Salem (Days of our Lives)
The town of Salem is the setting for the U.S. soap opera
Days of our Lives
. It is located in the Midwestern United States
, though the state is never mentioned. It was built and named in 1802, since Salem celebrated its 200-year birthday in 2002. Originally set in New England
, the vague setting was moved to somewhere in the Midwest in the 1970s. Every year the real Salem, Illinois
even holds a Salem Days fest, in which several members of the cast attend.
While it is constantly referenced as a town, it features more characteristics of a city
; for example it is home of the large, multinational corporations Titan Industries and Basic Black, Mythic Incorporated, as well as a full University and an international airport. Despite its otherwise innocuous presence, over the years it has been a hotbed of foreign intrigue
, organized crime
, and other strange happenings.
Salem has a thriving industrial harbor, leading some fans to believe it is located on the Great Lakes
Characters often make reference to Chicago
being nearby and the 312 Area Code, indicating Salem may be in Illinois
. This is however contradicted by characters mentioning going to Illinois and by the licence plates of the cars in Salem. Is notable to mention that some characters are Chicago Bears
and Chicago Cubs
fans, meaning that Salem is probably located in a fictional state that borders Illinois.
However, in a recent episode, The Flag of Missouri is seen in the background of a courtroom, hinting that Salem might be in Missouri.
Zip codes noted in Salem usually begin with 066, which is the Bridgeport, CT USPS Sectional Center.
The hotel had a restaurant and bar that Salemites frequented. We last saw the bar when Marlena came back to Salem in 1991 and invited Roman (John) to meet her there. The restaurant here was mainly for the wealthy.
Larry Welch stayed here in 2003 when all of Salem believe him to be dead, but he was still haunting Hope. It is also the location where Cassie and Lucas nearly made love in July 2003. It's definitely a "no-tell motel" sort of establishment. Bonnie lived here for a while in 2004 after Mickey and Maggie reunited and threw her out of their house.
This is a hotel located in the better part of Salem, and generally considered as more elegant than the Salem Inn. The penthouse suites can be rented as luxury apartments. In 1982, Neil Curtis stayed here and was almost killed by a bomb from Stefano DiMera. In 1988, Justin considered renting one of the penthouse suites after leaving Victor's house.
Sometimes referred to as the Greenbriar Hotel, this was a small inn located in the outskirts of Salem. Tony and Renee stayed here in 1982 while they were on the run from the police. Jake and Jessica also stayed here at that time and planned on making love there. Jake also planned to strangle her and Renee here. In 1983, Neil Curtis and Marie Horton were married here.
Located near the airport. It was at this hotel that Kate and Eugenia set up Sami and Brandon to be found in bed in 2003.
This motel is on the Salem county line, about 2 hours from the city of Salem. It gets its name from the fact that it's the last motel before you cross the county line. In 1981, Jake and Jessica stayed here when they were going to Las Vegas to elope. This is where Jake drugged Jessica in order to return to Salem and murder Denise Peterson.
Another hotel located near the airport. Belle was supposed to meet Phillip here in 2007 but they ended up meeting at The Towers instead. Melanie and Nick later spend the night here in 2008.
A run-down hotel frequented by prostitutes. In 1991, Eve and Jack met here and agreed on a marriage of convenience.
A seedy motel on the riverfront frequented by prostitutes. In 1988, Eve was beaten and raped here by a rough john. The same john also beat Kim and caused her to miscarry.
Thiss is the hotel Celeste stayed in when she came to Salem. It's here that she read the tarot cards and warned Stefano and where Bo and John found her and arrested her. This is the hotel where Donna Temple threatened to commit suicide, causing Don Craig to fall off the ledge.
The main hotel in Salem. In 1985, it was noted that the Inn had an Art Gallery. Alex Marshall once owned it, but he set the place on fire on July 23, 1987 in order to get the insurance money. It was later reopened, and remains a place where visiting Salemites stay or where those without homes or apartments stay temporarily. The Salem Inn is located at 4300 Washington Avenue. It's a brick and wood structure, ten stories high, housing quaint hotel rooms above several restaurants, lounges and meeting rooms. Daniel Scott stayed in room 411 while he was in Salem. It's also the hotel from which Laura almost fall of its roof in 1994. After not being seen for many years, the Salem Inn became popular again in 2001 and 2002. Lily Favreshem stayed at a suite there while she lived in Salem. Princess Gina also resided there while she was impersonating Hope. Shawn and Belle hoped to spend a night together there. Nicole and Victor had numerous interactions there as well.
A classy romantic and luxurious restaurant, located at the riverfront. Laura and Dr. Roger Hunt were supposed to dine there, but they lost the reservation, so they went to the "Cheatin' Heart".
Mentioned in May 2000. Alice wanted to take Shawn Douglas there so they wouldn't intrude on Bo and Hope's romantic dinner.
Julie called this restaurant and ordered a roasted rosemary chicken, mashed potatoes, eggplant parmigian and some other items for Bo and Hope's romantic dinner, May 2000
Established in 1992 and owned and run by the Shawn and Caroline Brady. As of 2011, it remains the most prominent casual dining restaurant in Salem.
- John announced on July 10, 1992 that he was going to give Shawn money to build the pub. The pub opened on September 25, 1992.
- Established after Brady Fish Market was burglarized and destroyed.
- An ice cream place, "across town." During her "pregnancy" Kristen sent John here to get her ice cream, because it was the only place with that "chocolate chip and cookie stuff."
Although we never saw the place, we saw Vivian and Ivan's costumes when they got jobs here during the summer of 1997. Vivian was dressed as fries while Ivan was a burger. Ivan had to say, "Bigger Better Beefy Buddy Burger," while Vivian said "Free French fries" as she handed out discount coupons for fries.
The Burger Barn is mentioned often when people talk about grabbing a quick meal. Apparently when Jenn was in Africa, she craved Buddy's food, especially the "double deluxe explosion" burgers (1/2 beef, 1/2 pork, cheeseburger with a mountain of fries)
--A fine dining establishment that Mickey purchased for Maggie.
It was a gift to her on the day they renewed their wedding vows, 7/18/05. They renewed their vows right in the dining room.
Mickey hired a 5 star chef from her favorite restaurant in Paris. "Chez Rouge" is French for "Red's Place." Red, of course, is Mickey's nickname for Maggie.
Owned and operated by Calliope.
It opened in 1989 and was only open for about a year. Ethan Reilly, Calliope's boyfriend helped her out there. The main attraction was Norm dePlume, (Tom Horton) who read his poetry. It is currently owned by Rafe Hernendez as of January 2011.
A male stripper club where Pete got a job, thanks to Speed. Pete only worked here to make money so he and Melissa could leave town. It was owned by Madame X who was later discovered to be Linda, Melissa's mother.
A seedy nightclub where Steve Olson ran drug deals in the late 70's.
Owned by Peter Blake
and located in a warehouse. Shady dealings went on here, which is how Jude St. Clair became involved with Peter. Hope Williams Brady
stripped at the Blue Moon while undercover.
A bar where Kimberly worked as a prostitute when she had multiple personalities. Billie also hung out there.
It's located on the north side of town on 2nd Street.
Adrienne mentioned this upscale restaurant in 1989. This was during the time after Blondie's closed but before Wings opened.
Sami sent Franco there in June 1998 to see if he would hit on a woman she hired to come on to him. Lucas was also there with his date.
It seems to be the same place that was referred to previously as the "Piano Bar."
- Jencon Oil
- EcoSystems,
Isabella started the company before she died, then Victor, Vivian, Lawrence, Carly, and John had board meetings at the Alamain Mansion.
The building that housed Lawrence's various companies, including Jencon.
John worked here for a short time after he found out he was an Alamain
It's located at 1200 Riverside, top floor. It was started as a fashion company, but was later revealed to be a front for John's ISA work.
In 1996, it was shown that it had offices in various locations around the world.
The Titan Publishing Complex includes:
- "Bella Magazine"
- "The Spectator"
- "Titan Health Club"
- "Countess Wilhemina Cosmetics"
- "Penthouse Grille".
Additional Titan publications are:
- "Sport Today"
- "Focus"
- "City Style."
The Kiriakis Shipping division
Titan Publishing is located at 14 Salem Circle, Salem, USA, 06643-0004.
Kate Roberts and Victor Kiriakis
own the majority of the Titan stock.
John Black
, Marlena Evans Black and Tony DiMera
are on the board of Titan.
Since Tony's death, Kristen has voted on the board. When she "died", Stefano inherited her stocks.
A chemical company owned by Harper Deveraux and Victor Kiriakis, but run by a young Jack Deveraux.
This was the company responsible for the illegal dumping of toxic waste in Tract 5 that caused Abby's Aplastic anemia.
A major soap manufacturer in Salem. Mickey Horton was hired as the company's attorney in 1966.
This company was responsible for the pollution of the Salem River, which caused various people to get sick and die.
Design business owned and run by Anna DiMera in the mid 80s.
It was owned by Alex and Tony. Calliope was a seamstress there. The grand opening was January 17, 1985.
This is the nursing home where Jill Stevens stayed after she left the hospital (1996-97). The patients seemed to be young, not the typical old people that you see in a normal nursing home. It's sign said that it was established in 1923
This is where Isabella was wrongly held when she first was shown in Salem. Her father had locked her up basically because he didn't like her. She was not at all insane. Mickey was the first Salemite in residence at Bayview. It was here that we were introduced to Marlena for the first time. This was also where Samantha Evans had Marlena committed in 1977 after became addicted to drugs and began to steal from Marlena. Sam impersonated her sister and had her committed. Lee Dumonde was committed to Bayview Sanitarium. Gillian also went to Bayview, after she was arrested for killing Emma and framing Kim.
This hospital, like many other bedlams, is located outside of Salem. Laura was set to go here in October of 1994, after she'd become irrational as a result of Peter and Daniel's machinations. Vivian and Ivan pretended to be Brooktree orderlies to keep Laura from being committed; they even stole the Brooktree ambulance!
When Marlena was put in hospital (after she shot the cop during the possession storyline), Pat Hamilton wanted her removed to CH, since it has a prison section, for dangerous criminals.
This is the lab that was doing the DNA test on Isaac and Glen's DNA in early 2001, but Stefano had it bombed in May 2001 to cover up the results.
Located on the Salem riverfront, this clinic served the poorer people in Salem. Kayla worked here as a nurse for many years. Adrienne later worked as a clerk here. The original Emergency Center burned down, but a Salem Riverfront Community Center was built in its place. It was affiliated with Salem University
The mental hospital John and Marlena took Vivian to in December 1998. The first doctor they met there was Dr. Klein. The hospital is approximately 42 miles northwest of Salem.
This is where Samantha Evans was finally committed after it was revealed that she had impersonated Marlena
This was originally the hospital near Chicago where Laura Horton was a patient in 1980. Bill Horton took a position here as Medical Director to be close to Laura.
A clinic founded by Susan Martin with the inheritance money she received from David after he died. Though it began as a regular clinic, it later became a place for unwed mothers and orphaned children. Sister Marie worked here for a while. It was here where Marlena met her foster son, Johnny.
This facility is a cross between a sanitarium and a group therapy resort. Laura went here after she left the sanitarium, just to get a break from things. Jack also went to The Meadows, in an effort to clear up his feelings for Jennifer. Laura and Jack met here and had an affair, knowing each other as Monica and Clark. It is located just outside of Salem.
Mike got Ali a job offer at this hospital, in an effort to get her away from University Hospital
This is where Laura was locked up for 18 years. She originally was committed to Lakewood Sanitarium in 1979 after she sent Jennifer on a bus alone. When she reappeared in 1993, she was at Pine Haven, outside of Chicago. It was discovered that the Pine Haven officials (Anne Goldberg and Nurse Jackson) were giving her drugs to keep her "out of it" and to steal money from the families of patients. Once she got off the drugs, she was basically ok. Vivian was also put here after she buried Carly alive. Ivan got a job as an orderly here to be with Vivian during the ordeal. The place burned down in early 1994 during Vivian's lobotomy. Laura, Vivian and Ivan escaped the fire (but were presumed dead), while Anne and Nurse Jackson perished.
In 1983, Chris Kositchek allowed the facilities of the Body Connection to be used a teen crisis center. The Right Connection was run by Marlena Evans, with Sandy Horton as her assistant. Hope and Melissa frequented the place. It was shut down after the Vipers trashed it and someone nearly raped Sandy.
It's a drug store across town from the one at Salem University Hospital. It's where Laura went to buy antidepressants when she stole prescription slips from Marlena's office.
While we've never seen the place, it is the hospital "across town" where Susan was supposed to give birth to John Jr.
Lexie was ordered to serve 3,000 hours of community service here in 2002 after she tried to kidnap Isaac.
This is the other Salem hospital. We rarely hear of it, but we know that they have volleyball games and other events with University Hospital. Several of the doctors on staff supposedly came from Salem General. It is also a source of much needed blood when there's a shortage.
This building is where Dr. Robbins (Kristen's OB/GYN in 1996-97) had his office. It's affiliated with University Hospital, but not in the same location.
This is the hospital that we always see. It is part of the "University Hospital Medical Center" and it includes many different departments and facilities (see below).
Tom Horton was once Chief of Staff here and all of the other Horton Doctors have worked here as well. Mike was also Chief of Staff until replaced by Craig.
The complex includes:
University Hospital Trauma Center - Where Carly once worked.
Emergency Center - An outgrowth of the hospital, this is where Kayla used to work.
The Tom Horton Youth Centre - In July 1994, Tony donated money for this new wing of the hospital.
Mental Health Clinic - Is another part of the hospital, where Jonah and Lexie worked together during 1994. It operates between 8am to 5pm. It's located in room 240 in the hospital complex.
Fertility Clinic - Located in room 241. This is where Dr. Ronald Layton works. He's the man who helped with Kate and Vivian's in-vitro in 1994.
Another hospital in Salem, for veterans. Cal Winters was at this hospital when he was first seen in Salem.
This is the clinic where Sami almost had an abortion. It offers family planning, pregnancy and reproductive counseling, and is a place where one can terminate a pregnancy. It is located on 4th Street and was sometimes referred to as the "4th Street Clinic." The phone number is 555-6887. In 1988, Adrienne nearly got an abortion at the Women's Clinic on Market Street. It's unknown if this is the same place or not.
When Vivian was to be checked into a hospital in early December 1998, Bart and Stefano searched all of these Salem hospitals looking for her. John and Marlena had outsmarted them and snuck her out to Greenhaven, a mental hospital.
Soap opera
A soap opera, sometimes called "soap" for short, is an ongoing, episodic work of dramatic fiction presented in serial format on radio or as television programming. The name soap opera stems from the original dramatic serials broadcast on radio that had soap manufacturers, such as Procter & Gamble,...
Days of our Lives
Days of our Lives
Days of our Lives is a long running daytime soap opera broadcast on the NBC television network. It is one of the longest-running scripted television programs in the world, airing nearly every weekday in the United States since November 8, 1965. It has since been syndicated to many countries around...
. It is located in the Midwestern United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...
, though the state is never mentioned. It was built and named in 1802, since Salem celebrated its 200-year birthday in 2002. Originally set in New England
New England
New England is a region in the northeastern corner of the United States consisting of the six states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut...
, the vague setting was moved to somewhere in the Midwest in the 1970s. Every year the real Salem, Illinois
Salem, Illinois
Salem is a city located in the U.S. state of Illinois. It is the county seat of Marion County. The population was 7,485 at the 2010 census.Salem is the birthplace of William Jennings Bryan and his brother vice presidential candidate Charles W. Bryan, the G. I. Bill of Rights, and Miracle Whip salad...
even holds a Salem Days fest, in which several members of the cast attend.
While it is constantly referenced as a town, it features more characteristics of a city
A city is a relatively large and permanent settlement. Although there is no agreement on how a city is distinguished from a town within general English language meanings, many cities have a particular administrative, legal, or historical status based on local law.For example, in the U.S...
; for example it is home of the large, multinational corporations Titan Industries and Basic Black, Mythic Incorporated, as well as a full University and an international airport. Despite its otherwise innocuous presence, over the years it has been a hotbed of foreign intrigue
Espionage or spying involves an individual obtaining information that is considered secret or confidential without the permission of the holder of the information. Espionage is inherently clandestine, lest the legitimate holder of the information change plans or take other countermeasures once it...
, organized crime
Organized crime
Organized crime or criminal organizations are transnational, national, or local groupings of highly centralized enterprises run by criminals for the purpose of engaging in illegal activity, most commonly for monetary profit. Some criminal organizations, such as terrorist organizations, are...
, and other strange happenings.
Salem has a thriving industrial harbor, leading some fans to believe it is located on the Great Lakes
Great Lakes
The Great Lakes are a collection of freshwater lakes located in northeastern North America, on the Canada – United States border. Consisting of Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario, they form the largest group of freshwater lakes on Earth by total surface, coming in second by volume...
Characters often make reference to Chicago
Chicago is the largest city in the US state of Illinois. With nearly 2.7 million residents, it is the most populous city in the Midwestern United States and the third most populous in the US, after New York City and Los Angeles...
being nearby and the 312 Area Code, indicating Salem may be in Illinois
Illinois is the fifth-most populous state of the United States of America, and is often noted for being a microcosm of the entire country. With Chicago in the northeast, small industrial cities and great agricultural productivity in central and northern Illinois, and natural resources like coal,...
. This is however contradicted by characters mentioning going to Illinois and by the licence plates of the cars in Salem. Is notable to mention that some characters are Chicago Bears
Chicago Bears
The Chicago Bears are a professional American football team based in Chicago, Illinois. They are members of the North Division of the National Football Conference in the National Football League...
and Chicago Cubs
Chicago Cubs
The Chicago Cubs are a professional baseball team located in Chicago, Illinois. They are members of the Central Division of Major League Baseball's National League. They are one of two Major League clubs based in Chicago . The Cubs are also one of the two remaining charter members of the National...
fans, meaning that Salem is probably located in a fictional state that borders Illinois.
However, in a recent episode, The Flag of Missouri is seen in the background of a courtroom, hinting that Salem might be in Missouri.
Zip codes noted in Salem usually begin with 066, which is the Bridgeport, CT USPS Sectional Center.
- Continental Hotel
The hotel had a restaurant and bar that Salemites frequented. We last saw the bar when Marlena came back to Salem in 1991 and invited Roman (John) to meet her there. The restaurant here was mainly for the wealthy.
- Dew Drop Inn
Larry Welch stayed here in 2003 when all of Salem believe him to be dead, but he was still haunting Hope. It is also the location where Cassie and Lucas nearly made love in July 2003. It's definitely a "no-tell motel" sort of establishment. Bonnie lived here for a while in 2004 after Mickey and Maggie reunited and threw her out of their house.
- Elton Hotel
This is a hotel located in the better part of Salem, and generally considered as more elegant than the Salem Inn. The penthouse suites can be rented as luxury apartments. In 1982, Neil Curtis stayed here and was almost killed by a bomb from Stefano DiMera. In 1988, Justin considered renting one of the penthouse suites after leaving Victor's house.
- Greenbriar Inn
Sometimes referred to as the Greenbriar Hotel, this was a small inn located in the outskirts of Salem. Tony and Renee stayed here in 1982 while they were on the run from the police. Jake and Jessica also stayed here at that time and planned on making love there. Jake also planned to strangle her and Renee here. In 1983, Neil Curtis and Marie Horton were married here.
- The Jetway Inn
Located near the airport. It was at this hotel that Kate and Eugenia set up Sami and Brandon to be found in bed in 2003.
- The Last Chance Motel
This motel is on the Salem county line, about 2 hours from the city of Salem. It gets its name from the fact that it's the last motel before you cross the county line. In 1981, Jake and Jessica stayed here when they were going to Las Vegas to elope. This is where Jake drugged Jessica in order to return to Salem and murder Denise Peterson.
- The Long Fellow Hotel
Another hotel located near the airport. Belle was supposed to meet Phillip here in 2007 but they ended up meeting at The Towers instead. Melanie and Nick later spend the night here in 2008.
- Midtown Hotel
A run-down hotel frequented by prostitutes. In 1991, Eve and Jack met here and agreed on a marriage of convenience.
- The Riverside Motel
A seedy motel on the riverfront frequented by prostitutes. In 1988, Eve was beaten and raped here by a rough john. The same john also beat Kim and caused her to miscarry.
- Riverview Inn
- Salem Hotel
Thiss is the hotel Celeste stayed in when she came to Salem. It's here that she read the tarot cards and warned Stefano and where Bo and John found her and arrested her. This is the hotel where Donna Temple threatened to commit suicide, causing Don Craig to fall off the ledge.
- Salem Inn
The main hotel in Salem. In 1985, it was noted that the Inn had an Art Gallery. Alex Marshall once owned it, but he set the place on fire on July 23, 1987 in order to get the insurance money. It was later reopened, and remains a place where visiting Salemites stay or where those without homes or apartments stay temporarily. The Salem Inn is located at 4300 Washington Avenue. It's a brick and wood structure, ten stories high, housing quaint hotel rooms above several restaurants, lounges and meeting rooms. Daniel Scott stayed in room 411 while he was in Salem. It's also the hotel from which Laura almost fall of its roof in 1994. After not being seen for many years, the Salem Inn became popular again in 2001 and 2002. Lily Favreshem stayed at a suite there while she lived in Salem. Princess Gina also resided there while she was impersonating Hope. Shawn and Belle hoped to spend a night together there. Nicole and Victor had numerous interactions there as well.
- Sunnyview Inn
- Summerfield Inn
- The Towers
- The Valentine Hotel
- Alice's (formerly Tuscany)
- Alice's Restaurant
- Antoine
A classy romantic and luxurious restaurant, located at the riverfront. Laura and Dr. Roger Hunt were supposed to dine there, but they lost the reservation, so they went to the "Cheatin' Heart".
- Barney's Burger Barn
Mentioned in May 2000. Alice wanted to take Shawn Douglas there so they wouldn't intrude on Bo and Hope's romantic dinner.
- Batch-O-Biscuits
Julie called this restaurant and ordered a roasted rosemary chicken, mashed potatoes, eggplant parmigian and some other items for Bo and Hope's romantic dinner, May 2000
- Brady's Pub
Established in 1992 and owned and run by the Shawn and Caroline Brady. As of 2011, it remains the most prominent casual dining restaurant in Salem.
- John announced on July 10, 1992 that he was going to give Shawn money to build the pub. The pub opened on September 25, 1992.
- Established after Brady Fish Market was burglarized and destroyed.
- Bruce and Jack's
- An ice cream place, "across town." During her "pregnancy" Kristen sent John here to get her ice cream, because it was the only place with that "chocolate chip and cookie stuff."
- Buddy's Burger Barn
Although we never saw the place, we saw Vivian and Ivan's costumes when they got jobs here during the summer of 1997. Vivian was dressed as fries while Ivan was a burger. Ivan had to say, "Bigger Better Beefy Buddy Burger," while Vivian said "Free French fries" as she handed out discount coupons for fries.
The Burger Barn is mentioned often when people talk about grabbing a quick meal. Apparently when Jenn was in Africa, she craved Buddy's food, especially the "double deluxe explosion" burgers (1/2 beef, 1/2 pork, cheeseburger with a mountain of fries)
- Chanterrel
- Chez Rouge
--A fine dining establishment that Mickey purchased for Maggie.
It was a gift to her on the day they renewed their wedding vows, 7/18/05. They renewed their vows right in the dining room.
Mickey hired a 5 star chef from her favorite restaurant in Paris. "Chez Rouge" is French for "Red's Place." Red, of course, is Mickey's nickname for Maggie.
- Chez Vous
- Dizzie's Diner
- Earl's Donuts
- The Embers
- Evangellina
- Hudson Street Diner
- Irv's Deli
- Java Cafe
- K.CI's Pizza
- Lady Vi's Soul Food and More
- Lou's Restaurant
- Murten's
- Park Cafe
- The Penthouse Grille
- Pu Pang Palace
- Riverfront Diner
- The Sand Dollar
- Sea Shore Restaurant
- Sergio's
- Shenanigans
- Su Casa
- Sweet Bea's
- Torrelli's Pizza
- Weatherby
- Wong-Low/Wong-Low
- The Zodiac Room
- The Beat Bar
Owned and operated by Calliope.
It opened in 1989 and was only open for about a year. Ethan Reilly, Calliope's boyfriend helped her out there. The main attraction was Norm dePlume, (Tom Horton) who read his poetry. It is currently owned by Rafe Hernendez as of January 2011.
- Beefcakes
A male stripper club where Pete got a job, thanks to Speed. Pete only worked here to make money so he and Melissa could leave town. It was owned by Madame X who was later discovered to be Linda, Melissa's mother.
- Blondie's
- The Blue Cat
A seedy nightclub where Steve Olson ran drug deals in the late 70's.
- Blue Moon
Owned by Peter Blake
Peter Blake
Peter Blake may refer to:*Peter Blake , British pop artist*Peter Blake , New Zealand yachtsman*Peter Blake Scottish-born actor...
and located in a warehouse. Shady dealings went on here, which is how Jude St. Clair became involved with Peter. Hope Williams Brady
Hope Williams Brady
Hope Alice Brady is a fictional character on the NBC soap opera Days of our Lives. Created by writer William J. Bell, she is portrayed by Kristian Alfonso since she was SORASed to an adult in April 1983. Hope is a member of the Horton family, a very prominent fixture in Salem...
stripped at the Blue Moon while undercover.
- Casey's Roadhouse
A bar where Kimberly worked as a prostitute when she had multiple personalities. Billie also hung out there.
- Cheatin' Heart, A smoky beer and pool joint.
It's located on the north side of town on 2nd Street.
- Chanterrel
Adrienne mentioned this upscale restaurant in 1989. This was during the time after Blondie's closed but before Wings opened.
- Club Dune (formerly Blue Note Club)
Sami sent Franco there in June 1998 to see if he would hit on a woman she hired to come on to him. Lucas was also there with his date.
It seems to be the same place that was referred to previously as the "Piano Bar."
- Club Echelon
- Doug's Place
- The Piano Bar
- The Pines
- The Salem Club
- The Snake Pit
- Twilight Bar
- The Warehouse
- Alamain Industries, owned by Lawrence Alamain. The company was involved in oil drilling on the Salem Riverfront.
- Jencon Oil
- EcoSystems,
Isabella started the company before she died, then Victor, Vivian, Lawrence, Carly, and John had board meetings at the Alamain Mansion.
- Alamain Towers
The building that housed Lawrence's various companies, including Jencon.
John worked here for a short time after he found out he was an Alamain
- Basic Black Enterprises, John's company, organized in the summer of 2001.
It's located at 1200 Riverside, top floor. It was started as a fashion company, but was later revealed to be a front for John's ISA work.
- DiMera Enterprises, The nondescript international business that Stefano ran.
In 1996, it was shown that it had offices in various locations around the world.
- Mangus Enterprises
- Enterprises, one of Julie Olson WilliamsJulie Olson WilliamsJulie Williams is a fictional character on the NBC daytime drama, Days of our Lives, a long running serial about working class life in the ficitonal town of Salem. The character of Julie was introduced as a 16-year-old when the show premiered in 1965, with 22-year-old Charla Doherty being the...
's companies. Victor KiriakisVictor KiriakisVictor Kiriakis I is a fictional character on NBC's Days of our Lives. The role has been portrayed by John Aniston since 1985. His time on the show has been 1985 to 1997, 1998 to present with a brief storyline driven absence in 2004 when his character was "killed off" but found alive on the island...
bought it from her in 1990
- Titan Industries
The Titan Publishing Complex includes:
- "Bella Magazine"
- "The Spectator"
- "Titan Health Club"
- "Countess Wilhemina Cosmetics"
- "Penthouse Grille".
Additional Titan publications are:
- "Sport Today"
- "Focus"
- "City Style."
The Kiriakis Shipping division
- Allied Cargo.
Owned by Victor Kiriakis located on the Riverfront.
Steve Johnson was a manager here in 1986. Bo Brady also worked here for a little while.
Titan Publishing is located at 14 Salem Circle, Salem, USA, 06643-0004.
Kate Roberts and Victor Kiriakis
Victor Kiriakis
Victor Kiriakis I is a fictional character on NBC's Days of our Lives. The role has been portrayed by John Aniston since 1985. His time on the show has been 1985 to 1997, 1998 to present with a brief storyline driven absence in 2004 when his character was "killed off" but found alive on the island...
own the majority of the Titan stock.
John Black
John Black
John Black may refer to:Real people:*John Black , Scottish professional footballer active in the 1970s and 80s.*John Black , captain, privateer and survivor of the mutiny on the Lady Shore*John Black John Black may refer to:Real people:*John Black (footballer), Scottish professional footballer...
, Marlena Evans Black and Tony DiMera
Tony DiMera
Count Antony "Tony" DiMera is a fictional character from the American soap opera Days of our Lives, played by actor Thaao Penghlis on and off from 1981 until 2009. One of the character's main storylines includes being impersonated by fellow character André DiMera, at various points in the...
are on the board of Titan.
Since Tony's death, Kristen has voted on the board. When she "died", Stefano inherited her stocks.
- Valley Woods Corporation
A chemical company owned by Harper Deveraux and Victor Kiriakis, but run by a young Jack Deveraux.
This was the company responsible for the illegal dumping of toxic waste in Tract 5 that caused Abby's Aplastic anemia.
- Woodstock Industries
A major soap manufacturer in Salem. Mickey Horton was hired as the company's attorney in 1966.
This company was responsible for the pollution of the Salem River, which caused various people to get sick and die.
- Anna DiMera Designs
Design business owned and run by Anna DiMera in the mid 80s.
It was owned by Alex and Tony. Calliope was a seamstress there. The grand opening was January 17, 1985.
- Kava Chemical Company
- Anderson Manufacturing
- Kiriakis/Deveraux - This was owned by Victor & Angelica, but Justin & Angelica ran it. Adrienne worked there for a few days as a secretary, and Jennifer worked there for a summer as a secretary as well. It was created in 1987 and was only in business for a year or two. It was later renamed Kiriakis Construction.
- A.J. Construction - Originally called Waterfront Construction. Adrienne Johnson bought the company and renamed it Johnson Construction. After Johnson Construction failed, Adrienne sold half of the company to Justin. They renamed it A.J. Construction to symbolize their new union as equal partners. A.J. also went bankrupt after their oil refinery project was shut down and Adrienne and Justin decided to relocate the company to Dallas. After a many years of running the company, Justin became bored and decided to sell the company.
- Peck Construction
- Lester Lumber
- Woodman Lumber
- DiMera Advertising
- Mythic Communications - A communications company that EJ DiMera, Kate Roberts and Sami BradySami BradySamantha Gene "Sami" Hernandez is a fictional character on the NBC soap opera Days of our Lives. She was born onscreen on October 16, 1984, though was later SORASed to October 16, 1977. Created by head writer Margaret DePriest, Sami has been portrayed by Alison Sweeney since January 22, 1993...
once owned. Mythic ended up going bankrupt.
- Kate's Hearth & Home - After Mythic closed down, Kate bought an existing company and gave it a new name and product line.
- Ballistix
- Baron's Department Store
- Bartlett's Department Store
- Benetton
- Bennett Antiques
- .COM
- Countess Wilhelmina Cosmetics
- Crossroads Imports
- DejaVu Travel
- Espresso & Cappucino
- Flaunt It
- Glamour Gallery
- The Gift Box
- Kid's Korner
- Lace & Hearts
- Salem's Booksellers
- Salem Copy Center
- Salem Hair Design
- Salem Mall Flowerist
- Salem Music
- Salem Place Cinemas
- Salem Place Toys
- Salem Video
- Ski shop
- Albright Nursing Home
This is the nursing home where Jill Stevens stayed after she left the hospital (1996-97). The patients seemed to be young, not the typical old people that you see in a normal nursing home. It's sign said that it was established in 1923
- Bayview (Bayview Towers Sanitarium)
This is where Isabella was wrongly held when she first was shown in Salem. Her father had locked her up basically because he didn't like her. She was not at all insane. Mickey was the first Salemite in residence at Bayview. It was here that we were introduced to Marlena for the first time. This was also where Samantha Evans had Marlena committed in 1977 after became addicted to drugs and began to steal from Marlena. Sam impersonated her sister and had her committed. Lee Dumonde was committed to Bayview Sanitarium. Gillian also went to Bayview, after she was arrested for killing Emma and framing Kim.
- Brooktree Mental Hospital
This hospital, like many other bedlams, is located outside of Salem. Laura was set to go here in October of 1994, after she'd become irrational as a result of Peter and Daniel's machinations. Vivian and Ivan pretended to be Brooktree orderlies to keep Laura from being committed; they even stole the Brooktree ambulance!
- County Hospital
When Marlena was put in hospital (after she shot the cop during the possession storyline), Pat Hamilton wanted her removed to CH, since it has a prison section, for dangerous criminals.
- East Side Lab
This is the lab that was doing the DNA test on Isaac and Glen's DNA in early 2001, but Stefano had it bombed in May 2001 to cover up the results.
- Emergency Center
Located on the Salem riverfront, this clinic served the poorer people in Salem. Kayla worked here as a nurse for many years. Adrienne later worked as a clerk here. The original Emergency Center burned down, but a Salem Riverfront Community Center was built in its place. It was affiliated with Salem University
- Greenhaven Sanitarium
The mental hospital John and Marlena took Vivian to in December 1998. The first doctor they met there was Dr. Klein. The hospital is approximately 42 miles northwest of Salem.
- Hillcrest Sanitarium
This is where Samantha Evans was finally committed after it was revealed that she had impersonated Marlena
- Lakewood Sanitarium
This was originally the hospital near Chicago where Laura Horton was a patient in 1980. Bill Horton took a position here as Medical Director to be close to Laura.
- The David Martin Clinic
A clinic founded by Susan Martin with the inheritance money she received from David after he died. Though it began as a regular clinic, it later became a place for unwed mothers and orphaned children. Sister Marie worked here for a while. It was here where Marlena met her foster son, Johnny.
- The Meadows
This facility is a cross between a sanitarium and a group therapy resort. Laura went here after she left the sanitarium, just to get a break from things. Jack also went to The Meadows, in an effort to clear up his feelings for Jennifer. Laura and Jack met here and had an affair, knowing each other as Monica and Clark. It is located just outside of Salem.
- Mercy Hospital
Mike got Ali a job offer at this hospital, in an effort to get her away from University Hospital
- Walter Street Pharmacy
- Pine Haven Mental Hospital
This is where Laura was locked up for 18 years. She originally was committed to Lakewood Sanitarium in 1979 after she sent Jennifer on a bus alone. When she reappeared in 1993, she was at Pine Haven, outside of Chicago. It was discovered that the Pine Haven officials (Anne Goldberg and Nurse Jackson) were giving her drugs to keep her "out of it" and to steal money from the families of patients. Once she got off the drugs, she was basically ok. Vivian was also put here after she buried Carly alive. Ivan got a job as an orderly here to be with Vivian during the ordeal. The place burned down in early 1994 during Vivian's lobotomy. Laura, Vivian and Ivan escaped the fire (but were presumed dead), while Anne and Nurse Jackson perished.
- The Right Connection
In 1983, Chris Kositchek allowed the facilities of the Body Connection to be used a teen crisis center. The Right Connection was run by Marlena Evans, with Sandy Horton as her assistant. Hope and Melissa frequented the place. It was shut down after the Vipers trashed it and someone nearly raped Sandy.
- Roy's Pharmacy
It's a drug store across town from the one at Salem University Hospital. It's where Laura went to buy antidepressants when she stole prescription slips from Marlena's office.
- St. Mary's Hospital
While we've never seen the place, it is the hospital "across town" where Susan was supposed to give birth to John Jr.
- Salem Free Clinic
Lexie was ordered to serve 3,000 hours of community service here in 2002 after she tried to kidnap Isaac.
- Salem General Hospital
This is the other Salem hospital. We rarely hear of it, but we know that they have volleyball games and other events with University Hospital. Several of the doctors on staff supposedly came from Salem General. It is also a source of much needed blood when there's a shortage.
- Salem Medical Building
This building is where Dr. Robbins (Kristen's OB/GYN in 1996-97) had his office. It's affiliated with University Hospital, but not in the same location.
- Salem University Hospital
This is the hospital that we always see. It is part of the "University Hospital Medical Center" and it includes many different departments and facilities (see below).
Tom Horton was once Chief of Staff here and all of the other Horton Doctors have worked here as well. Mike was also Chief of Staff until replaced by Craig.
The complex includes:
University Hospital Trauma Center - Where Carly once worked.
Emergency Center - An outgrowth of the hospital, this is where Kayla used to work.
The Tom Horton Youth Centre - In July 1994, Tony donated money for this new wing of the hospital.
Mental Health Clinic - Is another part of the hospital, where Jonah and Lexie worked together during 1994. It operates between 8am to 5pm. It's located in room 240 in the hospital complex.
Fertility Clinic - Located in room 241. This is where Dr. Ronald Layton works. He's the man who helped with Kate and Vivian's in-vitro in 1994.
- Salem VA Hospital
Another hospital in Salem, for veterans. Cal Winters was at this hospital when he was first seen in Salem.
- Salem Women's Clinic
This is the clinic where Sami almost had an abortion. It offers family planning, pregnancy and reproductive counseling, and is a place where one can terminate a pregnancy. It is located on 4th Street and was sometimes referred to as the "4th Street Clinic." The phone number is 555-6887. In 1988, Adrienne nearly got an abortion at the Women's Clinic on Market Street. It's unknown if this is the same place or not.
- General, Westside, Mercy, St. Anthony
When Vivian was to be checked into a hospital in early December 1998, Bart and Stefano searched all of these Salem hospitals looking for her. John and Marlena had outsmarted them and snuck her out to Greenhaven, a mental hospital.
- The Immaculate Heart
- The Laurel Wood Preschool
- Salem Academy
- Salem University
- West Salem High School
- East Salem High School - Salem East is the school most of the characters attend, Salem West is in another part of Salem.
- Lincoln High School
- State Teacher's College
- St. Charles University
- Riverside Elementary
- Lakeside Elementary
- Lakeview Nursery School
- Westborough Academy
- St. Peter's Preschool
- First Street Mission
- Glory Day Church
- Pine Crest Funeral Home
- St. Joseph's Cemetery
- St. Luke's Catholic Church
- St. Michael's Catholic Church
- St. Monica's Convent
- The Convent of the Holy Cross
Legal/Law Enforcement
- Brady and Brady
- International Security Alliance (ISA)
- Salem City Hall
- Salem Courthouse
- Salem Fire Department
- Salem Police Department
- Salem Police Academy
- Justin KiriakisJustin KiriakisJustin Kiriakis is a fictional character on the NBC daytime soap opera Days of our Lives. Created by head writer Leah Laiman, he is portrayed by actor Wally Kurth since February 3, 1987 to February 5, 1991. From 2007–2008, Justin was mentioned but not seen on screen. Kurth reprised the role since...
's (formerly Mickey HortonMickey HortonMichael "Mickey" Horton I was a fictional character on the soap opera Days of our Lives. Mickey was played from November 1965 to January 2004 by actor John Clarke, briefly in 2004 by Richard Voigts, and was played by actor John Ingle from 2004 to 2006...
's) Law Firm
- Copper Ridge Penitentiary
- Reinhardt State Woman's Penitentiary
- Salem State Penitentiary
- Salem County Jail
- Alamain International
- Bella
- International News Daily
- The Intruder
- The Salem Chronicle
- Salem Courier
- Salem Home Shopping Channel
- Salem Style magazine
- The Salem Times
- Salem Today
- The Salem Tribune
- The Salem Spectator - Major newspaper, where Jack DeverauxJack DeverauxJack Harcourt Deveraux, Sr. is a fictional character on the soap opera Days of our Lives. He is the most prominent member of the Johnson family and is most famously played by Matthew Ashford. After a four-year absence, the character has recently returned to "Salem" to reconnect with his estranged...
and Jennifer Deveraux met. - Sunday Magazine
- TeenGirl Magazine
- Viewpoint Magazine
- WAYB, 94.4FM
- WGTB TV Station
- WKHY Salem Radio
- WXIW, 530AM
- WWEN TV Station
Salem Residences
- Estates
- DiMera Estate (430 Lakeview Drive) - Stefano DiMeraStefano DiMeraStefano DiMera is a fictional character, a villain on the American soap opera Days of our Lives. Created by head writer Pat Falken Smith, he is portrayed by Joseph Mascolo...
, Kate Roberts DiMera, E.J. DiMera, and occasionally Johnny DiMeraMinor characters of Days of our LivesThe following are minor but notable fictional characters on the NBC soap opera Days of our Lives, whose connections to the major families are either weak or non-existent.- Dr. Richard Baker :...
and Sydney DiMeraMinor characters of Days of our LivesThe following are minor but notable fictional characters on the NBC soap opera Days of our Lives, whose connections to the major families are either weak or non-existent.- Dr. Richard Baker :...
. Harold, Mary and Nurse Delia also work and live on the estate. - Kiriakis Mansion (13201 Glen Oaks Drive) - Victor KiriakisVictor KiriakisVictor Kiriakis I is a fictional character on NBC's Days of our Lives. The role has been portrayed by John Aniston since 1985. His time on the show has been 1985 to 1997, 1998 to present with a brief storyline driven absence in 2004 when his character was "killed off" but found alive on the island...
, Maggie HortonMaggie HortonMargaret "Maggie" Horton is a fictional character from the NBC soap opera Days of our Lives, a long-running serial drama about working class life in the fictional town of Salem. She has been portrayed by actress Suzanne Rogers continuously since 1973, though she left the show briefly in 1984 and...
, Brady BlackBrady BlackBrady Victor Black is a character on the soap opera Days of our Lives. He is the son of John Black and Isabella Toscano and an heir to Greek tycoon Victor Kiriakis. The character was initially played by Alex, Max, and Dash Lucero , and subsequently by Eric and Brandon Billings...
, Justin KiriakisJustin KiriakisJustin Kiriakis is a fictional character on the NBC daytime soap opera Days of our Lives. Created by head writer Leah Laiman, he is portrayed by actor Wally Kurth since February 3, 1987 to February 5, 1991. From 2007–2008, Justin was mentioned but not seen on screen. Kurth reprised the role since...
, Adrienne Johnson, Sonny Kiriakis and HendersonMinor characters of Days of our LivesThe following are minor but notable fictional characters on the NBC soap opera Days of our Lives, whose connections to the major families are either weak or non-existent.- Dr. Richard Baker :...
. - Alamain Mansion (4930 Chestnut Street, Salem, USA 06674) - Sold
- Old Antebellem Mansion (415 Ardmour Road) - Sold.
- Former Kiriakis Mansion (4209 Lakeshore Drive) - Burned down.
- Former Chandler/DiMera/Curtis Mansion (4206 Lakeshore Dr) - Unknown
- Townhouses
- Marlena's Townhouse (715 Pinewood Avenue) - Marlena EvansMarlena EvansDr. Marlena Evans Black is a long-running fictional character on the NBC daytime drama, Days of our Lives, a long running serial about working life in the fictional town of Salem. She was played by actress Deidre Hall since 1976, with a few minor breaks in between from 1987 to March 1991 and...
and John BlackJohn BlackJohn Black may refer to:Real people:*John Black , Scottish professional footballer active in the 1970s and 80s.*John Black , captain, privateer and survivor of the mutiny on the Lady Shore*John Black John Black may refer to:Real people:*John Black (footballer), Scottish professional footballer...
. - Houses
- Horton Home (545 Sycamore Street) - Jennifer DeverauxJennifer HortonJennifer Rose Horton is a fictional character on the NBC daytime drama, Days of our Lives, a long running dramatic serial about working class life in the fictional town of Salem. Jennifer was created by scriptwriter Pat Falken Smith, and executive producer Betty Corday...
and Abby DeverauxAbby DeverauxAbigail "Abby" Johanna Deveraux is a fictional character on the NBC daytime drama Days of our Lives. Abby was created by scriptwriter Sheri Anderson and executive producer Ken Corday. The role was originated by Meghan and Michael Nelson on October 19, 1992. Paige and Ryanne Kettner took over the...
. - Williams Home - Doug WilliamsDoug Williams (fiction)Doug Williams is a fictional character on the American soap opera Days of our Lives. He has been portrayed by Bill Hayes since 1970.- Fictional character history :...
and Julie Williams - Williams Vacation Home - Unoccupied.
- Brady Home (41 Front Street) - Caroline BradyCaroline BradyCaroline Brady is a fictional character from the NBC soap opera Days of our Lives, a long-running serial drama about working class life in the fictional United States town of Salem. The character still remains a large part of the current storylines. Created by writer Margaret DePriest, the role was...
and Gabi Hernandez. - Roman's House (334 Sycamore Street) - Sold.
- Maggie's House (312 Mockingbird Lane) - Unoccupied
- Bo and Hope's House (519 Scuttle Hole Road) - Bo BradyBo BradyBeauregard Aurelius "Bo" Brady is a fictional character on the NBC Soap Opera, Days of our Lives, the youngest of the series' Brady family. Created under head-writer Margaret DePreist, the role was originated by actor Peter Reckell on May 2, 1983. Robert Kelker-Kelly briefly stepped into the role...
, Hope Brady and Ciara BradyMinor characters of Days of our LivesThe following are minor but notable fictional characters on the NBC soap opera Days of our Lives, whose connections to the major families are either weak or non-existent.- Dr. Richard Baker :...
. - Carver Home (2818 Ashland Drive) - Abe CarverAbe CarverMayor Abraham Washington "Abe" Carver is a fictional character on the long-running American soap opera Days of our Lives. Actor James Reynolds has played the character since he originated it on the series in 1981. The character was created by head writer Pat Falken Smith. Abe is the husband of...
, Dr. Lexie Carver and Theo CarverMinor characters of Days of our LivesThe following are minor but notable fictional characters on the NBC soap opera Days of our Lives, whose connections to the major families are either weak or non-existent.- Dr. Richard Baker :...
. - Woods Home - D.A. Charles Woods and Chad DiMera.
- Lucas's House - Sold
- Wesley Home - Sold
- Jack and Jennifer's House (755 Oakridge Drive) - Sold.
- Lockhart House (890 Whitley Street) - Sold.
- Walker House (Whitley Street) - Sold.
- Former Deveraux Home (1552 Copperlantern Drive) - Sold. Rented by Curtis BrownCurtis ReedCurtis Brown is a fictional character in the soap opera Days of our Lives. He was played by Nick Benedict.-Character history:...
and Kate Winograd in the 1970s; Jack and Jennifer's home from 1992 to 1998. - Apartments
- Sami's Apartment (Apt. 32, 110 Guilford Street) - Dr. Daniel Jonas and Melanie Kiriakis.
- Billie's Apartment (Apt. 34, 110 Guilford Street) - The front door has been bricked in and the apartment has been made into an upstairs section for the apartment on the floor beneath it.
- Steve and Kayla's Apartment (Apt. 36, 110 Guilford Street) - Unoccupied.
- Roman's Apartment - Roman BradyRoman BradyRoman Augustus Brady is a fictional character on the television drama Days of our Lives. Roman was played by Wayne Northrop from 1981 to 1984 and 1991 to 1994, and has been played by Josh Taylor since 1997, with a brief hiatus in early 2004, when he was a victim of the show's now-infamous serial...
. - Stephanie's Apartment (Apt. 673) - Leased to new tenant.
- Nick's Apartment - Leased to new tenant.
- Nicole's Apartment - Leased to new tenant.
- Max's Apartment - Leased to new tenant.
- Cabins/Cottages
- Horton Cabin (Smith Island) - Unoccupied.
- EJ's Cottage - Previously occupied by Anna DiMera after she kidnapped Sydney DiMera.
- Bill's Cottage (1152 Copper Lantern Drive) - Sold
- Isabella's Cottage - Unoccupied
- Lofts
- The Loft (3A, 25 River Street, Salem, USA 06643) - Sold
- Shawn and Mimi's loft (3B, 25 River Street) - Leased out.
- Gladys Loft (4A, 25 River Street) - Gladys and her husband.
- Rafe and Sami's Loft (4B, 25 River Street) - Rafe Hernandez, Sami HernandezSami BradySamantha Gene "Sami" Hernandez is a fictional character on the NBC soap opera Days of our Lives. She was born onscreen on October 16, 1984, though was later SORASed to October 16, 1977. Created by head writer Margaret DePriest, Sami has been portrayed by Alison Sweeney since January 22, 1993...
, Allie HortonMinor characters of Days of our LivesThe following are minor but notable fictional characters on the NBC soap opera Days of our Lives, whose connections to the major families are either weak or non-existent.- Dr. Richard Baker :...
, Will HortonWill HortonWilliam "Will" Horton, III is a fictional character on the soap opera Days of our Lives. Will was born on screen November 16, 1995. Created by head writer James E. Reilly, the role is originated by actors Shawn and Taylor Carpenter. Darian Weiss briefly steps into the role from 2002-2003...
, and Johnny DiMeraMinor characters of Days of our LivesThe following are minor but notable fictional characters on the NBC soap opera Days of our Lives, whose connections to the major families are either weak or non-existent.- Dr. Richard Baker :...
and Sydney DiMeraMinor characters of Days of our LivesThe following are minor but notable fictional characters on the NBC soap opera Days of our Lives, whose connections to the major families are either weak or non-existent.- Dr. Richard Baker :...
live there when not at the DiMera Mansion. - Shawn's Loft (4B) - Revamped after Willow set fire to it and later used as a safe house before eventually being put up for sale.
- Penthouses
- Black Penthouse (24 Riverview Drive) - Sold.
- Justin and Adrienne´s Penthouse (6423 Washington Street, Salem) - Unknown.
- Hotels
- Salem Inn - Jack DeverauxJack DeverauxJack Harcourt Deveraux, Sr. is a fictional character on the soap opera Days of our Lives. He is the most prominent member of the Johnson family and is most famously played by Matthew Ashford. After a four-year absence, the character has recently returned to "Salem" to reconnect with his estranged...
, Nicole DiMeraNicole WalkerNicole DiMera is a fictional character on the NBC soap opera, Days of our Lives, a long running series about working-class life in the fictional town of Salem. She was introduced in 1998 by head writer Sally Sussman Morina, and executive producer Ken Corday...
and Madison James. - Salem Hotel - Quinn Hudson
- Jetway Inn - Austin ReedAustin ReedAustin Reed is a British fashion retailer founded in 1900 known for its menswear. It is an upmarket chain with over 70 retail outlets, with a large flagship store located on Regent Street, London....
and Carrie BradyCarrie BradyCaroline Anna "Carrie" Reed is a fictional character on the NBC soap opera, Days of our Lives, a long-running serial about working class life in the fictional town of Salem. Created by head writer Margaret DePriest, the role of Carrie was originated by child actress Andrea Barber, known for her...
. - Boats
- The Sea Horse - Owned by Stefano DiMera.
- The Sea Titan - Alias for Stefano's Sea Horse. This was the European yacht owned by Stefano where Anna was allegedly kept as a slave, and where Carrie grew up.
- The Dolphin - Victor's yacht in Miami. It was blown up by a time bomb.
- The Fancy Face/The Fancy Face II/The Fancy Face III/The Fancy Face IV - Owned by Bo Brady. When the original Fancy Face (Bo's nickname for Hope) was destroyed in a fire, Bo bought a second boat, which he named the Fancy Face II, which they later sold. Bo and Hope later ended up buying a new third boat, The Fancy Face III, which unfortunately sunk in a storm. Shawn and Belle then named their new boat, The Fancy Face IV.
- The Adrienne - Justin Kiriakis' yacht named after his new wife. He and Adrienne spent their honeymoon on the yacht and sailed from Greece to Salem on it.
- The Loretta - Owned by Ernesto Toscano. The location for the "Cruise of Deception".
- River Flyer - Rented by Bo Brady. Steve Johnson was "killed" on it in 1990.
Families currently residing in Salem
- The Brady Family
- The Black Family
- The Carver Family
- The Deveraux Family
- The DiMera Family
- The Hernandez Family
- The Horton family
- The Kiriakis family
- The Olsen Family
- The Roberts family
- The Walker Family
- The Williams Family
Families formerly residing in Salem
- The Anderson Family
- The Banks Family
- The Banning Family
- The Blake Family
- The Bradford Family
- The Chandler Family
- The Chrisholm Family
- The Clayton Family
- The Corelli Famil
- The Craig Family
- The Crumb Family
- The Curtis Family
- The Donovan Family
- The DuMonde Family
- The Grant Family
- The Hawkins Family
- The Hunter Family
- The Jannings Family
- The Johnson Family
- The Kositchek Family
- The Lockhart Family
- The Martin Family
- The Mendez Family
- The Merrit Family
- The Peters Family
- The Ramirez Family
- The Reed Family
- The Reiber Family
- The Scofield Family
- The Spears Family
- The Stanhope Family
- The Stark Family
- The Toscano Family
- The Von Leuschner Family
- The Wesley Family
- The Wyland Family