List of state leaders in 1836
1835 state leaders - Events of 1836 - 1837 state leaders - State leaders by year


  • Ashanti Confederacy - Kwaku Dua I Panyin
    Kwaku Dua I Panyin
    Kwaku Dua I Panyin, or Barima Fredua Agyeman was the Asantehene from August 25, 1834 until his death in 1867....

    , Asantehene (1834–1867)
  • Buganda
    Buganda is a subnational kingdom within Uganda. The kingdom of the Ganda people, Buganda is the largest of the traditional kingdoms in present-day Uganda, comprising all of Uganda's Central Region, including the Ugandan capital Kampala, with the exception of the disputed eastern Kayunga District...

    1. Kamaya, King of Buganda (1814–1836)
    2. Suna II
      Suna II of Buganda
      Suuna II Kalema Kasinjo Mukaabya Sekkyungwa Muteesa Sewankambo Walugembe Mig'ekyaamye Lukeberwa Kyetutumula Magulunyondo Luwambya Omutanda Sseggwanga was Kabaka of the Kingdom of Buganda from 1832 until 1856. He was the twenty-ninth Kabaka of Buganda....

      , King of Buganda (1836–1856)
  • Bunyoro
    Bunyoro is a kingdom in Western Uganda. It was one of the most powerful kingdoms in East Africa from the 16th to the 19th century. It is ruled by the Omukama of Bunyoro...

    - Nyabongo II, Omukama of Bunyoro
    Omukama of Bunyoro
    Omukama of Bunyoro is the title given to rulers of the central African kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara. The kingdom lasted as an independent state from the 16th to the 19th century. The Omukama of Bunyoro remains an important figure in Ugandan politics, especially among the Banyoro people of whom he...

  • Burundi
    Burundi , officially the Republic of Burundi , is a landlocked country in the Great Lakes region of Eastern Africa bordered by Rwanda to the north, Tanzania to the east and south, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west. Its capital is Bujumbura...

    - Ntare IV Rugamba, King of Burundi (1796–1852)
  • Dahomey - Gézo, King of Dahomey (1818–1856)
  • Rwanda
    Rwanda or , officially the Republic of Rwanda , is a country in central and eastern Africa with a population of approximately 11.4 million . Rwanda is located a few degrees south of the Equator, and is bordered by Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo...

    - Mutara II Rwogera
    Mutara II Rwogera
    Mutara II Rwogera was the King of Rwanda from 1830 to 1853.- External links :*...

    , King of Rwanda (1830–1853)
  • Sokoto Caliphate
    • Caliph - Muhammed Bello
      Muhammed Bello
      Muhammed Bello was the son and aide of Usman dan Fodio. He became the second Sultan of Sokoto following his father's 1815 retirement from the throne. Bello faced early challenges from dissident leaders such as 'Abd al-Salam, and rivalries between the key families of his father's jihad...

      , Sokoto Caliph (1814–1837)
    • Grand Vizier - Gidago dan Laima
      Gidago dan Laima
      Gidago dan Laima is the first known Grand Vizier of the Sokoto Caliphate.Gidago dan Laima was succeeded by Abd al-Qadir in 1842....

      , Sokoto Grand Vizier
      Sokoto Grand Vizier
      The Wazirin Sakkwato, or "Sokoto Grand Vizier", was the Grand Vizier to the Sultan of Sokoto of the Fulani Empire, in fact rather suzerain of the Fulani Jihad states.-List of Grand Viziers:*Gidago dan Laima...

  • Zulu - Dingane kaSenzangakhona
    Dingane kaSenzangakhona Zulu —commonly referred to as Dingane or Dingaan—was a Zulu chief who became king of the Zulu Kingdom in 1828...

    , King of the Zulu (1828–1840)


  • Afghanistan
    Afghanistan , officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is a landlocked country located in the centre of Asia, forming South Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East. With a population of about 29 million, it has an area of , making it the 42nd most populous and 41st largest nation in the world...

    - Dost Mahommed Khan, Emir of Afghanistan (1826–1839)
  • China (Qing Dynasty
    Qing Dynasty
    The Qing Dynasty was the last dynasty of China, ruling from 1644 to 1912 with a brief, abortive restoration in 1917. It was preceded by the Ming Dynasty and followed by the Republic of China....

    ) - Daoguang, Emperor of China
    Emperor of China
    The Emperor of China refers to any sovereign of Imperial China reigning between the founding of Qin Dynasty of China, united by the King of Qin in 221 BCE, and the fall of Yuan Shikai's Empire of China in 1916. When referred to as the Son of Heaven , a title that predates the Qin unification, the...

  • Japan
    Empire of Japan
    The Empire of Japan is the name of the state of Japan that existed from the Meiji Restoration on 3 January 1868 to the enactment of the post-World War II Constitution of...

    • Monarch - Ninko, Emperor of Japan
      Emperor of Japan
      The Emperor of Japan is, according to the 1947 Constitution of Japan, "the symbol of the state and of the unity of the people." He is a ceremonial figurehead under a form of constitutional monarchy and is head of the Japanese Imperial Family with functions as head of state. He is also the highest...

    • Shogun (Tokugawa
      Tokugawa shogunate
      The Tokugawa shogunate, also known as the and the , was a feudal regime of Japan established by Tokugawa Ieyasu and ruled by the shoguns of the Tokugawa family. This period is known as the Edo period and gets its name from the capital city, Edo, which is now called Tokyo, after the name was...

      ) - Tokugawa Ienari
      Tokugawa Ienari
      Tokugawa Ienari; 徳川 家斉 was the eleventh and longest serving shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan who held office from 1787 to 1837.-First wife:...

      , Shogun of Japan
      A was one of the hereditary military dictators of Japan from 1192 to 1867. In this period, the shoguns, or their shikken regents , were the de facto rulers of Japan though they were nominally appointed by the emperor...

    • Ryūkyū Kingdom
      Ryukyu Kingdom
      The Ryūkyū Kingdom was an independent kingdom which ruled most of the Ryukyu Islands from the 15th century to the 19th century. The Kings of Ryūkyū unified Okinawa Island and extended the kingdom to the Amami Islands in modern-day Kagoshima Prefecture, and the Sakishima Islands near Taiwan...

       - Shō Iku, King of Ryūkyū (1829–1847)
  • Korea
    Korea ) is an East Asian geographic region that is currently divided into two separate sovereign states — North Korea and South Korea. Located on the Korean Peninsula, Korea is bordered by the People's Republic of China to the northwest, Russia to the northeast, and is separated from Japan to the...

    (Joseon Dynasty
    Joseon Dynasty
    Joseon , was a Korean state founded by Taejo Yi Seong-gye that lasted for approximately five centuries. It was founded in the aftermath of the overthrow of the Goryeo at what is today the city of Kaesong. Early on, Korea was retitled and the capital was relocated to modern-day Seoul...

    ) - Heonjong, King of Joseon (1834–1849)


  • Abkhazia
    Abkhazia is a disputed political entity on the eastern coast of the Black Sea and the south-western flank of the Caucasus.Abkhazia considers itself an independent state, called the Republic of Abkhazia or Apsny...

    - Mikheil, Prince of Abkhazia (1822–1864)
  • Andorra
    Andorra , officially the Principality of Andorra , also called the Principality of the Valleys of Andorra, , is a small landlocked country in southwestern Europe, located in the eastern Pyrenees mountains and bordered by Spain and France. It is the sixth smallest nation in Europe having an area of...

    • Simó Rojas de Guardiola i Hortoneda, Bishop of Urgell (1828–1851)
    • Louis-Philippe I, King of France (1830–1848)
  • Austria
    Austrian Empire
    The Austrian Empire was a modern era successor empire, which was centered on what is today's Austria and which officially lasted from 1804 to 1867. It was followed by the Empire of Austria-Hungary, whose proclamation was a diplomatic move that elevated Hungary's status within the Austrian Empire...

    - Ferdinand I
    Ferdinand I of Austria
    Ferdinand I was Emperor of Austria, President of the German Confederation, King of Hungary and Bohemia , as well as associated dominions from the death of his father, Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor, until his abdication after the Revolutions of 1848.He married Maria Anna of Savoy, the sixth child...

    , Emperor of Austria
    Emperor of Austria
    The Emperor of Austria was a hereditary imperial title and position proclaimed in 1804 by the Holy Roman Emperor Francis II, a member of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine, and continually held by him and his heirs until the last emperor relinquished power in 1918. The emperors retained the title of...

    • Chancellor - Prince Klemens Wenzel von Metternich
      Klemens Wenzel von Metternich
      Prince Klemens Wenzel von Metternich was a German-born Austrian politician and statesman and was one of the most important diplomats of his era...

      , Chancellor of Austria (1821–1848)
  • Baden
    Baden is a historical state on the east bank of the Rhine in the southwest of Germany, now the western part of the Baden-Württemberg of Germany....

    - Leopold, Grand Duke of Baden
    Leopold, Grand Duke of Baden
    Leopold I, Grand Duke of Baden succeeded in 1830 as the fourth Grand Duke of Baden....

  • Bavaria
    Kingdom of Bavaria
    The Kingdom of Bavaria was a German state that existed from 1806 to 1918. The Bavarian Elector Maximilian IV Joseph of the House of Wittelsbach became the first King of Bavaria in 1806 as Maximilian I Joseph. The monarchy would remain held by the Wittelsbachs until the kingdom's dissolution in 1918...

    - Ludwig I
    Ludwig I of Bavaria
    Ludwig I was a German king of Bavaria from 1825 until the 1848 revolutions in the German states.-Crown prince:...

    , King of Bavaria
    King of Bavaria
    King of Bavaria was a title held by the hereditary Wittelsbach rulers of Bavaria in the state known as the Kingdom of Bavaria from 1805 until 1918, when the kingdom was abolished...

  • Belgium
    • Monarch - Léopold I
      Leopold I of Belgium
      Leopold I was from 21 July 1831 the first King of the Belgians, following Belgium's independence from the Netherlands. He was the founder of the Belgian line of the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha...

      , King of the Belgians (1831–1865)
    • Cabinet Chief - Barthélémy de Theux de Meylandt, Cabinet Chief of Belgium (1834–1840, 1846–1847)
  • Denmark
    • Monarch - Frederick VI
      Frederick VI of Denmark
      Frederick VI reigned as King of Denmark , and as king of Norway .-Regent of Denmark:Frederick's parents were King Christian VII and Caroline Matilda of Wales...

      , King of Denmark (1808–1839)
    • Prime Minister - Otto Joachim
      Otto Joachim (politician)
      Otto Joachim, greve Moltke til Stridfeld og Walkendorf was the Minister of State of Denmark from 1824 to 1842. He was descended from Adam Gottlob Moltke, who had exercised extensive political power during the reign of Frederick V....

      , Minister of State of Denmark
      Prime Minister of Denmark
      The Prime Minister of Denmark is the head of government in Danish politics. The Prime Minister is traditionally the leader of a political coalition in the Folketing and presides over the cabinet....

  • France
    July Monarchy
    The July Monarchy , officially the Kingdom of France , was a period of liberal constitutional monarchy in France under King Louis-Philippe starting with the July Revolution of 1830 and ending with the Revolution of 1848...

    • Monarch - Louis Philippe, King of the French
      July Monarchy
      The July Monarchy , officially the Kingdom of France , was a period of liberal constitutional monarchy in France under King Louis-Philippe starting with the July Revolution of 1830 and ending with the Revolution of 1848...

    • Prime Minister -
      1. Duc de Broglie, Prime Minister of France
        Prime Minister of France
        The Prime Minister of France in the Fifth Republic is the head of government and of the Council of Ministers of France. The head of state is the President of the French Republic...

      2. Adolphe Thiers
        Adolphe Thiers
        Marie Joseph Louis Adolphe Thiers was a French politician and historian. was a prime minister under King Louis-Philippe of France. Following the overthrow of the Second Empire he again came to prominence as the French leader who suppressed the revolutionary Paris Commune of 1871...

        , Prime Minister of France
        Prime Minister of France
        The Prime Minister of France in the Fifth Republic is the head of government and of the Council of Ministers of France. The head of state is the President of the French Republic...

      3. Louis-Mathieu Molé, Prime Minister of France
        Prime Minister of France
        The Prime Minister of France in the Fifth Republic is the head of government and of the Council of Ministers of France. The head of state is the President of the French Republic...

  • Greece
    Kingdom of Greece
    The Kingdom of Greece was a state established in 1832 in the Convention of London by the Great Powers...

    • Monarch - Otto
      Otto of Greece
      Otto, Prince of Bavaria, then Othon, King of Greece was made the first modern King of Greece in 1832 under the Convention of London, whereby Greece became a new independent kingdom under the protection of the Great Powers .The second son of the philhellene King Ludwig I of Bavaria, Otto ascended...

      , King of Greece (1832–1862)
    • Prime Minister - Josef Ludwig von Armansperg
      Josef Ludwig von Armansperg
      Josef Ludwig, Graf von Armansperg served as the Interior and Finance Minister and Foreign and Finance Minister under King Ludwig I of Bavaria in the government of Bavaria...

      , Prime Minister of Greece
      Prime Minister of Greece
      The Prime Minister of Greece , officially the Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic , is the head of government of the Hellenic Republic and the leader of the Greek cabinet. The current interim Prime Minister is Lucas Papademos, a former Vice President of the European Central Bank, following...

  • Hanover
    Kingdom of Hanover
    The Kingdom of Hanover was established in October 1814 by the Congress of Vienna, with the restoration of George III to his Hanoverian territories after the Napoleonic era. It succeeded the former Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg , and joined with 38 other sovereign states in the German...

    - William
    William IV of the United Kingdom
    William IV was King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of Hanover from 26 June 1830 until his death...

    , King of Hanover (1830–1837)
  • Liechtenstein
    The Principality of Liechtenstein is a doubly landlocked alpine country in Central Europe, bordered by Switzerland to the west and south and by Austria to the east. Its area is just over , and it has an estimated population of 35,000. Its capital is Vaduz. The biggest town is Schaan...

    1. Johann Josef I, Prince of Liechtenstein (1805–1836)
      1. Alois II, Prince of Liechtenstein
        Alois II, Prince of Liechtenstein
        Aloys II, Prince of Liechtenstein, born Aloys Maria Joseph Johann Baptista Joachim Philipp Nerius was the sovereign Prince of Liechtenstein between 1836 and 1858...

  • Lucca
    Duchy of Lucca
    The Duchy of Lucca was an Italian state existing from 1815 to 1847. It was centered on the city of Lucca.The Duchy was formed in 1815 by the Congress of Vienna, out of the former Republic of Lucca and the Principality of Lucca and Piombino, which had been ruled by Elisa Bonaparte...

    - Charles
    Charles II, Duke of Parma
    Charles Louis of Bourbon-Parma was King of Etruria , Duke of Lucca , and Duke of Parma .-Early life and marriage:...

    , Duke of Lucca (1824–1847)
  • Luxembourg
    Luxembourg , officially the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg , is a landlocked country in western Europe, bordered by Belgium, France, and Germany. It has two principal regions: the Oesling in the North as part of the Ardennes massif, and the Gutland in the south...

    - William I
    William I of the Netherlands
    William I Frederick, born Willem Frederik Prins van Oranje-Nassau , was a Prince of Orange and the first King of the Netherlands and Grand Duke of Luxembourg....

    , Grand Duke of Luxembourg
    Grand Duke of Luxembourg
    The Grand Duke of Luxembourg is the sovereign monarch and head of state of Luxembourg. Luxembourg has been a grand duchy since 15 March 1815, when it was elevated from a duchy when placed in personal union with the United Kingdom of the Netherlands...

  • Modena
    Modena is a city and comune on the south side of the Po Valley, in the Province of Modena in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy....

    - Francis IV
    Francis IV, Duke of Modena
    Francis IV Joseph Charles Ambrose Stanislaus was Duke of Modena, Reggio, and Mirandola , Duke of Massa and Prince of Carrara , Archduke of Austria-Este, Royal Prince of Hungary and Bohemia, Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece...

    , Duke of Modena (1814–1846)
  • Moldavia
    Moldavia is a geographic and historical region and former principality in Eastern Europe, corresponding to the territory between the Eastern Carpathians and the Dniester river...

    - Mihail Sturdza
    Mihail Sturdza
    Mihail Sturdza was a prince of Moldavia from 1834 to 1849. A man of liberal education, he established the Mihaileana Academy, a kind of university, in Iaşi. He brought scholars from foreign countries to act as teachers, and gave a very powerful stimulus to the educational development of the...

    , Vovoid of Moldavia (1834–1849)
  • United Kingdom of the Netherlands
    United Kingdom of the Netherlands
    United Kingdom of the Netherlands is the unofficial name used to refer to Kingdom of the Netherlands during the period after it was first created from part of the First French Empire and before the new kingdom of Belgium split out in 1830...

    - William I
    William I of the Netherlands
    William I Frederick, born Willem Frederik Prins van Oranje-Nassau , was a Prince of Orange and the first King of the Netherlands and Grand Duke of Luxembourg....

    , King of the Netherlands (1815–1840)
  • Norway - United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway - Kingdom of Sweden-Norway
    • Monarch - Charles XIV, King of Norway (1818–1844)
    • Governor -
      1. Vacant (1829–1836)
      2. Count Herman Wedel-Jarlsberg
        Johan Caspar Herman Wedel-Jarlsberg
        Johan Caspar Herman Wedel-Jarlsberg was a politician and a Norwegian count, one of only two titled noblemen in Norway...

        , Governor of Norway (1836–1840)
  • Ottoman (Turkish) Empire
    Ottoman Empire
    The Ottoman EmpireIt was usually referred to as the "Ottoman Empire", the "Turkish Empire", the "Ottoman Caliphate" or more commonly "Turkey" by its contemporaries...

    • Monarch - Mahmud II
      Mahmud II
      Mahmud II was the 30th Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1808 until his death in 1839. He was born in the Topkapi Palace, Istanbul, the son of Sultan Abdulhamid I...

      , Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (1808–1839)
    • Grand Vizier - Mehmed Emin Rauf Pasha, Ottoman Grand Vizier (1833–1839)

  • Papal States
    Papal States
    The Papal State, State of the Church, or Pontifical States were among the major historical states of Italy from roughly the 6th century until the Italian peninsula was unified in 1861 by the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia .The Papal States comprised territories under...

    - Gregory XVI
    Pope Gregory XVI
    Pope Gregory XVI , born Bartolomeo Alberto Cappellari, named Mauro as a member of the religious order of the Camaldolese, was Pope of the Catholic Church from 1831 to 1846...

    , Pope
    The Pope is the Bishop of Rome, a position that makes him the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church . In the Catholic Church, the Pope is regarded as the successor of Saint Peter, the Apostle...

  • Parma
    Parma is a city in the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna famous for its ham, its cheese, its architecture and the fine countryside around it. This is the home of the University of Parma, one of the oldest universities in the world....

    - Marie Louise
    Marie Louise, Duchess of Parma
    Marie Louise of Austria was the second wife of Napoleon I, Emperor of the French and later Duchess of Parma...

    , Duchess of Parma (1814–1847)
  • Piedmont-Sardinia
    Kingdom of Sardinia or Sardinia, also Piedmont-Sardinia, Sardinia-Piedmont or Piemonte, refers to the states of the House of Savoy from 1720 or 1723 onwards, following the award of the crown of Sardinia to King Victor Amadeus II of Savoy under the Treaty of The Hague...

    - Charles Albert
    Charles Albert of Sardinia
    Charles Albert was the King of Piedmont-Sardinia from 1831 to 1849. He succeeded his distant cousin Charles Felix, and his name is bound with the first Italian statute and the First War of Independence...

    , King of Sardinia (1831–1849)
  • Portugal
    Kingdom of Portugal
    The Kingdom of Portugal was Portugal's general designation under the monarchy. The kingdom was located in the west of the Iberian Peninsula, Europe and existed from 1139 to 1910...

    - Maria II, Queen of Portugal (1826–1828, 1834–1853)
  • Prussia
    Kingdom of Prussia
    The Kingdom of Prussia was a German kingdom from 1701 to 1918. Until the defeat of Germany in World War I, it comprised almost two-thirds of the area of the German Empire...

    • Monarch - Friedrich Wilhelm III
      Frederick William III of Prussia
      Frederick William III was king of Prussia from 1797 to 1840. He was in personal union the sovereign prince of the Principality of Neuchâtel .-Early life:...

      , King of Prussia (1797–1840)
    • Chief Minister - Count Karl Friedrich Heinrich von Wylich, Chief Minister of Prussia
      Prime Minister of Prussia
      The office of Minister President or Prime Minister of Prussia existed in one form or another from 1702 until the dissolution of Prussia in 1947. When Prussia was an independent kingdom the Minister President or Prime Minister functioned as the King's Chief Minister and presided over the Prussian...

  • Russia
    Russian Empire
    The Russian Empire was a state that existed from 1721 until the Russian Revolution of 1917. It was the successor to the Tsardom of Russia and the predecessor of the Soviet Union...

    - Nicholas I
    Nicholas I of Russia
    Nicholas I , was the Emperor of Russia from 1825 until 1855, known as one of the most reactionary of the Russian monarchs. On the eve of his death, the Russian Empire reached its historical zenith spanning over 20 million square kilometers...

    , Tsar of Russia (1825–1855)
  • Saxony
    Kingdom of Saxony
    The Kingdom of Saxony , lasting between 1806 and 1918, was an independent member of a number of historical confederacies in Napoleonic through post-Napoleonic Germany. From 1871 it was part of the German Empire. It became a Free state in the era of Weimar Republic in 1918 after the end of World War...

    1. Anothony Clement
      Anthony Clement of Saxony
      Anthony , also known by his German name Anton , was a King of Saxony from the House of Wettin...

      , King of Saxony (1827–1836)
    2. Frederick Augustus
      Frederick Augustus II of Saxony
      Frederick Augustus II |Tyrol]], 9 August 1854) was King of Saxony and a member of the House of Wettin.He was the eldest son of Maximilian, Prince of Saxony --younger son of the Elector Frederick Christian of Saxony—by his...

      , King of Saxony (1836–1854)
  • Spain - Isabella II
    Isabella II of Spain
    Isabella II was the only female monarch of Spain in modern times. She came to the throne as an infant, but her succession was disputed by the Carlists, who refused to recognise a female sovereign, leading to the Carlist Wars. After a troubled reign, she was deposed in the Glorious Revolution of...

    , Queen of Spain (1833–1868)
  • Sweden - United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway - Charles XIV John
    Charles XIV John of Sweden
    Charles XIV & III John, also Carl John, Swedish and Norwegian: Karl Johan was King of Sweden and King of Norway from 1818 until his death...

    , King of Sweden (1818–1844)
  • Switzerland - Karl Friedrich Tscharner, President of the Diet (1836)
  • Tavolara
    Kingdom of Tavolara
    The Kingdom of Tavolara was a small independent state existing in the 19th and 20th centuries in Tavolara Island, off the northeast coast of Sardinia. Ruled by the Bertoleoni family, it was one of the smallest kingdoms in the world...

    - Giuseppe Bertoleoni, King of Tavolara
    Bertoleoni is the self-proclaimed ruling family of the self-styled "Kingdom of Tavolara" , which claimed to be "the smallest kingdom of the world"...

  • Tuscany
    Grand Duchy of Tuscany
    The Grand Duchy of Tuscany was a central Italian monarchy that existed, with interruptions, from 1569 to 1859, replacing the Duchy of Florence. The grand duchy's capital was Florence...

    - Leopold II
    Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany
    Leopold II of Tuscany was the last reigning grand duke of Tuscany ....

    , Grand Duke of Tuscany
    Rulers of Tuscany
    The rulers of Tuscany have varied over time, sometimes being margraves, the rulers of handfuls of border counties and sometimes the heads of the most important family of the region.-Margraves of Tuscany, 812–1197:House of Boniface*Boniface I, 812-813...

  • Two Sicilies - Ferdinand II
    Ferdinand II of the Two Sicilies
    Ferdinand II was King of the Two Sicilies from 1830 until his death.-Family:Ferdinand was born in Palermo, the son of King Francis I of the Two Sicilies and his wife and first cousin Maria Isabella of Spain.His paternal grandparents were King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies and Queen Marie...

    , King of the Two Sicilies (1830–1859)
  • United Kingdom
    United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was the formal name of the United Kingdom during the period when what is now the Republic of Ireland formed a part of it....

    • Monarch - William IV
      William IV of the United Kingdom
      William IV was King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of Hanover from 26 June 1830 until his death...

      , King of the United Kingdom (1830–1837)
    • Prime Minister - William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne
      William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne
      William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne, PC, FRS was a British Whig statesman who served as Home Secretary and Prime Minister . He is best known for his intense and successful mentoring of Queen Victoria, at ages 18-21, in the ways of politics...

      , Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
      Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
      The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the Head of Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom. The Prime Minister and Cabinet are collectively accountable for their policies and actions to the Sovereign, to Parliament, to their political party and...

  • Wallachia
    Wallachia or Walachia is a historical and geographical region of Romania. It is situated north of the Danube and south of the Southern Carpathians...

    - Alexandru Ghica, Vovoid of Wallachia (1834–1842)
  • Württemberg
    Württemberg , formerly known as Wirtemberg or Wurtemberg, is an area and a former state in southwestern Germany, including parts of the regions Swabia and Franconia....

    - William
    William I of Württemberg
    William I was the second King of Württemberg from October 30, 1816 until his death.He was born in Lüben, the son of King Frederick I of Württemberg and his wife Duchess Augusta of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel .-First marriage:...

    , King of Württemberg (1816–1864)

Middle East and North Africa

  • Abu Dhabi
    Abu Dhabi
    Abu Dhabi , literally Father of Gazelle, is the capital and the second largest city of the United Arab Emirates in terms of population and the largest of the seven member emirates of the United Arab Emirates. Abu Dhabi lies on a T-shaped island jutting into the Persian Gulf from the central western...

    • Co-Shaikh - Khalifa bin Shakhbut, Shaikh of Abu Dhabi (1833–1845)
    • Co-Shaikh - Sultan bin Shakhbut, Shaikh of Abu Dhabi (1833–1845)
  • Ajman
    Ajman , also spelt Ujman, is one of the seven emirates constituting the United Arab Emirates . With an area of just 260 square kilometres , Ajman is the smallest emirate by area...

    - Rashid bin Humayd
    Rashid bin Humayd
    Rashid bin Humayd was the Shaikh of Ajman from 1816 until 1838....

    , Shaikh of Ajman (1816–1838)
  • Bahrain
    ' , officially the Kingdom of Bahrain , is a small island state near the western shores of the Persian Gulf. It is ruled by the Al Khalifa royal family. The population in 2010 stood at 1,214,705, including 235,108 non-nationals. Formerly an emirate, Bahrain was declared a kingdom in 2002.Bahrain is...

    - Muhammad ibn Khalifah Al Khalifah, Shaikh of Bahrain (1834–1842)
  • Constantine
    Constantine, Algeria
    Constantine is the capital of Constantine Province in north-eastern Algeria. It was the capital of the same-named French département until 1962. Slightly inland, it is about 80 kilometres from the Mediterranean coast, on the banks of Rhumel river...

    - Ahmed Bey ben Mohamed Chérif
    Ahmed Bey ben Mohamed Chérif
    Ahmed Bey ben Mohamed Chérif, also known as Ahmed Bey or Hadj Ahmed Bey was the last Bey of Constantine, Algeria, ruling from 1826 to 1848. He was the successor of Mohamed Menamenni Bey ben Khan....

    , Bey of Constantine (1826–1848)
  • Fezzan
    Fezzan is a south western region of modern Libya. It is largely desert but broken by mountains, uplands, and dry river valleys in the north, where oases enable ancient towns and villages to survive deep in the otherwise inhospitable Sahara.-Name:...

    (Under Ottoman
    Ottoman Empire
    The Ottoman EmpireIt was usually referred to as the "Ottoman Empire", the "Turkish Empire", the "Ottoman Caliphate" or more commonly "Turkey" by its contemporaries...

     suzerainty) - Sayf an-Nasr `Abd al-Jalil ibn Rad, Sultan of Fezzan (1831–1842)
  • Kuwait
    The State of Kuwait is a sovereign Arab state situated in the north-east of the Arabian Peninsula in Western Asia. It is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the south at Khafji, and Iraq to the north at Basra. It lies on the north-western shore of the Persian Gulf. The name Kuwait is derived from the...

    - Sheikh Jabir ibn Abdullah Al Sabah, Ruler of Kuwait (1814–1859)
  • Morocco
    Morocco , officially the Kingdom of Morocco , is a country located in North Africa. It has a population of more than 32 million and an area of 710,850 km², and also primarily administers the disputed region of the Western Sahara...

    - Abu al-Fadl `Abd ar-Rahman
    Abderrahmane of Morocco
    Moulay Sharif Abderrahmane was sultan of Morocco from 1822 to 1859. He was a member of the Alaouite dynasty.-Biography:He was born in 1778. His reign began at the start of the French occupation of Algeria...

    , Sultan of Morocco (1822–1859)
  • Mount Lebanon
    Mount Lebanon
    Mount Lebanon , as a geographic designation, is a Lebanese mountain range, averaging above 2,200 meters in height and receiving a substantial amount of precipitation, including snow, which averages around four meters deep. It extends across the whole country along about , parallel to the...

    (Under Ottoman
    Ottoman Empire
    The Ottoman EmpireIt was usually referred to as the "Ottoman Empire", the "Turkish Empire", the "Ottoman Caliphate" or more commonly "Turkey" by its contemporaries...

     suzerainty)- Bashir ibn al-Qasim ibn `Umar, Emir of Mount Lebanon (1822–1840)
  • Oman
    Oman , officially called the Sultanate of Oman , is an Arab state in southwest Asia on the southeast coast of the Arabian Peninsula. It is bordered by the United Arab Emirates to the northwest, Saudi Arabia to the west, and Yemen to the southwest. The coast is formed by the Arabian Sea on the...

    - Sa'id II ibn Sultan, Sultan of Oman (1804–1856)
  • Egypt
    Egypt , officially the Arab Republic of Egypt, Arabic: , is a country mainly in North Africa, with the Sinai Peninsula forming a land bridge in Southwest Asia. Egypt is thus a transcontinental country, and a major power in Africa, the Mediterranean Basin, the Middle East and the Muslim world...

     (Under Ottoman
    Ottoman Empire
    The Ottoman EmpireIt was usually referred to as the "Ottoman Empire", the "Turkish Empire", the "Ottoman Caliphate" or more commonly "Turkey" by its contemporaries...

     suzerainty) - Muhammad Ali Pasha, Governor of Egypt (1805–1848)
  • Persia - Mohammad Shah Qajar
    Mohammad Shah Qajar
    Mohammad Shah Qajar was king of Persia from the Qajar dynasty .- Rise to power :...

    , King of Persia (1834–1848)
  • Tunis
    Tunis is the capital of both the Tunisian Republic and the Tunis Governorate. It is Tunisia's largest city, with a population of 728,453 as of 2004; the greater metropolitan area holds some 2,412,500 inhabitants....

    • Monarch - Mustafa bin Mahmud, Bey of Tunis (1835–1837)
    • Grand Vizier - Sidi Rashid al-Shakir Sahib al-Taba`a (1829–1837)

North America

  • Central America
    Federal Republic of Central America
    The Federal Republic of Central America, known as the United Provinces of Central America in its first year of creation, was a sovereign state in Central America, which consisted of the territories of the former Captaincy General of Guatemala of New Spain...

    - Francisco Morazán
    Francisco Morazán
    General Francisco Morazán was a Honduran general and a politician who ruled several Central American states at different times during the turbulent period from 1827 to 1842. He rose to prominence at the legendary Battle of La Trinidad on November 11, 1827...

    , President of Central America (1830–1839)
    • Costa Rica
      Costa Rica
      Costa Rica , officially the Republic of Costa Rica is a multilingual, multiethnic and multicultural country in Central America, bordered by Nicaragua to the north, Panama to the southeast, the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east....

      - Braulio Carrillo Colina
      Braulio Carrillo Colina
      Braulio Evaristo Carrillo Colina was the Head of State of Costa Rica during two periods: the first between 1835 to 1837, and the de facto between 1838 and 1842.Before becoming head of state, Carrillo held a number of public positions, including Judge and Chairman of the...

      , Head of State of Costa Rica (1835–1837)
  • Haiti
    Haiti , officially the Republic of Haiti , is a Caribbean country. It occupies the western, smaller portion of the island of Hispaniola, in the Greater Antillean archipelago, which it shares with the Dominican Republic. Ayiti was the indigenous Taíno or Amerindian name for the island...

    - Jean Pierre Boyer
    Jean Pierre Boyer
    Jean-Pierre Boyer , a native of Saint-Domingue, was a soldier, one of the leaders of the Haitian Revolution, and President of Haiti from 1818 to 1843. He reunited the north and south of Haiti in 1820 and also invaded and took control of Santo Domingo, which brought all of Hispaniola under one...

    , President of Haiti
    President of Haiti
    The President of the Republic of Haiti is the head of state of Haiti. Executive power in Haiti is divided between the president and the government headed by the Prime Minister of Haiti...

  • Mexico -
    1. Miguel Barragán
      Miguel Barragán
      Miguel Francisco Barragán Andrade was a Mexican general and a centralist politician. He served as Minister of War in the government of Antonio López de Santa Anna in 1833 and 1834, then as president of Mexico from January 28, 1835 to February 27, 1836.- The War of Independence and the First Empire...

      , President (1835–1836)
    2. José Justo Corro
      José Justo Corro
      José Justo Corro was a Mexican lawyer, politician, and president of the Republic, from March 2, 1836 to April 19, 1837.-Background:...

      , President (1836–1837)
  • Miskito Nation - Robert Charles Frederic, King of the Miskito Nation (1824–1842)
  • Texas
    Republic of Texas
    The Republic of Texas was an independent nation in North America, bordering the United States and Mexico, that existed from 1836 to 1846.Formed as a break-away republic from Mexico by the Texas Revolution, the state claimed borders that encompassed an area that included all of the present U.S...

    1. David G. Burnet
      David G. Burnet
      David Gouverneur Burnet was an early politician within the Republic of Texas, serving as interim President of Texas , second Vice President of the Republic of Texas , and Secretary of State for the new state of Texas after it was annexed to the United States of America.Burnet was born in Newark,...

      , President of the Republic of Texas (1836)
    2. Sam Houston
      Sam Houston
      Samuel Houston, known as Sam Houston , was a 19th-century American statesman, politician, and soldier. He was born in Timber Ridge in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, of Scots-Irish descent. Houston became a key figure in the history of Texas and was elected as the first and third President of...

       President of the Republic of Texas (1836–1838)
  • United States - Andrew Jackson
    Andrew Jackson
    Andrew Jackson was the seventh President of the United States . Based in frontier Tennessee, Jackson was a politician and army general who defeated the Creek Indians at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend , and the British at the Battle of New Orleans...

    , President of the United States
    President of the United States
    The President of the United States of America is the head of state and head of government of the United States. The president leads the executive branch of the federal government and is the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces....


South America

  • Argentine Confederation
    Argentine Confederation
    The Argentine Confederation is one of the official names of Argentina, according to the Argentine Constitution, Article 35...

    - Juan Manuel de Rosas
    Juan Manuel de Rosas
    Juan Manuel de Rosas , was an argentine militar and politician, who was elected governor of the province of Buenos Aires in 1829 to 1835, and then of the Argentine Confederation from 1835 until 1852...

    , Governor of Buenos Aires Province in charge of the Foreign Relations of the Argentine Confederation (1835–1851)
  • Bolivia
    Bolivia officially known as Plurinational State of Bolivia , is a landlocked country in central South America. It is the poorest country in South America...

    - Andrés de Santa Cruz
    Andrés de Santa Cruz
    Andrés de Santa Cruz y Calahumana was President of Peru and Bolivia...

    , President of Bolivia
    President of Bolivia
    The President of Bolivia is head of state and head of government of Bolivia. According to the current Constitution, the president is elected by popular vote to a five year term, renewable once...

  • Brazil - Pedro II
    Pedro II of Brazil
    Dom Pedro II , nicknamed "the Magnanimous", was the second and last ruler of the Empire of Brazil, reigning for over 58 years. Born in Rio de Janeiro, he was the seventh child of Emperor Dom Pedro I of Brazil and Empress Dona Maria Leopoldina and thus a member of the Brazilian branch of...

    , Emperor of Brazil (1831–1889)
  • Chile
    Chile ,officially the Republic of Chile , is a country in South America occupying a long, narrow coastal strip between the Andes mountains to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. It borders Peru to the north, Bolivia to the northeast, Argentina to the east, and the Drake Passage in the far...

    - José Joaquín Prieto Vial, President of Chile
    President of Chile
    The President of the Republic of Chile is both the head of state and the head of government of the Republic of Chile. The President is responsible of the government and state administration...

     (1831–1840, 1840–1841)
  • Ecuador
    Ecuador , officially the Republic of Ecuador is a representative democratic republic in South America, bordered by Colombia on the north, Peru on the east and south, and by the Pacific Ocean to the west. It is one of only two countries in South America, along with Chile, that do not have a border...

    - Vicente Rocafuerte
    Vicente Rocafuerte
    Vicente Rocafuerte y Bejarano was an influential figure in Ecuadorian politics and President of Ecuador from September 10, 1834 to January 31, 1839....

    , President of Ecuador (1834–1839)
  • New Granada - Francisco de Paula Santander
    Francisco de Paula Santander
    Francisco José de Paula Santander y Omaña , was a Colombian military and political leader during the 1810–1819 independence war of the United Provinces of New Granada...

    , President of New Granada
    President of Colombia
    The President of Colombia is the head of state and head of government of the Republic of Colombia. The office of president was established upon the ratification of the Constitution of 1819, by the Congress of Angostura, convened in December 1819, when Colombia was part of "la Gran Colombia"...

  • Paraguay
    Paraguay , officially the Republic of Paraguay , is a landlocked country in South America. It is bordered by Argentina to the south and southwest, Brazil to the east and northeast, and Bolivia to the northwest. Paraguay lies on both banks of the Paraguay River, which runs through the center of the...

    - José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia
    José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia
    200px|right|thumb|José Gaspar Rodríguez de FranciaDr. José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia y Velasco was the first leader of Paraguay following its independence from Spain...

    , Perpetual Supreme Dictator (1814–1840)
  • Peru
    Peru , officially the Republic of Peru , is a country in western South America. It is bordered on the north by Ecuador and Colombia, on the east by Brazil, on the southeast by Bolivia, on the south by Chile, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean....

    1. Felipe Santiago Salaverry
      Felipe Santiago Salaverry
      Felipe Santiago de Salaverry was a Peruvian soldier, politician and, from 1835 to 1836, President of Peru.He studied in the College of San Carlos in Lima...

      , Supreme Ruler (1835–1836)
    2. Andrés de Santa Cruz
      Andrés de Santa Cruz
      Andrés de Santa Cruz y Calahumana was President of Peru and Bolivia...

      , Supreme Protector (1836–1838)
  • Uruguay
    Uruguay ,officially the Oriental Republic of Uruguay,sometimes the Eastern Republic of Uruguay; ) is a country in the southeastern part of South America. It is home to some 3.5 million people, of whom 1.8 million live in the capital Montevideo and its metropolitan area...

    - Manuel Oribe
    Manuel Oribe
    Manuel Ceferino Oribe y Viana was the fourth president of Uruguay.-Biography:Manuel Oribe was the son of Captain Francisco Oribe and María Francisca Viana, a descendant of the first governor of Montevideo, José Joaquín de Viana...

    , President of Uruguay (1835–1838)
  • Venezuela
    Venezuela , officially called the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela , is a tropical country on the northern coast of South America. It borders Colombia to the west, Guyana to the east, and Brazil to the south...

    1. José María Vargas
      José María Vargas
      José María Vargas was the 4th President of Venezuela from 1835–1836.-Life and career:...

      , President of Venezuela (1835–1836)
    2. Andrés Navarte, President of Venezuela (1836–1837)


  • Hawaii
    Hawaii is the newest of the 50 U.S. states , and is the only U.S. state made up entirely of islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia, occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean, southwest of the continental United States, southeast of Japan, and northeast of...

    - Kamehameha III
    Kamehameha III
    Kamehameha III was the King of Hawaii from 1825 to 1854. His full Hawaiian name was Keaweaweula Kiwalao Kauikeaouli Kaleiopapa and then lengthened to Keaweaweula Kiwalao Kauikeaouli Kaleiopapa Kalani Waiakua Kalanikau Iokikilo Kiwalao i ke kapu Kamehameha when he ascended the throne.Under his...

    , King of Hawaii (1823–1854)
  • Huahine
    Huahine is an island located among the Society Islands, in French Polynesia, an overseas territory of France in the Pacific Ocean. It is part of the Leeward Islands group . The island has a population of about 6,000.-Geography:...

    - Teri'itaria II, Queen of Huahine (1815–1852)
  • Commonwealth of Pitcairn - Joshua Hill
    Joshua Hill (Pitcairn Island leader)
    Joshua Hill was an American adventurer.In 1832 he arrived on Pitcairn Island which was first inhabited in the 1790s by British mutineers from the HMS Bounty and some Tahitians who joined them. The descendants of the mutineers had recently migrated to Tahiti following the death of the last...

    , President of Pitcairn (1832–1838)
  • Rapa Nui - King Nga'ara
    King Nga'ara
    Nga‘araThe name Nga‘ara has been variously spelled Gnaara, Gaara, Ngaara, Nga-Ara, Gahara, and Gobara. The letter g is a common convention in the Pacific for the ng-sound , and Roussel, the one who transcribed the name as Gahara, frequently used h for glottal stop...

    , King of Rapa Nui (1835–1869)
  • Samoa
    Samoa , officially the Independent State of Samoa, formerly known as Western Samoa is a country encompassing the western part of the Samoan Islands in the South Pacific Ocean. It became independent from New Zealand in 1962. The two main islands of Samoa are Upolu and one of the biggest islands in...

    - Malietoa Vai'inupo
    Malietoa is a state dynasty and chiefly title in Samoa. Literally translated as "great warrior," the title's origin comes from the final words of the Tongan warriors as they were fleeing on the beach to their boats, "Malie To`a, Malie tau"....

    , Malietoa
    Malietoa is a state dynasty and chiefly title in Samoa. Literally translated as "great warrior," the title's origin comes from the final words of the Tongan warriors as they were fleeing on the beach to their boats, "Malie To`a, Malie tau"....

  • Tahiti
    Tahiti is the largest island in the Windward group of French Polynesia, located in the archipelago of the Society Islands in the southern Pacific Ocean. It is the economic, cultural and political centre of French Polynesia. The island was formed from volcanic activity and is high and mountainous...

    - Pomare IV
    Pomare IV
    Pōmare IV, Queen of Tahiti , more properly Aimata Pōmare IV Vahine-o-Punuateraitua , was the queen of Tahiti between 1827 and 1877...

    , Queen of Tahiti (1827–1877)
  • Tonga
    Tonga, officially the Kingdom of Tonga , is a state and an archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean, comprising 176 islands scattered over of ocean in the South Pacific...

    - Aleamotu'a

    , Tu'i Kanokupolu
    Tu'i Kanokupolu
    The Ha'a Tu'i Kanokupolu is the most junior of the Ha'a Tu'i in Tonga. They are generally refer to as the Kau Halalalo The Ha'a Tu'i Tonga, the most senior and Sacred Ha'a Tu'i in Tonga are generally refer to as the Kauhala'uta, The inland side of the roads...

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