Partition regular
In mathematics
Mathematics is the study of quantity, space, structure, and change. Mathematicians seek out patterns and formulate new conjectures. Mathematicians resolve the truth or falsity of conjectures by mathematical proofs, which are arguments sufficient to convince other mathematicians of their validity...

, the notion of partition regularity in combinatorics
Combinatorics is a branch of mathematics concerning the study of finite or countable discrete structures. Aspects of combinatorics include counting the structures of a given kind and size , deciding when certain criteria can be met, and constructing and analyzing objects meeting the criteria ,...

 is one approach to explaining when a set system is quite large.

Given a set , a collection of subsets is called partition regular if every set A in the collection has the property that, no matter how A is partitioned into finitely many subsets, at least one of the subsets will also belong to the collection. That is,
for any , and any finite partition , there exists an i ≤ n, such that belongs to . Ramsey theory
Ramsey theory
Ramsey theory, named after the British mathematician and philosopher Frank P. Ramsey, is a branch of mathematics that studies the conditions under which order must appear...

 is sometimes characterized as the study of which collections are partition regular.


  • the collection of all infinite subsets of an infinite set X is a prototypical example. In this case partition regularity asserts that every finite partition of an infinite set has an infinite cell (i.e. the infinite pigeonhole principle.)

  • sets with positive upper density in : the upper density of is defined as

  • For any ultrafilter
    In the mathematical field of set theory, an ultrafilter on a set X is a collection of subsets of X that is a filter, that cannot be enlarged . An ultrafilter may be considered as a finitely additive measure. Then every subset of X is either considered "almost everything" or "almost nothing"...

      on a set , is partition regular. If , then for exactly one is .

  • sets of recurrence: a set R of integers is called a set of recurrence if for any measure preserving transformation of the probability space (Ω, β, μ) and of positive measure there is a nonzero so that .

  • Call a subset of natural numbers a.p.-rich if it contains arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions. Then the collection of a.p.-rich subsets is partition regular (Van der Waerden, 1927).

  • Let be the set of all n-subsets of . Let . For each n, is partition regular. (Ramsey
    Ramsey's theorem
    In combinatorics, Ramsey's theorem states that in any colouring of the edges of a sufficiently large complete graph, one will find monochromatic complete subgraphs...

    , 1930).

  • For each infinite cardinal , the collection of stationary set
    Stationary set
    In mathematics, particularly in set theory and model theory, there are at least three notions of stationary set:-Classical notion:If \kappa \, is a cardinal of uncountable cofinality, S \subseteq \kappa \,, and S \, intersects every club set in \kappa \,, then S \, is called a stationary set....

    s of is partition regular. More is true: if is stationary and for some , then some is stationary.

  • the collection of -sets: is a -set if contains the set of differences for some sequence .

  • the set of barriers on : call a collection of finite subsets of a barrier if:
    • and
    • for all infinite , there is some such that the elements of X are the smallest elements of I; i.e. and .
This generalizes Ramsey's theorem
Ramsey's theorem
In combinatorics, Ramsey's theorem states that in any colouring of the edges of a sufficiently large complete graph, one will find monochromatic complete subgraphs...

, as each is a barrier. (Nash-Williams
Crispin St. J. A. Nash-Williams
Crispin St. John Alvah Nash-Williams was a British and Canadian mathematician. His research interest was in the field of discrete mathematics, especially graph theory....

, 1965)

  • finite products of infinite trees (Halpern–Läuchli, 1966)

  • piecewise syndetic sets (Brown, 1968)

  • Call a subset of natural numbers i.p.-rich if it contains arbitrarily large finite sets together with all their finite sums. Then the collection of i.p.-rich subsets is partition regular (Folkman
    Jon Folkman
    Jon Hal Folkman was an American mathematician, a student of John Milnor, and a researcher at the RAND Corporation.-Schooling:Folkman was a Putnam Fellow in 1960. He received his Ph.D...

    Richard Rado
    Richard Rado FRS was a Jewish German mathematician. He earned two Ph.D.s: in 1933 from the University of Berlin, and in 1935 from the University of Cambridge. He was interviewed in Berlin by Lord Cherwell for a scholarship given by the chemist Sir Robert Mond which provided financial support to...

    –Sanders, 1968).

  • (m, p, c)-sets (Deuber, 1973)

  • IP set
    IP set
    In mathematics, an IP set is a set of natural numbers which contains all finite sums of some infinite set.The finite sums of a set D of natural numbers are all those numbers that can be obtained by adding up the elements of some finite nonempty subset of D.The set of all finite sums over D is often...

    s (Hindman, 1974, see also Hindman, Strauss, 1998)

  • MTk sets for each k, i.e. k-tuples of finite sums (Milliken–Taylor, 1975)

  • central sets; i.e. the members of any minimal idempotent in , the Stone–Čech compactification
    Stone–Cech compactification
    In the mathematical discipline of general topology, Stone–Čech compactification is a technique for constructing a universal map from a topological space X to a compact Hausdorff space βX...

    of the integers. (Furstenberg, 1981, see also Hindman, Strauss, 1998)
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