List of the vascular plants of Britain and Ireland 5

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page 4 - another group of dicotyledon families (Brassicaceae to Saxifragaceae)
page 6 - another group of dicotyledon families (Mimosaceae to Dipsacaceae)

English name Scientific name Status
Sorbaria Sorbaria sorbifolia
Sorbaria sorbifolia
Sorbaria sorbifolia is commonly known as False Spiraea, also spelled False Spirea. It is a deciduous perennial plant in the Rosaceae family. It is also known by its older names of Spiraea sorbifolia L. and Schizonotus sorbifolius Lindl...

Himalayan Sorbaria Sorbaria tomentosa *
Chinese Sorbaria Sorbaria kirilowii *
Ninebark Physocarpus opulifolius
Physocarpus opulifolius
Physocarpus opulifolius, commonly called common ninebark or Atlantic ninebark, is a plant in the rose family, Rosaceae.-Description:...

Bridewort Spiraea salicifolia *
Pale Bridewort Spiraea alba
Spiraea alba
Spiraea alba, commonly known as narrowleaf meadowsweet, pale bridewort, or pipestem, grows on wet soils of the Allegheny Mountains and other portions of eastern North America....

Steeple-bush Spiraea douglasii *
Hardhack Spiraea tomentosa *
Japanese Spiraea Spiraea japonica
Spiraea japonica
Spiraea japonica is a plant in the family Rosaceae. Synonyms for the species name are Spiraea bumalda Burv. and Spiraea japonica var. alpina Maxim.-Description:...

Himalayan Spiraea Spiraea canescens *
Elm-leaved Spiraea Spiraea chamaedryfolia *
Buck's-beard Aruncus dioicus
Aruncus dioicus
Aruncus dioicus is a plant in the rose family, Rosaceae. It is a herbaceous plant with alternate, pinnately compound leaves, on thin, stiff stems. The flowers are white, borne in summer. This plant can be found throughout Europe, Asia, and eastern and western North America...

Oceanspray Holodiscus discolor
Holodiscus discolor
Holodiscus discolor, commonly known as ocean spray, creambush or ironwood, is a shrub of western North America. It is common in the Pacific Northwest where it is found in both openings and the forest understory at low to moderate elevations.-Description:Holodiscus discolor is a fast-growing...

Dropwort Filipendula vulgaris
Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria
Giant Meadowsweet Filipendula kamtschatica *
Kerria Kerria japonica *
Cloudberry Rubus chamaemorus
Chinese Bramble Rubus tricolor *
Stone Bramble Rubus saxatilis
Rubus saxatilis
Rubus saxatilis or Stone Bramble is a species of bramble found in Europe and temperate Asia to Japan. The green stems are 20–60 cm tall and covered with minute needle-like prickles, and leaves are usually compound with three leaflets...

Arctic Bramble Rubus arcticus e
Purple-flowered Raspberry Rubus odoratus
Rubus odoratus
Rubus odoratus is a species of Rubus, native to eastern North America, from Nova Scotia west to Ontario, and south to Georgia and Alabama....

Thimbleberry Rubus parviflorus *
Raspberry Rubus idaeus
Rubus idaeus
Rubus idaeus is a red-fruited species of Rubus native to Europe and northern Asia and commonly cultivated in other temperate regions. A closely related plant in North America, sometimes regarded as the variety Rubus idaeus var...

Japanese Wineberry Rubus phoenicolasius
Rubus phoenicolasius
Rubus phoenicolasius is a species of raspberry native to northern China, Japan, and Korea. The species was introduced to Europe and North America as an ornamental plant and for its potential in breeding hybrid raspberries...

Salmonberry Rubus spectabilis *
Loganberry Rubus loganobaccus *
White-stemmed Bramble Rubus cockburnianus
Rubus cockburnianus
Rubus cockburnianus is a large plant of the Rubus genus that is cultivated in the UK, and has occasionally escaped into the wild....

a bramble Rubus accrescens
a bramble Rubus allegheniensis *
a bramble Rubus arrheniensis
a bramble Rubus bertramii
a bramble Rubus briggsianus
a bramble Rubus canadensis *
a bramble Rubus daltrii
a bramble Rubus divaricatus
a bramble Rubus fissus
a bramble Rubus glanduliger
a bramble Rubus integribasis
a bramble Rubus nessensis
a bramble Rubus nitidiformis
a bramble Rubus nobilissimus
a bramble Rubus plicatus
a bramble Rubus scissus
a bramble Rubus subopacus
a bramble Rubus sulcatus
a bramble Rubus trelleckensis
a bramble Rubus vigorosus
a bramble Rubus adspersus
a bramble Rubus albionis
a bramble Rubus averyanus
a bramble Rubus boulayi
a bramble Rubus calvatus
a bramble Rubus cambrensis
a bramble Rubus canterburiensis
a bramble Rubus castrensis
a bramble Rubus chloophyllus
a bramble Rubus chrysoxylon
a bramble Rubus confertiflorus
a bramble Rubus crespignyanus
a bramble Rubus crudelis
a bramble Rubus cumbrensis
a bramble Rubus dasycoccus
a bramble Rubus dobuniensis
a bramble Rubus durescens
a bramble Rubus ebudensis
a bramble Rubus errabundus
a bramble Rubus gratus
a bramble Rubus hesperius
a bramble Rubus imbricatus
a bramble Rubus laciniatus
Rubus laciniatus
Rubus laciniatus, the Cutleaf Evergreen Blackberry or Evergreen Blackberry, is a species of Rubus native to Europe. it is an introduced species in North America...

a bramble Rubus lacustris
a bramble Rubus lentiginosus
a bramble Rubus leptothyrsos
a bramble Rubus leucandriformis
a bramble Rubus lindleianus
a bramble Rubus ludensis
a bramble Rubus macrophyllus
a bramble Rubus mercicus
a bramble Rubus mollissimus
a bramble Rubus monensis
a bramble Rubus obesifolius
a bramble Rubus oxyanchus
a bramble Rubus perdigitatus
a bramble Rubus platyacanthus
a bramble Rubus pliocenicus
a bramble Rubus plymensis
a bramble Rubus poliodes
a bramble Rubus polyoplus
a bramble Rubus pullifolius
a bramble Rubus purbeckensis
a bramble Rubus pyramidalis
a bramble Rubus questieri
a bramble Rubus riparius
a bramble Rubus robiae
a bramble Rubus salteri
a bramble Rubus sciocharis
a bramble Rubus silurum
a bramble Rubus silvaticus
a bramble Rubus sneydii
a bramble Rubus subintegribasis
a bramble Rubus varvicensis
a bramble Rubus viridescens
a bramble Rubus acclivitatum
a bramble Rubus altiarcuatus
a bramble Rubus amplificatus
a bramble Rubus bakerianus
a bramble Rubus boudiccae
a bramble Rubus cardiophyllus
a bramble Rubus carnkiefensis
a bramble Rubus cissburiensis
a bramble Rubus cordatifolius
a bramble Rubus cornubiensis
a bramble Rubus curvispinosus
a bramble Rubus daveyi
a bramble Rubus diversiarmatus
a bramble Rubus dumnoniensis
a bramble Rubus elegantispinosus *
a bramble Rubus furnarius
a bramble Rubus herefordensis
a bramble Rubus incurvatiformis
a bramble Rubus incurvatus
a bramble Rubus iricus
a bramble Rubus lasiodermis
a bramble Rubus lindebergii
a bramble Rubus londinensis
a bramble Rubus milfordensis
a bramble Rubus nemoralis
a bramble Rubus pampinosus
a bramble Rubus patuliformis
a bramble Rubus pervalidus
a bramble Rubus pistoris
a bramble Rubus polyanthemus
a bramble Rubus prolongatus
a bramble Rubus ramosus
a bramble Rubus rhombifolius
a bramble Rubus riddelsdellii
a bramble Rubus rubritinctus
a bramble Rubus septentrionalis
a bramble Rubus stanneus
a bramble Rubus subinermoides
a bramble Rubus tavensis
a bramble Rubus tresidderi
a bramble Rubus villicauliformis
a bramble Rubus arrhenii
a bramble Rubus brevistaminosus
a bramble Rubus permundus
a bramble Rubus sprengelii
a bramble Rubus anglocandicans
a bramble Rubus armeniacus
Rubus armeniacus
Rubus armeniacus, Armenian Blackberry or Himalayan Blackberry, is a species of Rubus in the blackberry group Rubus subgenus Rubus series Discolores Focke. It is native to Armenia in southwest Asia, and widely naturalised elsewhere...

a bramble Rubus armipotens
a bramble Rubus hylophilus
a bramble Rubus lamburnensis
a bramble Rubus neomalacus
a bramble Rubus pydarensis
a bramble Rubus rossensis
a bramble Rubus stenopetalus
a bramble Rubus ulmifolius
Rubus ulmifolius
Rubus ulmifolius is a species of wild blackberry known by the English common name elmleaf blackberry or thornless blackberry and the Spanish common name zarzamora. It is native to Europe and North Africa, and it is widely known elsewhere as an introduced species and sometimes a noxious weed...

a bramble Rubus winteri
a bramble Rubus adscitus
a bramble Rubus andegavensis
a bramble Rubus bartonii
a bramble Rubus boraeanus
a bramble Rubus conspersus
a bramble Rubus cotteswoldensis
a bramble Rubus criniger
a bramble Rubus euanthinus
a bramble Rubus hirsutissimus
a bramble Rubus infestisepalus
a bramble Rubus lanaticaulis
a bramble Rubus lettii
a bramble Rubus leucostachys
a bramble Rubus longus
a bramble Rubus orbus
a bramble Rubus ordovicum
a bramble Rubus painteri
a bramble Rubus surrejanus
a bramble Rubus thurstonii
a bramble Rubus vestitus
a bramble Rubus aquarum
a bramble Rubus cinerosiformis
a bramble Rubus devoniensis
a bramble Rubus egregius
a bramble Rubus furvicolor
a bramble Rubus fuscicortex
a bramble Rubus melanocladus
a bramble Rubus mucronatiformis
a bramble Rubus mucronatoides
a bramble Rubus mucronulatus
a bramble Rubus wirralensis
a bramble Rubus acutifrons
a bramble Rubus aequalidens
a bramble Rubus coombensis
a bramble Rubus curvidens
a bramble Rubus decussatus
a bramble Rubus diversus
a bramble Rubus erythrops
a bramble Rubus fuscoviridis
a bramble Rubus gallofuscus
a bramble Rubus glareosus
a bramble Rubus griffithianus
a bramble Rubus hantonensis
a bramble Rubus hastiformis
a bramble Rubus heterobelus
a bramble Rubus laxatifrons
a bramble Rubus leightonii
a bramble Rubus lintonii
a bramble Rubus longifrons
a bramble Rubus melanodermis
a bramble Rubus micans
a bramble Rubus moylei
a bramble Rubus newbouldii
a bramble Rubus norvicensis
a bramble Rubus powellii
a bramble Rubus raduloides
a bramble Rubus trichodes
a bramble Rubus turritus
a bramble Rubus ewdgwoodiae
a bramble Rubus adamsii
a bramble Rubus ahenifolius
a bramble Rubus anglofuscus
a bramble Rubus anisacanthos
a bramble Rubus biloensis
a bramble Rubus cinerosus
a bramble Rubus dentatifolius
a bramble Rubus distractiformis
a bramble Rubus drejeri
a bramble Rubus dunensis
a bramble Rubus effrenatus
a bramble Rubus formidabilis
a bramble Rubus hartmanii
a bramble Rubus hibernicus
a bramble Rubus infestus
a bramble Rubus leyanus
a bramble Rubus metallorum
a bramble Rubus morganwgensis
a bramble Rubus pascuorum
a bramble Rubus adenanthoides
a bramble Rubus bloxamianus
a bramble Rubus bloxamii
a bramble Rubus botryeros
a bramble Rubus briggsii e
a bramble Rubus cantianus
a bramble Rubus cavatifolius
a bramble Rubus celticus
a bramble Rubus condensatus
a bramble Rubus echinatoides
a bramble Rubus achinatus
a bramble Rubus euryanthemus
a bramble Rubus flexuosus
a bramble Rubus fuscicaulis
a bramble Rubus fuscus
a bramble Rubus hyposericeus
a bramble Rubus informifolius
a bramble Rubus insectifolius
a bramble Rubus iodnephes
a bramble Rubus largificus
a bramble Rubus longithyrsiger
a bramble Rubus malvernicus
a bramble Rubus newbouldianus
a bramble Rubus pallidus
a bramble Rubus peninsulae
a bramble Rubus porphyrocaulis
a bramble Rubus putneiensis
a bramble Rubus radula
a bramble Rubus radulicaulis
a bramble Rubus regillus
a bramble Rubus rubristylus
a bramble Rubus rudis
a bramble Rubus rufescens
a bramble Rubus sagittarius
a bramble Rubus scoticus
a bramble Rubus sectiramus
a bramble Rubus spadix
a bramble Rubus subtercanens
a bramble Rubus troiensis
a bramble Rubus wolley-dodii
a bramble Rubus angusticuspis
a bramble Rubus aristisepalus
a bramble Rubus atrebatum
a bramble Rubus babingtonii
a bramble Rubus bercheriensis
a bramble Rubus breconensis
a bramble Rubus dasyphyllus
a bramble Rubus durotrigum
a bramble Rubus hylocharis
a bramble Rubus iceniensis
a bramble Rubus infestior
a bramble Rubus marshallii
a bramble Rubus merlinii
a bramble Rubus asperidens
a bramble Rubus murrayi
a bramble Rubus naldrettii
a bramble Rubus newbridgensis
a bramble Rubus pallidisetus
a bramble Rubus phaeocarpus
a bramble Rubus proiectus
a bramble Rubus pseudoplinthostylus
a bramble Rubus purchasianus
a bramble Rubus rilstonei
a bramble Rubus rotundifolius e
a bramble Rubus scabripes
a bramble Rubus semiglaber
a bramble Rubus tamarensis
a bramble Rubus tardus
a bramble Rubus thyrsigeriformis
a bramble Rubus tumulorum
a bramble Rubus turneri e
a bramble Rubus vigursii
a bramble Rubus watsonii
a bramble Rubus angloserpens
a bramble Rubus hylonomus
a bramble Rubus leptadenes
a bramble Rubus obscuriflorus
a bramble Rubus pedemontanus
a bramble Rubus praetextus
a bramble Rubus scaber
a bramble Rubus adenoleucus
a bramble Rubus babingtonianus
a bramble Rubus bagnallinaus
a bramble Rubus britannicus
a bramble Rubus bucknallii
a bramble Rubus conjungens
a bramble Rubus eboracensis
a bramble Rubus halsteadensis
a bramble Rubus hebridensis
a bramble Rubus intensior
a bramble Rubus latifolius
a bramble Rubus nemorosus
a bramble Rubus pictorum
a bramble Rubus pruinosus
a bramble Rubus rubriflorus
a bramble Rubus tenuiarmatus
a bramble Rubus triangularis
a bramble Rubus tuberculatus
a bramble Rubus warrenii
Dewberry Rubus caesius
Shrubby Cinquefoil Potentilla fruticosa
Marsh Cinquefoil Potentilla palustris
Potentilla palustris
Comarum palustre , known by the common names Purple Marshlocks, Swamp Cinquefoil and Marsh Cinquefoil, is a common waterside shrub. It has a Circumboreal distribution, occurring throughout North America, Europe, and Asia, particularly the northern regions...

Silverweed Potentilla anserina
Rock Cinquefoil Potentilla rupestris
Hoary Cinquefoil Potentilla argentea
Grey Cinquefoil Potentilla inclinata *
Sulphur Cinquefoil Potentilla recta
Potentilla recta
Potentilla recta is a species of cinquefoil. It is native to Eurasia but it is present in North America as an introduced species, ranging through almost the entire continent except the northernmost part of Canada and Alaska.The plant probably originated in the Mediterranean Basin, and it was first...

Russian Cinquefoil Potentilla intermedia *
Ternate-leaved Cinquefoil Potentilla norvegica
Potentilla norvegica
Potentilla norvegica is a species of cinquefoil known by the common names rough cinquefoil and Norwegian cinquefoil. It is native to Eurasia...

Brook Cinquefoil Potentilla rivalis
Potentilla rivalis
Potentilla rivalis is a species of cinquefoil known by the common name brook cinquefoil. It is native to much of North America, including the southern half of Canada and the western and central United States. It grows in moist habitat, sometimes in disturbed areas. It is an annual or biennial herb...

Alpine Cinquefoil Potentilla crantzii
Potentilla crantzii
Potentilla crantzii is a flowering plant of the genus Potentilla in the family Rosaceae.The synonym P. verna as described by Linnaeus is usually assigned to this plant in recent times. In much of the 20th century botanists tended to believe it referred to P. aurea. Yet earlier authors commonly...

Spring Cinquefoil Potentilla neumanniana
Potentilla neumanniana
Potentilla neumanniana, the Spring Cinquefoil or Spotted Cinquefoil, is a flowering plant of the cinquefoil genus in the rose family . It was first scientifically described by H.G.L. Reichenbach in 1832....

Tormentil Potentilla erecta
Trailing Tormentil Potentilla anglica
Creeping Cinquefoil Potentilla reptans
Barren Strawberry Potentilla sterilis
Sibbaldia Sibbaldia procumbens
Sibbaldia procumbens
Sibbaldia procumbens is a species of flowering plant in the rose family known by the common name creeping sibbaldia. It has a circumpolar distribution; it can be found throughout the northern latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere from Arctic regions into higher-elevation temperate areas...

Wild Strawberry Fragaria vesca
Hautbois Strawberry Fragaria moschata *
Garden Strawberry Fragaria ananassa *
Yellow-flowered Strawberry Duchesnea Indica *
Water Avens Geum rivale
Wood Avens Geum urbanum
Large-leaved Avens Geum macrophyllum
Geum macrophyllum
Geum macrophyllum, commonly known as largeleaf avens, is a flowering plant found from the Arctic south to the northern U.S. states, and in the Rocky Mountains and west to the Sierra Nevada in California and as far south as Northwestern Mexico....

Mountain Avens Dryas octopetala
Dryas octopetala
Dryas octopetala is an arctic-alpine flowering plant in the family Rosaceae. It is a small prostrate evergreen subshrub forming large colonies, and is a popular flower in rock gardens...

Agrimony Agrimonia eupatoria
Agrimonia eupatoria
Agrimonia eupatoria is a species of agrimony that is often referred to as common agrimony, church steeples or sticklewort....

Fragrant Agrimony Agrimonia procera
Bastard Agrimony Aremonia agrimonioides *
Great Burnet Sanguisorba officinalis
Sanguisorba officinalis
Sanguisorba officinalis is a plant in the family Rosaceae, subfamily Rosoideae. It is native throughout the cooler regions of the Northern Hemisphere in Europe, northern Asia, and northern North America....

White Burnet Sanguisorba canadensis
Sanguisorba canadensis
Sanguisorba canadensis, or Canadian burnet, is a perennial in the family Rosaceae native to North America, commonly growing in bogs, swamps, and roadsides from Labrador to Georgia. It grows 4–5 ft. tall, with creamy white flowers that grow in cylindrical spikes...

Salad Burnet Sanguisorba minor
Pirri-pirri-bur Acaena novae-zelandiae
Acaena novae-zelandiae
Acaena novae-zelandiae is an ornamental plant native to New Zealand and Australia. It can also be found elsewhere as an introduced species, and is considered a noxious weed in some areas, such as Hawaii and California.-Characteristics:Bidgee-Widgee is a prostrate herb...

Bronze Pirri-pirri-bur Acaena anserinifolia *
Two-spined Acaena Acaena ovalifolia *
Spineless Acaena Acaena inermis *
Alpine Lady's-mantle Alchemilla alpina
Alchemilla alpina
Alchemilla alpina, Alpine Lady's Mantle, is an arctic-montane herbaceous perennial plant native to Europe and Southern Greenland.Alpine Lady's Mantle has been used for centuries as an herbal remedy, and is used in horticulture as a ground cover and in rock gardens.-External links:*...

Silver Lady's-mantle Alchemilla conjuncta *
a lady's-mantle Alchemilla glaucescens
a lady's-mantle Alchemilla monticola
a lady's-mantle Alchemilla tytthantha *
a lady's-mantle Alchemilla subcrenata
a lady's-mantle Alchemilla acutiloba
a lady's-mantle Alchemilla micans
a lady's-mantle Alchemilla xanthochlora
a lady's-mantle Alchemilla filicaulis
a lady's-mantle Alchemilla minima
a lady's-mantle Alchemilla glomerulans
a lady's-mantle Alchemilla wichurae
a lady's-mantle Alchemilla glabra
a lady's-mantle Alchemilla mollis
Alchemilla mollis
Alchemilla mollis, Lady's Mantle, is an herbaceous perennial plant native to southern Europe and grown throughout the world as an ornamental garden plant. It grows tall, with leaves that are palmately veined, with a scalloped and serrated margin...

Parsley-piert Aphanes arvensis
Slender Parsley-piert Aphanes australis
Many-flowered Rose Rosa multiflora *
Prairie Rose Rosa setigera *
Memorial Rose Rosa luciae *
Field-rose Rosa arvensis
Burnet Rose Rosa pimpinellifolia
Rosa pimpinellifolia
Rosa pimpinellifolia is a species of rose native to western, central and southern Europe and northwest Africa...

Japanese Rose Rosa rugosa *
Dutch Rose Rosa 'Hollandica' *
Red-leaved Rose Rosa ferruginea *
Virginian Rose Rosa virginiana
Rosa virginiana
Rosa virginiana, commonly known as the Virginia Rose , Common Wild Rose or Prairie Rose, is a woody perennial in the rose family native to eastern North America, where it is the commonest wild rose. It is deciduous, forming a suckering shrub up to 2 metres in height, though often less. The stems...

Red rose Rosa gallica
Rosa gallica
Rosa gallica is a species of rose native to southern and central Europe eastwards to Turkey and the Caucasus....

Short-styled Field-rose Rosa stylosa
Dog-rose Rosa canina
Hairy Dog-rose Rosa caesia
Round-leaved Dog-rose Rosa obtusifolia
Harsh Downy-rose Rosa tomentosa
Sherard's Downy-rose Rosa sherardii
Soft Downy-rose Rosa mollis
Sweet-briar Rosa rubiginosa
Small-flowered Sweet-briar Rosa micrantha
Small-leaved Sweet-briar Rosa agrestis
Peach Prunus persica *
Almond Prunus dulcis *
Cherry Plum Prunus cerasifera *
Blackthorn Prunus spinosa
Prunus spinosa
Prunus spinosa is a species of Prunus native to Europe, western Asia, and locally in northwest Africa. It is also locally naturalised in New Zealand and eastern North America....

Wild Plum Prunus domestica
Prunus domestica
Prunus domestica is a Prunus species with many varieties. These are often called "plums" in common English, though not all plums belong to this species. Its hybrid parentage is believed to be Prunus spinosa and Prunus cerasifera var. divaricata...

Wild Cherry Prunus avium
Prunus avium
Prunus avium, commonly called wild cherry, sweet cherry, bird cherry, or gean, is a species of cherry, native to Europe, west Turkey, northwest Africa, and western Asia, from the British Isles south to Morocco and Tunisia, north to the Trondheimsfjord region in Norway and east to the Caucasus, and...

Dwarf Cherry Prunus cerasus *
St Lucie Cherry Prunus mahaleb
Prunus mahaleb
Prunus mahaleb is a species of cherry native to central and southern Europe, western and central Asia, and northwest Africa, from Morocco north to France, southern Belgium, and Germany, and east to northern Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan.It is a deciduous tree or large...

Pin Cherry Prunus pensylvanica *
Fuji cherry Prunus incisa *
Bird Cherry Prunus padus
Rum Cherry Prunus serotina *
Portugal Laurel Prunus lusitanica
Prunus lusitanica
Prunus lusitanica, with common name Portugal laurel, is a species of cherry, native to southwestern France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, and Macaronesia .-Distribution:...

Cherry Laurel Prunus laurocerasus *
Osoberry Oemleria cerasiformis
Oemleria cerasiformis
Oemleria cerasiformis, also known as the Osoberry and Indian Plum, is the sole species in genus Oemleria. It is a shrub native to the Pacific coast and ranges of North America, from British Columbia, Canada to Santa Barbara County, California, U.S.A. It is among the first plants to leaf out and...

Quince Cydonia oblonga *
Chinese Quince Chaenomeles speciosa
Chaenomeles speciosa
Chaenomeles speciosa is a thorny deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub native to eastern Asia. It is taller than another commonly cultivated species, C. japonica, usually growing to about 2 m...

Plymouth Pear Pyrus cordata
Wild Pear Pyrus pyraster
Pyrus pyraster
Pyrus pyraster , also called European Wild Pear, is a species of pear belonging to the Rosaceae family....

Pear Pyrus communis *
Crab Apple Malus sylvestris
Malus sylvestris
Malus sylvestris, the European wild apple, is a species of Malus , native to Europe from as far south as Spain, Italy and Greece to as far north as Scandinavia and Russia. Its scientific name means "forest apple", and the truly wild tree has thorns.In the past, M. sylvestris was thought to be an...

Apple Malus domestica *
Rowan Sorbus aucuparia
Sorbus aucuparia
Sorbus aucuparia , is a species of the genus Sorbus, native to most of Europe except for the far south, and northern Asia...

Arran Service Tree Sorbus pseudofennica
Sorbus pseudofennica
Sorbus pseudofennica is a species of plant in the Rosaceae family. It is a naturally occurring hybrid caused by the Rock Whitebeam hybridising with the Rowan , then crossing back with S. aucuparia...

Finnish Whitebeam Sorbus hybrida
Sorbus hybrida
Sorbus hybrida is a species of whitebeam native to Scandinavia in Norway, eastern Sweden, and southwestern Finland, and locally in the Baltic States in Latvia....

Swedish Whitebeam Sorbus arranensis
Sorbus arranensis
Sorbus arranensis, sometimes referred to as the Scottish or Arran Whitebeam is a species of plant in the Rosaceae family. It is endemic to the island of Arran in Scotland.-Range and habitat:...

a Swedish Whitebeam Sorbus leyana
Sorbus leyana
Sorbus leyana is a species of plant in the Rosaceae family. It is endemic to the United Kingdom, where it is found in the wild at two sites in the Brecon Beacons, in Wales. It is threatened by habitat loss. There are about 16 examples left in the wild. Seeds have been collected by the Royal...

a Swedish Whitebeam Sorbus minima
Sorbus minima
Sorbus minima, commonly known as the lesser whitebeam or least whitebeam, is a shrub belonging to the subgenus Aria in the genus Sorbus. It is endemic to Wales where it grows at a few sites in Breconshire...

a Swedish Whitebeam Sorbus intermedia
Sorbus intermedia
Sorbus intermedia is a species of whitebeam in southern Sweden, with scattered occurrences in easternmost Denmark , the far southwest of Finland), the Baltic States, and northern Poland....

a Swedish Whitebeam Sorbus anglica
Sorbus anglica
Sorbus anglica, the English whitebeam is a species of tree in the Rosaceae family. It is uncommonly found in Ireland and the United Kingdom, with an entire British population estimated at about 600. individuals.-Source:...

Common Whitebeam Sorbus aria
Sorbus aria
Sorbus aria , the Whitebeam or Common Whitebeam is a deciduous tree, compact and domed, with few upswept branches; it generally favours dry limestone and chalk soils. The hermaphrodite cream-white flowers appear in May, are insect pollinated, and go on to produce scarlet berries, which are often...

a Common Whitebeam Sorbus leptophylla
Sorbus leptophylla
Sorbus leptophylla is a species of plant in the Rosaceae family. It is endemic to the United Kingdom.-References:* Wigginton, M.J. 1998. . Downloaded on 23 August 2007....

a Common Whitebeam Sorbus wilmottiana
Sorbus wilmottiana
Sorbus wilmottiana is a species of plant in the Rosaceae family. It is endemic to the United Kingdom. It is threatened by habitat loss.-Source:* Wigginton, M.J. 1998. . Downloaded on 23 August 2007....

a Common Whitebeam Sorbus eminens
Sorbus eminens
Sorbus eminens, sometimes classified as Aria eminens when the Aria subgenus of Sorbus is elevated to full genus, is a species of plant in the Rosaceae family. It is endemic to the United Kingdom. It is threatened by habitat loss.-Source:...

a Common Whitebeam Sorbus hibernica
a Common Whitebeam Sorbus porrigentiformis
a Common Whitebeam Sorbus lancastriensis
Sorbus lancastriensis
Sorbus lancastriensis is a species of plant in the Rosaceae family. It is endemic to the United Kingdom. It is threatened by habitat loss.-Source:* Wigginton, M.J. 1998. . Downloaded on 23 August 2007....

a Common Whitebeam Sorbus rupicola
Sorbus rupicola
Sorbus rupicola, known as Rock Whitebeam, is a rare shrub or small tree best known from the British Isles but also reported from Norway, Sweden and Russia. It prefers basic soil near edges of forests or other shrubs. If growing to full trees, S. rupicola can reach heights of 3—5 m...

a Common Whitebeam Sorbus vexans
Sorbus vexans
Sorbus vexans is a rare tree in the Rosaceae family. It is endemic to the United Kingdom. It can be seen in the Exmoor National Park. It is threatened by habitat loss.-References:...

a Broad-leaved Whitebeam Sorbus decipiens
Sorbus decipiens
Sorbus decipiens is a species of plant in the Rosaceae family. It is endemic to Germany.-Source:* Schmidt, P.A. 1998. . Downloaded on 23 August 2007....

a Broad-leaved Whitebeam Sorbus subcuneata
Sorbus subcuneata
Sorbus subcuneata is a species of plant in the Rosaceae family. It is endemic to coastal north Devon and west Somerset in the United Kingdom. It is threatened by habitat loss.-References:* Wigginton, M.J. 1998. . Downloaded on 23 August 2007....

a Broad-leaved Whitebeam Sorbus devoniensis
Sorbus devoniensis
Sorbus Devonensis is known by the English name of Devon Whitebeam. It is a species of Whitebeam tree in the Rosaceae family. It is endemic to the British Isles, growing wild only in areas of Devon, Cornwall, Somerset and Ireland....

a Broad-leaved Whitebeam Sorbus croceocarpa *
a Broad-leaved Whitebeam Sorbus bristoliensis
Sorbus bristoliensis
Sorbus bristoliensis is a species of Whitebeam tree in the Rosaceae family. It is endemic to the United Kingdom, growing wild only in the Avon Gorge and in Leigh Woods area of Bristol-References:...

a Broad-leaved Whitebeam Sorbus latifolia *
Wild Service-tree Sorbus torminalis
Red Chokeberry Aronia arbutifolia *
Black Chokeberry Aronia melanocarpa *
Juneberry Amelanchier lamarckii
Amelanchier lamarckii
Amelanchier lamarckii, commonly known as juneberry, is form of serviceberry shrub. It has white flowers that are star-shaped. Its young berry-like pome fruits are dark-red when young, but become dark-purple when ripe. The fruits are edible and have an apple and sweet flavor. It is widely cultivated...

Stranvaesia Photinia davidiana *
One-stoned Cotoneaster Cotoneaster monopyrenus *
Lindley's Cotoneaster Cotoneaster ellipticus *
Circular-leaved Cotoneaster Cotoneaster hissaricus *
Black-grape Cotoneaster Cotoneaster ignotus *
Purpleberry Cotoneaster Cotoneaster affinis *
Dartford Cotoneaster Cotoneaster obtusus *
Open-fruited Cotoneaster Cotoneaster bacillaris *
Godalming Cotoneaster Cotoneaster transens *
Tree Cotoneaster Cotoneaster frigidus *
Willow-leaved Cotoneaster Cotoneaster salicifolius
Cotoneaster salicifolius
Cotoneaster salicifolius, the Willow-leaved Cotoneaster, is a drought-tolerant, evergreen to semi-evergreen, low-lying, small to medium sized shrub with an arched branching habit. Specimens growing in the wild, however, are generally larger, averaging five meters in height...

Bearberry Cotoneaster Cotoneaster dammeri
Cotoneaster dammeri
Cotoneaster dammeri, the Bearberry Cotoneaster, is a species in the genus Cotoneaster, belonging to the Rosaceae family.-Description:...

Silverleaf Cotoneaster Cotoneaster pannosus
Cotoneaster pannosus
Cotoneaster pannosus is a species of cotoneaster known by the common name silverleaf cotoneaster. This woody shrub is native to south central China but it has been introduced to other areas of the world, including southern Africa and Australia as an ornamental. It has become naturalized in some...

Late Cotoneaster Cotoneaster lacteus *
Procumbent Cotoneaster Cotoneaster prostratus *
Congested Cotoneaster Cotoneaster congestus *
Entire-leaved Cotoneaster Cotoneaster integrifolius
Cotoneaster integrifolius
Cotoneaster integrifolius is a species of Cotoneaster that is a low growing shrub. It has been grown as ornamental plants in gardens and public rock gardens. It has been introduced to Ireland, but has become naturalised. It produces a red berry-like pome fruit that are an important food source for...

Thyme-leaved Cotoneaster Cotoneaster linearifolius *
Tibetan Cotoneaster Cotoneaster conspicuus *
Kashmir Cotoneaster Cotoneaster cashmiriensis *
Distichous Cotoneaster Cotoneaster nitidus *
Wall Cotoneaster Cotoneaster horizontalis
Cotoneaster horizontalis
Cotoneaster horizontalis is a species of Cotoneaster that is native to China. It is a short shrub that is cultivated as an ornamental plant in gardens and public parks for its decorative berries. It is used as hedging or ground cover. The berry-like fruits are actually pomes. The fruits are red and...

Hjelmqvist's Cotoneaster Cotoneaster hjelmqvistii *
Purple-flowered Cotoneaster Cotoneaster atropurpureus *
Creeping Cotoneaster Cotoneaster adpressus *
Dwarf Cotoneaster Cotoneaster nanshan *
Spreading Cotoneaster Cotoneaster divaricatus *
Few-flowered Cotoneaster Cotoneaster nitens *
Shiny Cotoneaster Cotoneaster lucidus
Cotoneaster lucidus
Cotoneaster lucidus is a deciduous, medium-sized shrub with long, spreading branches reaching heights of 6' to 10'. It is native to parts of northern Asia, and adapted to tolerate colder weather. C...

Lleyn Cotoneaster Cotoneaster villosulus *
Ampfield Cotoneaster Cotoneaster laetevirens *
Wild Cotoneaster Cotoneaster cambricus
Cotoneaster cambricus
Cotoneaster cambricus is a species of Cotoneaster endemic to the Great Orme peninsula in north Wales. It is the only species of Cotoneaster native to the British Isles. It has never been found naturally at any other location...

Mucronate Cotoneaster Cotoneaster mucronatus *
Himalayan Cotoneaster Cotoneaster simonsii *
Hollyberry Cotoneaster Cotoneaster bullatus *
Bullate Cotoneaster Cotoneaster rehderi *
Moupin Cotoneaster Cotoneaster moupinensis *
Diel's Cotoneaster Cotoneaster dielsianus *
Showy Cotoneaster Cotoneaster splendens *
Franchet's Cotoneaster Cotoneaster franchetii
Cotoneaster franchetii
Cotoneaster franchetii is a species of Cotoneaster native to southwestern China, in the provinces of Guizhou, Sichuan, Xizang, and Yunnan, and also in adjacent northern Myanmar and northern Thailand....

Stern's Cotoneaster Cotoneaster sternianus *
Engraved Cotoneaster Cotoneaster insculptus *
Beautiful Cotoneaster Cotoneaster amoenus *
Cherryred Cotoneaster Cotoneaster zabelii *
Firethorn Pyracantha coccinea
Pyracantha coccinea
Pyracantha coccinea is the European species of Firethorn that has been cultivated in gardens since the late 16th century. The tree has small white flowers. It produces small, bright red berries. The fruit is bitter and astringent, making it inedible when raw. The fruit can be cooked to make...

Asian Firethorn Pyracantha rogersiana
Pyracantha rogersiana
Pyracantha rogersiana is species of Firethorn shrub. It is grown in gardens, yards, and parks for its golden-yellow or golden-orange berries. The seeds are poisonous if ingested and may result in vomiting. It can be grown as a hedge....

Medlar Mespilus germanica *
Hairy Cockspurthorn Crataegus submollis
Crataegus submollis
Crataegus submollis is a species of hawthorn that grows to about 10 m in height and typically carries large crops of red fruit.This species is closely related to C. mollis, but the two species have separate native ranges. Amongst other differences between these two species, C. mollis has...

Large-flowered Cockspurthorn Crataegus coccinioides
Crataegus coccinioides
Crataegus coccinioides is a species of hawthorn known by the common name Kansas hawthorn. C. coccinioides is native to Kansas, to New England, and the southernmost parts of Ontario and Quebec. It has large flowers and leaves and fruit that appear pinkish until polished to reveal the red colour...

Pear-fruited Cockspurthorn Crataegus pedicellata
Crataegus pedicellata
Crataegus pedicellata is a name for a species of Hawthorn that has been shown to be the same as C. coccinea L., common name "Scarlet Hawthorn". Under the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, the older name should be used. Considerable confusion persists, however, because the name C...

Cockspurthorn Crataegus crus-galli
Crataegus crus-galli
Crataegus crus-galli is a species of hawthorn known by the common names cockspur hawthorn and cockspur thorn. It is native to eastern North America from Ontario to Texas to Florida, and it is widely used in horticulture. This is a small tree growing up to about 10 meters tall and 8 meters wide,...

Broad-leaved Cockspurthorn Crataegus persimilis *
Round-fruited Cockspurthorn Crataegus succulenta
Crataegus succulenta
Crataegus succulenta is a species of hawthorn known by the common names fleshy hawthorn and succulent hawthorn. It is "the most wide-ranging hawthorn in North America", native to much of southern Canada, and the United States as far south as Arizona, New Mexico, Kansas, Missouri, North Carolina,...

Hawthorn Crataegus monogyna
Midland Hawthorn Crataegus laevigata
Various-leaved Hawthorn Crataegus heterophylla *
Oriental Hawthorn Crataegus orientalis
Crataegus orientalis
Crataegus orientalis is a species of hawthorn native to the Mediterranean region, Turkey, Caucasia, Crimea, and western Iran, with fruits that are orange or various shades of red....


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page 4 - another group of dicotyledon families (Brassicaceae to Saxifragaceae)
page 6 - another group of dicotyledon families (Mimosaceae to Dipsacaceae)
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