliscus is a genus of bat in the family Hipposideridae.It contains the following species:* Stoliczka's Trident Bat * Temminck's Trident Bat -References:...
- Cloeotis
- CoelopsCoelopsCoelops is a genus of bat in the family Hipposideridae.It contains the following species:* East Asian Tailless Leaf-nosed Bat * Philippine Tailless Leaf-nosed Bat...
- HipposiderosHipposiderosHipposideros is a one of the most diverse genera of bats with more than 70 species. They are collectively called roundleaf bats after the shape of their nasal ornament...
- Paracoelops
- Paratriaenops
- Rhinonicteris
- TriaenopsTriaenopsTriaenops is a genus of bat in the family Hipposideridae. It is classified in the tribe Triaenopini, along with the closely related genus Paratriaenops and perhaps the poorly known Cloeotis. The species of Paratriaenops, which occur on Madagascar and the Seychelles, were placed in Triaenops until...
- Craseonycteris
- Rhinopoma
- MiniopterusMiniopterusMiniopterus is a genus of bats and the only genus of the family Miniopteridae. The genus was previously placed in its own subfamily, Miniopterinae, of the vesper bat family, but is now classified in its own family....
- KerivoulaKerivoulaKerivoula is a genus of vesper bats in the subfamily Kerivoulinae.Species within this genus are:*Tanzanian Woolly Bat *St...
- PhoniscusPhoniscusPhoniscus is a genus of vesper bat in the Vespertilionidae family.It contains the following species:* Dubious Trumpet-Eared Bat * Groove-Toothed Bat * Peter's Trumpet-Eared Bat...
- HarpiocephalusHarpiocephalusHarpiocephalus is a genus of bats within the Vespertilionidae or "Vesper bats" family. Species within this genus are:*Hairy-winged Bat **Subspecies Harpiocephalus harpia harpia**Subspecies Harpiocephalus harpia lasyurus...
- Harpiola
- MurinaMurinaMurina is a genus of vesper bats.-References:* Kuo, H.-C.; Fang, Y.-P.; Csorba G. & Lee, L.-L. 2009. Three New Species of Murina from Taiwan. Journal of Mammalogy 90 : 980-991....
- CistugoCistugoCistugo is a genus of bats from southern Africa. The two species have historically been included in the genus Myotis , but molecular studies show that the genus is distinct from all other Vespertilionidae, and in fact distinctive enough to be placed in its own family, Cistugidae.The two species...
- Lasionycteris
- Myotis
- ArielulusArielulusArielulus is a genus of Vesper bats. It contains the following species, sometimes in Pipistrellus:Genus Arielulus*Collared Pipistrelle *Black-Gilded Pipistrelle...
- EptesicusEptesicusEptesicus is a genus of bats, commonly called house bats, in the family Vespertilionidae.The 25 species within this genus are:*Little black serotine *Bobrinski's Serotine...
- HesperoptenusHesperoptenusHesperoptenus is a genus of bats within the Vespertilionidae or "Vesper bats" family. Species within this genus are:*Blanford's Bat *False Serotine Bat...
- LasiurusLasiurusLasiurus is the genus comprising hairy-tailed bats. The name Lasiurus is derived from the Greek lasios and oura . It contains some of the most attractive bats in the whole continent of North America including such species as the red bat, L. borealis, and the hoary bat, L. cinereus...
- Nycticeinops
- NycticeiusNycticeiusNycticeius is a small genus of bats in the vesper bat family, Vespertilionidae. It contains two species, the Evening Bat and the Cuban Evening Bat...
- RhogeessaRhogeessaRhogeessa is a genus of bats within the "Vesper bats" family, Vespertilionidae. Species within this genus are:*Yucatan Yellow Bat *Allen's Yellow Bat *Genoways's Yellow Bat...
- Scoteanax
- ScotoecusScotoecusScotoecus is a genus of bats in the family Vespertilionidae.-Species:Scotoecus is a genus of bats in the family Vespertilionidae.-Species:Scotoecus is a genus of bats in the family Vespertilionidae.-Species:...
- Scotomanes
- ScotophilusScotophilusScotophilus is a genus of vespertilionid bats commonly called yellow bats. They are found in southern Asia and Africa.- Species :- Reproduction :...
- ScotorepensScotorepensScotorepens is a genus of bats within the Vespertilionidae or "Vesper bats" family. Species within this genus are:*Western Broad-nosed Bat Scotorepens balstoni*Little Broad-nosed Bat Scotorepens greyii*Orion Broad-nosed Bat Scotorepens orion...
- NyctophilusNyctophilusNyctophilus is a genus of bats within the Vespertilionidae or "Vesper bats" family. Species within this genus are:*Northern Long-eared Bat Nyctophilus arnhemensis*Eastern Long-eared Bat Nyctophilus bifax*Nyctophilus corbeni...
- Pharotis
- GlischropusGlischropusGlischropus is a genus of bats within the Vespertilionidae or "Vesper bats" family. Species within this genus are:* Glischropus javanus Chasen, 1939 — Javan Thick-thumbed Bat...
- NyctalusNyctalusThe bat genus Nyctalus are members of the family Vespertilionidae or sometimes Evening bats. They are distributed in the temperate and subtropical areas of Europe, Asia and North Africa.There are eight species within this genus:...
- Parastrellus
- Perimyotis
- PipistrellusPipistrellusPipistrellus is a genus of bats in the family Vespertilionidae and subfamily Vespertilioninae. The name of the genus is derived from the Italian word Pipistrello, meaning "bat"....
- Scotozous
- BarbastellaBarbastellaBarbastella is a small genus of vespertilionid bats. There are three described species in this genus.-Species:Barbastella is a small genus of vespertilionid bats. There are three described species in this genus.-Species:...
- CorynorhinusCorynorhinusThe genus Corynorhinus consists of the lump-nosed bats, or American long-eared bats. Only three species occur in the genus, all occurring in North America. Members of this group were previously in the genus Plecotus. Populations of these species are generally uncommon and declining. Two...
- Euderma
- Idionycteris
- Otonycteris
- PlecotusPlecotusThe genus Plecotus consists of the lump-nosed bats. Many species in the genus have only been described and recognized in recent years.-Species:Genus Plecotus - Lump-nosed bats*Plecotus ariel*Brown Long-eared Bat, Plecotus auritus...
- ChalinolobusChalinolobusBats of the genus Chalinolobus are commonly known as pied, wattled, or long-tailed bats. They have fleshy lobes at the bottom edge of their ears and on their lower lips...
- Eudiscopus
- FalsistrellusFalsistrellusFalsistrellus is a genus of vesper bats. It contains five species.Genus Falsistrellus*Chocolate Pipistrelle, Falsistrellus affinis*Western False Pipistrelle, Falsistrellus mackenziei*Pungent Pipistrelle, Falsistrellus mordax...
- GlauconycterisGlauconycterisGlauconycteris is a genus of vespertilionid bats in Africa.-Species:Glauconycteris is a genus of vespertilionid bats in Africa.-Species:Glauconycteris is a genus of vespertilionid bats in Africa.-Species:...
- HistiotusHistiotusHistiotus is a genus of South American vesper bats. Species within this genus are:*Strange Big-eared Brown Bat *Humboldt Big-eared Brown Bat *Thomas's Big-eared Brown Bat...
- HypsugoHypsugoThe genus Hypsugo contains many bats referred to as pipistrelles or pipistrelle bats. They belong to the family Vespertilionidae or vesper bats within the order Chiroptera.-Species:*Hypsugo alaschanicus...
- IaIa (genus)Ia is a genus of bat in the family Vespertilionidae. It belongs to the subfamily Vespertilioninae and has been placed in the tribe Vespertilionini. In the past, it has also been considered a synonym or subgenus of the genera Pipistrellus or Eptesicus, which used to contain many more species than...
- LaephotisLaephotisLaephotis is a genus of bats in the family Vespertilionidae. Species within this genus are:*Angolan Long-eared Bats *Botswanan Long-eared Bat *Namib Long-eared Bat...
- Mimetillus
- NeoromiciaNeoromiciaNeoromicia is a genus of vesper bat in the family Vespertilionidae.It contains the following species:* Dark-Brown Serotine * Cape Serotine * Yellow Serotine...
- Philetor
- TylonycterisTylonycterisTylonycteris is a genus of bats within the Vespertilionidae or "Vesper bats" family. Species within this genus are:* Lesser Bamboo Bat, Tylonycteris pachypus* Pygmy Bamboo Bat, Tylonycteris pygmaeus* Greater Bamboo Bat, Tylonycteris robustula...
- VespadelusVespadelusVespadelus is a genus of vesper bat in the Vespertilionidae family.It contains the following species:* Inland Forest Bat * Northern Cave Bat * Large Forest Bat...
- VespertilioVespertilioVespertilio is a genus of bats in the Vespertilionidae family. Species within this genus are:*Parti-coloured bat *Asian Parti-colored Bat -References:...
- AtelerixAtelerixAtelerix is a genus of mammal in the Erinaceidae family. It contains four species.-Species:* Four-toed Hedgehog * North African Hedgehog * Southern African Hedgehog...
- ErinaceusErinaceusErinaceus is a genus of European hedgehog from the family of Erinaceidae. There are four main species of Erinaceus. The range is all across Europe, throughout the Middle East, parts of Russia, and extending to northern China...
- HemiechinusHemiechinusHemiechinus is a genus of hedgehogs. It contains two species.-Species:* Long-eared Hedgehog * Indian Long-eared Hedgehog...
- MesechinusMesechinusMesechinus is a genus of hedgehogs. It contains two species.-Species:* Daurian Hedgehog * Hugh's Hedgehog...
- ParaechinusParaechinusParaechinus is a genus of hedgehogs. It contains four species.-Species:* Desert Hedgehog * Brandt's Hedgehog * Indian Hedgehog...
- Echinosorex
- HylomysHylomysHylomys is a small genus of the family Erinaceidae. Hylomys species, like all species in the subfamily Galericinae, are known as gymnures or moonrats...
- Neohylomys
- Neotetracus
- PodogymnuraPodogymnuraPodogymnura is a genus of mammal in the Erinaceidae family.It contains the following species:* Dinagat Moonrat * Mindanao Gymnure...
SoricomorphaSoricomorphaThe order Soricomorpha is taxon within the class of mammals. In previous years it formed a significant group within the former order Insectivora...
- Solenodon
- CrociduraCrociduraThe genus Crocidura is one of nine genus of the shrew subfamily Crocidurinae. Members of the genus are commonly called white-toothed shrews or musk shrews, although both also apply to all of the species in the subfamily. With 182 species, Crocidura contains the largest number of species of any...
- Diplomesodon
- Feroculus
- Paracrocidura
- Ruwenzorisorex
- Scutisorex
- Solisorex
- SuncusSuncusSuncus is a genus of shrews in the family Soricidae.-Classification:*Genus Suncus**Taita Shrew **Black Shrew **Day's Shrew **Etruscan Shrew...
- Sylvisorex
- Congosorex
- MyosorexMyosorexMyosorex is a mammal genus in the Soricidae family. The genus contains the following species:*Babault's Mouse Shrew, Myosorex babaulti*Montane Mouse Shrew, Myosorex blarina*Dark-footed Mouse Shrew, Myosorex cafer...
- SurdisorexSurdisorexSurdisorex is a genus of mammal in the family Soricidae. It is one of three genera of African shrews, which, in turn, are one of three living subfamilies of shrews. They are called African mole shrews because of their similarity to moles, to which they are not closely related. There are three...
- AnourosorexAnourosorexAnourosorex is a small genus containing four species of shrew, called "Asian mole shrews" because they resemble moles and live in Asia, mostly in China, India and Indochina. Anourrosorex is the only known extant genus of the tribe Anourosoricini of red-toothed shrews...
- BlarinellaBlarinellaBlarinella is a genus of mammal in the subfamily Soricinae of the family Soricidae. It contains the following species:*Indochinese Short-tailed Shrew *Asiatic Short-tailed Shrew...
- Blarina
- Cryptotis
- Chimarrogale
- ChodsigoaChodsigoaChodsigoa is a genus of shrew in the Nectogalini tribe.-Species:There are currently 8 species classified under the Chodsigoa genus:*Chodsigoa caovansunga *Chodsigoa hypsibia...
- EpisoriculusEpisoriculusEpisoriculus is a genus of shrew in the Red-toothed shrew subfamily. They have been described to have a common name as the Brown-toothed shrews. It has been described as a subgenus to Soriculus in the past...
- Nectogale
- NeomysNeomysThe genus Neomys is a group of three Eurasian water shrews from the subfamily Soricinae of the family Soricidae. These shrews are found in most of Europe, and parts of Northern Asia as well as Turkey and Iran...
- SoriculusSoriculusSoriculus nigrescens, also known as the Himalayan Shrew, is a species of mammal in the Soricidae family. It is found in Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, and Nepal...
- Megasorex
- NotiosorexNotiosorexNotiosorex is a genus of shrew from the subfamily Soricinae.- Species :* Genus Notiosorex** Cockrum's Gray Shrew ** Crawford's Gray Shrew ** Large-eared Gray Shrew...
- SorexSorexThe genus Sorex includes many of the common shrews of Eurasia and North America. Members of this genus, known as long-tailed shrews, are the only members of the tribe Soricini of the subfamily Soricinae...
- Condylura
- Parascalops
- Scalopus
- Scapanulus
- ScapanusScapanusScapanus is a genus of moles in the family Talpidae. They live in North America from west of the Rockies south to Baja California del Norte, and north to British Columbia, wherever conditions permit a mole population; that is to say, apart from the most sandy, rocky, or developed places...
- Desmana
- Galemys
- NeurotrichusNeurotrichusNeurotrichus is a genus of shrew-like moles. It is classified, together with the fossil genus Quyania, in the tribe Neurotrichini of the subfamily Talpinae. The only living species is the American shrew-mole of the northwestern United States and British Columbia...
- Scaptonyx
- EuroscaptorEuroscaptorEuroscaptor is a genus of mammal in the Talpidae family. Members are found in China, Japan and other countries of South and Southeast Asia.It contains the following six species to date:* Greater Chinese Mole...
- MogeraMogeraMogera is a genus of mammal in the Talpidae family.It contains the following species:* Echigo Mole * Small Japanese Mole Mogera is a genus of mammal in the Talpidae family.It contains the following species:* Echigo Mole (Mogera etigo)* Small Japanese Mole Mogera is a genus of mammal in the Talpidae...
- Parascaptor
- Scaptochirus
- Talpa
- Dymecodon
- Urotrichus
- Uropsilus
- EquusEquus (genus)Equus is a genus of animals in the family Equidae that includes horses, donkeys, and zebras. Within Equidae, Equus is the only extant genus. Like Equidae more broadly, Equus has numerous extinct species known only from fossils. This article deals primarily with the extant species.The term equine...
- Ceratotherium
- Dicerorhinus
- Diceros
- RhinocerosRhinocerosRhinoceros , also known as rhino, is a group of five extant species of odd-toed ungulates in the family Rhinocerotidae. Two of these species are native to Africa and three to southern Asia....
- Tapirus
- DasypusDasypusDasypus is a genus of armadillo in the Dasypodidae family. It is the only genus in the subfamily Dasypodinae and contains the following species:*Nine-banded Armadillo, Dasypus novemcinctus*Seven-banded Armadillo, Dasypus septemcinctus...
- Calyptophractus
- ChaetophractusChaetophractusChaetophractus is a small genus of armadillos in the Dasypodidae family. It contains the following three species:*Screaming Hairy Armadillo, Chaetophractus vellerosus*Big Hairy Armadillo, Chaetophractus villosus...
- Chlamyphorus
- Euphractus
- Zaedyus
- CabassousCabassousCabassous is a genus of armadillo in the Dasypodidae family. It contains the following species:*Northern Naked-tailed Armadillo, Cabassous centralis*Chacoan Naked-tailed Armadillo, Cabassous chacoensis...
- Priodontes
- TolypeutesTolypeutesThe genus Tolypeutes contains the two species of three-banded armadillos. They are restricted to South America, mostly Brazil.- Species :There are two recognized species:* Tolypeutes matacus – Southern Three-banded Armadillo...
PilosaPilosaThe order Pilosa is a group of placental mammals, extant today only in the Americas. It includes the anteaters and sloths, including the recently extinct ground sloths....
- Bradypus
- Choloepus
- CyclopesSilky AnteaterThe Silky Anteater or Pygmy Anteater is a species of anteater from Central and South America, ranging from extreme southern Mexico south to Brazil Delta Amacuro Venezuela and possibly Paraguay...
- Myrmecophaga
- TamanduaTamanduaTamandua is a genus of anteaters. It has two members: the Southern Tamandua and the Northern Tamandua . They live in forests and grasslands, are semi-arboreal, and possess partially prehensile tails. They mainly eat ants and termites, but they occasionally eat bees, beetles, and insect larvae...