List of topics named after Joseph Louis Lagrange
Several concepts from mathematics
Mathematics is the study of quantity, space, structure, and change. Mathematicians seek out patterns and formulate new conjectures. Mathematicians resolve the truth or falsity of conjectures by mathematical proofs, which are arguments sufficient to convince other mathematicians of their validity...

 and physics
Physics is a natural science that involves the study of matter and its motion through spacetime, along with related concepts such as energy and force. More broadly, it is the general analysis of nature, conducted in order to understand how the universe behaves.Physics is one of the oldest academic...

 are named after the mathematician and astronomer
An astronomer is a scientist who studies celestial bodies such as planets, stars and galaxies.Historically, astronomy was more concerned with the classification and description of phenomena in the sky, while astrophysics attempted to explain these phenomena and the differences between them using...

 Joseph Louis Lagrange
Joseph Louis Lagrange
Joseph-Louis Lagrange , born Giuseppe Lodovico Lagrangia, was a mathematician and astronomer, who was born in Turin, Piedmont, lived part of his life in Prussia and part in France, making significant contributions to all fields of analysis, to number theory, and to classical and celestial mechanics...

, as are a crater
Impact crater
In the broadest sense, the term impact crater can be applied to any depression, natural or manmade, resulting from the high velocity impact of a projectile with a larger body...

 on the moon and a street in Paris.


  • Lagrangian
    The Lagrangian, L, of a dynamical system is a function that summarizes the dynamics of the system. It is named after Joseph Louis Lagrange. The concept of a Lagrangian was originally introduced in a reformulation of classical mechanics by Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton known as...

  • Lagrangian analysis
    Lagrangian analysis
    Lagrangian analysis is the use of Lagrangian coordinates to analyze various problems in continuum mechanics.Lagrangian analysis may be used to analyze currents and flows of various materials by analyzing data collected from gauges/sensors embedded in the material which freely move with the motion...

  • Lagrangian coordinates
  • Lagrangian derivative
  • Lagrangian drifter
    Lagrangian drifter
    Lagrangian drifters are drifters designed to aid the Lagrangian analysis of water currents Numerous types of drifters are designed with constructions particularly suited for particular areas of application: coastal currents, deep water/shallow water currents, etc....

  • Lagrangian foliation
    Lagrangian foliation
    In mathematics, a Lagrangian foliation or polarization is a foliation of a symplectic manifold, whose leaves are Lagrangian submanifolds. It is one of the steps involved in the geometric quantization of a square-integrable functions on a symplectic manifold.-References:* Kenji FUKAYA, ,...

  • Lagrangian Grassmannian
    Lagrangian Grassmannian
    In mathematics, the Lagrangian Grassmannian is the smooth manifold of Lagrangian subspaces of a real symplectic vector space V. Its dimension is n/2 . It may be identified with the homogeneous space...

  • Lagrangian intersection Floer homology
  • Lagrangian mechanics
    Lagrangian mechanics
    Lagrangian mechanics is a re-formulation of classical mechanics that combines conservation of momentum with conservation of energy. It was introduced by the Italian-French mathematician Joseph-Louis Lagrange in 1788....

  • Lagrangian mixing
  • Lagrangian point
    Lagrangian point
    The Lagrangian points are the five positions in an orbital configuration where a small object affected only by gravity can theoretically be stationary relative to two larger objects...

  • Lagrangian relaxation
    Lagrangian relaxation
    In the field of mathematical optimization, Lagrangian relaxation is a relaxation method which approximates a difficult problem of constrained optimization by a simpler problem...

  • Lagrangian submanifold
  • Lagrangian subspace
  • Nonlocal Lagrangian
  • Proca lagrangian
  • Special Lagrangian submanifold


  • Euler–Lagrange equation
  • Green–Lagrange strain
  • Lagrange bracket
    Lagrange bracket
    Lagrange brackets are certain expressions closely related to Poisson brackets that were introduced by Joseph Louis Lagrange in 1808–1810 for the purposes of mathematical formulation of classical mechanics, but unlike the Poisson brackets, have fallen out of use....

  • Lagrange-d'Alembert principle
  • Lagrange error bound
  • Lagrange form
  • Lagrange invariant
  • Lagrange inversion theorem
    Lagrange inversion theorem
    In mathematical analysis, the Lagrange inversion theorem, also known as the Lagrange-Bürmann formula, gives the Taylor series expansion of the inverse function of an analytic function.-Theorem statement:...

  • Lagrange multipliers
    Lagrange multipliers
    In mathematical optimization, the method of Lagrange multipliers provides a strategy for finding the maxima and minima of a function subject to constraints.For instance , consider the optimization problem...

  • Lagrange number
    Lagrange number
    In mathematics, the Lagrange numbers are a sequence of numbers that appear in bounds relating to the approximation of irrational numbers by rational numbers...

  • Lagrange point colonization
    Lagrange Point Colonization
    Lagrange point colonization is the colonization of the five equilibrium points in the orbit of a planet or its primary moon, called Lagrange points. The most obvious points for colonization are the points in the Earth-Moon system and the points in the Sun-Earth system...

  • Lagrange polynomial
    Lagrange polynomial
    In numerical analysis, Lagrange polynomials are used for polynomial interpolation. For a given set of distinct points x_j and numbers y_j, the Lagrange polynomial is the polynomial of the least degree that at each point x_j assumes the corresponding value y_j...

  • Lagrange property
  • Lagrange reversion theorem
    Lagrange reversion theorem
    In mathematics, the Lagrange reversion theorem gives series or formal power series expansions of certain implicitly defined functions; indeed, of compositions with such functions....

  • Lagrange resolvents


  • Lagrange's approximation theorem
  • Lagrange's formula (disambiguation)
  • Lagrange's identity
  • Lagrange's theorem (group theory)
    Lagrange's theorem (group theory)
    Lagrange's theorem, in the mathematics of group theory, states that for any finite group G, the order of every subgroup H of G divides the order of G. The theorem is named after Joseph Lagrange....

  • Lagrange's theorem (number theory)
    Lagrange's theorem (number theory)
    In number theory, Lagrange's theorem states that:If the modulus is not prime, then it is possible for there to be more than n solutions. The exact number of solutions can be determined by finding the prime factorization of n...

  • Lagrange's four-square theorem
    Lagrange's four-square theorem
    Lagrange's four-square theorem, also known as Bachet's conjecture, states that any natural number can be represented as the sum of four integer squaresp = a_0^2 + a_1^2 + a_2^2 + a_3^2\ where the four numbers are integers...


  • Lagrange (crater)
    Lagrange (crater)
    Lagrange is a lunar crater that is attached to the northwestern rim of the crater Piazzi. It lies near the southwestern limb of the Moon, and the appearance is oblong due to foreshortening...

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