Local martingale
In mathematics
Mathematics is the study of quantity, space, structure, and change. Mathematicians seek out patterns and formulate new conjectures. Mathematicians resolve the truth or falsity of conjectures by mathematical proofs, which are arguments sufficient to convince other mathematicians of their validity...

, a local martingale is a type of stochastic process
Stochastic process
In probability theory, a stochastic process , or sometimes random process, is the counterpart to a deterministic process...

, satisfying the localized version of the martingale
Martingale (probability theory)
In probability theory, a martingale is a model of a fair game where no knowledge of past events can help to predict future winnings. In particular, a martingale is a sequence of random variables for which, at a particular time in the realized sequence, the expectation of the next value in the...

 property. Every martingale is a local martingale; every bounded local martingale is a martingale; however, in general a local martingale is not a martingale, because its expectation can be distorted by large values of small probability. In particular, a driftless diffusion process
Ito diffusion
In mathematics — specifically, in stochastic analysis — an Itō diffusion is a solution to a specific type of stochastic differential equation. That equation is similar to the Langevin equation, used in Physics to describe the brownian motion of a particle subjected to a potential in a...

 is a local martingale, but not necessarily a martingale.

Local martingales are essential in stochastic analysis, see Itō calculus, semimartingale
In probability theory, a real valued process X is called a semimartingale if it can be decomposed as the sum of a local martingale and an adapted finite-variation process....

, Girsanov theorem
Girsanov theorem
In probability theory, the Girsanov theorem describes how the dynamics of stochastic processes change when the original measure is changed to an equivalent probability measure...



Let (Ω, FP) be a probability space
Probability space
In probability theory, a probability space or a probability triple is a mathematical construct that models a real-world process consisting of states that occur randomly. A probability space is constructed with a specific kind of situation or experiment in mind...

; let F = { Ft | t ≥ 0 } be a filtration
Filtration (abstract algebra)
In mathematics, a filtration is an indexed set Si of subobjects of a given algebraic structure S, with the index i running over some index set I that is a totally ordered set, subject to the condition that if i ≤ j in I then Si ⊆ Sj...

 of F; let X : [0, +∞) × Ω → S be an F-adapted stochastic process
Adapted process
In the study of stochastic processes, an adapted process is one that cannot "see into the future". An informal interpretation is that X is adapted if and only if, for every realisation and every n, Xn is known at time n...

. Then X is called an F-local martingale if there exists a sequence of F-stopping times
Stopping rule
In probability theory, in particular in the study of stochastic processes, a stopping time is a specific type of “random time”....

 τk : Ω → [0, +∞) such that
  • the τk are almost surely
    Almost surely
    In probability theory, one says that an event happens almost surely if it happens with probability one. The concept is analogous to the concept of "almost everywhere" in measure theory...

     increasing: P[τk < τk+1] = 1;
  • the τk diverge almost surely: P[τk → +∞ as k → +∞] = 1;
  • the stopped process
    Stopped process
    In mathematics, a stopped process is a stochastic process that is forced to assume the same value after a prescribed time.-Definition:Let* be a probability space;...

is an F-martingale for every k.

Example 1

Let Wt be the Wiener process
Wiener process
In mathematics, the Wiener process is a continuous-time stochastic process named in honor of Norbert Wiener. It is often called standard Brownian motion, after Robert Brown...

 and T = min{ t : Wt = −1 } the time of first hit
Hitting time
In the study of stochastic processes in mathematics, a hitting time is a particular instance of a stopping time, the first time at which a given process "hits" a given subset of the state space...

 of −1. The stopped process
Stopped process
In mathematics, a stopped process is a stochastic process that is forced to assume the same value after a prescribed time.-Definition:Let* be a probability space;...

 Wmin{ tT } is a martingale; its expectation is 0 at all times, nevertheless its limit (as t → ∞) is equal to −1 almost surely (a kind of gambler's ruin
Gambler's ruin
The term gambler's ruin is used for a number of related statistical ideas:* The original meaning is that a gambler who raises his bet to a fixed fraction of bankroll when he wins, but does not reduce it when he loses, will eventually go broke, even if he has a positive expected value on each bet.*...

). A time change leads to a process

The process is continuous almost surely; nevertheless, its expectation is discontinuous,

This process is not a martingale. However, it is a local martingale. A localizing sequence may be chosen as if there is such t, otherwise τk = k. This sequence diverges almost surely, since τk = k for all k large enough (namely, for all k that exceed the maximal value of the process X). The process stopped at τk is a martingale.
For the times before 1 it is a martingale since a stopped Brownian motion is. After the instant 1 it is constant. It remains to check it at the instant 1. By the bounded convergence theorem the expectation at 1 is the limit of the expectation at (n-1)/n (as n tends to infinity), and the latter does not depend on n. The same argument applies to the conditional expectation.

Example 2

Let Wt be the Wiener process
Wiener process
In mathematics, the Wiener process is a continuous-time stochastic process named in honor of Norbert Wiener. It is often called standard Brownian motion, after Robert Brown...

 and ƒ a measurable function such that Then the following process is a martingale:


The Dirac delta function
Dirac delta function
The Dirac delta function, or δ function, is a generalized function depending on a real parameter such that it is zero for all values of the parameter except when the parameter is zero, and its integral over the parameter from −∞ to ∞ is equal to one. It was introduced by theoretical...

  (strictly speaking, not a function), being used in place of leads to a process defined informally as and formally as


The process is continuous almost surely (since almost surely), nevertheless, its expectation is discontinuous,

This process is not a martingale. However, it is a local martingale. A localizing sequence may be chosen as

Example 3

Let be the complex-valued Wiener process, and

The process is continuous almost surely (since does not hit 1, almost surely), and is a local martingale, since the function is harmonic
Harmonic function
In mathematics, mathematical physics and the theory of stochastic processes, a harmonic function is a twice continuously differentiable function f : U → R which satisfies Laplace's equation, i.e....

 (on the complex plane without the point 1). A localizing sequence may be chosen as Nevertheless, the expectation of this process is non-constant; moreover,

which can be deduced from the fact that the mean value of over the circle tends to infinity as . (In fact, it is equal to for r ≥ 1 but to 0 for r ≤ 1).

Martingales via local martingales

Let be a local martingale. In order to prove that it is a martingale it is sufficient to prove that in L1 (as ) for every t, that is, here is the stopped process. The given relation implies that almost surely. The dominated convergence theorem
Dominated convergence theorem
In measure theory, Lebesgue's dominated convergence theorem provides sufficient conditions under which two limit processes commute, namely Lebesgue integration and almost everywhere convergence of a sequence of functions...

 ensures the convergence in L1 provided that
   for every t.

Thus, Condition (*) is sufficient for a local martingale being a martingale. A stronger condition
   for every t

is also sufficient.

Caution. The weaker condition
   for every t

is not sufficient. Moreover, the condition

is still not sufficient; for a counterexample see Example 3 above.

A special case:

where is the Wiener process
Wiener process
In mathematics, the Wiener process is a continuous-time stochastic process named in honor of Norbert Wiener. It is often called standard Brownian motion, after Robert Brown...

, and is twice continuously differentiable
Smooth function
In mathematical analysis, a differentiability class is a classification of functions according to the properties of their derivatives. Higher order differentiability classes correspond to the existence of more derivatives. Functions that have derivatives of all orders are called smooth.Most of...

. The process is a local martingale if and only if f satisfies the PDE
Partial differential equation
In mathematics, partial differential equations are a type of differential equation, i.e., a relation involving an unknown function of several independent variables and their partial derivatives with respect to those variables...

However, this PDE itself does not ensure that is a martingale. In order to apply (**) the following condition on f is sufficient: for every and t there exists such that

for all and
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