Raionul Floresti
Florești is a district in the north-east of Moldova
Moldova , officially the Republic of Moldova is a landlocked state in Eastern Europe, located between Romania to the West and Ukraine to the North, East and South. It declared itself an independent state with the same boundaries as the preceding Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1991, as part...

, with the administrative center at Florești
Floresti, Moldova
Florești , is the capital city and industrial and commercial center of Floreşti District of Moldova. It is located on the river Răut.-Name:The name comes from the Moldavian word floare...

The other major cities are Ghindeşti
Ghindeşti is a town in Floreşti district, Moldova....

 and Mărculeşti
Mărculeşti is a city in Floreşti district, in the northern Moldova, with a population of 2,081 at the 2004 census.-External links:*...

. As of 1 January 2011, its population was 90,000.


Localities with the oldest documentary attestation of the district are: Cuhureștii de Sus
Cuhureştii de Sus
Cuhureştii de Sus is a commune in Floreşti district, Moldova. It is composed of four villages: Cuhureştii de Sus, Nicolaevca, Unchiteşti and Unchiteşti station....

, Cuhureștii de Jos
Cuhureştii de Jos
Cuhureştii de Jos is a commune in Floreşti District, Moldova, near the border with Ukraine. It is composed of two villages, Cuhureştii de Jos and Ţipordei....

, Cunicea
Cunicea is a commune in Floreşti district, Moldova. It is composed of a single village, Cunicea....

 documented on 20 December 1437. In XV-XVII region
Region is most commonly found as a term used in terrestrial and astrophysics sciences also an area, notably among the different sub-disciplines of geography, studied by regional geographers. Regions consist of subregions that contain clusters of like areas that are distinctive by their uniformity...

 continue to develop trade
Trade is the transfer of ownership of goods and services from one person or entity to another. Trade is sometimes loosely called commerce or financial transaction or barter. A network that allows trade is called a market. The original form of trade was barter, the direct exchange of goods and...

 and economic, and been there has to significant increase of population
A population is all the organisms that both belong to the same group or species and live in the same geographical area. The area that is used to define a sexual population is such that inter-breeding is possible between any pair within the area and more probable than cross-breeding with individuals...

. Floresti Center is documented on August 20, 1588. 18th century is marked by economic decline
Decline is a change over time from previously efficient to inefficient organizational functioning, from previously rational to non-rational organizational and individual decision-making, from previously law-abiding to law violating organizational and individual behavior, from previously virtuous to...

 of the region because of the constant wars waged by the powers in the region to influence: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth was a dualistic state of Poland and Lithuania ruled by a common monarch. It was the largest and one of the most populous countries of 16th- and 17th‑century Europe with some and a multi-ethnic population of 11 million at its peak in the early 17th century...

, Ottoman Empire
Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman EmpireIt was usually referred to as the "Ottoman Empire", the "Turkish Empire", the "Ottoman Caliphate" or more commonly "Turkey" by its contemporaries...

, Russian Empire
Russian Empire
The Russian Empire was a state that existed from 1721 until the Russian Revolution of 1917. It was the successor to the Tsardom of Russia and the predecessor of the Soviet Union...

. In 1812 the region has been occupied by Russian Empire
Russian Empire
The Russian Empire was a state that existed from 1721 until the Russian Revolution of 1917. It was the successor to the Tsardom of Russia and the predecessor of the Soviet Union...

, and besides the local Population of Moldovans
Moldovans or Moldavians are the largest population group of Moldova...

, many have settled here Ukrainian
Ukrainians are an East Slavic ethnic group native to Ukraine, which is the sixth-largest nation in Europe. The Constitution of Ukraine applies the term 'Ukrainians' to all its citizens...

 and Russian
The Russian people are an East Slavic ethnic group native to Russia, speaking the Russian language and primarily living in Russia and neighboring countries....

. In 1870 is certified as fair Floresti voloste center. After the collapse of Russian Empire in 1917, Basarabia decide union with the motherland Romania
Union of Bessarabia with Romania
On , the Sfatul Ţării, or National Council, of Bessarabia proclaimed union with the Kingdom of Romania.-Governorate of Bessarabia:The 1812 Treaty of Bucharest between the Ottoman Empire and the Russian Empires provided for Russian annexation of the eastern half of the territory of the Principality...

. In 1940 Basarabia it is again occupied by the USSR after the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, named after the Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov and the German foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, was an agreement officially titled the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Soviet Union and signed in Moscow in the late hours of 23 August 1939...

. In 1944-1991 Glodeni district in the center became the composition of the MSSR. In 1991 as a result of the proclamation of Independence of Moldova
Independence of Moldova
The Independence of Moldova was officially recognized on March 2, 1992, when Moldova gained membership of the United Nations. The nation had declared its independence from the Soviet Union on August 27, 1991, and was a co-founder of the post-Soviet Commonwealth of Independent States...

, part of the Soroca County
Soroca County
Soroca was a county of Moldova. The seat was Soroca....

 (1991–2003), and in 2003 became administrative unit of Moldova
Moldova , officially the Republic of Moldova is a landlocked state in Eastern Europe, located between Romania to the West and Ukraine to the North, East and South. It declared itself an independent state with the same boundaries as the preceding Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1991, as part...



Floresti district is located in north-eastern part of Moldova
Moldova , officially the Republic of Moldova is a landlocked state in Eastern Europe, located between Romania to the West and Ukraine to the North, East and South. It declared itself an independent state with the same boundaries as the preceding Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1991, as part...

 and is bordered to the north Soroca District, north-west Drochia District, Telenesti District to the south, east to Camenca District, south-east Soldanesti District  and west with Singerei District. Landscape
Landscape comprises the visible features of an area of land, including the physical elements of landforms such as mountains, hills, water bodies such as rivers, lakes, ponds and the sea, living elements of land cover including indigenous vegetation, human elements including different forms of...

 is fragmented in Nistru Plateau
In geology and earth science, a plateau , also called a high plain or tableland, is an area of highland, usually consisting of relatively flat terrain. A highly eroded plateau is called a dissected plateau...

, and less in Balti steppe
In physical geography, steppe is an ecoregion, in the montane grasslands and shrublands and temperate grasslands, savannas, and shrublands biomes, characterized by grassland plains without trees apart from those near rivers and lakes...

 in the west. Soil consists of chernozem
Chernozem , also known as "black land" or "black earth", is a black-coloured soil containing a high percentage of humus 7% to 15%, and high percentages of phosphoric acids, phosphorus and ammonia...

, cambisol, alluvial soil and arenosol. Maximum altitude is 289 m Nistru plateau.


District climate
Climate encompasses the statistics of temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, rainfall, atmospheric particle count and other meteorological elemental measurements in a given region over long periods...

 is temperate
In geography, temperate or tepid latitudes of the globe lie between the tropics and the polar circles. The changes in these regions between summer and winter are generally relatively moderate, rather than extreme hot or cold...

Continental climate
Continental climate is a climate characterized by important annual variation in temperature due to the lack of significant bodies of water nearby...

. The average temperature in July is 20-20.5 C, and in January -5-4.5 C. Annual precipitation
Precipitation (meteorology)
In meteorology, precipitation In meteorology, precipitation In meteorology, precipitation (also known as one of the classes of hydrometeors, which are atmospheric water phenomena is any product of the condensation of atmospheric water vapor that falls under gravity. The main forms of precipitation...

 450–550 mm in some years up to 700–750 mm. Average wind
Wind is the flow of gases on a large scale. On Earth, wind consists of the bulk movement of air. In outer space, solar wind is the movement of gases or charged particles from the sun through space, while planetary wind is the outgassing of light chemical elements from a planet's atmosphere into space...

 speed 3–5 m \ s.


Fauna district, is typical of Central Europe
Central Europe
Central Europe or alternatively Middle Europe is a region of the European continent lying between the variously defined areas of Eastern and Western Europe...

 with this: fox
Fox is a common name for many species of omnivorous mammals belonging to the Canidae family. Foxes are small to medium-sized canids , characterized by possessing a long narrow snout, and a bushy tail .Members of about 37 species are referred to as foxes, of which only 12 species actually belong to...

, ferrets, rabbits, hedgehog
A hedgehog is any of the spiny mammals of the subfamily Erinaceinae and the order Erinaceomorpha. There are 17 species of hedgehog in five genera, found through parts of Europe, Asia, Africa, and New Zealand . There are no hedgehogs native to Australia, and no living species native to the Americas...

s, deer
Deer are the ruminant mammals forming the family Cervidae. Species in the Cervidae family include white-tailed deer, elk, moose, red deer, reindeer, fallow deer, roe deer and chital. Male deer of all species and female reindeer grow and shed new antlers each year...

, wild boar less wild cat
Wild cat
The wildcat is a small cat with several subspecies and a very broad distribution, found throughout most of Africa, Europe, and southwest and central Asia into India, China, and Mongolia. It is a hunter of small mammals, birds, and other creatures of a similar or smaller size. Sometimes included is...

, red deer
Red Deer
The red deer is one of the largest deer species. Depending on taxonomy, the red deer inhabits most of Europe, the Caucasus Mountains region, Asia Minor, parts of western Asia, and central Asia. It also inhabits the Atlas Mountains region between Morocco and Tunisia in northwestern Africa, being...

 and wolf. Of birds are present: stork
Storks are large, long-legged, long-necked wading birds with long, stout bills. They belong to the family Ciconiidae. They are the only family in the biological order Ciconiiformes, which was once much larger and held a number of families....

, crow
Crows form the genus Corvus in the family Corvidae. Ranging in size from the relatively small pigeon-size jackdaws to the Common Raven of the Holarctic region and Thick-billed Raven of the highlands of Ethiopia, the 40 or so members of this genus occur on all temperate continents and several...

, partridges, hawks, egrets, swan
Swans, genus Cygnus, are birds of the family Anatidae, which also includes geese and ducks. Swans are grouped with the closely related geese in the subfamily Anserinae where they form the tribe Cygnini. Sometimes, they are considered a distinct subfamily, Cygninae...

s and others.


Forests occupy 8.2% of the district are and characterized by the presence of: oak
An oak is a tree or shrub in the genus Quercus , of which about 600 species exist. "Oak" may also appear in the names of species in related genera, notably Lithocarpus...

, common oak, ash, third
Third may refer to:*3 , such as the 3rd of something -see also Ordinal number *Fraction , such as 1/3*1/60 of a second, or 1/3,600 of a minute *Third World, economically underdeveloped nations...

, maple
Acer is a genus of trees or shrubs commonly known as maple.Maples are variously classified in a family of their own, the Aceraceae, or together with the Hippocastanaceae included in the family Sapindaceae. Modern classifications, including the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group system, favour inclusion in...

, acacia
Acacia is a genus of shrubs and trees belonging to the subfamily Mimosoideae of the family Fabaceae, first described in Africa by the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus in 1773. Many non-Australian species tend to be thorny, whereas the majority of Australian acacias are not...

 others. Plant, mainly steppe
In physical geography, steppe is an ecoregion, in the montane grasslands and shrublands and temperate grasslands, savannas, and shrublands biomes, characterized by grassland plains without trees apart from those near rivers and lakes...

: denial
Denial is a defense mechanism postulated by Sigmund Freud, in which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence.The subject may use:* simple denial: deny the reality of the...

, fescue
Festuce is a genus of about 300 species of perennial tufted grasses, belonging to the grass family Poaceae . The genus has a cosmopolitan distribution, although the majority of the species are found in cool temperate areas...

, mugwort, bells
Cortusa matthioli
Cortusa matthioli is a flowering plant native to the mountains of southern and eastern Europe, including the Alps and the Carpathians.-External links:**...

and more.


The largest river is the Nistru, which crosses the district in the east
East is a noun, adjective, or adverb indicating direction or geography.East is one of the four cardinal directions or compass points. It is the opposite of west and is perpendicular to north and south.By convention, the right side of a map is east....

, Raut (286 km) right tributaries crosses district in the south
South is a noun, adjective, or adverb indicating direction or geography.South is one of the four cardinal directions or compass points. It is the opposite of north and is perpendicular to east and west.By convention, the bottom side of a map is south....

, is the largest tributaries of the Nistru, other major rivers Cubolta
Cubolta is a commune in Sîngerei district, Moldova. It is composed of two villages, Cubolta and Mărăşeşti....

 (102 km) and Cainari. Most lakes are of natural
Natural is an adjective that refers to Nature.Natural may refer too:In science and mathematics:* Natural transformation, category theory in mathematics* Natural foods...


Administrative subdivisions

  • Localities: 74
    • Administrative centers: Floresti
      Floresti, Moldova
      Florești , is the capital city and industrial and commercial center of Floreşti District of Moldova. It is located on the river Răut.-Name:The name comes from the Moldavian word floare...

      • Cities: Floresti
        Floresti, Moldova
        Florești , is the capital city and industrial and commercial center of Floreşti District of Moldova. It is located on the river Răut.-Name:The name comes from the Moldavian word floare...

        , Ghindesti
        Ghindeşti is a town in Floreşti district, Moldova....

        , Marculesti
        Mărculeşti is a city in Floreşti district, in the northern Moldova, with a population of 2,081 at the 2004 census.-External links:*...

        • Villages: 34
          • Commons: 37


1 January 2011 the district population was 90,000 of which 21.4% urban
Urban area
An urban area is characterized by higher population density and vast human features in comparison to areas surrounding it. Urban areas may be cities, towns or conurbations, but the term is not commonly extended to rural settlements such as villages and hamlets.Urban areas are created and further...

 and 78.6% rural
Rural areas or the country or countryside are areas that are not urbanized, though when large areas are described, country towns and smaller cities will be included. They have a low population density, and typically much of the land is devoted to agriculture...

  • Births (2010): 1044 (11.6 per 1000)
  • Deaths (2010): 1374 (15.2 per 1000)
  • Growth Rate (2010): -330 (-3.7 per 1000)

Ethnic groups

Ethnic group
Ethnic group
An ethnic group is a group of people whose members identify with each other, through a common heritage, often consisting of a common language, a common culture and/or an ideology that stresses common ancestry or endogamy...

Population % of total*
Moldovans or Moldavians are the largest population group of Moldova...

The Romanians are an ethnic group native to Romania, who speak Romanian; they are the majority inhabitants of Romania....

76,230 85.28%
Ukrainians are an East Slavic ethnic group native to Ukraine, which is the sixth-largest nation in Europe. The Constitution of Ukraine applies the term 'Ukrainians' to all its citizens...

8,023 8.98%
The Russian people are an East Slavic ethnic group native to Russia, speaking the Russian language and primarily living in Russia and neighboring countries....

4,633 5.18%
Gypsies  120 0.13%
The Bulgarians are a South Slavic nation and ethnic group native to Bulgaria and neighbouring regions. Emigration has resulted in immigrant communities in a number of other countries.-History and ethnogenesis:...

51 0.06%
Gagauzians  45 0.05%
Others 287 0.32%


  • Christians - 98.5%
    • Orthodox Christians - 94.8%
    • Old Believers
      Old Believers
      In the context of Russian Orthodox church history, the Old Believers separated after 1666 from the official Russian Orthodox Church as a protest against church reforms introduced by Patriarch Nikon between 1652–66...

       - 2.7%
    • Protestant - 1.0%
      • Seventh-day Adventists - 0.4%
      • Baptists - 0.3%
      • Evangelicals 0.2%
      • Pentecostals 0.1%
  • Other - 1.2%
  • No Religion 0.3%


In the district are 33,200 registered businesses. The share of agricultural land is 88,934 ha (80.2%) of total land area. Arable land
Arable land
In geography and agriculture, arable land is land that can be used for growing crops. It includes all land under temporary crops , temporary meadows for mowing or pasture, land under market and kitchen gardens and land temporarily fallow...

 occupies 70 070 ha (63.2%) of the total agricultural land, orchards plantations - 4456 ha (4.0%), vineyards occupy - 1175 ha (1.0%), pastures - 11,422 ha (10.1%), others - 1811 ha (1.6%). The main branch of economy
An economy consists of the economic system of a country or other area; the labor, capital and land resources; and the manufacturing, trade, distribution, and consumption of goods and services of that area...

 is agriculture, it is specified in growth: sunflower
Sunflower is an annual plant native to the Americas. It possesses a large inflorescence . The sunflower got its name from its huge, fiery blooms, whose shape and image is often used to depict the sun. The sunflower has a rough, hairy stem, broad, coarsely toothed, rough leaves and circular heads...

, sugar beet
Sugar beet
Sugar beet, a cultivated plant of Beta vulgaris, is a plant whose tuber contains a high concentration of sucrose. It is grown commercially for sugar production. Sugar beets and other B...

, tobacco
Tobacco is an agricultural product processed from the leaves of plants in the genus Nicotiana. It can be consumed, used as a pesticide and, in the form of nicotine tartrate, used in some medicines...

, cereals (wheat
Wheat is a cereal grain, originally from the Levant region of the Near East, but now cultivated worldwide. In 2007 world production of wheat was 607 million tons, making it the third most-produced cereal after maize and rice...

, barley
Barley is a major cereal grain, a member of the grass family. It serves as a major animal fodder, as a base malt for beer and certain distilled beverages, and as a component of various health foods...

, oats
OATS - Open Source Assistive Technology Software - is a source code repository or "forge" for assistive technology software. It was launched in 2006 with the goal to provide a one-stop “shop” for end users, clinicians and open-source developers to promote and develop open source assistive...

), vegetables.


In Floresti working 56 middle and high schools including primary schools - 5 with 391 students, middle schools - 24 with 3127 students, general secondary schools - 14 with 3165 students, schools - 11 with 5031 students, boarding schools - one with 120 students, special schools - one with 112 students. 4 schools in the district working professional
A professional is a person who is paid to undertake a specialised set of tasks and to complete them for a fee. The traditional professions were doctors, lawyers, clergymen, and commissioned military officers. Today, the term is applied to estate agents, surveyors , environmental scientists,...

 with 837 students. Operates 31 preschool children with a number of 1811.


District is located in the so-called electoral region "North Red" (the region where the PCRM usually get over 50% of the vote). But the last three elections the Communists are in a constant fall. The elections of 2010
Moldovan parliamentary election, 2010
A parliamentary election was held in Moldova on 28 November 2010 after indirect presidential elections failed for the second time in late 2009.-Pre-election developments:...

 the PCRM won only 0.38% from AEI
Alliance for European Integration
The Alliance for European Integration is the ruling coalition in Moldova since the July 2009 election.-Overall context :After April 2009 election and the civil unrest, the climate in Moldova became very polarised. The parliament failed to elect a new president. For this reason, the parliament was...


During the last three elections AEI
Alliance for European Integration
The Alliance for European Integration is the ruling coalition in Moldova since the July 2009 election.-Overall context :After April 2009 election and the civil unrest, the climate in Moldova became very polarised. The parliament failed to elect a new president. For this reason, the parliament was...

 had an increase of 68.8%
Parliament elections results
Year AEI
Alliance for European Integration
The Alliance for European Integration is the ruling coalition in Moldova since the July 2009 election.-Overall context :After April 2009 election and the civil unrest, the climate in Moldova became very polarised. The parliament failed to elect a new president. For this reason, the parliament was...

Moldovan parliamentary election, 2010
A parliamentary election was held in Moldova on 28 November 2010 after indirect presidential elections failed for the second time in late 2009.-Pre-election developments:...

47.21% 19,815 47.59% 19,973
July 2009
Moldovan parliamentary election, July 2009
- Pre-election developments :The country's parliament, elected months earlier, was dissolved by president Vladimir Voronin on 15 June 2009, after it had twice failed to elect a new president....

42.57% 17,782 54.39% 22,714
April 2009 28.10% 11,736 61.17% 25,545


Summary of 28 November 2010 Parliament of Moldova election results
Moldovan parliamentary election, 2010
A parliamentary election was held in Moldova on 28 November 2010 after indirect presidential elections failed for the second time in late 2009.-Pre-election developments:...

 in Floresti District

!style="background-color:#E9E9E9" align=center colspan="2" valign=center|Parties and coalitions
!style="background-color:#E9E9E9" align=right|Votes
!style="background-color:#E9E9E9" align=right|%
!style="background-color:#E9E9E9" align=right|+/−
|align=left|Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova
|align=left|Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova
Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova
The Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova is a political party in the Republic of Moldova. The Party's Founding Congress was held on December 8, 2007 and Vlad Filat was elected as president....

|align=left|Democratic Party of Moldova
Democratic Party of Moldova
The Democratic Party of Moldova is a social-democratic political party in Moldova.-Overview:In the legislative elections of 6 March 2005, the party was part of the Electoral Bloc Democratic Moldova , that won 28.4 % of the popular vote and 34 out of 101 seats. Inside the Bloc the party won 8 seats...

|align=left|Liberal Party
Liberal Party (Moldova)
The Liberal Party is a conservative-liberal political party in Moldova.The president of the party is Mihai Ghimpu. His nephew Dorin Chirtoacă is its vice-president.-History:...

|align=left|Party Alliance Our Moldova
Party Alliance Our Moldova
The Party Alliance Our Moldova was a social liberal political party in Moldova led by Serafim Urechean, former mayor of Chişinău. It merged into the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova in 2011.-History:...

|align=left|European Action Movement
European Action Movement
The European Action Movement was political party in Moldova. It merged into the Liberal Party in March 2011.- Overview :The party was formed at the first congress on October 22, 2006. The first president was Anatol Petrencu...

|align=left|Other Party
|align=left style="background-color:#E9E9E9" colspan="2"|Total (turnout 60.62%)
|width="30" align="right" style="background-color:#E9E9E9"|42,329
|width="30" align="right" style="background-color:#E9E9E9"|100.00
|width="30" align="right" style="background-color:#E9E9E9"|


In district works: 58 houses of culture
Culture is a term that has many different inter-related meanings. For example, in 1952, Alfred Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn compiled a list of 164 definitions of "culture" in Culture: A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions...

 and artistic cultural centers with 22 "Model", 56 public libraries with books - 462 000 copies, 2 music schools, a school of fine arts, three museums.


In Floresti district works:
Floresti, Moldova
Florești , is the capital city and industrial and commercial center of Floreşti District of Moldova. It is located on the river Răut.-Name:The name comes from the Moldavian word floare...

A hospital is a health care institution providing patient treatment by specialized staff and equipment. Hospitals often, but not always, provide for inpatient care or longer-term patient stays....

, with 320 bed
A bed is a large piece of furniture used as a place to sleep, relax, or engage in sexual relations.Most modern beds consist of a mattress on a bed frame, with the mattress resting either on a solid base, often wooden slats, or a sprung base...

s and two branches in Vertiujeni
Vertiujeni is a commune in Floreşti district, Moldova. It is composed of a single village, Vertiujeni.-External links:*...

 and Sanatauca
Sănătăuca is a commune in Floreşti district, Moldova. It is composed of a single village, Sănătăuca....

 each with 17 beds, a center of family doctors
A physician is a health care provider who practices the profession of medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury and other physical and mental impairments...

 in the composition of which are: the district department of family physicians
A physician is a health care provider who practices the profession of medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury and other physical and mental impairments...

, 27 offices of family doctors and 13 health center, 30 pharmacies.


  • Avraham Granot
    Avraham Granot
    Avraham Granot was a Zionist activist, Israeli politician and a signatory of the Israeli declaration of independence.-Biography:Granot was born in Făleşti, Bessarabia in the Russian Empire . He attended Gymnasia Herzliya in Tel Aviv...

     - Zionist activist, Israeli
    The State of Israel is a parliamentary republic located in the Middle East, along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea...

    A politician, political leader, or political figure is an individual who is involved in influencing public policy and decision making...

     and a signatory of the Israeli declaration of independence
  • Mircea Snegur
    Mircea Snegur
    Mircea Ion Snegur was the first President of Moldova 1990-1996. Before that he was Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet 1989-1990 and Chairman of the Supreme Soviet from 27 April to 3 September 1990...

     - First Moldovian president
    President of Moldova
    The President of the Republic of Moldova is the head of state of Moldova.-Description of the post:According to the Article 77 of the Constitution of Moldova , the President of Moldova is the head of the State and represents the State and is the guarantor of national sovereignty, independence, of...

     in 1990-1996
  • Pavel Krushevan
    Pavel Krushevan
    Pavel Aleksandrovich Krushevan was a journalist, editor, publisher and an official in the Imperial Russia. He was an active Black Hundredist and was known for his far-right, ultra-nationalist and openly antisemitic views and was the first publisher of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.Born...

     - Journalist
    A journalist collects and distributes news and other information. A journalist's work is referred to as journalism.A reporter is a type of journalist who researchs, writes, and reports on information to be presented in mass media, including print media , electronic media , and digital media A...

    , publicist
    A publicist is a person whose job is to generate and manage publicity for a public figure, especially a celebrity, a business, or for a work such as a book, film or album...

     and politician
    A politician, political leader, or political figure is an individual who is involved in influencing public policy and decision making...

     of the extreme right, collaborator with shadowy Okhrana (tsarist institution of espionage
    Espionage or spying involves an individual obtaining information that is considered secret or confidential without the permission of the holder of the information. Espionage is inherently clandestine, lest the legitimate holder of the information change plans or take other countermeasures once it...

     and sabotage
    Sabotage is a deliberate action aimed at weakening another entity through subversion, obstruction, disruption, or destruction. In a workplace setting, sabotage is the conscious withdrawal of efficiency generally directed at causing some change in workplace conditions. One who engages in sabotage is...

  • Petru Lucinschi
    Petru Lucinschi
    Petru Chiril Lucinschi was Moldova's second President .- Biography :Petru Chiril Lucinschi was born on January 27, 1940 in Rădulenii Vechi village, Soroca County, Romania...

     - President of Moldova
    President of Moldova
    The President of the Republic of Moldova is the head of state of Moldova.-Description of the post:According to the Article 77 of the Constitution of Moldova , the President of Moldova is the head of the State and represents the State and is the guarantor of national sovereignty, independence, of...

    in 1996-2001
The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.