PT Kereta Api (Persero)
PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) is the major operator of public railways in Indonesia
Indonesia , officially the Republic of Indonesia , is a country in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Indonesia is an archipelago comprising approximately 13,000 islands. It has 33 provinces with over 238 million people, and is the world's fourth most populous country. Indonesia is a republic, with an...

. It is completely owned by the government
Government-owned corporation
A government-owned corporation, state-owned company, state-owned entity, state enterprise, publicly owned corporation, government business enterprise, or parastatal is a legal entity created by a government to undertake commercial activities on behalf of an owner government...

 and pays track access charges to the government. One of its subsidiaries, PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek
KRL Jabotabek
KRL Commuter Jabodetabek or simply KRL Jabodetabek is a mass rapid transit system in Jabodetabek, Indonesia. It is an acronym for Kereta Rel Listrik Jakarta Bogor Depok Tangerang Bekasi which can be loosely translated into Jabodetabek electrified rail. KRL Jabodetabek serves commuters in Jakarta,...

, is operating electrified commuter service
Electric multiple unit
An electric multiple unit or EMU is a multiple unit train consisting of self-propelled carriages, using electricity as the motive power. An EMU requires no separate locomotive, as electric traction motors are incorporated within one or a number of the carriages...

 in Jakarta metropolitan area from August 14, 2008.


PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) is the latest in a long line of successive state railway companies dating from Dutch colonial
Dutch East Indies
The Dutch East Indies was a Dutch colony that became modern Indonesia following World War II. It was formed from the nationalised colonies of the Dutch East India Company, which came under the administration of the Netherlands government in 1800....


Pre-independence era

The first railway line in Indonesia began operations on August 10, 1867 in Central Java. By May 21, 1873, the line had connected three main cities in the region, i.e. [Semarang], Solo
Surakarta, also called Solo or Sala, is a city in Central Java, Indonesia of more than 520,061 people with a population density of 11,811.5 people/km2. The 44 km2 city adjoins Karanganyar Regency and Boyolali Regency to the north, Karanganyar Regency and Sukoharjo Regency to the east and...

 and Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta (city)
Yogyakarta is a city in the Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia. It is renowned as a centre of classical Javanese fine art and culture such as batik, ballet, drama, music, poetry, and puppet shows. Yogyakarta was the Indonesian capital during the Indonesian National Revolution from 1945 to...

. This line was operated by a private company, Nederlandsch-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij (NIS: Netherlands East Indies Railway Company).

The liberal
Liberalism is the belief in the importance of liberty and equal rights. Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally, liberals support ideas such as constitutionalism, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights,...

The Netherlands is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located mainly in North-West Europe and with several islands in the Caribbean. Mainland Netherlands borders the North Sea to the north and west, Belgium to the south, and Germany to the east, and shares maritime borders...

 government of the era was then reluctant to build its own railway, preferring to give a free rein to private enterprises. However, private railways could not provide the expected return of investment (even NIS required some financial assistance from the government), and the Dutch Ministry of Colonies finally approved a state railway system, the Staatsspoorwegen (State Railway), extending from Buitenzorg (now Bogor
Bogor is a city on the island of Java in the West Java province of Indonesia. The city is located in the center of the Bogor Regency , 60 kilometers south of the Indonesian capital Jakarta...

) in the west, to Surabaya
Surabaya is Indonesia's second-largest city with a population of over 2.7 million , and the capital of the province of East Java...

 in the east. Construction began from both ends, the first line (from Surabaya) being opened on May 16, 1878, and both cities were connected by 1894.

Private enterprises did not completely get out of the picture, and at least 15 light railway companies operated in Java. These companies operated as "steam tram
A tram is a passenger rail vehicle which runs on tracks along public urban streets and also sometimes on separate rights of way. It may also run between cities and/or towns , and/or partially grade separated even in the cities...

 companies", but despite the name, were better described as regional secondary lines.

As befits a colonial
Colonialism is the establishment, maintenance, acquisition and expansion of colonies in one territory by people from another territory. It is a process whereby the metropole claims sovereignty over the colony and the social structure, government, and economics of the colony are changed by...

 enterprise, most railway lines in Indonesia had a dual purpose: economic and strategic. In fact, a condition for the financial assistance for the NIS was that the company build a railway line to Ambarawa
Ambarawa is a market town located between Semarang and Salatiga in Central Java, Indonesia.Ambarawa was an important connecting rail link providing a cog railway connecting through Central Java as far as Yogyakarta via Magelang. The Semarang-Ambarawa-Magelang line was fully operational until 1977...

, which had an important fort named Willem I
William I of the Netherlands
William I Frederick, born Willem Frederik Prins van Oranje-Nassau , was a Prince of Orange and the first King of the Netherlands and Grand Duke of Luxembourg....

 for the Dutch king. The first state railway line was built through the mountains on the southern part of Java, instead of the flat regions on the north, for a similar strategic reason. The state railway in Java connected Anyer
Anyer is a town in Banten, formerly West Java, Indonesia, fifteen kilometres south of Merak. It is home of a forty metre lighthouse built by King Willem III of the Netherlands in 1885 as a memorial for the townspeople killed by the eruption of Krakatau, which destroyed the town.It is also the...

 on the western coast of the island, to Banyuwangi
The Regency of Banyuwangi is located at the easternmost end of the Indonesian island of Java and it is a very strategic area for those who want to go to Bali, since it also serves as an important ferry port between Java and Bali. It is surrounded by mountains and forests to the west; by sea to the...

 on the eastern coast.

In Sumatra
Sumatra is an island in western Indonesia, westernmost of the Sunda Islands. It is the largest island entirely in Indonesia , and the sixth largest island in the world at 473,481 km2 with a population of 50,365,538...

, railways were first used for military purposes, with a railway line connecting Banda Aceh
Banda Aceh
Banda Aceh is the provincial capital and largest city in the province of Aceh, Indonesia, located on the island of Sumatra, with an elevation of 35 meters. The city regency covers an area of 64 square kilometres and according to the 2000 census had a population of 219,070 people...

 and its port of Uleelhee
Ulèë Lheuë is an area in Meuraxa sub-district, Banda Aceh, Indonesia. It was the former main seaport of Aceh. Ulèë Lheuë is made of two words. Ulèë means "head" and lheuë means little peninsula...

 in 1876. The line, first built to a 1067 mm gauge was later regauged to 750 mm and extended south. This line was only transferred to the Ministry of Colonies from the Ministry of War on January 1, 1916, following the relative pacification
Peace is a state of harmony characterized by the lack of violent conflict. Commonly understood as the absence of hostility, peace also suggests the existence of healthy or newly healed interpersonal or international relationships, prosperity in matters of social or economic welfare, the...

 of Aceh.

Other state railway lines in Sumatra were located in the Minangkabau area (built between 1891–1894) and the Lampung
Lampung is a province of Indonesia. It is located on the southern tip of the island of Sumatra and borders the provinces of Bengkulu and South Sumatra. Lampung is the original home of the Lampung people, who speak a distinct language from other people in Sumatra and have their own alphabet. Its...

-South Sumatra region (1914–1932). Both lines were mainly used for conveyance of coal
Coal is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock usually occurring in rock strata in layers or veins called coal beds or coal seams. The harder forms, such as anthracite coal, can be regarded as metamorphic rock because of later exposure to elevated temperature and pressure...

 from inland mines
Coal mining
The goal of coal mining is to obtain coal from the ground. Coal is valued for its energy content, and since the 1880s has been widely used to generate electricity. Steel and cement industries use coal as a fuel for extraction of iron from iron ore and for cement production. In the United States,...

 to ports.

Another important private railway line was the Deli Spoorweg Maatschappij (Deli Railway Company). This line served the important rubber
Natural rubber, also called India rubber or caoutchouc, is an elastomer that was originally derived from latex, a milky colloid produced by some plants. The plants would be ‘tapped’, that is, an incision made into the bark of the tree and the sticky, milk colored latex sap collected and refined...

- and tobacco
Tobacco is an agricultural product processed from the leaves of plants in the genus Nicotiana. It can be consumed, used as a pesticide and, in the form of nicotine tartrate, used in some medicines...

-producing regions in Deli.

Between July 1922 and 1930, a 47 km-long railway line operated in South Sulawesi
Sulawesi is one of the four larger Sunda Islands of Indonesia and is situated between Borneo and the Maluku Islands. In Indonesia, only Sumatra, Borneo, and Papua are larger in territory, and only Java and Sumatra have larger Indonesian populations.- Etymology :The Portuguese were the first to...

. This line was to be extended to North Sulawesi, as part of a massive project of railway construction in Borneo
Borneo is the third largest island in the world and is located north of Java Island, Indonesia, at the geographic centre of Maritime Southeast Asia....

 and Sulawesi, connection of separate railway systems in Sumatra and electrification of the main lines in Java. The Great Depression
Great Depression
The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding World War II. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations, but in most countries it started in about 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s or early 1940s...

 of 1929 put paid to these plans.

During the Japanese
Pacific Theater of Operations
The Pacific Theater of Operations was the World War II area of military activity in the Pacific Ocean and the countries bordering it, a geographic scope that reflected the operational and administrative command structures of the American forces during that period...

 occupation between 1942 and 1945, the different railway lines in Java were managed as one entity. The Sumatra systems, being under the administration of a different branch of the Japanese armed forces
Imperial Japanese Navy
The Imperial Japanese Navy was the navy of the Empire of Japan from 1869 until 1947, when it was dissolved following Japan's constitutional renunciation of the use of force as a means of settling international disputes...

, remained separate.

The occupiers also converted the standard gauge
Standard gauge
The standard gauge is a widely-used track gauge . Approximately 60% of the world's existing railway lines are built to this gauge...

 (1,435 mm) lines in Java into 1,067 mm, thereby resolving the dual gauge
Dual gauge
A dual-gauge or mixed-gauge railway has railway track that allows trains of different gauges to use the same track. Generally, a dual-gauge railway consists of three rails, rather than the standard two rails. The two outer rails give the wider gauge, while one of the outer rails and the inner rail...

 issue. This was not an actual "problem" as there was not much transfer of materials between the systems, and much of the 1435 mm system had been fitted with a third rail by 1940, creating a mixed-gauge railway.

Independence era

During the war for independence between 1945 and 1949, freedom fighters took over the railways, creating the first direct predecessor to today's PT Kereta Api, the Djawatan Kereta Api Repoeblik Indonesia (Railway Bureau of the Republic of Indonesia), on September 28, 1945. This date, not the 1867 one, is regarded as the birth date of Indonesian railways and commemorated as Railway Day every year.

In Sumatra, the separate systems were similarly taken over, named Kereta Api Soematera Oetara Negara Repoeblik Indonesia in North Sumatra and Kereta Api Negara Repoeblik Indonesia in South and West Sumatra.

On the other hand, the Dutch created its own combined railway system to manage the lines located on its occupied
Military occupation
Military occupation occurs when the control and authority over a territory passes to a hostile army. The territory then becomes occupied territory.-Military occupation and the laws of war:...

 territory, the Verenigd Spoorwegbedrijf (Combined Railways). By the time of Dutch recognition of Indonesian independence, the VS had most railway lines under its management, though not all were in operation.

With Indonesia's full independence in 1949, the separate systems (except the Deli Railway) were combined into the Djawatan Kereta Api. Non-state railway systems in Java retained their paper existence until 1958, when all railway lines in Indonesia were nationalized
Nationalisation, also spelled nationalization, is the process of taking an industry or assets into government ownership by a national government or state. Nationalization usually refers to private assets, but may also mean assets owned by lower levels of government, such as municipalities, being...

, including the Deli Railway, thereby creating the Perusahaan Negara Kereta Api (PNKA: State Railway Corporation).

On September 15, 1971, PNKA was reorganised into Perusahaan Jawatan Kereta Api (Railway Bureau Corporation), in turn reorganised into Perumka (Perusahaan Umum Kereta Api: Public Railway Corporation) on January 2, 1991. Perumka was transformed into PT Kereta Api (Persero) on June 1, 1999.

The headquarters
Headquarters denotes the location where most, if not all, of the important functions of an organization are coordinated. In the United States, the corporate headquarters represents the entity at the center or the top of a corporation taking full responsibility managing all business activities...

 of the state railway system, since Dutch colonial days, had been located in Bandung
Bandung is the capital of West Java province in Indonesia, and the country's third largest city, and 2nd largest metropolitan area in Indonesia, with a population of 7.4 million in 2007. Located 768 metres above sea level, approximately 140 km southeast of Jakarta, Bandung has cooler...

, West Java. Private railway companies were headquartered elsewhere, in Semarang
- Economy :The western part of the city is home to many industrial parks and factories. The port of Semarang is located on the north coast and it is the main shipping port for the province of Central Java. Many small manufacturers are located in Semarang, producing goods such as textiles,...

, Tegal
Tegal is the largest city in the Tegal Regency, Indonesia. It is situated on the north coast of Central Java, about from Semarang, capital of Central Java....

, Surabaya
Surabaya is Indonesia's second-largest city with a population of over 2.7 million , and the capital of the province of East Java...

 and Medan
- Demography :The city is Indonesia's fourth most populous after Jakarta, Surabaya, and Bandung, and Indonesia's largest city outside of Java island. Much of the population lies outside its city limits, especially in Deli Serdang....



The total number of trackage laid in Indonesia was 7583 km, although not all lines were in operation at the same time. In 1939, the total operational trackage was 4588 km (It is unclear whether dual gauge tracks were counted once or twice). The present extent of the railways is now 5042 km, with the Aceh system, most of the West Sumatra system and most former steam tram lines disused, but including new tracks built alongside old tracks (double tracking projects).

Much of the branch lines constructed in the colonial era has been lifted up or abandoned in the 1980s. No major railway construction has since taken place, however, many of the busiest lines have been double tracked, and this is still ongoing. The northern coast area of Java double-track would be completed in 2013 and then the government will finish a 1,000-kilometer double-track on the south coast of Java by 2015.

Recently double-tracked lines include:
  • Padalarang-Bandung
    Bandung is the capital of West Java province in Indonesia, and the country's third largest city, and 2nd largest metropolitan area in Indonesia, with a population of 7.4 million in 2007. Located 768 metres above sea level, approximately 140 km southeast of Jakarta, Bandung has cooler...

    -Kiara Condong
  • Jabotabek
    Jabotabek is an officially recognized definition and term given to the urban region surrounding Jakarta, Indonesia in 2000, officially including five municipalities and three regencies...

     commuter lines
  • Purwakarta
    Purwakarta is a City in the West Java province of Indonesia the capital of Purwakarta Regency.Purwakarta existence is inseparable from the history of the struggle against the forces VOC. Around the beginning of the 17th century Sultan Mataram sent an army led by the Regent of Surabaya and West...

    Cikampek is a subdistrict of Karawang Regency, West Java, Indonesia. It is divided into 10 administrative villages . Distance from subdistrict centre Cikampek to karawang is 21 miles.- Transportation :...

  • Cikampek
    Cikampek is a subdistrict of Karawang Regency, West Java, Indonesia. It is divided into 10 administrative villages . Distance from subdistrict centre Cikampek to karawang is 21 miles.- Transportation :...

    Cirebon is a port city on the north coast of the Indonesian island of Java. It is located in the province of West Java near the provincial border with Central Java, approximately 297 km east of Jakarta, at .The seat of a former Sultanate, the city's West and Central Java border location have...

  • Kutoarjo-Yogyakarta (city)
    Yogyakarta (city)
    Yogyakarta is a city in the Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia. It is renowned as a centre of classical Javanese fine art and culture such as batik, ballet, drama, music, poetry, and puppet shows. Yogyakarta was the Indonesian capital during the Indonesian National Revolution from 1945 to...

    Surakarta, also called Solo or Sala, is a city in Central Java, Indonesia of more than 520,061 people with a population density of 11,811.5 people/km2. The 44 km2 city adjoins Karanganyar Regency and Boyolali Regency to the north, Karanganyar Regency and Sukoharjo Regency to the east and...

  • Wonokromo-Surabaya Kota

Double tracking is in progress between:
  • Kiaracondong-Cicalengka, 22 kilometers
  • Cirebon
    Cirebon is a port city on the north coast of the Indonesian island of Java. It is located in the province of West Java near the provincial border with Central Java, approximately 297 km east of Jakarta, at .The seat of a former Sultanate, the city's West and Central Java border location have...

    -Brebes, 62 kilometers will be fineshed at end of 2013
  • Brebes-Pekalongan
    Pekalongan is a city and seat of Pekalongan Regency on the northern coast of Central Java, Indonesia. The city is Central Java's most important port, and is known for its batik.-History:The history of Pekalongan dated back to the early 12th century...

    , 72 kilometers will be finished at end of 2011
  • Pekalongan
    Pekalongan is a city and seat of Pekalongan Regency on the northern coast of Central Java, Indonesia. The city is Central Java's most important port, and is known for its batik.-History:The history of Pekalongan dated back to the early 12th century...

    - Economy :The western part of the city is home to many industrial parks and factories. The port of Semarang is located on the north coast and it is the main shipping port for the province of Central Java. Many small manufacturers are located in Semarang, producing goods such as textiles,...

    , 90 kilometers will be finshed at end of 2013
  • Semarang
    - Economy :The western part of the city is home to many industrial parks and factories. The port of Semarang is located on the north coast and it is the main shipping port for the province of Central Java. Many small manufacturers are located in Semarang, producing goods such as textiles,...

    Bojonegoro is a regency in East Java, Indonesia, about 110 km west of Surabaya. Bojonegoro is located in the inland part of northern Java plain, on the banks of the Bengawan Solo river, the largest river in Java....

    Surabaya is Indonesia's second-largest city with a population of over 2.7 million , and the capital of the province of East Java...

    , 280 kilometers will be finished at end of 2013
  • Wonokromo-Sidoarjo
    Sidoarjo is a regency of East Java, Indonesia.Sidoarjo is bordered by Surabaya city and Gresik regency to the north, by Pasuruan regency to the south, by Mojokerto regency to the west and by the Madura Strait to the east. It has an area of 634.89 km², making it the smallest regency in East Java. ...

  • Purwokerto
    Purwokerto is a city on the island of Java in Indonesia. It is the capital of Banyumas Regency, Central Java region. The estimated population of the city in 2005 was 249,705.-Geography:...

    -Prupuk (for beginning, the double track until Patuguran, then continue until Prupuk)
  • Kutoarjo-Kroya
  • In 2012, a 270 kilometers double-track railway line will be built to accommodate coal transportation span from Lubuklinggau
    Lubuklinggau is a city in South Sumatra, Indonesia. It has an area of 401.50 km² and a population of 167,138.- External links :...

    , Tebing Tinggi
    Tebing Tinggi
    Tebing Tinggi Deli or more commonly simply Tebing Tinggi is a chartered city near the eastern coast of North Sumatra, Indonesia. It has an area of 31 km² and a population of about 135,000 people. In the 1990 census, its population was 116,767, 2000 National Census, 125,211, and 2005...

    , Muara Enim, Prabumulih
    Prabumulih is a city in South Sumatra, Indonesia. It has an area of 435.10 km² and a population of 132,065.- Economy :Prabumulih produces thousands of barrels of crude oil and millions of cubic meters of natural gas each year. Therefore it is called The Oil Town. Another nickname is The...

     to Tanjung Api-Api Port.

Significant projects being considered include:
  • Manggarai-Cikarang second double (double double) track line
  • Airport line to the Sukarno-Hatta International Airport
    Soekarno-Hatta International Airport
    Soekarno–Hatta International Airport , popularly abbreviated SHIA or Soetta is the main airport serving the greater Jakarta area on the island of Java, Indonesia. The airport is named after the first President of Indonesia, Soekarno, and the first vice-president, Mohammad Hatta. The airport is...

    . A 33 kilometers line from Manggarai, Dukuh Atas in Sudirman, Tanah Abang, Angke, Pluit and inline with airport toll road to the Airport. The cost will be $1.13 billion start at 2012 and complete at 2014.
  • Rebuilding of the Aceh
    Aceh is a special region of Indonesia, located on the northern tip of the island of Sumatra. Its full name is Daerah Istimewa Aceh , Nanggroë Aceh Darussalam and Aceh . Past spellings of its name include Acheh, Atjeh and Achin...

     railway, with assistance from the French railway company
    The SNCF , is France's national state-owned railway company. SNCF operates the country's national rail services, including the TGV, France's high-speed rail network...

  • By 2012, PT Kereta Api will built new track between Cibungur and Tanjungrasa station with length 15 kilometers. This short cut will makes trains from Bandung
    Bandung is the capital of West Java province in Indonesia, and the country's third largest city, and 2nd largest metropolitan area in Indonesia, with a population of 7.4 million in 2007. Located 768 metres above sea level, approximately 140 km southeast of Jakarta, Bandung has cooler...

     to Semarang
    - Economy :The western part of the city is home to many industrial parks and factories. The port of Semarang is located on the north coast and it is the main shipping port for the province of Central Java. Many small manufacturers are located in Semarang, producing goods such as textiles,...

     v.v. do not need through Cikampek
    Cikampek is a subdistrict of Karawang Regency, West Java, Indonesia. It is divided into 10 administrative villages . Distance from subdistrict centre Cikampek to karawang is 21 miles.- Transportation :...


Future expansion plans of the railway will include linking of existing railway lines in Sumatra from Aceh
Aceh is a special region of Indonesia, located on the northern tip of the island of Sumatra. Its full name is Daerah Istimewa Aceh , Nanggroë Aceh Darussalam and Aceh . Past spellings of its name include Acheh, Atjeh and Achin...

 to Lampung
Lampung is a province of Indonesia. It is located on the southern tip of the island of Sumatra and borders the provinces of Bengkulu and South Sumatra. Lampung is the original home of the Lampung people, who speak a distinct language from other people in Sumatra and have their own alphabet. Its...

 via both west and east coasts of the island. Railway lines are also planned to be built on the currently railwayless islands of Kalimantan
In English, the term Kalimantan refers to the Indonesian portion of the island of Borneo, while in Indonesian, the term "Kalimantan" refers to the whole island of Borneo....

  and Sulawesi
Sulawesi is one of the four larger Sunda Islands of Indonesia and is situated between Borneo and the Maluku Islands. In Indonesia, only Sumatra, Borneo, and Papua are larger in territory, and only Java and Sumatra have larger Indonesian populations.- Etymology :The Portuguese were the first to...

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed to build railway around Bali
Bali is an Indonesian island located in the westernmost end of the Lesser Sunda Islands, lying between Java to the west and Lombok to the east...

 with length 565 kilometers.

Reactivate of dormant lines will be done by PT KA Daop II. For beginning, reactivate Bandung-Ciwidey line to ease road traffic congestion, reactivate Rancaekek-Tanjung Sari line to accommodate students activities. 4 others dormant lines are still in consideration.

Locomotives and multiple units

All locomotive
A locomotive is a railway vehicle that provides the motive power for a train. The word originates from the Latin loco – "from a place", ablative of locus, "place" + Medieval Latin motivus, "causing motion", and is a shortened form of the term locomotive engine, first used in the early 19th...

s of the PT Kereta Api (with the exception of steam locomotives for tourist trains in Ambarawa) are diesel
Diesel engine
A diesel engine is an internal combustion engine that uses the heat of compression to initiate ignition to burn the fuel, which is injected into the combustion chamber...

-engined. Most new locomotives use electric transmission
Transmission (mechanics)
A machine consists of a power source and a power transmission system, which provides controlled application of the power. Merriam-Webster defines transmission as: an assembly of parts including the speed-changing gears and the propeller shaft by which the power is transmitted from an engine to a...

, while older and lighter ones have hydraulic transmission. A total of 451 locomotives are in the books, but the actual number of operational locomotives is smaller. A 2004 source mentions 374 operational locomotives. The oldest locomotive in the system dates from 1953.

The numbering scheme of locomotives dated from the Japanese occupation, using a combination of letters and numbers. A letter or a combination of letters is used to denote the wheel arrangement (currently there are C, D, BB and CC types), and a three-digit number is used to denote the class (20x for classes with electric transmission and 30x for classes with hydraulic or mechanical transmission), starting from 0. A two- or three-digit number shows the individual number, starting from 01.

  • D301 70: the 70th member of the second class of D type diesel-hydraulic locomotive
  • CC203 13: the 13th member of the fourth class of diesel electric locomotives with Co-Co wheel arrangement

The steam locomotive classification was directly derived from Japanese practice
Japan Railways locomotive numbering and classification
This page explains the numbering and classification schemes for locomotives employed by the Japanese Government Railways, the Japanese National Railways and the Japan Railways Group.- Pre-nationalization :...

. Tank locomotives were numbered from the 10's, while tender locomotives from the 50's. Letter combinations were used for articulated locomotives (in the case of Indonesia these were Mallets
Mallet locomotive
The Mallet Locomotive is a type of articulated locomotive, invented by a Swiss engineer named Anatole Mallet ....


Electric locomotives in Indonesia had always been a minority, and no new electric locomotives had been acquired in the last 70 years. However, electric multiple units have been imported from Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...

 and elsewhere since 1976. These are operated by the Jabotabek
Jabotabek is an officially recognized definition and term given to the urban region surrounding Jakarta, Indonesia in 2000, officially including five municipalities and three regencies...

 commuter transport division of the PT Kereta Api, which has been spun off in August 2008.

May 2011: After changing the rail between Purwosari station and Wonogiri
Wonogiri is a regency in the southeastern part of Central Java province in Indonesia. Its capital is Wonogiri.-Administrative division:Wonogiri Regency is divided into several sub-districts as follows: Baturetno, Batuwarno, Bulukerto, Eromoko, Girimarto, Giritontro, Giriwoyo, Jatipurno, Jatiroto,...

 station and also the bridges with R42 (37 kilometers), so line between Srangkah station, Solo
-Games:* Dance Dance Revolution Solo, a sub-series of Dance Dance Revolution by Konami-Literature:* Solo , a comic book series* Solo , a Swedish magazine* Solo , a comic book character...

 and Wonogiri will be served by heavy electric diesel locomotives.

PT Kereta Api (Persero) diesel locomotive classes

  • C300
  • C301
  • D300
  • D301
  • BB200
    EMD G8
    The EMD G8 was a General Motors-built diesel locomotive of which 382 were built between 1954 and 1965 for both export and domestic use. They were built by both Electro-Motive Division in the United States and by General Motors Diesel Division in Canada for use in ten countries, being equipped to...

  • BB201
    EMD G12
    The EMD G12 was a class of locomotive built by GM-EMD, and its Canadian affiliate General Motors Diesel. In addition, Australian licensee Clyde Engineering built ten locomotives for New Zealand in 1957, five for Hong Kong, 23 for Queensland, 14 for Western Australia and seven for BHP. Australian...

  • BB202
  • BB203
  • BB204
  • BB300
  • BB301
  • BB302
  • BB303
  • BB304
  • BB305
  • BB306
  • CC200
  • CC201
  • CC202
    EMD G26
    The G26 is a General Motors diesel-electric locomotive built in the USA by Electro-Motive Diesel for export and in Australia by Clyde Engineering under licence. The G26 was developed to increase traction capacities on the tracks which supported lesser axle loadings...

  • CC203
    GE U20C
    The GE U20C Diesel-electric locomotive was introduced by GE Transportation Systems as an export model roadswitcher in 1964. It was powered by the 8-cylinder FDL-8T engine.[1]...

  • CC204

  • Rolling stock

    As of 2004, PT Kereta Api operates:
    • 74 diesel multiple units
    • 253 electric multiple units
    • 846 revenue passenger cars
    • 65 non-revenue passenger cars (baggage-generator and dining cars)
    • 3,214 freight wagons

    PT Kereta Api is a major customer of the local railway equipment industry, PT Industri Kereta Api (INKA), by using passenger coaches, freight wagons and electric multiple units made by the Madiun
    Madiun is a city in the western part of the province of East Java Indonesia, an agricultural centre. It is the capital of the regency of the same name....

    -based company.

    PT Kereta Api's diesel-electric locomotives are mostly made in United States
    GE Transportation Systems
    GE Transportation, formerly known as GE Rail, is a division of General Electric. The organization manufactures equipment for the railroad, marine, mining, drilling and energy generation industries. It is based in Erie, Pennsylvania. Locomotives are assembled at the Erie plant, while engine...

     or Canada, while the diesel-hydraulics are mostly German
    The Krupp family , a prominent 400-year-old German dynasty from Essen, have become famous for their steel production and for their manufacture of ammunition and armaments. The family business, known as Friedrich Krupp AG Hoesch-Krupp, was the largest company in Europe at the beginning of the 20th...

    . Electric multiple units are mostly Japanese-built. Local industry is capable of building multiple units, both diesel and electric.

    Shops and facilities

    In Java, PT Kereta Api has its main diesel shop in Pengok, Yogyakarta (special region)
    Yogyakarta (special region)
    The Special Region of Yogyakarta , on the island of Java is the smallest province of Indonesia . Yogyakarta is the only province in Indonesia that is still governed by a pre-colonial monarchy, the Sultan of Yogyakarta, who serves as the hereditary governor of the province. The city of Yogyakarta...

     for maintenance of both diesel electric and diesel hydraulic locomotives. The separate systems in Sumatra has their shops in Lahat
    The LAHAT is a third generation semi-active laser homing low-weight anti-tank guided missile developed since 1992 and manufactured by Israel Aerospace Industries...

     (South Sumatra), Padang
    Padang, Indonesia
    Padang is the capital and largest city of West Sumatra, Indonesia. It is located on the western coast of Sumatra at . It has an area of and a population of over 833,000 people at the 2010 Census.-History:...

     (West Sumatra) and Pulubrayan
    - Demography :The city is Indonesia's fourth most populous after Jakarta, Surabaya, and Bandung, and Indonesia's largest city outside of Java island. Much of the population lies outside its city limits, especially in Deli Serdang....

     (North Sumatra).

    Other maintenance facilities are present in Manggarai (Jakarta), Tegal
    Tegal is the largest city in the Tegal Regency, Indonesia. It is situated on the north coast of Central Java, about from Semarang, capital of Central Java....

     and Gubeng (Surabaya). These are used to repair coaches and wagons.

    A large stabling point and maintenance facilities for electric rail cars has been constructed in Depok
    Depok is a city in West Java province, Indonesia on the western border of DKI Jakarta in the Jabodetabek metropolitan region. The "de" in Jabodetabek refers to Depok, while the word "depok" itself comes from Sundanese language meaning hermitage or abode of one living in seclusion.It has an area of...

    , West Java
    West Java
    West Java , with a population of over 43 million, is the most populous and most densely populated province of Indonesia. Located on the island of Java, it is slightly smaller in area than densely populated Taiwan, but with nearly double the population...


    Locomotive depots are located in Medan, Tebingtinggi, Padang, Padang Panjang, Kertapati, Tanjungkarang, Rangkasbitung, Tanahabang (Jakarta), Jatinegara (Jakarta), Bandung, Banjar, Cibatu, Cirebon, Purwokerto, Cilacap, Kutoarjo, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Cepu, Madiun, Sidotopo (Surabaya), and Jember.


    To know which Assets are belong to PT KAI (not government), internal revaluation of assets has been done by Transportation Ministry. They are Rp.35 trillion ($4.1 billion) as Land and Rp.22 trillion ($2.6 billion) as Other Assets (Bridges, signals, etc.). The exact value will get at end of 2011 or 2012 with audit by Finance Ministry.


    Railway operations in Indonesia is regulated by the Legislation No. 13 of 1992 on Railways. This legislation stated that the government operates railways (arts. 4 and 6), delegates operations to an operating body [then the Perumka, and later PT Kereta Api] (art. 6) and provides and maintains railway infrastructure
    Infrastructure is basic physical and organizational structures needed for the operation of a society or enterprise, or the services and facilities necessary for an economy to function...

     (art. 8). Private companies are allowed to cooperate in operation of railways (art. 6).

    The Indonesian government has recently created the Directorate General of Railways, directly answerable to the Minister of Transportation. This is expected to improve the railway's position vis-a-vis other transportation modes.

    The parliament of Indonesia has finished an amendment to the current legislation, which is to allow greater role for private companies and regional governments in providing railway services. However, as yet there are no private operators of railway services

    The following is a schedule of the trip train
    A train is a connected series of vehicles for rail transport that move along a track to transport cargo or passengers from one place to another place. The track usually consists of two rails, but might also be a monorail or maglev guideway.Propulsion for the train is provided by a separate...

     in Indonesia
    Indonesia , officially the Republic of Indonesia , is a country in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Indonesia is an archipelago comprising approximately 13,000 islands. It has 33 provinces with over 238 million people, and is the world's fourth most populous country. Indonesia is a republic, with an...

    Business class(class 2) in Java

    Train No. Train Name Departure Station Departure time Arrival Station Arrival Time Discharge
    73 Gumarang Surabaya Pasar Turi 14.30 Jakarta Pasar Senen 06.17 Bojonegoro, Cepu, Semarang Tawang, Pekalongan, Tegal, Cirebon, Jatinegara
    74 Gumarang Jakarta Pasar Senen 14.45 Surabaya Pasar Turi 06.45 Jatinegara, Cirebon, Tegal, Pekalogan, Semarang Tawang, Cepu, Bojonegoro, Lamongan
    75 Lodaya Solo Balapan 08.30 Bandung 17.40 Klaten, Tugu Yogyakarta, Wates, Kutoarjo, Kebumen, Gombong, Kroya, Banjar, Tasikmalaya
    76 Lodaya Bandung 08.00 Solo Balapan 17.13 Tasikmalaya, Banjar, Kroya, Gombong, Kebumen, Kutoarjo, Wates, Tugu Yogyakarta, Klaten
    77 Lodaya Solo Balapan 20.30 Bandung 05.41 Klaten, Tugu Yogyakarta, Wates, Kutoarjo, Kebumen, Gombong, Kroya, Banjar, Tasikmalaya
    78 Lodaya Bandung 20.00 Solo Balapan 05.10 Tasikmalaya, Banjar, Kroya, Gombong, Kebumen, Kutoarjo, Wates, Tugu Yogyakarta, Klaten
    79 Mutiara Timur Surabaya Gubeng 09.15 Banyuwangi 15.56 Wonokromo, Sidoarjo, Bangil, Pasuruan, Probolinggo, Jatiroto, Rambipuji, Jember, Kalisat, Kalibaru, Kalisetail, Temuguruh, Rogojampi, Krenceng
    80 Mutiara Timur Banyuwangi 09.00 Surabaya Gubeng 15.24 Krenceng, Rogojampi, Temuguruh, Kalisetail, Kalibaru, Kalisat, Jember, Rambipuji, Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Bangil, Sidoarjo, Wonokromo
    81 Mutiara Timur Surabaya Gubeng 22.35 Banyuwangi 04.57 Sidoarjo, Bangil, Probolinggo, Rambipuji, Jember, Kalisat, Kalibaru, Kalisetail, Temuguruh, Rogojampi, Krenceng
    82 Mutiara Timur Banyuwangi 22.20 Surabaya Gubeng 04.53 Krenceng, Rogojampi, Temuguruh, Kalisetail, Kalibaru, Kalisat, Jember, Rambipuji, Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Bangil, Sidoarjo
    83/86 Purwojaya Cilacap 18.30 Jakarta Gambir 06.30 Maos, Kroya, Purwokerto, Bekasi, Jatinegara
    84/85 Purwojaya Jakarta Gambir 05.45 Cilacap 13.10 Jatinegara, Bekasi, Purwokerto, Kroya, Maos
    87 Sancaka Surabaya Gubeng 07.00 Yogyakarta 12.20 Jombang, Kertosono, Madiun, Sragen, Solo Balapan, Klaten
    88 Sancaka Yogyakarta 16.00 Surabaya Gubeng 22.04 Klaten, Solo Balapan, Madiun, Kertosono, Jombang
    89 Sancaka Surabaya Gubeng 15.00 Tugu Yogyakarta 20.23 Kertosono, Madiun, Solo Balapan, Klaten
    90 Sancaka Tugu Yogyakarta 07.15 Surabaya Gubeng 12.33 Klaten, Solo Balapan, Sragen, Madiun, Kertosono
    91 Cirebon Ekspres Cirebon 06.15 Jakarta Gambir 09.16 Jatibarang, Haurgeulis, Jatinegara
    92 Cirebon Ekspres Jakarta Gambir 06.00 Cirebon 08.56 Jatinegara, Jatibarang
    93 Cirebon Ekspres Tegal 06.00 Jakarta Gambir 10.38 Brebes, Cirebon, Jatinegara
    94 Cirebon Ekspres Jakarta Gambir 09.35 Cirebon 12.35 Jatinegara, Haurgeulis, Jatibarang
    95 Cirebon Ekspres Cirebon 10.00 Jakarta Gambir 12.58 Jatibarang, Jatinegara
    96 Cirebon Ekspres Jakarta Gambir 11.00 Tegal 15.43 Jatinegara, Jatibarang, Cirebon, Brebes
    97 Cirebon Ekspres Cirebon 15.15 Jakarta Gambir 18.12 Jatibarang, Jatinegara
    98 Cirebon Ekspres Jakarta Gambir 13.15 Cirebon 16.15 Jatinegara, Jatibarang
    99 Cirebon Ekspres Tegal 16.10 Jakarta Gambir 21.10 Brebes, Cirebon, Jatibarang, Jatinegara
    100 Cirebon Ekspres Jakarta Gambir 18.30 Tegal 23.04 Jatinegara, Haurgeulis, Jatibarang, Cirebon, Brebes
    101 Senja Kediri Kediri 17:00 Jakarta Pasar Senen 06:45 Kertosono, Nganjuk, Caruban, Madiun, Paron, Walikukun, Sragen, Solo Jebres, Semarang Tawang Jerakah, Pekalongan, Tegal, Cirebon, Bekasi, Jatinegara
    102 Senja Kediri Jakarta Pasar Senen 15:00 Kediri 04:00 Jatinegara, Bekasi, Cirebon, Tegal, Pekalongan, Jerakah, Semarang Tawang, Solo Jebres, Sragen, Walikukun, Paron, Madiun, Caruban, Nganjuk, Kertosono
    113 Mutiara Selatan Surabaya Gubeng 16.00 Bandung 06.15 Wonokromo, Mojokerto, Jombang, Kertosono, Nganjuk, Madiun, Solo Balapan, Tugu Yogyakarta, Banjar, Ciamis, Tasikmalaya
    114 Mutiara Selatan Bandung 17.00 Surabaya Gubeng 06.41 Tasikmalaya, Ciamis, Banjar, Kroya, Kebumen, Tugu Yogyakarta, Solo Balapan, Madiun, Nganjuk, Kertosono, Jombang, Mojokerto, Wonokromo
    113 Senja Utama Solo Solo Balapan 18.00 Jakarta Pasar Senen 04.02 Klaten, Tugu Yogyakarta, Gombong, Purwokerto, Cirebon, Jatinegara
    114 Senja Utama Solo Jakarta Pasar Senen 20.30 Solo Balapan 06.22 Jatinegara, Cirebon, Prupuk, Purwokerto, Tugu Yogyakarta, Klaten
    115 Fajar Utama Yogya Tugu Yogyakarta 08.00 Jakarta Pasar Senen 16.45 Wates, Purwokerto, Cirebon, Bekasi, Jatinegara
    116 Fajar Utama Yogya Jakarta Pasar Senen 06.20 Tugu Yogyakarta 14.45 Jatinegara, Cirebon, Purwokerto, Kroya, Wates
    117 Senja Utama Yogya Tugu Yogyakarta 18.30 Jakarta Pasar Senen 03.45 Wates, Kebumen, Purwokerto, Cirebon, Jatinegara
    118 Senja Utama Yogya Jakarta Pasar Senen 19.20 Tugu Yogyakarta 04.27 Jatinegara, Cirebon, Prupuk, Purwokerto, Wates
    119 Sawunggalih Utama Kutoarjo 07.00 Jakarta Pasar Senen 14.14 Kebumen, Karanganyar, Gombong, Kroya, Purwokerto, Cirebon, Bekasi, Jatinegara
    120 Sawunggalih Utama Jakarta Pasar Senen 19.00 Kutoarjo 03.03 Jatinegara, Cirebon, Purwokerto, Kroya, Gombong, Karanganyar, Kebumen
    121 Sawunggalih Utama Kutoarjo 19.00 Jakarta Pasar Senen 02.37 Kebumen, Karanganyar, Gombong, Kroya, Purwokerto, Cirebon, Jatinegara
    122 Sawunggalih Utama Jakarta Pasar Senen 08.15 Kutoarjo 15.47 Jatinegara, Bekasi, Cirebon, Purwokerto, Kroya, Gombong, Karanganyar, Kebumen
    123 Senja Utama Semarang Semarang Tawang 20.00 Jakarta Pasar Senen 03.10 Weleri, Pekalongan, Pemalang, Tegal, Jatinegara
    124 Senja Utama Semarang Jakarta Pasar Senen 19.10 Semarang Tawang 02.48 Jatinegara, Cirebon, Tegal, Pemalang, Pekalongan, Weleri
    125 Fajar Utama Semarang Semarang Tawang 08.00 Jakarta Pasar Senen 14.55 Weleri, Pekalongan, Pemalang, Tegal, Cirebon, Jatinegara
    126 Fajar Utama Semarang Jakarta Pasar Senen 07.15 Semarang Tawang 14.30 Jatinegara, Cirebon, Tegal, Pekalongan, Weleri
    19A Argo Parahyangan Bandung 05.30 Jakarta Gambir 08.43 Cimahi, Purwakarta, Jatinegara
    20A Argo Parahyangan Jakarta Gambir 05.45 Bandung 09.08 Jatinegara, Bekasi, Purwakarta, Cimahi
    21A Argo Parahyangan Bandung 06.30 Jakarta Gambir 09.55 Cimahi, Padalarang, Purwakarta Bekasi, Jatinegara
    22A Argo Parahyangan Jakarta Gambir 09.15 Bandung 12.38 Jatinegara, Bekasi, Cimahi
    23A Argo Parahyangan Bandung 11.30 Jakarta Gambir 15.02 Cimahi, Padalarang, Purwakarta, Bekasi, Jatinegara
    24A Argo Parahyangan Jakarta Gambir 11.30 Bandung 14.58 Jatinegara, Bekasi, Purwakarta, Cimahi
    25A Argo Parahyangan Bandung 14.35 Jakarta Gambir 17.48 Cimahi,Bekasi, Jatinegara
    26A Argo Parahyangan Jakarta Gambir 16.35 Bandung 19.39 Jatinegara, Bekasi, Purwakarta, Cimahi
    27A Argo Parahyangan Bandung 16.30 Jakarta Gambir 19.52 Cimahi, Purwakarta, Bekasi, Jatinegara
    28A Argo Parahyangan Jakarta Gambir 19.00 Bandung 22.26 Jatinegara, Bekasi, Cimahi
    29A Argo Parahyangan Bandung 20.05 Jakarta Gambir 23.30 Bekasi, Jatinegara
    30A Argo Parahyangan Jakarta Gambir 20.25 Bandung 23.46 Jatinegara, Bekasi, Purwakarta
    7061 Malabar Ekspress Malang 15.30 Bandung 08.37 Blitar, Tulungagung, Kediri, Kertosono, Nganjuk, Madiun, Solo, Klaten, Yogya, Wates, Kebumen, Banjar, Tasik
    7062 Malabar Ekspress Bandung 15.30 Malang 08.11 Blitar, Tulungagung, Kediri, Kertosono, Nganjuk, Madiun, Solo, Klaten, Yogya, Wates, Kebumen, Banjar, Tasik
    7063 (senin-jumat) Argo Parahyangan Bandung 08.45 Jakarta Gambir 11.58 Cimahi, Bekasi, Jatinegara
    7064 (senin-jumat) Argo Parahyangan Jakarta Gambir 13.30 Bandung 16.47 Jatinegara, Bekasi, Cimahi
    7065 (Senin Saja) Argo Parahyangan Bandung 04.00 Jakarta Gambir 07.23 Bekasi, Jatinegara
    7066 (Senin saja) Argo Parahyangan Jakarta Gambir 08.30 Bandung 11.43 Jatinegara, Bekasi
    7067 Argo Parahyangan Bandung 13.30 Jakarta Gambir 17.05 Cimahi, Bekasi, Jatinegara
    7068 Argo Parahyangan Jakarta Gambir 17.40 Bandung 20.55 Jatinegara, Bekasi

    Executive class (class 1) in Java

    No. KA Nama KA Stasiun Keberangkatan Waktu Keberangkatan Stasiun Kedatangan Waktu Kedatangan Pemberhentian
    1 Argo Bromo Anggrek Surabaya Pasar Turi 08.01 Jakarta Gambir 18.37 Semarang Tawang, Pekalongan, Jatinegara
    2 Argo Bromo Anggrek Jakarta Gambir 09.30 Surabaya Pasar Turi 19.58 Pekalongan, Semarang Tawang
    3 Argo Cemara Karanganyar 20.00 Jakarta Gambir 01.41 Purwokerto
    4 Argo Cemara Jakarta Gambir 09.00 Karanganyar 14.27 Purwokerto
    5 Argo Wilis Surabaya Gubeng 07.30 Bandung 19.56 Jombang, Kertosono, Madiun, Solo Balapan,
    Tugu Yogyakarta, Kutoarjo, Karanganyar, Banjar, Tasikmalaya
    6 Argo Wilis Bandung 07.00 Surabaya Gubeng 19.47 Tasikmalaya, Banjar, Karanganyar, Kutoarjo, Tugu Yogyakarta,
    Solo Balapan, Madiun, Kertosono, Jombang
    7 Argo Lawu Solo Balapan 08.00 Jakarta Gambir 16.03 Klaten, Tugu Yogyakarta, Karanganyar, Purwokerto, Jatinegara
    8 Argo Lawu Jakarta Gambir 20.00 Solo Balapan 04.04 Purwokerto, Karanganyar , Tugu Yogyakarta, Klaten
    9 Argo Dwipangga Solo Balapan 20.00 Jakarta Gambir 04.06 Klaten, Tugu Yogyakarta, Karanganyar, Purwokerto, Jatinegara
    10 Argo Dwipangga Jakarta Gambir 08.00 Solo Balapan 16.04 Purwokerto, Karanganyar, Tugu Yogyakarta, Klaten
    11 Argo Sindoro Semarang Tawang 05.30 Jakarta Gambir 11.23 Pekalongan, Tegal, Jatinegara
    12 Argo Sindoro Jakarta Gambir 16.45 Semarang Tawang 22.35 Tegal, Pekalongan
    13 Argo Muria Semarang Tawang 16.00 Jakarta Gambir 21.55 Pekalongan, Tegal, Jatinegara
    14 Argo Muria Jakarta Gambir 07.15 Semarang Tawang 13.11 Tegal, Pekalongan
    27 Argo Jati Cirebon 05.45 Jakarta Gambir 08.32 Jatinegara
    28 Argo Jati Jakarta Gambir 09.00 Cirebon 11.42 Jatinegara
    29 Argo Jati Cirebon 14.00 Jakarta Gambir 16.48 Jatinegara
    30 Argo Jati Jakarta Gambir 17.10 Cirebon 19.58 Jatinegara
    31 Gajayana Malang 16.25 Jakarta Kota 07.30 Blitar, Tulungagung, Kediri, Madiun,
    Solo Balapan, Tugu Yogyakarta, Karanganyar, Sumpiuh, Purwokerto, Jatinegara
    32 Gajayana Jakarta Kota 17.15 Malang 08.44 Purwokerto, Sumpiuh, Karanganyar, Tugu Yogyakarta, Solo Balapan,
    Madiun, Kertosono, Kediri, Tulungagung, Blitar
    33 Bima Surabaya Gubeng 17.00 Jakarta Kota 06.30 Mojokerto, Jombang, Kertosono, Madiun, Solo Balapan, Tugu Yogyakarta, Karanganyar, Sumpiuh,
    Purwokerto, Jatinegara
    34 Bima Jakarta Kota 17.00 Surabaya Gubeng 05.49 Purwokerto, Sumpiuh, Karanganyar, Tugu Yogyakarta, Solo Balapan,
    Madiun, Kertosono, Jombang, Mojokerto
    35 Sembrani Surabaya Pasar Turi 17.00 Jakarta Kota 06.49 Lamongan, Bojonegoro, Cepu, Semarang Tawang, Pekalongan, Jatinegara.
    36 Sembrani Jakarta Kota 17.30 Surabaya Pasar Turi 07.02 Jatinegara, Pekalongan, Semarang Tawang, Cepu, Bojonegoro, Lamongan.
    37 Turangga Surabaya Gubeng 18.00 Bandung 07.10 Mojokerto, Kertosono, Madiun, Solo Balapan,
    Tugu Yogyakarta,Karanganyar, Sumpiuh, Kroya, Banjar, Tasikmalaya
    38 Turangga Bandung 19.00 Surabaya Gubeng 08.25 Tasikmalaya, Banjar, Kroya, Karanganyar, Tugu Yogyakarta,
    Solo Balapan, Madiun, Kertosono, Mojokerto
    39 Taksaka Tugu Yogyakarta 20.00 Jakarta Kota 04.16 Karanganyar, Sumpiuh, Purwokerto, Jatinegara
    40 Taksaka Jakarta Kota 08.15 Tugu Yogyakarta 16.21 Cirebon, Purwokerto, Sumpiuh, Karanganyar
    41 Taksaka Tugu Yogyakarta 10.00 Jakarta Kota 17.55 Kutoarjo, Karanganyar, Sumpiuh, Purwokerto, Cirebon, Jatinegara
    42 Taksaka Jakarta Kota 20.45 Tugu Yogyakarta 04.42 Purwokerto, Sumpiuh, Gombong, Karanganyar, Kutoarjo
    43 Purwojaya Cilacap 18.30 Jakarta Gambir 00.30 Maos, Kroya, Purwokerto, Jatinegara
    44 Purwojaya Jakarta Gambir 06.35 Cilacap 12.30 Jatinegara, Purwokerto, Kroya
    45 Bangunkarta Jombang 17.00 Jakarta Gambir 05.30 Kertosono, Nganjuk, Caruban, Madiun, Paron, Walikukun, Semarang Tawang, Pekalongan, Pemalang, Tegal, Cirebon, Jatibarang, Jatinegara
    46 Bangunkarta Jakarta Gambir 17.00 Jombang 05.20 Jatinegara, Cirebon, Tegal, Pekalongan, Semarang Tawang, Walikukun, Paron, Madiun, Caruban, Nganjuk, Kertosono
    48 Harina Bandung 20.30 Semarang Tawang 04.27 Purwakarta, Cikampek, Cirebon, Tegal, Pekalongan
    47 Harina Semarang Tawang 20.30 Bandung 04.19 Pekalongan, Tegal, Cirebon, Cikampek, Purwakarta
    49 Rajawali Surabaya Pasar Turi 14.00 Semarang Tawang 19.09 Lamongan, Bojonegoro, Cepu
    50 Rajawali Semarang Tawang 08.25 Surabaya Pasar Turi 13.27 Cepu, Bojonegoro, Lamongan
    19A Argo Parahyangan Bandung 05.30 Jakarta Gambir 08.43 Cimahi, Purwakarta, Jatinegara
    20A Argo Parahyangan Jakarta Gambir 05.45 Bandung 09.08 Jatinegara, Bekasi, Purwakarta, Cimahi
    21A Argo Parahyangan Bandung 06.30 Jakarta Gambir 09.55 Cimahi, Padalarang, Purwakarta Bekasi, Jatinegara
    22A Argo Parahyangan Jakarta Gambir 09.15 Bandung 12.38 Jatinegara, Bekasi, Cimahi
    23A Argo Parahyangan Bandung 11.30 Jakarta Gambir 15.02 Cimahi, Padalarang, Purwakarta, Bekasi, Jatinegara
    24A Argo Parahyangan Jakarta Gambir 11.30 Bandung 14.58 Jatinegara, Bekasi, Purwakarta, Cimahi
    25A Argo Parahyangan Bandung 15.00 Jakarta Gambir 18.10 Cimahi,Bekasi, Jatinegara
    26A Argo Parahyangan Jakarta Gambir 16.15 Bandung 19.27 Jatinegara, Bekasi, Purwakarta, Cimahi
    27A Argo Parahyangan Bandung 16.30 Jakarta Gambir 19.52 Cimahi, Purwakarta, Bekasi, Jatinegara
    28A Argo Parahyangan Jakarta Gambir 19.00 Bandung 22.26 Jatinegara, Bekasi, Cimahi
    29A Argo Parahyangan Bandung 20.05 Jakarta Gambir 23.30 Bekasi, Jatinegara
    30A Argo Parahyangan Jakarta Gambir 20.25 Bandung 23.46 Jatinegara, Bekasi, Purwakarta
    7061 Malabar Ekspress Malang 15.30 Bandung 08.37 Blitar, Tulungagung, Kediri, Kertosono, Nganjuk, Madiun, Solo, Klaten, Yogya, Wates, Kebumen, Karanganyar, Sumpiuh, Banjar, Tasik
    7062 Malabar Ekspress Bandung 15.30 Malang 08.11 Blitar, Tulungagung, Kediri, Kertosono, Nganjuk, Madiun, Solo, Klaten, Yogya, Wates, Kebumen, Karanganyar, Sumpiuh, Kroya, Banjar, Tasik
    7063 (senin s/d jumat) Argo Parahyangan Bandung 08.45 Jakarta Gambir 11.58 Cimahi, Bekasi, Jatinegara


    To anticipate steady number of passengers, PT KAI has boosted cargo deliveries. At May 3, 2011 PT KAI has made trial the line from Cikarang
    Cikarang is the capital of Bekasi Regency, West Java in Indonesia. Jababeka is the biggest industrial estate in Southeast Asia. Property projects have also been built in Cikarang, such as Lippo Cikarang, Cikarang Baru, and Kota Delta Mas. The last one is the office complex of Bekasi.-Cikarang Dry...

     Dry Port to Surabaya
    Surabaya is Indonesia's second-largest city with a population of over 2.7 million , and the capital of the province of East Java...

     vice versa.

    Library wagon

    To popularize more about the business, PT Kereta Api will launch Library Wagon which will display documented company activities, small size assets and books. The library wagon will make exhibition for a week in one station and then move to other station.

    See also

    • KRL Jabotabek
      KRL Jabotabek
      KRL Commuter Jabodetabek or simply KRL Jabodetabek is a mass rapid transit system in Jabodetabek, Indonesia. It is an acronym for Kereta Rel Listrik Jakarta Bogor Depok Tangerang Bekasi which can be loosely translated into Jabodetabek electrified rail. KRL Jabodetabek serves commuters in Jakarta,...

    • Rail transport in Indonesia
      Rail transport in Indonesia
      Most rail transport in Indonesia is located on the island of Java, which has two major rail lines that run the length of the island, as well as several connecting lines...

    • Persatuan Buruh Kereta Api
      Persatuan Buruh Kereta Api
      Persatuan Buruh Kereta Api was a trade union of railway workers in Indonesia. It was affiliated with the Kongres Buruh Seluruh Indonesia trade union centre. PBKA was one of the key unions of KBSI. As of March 1958, PBKA claimed a membership of 32,000. PBKA was led by Dr...

    External links

    Official site Industri Kereta Api, Indonesian railway industry
    The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.