List of regional reptiles lists
- Afghanistan
- Indian subcontinent
- Korean peninsula
- Mongolia
- Turkey
- South Asia
- AustraliaReptiles of AustraliaThe reptiles of Australia are a diverse group of animals, widely distributed across the continent. Three of the four orders of reptiles are native to Australia: Testudines, Squamata and Crocodilia. The only missing extant order is Sphenodontia, containing the tuataras, which are endemic to New...
North America
- United States
- California
- Colorado
- Minnesota
- Massachusetts
- Puerto Rico
- Texas
- Amphibians and reptiles of Yellowstone National ParkAmphibians and reptiles of Yellowstone National ParkYellowstone National Park is home to 4 Amphibians species and 6 species of Reptiles. None of the species are endangered or threatened. The glacial nature of and dry conditions in Yellowstone are likely responsible for the relatively low number of amphibian and reptile species in...
- List of reptiles of Canada