List of Knights of the Golden Fleece
This page contains a list of Knights of the Order of the Golden Fleece
|rowspan=25|1430||Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy||1396||1467||Founder and First Head of the Order
|Guillaume de Vienne, Seigneur de Saint-George||1360||1435||
|Regnier Pot, Seigneur de la Prugne||?||1432||
|Jehan, Seigneur de Roubaix||1369||1449||
|Roland d'Uutkercke, Seigneur de Hemsrode||?||1442||
|Antoine de Vergy, Comte de Dammartin||?||1439||
|David de Brimeu, Seigneur de Ligny||?||1451||
|Hue de Lannoy, Seigneur de Santes||1384||1456||
|Jehan, Seigneur de Comines||?||1442||
|Antoine de Toulonjon||?||1432||Marshal of Burgundy
|Pierre de Luxembourg, Comte de Saint-Pol||1390||1433||
|Jehan de la Trémoille, Seigneur de Jonvelle||c. 1377||1449||
|Guilbert de Lannoy, Seigneur de Villerval||1386||1462||
|Jehan de Luxembourg, Comte de Ligny||1385||1440||
|Jehan de Villers, Seigneur de l'Isle-Adam||?||1439||
|Antoine de Croy, Comte de Porcéan||1390||1475||
|Florimond de Brimeu, Seigneur de Massincourt||?||1441||
|Robert, Seigneur de Masmines||?||1431||
|Jacques de Brimeu, Seigneur de Grigny||?||before 1451||
|Baudouin de Lannoy, Seigneur de Molembaix||1388||1474||
|Pierre de Bauffremont
, Comte de Charny||?||1473||
|Philippe, Seigneur de Ternant||1400||1456||
|Jehan de Croy, Comte de Chimay||1395||1473||
|Jehan, Seigneur de Créqui
|Jehan de Neufchâtel, Seigneur de Montagu||?||1433||
|rowspan=2|1431||Frédéric, Comte de Meurs||1392||1451||
|Simon de Lalaing, Seigneur de Santes
|rowspan=2|1432||André de Toulonjon||?||1432||
|Jehan de Melun, Seigneur d'Antoing||1398||1484||
|rowspan=8|1433||Jacques, Seigneur de Crèvecoeur||?||1436||
|Jehan de Vergy, Seigneur de Fouvans||1378||1460||
|Guy de Pontailler, Seigneur de Tallemé||?||1463||
|Baudot de Noyelles-Wion, Seigneur de Casteau||?||1468||
|Jean bâtard de Luxembourg, Seigneur de Hautbourdin||?||1466||
|Charles of Burgundy, Comte de Charolais||1433||1477||succeeded his father Philip
as Duke of Burgundy in 1467; second head of the order
|Ruprecht, Comte de Virnebourg||?||1443||
|Thibaut de Neufchâtel||1396||1461||
|rowspan=4|1440||Charles, Duc d'Orléans
|Jean VI, Duc de Bretagne
|Jean II, Duc d'Alençon||1409||1476||
|Mathieu de Foix-Comminges||1385||1453||
|rowspan=6|1445||Alfonso V, King of Aragon and Naples
|Franck de Borsele, Comte d'Ostrevant||1394||1473||
|Reinoud II van Brederode
|Henry de Borsele, Seigneur de Vere||1405||1470||
|Jean IV, Seigneur d'Auxy||1396||1474||
|André, Seigneur d'Humières||1403||1460||
|rowspan=6|1451||John I, Duke of Cleves
|Juan de Guevara, Count of Ariano||?||1456||
|Pedro de Cardona, Count of Colisano||?||1451||
|Jehan, Seigneur de Lannoy||1410||1493||
|Jacques de Lalaing, Seigneur de Bugincourt||1421||1453||
|Jehan de Neufchâtel, Seigneur de Montagu||?||?||
|rowspan=5|1456||Giosia I Acquaviva, Count of Terrano||?||1462||
|Jean de Bourgogne, Duc de Nevers||1415||1491||
|Antoine, bastard of Burgundy
|Adolph of Cleves, Lord of Ravenstein
|Prince John of Portugal, Duke of Coimbra
|rowspan=6|1461||Juan II, King of Aragon and Navarre
|Adolf the Young, Duke of Gelders||1438||1477||
|Thiebault de Neufchâtel, Marshal of Burgundy||1413||1469||
|Philippe Pot, Seigneur de La Roche de Nolay||1428||1493||
|Loys of Gruuthuse||1427||1492||
|Guy, Seigneur de Roye||?||1463||
|rowspan=8|1468||Edward IV, King of England
|Louis of Chalon, Seigneur de Château-Guyon||1448||1476||
|Jean de Damas, Seigneur de Clessy||?||?||
|Jacques de Bourbon||1445||1468||
|Jacques de Luxembourg, Seigneur de Richebourg||1426||1487||
|Philippe de Savoie, Comte de Bresse||1443||1497||
|Philippe de Crèvecoeur, Seigneur des Cardes||?||1494||
|Claude de Montagu, Seigneur de Couches||?||1470||
|rowspan=7|1473||Ferdinand V, King of Castile
|Ferdinand I, King of Naples
|Jean de Rubempré, Seigneur de Bièvres||?||1477||
|Philippe de Croy, Comte de Chimay||1395||1483||
|Jean de Luxembourg, Comte de Marle||1437||1476||
|Guy de Brimeu, Seigneur de Humbercourt||?||1477||
|Engelbert II, Count of Nassau||1451||1504||
|rowspan=2|1474||Johan Rengers ten Post, Lord of Scharmer and Dijksterhuis||±1410||1494||
|Unico II, Baron Ripperda
von Farmsum
|rowspan=9|1478||Archduke Maximilian I of Austria
||1459||1519||husband to Marie
, Charles the Bold's
daughter and heir. Head of the Order until her death in 1482
|William II of Egmont
|Wolfart de Borsele, Seigneur de Vere||1430||1487||
|Joost de Lailang, Seigneur de Montigny
|Jacques de Luxembourg, Seigneur de Fiennes||1443||1517||
|Philippe de Bourgogne, Seigneur de Beveren||c. 1450||1498||
|Peter II de Luxembourg, Count of Saint-Pol||1440||1483||
|Jacques de Savoie, Comte de Romont||1450||1486||
|Bertrem, Seigneur de Liechtenstein||?||?||
|rowspan=8|1481||Philip the Fair, Comte de Charolais
||1479||1506||eldest son of Maximilian I
and Marie
; head of the order 1482–1506
|Jean, Seigneur de Ligne||1435||1491||
|Pierre de Hennin, Seigneur de Boussu||1433||1490||
|Baudouin de Lannoy, Seigneur de Molembaix||1436||1501||
|Guillaume de la Baume, Seigneur d'Irlain||?||1516||
|Jean III, Seigneur de Berghes||1452||1531||
|Martin, Seigneur de Polheim||?||1498||
|Claude de Toulonjon, Seigneur de la Bastie||?||?||
|rowspan=14|1491||Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor
||1415||1493||father to Maximilian I
and grandfather to Philip
|Henry VII, King of England
|Albert III, Duke of Saxony||1443||1500||
|Henri de Witthem, Seigneur de Beersel||1440||1515||
|Pierre de Lannoy, Seigneur de Fresnoy||1445||1510||
|Eberhard V, Count of Württemberg
|Claude de Neufchâtel, Seigneur de Fay||?||1505||
|Jean I, Comte d'Egmont||1439||1516||
|Christopher, Margrave of Baden-Hachberg||1453||1527||
|Jean, Seigneur de Cruninghen||1460||1513||
|Charles de Croy, 1st Prince of Chimay||1455||1527||
|Guillaume de Croy, Seigneur de Chièvres
|Hugues de Melun, Vicomte de Gand||1454||1524||
|Jacques de Luxembourg, Seigneur de Fiennes||?||1535||
|rowspan=8|1501||Charles of Ghent, Comte de Charolais
||1500||1558||eldest son of Philip the Fair. Head of the Order from 1506 to 1555
|Wolfgang von Polheim||1458||1512||
|Eitelfried II, Count of Zollern||1458||1512||
|Corneille de Berghes, Seigneur de Zevenberghe||1458||1516||
|Philippe bâtard de Bourgogne, Bishop of Utrecht||1466||1542||
|Michel de Croy, Seigneur de Sempy||?||1516||
|Jean de Luxembourg, Seigneur de Ville||?||1508||
|Philibert II, Duke of Savoy||1480||1504||
|rowspan=10|1505||Henry, Prince of Wales
||1491||1547||later King Henry VIII of England
|Paul von Liechtenstein||?||?||
|Charles I de Lalaing
|Wolfgang von Fürstenberg||1465||1509||
|Juan Manuel de Belmonte||?||1535||
|Floris d'Egmont, Count of Buren||1469||1539||
|Jacques III, Comte de Hornes||?||1530||
|Henry III, Count of Nassau-Breda
|Ferry de Croy, Seigneur de Roeulx||?||1524||
|Philibert, Seigneur de Vere||?||1512||
|rowspan=25|1515||Francis I, King of France
|Archduke Ferdinand of Austria
||1503||1564||younger brother of Charles V, later Holy Roman Emperor
|Frederick II, Elector Palatine||1482||1556||
|John V of Brandenburg-Ansbach||1493||1525||
|Guy de la Baume, Comte de Montrevel||?||1516||
|Hoier, Comte de Mansfeld||1484||1540||
|Laurent de Gorrevod, Comte de Pont de Vaux||?||1527||
|Philippe de Croy, 1st Duc d'Aerschot||1496||1549||
|Jacques de Gavre, Seigneur de Frezin||?||1537||
|Antoine de Croy, Seigneur de Tour-sur-Marne et Sempy||?||1546||
|Antoine de Lalaing, Comte de Hoogstraten||1480||1540||
|Charles de Lannoy, Seigneur de Senzeille
|Adolphe de Bourgogne, Seigneur de Beveren||1489||1540||
|Philibert of Châlon, Prince of Orange||1502||1530||
|Felix, Count of Werdenberg||?||1530||
|Manuel I, King of Portugal
|Louis II, King of Hungary and Bohemia
|Michael von Wolkenstein||?||1523||
|Maximilien de Hornes, Seigneur de Gaesbeek||?||1542||
|Guillaume, Seigneur de Ribaupierre||1468||1547||
|Jean III, baron de Trazegnies||1470||1550||
|Jean van Wassenaar
, Vicomte de Leyden||1483||1523||
|Maximilien de Berghes, Seigneur de Zevenbergen||?||1545||
|François de Melun, Comte d'Espinoy||?||1547||
|Jean, Comte d'Egmont||1499||1528||
|rowspan=14|1519||Fadrique Alvarez de Toledo, 2nd Duke of Alva||c. 1460||1531||
|Diego Lopez de Pacheco, 2nd Duke of Escalona
|Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, 3rd Duke of l'Infantado
|Íñigo Fernández de Velasco, 2nd Duke of Frías
|Alvaro de Zuniga y Guzman, 2nd Duke of Béjar||1455||1531||
|Antonio Manrique de Lara, 2nd Duke of Najera
|Fernando Ramon Folch, 2nd Duke of Cardona
||c. 1470||1543||
|Pietro Antonio San Severino, Duke of San Marco||?||?||
|Fadrique Enriquez de Cabrera, 2nd Count of Melgar||1466||1538||
|Alvaro Perez Osorio, 3rd Marquis of Astorga||?||1523||
|Christian II, King of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden
|Sigismund I of Poland
|Jacques de Luxembourg, Comte de Gavre||?||1530||
|Adrien de Croy, Comte de Roeulx||?||1555||
|rowspan=24|1531||John III, King of Portugal
||1502||1557||Charles V's brother-in-law
|James V, King of Scots
|Ferdinando d'Aragon, Duke of Calabria||1488||1550||
|Pedro Fernandez de Velasco, 3rd Duke of Frias
|Philip, Duke of Bavaria||1503||1548||
|George, Duke of Saxony
|Beltran II de la Cueva y Toledo, 3rd Duke of Albuquerque||1477||1560||
|Andrea Doria, 1st Prince of Melfi
|Philip of Austria, Prince of Asturias
||1527||1598||Charles V's eldest son, later Philip II of Spain. Head of the order from 1555
|Reinoud III van Brederode
|Ferrante Gonzaga, Duke of Ariano||1507||1557||
|Nicholas, Count of Salm
|Claude de la Baume, Seigneur de Mont-Saint-Sorlin||?||1541||
|Antoine, Marquis de Berghes||1503||1567||
|Jean de Hennin, 1st Comte de Boussu||1480||1562||
|Charles, 2nd Comte de Lalaing||1506||1558||
|Louis de Flandres, Seigneur de Praet||1488||1555||
|Georges Schenck, Seigneur de Tautenburg||1480||1540||
|Philippe de Lannoy, Vicomte de Sebourg||1460||1535||
|Philippe de Lannoy, Seigneur de Molembaix||1487||1543||
|Alfonso d'Avalos d'Aquino, Marquis del Vasto||1502||1546||
|Francisco de Zuñiga, 3rd Count of Miranda||?||1536||
|Maximilien d'Egmont, Count of Büren||1509||1548||
|René de Châlons, Prince of Orange
|rowspan=21|1546||Archduke Maximilian of Austria
||1527||1576||eldest son of Charles's brother, King Ferdinand. Later Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian II
|Iñigo Lopez de Mendoza, 4th Duke of l'Infantado||1503||1566||
|Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, 3rd Duke of Alva||1508||1582||
|Cosimo I de' Medici, Duke of Florence||1519||1574||later became the first Grand Duke of Tuscany
|Albert V, Duke of Bavaria
|Emmanuel Philibert, Prince of Piedmont||1528||1580||later Duke of Savoy
|Ottavio Farnese, Duke of Parma
|Juan Esteban Manrique de Lara, 3rd Duke of Najera||1504||1558||
|Friedrich von Fürstenberg||1496||1559||
|Philippe de Lannoy, 2nd Prince of Sulmone||1514||1553||
|Joachim, Seigneur de Rye||?||?||
|Ponthus de Lalaing, Seigneur de Bugnicourt||1508||1558||
|Lamoral d'Egmont, Prince de Gavre
|Claude de Vergy, Comte de Gruères||1495||1560||
|Jacques, Comte de Ligne||?||1552||
|Maximilien de Bourgogne, Marquis de Vere||1514||1558||
|Peter Ernest, Count of Mansfeld||1517||1604||
|Jean de Ligne, Comte d'Arenberg
|Pierre de Barbançon, Stadtholder of Hainault||1500||1557||
|Jean de Lannoy, Seigneur de Molembaix||1509||1560||
|Pedro Fernández de Córdoba, 4th Count of Feria||1518||1552||
|rowspan=18|1555||Henry II, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel||1489||1568||
|Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, Margrave of Burgau||1529||1595||second son of Emperor Ferdinand I
|Philippe de Croy, 3rd Duc d'Aerschot||1521||1595||
|Gonzalo II Fernández de Córdoba (1520-1578)
|Don Carlos of Spain
||1545||1568||eldest son of King Philip II
|Luis Enriquez de Cabrera, 2nd Duke of Medina de Rioseco||?||1572||
|Alfonso de Aragon, 3rd Duke of Cardona||?||1562||
|Charles, Baron de Berlaymont
|Philippe de Stavele, Baron de Chaumont||1508||1562||
|Charles de Brimeu, Comte de Meghem||1524/25||1572||
|Philippe de Montmorency, Count of Horn||1518||1568||
|Jean IV, Marquis de Berghes||1528||1567||
|William I, Prince of Orange||1533||1584||
|Jean de Montmorency, Siegneur de Courrière||?||1563||
|Wratislaw von Pernstein||1530||1592||
|Francisco Fernando d'Avalos d'Aquino, 5th Marquis of Pescara||?||1571||
|Antonio Doria, Marquis of San Stefano||?||?||
|Ascanio Sforza-Sforza, Count of Santa Fiora||1520||1575||
|rowspan=9|1559||Guidobaldo de Montefeltre, Duke of Urbino||1514||1574||
|Marco-Antonio Colonna, Prince of Tagliacozza||1535||1584||
|Philippe de Montmorency, Seigneur d'Achricourt||1502||1566||
|Baudouin de Lannoy, Seigneur de Molembaix||1518||1559||
|Guillaume de Croy, Marquis de Renty||1527||1565||
|Floris de Montmorency, Seigneur de Montigny||1528||1567||
|Philippe, 2me Comte de Ligne||1533||1583||
|Charles de Lannoy, 5th Prince of Sulmone||1537||1568||
|Antoine de Lalaing, 3rd Comte de Hoogstraten||1535||1568||
|1560||Francis II, King of France
|1561||Joachim von Neuhaus||?||1584||
|1565||Charles IX, King of France
|1566||Don John of Austria||1547||1578||illegitimate son of Charles V; later the victor of Lepanto
|1573||Eric II, Duke of Brunswick||1528||1584||
|rowspan=2|1581||Joao, Duke of Braganza||1547||1583||
|Alonso de Guzmán El Bueno, 7th Duke of Medina Sidonia
||1550||1615||later commander of the Spanish Armada
|1583||Philip, Prince Asturias
||1578||1621||only surviving son of Philip II, later King Philip III of Spain. Head of the order from 1598
|rowspan=16|1585||Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy||1562||1630||son-in-law of Philip II
|Luis Enriquez de Cabrera, 3rd Duke of Medina de Rioseco||?||1596||
|Juan de la Cerda, 5th Duke of Medinaceli
|Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor
||1552||1612||son of Maximilian II and nephew of Philip II
|Archduke Charles of Inner Austria||1540||1590||youngest son of Ferdinand I
|Archduke Ernest of Austria
||1513||1595||younger brother of Rudolf II, nephew of Philip II
|Guillaume Orsini de Rosenberg||1535||1592||
|Leonhard Harrach von Rohrau und Pirckenstein||1514||1590||
|Horace de Lannoy, 4th Prince of Sulmone||?||1597||
|Wilhelm V, Duke of Bavaria||1548||1626||
|Francesco de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany||1541||1587||
|Alexander Farnese, Prince of Parma
||1545||1592||nephew of Philip II; from 1586, Duke of Parma
|Francesco de Montefeltre, Duke of Urbino||1549||1631||
|Vespasiano Gonzaga Colonna, Duke of Sabbioneta||1531||1591||
|Carlos de Aragón||c. 1520||1599||
|Diego Fernández de Córdoba, 3rd Marquis of Camarasa||1524||1601||
|rowspan=10|1586||Marc de Rye, Marquis de Varambon||?||1599||
|Maximilian, Count of East Frisia||1542||1600||
|Charles de Ligne, 2nd Prince of Arenberg
|Florent, Count of Berlaymont||?||1626||
|Philip William d'Egmont, Prince of Gavre||1558||1590||
|Emmanuel de Lalaing, Marquis de Renty||1547||1590||
|Robert de Melun, Prince d'Espinoy||1550||1585||
|Alfonso Felix d'Avalos d'Aragone, 6th Marquis of Pescara||1529||1593||
|François de Vergy, Comte de Champlite||1530||1591||
|Francisco de Santapau Varesi, 2nd Prince of Butera||?||1590||
|rowspan=2|1587||Onorato Caëtani, 6th Marquis of Cisterna||1541||1592||
|Jean Khevenhüller de Aichelburg, Count of Frankenburg||1537||1606||
|rowspan=4|1589||Vincenzo I Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua||1562||1612||
|Iñigo Lopez de Mendoza, 5th Duke of l'Infantado||1536||1601||
|Juan Fernandez Pacheco, 5th Duke of Escalona
|Pietro de' Medici, Prince of Tuscany||1544||1604||
|rowspan=4|1596||Archduke Matthias of Austria
||1557||1619||later Holy Roman Emperor
|Archduke Ferdinand of Austria
||1578||1637||later Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II
|Sigismund Bathory, Prince of Transylvania||1572||1613||
|Albert VII, Archduke of Austria
||1559||1621||Governor of the Spanish Netherlands
|rowspan=11|1599||Louis Enriquez de Cabrera, 4th Duke of Medina de Rioseco||?||1600||
|Ferrante II Gonzaga, Duke of Ariano||1563||1630||
|Juan de la Cerda, 6th Duke of Medinaceli
|Antonio Alvarez de Toledo, 5th Duke of Alba
|Charles de Croy, 4th Duke of Aerschot||1560||1612||
|Charles Philippe de Croy, Marquis d'Havré||1549||1613||
|Philippe de Croy, Comte de Solre||1561||1612||
|Philip William, Prince of Orange
||1554||1618||Catholic son of William the Silent
|Lamoral de Ligne, Prince d'Espinoy||1563||1624||
|Charles d'Egmont, Prince de Gavre||1568||1620||
|Claude-François de Vergy, Comte de Champlite||?||1602||
|rowspan=5|1600||Pietro Caëtani, 7th Duke of Sermoneta||1564||1614||
|Sigismund III, King of Poland
|Rainuccio Farnese, Duke of Parma||1569||1622||
|Diego Enriquez de Guzman, 5th Duke of Alba de Lista||?||1604||
|Maximilian I, Count Palatine of Zweibrücken||1573||1651||
|rowspan=2|1601||Hermann de Berg, Marquis of Bergen op Zoom
|Carlos Tagliava d'Aragona, 2nd Duke of Terranova||?||1605||
|rowspan=8|1605||Ambrogio Spinola, Marquis of Sesto||1569||1630||
|Cesare d'Este, Duke of Modena||1552||1628||
|Alexandro Pico, 1st Duke of Mirandola||1567||1637||
|Camillo Carraciolo, 2nd Prince of Avellino||1563||1617||
|Matteo de Capua, 2nd Prince of Conca||?||?||
|Marzio Colonna, Duke of Zagarolo||1584||1607||
|Iñigo d'Avalos d'Aquino, 7th Marquis of Pescara||?||?||
|Virginio Orsini, 2nd Duke of Bracciano||1573||1615||
|1606||Lodovico Carafa de Marra, 4th Prince of Stigliano||1570||1630||
|rowspan=4|1607||Andrea Matteo Acquaviva d'Aragon, 2nd Prince of Caserta||?||1635||
|Fabrizio Branciforte, 3rd Prince of Buteera||?||?||
|Antonio de Moncada, 4th Prince of Paterno||?||1631||
|Gian Andrea Doria, 5th Prince of Melfi||1570||1612||
|1608||Pedro Tellez Giron, 3rd Duke of Osuna||1574||1624||
|1609||Jean Tagliavia d'Aragon, 3rd Duke of Terranova||?||1624||
|rowspan=2|1610||Alonso Diego Lopez de Zuniga, 6th Duke of Béjar||1578||1619||
|Francesco Colonna, Prince of Palestrina||?||1636||
|1611||Rodrigo Ponce de Leon, 3rd Duke of Arcos||1545||1630||
|rowspan=4|1612||Francisco Gonzaga, 3rd Prince of Castiglione||1577||1616||
|Frederico Landi, 4th Prince of Val di Taro||?||1630||
|Georg Ludwig, Landgrave of Leuchtenberg||1550||1613||
|Paul Sixtus Trauston, Count of Falkenstein||1550||1621||
|rowspan=5|1613||Philip, Prince of Asturias
||1605||1665||later King Philip IV of Spain. Head of the order from 1621
|Charles de Longueval, Comte de Bucquoy||1571||1621||
|Frédéric de Bergen op Zoom, Baron de Boxmeer||1559||1625||
|Charles Emmanuel de Gorrevod, Duc de Pont-de-Vaux||1569||1625||
|Antoine de Lalaing, 4th Count of Hoogstraten||1588||1613||
|1614||Jean de Croy, Comte de Solre||1578||1640||
|rowspan=4|1615||Emmanuel Domingo Perez de Guzman, 8th Duke of Medina Sidonia||1579||1636||
|Gleriardus de Vergy, Comte de Champlite||1580||1630||
|Wolfgang William, Count Palatine of Neuburg||1578||1653||
|Wladyslaw, Crown Prince of Poland||1595||1648||later King Wladyslaw IV of Poland
|1616||Carlo Philiberto d'Este, Marquis d'Este||1571||1651||
|rowspan=5|1617||Paolo di Sangro, 2nd Prince of San Severo||1569||1624||
|Philippe Charles, Comte d'Arenberg||1587||1640||
|Charles-Alexandre de Croy, Marquis of Havré||1574||1624||
|Christophe de Rye de la Palu||?||1663||
|Wratislaw, Count of Fürstenberg||1548||1631||
|1618||Jean, Comte d'Ostfrise et Ritberg||1566||1625||
|1619||Christophe, Comte d'Ostfrise et d'Emden||1569||1636||
|rowspan=3|1620||John Ulrich, Prince of Eggenberg||1568||1634||
|Zdenko Adalbert Poppel, Prince of Lobkowicz||1568||1628||
|John George, Count of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen||1577||1623||
|rowspan=5|1621||Francisco Diego Lopez de Zuñiga, 7th Duke of Béjar||1596||1636||
|Charles de Lalaing, 5th Count of Hoogstraten||1569||1626||
|François Thomas d'Oyselet Perrenot de Granvelle||?||1629||
|Luis de Velasco, Count of Salazar||1559||1625||
|Guillaume de Melun, Prince of Espinoy||1580||1635||
|rowspan=2|1622||Charles I, Prince of Liechtenstein||1569||1627||
|Leonard Helfrid, Count of Meggau||?||1644||
|rowspan=2|1623||Infant Carlos of Spain||1607||1632||brother of King Philip IV
|Francis Christoph Khevenhüller, Count of Frankenburg||1588||1650||
|rowspan=11|1624||John III, Count of Nassau||1583||1638||
|Archibald Campbell, 7th Earl of Argyll
|Philippe de Rubempré, Comte de Vertaing||?||1639||
|Alexandre I, duc de Bournonville||1586||1656||
|Louis d'Egmont, Prince of Gavre||1596||1654||
|Alexandre, Prince of Arenberg and Chimay||1599||1629||
|Paolo Savelli, 1st Prince of Albano||?||1632||
|Honoré I, Prince of Monaco||1597||1662||
|Fabricio Carafa, Prince of La Roccella||?||?||
|Marino Caracciolo, 4th Prince of Avellino||1587||1630||
|Archduke Ferdinand of Austria
||1608||1657||later Emperor Ferdinand III
|1626||Archduke Leopold V of Austria||1586||1632||
|rowspan=4|1627||Alonso Fernández de Córdoba, 5th Duke of Feria||1588||1645||
|Karl, Count Harrach von Rohrau||1570||1628||
|Georg Ludwig, Count of Schwarzenberg||1586||1646||
|Tiberio Vincenzo del Bosco, 3rd Prince of Cattolica||?||1654||
|rowspan=11|1628||Albrecht von Wallenstein, Duke of Friedland
|Maximilian, Count of Sainte-Adelgonde||?||1635||
|Jean de Montmorency, Prince of Robecq||?||1631||
|Maximilien de Hennin, Count of Boussu||?||1635||
|Tiberio Carafa, 6th Prince of Bisignano||1580||1647||
|Johann Jakob, Count of Bronckhorst and Anholt||1580||1630||
|Ottavio Visconti, Count of Gamalerio||?||1632||
|Luis Fernández de Córdoba, 7th Duke of Cardona||1608||1670||
|Albert, Prince of Arenberg||1600||1674||
|Otto Heinrich Fugger, Count of Kirchberg
|Nicholas, Count Esterházy de Galántha||1582||1645||
|1629||Ramboldo, Count of Collalto
|1630||Philippe Lamoral de Gand, Count of Isenghien||1587||1631||
|rowspan=3|1631||Filippo Spinola, 2nd Marquis of Los Balbases
|Gottfried Heinrich Graf zu Pappenheim
|Adam von Waldstein||1570||1638||
|1633||Gianbattista de Capua, Prince of Caspoli||?||1634||
|rowspan=5|1634||Etoro Ravaschiero, Prince of Satriano||?||?||
|Paolo de Sangro, 4th Prince of San Severo||1605||1636||
|Ercole Teodoro Trivulzio, 2nd Prince Mussocco||1620||1664||
|Maximilian, Prince of Dietrichstein||1596||1655||
|Maximilian, Count of Trauttmansdorff-Weinsberg||1584||1650||
|1635||Archduke Ferdinand Karl of Austria||1628||1662||
|rowspan=4|1638||Claude de Lannoy
, Comte de la Motterie||1578||1643||
|Balthasar Carlos, Prince of Asturias||1629||1646||son of King Philip IV
|Francesco I d'Este, Duke of Modena||1610||1658||Brother-in-law of Maffeo Barberini (through his final marriage to Lucrezia Barberini
); also a Knight of the Golden Fleece.
|John II Casimir of Poland
|rowspan=4|1639||Siegfried Christoph von Breuner||?||1651||
|Rudolf von Tiefenbach
|William, Margrave of Baden-Baden||1593||1677||
|Francesco Maria Carafa
, 5th Duke of Nocera||?||1642||
|1642||Carlo de Tocco, Duke of Leucado||?||1674||
|rowspan=7|1644||Ottavio Piccolomini, 1st Duke of Amalfi||1599||1655||
|Philippe Balthazar de Gand||1617||1680||
|Wilhelm, Count of Slawata||1572||1652||
|Wenzel Poppel, Prince Lobkowicz||1609||1677||
|Anton Ulrich, Prince of Eggenberg||1610||1649||
|Heinrich Schlick, Count of Passau||?||1650||
|Francesco del Carretto, 2nd Marquis of Grana||?||1651||
|1645||Sigismund Ludwig, Count of Dietrichstein||?||1678||
|rowspan=6|1646||Philippe François, 1st Duke of Arenberg
|Eugène de Hennin Liétard, Count of Boussu||?||1656||
|Philippe François de Croy, Duke of Havré
|Claude Lamoral, Prince of Ligne
|Philippe d'Arenberg, Prince of Chimay||1619||1675||
|Eustache de Croy, Count of Roeulx||1609||1653||
|rowspan=2|1647||George Adam Borzitza, Count of Martinitz||1602||1651||
|John Louis, Count of Nassau||1590||1653||
|rowspan=3|1648||Juan Francisco Pimentel, 7th Duke of Benavente
|Nicolo Maria de Guzman, 7th Prince of Stigliano||?||1689||
|Heinrich Wilhelm von Starhemberg||1593||1675||
|rowspan=1|1649||Diego Fernandez Pacheco Portocarrero, 7th Duke of Escalona||1599||1653||
|rowspan=6|1650||Ferdinand IV, King of Hungary and Bohemia||1634||1654||son of Emperor Ferdinand III
|Paul von Palffy d'Erdödod, Palatine of Hungary||1589||1653||
|Johann Weikhard, Prince of Auersperg||1615||1677||
|Sigismondo Sfrodati, Marquis of Montafia||?||1652||
|Charles Albert de Longueval, Count of Bucquoy
|Johann Adolf, Count of Schwarzenberg||1615||1685||
|rowspan=4|1651||Luis de Moncada, 7th Duke of Montalto||1614||1672||
|Luis Ramon de Aragón, Duke of Cardona||1608||1670||
|Diego d'Aragon, 4th Duke of Terranova||1596||1663||
|Ferdinand del Carreto, Marquis of Grana||?||1651||
|rowspan=5|1653||Philip William, Count Palatine of Neuburg
|Georg Achaz, Count of Losenstein||1597||1653||
|Johann Franz Trautson, Count of Falkenstein||1609||1663||
|Marcantonio V Colonna
, 5th Prince of Paliano
||1606/10||1659||Father of Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna
and uncle of Maffeo Barberini; also Knights of the Golden Fleece.
|Francesco Filomarino, Prince of Rocca d'Aspro||1606||1659||
|rowspan=2|1654||Archduke Leopold of Austria
||1640||1705||later Emperor Leopold I. 1st head of the Austrian Branch of the Order from the King Charles II of Spain's death (1700) as heir of Philip the Good (House of Habsburg's Chief)
|Luis Ignacio Fernández de Córdoba, 6th Duke of Feria||1623||1665||
|rowspan=2|1655||Maximilian Adam von Waldstein||?||1654||
|Johann Maximilian von Lamberg||1608||1682||
|1656||Alonso Lopez de Zuniga, 8th Duke of Béjar||1621||1660||
|rowspan=7|1657||John Ferdinand, Count of Porcia||1605||1665||
|Bernard Borzita, Count of Martinitz, Palatine of Hungary||1603||1665||
|Annibal Gonzague, Prince of San Martino||1602||1668||
|Jean Christophe, Count of Pueccheim||?||1657||
|Charles d'Este, Marquis of Borgomanero||1622||1659||
|Niccolò Ludovisi
, Prince of Piombino||?||c. 1664||
|Philippe Emmanuel of Croy, Count of Solre||1611||1670||
|1658||Bernardino Savelli, 2nd Prince of Albano||1606||1658||
|rowspan=3|1659||Jules Savelli, 3rd Prince of Albano||1626||1712||
|Bernard Fabricio Pignatelli, 5th Duke of Monteleone||1606||1664||
|Francesco IV Caetani, 9th Duke of Sermoneta||1594||1683||
|rowspan=2|1661||John Francis, Prince of Nassau
|Ferdinand Bonaventura, Count of Harrach||1636||1706||
|rowspan=3|1662||Giovanni Battista Borghese, 2nd Prince of Sulmona||1639||1717||
|Francis, Count Wesselenyi of Hadad||1605||1667||
|Raimundo de Lencastre Manrique de Cardenas, 4th Duke of Aveiro||1620||1666||
|rowspan=6|1663||John, Count of Rottal||?||1674||
|George Louis, Count of Sinzendorf||1616||1681||
|Francesco Marino Caracciolo, 4th Prince of Avellino||1631||1674||
|Sigismund, Archduke of Austria, Count of Tyrol
|Francis Eusebius, Count of Pötting||?||1678||
|Philip II Caetani, 4th Prince of Caserta||1626||1687||
|rowspan=3|1664||Nicolas, Count of Zrin||1620||1664||
|Carl I. Ferdinand Montenari, Count of Montenari||1632||1689||
|Antonio Teodoro Trivulzio, 3rd Prince of Musocco||?||1678||
|rowspan=2|1665||Walther, Count of Leslie||1606||1667||
|Charles II, King of Spain
||1661||1700||Head of the Order from 1665 to 1700
|1667||Francis Albert, Count of Harrach||1614||1666||
|rowspan=8|1668||Manuel Diego Lopez de Zuniga, 10th Duke of Béjar||1657||1686||
|Philippe-Hippolyte Spinola, Comte de Bruay||1612||1670||
|Ferdinand James, Prince of Dietrichstein||1636||1698||
|Raimondo Montecuccoli
|Albert Francis de Croy, Count of Meghem||1615||1674||
|Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna
6th Duke of Paliano||1637||1689||Son of Marcantonio V Colonna
and cousin of Maffeo Barberini; both also Knights of the Golden Fleece.
|Marzio Carafa, 7th Duke of Maddaloni||?||?||
|Maffeo Barberini, Prince of Palestrina
||1631||1685||Brother-in-law (by the marriage of his sister, Lucrezia Barberini
) of Francesco I d'Este, Duke of Modena, also a Knight of the Golden Fleece.
|rowspan=4|1669||Balthasar Sarmiento de Mendoza, 5th Marquis of Camarasa||?||1715||
|Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki, King of Poland||1640||1673||
|Giovanni Battista Ludovisio, Prince of Piombino||1638||1699||
|Teobaldo, Marquis of Visconti, Count of Gallarate||?||1674||
| rowspan=7|1670||Charles Louis de Bauffremont, Marquis of Messimieux||?||1682||
|Juan Francisco de la Cerda, 8th Duke of Medinaceli||1637||1691||
|Pedro Nuño Colón de Portugal, 6th Duke of Veragua||1628||1673||
|Ettore Pignatelli d'Aragon, 6th Duke of Monteleone||1620||1674||
|Philip II, Count of Egmont and Prince of Gavre||1623||1682||
|Ferdinand Francis de Croy, Duke of Havré||1644||1694||
|Charles, Baron of Watteville and Marquis of Conflans||1638||1670||
| rowspan=2|1671||David Ungnad, Count of Weissenwolff||1604||1672||
|Julius Cesar Colonna, Prince of Carbognano||?||1681||
|rowspan=3|1672||John Hartwig, Count of Nostitz||1610||1683||
|Condacre, Count of Dietrichstein||1623||1690||
|Fernando Francisco de Avalos y Aquino, 10th Marquis of Pescara||?||1672||
|rowspan=3|1674||Alexander II, Duke of Bournoville and Count of Hennin||1616||1690||
|Juan de Velasco, 3rd Count of Salazar
|Albert, Count of Zinzendorff and Pottendorff||1618||1683||
|rowspan=13|1675||Charles Henri de Lorraine, Prince of Vaudémont||1642||1723||
|Carlantonio Spinelli, 5th Prince of Cariati||1645||1725||
|John Hubert, Count Czernin of Chudenicz||1628||1682||
|Leopold William, Count of Königsegg and Rothenfels||1630||1694||
|Charles Ferdinand, Count of Waldstein||1634||1702||
|Alexander Farnese, Prince of Parma
||1635||1689||Governor of the Habsburg Netherlands (1678–1682).
|Ernest Alexander of Arenberg, Prince of Chimay||1643||1686||
|Antonio Álvarez de Toledo y Pimentel, 7th Duke of Alba||1615||1690||
|Pedro II Manuel Colon y Portugal, 7th Duke of Veragua||1651||1710||
|André Fabrizio Pignatelli d'Aragona, 7th Duke of Monteleone||1640||1677||
|Antooine, Count of Trotti Bentivoglio||1627||1681||
|Eugene de Montmorency, Prince of Robecq||1615||1683||
|Jean Charles de Watteville, Marquis of Conflans||1628||1699||
|rowspan=6|1678||Othon Henri del Caretto, Marquis of Savona
|Charles V, Duke of Lorraine
|Charles, Count of Borromeo Arona||1657||1734||
|Cesar, Marquis of Visconti||1643||1716||
|Carlos de Aragon Borja y Gurrea, 9th Duke of Villahermosa||1634||1692||
|Charles Eugene, 2nd Duke of Arenberg
|1680||Antonio Alvarez de Toledo, 8th Duke of Alba||1627||1701||
|rowspan=6|1681||Conrad Balthazar, Count of Starhemberg||1648||1730||
||Sigismund Helfried II, Count of Dietrichstein||1635||1698||
|Giuseppe Branciforte, Prince of Pietraperia||?||1698||
|Francis Maximilian, Count of Mansfeld||1639||1692||
|Dominico Marzio Carafa, 8th Duke of Maddaloni||?||?||
|Paul I, 1st Prince Esterházy of Galántha
|rowspan=4|1682||Octavius Ignatius, Prince of Arenberg and Barbançon||1643||1693||
|John Ernest, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein||1637||1700||
|Jakub Ludwik Sobieski
||1667||1737||Crown Prince of Poland
|Ernest Rudiger, Count of Starhemberg||1638||1701||
|1683||Henri Francis Philip of Melun, Marquis of Richebourg||1627||1690||
|rowspan=3|1684||Francis Marie Carafa, 3rd Prince of Belvedere||?||1711||
|Henri Louis Ernest, Prince of Ligne||1644||1702||
|Francis Augustine, Count of Waldstein||1657||1734||
|rowspan=2|1685||Philippe Charles d'Arenberg, 3rd Duke of Arenberg||1663||1691||
|Henri Francis, Count of Mannsfeld and Prince of Fondi||1646||1715||
|rowspan=2|1686||John Francis, Count palatine, Duke of Bavaria||1658||1716||
|Juan Manuel Diego López de Zuniga, 11th Duke of Béjar||1680||1647||
|rowspan=17|1687||Archduke Joseph of Austria
||1678||1711||later Emperor Joseph I. Head of the Austrian order from 1705
|Eugene, Prince of Savoy
||Louis Ernest, Count of Egmont and Prince of Gavre||1665||1693||
|Iñigo Manuel Vélez de Guevara, 10th Count of Oñate||1642||1699||
|Juan Manuel López de Pacheco, 8th Duke of Escalona||1648||1725||
|Helmhard Christopher Ungnad, Count of Weissenwolff||1635||1702||
|Adolf Wratislas, Count of Sternberg||?||1703||
|Wolfgang Andreas Orsini, Count of Rosenberg||1626||1695||
|Amadeus, Count of Windisch-Graetz||1630||1695||
|Dominikus Andreas, Count of Kaunitz||1655||1705||
|Philip of Hennin, Count of Boussu and Prince of Chimay||1646||1688||
|Eugen Alexander Franz, 1st Prince of Thurn and Taxis
|Jaime de Silva Fernández, Duke of Hijar||c. 1623||1700||
|Eugene de Berghes, Prince of Rache||1624||1688||
|Urbano Barberini, 3rd Prince of Palestrina
||1666||1722||Son of Maffeo Barberini, also Knight of the Golden Fleece.
|Ferdinand Gaston Lamoral de Croy, Count of Roeulx||1660||1720||
|Luis Fernández de Córdoba, 7th Duke of Feria||1650||1690||
|rowspan=5|1688||Francis Charles Liebsteinsky, Count of Kolowrat||1620||1700||
|Francis, Count of Kinsky of Wchinitz and Tettau||1632||1699||
|John Quentin, Count of Jörger||1624||1705||
|Ferdinand, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1652||1703||
|Antoine Carafa, Count of Forli||1642||1693||
|1689||Filippo II Colonna
||1663||1714||Prince of Paliano and High Constable of Naples from 1689. Son of Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna
; also a Knight of the Golden Fleece.
|rowspan=2|1690||Leopold Joseph, Duke of Lorraine and Bar
|Manuel Fernández de Córdoba, 8th Duke of Feria||1679||1700||
|1691||Louis William, Margrave of Baden
|rowspan=2|1692||Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria
|Fernando de Castro Portugal, 11th Count of Lemos||1666||1741||
|1693||Gregorio de Silva y Mendoza, 9th Duke of Infantado||1640||1693||
|rowspan=14|1694||Charles-Louis de Hennin de Boussu, Prince de Chimay||1674||1740||
|Balthazar Naselli del Carillo, Prince of Aragona||?||1720||
|Joseph Mario Orsini, 3rd Duke of Paganica||?||?||
|Philippe François, Prince de Berghes||1646||1704||
|Francesco Caracciolo, 5th Prince of Avelino||1668||1720||
|Jean Philippe, Count of Mérode and Marquis de Westerloo||1674||1732||
|Christopher Leopold, Count of Schaffgotsch||1623||1703||
|Francis Joseph, Count (later Prince) of Lamberg||1637||1712||
|Hans Adam I, Prince of Liechtenstein||1656||1712||
|Jean Chrétien, Duke of Cromau and Prince of Eggenberg||1641||1710||
|Otto Honorius, Count of Abensperg-Traun||1644||1715||
|Philip Sigismund, Count of Dietrichstein||1651||1716||
|Enea, Count of Caprara||1631||1701||
|Charles III Philip of Bavaria, Elector Palatine of Rhin
|rowspan=5|1695||Antonio Francesco, Count of Collalto||1630||1696||
|Ferdinand Wenceslas Poppel, Count of Lobkowicz||?||1697||
|Cesar, Marquis of Vidoni||?||1772||
|Ferdinand Marquard, Count of Wartenberg||1673||1730||
|Iñigo de la Cruz Manrique de Lara, 11th Count of Aguilar||1673||1733||
|rowspan=12|1697||Aloys Thomas, Count of Harrach||1669||1742|| Viceroy of Naples
|Charles Carafa, 4th Prince of Belvedere||?||?||
||Archduke Charles of Austria
||1685||1740|| later Emperor Charles VI. Head of the Austrian order from 1711
|George Louis, Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt||1669||1705||
|John Siegfried, Duke of Cromau and Prince of Eggenberg||1644||1713||
|Anton Florian, Prince of Liechtenstein
|Leopold Ignacius, Prince of Montecuccoli||1662||1698||
|John Francis, Count of Wrbna and Freudenthal||1643||1705||
|Siegfried Christopher, Count of Breuner||?||1698||
|Maximilian, Count of Thun||1638||1701||
|George Adam, Count of Martinitz-Borzita||?||1714||
|Augustus II, King of Poland
|rowspan=6|1698||Ferdinand Augustus Poppel, Prince of Lobkowicz||1655||1715||
|Octavius, Marquis of Cavriani||?||?||
|Nicolas Placido Branciforte, Prince of Pietrapercia||?||?||
|John Leopold, Prince of Trautson and Count of Falkenstein||1659||1724||
|Charles Ernest, Count of Waldstein||1661||1713||
|Leopold Ignatius, Prince of Dietrichstein||1660||1708||
|rowspan=3|1699||Francis Taffe, Count of Carlingfort||1639||1704||
|Côme Claude d'Ognies, Count of Coupigny||1646||1709||
|Wenceslaus Albert, Count of Sternberg||?||1708||
|rowspan=12|1700||Cesar of Avalos and Aquino, 12th Marquis of Pescara||1667||1729||
|Charles Henri of Melun, Marquis of Richebourg||1670||1634||
|Philippe Antoine, Prince of Rubempré||1650||1707||
|Charles Emmanuel of Watteville, Marquis of Conflans||1656||1728||
|Domenico d'Acquaviva et d'Aragon, comte de Conversano|| ?|| ?||
|Leopold Philip, 4th Duke of Arenberg||1690||1754||
|Ferdinand Gravina and Cruyllas, 4th Prince of Palagoinia||?||1736||
|Ernest Frederic, Count of Windisch-Graetz||1670||1727||
|Leopold Joseph, Count of Lamberg||1653||1706||
|Joseph Matthias, Count of Lamberg||1667||1711||
|Charles, Count of Archinto||1670||1732||
|Charles Thomas de Lorraine, Prince of Commercy and Vaudémont||1670||1704||
|rowspan=6|1701||Philip V, King of Spain
||1682||1746||Grandnephew of King Charles II of Spain. 1st head of the Spanish Branch of the Order from the King's death as his successor.
|Charles, Duke of Berry||1686||1714||
|Philip I, Duke of Orléans||1640||1701||
|Paul de Saint-Aignan, Duke of Beauvilliers||1648||1714||
|Philippe II, Duke of Orléans
||1674||1723||Regent of France
|Charles Albert of Bavaria
||1697||1745||later Elector of Bavaria and Emperor Charles VII
|rowspan=6|1702||Adrien Maurice,Duke of Noailles||1678||1766||
|Albert Alfred, Count then Prince of Serclaes-Tilly||1646||1715||
|Antonio Buoncompagni Ludovisi Ruffo, 5th Duke of Sora, Prince of Piombino||1658||1731||
|Giovanni, Geronimo Acquaviva d'Aragona, 15th Duke of Atri||1663||1709||
|Louis François d'Harcourt, Count of Beuvron||1677||1714||
|Louis Joseph de Bourbon, Duke of Vendôme||1654||1712||
|rowspan=2|1703||Jean François de Bette, Marquis of Lede
|Louis François, Duke of Boufflers||1644||1711||
|rowspan=2|1704||Louis Alexandre de Bourbon, Count of Toulouse
|James FitzJames, 1st Duke of Berwick and Liria
|rowspan=2|1705||Jean Frédéric, Count of Autel||1645||1716||
|Antoine Charles, Duke of Gramont
|rowspan=4|1706||Procope François, Count of Egmont and Prince of Gavre||1664||1707||
|Maximilian Gaëtan, Count of Toerring Seefeld||1670||1752||
|Alphonse Donimique François, Prince of Berghts||?||1720||
|Victor Marie, Duke of Estrées||1660||1737||
|rowspan=4|1707||Charles Antoine, Duke of Croy-Havré||1683||1710||
|Francisco Fernández de la Cueva, 10th Duke of Alburquerque
|Francisco Pío de Saboya, 6th Marquis of Castel Rodrigo||1672||1723||
|Alexandre Maître, Marquis de Bay
|1708||Francis II Rákóczi, Prince of Transylvania
|rowspan=5|1709||Victor Amadeus Ferrero Fieschi, Prince of Masserano||1687||1743||
|Marcello de Ceva Grimaldi||?||?||
|Jacques Antoine de Bauffremont||c. 1682||1710||
|Michel Joseph, duc de Bournonville Michel Joseph, Duke of Bournonville||1672||1752||
|Giosia Acquaviva d'Aragona, 16th Duke of Atri||1680||1710||
|rowspan=2|1710||Jacques Bazin, Count of Bezons||1645||1733||
|Domenico Acquaviva d'Aragona, 17th Duke of Atri||1689||1745||
|rowspan=3|1711||Anne Auguste de Montmorency, Prince of Robecq||1680||1745||
|Louis Bénigne, Marquis of Bauffremont and Prince de Listenois||1684||1755||
|Jean Louis, Marquis of Arpajon||1669||1750||
|rowspan=2|1712||Jean Baptiste Ducasse||1646||1715||
|Procope Charles Nicolas Augustin Pignatelli, Count of Egmont and Prince of Gavre||1703||1743||
|rowspan=3|1713||Louis, Marquis of Brancas and Prince of Nisaro
|Louis Hector, Marquis later Duke of Villars
|Cristóbal Gregorio Portocarrero, 5th Count of Montijo||1692||1763||
|rowspan=3|1714||Rostaino Cantelmo Stuart, 8th Duke of Popoli and Prince of Pettorano||1655||1723||
|James Francis Fitz-James Stuart, 2nd Duke of Berwick, Liria and Jérica||1696||1738||son of James FitzJames, 1st Duke of Berwick
|Louis Pierre Maximilien de Béthune, duc de Sully||1685||1761||
|rowspan=3|1715||Francis Immanuel Ignatius, Prince of Nassau-Siegen||1678||1735||
|Louis Henri d'Harcourt, Count (later Marquis) of Beuvron||1682||1746||
|Claude Francis Bidal, Marquis of Asfeld||1667||1743||
|1716||Claude Abraham de Tubières de Grimoard de Pestel de Lévis, Duke of Caylus
||c. 1672||1759||
|rowspan=4|1717||Louis, Prince of Asturias
||1707||1724||later King Louis of Spain. Head of the order in 1724
|Lelio Carafa, Marquis of Arienzo||?||1762||
|Charles Grillo||?||1724||
|Stefano Mari Centurioni, Marquis of Mari||?||1749||
|1721||Jean Baptiste Louis Andrault, Marquis of Maulévrier Langeron||1677||1754||
|rowspan=2|1722||Louis de Rouvroy, Duke of Saint-Simon
|Philippe Charles, Marquis of La Fare||1685||1782||
|rowspan=3|1723||Infante Ferdinand of Spain
||1713||1759||later King Ferdinand VI of Spain. Head of the order from 1746
|Infante Charles of Spain
||1716||1788||later Duke Charles I of Parma, King Charles VII of the Two Sicilies and III of Spain. Head of the order from 1759
|Infante Philip of Spain
||1720||1765||later Duke Philip of Parma
|rowspan=13|1724||Nicolás Fernández de Córdoba, 10th Duke of Medinaceli and Feria||1682||1739||
|Hyacinthe Boutin, Marquis of Valouse||1671||1736||
|Francesco Maria Pico, 3rd Duke of la Mirandola||1688||1747||
|Mercurio Antonio López Pacheco, 9th Marquis of Villena, 9th Duke of Escalona and Count of Santisteban de Gorma||1679||1738||
|Domingo María Carlos de Guzman el Bueno, 13th Duke of Medinasidonia||1691||1739||
|Antonio Arduino||?||1731||
|Alfonso Fernández Manrique de Lara, 1st Duke of Arco||?||1737||
|José Grimaldi, Marquis of Grimaldi||1660||1733||
|Álvaro Benavides Bazán, 7th Marquis of Santa Cruz||?||1737||
|Annibal, Marquis of Scotti||?||1752||
|Jacques Antoine de Bauffremont||c. 1682||1710||
|Louis d'Orléans, Duke of Orléans||1703||1752||
|Louis Henri, Duke of Bourbon, Enghien and Prince of Condé||1692||1740||
|1725||René de Froulay Count de Tessé
|1727||Francesco de Evoli, Duke of Castropignano||?||1758||
|1728||Rodrigo Ignacio de Saa Almeida y Meneses, 7th Count of Penaguiaon||?||1733||
|rowspan=2|1732||José Carrillo de Albornoz, Count (later Duke) of Montemar||1671||1747||
|José Patiño
|1734||Marie François Henri de Franquetot, Count of Coigny||1670||1759||
|1735||Infante Louis Antonio of Spain||1727||1785||Cardinal Archbishop of Toledo and Seville, later Count of Chinchón
|rowspan=2|1736||Gaetano Boncompagni Ludovisi, 6th Duke of Sora and Prince of Piombino||1706||1777||
|Honoré Armand, Duke of Villars and Prince of Martigues||1702||1770||
|rowspan=3|1737||Ambrose Spinola de la Cerda y Colonna, 5th Marquis of los Balbases and Duke of Sesto||?||1757||
|Miguel Reggio Branciforte||?||?||
|José Armendáriz, 1st Marquis of Castelfuerte||1665||1749||
|rowspan=7|1738||Pedro Cebrián, Count of Fuenclara||1687||1752||
|Jaime Miguel de Guzmán de Avalos y Spinola, Marquis of la Mina, Duke of Palata and Prince of Masa
|Giuseppe Sforza Cesarini Savelli, Duke of Sforza Cesarini, Count of Chinchon and Duke of Segni||1705||1744||
|Nicola Sangro||1678||1750||
|Louis Jean Marie, Duke of Penthièvre||1725||1793||
|Andrés López Pacheco, 10th Marquis of Villena and 10th Duke of Escalona||1710||1746||
|Albert, Duke of Saxe-Teschen
|rowspan=4|1739||Louis XV, King of France
|Louis, Dauphin of France||1729||1765||
|Louis Pierre Engelbert, Count of la Marck||1707||1724||
|Marino Francesco Carriciolo, 7th Prince of Avellino||1714||1773||
|1740||Count Stanislas Jablonowski||1692||1754||
|rowspan=2|1742||Maximilian III, Duke and Elector of Bavaria
|Charles Louis César Auguste Fouquet, Duke of Belle-Isle||1684||1761||
|1743||Melchor de Solis y Gante, Duke of Astrito and Marquis of Valladares||?||1752||
|rowspan=3|1745||Jean Bonaventure Dumont, Count of Gages||1682||1753||
|Domenico Marzio Carafa, 9th Duke of Maddaloni and Prince of la Guardia||1672||1750||
|Louis de Brancas, Duke of Lauraguais||1714||1793||
|rowspan=4|1746||Fernando de Silva Mendoza y Toledo, 12th Duke of Alba
|Philippe de Noailles, Duke of Mouchy and Prince of Poix||1715||1794||
|Sebastián Antonio de Guzmán y Spinola Enríquez Colonna, 5th Marquis of Montealegre||1683||1757||
|Francisco Fernández de la Cueva y de la Cerda, 11th Duke of Alburquerque||1692||1757||
|1747||Infante Felipe, Duke of Calabria||1747||1777||son of King Charles VII of the Two Sicilies (later Charles III of Spain) excluded from succession to the throne due to his imbecility.
|1748||Luis Antonio Fernández de Córdoba Spinola y la Cerda, 10th Marquis of Priego, Duke of Medinaceli and Feria||1704||1768||
|rowspan=2|1749||Infante Charles of Spain
||1748||1819||later King Charles IV of Spain. Head of the Order from 1788 to 1808
|Clement, Duke of Bavaria and Count Palatine
|rowspan=5|1750||Luc Spinola, Count of Sirvela||?||1750||
|Zenón de Somodevilla y Bengoechea, Marquis of Ensenada
|Fadrique Vicente Álvarez de Toledo Osorio y Pimentel, 9th Marquis of Villafranca del Bierzo, Duke of Fernandina and Montalto, Prince of Paternò||1686||1753||
|José de Carvajal y Lancaster
|Joaquín Diego López de Zuñiga, 12th Duke of Béjar and Marquis of Gibraleón||1715||1777||
|rowspan=2|1751||Ferdinand, Prince of Parma
||1751||1802||later Duke of Parma
|Infante Ferdinand of Spain
||1751||1725||later King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies (IV of Naples and III of Sicily)
|rowspan=5|1752||Infante Gabriel of Spain||1752||1788||son of King Charles VII of the Two Sicilies (later Charles III of Spain)
|Louis Philippe, Duke of Chartres
||1725||1785||later Duke Louis Philippe I of Orléans
|Victor Amadeus Ferrero Fieschi, Prince of Masserano||1713||1777||
|Francis Gonzague Pico de la Mirandola y Este, Prince of Mantua||1684||1758||
|Domingo Cattaneo della Volta, Prince of San Nicandro and Duke of Termoli||1697||1782||
|rowspan=3|1753||François Jose de Bournonville, Duke of Bournonville||1710||1769||
|Antonio Álvarez de Toledo, 10th Marquis of Villafranca, Duke of Fernandina and Montalto||1716||1773||
|Pedro de Alcántara Alonso Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno, 14th Duke of Medinasidonia and 17th Count of Niebla||1724||1777||
|1754||Louis, Duke of Burgundy ||1751||1761||son of Louis, Dauphin of France
|1755||Lorenzo Colonna, 9th Prince of Paliano and Tagliacozzo, Prince of Castiglione||1723||1779||
|rowspan=2|1756||Infante Anthony of Spain||1755||1817||son of King Charles VII of the Two Sicilies (later Charles III of Spain)
|Pedro Pablo Abarca de Bolea, 10th Count of Aranda
|1757||Infante Francisco of Spain||1757||1771||son of King Charles III of Spain;
|1758||José Maria de Guzmán Guevara, 6th Marquis of Montealegre and 13th Count of Oñate||?||1781||
|rowspan=4|1761||Louis, Duke of Berry
||1754||1793||later King Louis XVI of France
|Charles Philip, Count of Artois
||1757||1836||later King Charles X of France
|Joaquin Anastase Pignatelli d'Aragona, 16th Count of Fuentes, 2nd Duke of Solferino||1724||1776||
|Etienne François, Duke of Choiseul
|1762||Nicolás de Carvajal y Lancáster, Marquis of Sarria||?||1770||
|rowspan=4|1764||José Fernández de Miranda, 1st Duke of Losada||1706||1783||
|Luis Manuel Laso de la Vega, Marquis of Miranda and Duke of Arco||?||1768||
|Antonio de Venavides y de la Cueva, Duke of Santisteban||1726||1782||
|Antonio Ponce de León y Spinola la Cerda, 11th Duke of Arcos and Nájera||1726||1780||
|rowspan=2|1765||Paolo Jeronimo Grimaldi Pallavicini, Duke of Grimaldi||1710||1789||
|John Clement, Count of Branicki||1689||1771||
|rowspan=4|1767||Casimir Pignatelli, Count of Egmont and Prince of Gavre||1727||1801||
|Jean Juste Ferdinand, Prince of Croy-Havré and Count of Priego||1716||1790||
|Jose Bonano Filangieri del Bosco, Prince of Rocafiorita and Cattolica||?||?||
|Louis, Count of Provence
||1755||1824||later King Louis XVIII of France
|1768||Joaquín Manrique de Zuñiga, Count of Baños and Marquis of Leyva||?||1783||
|1770||Michele Imperiali Simeana, Prince of Francavilla||1719||1782||
|rowspan=3|1771||Infante Charles Clement of Spain||1771||1774||son of Charles, Prince of Asturias (Charles IV of Spain)
|Alonso Vicente de Solís Folch de Cardona, Duke of Montellano||?||1780||
|José Joaquín de Silva Bazán y Sarmiento, 9th Marquis of Santa Cruz||1734||1802||
|rowspan=5|1772||Pedro de Alcántara Fernández de Córdoba, 12th Duke of Medinaceli||1730||1789||
|Ventura Osorio de Moscoso y Guzmán, 14th Marquis of Astorga and Duke of Sesa||1732||1776||
|Andrés Téllez Girón, Duke of Uceda||1728||1780||
|Emmanuel Félicité, Count of Durfort and Duke of Duras||1715||1789||
|Joaquín Antonio de Palafox y Rebolledo, Marquis of Ariza||?||1775||
|1773||Louis, Prince of Parma
,||1773||1803||later King of Etruria
|1775||Prince Carlo Tito of Naples||1775||1778||son of King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies
|1777||Prince Francis of Naples
||1777||1830||later King Francis I of the Two-Sicilies
|rowspan=9|1779||Infante Carlos Eusebio of Spain||1779||1783||son of Charles, Prince of Asturias (Charles IV of Spain)
|Bartolomeo de Capua, 20th Count of Altavilla, Duke of Airola, Prince of Riccia||?||?||
|Pedro Téllez Girón, 8th Duke of Osuna||1728||1787||
|Pascual Benito Belvis de Moncada, 3rd Marquis of Belgida and San Juan de Piedras Albos||1727||1781||
|Vicente Manrique de Zúñiga, Marquis of Aguilafuente and Count of Aguilar||?||?||
|Pedro de Alcántara Fadrique Fernández de Híjar, 10th Duke of Híjar||?||1794||
|Diego Ventura de Guzmán Fernández de Córdoba, 7th Marquis of Montealegre and Duke of Nájera||c.1730||1805||
|Fausto Francisco de Palafox y Rebolledo, Marquis of Ariza||?||?||
|Jean Louis Paul de Noailles, Count of Ayen||1739||1824||later Duke of Ayen
|rowspan=3|1780||Pierre Pual, Marquis of Ossun||1713||1788||
|Filippo Colonna, 10 Duke of Paliano||1760||1818||
|Prince Carlo Gennaro of Naples||1780||1789||son of King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies
|1781||Prince Giuseppe of Naples||1781||1783||son of King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies
|rowspan=6|1783||Carlos José Gutiérrez de los Ríos, 6th Count of Fernan Nuñez||1742||1795||
|Armand Marc, Count of Montmorin de Saint-Herem||1745||1794||
|Philip, Prince of Parma||1783||1786||son of Ferdinand, Duke of Parma
|Louis Pierre Nolasque Berton des Balbes, Marquis of Crillon||1717||1796||
|Infante Charles Francis of Spain||1783||1784||son of Charles, Prince of Asturias (Charles IV of Spain)
|Infante Philip Francis of Spain||1783||1784||son of Charles, Prince of Asturias (Charles IV of Spain)
|1784||Infante Ferdinand of Spain||1784||1833||later King Ferdinand VII of Spain. Head of the order from 1808
|rowspan=5|1785||José, Prince of Brazil||1761||1788||son of Queen Maria I of Portugal
|Infante John of Portugal
||1769||1826||later King John VI of Portugal
|Henri de Meneses, Count of Ericeyra and Marquis de Lourizal||?||?||
|Philippe Louis Marc de Noailles, Prince of Poix||1752||1819||
|Joaquín Antonio de Palafox y Rebolledo, Marquis of Ariza||?||1775||
|1786||Infante Peter Charles Anthony of Spain||1786||1812||son of Gabriel de Borbón
|rowspan=2|1788||Infante Carlos of Spain
||1775||1855||First Carlist Claimant to the Throne of Spain
|Carlo, Duke of Calabria
||1788||1789||son of King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies
|rowspan=16|1789||Infante Charles John of Spain||1788||1789||son of Gabriel de Borbón
|Felipe López Pacheco de la Cueva, 10th Marquis de Villena, Moya and 12th Duke of Escalona||1727||1798||
|Salatore Montaperto Uberti Branciforte, Prince of Raffadali||?||1801||
|Manuel José Pacheco Téllez Girón y Toledo||1732||1794||
|Cristobal Pío Funes de Villapandro, Count of Atares||?||?||
|Pedro Francisco Lujan Silva, Duke of Almodóvar||1727||1789||
|Judas Tadeo Fernández de Miranda, 5th Marquis of Valdecarzana||?||1810||
|Juan de Silva Rabatta, 14th Count of Cifuentes||?||1792||
|Paul François de Quélen, Prince of Carency and Duke of Vauguyon||1746||1728||
|Luis María Fernández de Córdoba, Duke of Santisteban, 13th Duke of Medinaceli||1749||1806||
|Vicente Joaquín Osorio de Moscoso, 15th Marquis of Astorga, 11th Count of Altamira, Prince of Aracena and Duke of Sesa||1756||1816||
|Juan Pablo de Aragón Azlor y Zapata de Calatayud, 11th Duke of Villahermosa, Duke of Palata and Count of Real||1730||1790||
|Louis Henri, Duke of Bourbon||1756||1830||
|Charles Roger, Prince of Bauffremont-Listenois||1713||1795||
|Andrea IV Doria-Pamphili-Landi
, Marquis of Torriglia and Melfi||1747||1820||
|Miguel José de la Cueva Velasco, 13th Duke of Alburquerque and 4th Marquis of Mina||1743||1803||
|rowspan=3|1790||Diego Fernández de Velasco, 13th Duke of Frías and Uceda, Count of Alba and Lista||1754||1811||
|Diego de Noronha||?||?||
|Joseph Anne Auguste, Duke of Croy-Havré||1744||1839||
|rowspan=5|1791||Francesco Augusto Cattaneo, Duke of Termoli and 4th Prince of San Nicandro||1721||1791||
|José María Álvarez de Toledo, 15th Duke of Medinasidonia, Fernandina and Montalto||1756||1796||
|José Monino, Count of Floridablanca
|Aususto Cattaneo, Duke of Termoli and 5th Prince of San Nicandro||1754||1824||
|Infante Philip Maria of Spain||1792||1894||son of King Charles IV of Spain
|rowspan=2|1792||Maximilian, Prince of Saxony
|Manuel de Godoy, Prince of the Peace
|rowspan=7|1794||Infante Francisco de Paula of Spain
||1794||1865||son of King Charles IV of Spain
|Antonio Sebastiano Ferrero Fieschi, Prince of Masserano||1760||1826||
|Vicente María de Palafox, Marquis of Ariza||?||?||
|Vicenzo Maria de Vera Aragon, Duke of la Rocca||?||?||
|Francisco María del Castillo Horcasitas, Marquis of Villadarias||?||?||
|Pedro Téllez-Girón, 9th Duke of Osuna||1755||1807||
|Pablo de Sangro, Prince of Castelfranco||1760||1826||
|rowspan=3|1795||Marquis of Oyra||?||?||
|Miguel de la Grúa Talamanca, 1st Marquis of Branciforte||?||?||
|Francis Anthony Pius, Prince of Beira||1795||1801||son of King John VI of Portugal
|rowspan=2|1796||Luis Pinto de Sousa||?||?||
|Antonio de Valdés y Fernández de Bazán||1744||1816||
|1798||Bruno Domingo Simon, Count of Lalaing||1739||?||
|rowspan=2|1799||Juan Manuel Álvarez de Faria y Sánchez de Zarzosa||1794||1865||
|Charles, Prince of Parma
||1760||1826||later King of Etruria, Duke of Lucca and Parma
|1801||Peter of Portugal, Prince of Beira||1798||1834||later Emperor Peter I of Brazil
|rowspan=3|1802||Prince Leopoldo Giovanni of the Two Siciles||1790||1851||son of King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies
|Sir John Acton, Bt.
|Carlo Maria Caracciolo, Duke of San Teodoro||1764||1823||
|1804||Infant Miguel of Portugal
||1802||1866||later King Miguel of Portugal
|rowspan=8|1805||Napoleon I, Emperor of the French
|Joseph Bonaparte
||1768||1844||later King of Naples and Spain
|Louis Bonaparte
||1778||1846||later King of Holland
|Felice Baciocchi, Prince of Lucca and Piombino||1762||1841||
|Camillo Borghese, Prince of Sulmona and Rossano
|Joseph, Cardinal Fesch
|Joachim Murat
||1767||1815||later King of Naples
|Eugène de Beauharnais
||1781||1824||Viceroy of Italy
|1812||Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, Prince of Waterloo, Duke of Ciudad Rodrigo and Marquis of Vimeiro
|rowspan=10|1814||José Miguel de Carvajal, 2nd Duke of San Carlos||1771||1828||
|Alexander I, Emperor of Russia
|Frederick William III, King of Prussia
|George, Prince of Wales
||1762||1830||Prince Regent of United Kingdom, later King George IV of the United Kingdom and Hanover
|Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, Prince of Talleyrand and Benevente||1754||1838||
|William, Hereditary Prince of Orange
||1792||1849||later King William II of the Netherlands
|Louis-Antoine, Duke of Angoulême
|Charles-Ferdinand, Duke of Berry
|Charles XIII, King of Sweden
|Carlos Gutiérrez de los Ríos Fernández de Córdoba, Count (later Duke) of Fernan-Nuñez and Montellano||1779||1827||
|rowspan=12|1816||Pedro de Ceballos||1764||1840||
|Dmitriy Tatistcheff||1767||1845||Russian diplomat
|William I, King of the Netherlands
|Juan de la Cruz Belvis de Moncada, Marquis of Belgida||1756||1835||
|Pedro de Alcántara Álvarez de Toledo, Count of Miranda and Duke Peneranda||?||?||
|Ignacio Ciro de Ortega y Lazcano, Marquis of Valmediano||?||?||
|Francisco de Meneses Silveira y Castro, Marquis of Vallada||?||?||
|Francisco de Paula Fernández de Córdoba, 18th Count of la Puebla del Maestre||1763||1824||
|Nicola Caetano Jose Centurioni e Vera, Marquis of la Lapilla||?||?||
|Francisco de Borja Idiaquez de Palafox, Duke of Granada and Ega||?||?||
|Pedro de Alcántara de Toledo, 13th Duke of Infantado||1773||1841||
|Joaquín Antonio Samaniego, Count of Torrejón and Marquis of Valverde||1769||?||
|rowspan=6|1817||Constantine, Tsesarevich and Grand Duke of Russia
|Grand Duke Nicholas Pavlovich of Russia
||1796||1855||later Emperor Nicholas I of Russia
|Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich of Russia
||1798||1849||son of Emperor Paul I of Russia
|Antonio María Ponce de León, Duke of Montemar||?||?||
|Augustin Pedro González Telmo Fernández de Híjar, Duke of Híjar||?||?||
|Antonio Rocaberti de Dameto, Count of Peralada and Viscount of Rocaberti||?||?||
|rowspan=4|1818||Infante Carlos Luis of Spain||1818||1861||Second Carlist Claimant to the throne of Spain, Count of Montemolin
|Frederick William, Prince of Prussia
||1795||1861||later King Frederick William IV of Prussia
|Frederick VI, King of Denmark
|Ramón San Martín, Marquis of San Martin||1764||?||
|rowspan=6|1819||Antoine Claude de Noailles, Duke of Mouchy||1777||1846||
|Fulco Ruffo di Calabria, 8th Prince of Scilla||1773||1852||
|Tommaso Maria di Somma, 9th Marquis of Circello||1737||1826||
|Frederick Augustus I, King of Saxony
|Francisco Ramón de Spes Fernández de Córdoba, Duke of Alagón||1758||1841||
|Valentín Carlos, Marquis de Villanueva del Duero, Count of Villariezo||?||?||
|rowspan=2|1820||Infante Francis of Spain||1820||1821||son of Infante Francisco de Paula of Spain
|Luis María de Borbón y Vallabriga, 14th Count of Chinchón||1777||1823||Archbishop of Seville and Toledo, Cardinal.
|rowspan=3|1821||José Gabriel Bazán de Silva, 10th Marquis of Santa Cruz||1782||1839||
|Ferdinand, Duke of Noto
||1810||1859||later Ferdinand II of the Two-Siciles
|Anne Pierre, Prince of Montmorency-Laval||1768||1837||
|rowspan=3|1822||Infante Francis of Spain
||1822||1902||Duke of Cádiz, later King Consort of Spain
|Infante Juan Carlos of Spain
||1822||1887||son of Infante Carlos of Spain, the first Carlist Claimant
|Charles XIV John, King of Sweden
|rowspan=10|1823||Ferdinand Charles, Prince of Lucca
||1823||1854||later Duke Charles III of Parma
|Infante Enrique of Spain
||1823||1870||son of the Infante Francisco de Paula, youngest son of King Charles IV of Spain. Later Duke of Seville
|Joaquín José Melgarejo de Ruiz Dávalos, Duke of San Fernando||?||?||
|Charles Albert, Prince of Savoy-Carignan
||1798||1849||later King of Sardinia
|Louis Justin, Marquis of Talaru||1773||1850||
|Infante Sebastian of Spain||1813||1875||son of Teresa, Princess of Beira and Infante Pedro Carlos of Spain
|Carlo Andrea Pozzo di Borgo
||1764||1842||Russian diplomat
|Henri, Duke of Bordeaux
||1820||1883||later the French legitimist pretender, count of Chambord
|Jean Baptiste Guillaume, Count of Villèle||1773||1854||
|François, Viscount of Chateaubriand||1768||1848||
|rowspan=5|1824||Pedro de Sousa Holstein, Duke of Palmella||1781||1850||
|Charles Robert, Count of Nesselrode||1780||1862||the Russian foreign minister
|Christian Gunther, Count of Bernstorff||1769||1835||
|Infante Ferdinand of Spain||1824||1861||son of the Infante Carlos of Spain, the first Carlist Claimant
|Paul, Duke of Noailles and Ayen||1802||1885||
|1825||Prince John of Saxony
||1801||1873||later King John I of Saxony
|rowspan=5|1826||Infante Edward Philip of Spain||1826||1830||
|Charles, Prince of Capua||1811||1862||son of King Francis I of the Two-Sicilies
|Leopold, Count of Syracuse||1813||1860||son of King Francis I of the Two-Sicilies
|Grand Duke Alexander Nikolayevich of Russia
||1818||1881||later Emperor Alexander II of Russia
|Antonio, Count of Lecce||1814||1843||son of King Francis I of the Two-Sicilies
|1827||José Antonio Aragon y Azlor, 12th Duke of Villahermosa, Duke of Palata and Count of Real||1785||1852||
|rowspan=7|1829||Vicenze Maria Grifeo, Duke of Floridia, Prince of Partanna||?||?||
|Luigi de' Medici dei Principi de Ottajano||1760||1830||
|Donato, Marquis Tommasi and Casaliecho||?||?||
|Pedro Gómez Labrador, Marquis of Labrador
|José Rafael Fadrique Fernández de Híjar, 13th Duke of Híjar||?||1863||
|Francisco Castaños, 1st Duke of Bailén||1758||1852||
|Francisco Tadeo Calomarde, Duke of Santa Isabel
|rowspan=3|1830||Auguste Pierre, Count of La Ferronays||1777||1842||
|Louis, Duke of Aquila||1824||1897||
|Francis, Count of Trapani||1827||1892||
|rowspan=2|1832||Girolamo, Marquis Ruffo||?||?||
|Prudencio de Guadalfajara, Duke of Castroterrano||?||?||
|rowspan=2|1834||William IV, King of the United Kingdom and Hanover
|Louis Philippe, King of the French
|rowspan=6|1835||Leopold I, King of the Belgians
|Augustus, Prince of Leuchtenberg||1810||1835||1st husband of Queen Maria II of Portugal
|Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil
|Otto, King of the Hellenes
|Bernardino José López Pacheco, 14th Duke of Frías||1783||1851||
|Ferdinand Philippe, Duke of Orléans and Prince Royal of France
|1837||Ferdinand II, King-consort of Portugal
||1816||1885||2nd husband of Queen Maria II of Portugal
|rowspan=6|1838||Miguel Tacón, Duke of la Unión and Cuba||1775||1855||
|Fernando de Aguillara, Marquis of Cerralbo||?||?||
|Napoléon Louis de Talleyrand-Périgord, Duke of Valençay||1811||1898||
|Juan Baptista de Queralt y Silva, Count of Santa Coloma||?||?||
|Nicolas Jean de Dieu Soult
|Manuel Pando Fernandez de Pinedo, 2nd Marquis of Miraflores||1792||1872||
|rowspan=2|1840||Christian VIII, King of Denmark
|Baldomero Espartero, Regent of Spain and Prince of Vergara
|1841||Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Prince Consort of the United Kingdom||1819||1861||
|1842||William Alexander, Prince of Orange
||1817||1890||later King William III of the Netherlands
|rowspan=3|1843||Salustiano de Olózaga||1803||1873||
|Louis, Duke of Nemours
||1814||1896||second son of the King Louis Philippe of the French
|Diego Isidro Guzmán de la Cerda, 8th Marquis of Montealegre, Duke of Nájera||?||1849||
|rowspan=3|1844||François Guizot
||1787||1874||Prime Minister of France
|Oscar I, King of Sweden
|Francis, Duke of Calabria
||1836||1894||later King Francis II of the Two Sicilies
|1845||Henri, Duke of Aumale
|rowspan=5|1846||Eugène Lamoral, Prince of Ligne||1804||1880||
|Augustín Fernández Muñoz, Duke of Riansares
|Antoine, Duke of Montpensier
||1824||1890||youngest son of the King Louis Philippe of the French; husband of the Infanta Luisa, sister of Queen Isabella II of Spain
|François, Prince of Joinville||1818||1900||
|Pedro, Crown Prince of Portugal
||1837||1861||later King Pedro V of Portugal
|rowspan=2|1847||Ramón María Narváez y Campos, 1st Duke of Valencia
|José María Osorio de Mosco de Carvajal, 17th Duke of Sessa, 19th Duke of Trastamara and 14th Count of Altamira||1828||1881||
|1848||Frederick VII, King of Denmark
|1849||Juan Roca de Togores, 3rd Count of Pinohermoso||1801||1883||
|1850||Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, President of the French Republic
||1808||1873||later Napoleon III, Emperor of the French. Co-Prince of Andorra.
|rowspan=2|1851||Francisco Martinez de la Rosa
|Joaquín Fernández de Córdoba, 6th Duke of Arion||1787||1871||
|rowspan=6|1852||Francisco Javier de Istúriz||1790||1871||
|Nicolás de Osorio y Zayas, 16th Marquis of Alcañices, 15th Duke of Albuquerque and 15th Duke of Ledesma||1793||1866||
|Juan Bravo Murillo
|Albert Edward, Prince of Wales
||1841||1910||later King Edward VII of the United Kingdom, Emperor of India
|Louis, Count of Trani||1838||1886||
|Charles Louis, Count of Ficquelmont and of the Holy Roman Empire||1777||1857||heir from a prominent noble family
from Lorraine, former imperial ambassador
and former Minister-President
of the Austrian Empire
|1853||William, Prince of Prussia
||1797||1888||later King William I of Prussia and German Emperor
|1854||Robert, Duke of Parma||1848||1907||
|1855||Charles, Crown Prince of Sweden
||1826||1872||later King Charles XV of Sweden
|rowspan=3|1856||Juan Carlos Francisco, Duke of Saldaña||1791||1876||
|Napoleon, Prince Imperial
||1856||1879||son of Emperor Napoleon III of France
|Prince Adalbert of Bavaria
||1828||1875||son of King Louis I of Bavaria
|rowspan=3|1857||Nicholas, Tsarevich and Grand Duke of Russia||1843||1865||
|Alexander, Prince Gorchakov||1798||1883||Foreign Minister of Russia
|Alfonso, Prince of the Asturias
||1857||1885||later King Alfonso XII of Spain. Head of the Order from 1870/1874
|rowspan=2|1859||Infante Ferdinand of Spain||1859||1872||nephew of Queen Isabella II of Spain
|Prince Ludwig Ferdinand of Bavaria
|rowspan=2|1860||Antonio Ramón Zarco de Valle y Huete||?||?||
|Mariano Téllez Girón, 12th Duke of Osuna and Infantado||1814||1882||
|1861||Luís I, King of Portugal
|rowspan=2|1862||Frederick, Crown Prince of Prussia
||1831||1888||later German Emperor Frederick III
|Francisco, Duke of Marchena||1861||1923||
|rowspan=2|1863||Louis III, Grand Duke of Hesse||1806||1877||
|William Nicholas, Prince of Orange and Crown Prince of the Netherlands
|1864||Christian IX, King of Denmark
|rowspan=3|1865||Pedro José Pidal, 1st Marquis of Pidal||1800||1865||
|Ángel Ramírez de Bapredano, 3rd Duke of Rivas||1791||1865||
|Luis Tomas Fernández de Córdoba, 15th Duke of Medinaceli||1813||1873||
|rowspan=8|1866||George V, King of Hanover
|Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia||1801||1883||
|Alexander, Tsarevich and Grand Duke of Russia
||1845||1894||later Emperor Alexander III of Russia
|Leopold Ferdinand, Count of Hainaut
||1859||1869||son of King Leopold II of the Belgians
|Francisco Serrano y Domínguez, Duke de la Torre
|Pedro Colón, Duke of Veragua||?||?||
|Fernando Díaz de Mendoza, Count of Lalaing de Balazote||?||?||
|Carlos, Crown Prince of Portugal
||1863||1908||later King Carlos of Portugal
|1867||Luis González Bravo||1811||1871||
|rowspan=4|1868||Gaetano, Count of Girgenti||1846||1871||Son-in-law of Queen Isabella II of Spain
|Manuel Seijas Lozano|| ?||?||
|Lorenzo Arrazola||1797||1873||
|Francisco Javier Arias Dávila Matheu, Count of Punonrostro||?||?||
|rowspan=5|1870||Pedro Gómez de la Serna||?||?||
|Casimiro Vigodet y Guernica||1787||1872||
(عبد العزيز), Sultan of the Ottoman Empire||1830||1876||
|Muhammad III as-Sadiq
( محمد الصادق بن حسين), Bey of Tunis||1813||1882||
|Amadeo I, King of Spain
|rowspan=4|1871||Eugenio Emanuele Prince of Savoy-Carignan||1816||1888||
|Adolphe Thiers, President of the French Republic
||1797||1877||Co-Prince of Andorra
|George I, King of the Hellenes
|Frederick Charles, Prince of Prussia
|| 1828|| 1885||
|rowspan=6|1872||Pedro Gómez de la Serna||1828||1885||
|Prince Philippe, Count of Flanders
||1837||1905||son of King Leopold I of the Belgians
|Manuel Falcó de Adda, 3rd Duke of Fernan-Nuñez and Arco||?||?||
|Cirilo Álvarez Martínez de Velasco||?||?||
|Antonio de los Ríos y Rosas
|Oscar II, King of Sweden
|rowspan=12|1875||Juan Manuel González de la Pezuela, Count of Cheste||1809||1906||
|José Osorio y Silva, Marquis of Alcañices, Sexto and Alburquerque||1825||1910||
|Alejandro Mon y Martínez||1801||1882||
|Mariano Roca de Togores, Marquis de Molins, Viscount of Rocamora||1812||1889||
|Manuel Pavia y Lacy, 1st Marquis de Novaliches
|Patrice MacMahon, President of the French Republic
||1808||1893||Duke of Magenta and Marshal of France. Co-Prince of Andorra
|Otto von Bismarck, Prince of Bismarck
||1815||1898|| Minister-President of Prussia and Chancellor of German Empire
|Charles Alexander, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
|Cardinal James Santiago Antonelli||1806||1876||
|Alexander, Count of Adlerberg||1818||1884||
|William, Prince of Prussia||1859||1941||later German Emperor William II
|Antonio Cánovas del Castillo
|1877||Francisco de Borja Bazán de Silva, 11th Marquis of Santa Cruz||1815||1889||
|rowspan=6|1878||Francisco Santa Cruz y Pacheco||1797||1883||
|Juan Zavala y de la Puente, Marquis of Sierra Bullones||1804||1879||
|Manuel García, Marquis of Barzanallana||1817||1892||
|Frederick I, Grand Duke of Baden||1826||1907||
|Arsenio Martínez Campos||1831||1900||
|Victor Emmanuel, Prince of Italy
||1869||1947||later King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy
|1879||Antonio Maria Fontes Pereria de Mello||1819||1887||
|rowspan=2|1880||Abdul Hamid II
(عبد الحميد ثانی), Sultan of the Ottoman Empire||1842||1918||
|Antonio d'Orléans, Infant of Spain, Duke of Galliera||1866||1930||brother-in-law of King Alfonso XII of Spain
|rowspan=3|1881||Gaston d'Orléans, Count of Eu
|Manuel Lorenzo Antonio de Acuna y Dewite, Marquis of Bedmar||1821||1883||
|Gustaf, Crown Prince of Sweden
||1858||1950||later King Gustaf V of Sweden
|1882||Jules Grévy, President of the French Republic
||1807||1891||Co-Prince of Andorra
|rowspan=5|1883||Nicholas, Tsarevitch and Grand Duke of Russia
||1868||1918||later Emperor Nicholas II of Russia
|Frederick, Crown Prince of Denmark
||1843||1912||later King Frederick VIII of Denmark
|Prince Heinrich of Prussia
|Emperor Meiji of Japan
(明治天皇)||1852||1912||Mutsuhito (personal name)
|Infante Alfonso of Portugal, Duke of Porto
|rowspan=3|1884||José Posada Herrera||1815||1885||
|Fernando Calderón de la Barca y Collantes, Marquis of Reinosa||1811||1890||
|Rafael de Bustos et Castillo, Marquis of Corvera||?||?||
|rowspan=4|1886||Alfonso XIII, King of Spain
||1886||1941||posthumous son of Alfonso XII of Spain, King and Grand Master of the Order at his birth (nominal until 1902)
|Infante Augusto of Portugal, Duke of Coimbra
|Cardinal Louis Jacobini||1832||1887||
|José Gutierrez de la Concha, 1st Marquis of La Habana||1809||1895||
|rowspan=3|1888||Thomas, 2nd Duke of Genoa||1854||1931||
|Charles I, King of Württemberg
|Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh
|1889||Constantine, Crown Prince of Greece
||1868||1923||later King Constantine I of the Hellenes
|1890||José Joaquín Álvarez de Toledo, 18th Duke of Medina Sidonia
|rowspan=3|1891||Práxedes Mateo Sagasta
|Vladimir Alexandrovitch, Grand Duke of Russia
|Albert, Prince of Prussia, Regent of the Duchy of Brunswick
|rowspan=3|1892||William II, King of Württemberg
|Cristóbal Colón de la Cerday Gante, Duke of Veragua and Marquis of Jamaica||1837||1910||
|Prince Luís Filipe of Portugal, Duke of Braganza
|1893||George, Prince of the United Kingdom and Duke of York
||1865||1936||later King George V of the United Kingdom and British dominions beyond the seas, Emperor of India
|rowspan=3|1895||Guillermo Chacón y Maldonado||1813||1899||
|José Elduayen y Gorriti, Marquis of Pazo de la Merced||1823||1898||
|Eugenio Montero Ríos
|rowspan=2|1896||George Alexandrovitch, Grand Duke of Russia||1871||1899||
|Yoshihito, Crown Prince of Japan
(嘉仁)||1879||1926||later Emperor Taishō (大正天皇) of Japan
|1897||Ferdinand, Duke of Calabria||1869||1960||
|1898||Félix Faure, President of the French Republic
||1841||1899||Co-Prince of Andorra
|rowspan=4|1900||Wilhelm, Crown Prince of Germany||1882||1951||
|Enrique Ramírez de Saaveda y Cueto, 4th Duke of Rivas and Marquis de Andia||1828||1914||
|Carlos María Stuart Fitz James y Portocarrero, 9th Duke of Berwick and 16th Duke of Alba||1849||1901||
|Alejandro Llorente y Lamas||1914||1901||
|rowspan=4|1901||Charles of Bourbon-Sicily, Infante of Spain
||1870||1949||husband of Mercedes, Princess of Asturias
|Christian, Prince of Denmark
||1870||1947||later King Christian X of Denmark
|Infante Alfonso of Spain, Duke of Calabria
||1901||1964||son of Mercedes, Princess of Asturias
|Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia
|rowspan=7|1902||Carlos Martinez de Irujo, Duke of Sotomayor and Marquis of Casa-Irujo||1846||1909||
|Prince Eugén, Duke of Närke
|Arthur William, Prince of the United Kingdom and Duke of Connaught and Strathearn
|Vajiravudh, Crown Prince of Thailand
||1881||1925||later King Vajiravudh of Thailand (พระบาทสมเด็จพระมงกุฎเกล้าเจ้าอยู่หัว) also known as Rama VI
|Émile Loubet, President of the French Republic
||1838||1929||Co-Prince of Andorra
|Prince Ernest Augustus, 3rd Duke of Cumberland and Teviotdale||1845||1923||
|Mozaffar al-Din
(مظفرالدين شاه قاجار), Shah of Persia||1853||1907||
| rowspan=6|1903||Ferdinand Maria of the Two Siciles, Infante of Spain||1903||1905||son of Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Two Sicilies
|Carlos Valcárcel y Ussel de Guimbarda||1819||1903||
|Honorio de Samaniego y Pando, Conde de Villapaterna||1833||1917||
|Don Alejandro Pidal y Mon||1846||1913||
|Antonio de Aguilar y Correa, Marquis of la Vega de Armijo||1824||1908||
|Ernesto Rodolfo Hintze Ribeiro||1849||1907||
|1904||Marcelo Azcárraga y Palmero||1832||1915||
|rowspan=2|1905||Ferdinand Maria, Prince of Bavaria and Infante of Spain
||1884||1958||husband of Infanta Maria Teresa of Spain
|Bernard Henri, Prince of Bülow
|1906||Prince Alfons of Bavaria
|rowspan=2|1907||Alfonso, Prince of Asturias
|Alfonso Maria d'Orléans, Infante of Spain||1886||1975||
|rowspan=3|1908||Manuel II, King of Portugal
|José López Domínguez||1829||1911||
|Fernando Primo de Rivera y Sobremonte, Marquis of Estrella
|1909||Adalbert, Prince of Bavaria||1886||1970||
|rowspan=4|1910||Gustav, Crown Prince of Sweden||1882||1973||later King Gustav VI of Sweden
|Haakon VII, King of Norway
|Ernest Louis, Grand Duke of Hesse
|Fernando León y Castillo, Marquis of the Muni||1842||1918||
|rowspan=5|1911||José Messía y Gayoso de los Cobos, 4th Duke of Tamales||1853||1917||
|Alejandro Groizard y Gómez de la Serna||1830||1919||
|Andrés Avelino Salabert Ortega, 8th Marquis of la Torrecilla||1864||1925||
|Manuel Aguirre de Tejada O'Neal y Eulato, 1st Count of Tejada de Valdeosera||1827||1911||
|José de Echegaray Eizaguire||1832||1916||
|1912||Edward, Prince of Wales
||1894||1972||later King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom and British dominions beyond the seas, Emperor of India (1936) and Duke of Windsor (from 1936)
|rowspan=4|1913||Raymond Poincaré, President of the French Republic
||1860||1934||Co-Prince of Andorra
|Francisco Javier Azlor-Aragón e Idiaquez, Duke of Granada de Ega ||1842||1919||
|Luis Pidal y Mon, 2nd Marquis of Pidal||1842||1913||
|Valeriano Weyler y Nicolay, Marquis of Tenerife and Duke of Rubi
|rowspan=5|1914||Juan Bautista Viniegra y Mendoza||1842||1918||
|Manuel Falcó Osorio de Adda y Gutiérrez de los Ríos, Marquis of Mina and Duke of Fernán Nuñez||1856||1927||
|Claudio López y Bru, 2nd Marquis of Comillas||1853||1925||
|Philippe Emmanuel d’Orléans, Duke of Vendôme||1872||1931||
|Etienne, Prince of Croy-Solre||1872||1932||
|1915||Fermín de Lasala y Collado, Duke of Mandas and Villanueva||1830||1917||
|rowspan=2|1916||Prince Filippo Maria of the Two Siciles||1847||1922||son of Prince Louis, Count of Aquila
|Joaquín Ignacio de Arteaga y Echagüe, 17th Duke of Infantado||1870||1948||
|rowspan=3|1919||Prince Gennaro of the Two Sicilies||1882||1944||son of Prince Alfonso, Count of Caserta
|Prince Ranieri of the Two Sicilies
||1883||1973||later Head of the House of the Two Sicilies and Duke of Castro
|Alberto Manso de Velasco y Chaves, Count of Superonda||1828||?||
|rowspan=2|1920||Antonio Maura y Montaner||1853||1925||
|Prince Gabriel of the Two Sicilies||1897||1975||son of Prince Alfonso, Count of Caserta
|1921||Infante Jaime of Spain
||1908||1974||later Duke of Segovia
|rowspan=3|1923||Leopold, Crown Prince of Belgium and Duke of Brabant
||1901||1983||later King Leopold III of the Belgians (until 1951)
|Luis Alfonso of Bavaria, Infante of Spain||1906||1983||son of Infanta María Teresa of Spain
|Umberto, Prince of Piedmont
||1904||1983||later King Umberto II of Italy
|rowspan=2|1924||Hendrik of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Prince Consort of the Netherlands
|José Eugenio of Bavaria, Infante of Spain||1909||1966||son of Infanta María Teresa of Spain
|rowspan=2|1925||Albert Henry of Bourbon and Castelvi, 1st Duke of Santa Elena|||1854||1939||son of Henri of Borbón, Duke of Seville
|Galeazzo von Thun und Hohenstein, Grand Master of the Knights Hospitaller
|rowspan=3|1926||Jacobo Stuart Fitz-James y Falcó, 10th Duke of Berwick and 17th Duke of Alba||1878||1954||
|Gaston Doumergue, President of the French Republic
|José de Saaverda et Salamanca, 2nd Marquis of Viana||1870||1927||
|rowspan=4|1927||Francisco de Paula de Borbón y Castellví
||1853||1942||son of Infante Enrique, Duke of Seville
|Infante Juan of Spain
||1913||1993||later Head of the Spanish Royal House and Claimant to the Throne (1941–1977), Count of Barcelona. Head of the Order from 1941 to 1977
|Infante Gonzalo of Spain
||1914||1934||son of King Alfonso XIII of Spain
|Mariano de Silva y Carvajal Fernández de Córdoba y Salabert, 13th Marquis of Santa Cruz||1875||1940||
|1928||Emperor Shōwa of Japan
(昭和天皇) ||1901||1989||Hirohito (personal name)
|1929||Luis Jesús Fernández de Córdoba y Salabert, 17th Duke of Medinaceli||1880||1956||
|1930||Ernest Louis Henry Lamoral, Prince of Ligne||1857||1937||
|rowspan=4|1931||Paul von Hindenburg, President of Germany
|Carlos María Cortezo y Prieto||1850||1933||
|Juan Bautista Aznar Cabañas
|Luis de Silva y Carvajal, Duke of Mircanda and Count of la Unión||1876||1935||
|1941||Infante Juan Carlos of Spain
||1938||-||later King Juan Carlos of Spain. 20th Head and Sovereign of the Order of the Golden Fleece
|1960||Baudouin, King of the Belgians|||1930||1993||
|1962||Paul, King of the Hellenes
|rowspan=3|1964||Robert II, Duke of Parma
|Carlos, Duke of Calabria
|Constantine II, King of the Hellenes
||1940||-||Monarch until 1973
| rowspan=3|1977||Nicolás Cotoner y Cotoner, Marquis of Mondéjar||1905||1996||
|Torcuato Fernández Miranda, Duke of Fernández Miranda||1915||1980||
|Beltrán Osorio y Díez de Rivera, Duke of Alburquerque||1919||1994
| rowspan=2|1981||Felipe, Prince of Asturias
|José María Pemán
|1982||Olav V, King of Norway
| rowspan=2|1983||Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden
|Jean, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
||1921||-||Monarch until 2000
|rowspan=4|1985||Akihito, Crown Prince of Japan
(明仁) ||1933||-||later Emperor Akihito of Japan
|Hussein, King of Jordan
(حسين بن طلال) ||1935||1999||
|Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands
|Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark
|1988||Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom
||1926||-||also Queen of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados, Bahamas, Grenada, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, Papua New Guinea and Saint Christopher and Nevis
|1994||Albert II, King of the Belgians
|1995||Harald V, King of Norway
|2004||Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
||1937||-|| Tsar of Bulgaria (1943–1946) and Prime Minister of Bulgaria (2001–2005)
|2006||Bhumibol Adulyadej, King of Thailand
(ภูมิพลอดุลยเดช) pʰuːmipʰon adunjadeːt ||1927||-|| also known as Rama IX
|rowspan=3|2007||Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
|Adolfo Suárez, Duke of Suarez
||1932||-|| Spain's first democratically elected Prime Minister after the dictatorship of General Francisco Franco
|Abdullah, King of Saudi Arabia
(عبد الله بن عبد العزيز آل سعود)||1924 ||-|| The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques
|rowspan=2|2010||Javier Solana
||1942||-|| Secretary General of NATO
(1995–1999) and High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy (1999–2009)
|Víctor García de la Concha||1934||-|| Director of the Real Academia Española
|2011||Nicolas Sarkozy
, President of the French Republic
||1955||-|| Co-Prince of Andorra
|rowspan=19|1712||Rinaldo III, Duke of Modena and Reggio||1655||1737||Son of Francesco I d'Este and nephew of Maffeo Barberini; both Knights of the Golden Fleece.
|Vincent Gonzague, Duke of Gustalla||1634||1714||
|Thomas Emmanuel, Prince of Savoy-Carignan
|Wenceslaus Norbert, Count of Kinsky||1642||1719||
|Charles Maximilian, Count of Tour and Valsassina||1643||1716||
|Philip Louis, Count of Sinzendorf||1671||1742||
|Gundacre, Count of Starhemberg||1663||1745||
|Charles Joseph, Count of Paar||1654||1725||
|Fernando de Silva, 13th Count of Cifuentes||1663||1749||
|Adam Franz Karl, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1680|| 1732||
|Nicholas, Count of Palffy and Palatine of Hungary||1657||1732||
|Norbert Leopold, Count of Kolowrat||1655||1716||
|Vicente Pedro Álvarez de Toledo y Portugal, 10th Count of Oropesa||1687||1728||
|Wirrich Philip, Count of Daun, Prince of Teano||1668||1741||
|Giuseppe Sanseverino, 9th Prince of Bisignano||?||1727||
|Francis de Blanes, Count of Centelles||?||?||
|John Baptist, Count of Colloredo||1656||1729||
|Livio, Prince Odescalchi||1652||1713||
|Paolo di Sangro, Prince of San Severo||1657||1726||
||1715||Charles Albert of Bavaria
||1697||1745||later Elector of Bavaria and Emperor Charles VII
|1716||Leopold John, Archduke of Austria||1716||1716||Infant son of Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor
|rowspan=25|1721||Augustus III, King of Poland and Saxony
|Infante Manuel of Portugal, Count of Ourém
|Maximilian William, Duke of Hanover-Brunswick and Lunebourg||1666||1726||son of Pince Elector Ernest Augustus, Elector of Brunswick-Lüneburg
|Leopold Clement Charles, Prince Hereditary of Lorraine||1707||1723||son of Duke Leopold of Lorraine
|Joseph Charles of Bavaria, Count Palatine and Prince Hereditary of Sulzbach||1694||1729||
|Ferdinand Marie, Duke of Bavaria||1699||1738||son of Elector Maximilian II Emanuel of Bavaria
|Leopold, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein||1674||1744||
|Alexander, Prince of Württemberg||1684||1737||
|Joseph Folch, Prince of Cardona||1651||1729||
|Maximilan Guidobalde, Count of Martinitz||?||1733||
|Leopold, Count of Herberstein||1655||1728||
|Philip Francis, Prince de Rubempré||1669||1742||
|Fabrizio Colonna, 8th Prince of Paliano||1700||1785||
|Leopold, Count of Schlick||1663||1723||
|Sigismund Frederick, Count of Khevenhuller||1666||1742||
|Claude Lamoral, Prince de Ligne||1685||1766||
|Forben Ferdinand, Prince of Fürstenberg||1664||1741||
|Manuel, Count of Galbes de Silva y Mendoza||?||?||
|Jules, Count of Visconti-Borromeo||1664||1741||
|Joseph, Prince of Liechtenstein||1690||1732||
|John Joseph, Count of Wrtby||?||1734||
|Francesco Marino Caracciolo, 6th Prince of Avellino||1688||1727||
|John Anthony de Buxador, Count of Savalla||1673||1745||
|Alfonso, Prince of Cardenas and Count of Acerra||?||?||
|George Thomas, Count of Starhemberg||?||?||
|1723||Francis I, Prince Hereditary of Lorraine
||1708||1765||later Emperor Francis I. Head of the order from 1740
|1729||Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine
||1712||1780||Governor of the Austrian Netherlands and Grand Master of the Teutonic Order
|rowspan=24|1731||Theodore of Bavaria, Count Palatine of Sulzbach||1659||1733||
|Ludwig Georg Simpert, Margrave of Baden-Baden||1702||1761||
|Francesco III d'Este, 12th Duke of Modena
|Prince Eugene Francis of Savoy, Duke of Troppau and Piedmont||1714||1734||
|Philip, Prince of Lobkowicz||1680||1737||
|Walther Xavier, Prince of Dietrichstein||1664||1738||
|Joseph Ignatius, Count of Paar||1660||1735||
|Johann Kaspar, Count of Cobenzl||1664||1742||
|Louis Sanseverino, 10th Prince of Bisignano||1705||?||
|Francis Ferdinand, Count of Kinsky||1678||1741||
|Anselm Franz, 2nd Prince of Thurn and Taxis
|Adolf Bernard, Count of Martinitz||1680||1735||
|Joseph de Norona, Count of Montesanto||? ||?||
|Diego Pignatelli Aragona, 9th Duke of Monteleone||1687||1750||
|Johann Antoine, Count of Schaffgotsch||1675||1742||
|Lothar Joseph, Count of Königsegg||1673||1751||
|Giulio Antonio d'Acquaviva d'Aragona, Count of Conversano||1691||1746||
|François Honoré Bonanno del Bosco, Prince di Cattolica||?||1739||
|Scipion Pubblicola, Prince of Santa Croce||?||?||
|Ferdinand, Count of Plettenberg
|Francis Erwin, Count of Schönborn||1677||1754||
|Antonio Tolomeo de Gallio Trivulzio, Prince of Musocco||1692||1767||
|Antonio Diego de Portugal Toledo, Count of Alcaudete||?||?||
|Adriano Antonio Carafa, Duke of Traétto||1696||1765||
|1732||Joseph Adam, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1722||1782||
|1734||Theodor, Prince of Lubomirski||1683||1745||
|1735||Joseph Anton, 6th Prince of Belmonte, 1st Prince of the Holy Roman Empire||1685||1771||
|rowspan=21|1739||Karl Eugen, Duke of Württemberg
|Ernest, Duke of Saxe-Hildburghausen
|Henri, Prince of Auersperg||1697||1783||
|Josef Wenzel, Prince of Liechtenstein
|Johann, Count of Pálffy||1664||1751||
|Johann Georg, Prince of Lobkowicz||1686||1755||
|Johann Franz, Count of Dietrichstein||1671||1755||
|Joseph Wilhelm Ernst, Prince of Fürstenberg
|Marc, Prince of Craon||1679||1754||
|Johann Ernest, Count of Schaffgotsch||1685||1747||
|Leopold Victorinus, Count of Windisch-Graetz||1686||1746||
|Johann Wilhelm, Count of Wurmbrand||1670||1750||
|John Vasily, Count of Castellvi de Cervellon||1673||1754||
|Gundakar, Count of Althan||1670||1747||
|John Descaller y Diesbach, Marquis of Pesora||1685||1766||
|Nicholas, Prince of Salm-Salm and Duke of Hoogstraten||1701||1770||
|Ferdinand, Prince of Pignatelli Strongoli||1689||1767||
|Luzio, Count of Sangro and San Severo||1677||1767||
|Ambrogio Caracciolo d'Avelino, Prince of Torchiarolo||1699||1748||
|Cristiano, Count of Stampa and Montecastello||1712||1744||
|Michael John, Count of Althan||1710||?||
|1741||Archduke Joseph of Austria
||1741||1790||later Emperor Joseph II. Head of the order from 1765
|rowspan=16|1744||Paulus Antonius, Prince of Esterházy||1711||1762||
|Franz Antonius, Prince of Lamberg||1678||1759||
|Antonius Corfitz, Count of Ulfeld||1699||1760||
|Louis Andreas, Count of Khevenhuller||1683||1744||
|Maximilian Udalric, Count of Kaunitz||1679||1746||
|Frederick, Count of Harrach||1696||1749||
|Ferdinand Leopold, Count of Heberstein||1695||1744||
|Otto Ferdinand, Count of Abensberg und Traun||1677||1748||
|Louis, Count Batthyany||1696||1763||
|Philipp Joseph, Count of Kinsky||1700||1749||
|Rudolf Joseph, Count of Colloredo||1706||1788||
|Johann Joseph, Count of Khevenhuller||1706||1776||
|Immanuel, Duke of Silva Tarouca||1699||1771||
|Charles, Count of Königsegg-Erps||1696||1759||
|Wilhelm, Count of Sinzendorf||1697||1766||
|Eugen, Count of Lannoy||1686||1755||
|rowspan=9|1749||Charles, Prince of Dietrichstein||1702||1784||
|Emanuel, Prince of Liechtenstein
|Alexander Ferdinand, 3rd Prince of Thurn and Taxis
|Johann Wilhelm, Prince of Trautson and Count of Falkenstein||1700||1775||
|Charles, Count Batthyany||1697||1772||
|Wenzel Anton, Count (later Prince) of Kaunitz-Reitberg
|Maximilian Immanuel, Prince de Hornes||1695||1763||
|Ferdinand, Count of Harrach||1708||1778||
|Georg, Count of Erdöd||1674||1753||
|1751||Ercole III d'Este, 13th Duke of Modena
|rowspan=9|1753||Wilhelm Reinhard, Count of Neipperg||1684||1774||
|François Joseph de Choiseul, Marquis of Stainville
|Gaspar Fernández, Count of Cordon and Alagon||1674||1753||
|Ferdinand-Gaston Joseph, Duke of Croy||1709||1767||
|Francis Louis, Count of Salburg||?||?||
|Leopold, Count of Daun||1705||1766||
|Giovanluca, Count of Pallavicini||1697||1773||
|Filipo Doria Sforza Visconti||1710||1786||
|Francesco, Count of Montecuccoli-Caprara||?||?||
|rowspan=2|1755||Archduke Charles Joseph of Austria
||1745||1761||son of Empress Maria Theresa
|Archduke Peter Leopold of Austria
||1747||1792||later Emperor Leopold II. Head of the order from 1790
|rowspan=2|1757||Charles, 5th Duke of Arenberg
|Maximilian Ulysses, Reichsgraf von Browne, Baron de Camus and Mountany||1705||1757||
| rowspan=14|1759||Charles Joseph, Count of Cobenzl||1712||1770||
|Georg Adams, Prince of Starhemberg Georg Adams, Count (later Prince) of Starhemberg||1724||1807||
|Constantine, Landgrave of Hesse-Rotenburg
|Frederick of Bavaria, Prince Palatine of Zweibrücken||1724||1767||
|Agostino, Prince of Chigi and Farnese||1710||1769||
|Frederick Ferdinand, Count of Leyen and Hohengeroldeck||1709||1760||
|Charles Immanuel, Prince of Gavre||1696||1773||
|Friedrich Wilhelm, Count of Haugwitz||1700||1765||
|Nicholas, Count of Palffy||1710||1773||
|Philippe Krakowsky, Count of Kolowrat||1688||1773||
|Charles, Count of Bruener||?||1796||
|Rudolf Chotek, Count of Chotkowa and Wognin||1708||1771||
|Antonio, Marquis of Caerici and Cavenago||1715||1768||
|Alessandro, Prince of Ruspoli and 2nd Prince of Cerveteri||1709||1779||
|1762||August Georg, Margrave of Baden-Bade||1706||1771||
|rowspan=14|1763||Archduke Ferdinand Charles of Austria
|Archduke Maximilian Franz of Austria
|Livio, Prince Odescalchi and Duke of Bracciano||1725||1805||
|Charles, Count of Firmian||1715||1782||
|Anthony, Count of Belgiojsos||1693||1779||later Prince of Belgiojsos
|Francis, Count of Orsini and Rosenberg||1723||1796||
|Charles, Count of Ogara||?||?||
|Nicholas, Count of Esterházy||1711||1764||
|Philipp Joseph, Count of Künigl||1696||1770||
|Ferdinand Charles, Count of Aspremont-Lynden||1689||1772||
|Adam Philippe, Count of Losy||?||1787||
|Rudolf, Count of Korzensky of Tereschau||?||?||
|Francis Leopold, Count of Buquoy||1703||1768||
|Franz Philipp, Count of Sternberg||1708||1786||
|rowspan=9|1765||John Charles, Count of Merode and Marquis of Deynze||1719||1774||
|Jean Baptiste, Count of Serbelloni and Castiglione||1697||1778||
|Nicholas, Prince Esterházy||1714||1790||
|Antonius, Count of Salm-Reifferscheidt||1728||1769||
|Franz Wencel, Count of Wallis||1696||1774||
|Anthony, Marquis of Litta and Gambolo||1700||1776||
|Camille, Count of Colloredo||1712||1797||
|Gabriel, Count of Bethlen||1729||1768||
|Francis Norbert, Count of Trauttmansdorf||1705||1786||
|rowspan=3| 1767||Charles Frederick, Count of Hatzfeld-Gleichen||1718||1793||
|Johann Karl Walter, Count of Dietrichstein||1728||1808||later Prince of Dietrichstein
|Charles Egon, Prince of Fürstenberg||1729||1787||
|1768||Archduke Francis Joseph of Austria
||1768||1835||later Emperor Francis II (Francis I of Austria). Head of the order from 1792
|rowspan=2|1770||Claude, Count of Mercy-Argenteau||1727||1794||
|Francis Maurice, Count of Lacy||1725||1801||
|rowspan=5|1771||Archduke Joseph Ferdinand of Austria
||1769||1824||later Grand Duke Ferdinand III of Tuscany
|Franz, Count of Esterházy||?||1785||
|Franz Josef I, Prince of Liechtenstein
|Franz Ulric, Count of Kinsky||1726||1792||
|Charles Conrad, Duke of Ursel and Hoboken||1718||1775||
|rowspan=7|1772||Prince Karl Josef of Liechtenstein||1730||1789||
|Karl Josef, Prince of Ligne||1735||1814||
|Franz Gundakar, Count of Colloredo||1731||1807||
|Ernst Christoph, Count of Kaunitz-Rietberg||1737||1797||
|Maximilian, Prince of Salm-Salm and Duke of Hoogstraten||1732||1773||
|Louis Frederick, Count of Zinzendorf et Pottendorf||1721||1783||
|Josef, Prince of Lobkowicz and Duke of Sagan||1725||1802||
|rowspan=2|1775||Bartolomeo, Prince of Corsini and Sismano||1729||1792||
|Karl Anselm, 4th Prince of Thurn and Taxis
|1778||Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria
|rowspan=7|1782||Karl, Landgrave of Hesse-Rheinfels||1746||1812||
|Johann, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1742||1789||
|Louis Engelbert, 6th Duke of Arenberg
|Leopold Krakowsky, Count of Kolowrat||1727||180?||
|Franz Wencel, Count of Sinzendorf and Thannhausen||?||1729||
|Eugen, Count of Wrbna-Freudenthal||1728||1789||
|Karl, Count of Palffy ab Erdöd||1735||1816||
|rowspan=6|1785||Johann Franz, Count of Khevenhüller-Metsch||1737||1797||
|Antonius Gotthard, Count of Schaffgotsch||1721||1811||
|Antonius, Count of Thurn and Valsassina||1723||1806||
|Charles des Princes de Albani Savelli||1749||1811||
|Francis Joseph, Prince of Gavre||1731||1797||
|Johann, Count of Hardegg of Galtz and Machland||1741||1808||
|1789||Ferdinand, Count of Trauttmansdorff-Weinsberg||1749||1827||
|rowspan=17|1790||Francesco Maria Ruspoli, 3rd Prince of Cerveteri||1752||1829||
|Anthony Clement of Saxony
||1755||1836||later King of Saxony
|Archduke Charles of Austria, Duke of Teschen
|Archduke Alexander Leopold of Austria
||1772||1792||son of Emperor Leopold II
|Archduke Joseph of Austria, Palatine of Hungary
|Archduke Francis of Austria
||1779||1846||later Duke Francis IV of Modena
|Karl Josef, Prince of Auersperg||1720||1800||
|Alois I, Prince of Liechtenstein
|Antonius, Prince of Esterházy||1738||1794||
|Alberic XII, Prince of Belgiojoso and Barbiano||1725||1813||
|John, Baron of Hagen||?||?||
|Eugen Erwin, Count of Shuönborn||1727||1801||
|Chrisen, Count of Sternberg||1732||1798||
|Antoine, Count of Karolyi||1732||1791||
|Pompeo, Marquis of Litta Visconti Arese||1727||1797||
|Frederick, Count of Nostitz||1728||1796||
|Franz, Count of Colloredo||1736||1806||
|rowspan=10|1792||Archduke Anthony of Austria
||1779||1835||son of Emperor Leopold II. Grand Master of Teutonic Knights
|Archduke John of Austria
|Philip, 14th Prince of Chimay||1736||1804||
|August Josef, Prince of Lobkowicz||1724||1803||
|Johann Josef, Count of Wilczek||1738||1819||
|Dominikus, Count of Kaunitz-Rietberg-Questenberg||1739||1812||
|Joseph, Count of Pallavicini-Centurion||1756||1818||
|Charles Clement, Count of Pellegrini||1720||1796||
|Franz Georg Karl, Count (later Prince) of Metternich||1746||1818||
|Jean Philipp, Count of Cobenzl||1741||1810||
|rowspan=2|1793||Archduke Ferdinand of Austria
||1793||1857||later Emperor Ferdinand I of Austria (until 1848). Head of the Order from 1835 to 1848
|Ludwig Eugen, Duke of Württemberg
|rowspan=2|1796||Francis Sebastian, Count of Clerfayt||1753||1798||
|Karl, Prince of Auersperg||1750||1822||
|rowspan=3|1798||Marzio Mastrilli, Duke of Gall||1753||1833||
|Ludwig, Count of Cobenzl||1753||1809||
|Karl Alexander, 5th Prince of Thurn and Taxis
|1802||Ludwig, Count of Starhemberg||1761||1833||later Prince of Starhemberg
|rowspan=3|1803||Joseph, Prince Rospigliosi and Duke of Zagarolo||1755||1833||
|Joachim Egon, Landgrave of Fürstenberg||1749||1828||
||Franz, Count Esterházy of Galantha||1779||1831||
|rowspan=2|1805||Archduke Rainer Joseph of Austria
|Archduke Louis Joseph of Austria
|1806||Johann I Josef, Prince of Liechtenstein
|rowspan=17|1808||Archduke Ferdinand Karl Joseph of Austria-Este
|Karl, Count Zichy of Vasonykeo||1753||1826||
|Nicholas, Prince Esterházy of Galantha||1765||1833||
|Johann Philipp, Count of Stadion-Thannhausen||1763||1824||
|Rudolf, Count of Wrbna and Freudenthal||?||?||
|Charles Eugene, Prince of Lambesc
|Adams Kasimir, Prince of Czartoryski||1734||1823||
|Josef Johann, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1769||1835||
|Johann Rudolf, Count Chotek of Chotkow and Wognin
|Prosper, Prince of Sinzendorf||1751||1822||
|Immanuel, Count of Khevenhuller||1751||1847||
|Josef, Count Erdödy||1754||1824||
|Franz, Count Széchényi||1754||1820||
|Phillipp Karl, Count of Oettingen-Wallerstein||1769||1826||
|Francis, Prince of Orsini and Rosenberg||1761||1832||
|Michael Francis, Count of Althan||?||?||
|Stefan, Count of Illeshazy||1762||1838||
|rowspan=2|1809||Karl, Prince of Schwarzenberg
|Franz Joseph, Prince of Lobkowicz||1772||1816||
|rowspan=2|1810||Archduke Leopold Johann of Austria
||1797||1870||later Grand Duke of Tuscany
|Klemens Wenzel, Count (later Prince) of Metternich
|1811||Archduke Rudolph of Austria||1788||1831||later Cardinal and Archbishop of Olomouc
|1813||Maximilian I, King of Bavaria||1756||1825||
|1814||George Prince of Wales
||1762||1830||Prince Regent of the United Kingdom. Later King George IV of the United Kingdom and Hanover
|rowspan=7|1817||Louis, Count of Ugarte||1749||1817||
|Archduke Franz Karl of Austria
|Henri, Count of Bellegarde||1760||1845||
|Josef, Count of Wallsi||1767||1818||
|Josef, Count of Dietrichstein||?||1825||
|Antonius, Count of Brzezie-Lanckoronski||1748||1830||
|Franz, Prince of Kohary||1766||1826||
|1819||Frederick Augustus, Prince of Saxony
||1797||1854||later King Frederick II Augustus of Saxony
|1822||Charles Felix, King of Sardinia and Duke of Savoy
|rowspan=6|1823||Franz, Count of Saurau||1760||1832||
|Henri, Count of Wurmbrand-Stuppach||1762||1847||
|Vincent Liebsteinsky, Count of Kolowrat||1750||1824||
|Charles Alain, Prince of Rohan and Duke of Bouillon (de la Marck | de La Marck | van de Marck) ||1764||1836||
|Johann, Count of Harrach||1783||1829||
|Johann Rudolf, Count Czernin of Chudenitz||1757||1845||
|rowspan=2|1825||Gilbert, Count of Borromeo Arese||1751||1837||
|Ludwig I, King of Bavaria
|1826||Frederick Xavier, Prince of Hohenzollern-Hechingen||1757||1844||
|rowspan=13|1830||Archduke Albert of Austria, Duke of Teschen
|Archduke Stefan of Austria
|Frederick Ferdinand, Duke of Anhalt-Köthen
|Karl, Prince of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg||1783||1849||
|Franz Liebsteinsky, Count of Kolowrat||1778||1861||
|Rudolf, Prince of Colloredo-Mannsfeld||1772||1843||
|Peter, Count of Goëss||1774||1846||
|Alfonso Gabriel, Prince of Porcia||1861||1835||
|Ignaz, Count of Gyulai
|Paul, Prince Esterházy of Galantha||1786||1866||
|Louis, Prince of Liechtenstein||1780||1833||
|Louis, Count of Contarini||1766||1836||
|Alfred, Prince of Windisch-Graetz||1787||1862||
|rowspan=14|1836||Archduke Charles Ferdinand of Austria||1818||1874||
|Archduke Francis of Austria-Este, Prince of Modena
||1819||1875||later Duke Francis V of Modena
|Antonius, Count of Mittrowsky of Mottrowitz and Nemischl||?||1842||
|Ignaz, Count of Hardegg of Glatz and Machland||1772||?||
|Antonius, Count of Cziraky||1772||1852||
|Antonius, Count of Apponyi||1782||1852||
|Alois II, Prince of Liechtenstein
|Ferdinand, Prince of Lobkowicz||1797||1868||
|Adolf, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1799||1888||
|Karl Egon, Prince of Fürstenberg||1796||1854||
|Frederick, Prince of Oettingen-Wallerstein||1793||1842||
|Johann Ernst, Count of Hoyos-Sprinzenstein||1779||1849||
|Maurice, Count of Dietrichstein-Proskau-Leslie||1775||1864||
|Karl, Count Chotek of Chotkow and Wognin
|rowspan=4|1838||Charles Joseph Gallarati, Count of Scotti||1775||1840||
|Geronimo,Count of Contarini||1770||1843||
|Count Fidelius Pálffy of Erdöd||1788||1864||
|Archduke Frederick Ferdinand of Austria||1821||1847||
|rowspan=3|1841||Archduke Leopold Louis of Austria||1823||1898||son of Archduke Rainer of Austria
|Maximilian Karl, 6th Prince of Thurn and Taxis
|Victor Emmanuel, Duke of Savoy
||1820||1878||later King Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia and Italy
|rowspan=4|1844||Archduke Franz Josef of Austria||1830||1916||later Emperor Franz Josef of Austria and King of Hungary. Head of the order from 1848
|Silvester, Count of Dandolo||1766||1847||
|Archduke Ernst Karl of Austria||1824||1899||son of Archduke Rainer of Austria
|Archduke Ferdinand Charles of Austria-Este||1821||1849||son of Duke Francis IV of Modena
|1847||Vitalian, Count of Borromeo Arese||1792||1874||
|rowspan=3|1849||Joseph, Count of Radetzky
|Maximilian II, King of Bavaria
|Luitpold, Prince of Bavaria
||1821||1912||later Regent of Bavaria
|rowspan=2|1850||Albert, Prince of Saxony
||1828||1902||later King Albert I of Saxony
|Otto, King of the Hellenes
|rowspan=18|1852||Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian of Austria
||1832||1867||later Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico
|Karl Ludwig, Archduke of Austria
||Ferdinand Salvator, Archduke of Austria
||1835||1908||later Grand Duke Ferdinand IV of Tuscany
|Joseph Charles, Archduke of Austria||1833||1905||son of Archduke Joseph, Palatine of Hungary
|Sigismund, Archduke of Austria||1826||1891||son of Archduke Rainer of Austria
|Archduke Rainier Ferdinand of Austria||1827||1913||son of Archduke Rainer of Austria
|Heinrich, Archduke of Austria||1828||1891||son of Archduke Rainer of Austria
|Karl, Prince of Liechtenstein||1790||1865||
|Hugo, Prince of Salm-Reifferscheid-Krautheim||1803||1888||
|Karl, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1802||1858||
|Philipp, Prince Batthyany||1781||1870||
|Friedrich Egon, Landgrave of Fürstenberg||1744||1856||
|Maximilian, Baron of Wimpffen||1770||1854||
|Karl Ludwig Graf von Ficquelmont||1777||1857||
|Eugen, Count of Wratislaw||1786||1867||
|Karl, Count of Brzezie-Lanckoronski||1799||1863||
|Ferdinand, Prince of Trauttmansdorff||1803||1856||
|Karl Wilhelm, Prince of Auersperg||1814||1890||
|rowspan=2|1853||Franz, Count of Gyulai||1798||1868||
|Leopold, Crown Prince of Belgium and Duke of Brabant
||1835||1909||later King Leopold II of the Belgians
|rowspan=2|1854||Duke Maximilian Joseph in Bavaria
|Duke Ludwig Wilhelm in Bavaria
||1831||1920||son of Duke Maximilian Joseph in Bavaria
|1857||Count Joseph Archinto||1783||1861||
|rowspan=2|1858||Laval, Count Nugent
|Archduke Rudolf of Austria, Crown Prince of Austria, Hungary and Bohemia||1858||1889||
|1859||Prince Karl Theodor of Bavaria
|1860||Karl Anton, Prince of Hohenzollern||1811||1885||
|rowspan=17|1862||Archduke Ludwig Victor of Austria||1842||1910||
|Archduke Karl Salvator of Austria
||1839||1892||son of Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany
|Prince George of Saxony
||1832||1904||later King Georof Saxony
|Duke Karl-Theodor in Bavaria||1839||1909||
|Johannes II, Prince of Liechtenstein
|Prince August of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
|Engelbert, 8th Duke of Arenberg
|Edmund, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1803||1873||
|Maximilian Anton Lamoral, Hereditary Prince of Thurn and Taxis
|Nicholas, Prince Esterházy of Galántha||1817||1884||
|Charles, Prince of Paar||1806||1881||
|Antal Károly, Prince Pálffy of Erdöd||1793||1879||
|Franz, Count of Kuefstein||1794||1871||
|Franz Ernst, Count of Harrach||1799||1884||
|Franz, Count of Hartig||1789||1865||
|Johann, Count of Coronini-Cronberg||1794||1880||
|Edward, Count of Clam-Gallas||1805||1891||
|rowspan=2|1864||Ludwig II, King of Bavaria
|Johann Bernard, Count of Rechberg and Rothenlöwen||1806||1890||
|rowspan=9|1865||Philip, Duke of Württemberg||1838||1917||
|Karl Egon, Prince of Fürstenberg||1820||1892||
|Edward, Prince of Schönburg-Hartenstein||1787||1872||
|Vincent, Prince of Auersperg and Duke of Gotschée||1812||1867||
|Camille, Prince of Rohan and Duke of Bouillon||1800||1892||
|Franz Séraphin, Count of Nadasdy||1801||1883||
|Karl, Count of Grunne||1802||1858||
|Philipp, Prince Batthyany||1808||1884||
|Rudolf, Count of Apponyi||1812||1875||
|rowspan=13|1867||Constantine, Prince of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst||1828||1896||
|Maximilian Egon, Prince of Fürstenberg||?||1873||
|Emerich, Count of Batthyany||1881||1874||
|Antonius, Count of Majlath||1801||?||
|Johann, Count of Cziraky||1818||1884||
|Archduke Ludwig Salvator of Austria||1847||1915||son of Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany
|Charles, Prince of Isenburg-Birstein||1838||1899||
|Prince Friedrich of Liechtenstein||1807||1885||son of Johann I Josef, Prince of Liechtenstein
|Alfred II, Prince of Windisch-Graetz||1819||1876||
|Richard, Prince of Metternich-Winneburg||1829||1895||
|William Albert, 1st Prince of Montenuovo
|Ernst, Count of Waldstein-Wartenberg||1821||1904||
|Count Franz Folliot de Crenneville-Poutet||1815||1888||
|rowspan=2|1868||Prince Ludwig of Bavaria
||1845||1921||later King Ludwig III of Bavaria
|Prince Leopold of Bavaria
|rowspan=7|1869||Umberto, Crown Prince of Italy||1844||1900||later King Umberto I of Italy
|Prince Otto of Bavaria
||1848||1916||later King Otto of Bavaria
|Franz, Count of Meran
|Johann, Landgrave of Fürstenberg||1802||1879||
|Alfred, Count of Potocki||1817||1889||
|Tassilo, Count Festetics of Tolna||1813||1883||
|Franz, Count of Haller of Halerkeö||1795||1875||
|rowspan=7|1873||Archduke Friedrich of Austria, Duke of Teschen
|Prince Arnulf of Bavaria
||1852||1907||son of Luitpold, Prince Regent of Bavaria
|Josef, Prince of Colloredo-Mannsfeld||1813||1895||
|Richard, Prince of Khevenhüller||1813||1877||
|Ervin, Count of Neipperg||1813||1897||
|Johann, Count of Larisch-Moennich||1821||1884||
|Ferdinand, Prince Kinsky||1834||1904||
|1875||Duke Maximilian Emmanuel in Bavaria||1849||1893||son of Duke Maximilian Joseph in Bavaria
|1877||Julius, Count of Andrassy||1823||1890||
|rowspan=16|1878||Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria
||1863||1914||later heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne
|Archduke Leopold Salvator of Austria||1863||1931||son of Archduke Karl Salvator of Austria
|Archduke Karl of Austria||1860||1833||
|Archduke Eugen of Austria
|Maurice, Count Esterházy||1807||1890||
|Antonius, Count of Goëß||1816||1887||
|Rudolf, Count of Wrbna and Freudentahl||1818||1883||
|Georg von Majlath
||1818||1883||later Count of Majlath
|Emeric, Prince of Thurn and Taxis||1820||1900||
|Prince Adolf Wilhelm Daniel von Auersperg||1821||1885||
|Richard, Count of Belcredi||1823||1902||
|Rodolph, Duke of Croÿ||1823||1902||
|Ferdinand, Count of Trauttmansdorff-Weinsberg||1825||1896||
|Louis, Count Karolyi of Nagy-Karoly
|Joseph Alexander, Prince of Schönburg-Hartenstein||1826||1896||
|Eduard Taaffe, 11th Viscount Taaffe
|rowspan=9|1881||Archduke Otto of Austria
|Prince Michael of Portugal, Duke of Braganza
|Prince Philip of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha||1844||1921||
|Peter, Count of Pejacsevich||1804||1887||
||Karl, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1824||1904||
|Hugo, Count of Abensperg-Traun||1828||1904||
|Maurice, Prince of Lobkowicz||1831||1903||
|Julius, Count of Szapary||1832||1905||
|Charles, 6th Prince of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg||1834||1921||
|rowspan=10|1884||Charles I, King of Romania
|Archduke Ferdinand Charles of Austria||1868||1915||son of Archduke Carl Ludwig of Austria
|Archduke Leopold Ferdinand of Austria
||1868||1935||removed from the roll of the order, 1902
|Archduke Franz Salvator of Austria
||1866||1939||son of Archduke Karl Salvator of Austria
|Ladislaus de Szögyény-Marich
|Leopold, Count of Thun and Hohenstein||1811||1888||
|Jaromir, Count Czernin of Chudenitz||1818||1908||
|Karl, Prince of Khevenhüller-Metsch||1839||1905||
|Alfred III, Prince of Windisch-Grätz
|Maximilian Maria, Prince of Thurn and Taxis||1862||1885||
|rowspan=6|1887||Antonius, Count of Szecsen of Temerin||1819||1896||
|Arthur, Count of Bylandt-Rheidt||1821||1891||
|Paul, Baron Sennyey of Kis-Sennye||1824||1888||
|Ludwig, Prince of Windisch-Graetz||1830||1904||
|Gustav, Count Kalnoky of Köröspatak||1832||1898||
|Nicholas, Count Pejascevich of Veröcze||1833||1890||
|rowspan=11|1889||Prince Frederick Augustus of Saxony
||1865||1932||later King Frederick Augustus III of Saxony
|Archduke Albert Salvator of Austria||1871||1896||son of Archduke Karl Salvator of Austria
|Baron Lajos Jósika de Branyicska||1807||1891||
|Count Moritz Pálffy of Erdöd||1812||1897||
|Stephen, Count of Erdödy||1813||1896||
|Victor, Prince of Hohenlohe||1818||1893||
|Antonius, Count of Wolkenstein-Trotsbourg||1832||1913||
|Ernst, Count of Hoyos-Sprinzenstein||1830||1903||
|Adolf Josef, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1832||1914||
|Julius, Count Karolyi of Nagy-Karoly||1837||1890||
|Albert, 8th Prince of Thurn and Taxis||1867||1952||
|rowspan=6|1891||Archduke Josef Ferdinand of Austria
|Archduke Joseph August of Austria
|Leopold, Count of Sternberg||1811||1899||
|Edmond, Prince of Clary and Aldringen||1813||1894||
|Richard, Count of Clam-Martinic||1832||1891||
|Count Karoly Khuen-Belasi-Héderváry||1849||1918||
|rowspan=9|1892||Emeric, Count Széchény of Sárárvar-Felsövidk||1825||1898||
|Emil Egon, Prince of Fürstenberg||1825||1899||
|Leopold, Prince of Croy-Dulmen||1827||1894||
|Franz, Count of Falkenhayn||1827||1898||
|Ferdinand, Count of Zichy of Zich and Vasonykeö||1829||1911||
|Count Philipp of Grunne||1833||1902||
|Prince Rudolf of Liechtenstein||1838||1908||
|Rudolf, Prince of Lobkowicz||1840||1908||
|Karl Friedrich, Prince of Oettingen-Wallerstein||1840||1905||
|rowspan=2|1893||Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg
|Archduke Peter Ferdinand of Austria||1874||1948||son of Ferdinand IV, Grand Duke of Tuscany
|1895||Archduke Ladislaus of Austria||1875||1895||son of Archduke Joseph Karl of Austria
|rowspan=11|1896||Aladar, Count of Andrassy||1827||1903||
|Johann, Count of Harrach||1828||1909||
|Adam, Prince Sapieha-Kodenski||1828||1903||
|Karl, Prince of Paar||1834||1917||
|Count Zeno Welser of Welsersheimb
|Paul IV, Prince Esterházy of Galantha||1843||1898||
|Franz, Count of Thun-Hohenstein||1847||1916||
|Tassilo, Count Festetics of Tolna||1850||1933||later Prince Festetics of Tolna
|Clovis, Prince of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfurst||1819||1901||
|Agenor, Count of Goluchowski of Goluchowo||1849||1921||
|Philippe, Duke of Orléans||1869||1926||
|1897||Archduke Heinrich Ferdinand of Austria||1878||1969||son of Ferdinand IV, Grand Duke of Tuscany
|rowspan=2|1898||Eustach, Prince of Sanguszko-Lubartowicz||1842||1903||
|Prince Johann Georg of Saxony
||1869||1938||son of King George of Saxony
|1899||Emanuele Filiberto, 2nd Duke of Aosta
|rowspan=15|1900||Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria
||1869||1955||later Crown Prince of Bavaria
|Prince Georg of Bavaria
|William, Count of Siemienski-Lewicki||1827||1901||
|Karl, Prince of Fugger-Babenhausen||1861||1925||
|Alexander, Count of Karolyi||1831||1906||
|Edward, Count of Paar||1837||1919||
|Franz, Count of Deym||1838||1903||
|Ladislaus de Szögyény-Marich
|Josef, Count of Thun-Hohenstein-Salm-Reifferscheidt||1849||1913||
|Bela, Count of Cziraky||1852||1911||
|Alfred, 2nd Prince of Montenuovo
|Karl, Prince of Auersperg||1859||1927||
|Nicholas, Prince of Palffy||1861||1955||
|Maximilian Egon, Prince of Fürstenberg||1863||1941||
|Robert, Duke of Württemberg||1873||1947||
|rowspan=7|1903||Prince Alfred of Liechtenstein
|Count Gyula Széchényi de Sárvár-Felsövidék||1829||1921||
|Georg Christian, Prince of Lobkowicz||1835||1908||
|Count Karl of Brzezie-Lanckoronski||1848||1933||
|Margrave Alexander of Pallavicini||1853||1933||
|Alois, Prince of Schönburg-Hartenstein||1858||1944||
|Miklós, Prince Esterházy of Galántha||1869||1920||
|1905||Archduke Charles of Austria
||1887||1922||later Emperor Charles I of Austria, King Charles IV of Hungary and III of Bohemia. Head of the order from 1916 till 1922
|rowspan=15|1907||Wilhelm, Prince of Hohenzollern
|Albert, Duke of Brabant
||1874||1934||later King Albert I of the Belgians
|Elias, Duke of Parma
||1880||1959||Head of the Ducal House of Parma
|Prince Konrad of Bavaria
||1883||1969||son of Prince Leopold of Bavaria
|Count Albin Csaky de Körösszeg et Adorján||1841||1912||
|Count Sándor Apponyi de Nagy-Apponyi||1844||1925||
|Karl, Prince of Trauttmansdorff-Weinsberg||1845||1921||
|Franz Josef, Prince of Auersperg||1856||1938||
|Karl, Prince Kinsky of Wchinitz and Tettau||1858||1919||
|Hugo, Prince of Dietrichstein of Nikolsbourg||1858||1920||
|Karl, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1859||1913||
|Count Andreas Potocki||1861||1927||
|Ernst Rüdiger, Prince of Starhemberg||1861||1927||
|Johann, Prince of Hohenlohe-Bartenstein||1863||1921||
|Count Johann of Meran||1867||1947||
|rowspan=8|1908||Ernst, Prince of Windisch-Graetz||1827||1918||
|Count Ladislaus Pejácsevich de Veröcze||1828||1916||
|Prince Alajos Esterházy of Galántha||1844||1912||
|Count Rudolf of Khevenhuller-Metsch||1844||1910||
|Alain, Prince of Rohan||1853||1914||
|Count Roman Potocki||1852||1915||
|Miklós, Count Szécsen de Temerin
|Ferdinand, Prince of Lobkowicz||1858||1938||
|1909||Ferdinand, Crown Prince of Romania
||1865||1927||later King Ferdinand I of Romania
|1910||Archduke Karl Albrecht of Austria
|rowspan=6|1911||Ferdinand I, King of Bulgaria
|Prince Alois of Liechtenstein||1869||1955||
|Count Rudolph of Montecuccoli||1843||1922||
|Count Leopold of Gudenus||1843||1913||
|Count Antonius of Cziraki||1850||?||
|Count Eugen Czernin of Chudenitz||1851||1925||
|rowspan=2|1912||Karl de Longueval, Count of Buquoy||1854||1911||
|Leopold, Count Berchtold von und zu Ungarschitz, Frättling und Püllütz||1863||1942||
|1913||Ferdinand, Prince of Lobkowicz||1850||1938||
|1914||Friedrich August Georg, Crown Prince of Saxony||1893||1943||son of King Frederick Augustus III of Saxony
|rowspan=9|1915||Archduke Maximilian Eugen of Austria
|Archduke Franz Karl Salvator of Austria||1893||1918||
|Archduke Hubert Salvator of Austria
|Archduke Leon Karl of Austria||1893||1939||
|Archduke Wilhelm Franz of Austria
|Archduke Joseph Franz of Austria
|Count Augustus Zichy de Zich et Vásonkeö||1852||1925||
|Johann, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1860||1938||
|Count Ferdinand Kinsky of Wchinitz and Tettau||1886||1916||
|rowspan=8|1916||Archduke Albert Franz of Austria
|Archduke Ranier Karl of Austria||1895||1930||
|Archduke Leopold of Austria
|Archduke Otto of Austria, Crown Prince of Austria, Hungary and Bohemia
||1912||2011||Head of the House of Habsburg and Sovereign of the Order of the Golden Fleece from 1922 to 2007
|Count Aurel Dessewffy de Csernek et Tarkeö||1846||1928||
|Baron Samuel Josika||1848||1923||
|Gyula, Count Andrássy de Csíkszentkirály et Krasznahorka
|Ladislaus, Prince of Batthyany-Strattmann||1870||1931||
|rowspan=7|1917||Philipp Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg
||1893||1975 ||later Head of the Royal House of Württemberg
|Franz I, Prince of Liechtenstein
|Count Johann Nepomuk of Wilczek||1837||1922||
|Konrad, Prince of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfurst||1863||1918||
|Friedrich Karl, Count of Schönborn-Bucheim||1869||1932||
|Gottfried, Prince of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst
|Ottokar, Count Czernin von und zu Chudenitz||1872||1932||
|rowspan=6|1918||Count Miklós Móric Esterházy of Galántha||1855||1925||
|Zdenko Vincent, Prince of Lobkowicz||1858||1933||
|Count Heinrich of Clam-Martinic||1863||1932||
|Count Karl of Kuefstein||1838||1925||
|Count Joseph of Hunyady||1873||1942||
|Stephan, Count Burián von Rajecz||1851||1922||
|rowspan=2|1919||Count Georg of Wallis||1856||?||
|Count Nikolaus Revertera of Salandra||1860||1951||
|rowspan=2|1920||Prince Johann of Schönburg-Hartenstein||1864||1937||
|Karl Emil, Prince of Furstenberg||1867||1945||
|rowspan=3|1921||Prince Johann of Liechtenstein||1873||1959||
|Albert, Count Apponyi de Nagy-Appony||1846||1933||
|Count Alexander Esterházy of Galántha||1868||1925||
|rowspan=7|1932||Archduke Robert of Austria-Este
|Archduke Gottfried of Austria||1902||1984||Head of the Grand Ducal House of Tuscany
|Maximilian, Duke of Hohenberg
|Baron Erwein of Gudenus||1869||1953||
|Count Heinrich of Degenfeld-Schonburg||1890||1978||
|Count Joseph Karolyi of Nagy-Karoly||1884||1934||
|Count Joseph Cziraki of Czirak and Dénesfalva||1883||1960||
|rowspan=2|1934||Archduke Georg of Austria||1905||1952||
|Count Johann Zichy||1868||1944||
|rowspan=5|1945||Archduke Felix of Austria
||1916||2011||son of Emperor Charles I of Austria (King Charles VI of Hungary and III of Bohemia)
|Archduke Karl Ludwig of Austria||1918||2007||son of Emperor Charles I of Austria (King Charles VI of Hungary and III of Bohemia)
|Archduke Rudolf Syringus of Austria
||1919||2010||son of Emperor Charles I of Austria (King Charles VI of Hungary and III of Bohemia)
|Prince Ernst of Hohenberg||1904||1954||
|Count Antonius of Sigray||1879||1947||
|rowspan=2|1946||Margrave Georg of Pallavicini||1881||1946||
|Leopold, Count Künigl||1880||1965||
|rowspan=4|1948||Duarte Nuno, Duke of Braganza
||1907||1976||Head of the Royal House of Portugal
|Franz Joseph II, Prince of Liechtenstein
|Archduke Theodor Salvator of Austria||1899||1978||
|Count Ferdinand of Colloredo-Mannsfeld||1878||1967||
|1949||Baron Franz of Vorst-Gudenau-Mirbach||1878||1952||
|rowspan=6|1950||Friedrich Christian, Margrave of Meissen
||1893||1968||Head of the Royal House of Saxony
|Friedrich, Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen||1891||1965||
|Count Georg of Waldburg-Zeil-Hohenems||1878||1955||
|Count Bernhard of Stolberg-Stolberg||1881||1952||
|Margrave Alphons of Pallavicini||1883||1958||
|Count Rudolf of Straten-Ponthoz||1877||1961||
|rowspan=6|1951||Archduke Ferdinand of Austria||1918||2004||nephew of Emperor Charles I of Austria (King Charles VI of Hungary and III of Bohemia)
|Prince Heinrich of Liechtenstein||1916||1991||
|Joseph, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1900||1979||
|Erich, Prince of Waldburg-Zeil and Trauchburg||1899||1953||
|José de Saldanha da Gama||1893||1958||
|Baron Gábor Apor de Al-Torja||1889||1969||
|rowspan=7|1953||Albrecht, Hereditary Prince of Bavaria
||1905||1996||later Duke of Bavaria and Head of the Royal House of Bavaria
|Ladislaus, Prince of Batthyany-Strattmann||1904||1966||
|Eduard, Prince of Auersperg||1863||1956||
|Count Karl of Trauttmansdorff-Weinsberg||1897||1970||
|Count Carl of Czernin of Chudenitz||1886||1978||
|Count János Esterházy de Galántha||1900||1967||
|Count Philipp of Gudenus||1905||1990||
|rowspan=3|1954||Eugène, 11th Prince of Ligne
|Count Franz Josef Forni||1904||1992||
|Viscount Charles Terlinden
|rowspan=4|1955||Archduke Heinrich of Austria||1925||- ||
|Thierry, Count of Limburg Stirum||1904||1968||
|Charles, Count of Limburg Stirum
|Gaston Christyn, Count of Ribaucourt||1882||1961||
|rowspan=3|1957||Count Rudolf Hoyos-Sprinzenstein||1884||1972 ||
|Count Peter Revertera of Salandra||1893||1966||
|Count Franz of Meran||1891||1983||
|rowspan=2|1958||Archduke Friedrich Salvator of Austria||1927||1999||
|Archduke Franz Salvator of Austria
|rowspan=8|1960||Archduke Joseph Arpád of Austria
|Franz, Hereditary Prince of Bavaria
||1933||- ||later Duke of Bavaria and Head of the Royal House of Bavaria
|Prince Ludwig of Bavaria||1913||2008||
|Karl, Prince of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg||1904||1990||
|Karl, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1911||1986 ||
|Count Johann-Anton of Goëss||1892||1970||
|Count Adalbert Hadik de Futak||1905||1971||
|Count Johann Larisch of Moennich||1917|| - ||
1961||Archduke Karl of Austria
||1961||- ||Head of the House of Habsburg and Sovereign of the Order of the Golden Fleece since 2007
|Archduke Andreas Salvator of Austria, Prince of Tuscany||1936|| - ||
|Archduke Karl Salvator of Austria, Prince of Tuscany||1936|| - ||
|Archduke Lorenz of Austria-Este, Prince of Belgium||1955|| - ||
|Archduke Michael Koloman of Austria||1942|| - ||
|Archduke Michael Salvator of Austria, Prince of Tuscany||1949|| - ||
|Archduke Georg of Austria||1964|| - ||
|Archduke Carl Christian of Austria
||1954|| - ||
|Archduke Joseph of Austria||1933|| - ||
|Prince Rasso of Bavaria
||1926|| - ||
|Albert II, King of the Belgians
||1937|| - ||
|Jean, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
||1921|| - ||Monarch until 2000
|Antoine, Prince of Ligne
|Renaud, Viscount of Chabot-Tramecourt||1921||-||
|Prince Albrecht of Hohenberg||1931|| - ||
|Joachim Egon, Prince of Fürstenberg||1923||2002||
|Carl, Duke of Württemberg
||1936|| - ||Head of the Royal House of Württemberg
|Eduard, Prince of Auersperg-Trautson||1917||2002||
|Prince Vincenz of Liechtenstein||1950||2008||
|The Prince of Hanover
||1969|| - ||
|Maria Emanuel, Margrave of Meissen
||1926|| - ||Head of the Royal House of Saxony
|Nikolaus, Prince of Lobkowicz||1931|| - ||
|Count Johann of Hoyos-Sprinzenstein||1923|| - ||
|Georg, Prince of Waldburg-Zeil and Trauchberg||1928|| - ||
|Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein
||1945|| - ||
|Prince Clemens of Altenburg||1932|| - ||
|Duarte Pio, Duke of Braganza
||1945|| - ||Head of the Royal House of Portugal
|Count Joseph of Neipperg||1918|| - ||
|Georg, Duke of Hohenberg
||1929|| - ||
|Fra Andrew Bertie, Grand Master of the Order of Malta
||1929|| 2008 ||
|Count Jakob of Eltz||1921|| 2006 ||
|Karl Johannes, Prince of Schwarzenberg
||1937|| - ||
|Archduke Joseph of Austria||1960||- ||
|Max, Prince of Khevenhüller-Metsch||1919|| - ||
|Aloys-Konstantin, Prince of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg||1941|| - ||
|Count Gottfried of Czernin of Chudenitz||?|| - ||
|Heinrich, Prince of Orsini and Rosenberg||1925|| - ||
|Mariano Hugo, Prince of Windisch-Grätz||1955|| - ||
|Olivier, Count of Ormesson||?|| - ||
|Baron Johann Friedrich of Solemacher-Antweiler||?|| - ||
|Baron Nicolas Adamovich de Csepin||1936|| - ||
|Count Alexander of Pachta-Reyhofen||?|| - ||Chancellor of the Order of the Golden Fleece
|Christoph Cardinal Schönborn
, Archbishop of Vienna
||1945|| - ||born Count of Schönborn-Wiesentheid, Chaplain of the Order of the Golden Fleece
|Baron Wulf Gordian of Hauser||?|| - ||Treasurer of the Order of the Golden Fleece
|Count Philipp of Clam-Martinic||?|| - ||Registrar of the Order of the Golden Fleece
|Count Karl-Albrecht of Waldstein-Wartenberg||?|| - ||Herald of the Order of the Golden Fleece
|2008||Prince Philippe, Duke of Brabant||1960|| - || Mentioned in his biography in the "Biographical Manual", an official publication of the Belgian Senate
Order of the Golden Fleece
The Order of the Golden Fleece is an order of chivalry founded in Bruges by Philip III, Duke of Burgundy in 1430, to celebrate his marriage to the Portuguese princess Infanta Isabella of Portugal, daughter of King John I of Portugal. It evolved as one of the most prestigious orders in Europe...
15th Century
!Year of Induction!!Name!!Born!!Died!!Notes|-
|rowspan=25|1430||Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy||1396||1467||Founder and First Head of the Order
|Guillaume de Vienne, Seigneur de Saint-George||1360||1435||
|Regnier Pot, Seigneur de la Prugne||?||1432||
|Jehan, Seigneur de Roubaix||1369||1449||
|Roland d'Uutkercke, Seigneur de Hemsrode||?||1442||
|Antoine de Vergy, Comte de Dammartin||?||1439||
|David de Brimeu, Seigneur de Ligny||?||1451||
|Hue de Lannoy, Seigneur de Santes||1384||1456||
|Jehan, Seigneur de Comines||?||1442||
|Antoine de Toulonjon||?||1432||Marshal of Burgundy
|Pierre de Luxembourg, Comte de Saint-Pol||1390||1433||
|Jehan de la Trémoille, Seigneur de Jonvelle||c. 1377||1449||
|Guilbert de Lannoy, Seigneur de Villerval||1386||1462||
|Jehan de Luxembourg, Comte de Ligny||1385||1440||
|Jehan de Villers, Seigneur de l'Isle-Adam||?||1439||
|Antoine de Croy, Comte de Porcéan||1390||1475||
|Florimond de Brimeu, Seigneur de Massincourt||?||1441||
|Robert, Seigneur de Masmines||?||1431||
|Jacques de Brimeu, Seigneur de Grigny||?||before 1451||
|Baudouin de Lannoy, Seigneur de Molembaix||1388||1474||
|Pierre de Bauffremont
Bauffremont is a French family which derived its name from a village in the Vosges, outside of Orléans, now spelt Beaufremont. The family traces itself to Liébaud, sire de Bauffremont, in 1090...
, Comte de Charny||?||1473||
|Philippe, Seigneur de Ternant||1400||1456||
|Jehan de Croy, Comte de Chimay||1395||1473||
|Jehan, Seigneur de Créqui
Jean de Créquy
Jean de Créquy was born in 1395 into the military Créquy family, dating back to the 10th century, the son of Jean IV and Jeanne de Roye]] ....
|Jehan de Neufchâtel, Seigneur de Montagu||?||1433||
|rowspan=2|1431||Frédéric, Comte de Meurs||1392||1451||
|Simon de Lalaing, Seigneur de Santes
Simon de Lalaing
Simon de Lalaing was an Admiral of Flanders from 1436 to 1462, after which he relinquished the title to his eldest son Othon de Lalaing . He was made a knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece in 1431...
|rowspan=2|1432||André de Toulonjon||?||1432||
|Jehan de Melun, Seigneur d'Antoing||1398||1484||
|rowspan=8|1433||Jacques, Seigneur de Crèvecoeur||?||1436||
|Jehan de Vergy, Seigneur de Fouvans||1378||1460||
|Guy de Pontailler, Seigneur de Tallemé||?||1463||
|Baudot de Noyelles-Wion, Seigneur de Casteau||?||1468||
|Jean bâtard de Luxembourg, Seigneur de Hautbourdin||?||1466||
|Charles of Burgundy, Comte de Charolais||1433||1477||succeeded his father Philip
Philip III, Duke of Burgundy
Philip the Good KG , also Philip III, Duke of Burgundy was Duke of Burgundy from 1419 until his death. He was a member of a cadet line of the Valois dynasty . During his reign Burgundy reached the height of its prosperity and prestige and became a leading center of the arts...
as Duke of Burgundy in 1467; second head of the order
|Ruprecht, Comte de Virnebourg||?||1443||
|Thibaut de Neufchâtel||1396||1461||
|rowspan=4|1440||Charles, Duc d'Orléans
Charles, duc d'Orléans
Charles of Valois was Duke of Orléans from 1407, following the murder of his father, Louis I, Duke of Orléans, on the orders of John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy...
|Jean VI, Duc de Bretagne
John VI, Duke of Brittany
John VI the Wise , was duke of Brittany, count of Montfort, and titular earl of Richmond, from 1399 to his death...
|Jean II, Duc d'Alençon||1409||1476||
|Mathieu de Foix-Comminges||1385||1453||
|rowspan=6|1445||Alfonso V, King of Aragon and Naples
Alfonso V of Aragon
Alfonso the Magnanimous KG was the King of Aragon , Valencia , Majorca, Sardinia and Corsica , and Sicily and Count of Barcelona from 1416 and King of Naples from 1442 until his death...
|Franck de Borsele, Comte d'Ostrevant||1394||1473||
|Reinoud II van Brederode
Reinoud II van Brederode
Reinoud II van Brederode was lord of Vianen, Ameide, Lexmond, Hei- en Boeicop, Meerkerk, Tienhoven and Twaalfhoven.-Life:...
|Henry de Borsele, Seigneur de Vere||1405||1470||
|Jean IV, Seigneur d'Auxy||1396||1474||
|André, Seigneur d'Humières||1403||1460||
|rowspan=6|1451||John I, Duke of Cleves
John I, Duke of Cleves
John I, Duke of Cleves, Count of Mark was Duke of Cleves and Count of Mark.- Life :He was the son of Adolph I, Duke of Cleves and Mary of Burgundy...
|Juan de Guevara, Count of Ariano||?||1456||
|Pedro de Cardona, Count of Colisano||?||1451||
|Jehan, Seigneur de Lannoy||1410||1493||
|Jacques de Lalaing, Seigneur de Bugincourt||1421||1453||
|Jehan de Neufchâtel, Seigneur de Montagu||?||?||
|rowspan=5|1456||Giosia I Acquaviva, Count of Terrano||?||1462||
|Jean de Bourgogne, Duc de Nevers||1415||1491||
|Antoine, bastard of Burgundy
Antoine, bastard of Burgundy
Anthony , known to his contemporaries as "the bastard of Burgundy" or "the Grand Bastard - le grand bâtard" - was the natural son of Philip III, Duke of Burgundy, and one of his mistresses, Jeanne de Presle.-Life:...
|Adolph of Cleves, Lord of Ravenstein
Adolph of Cleves, Lord of Ravenstein
Adolph of Cleves, Lord of Ravenstein was the youngest son of Adolph I, Duke of Cleves and of his wife Marie of Burgundy, a sister of Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy....
|Prince John of Portugal, Duke of Coimbra
John, Prince of Antioch
Infante John of Coimbra , also known as John of Coimbra or John of Portugal, was the second son of Infante Peter, Duke of Coimbra, and Isabella of Aragon, Countess of Urgell....
|rowspan=6|1461||Juan II, King of Aragon and Navarre
John II of Aragon
John II the Faithless, also known as the Great was the King of Aragon from 1458 until 1479, and jure uxoris King of Navarre from 1425 until his death. He was the son of Ferdinand I and his wife Eleanor of Alburquerque...
|Adolf the Young, Duke of Gelders||1438||1477||
|Thiebault de Neufchâtel, Marshal of Burgundy||1413||1469||
|Philippe Pot, Seigneur de La Roche de Nolay||1428||1493||
|Loys of Gruuthuse||1427||1492||
|Guy, Seigneur de Roye||?||1463||
|rowspan=8|1468||Edward IV, King of England
Edward IV of England
Edward IV was King of England from 4 March 1461 until 3 October 1470, and again from 11 April 1471 until his death. He was the first Yorkist King of England...
|Louis of Chalon, Seigneur de Château-Guyon||1448||1476||
|Jean de Damas, Seigneur de Clessy||?||?||
|Jacques de Bourbon||1445||1468||
|Jacques de Luxembourg, Seigneur de Richebourg||1426||1487||
|Philippe de Savoie, Comte de Bresse||1443||1497||
|Philippe de Crèvecoeur, Seigneur des Cardes||?||1494||
|Claude de Montagu, Seigneur de Couches||?||1470||
|rowspan=7|1473||Ferdinand V, King of Castile
Ferdinand II of Aragon
Ferdinand the Catholic was King of Aragon , Sicily , Naples , Valencia, Sardinia, and Navarre, Count of Barcelona, jure uxoris King of Castile and then regent of that country also from 1508 to his death, in the name of...
|Ferdinand I, King of Naples
Ferdinand I of Naples
Ferdinand I , also called Don Ferrante, was the King of Naples from 1458 to 1494. He was the natural son of Alfonso V of Aragon by Giraldona Carlino.-Biography:...
|Jean de Rubempré, Seigneur de Bièvres||?||1477||
|Philippe de Croy, Comte de Chimay||1395||1483||
|Jean de Luxembourg, Comte de Marle||1437||1476||
|Guy de Brimeu, Seigneur de Humbercourt||?||1477||
|Engelbert II, Count of Nassau||1451||1504||
|rowspan=2|1474||Johan Rengers ten Post, Lord of Scharmer and Dijksterhuis||±1410||1494||
|Unico II, Baron Ripperda
Ripperda is the name of and old and prominent family that belongs to the German and Dutch nobility. Members of this family have played a major role in European history as soldiers, politicians and diplomats.-Origins:...
von Farmsum
Farmsum is a town in the Dutch province of Groningen. It is a part of the municipality of Delfzijl.The statistical area "Farmsum", which may include the surrounding countryside, has a population of around 2,510.-References:...
15th Century
!Year of Induction!!Name!!Born!!Died!!Notes|-
|rowspan=9|1478||Archduke Maximilian I of Austria
Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor
Maximilian I , the son of Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor and Eleanor of Portugal, was King of the Romans from 1486 and Holy Roman Emperor from 1493 until his death, though he was never in fact crowned by the Pope, the journey to Rome always being too risky...
||1459||1519||husband to Marie
Mary of Burgundy
Mary of Burgundy ruled the Burgundian territories in Low Countries and was suo jure Duchess of Burgundy from 1477 until her death...
, Charles the Bold's
Charles I, Duke of Burgundy
Charles the Bold , baptised Charles Martin, was Duke of Burgundy from 1467 to 1477...
daughter and heir. Head of the Order until her death in 1482
|William II of Egmont
William II of Egmont
William II of Egmont was Lord of Egmont, IJsselstein, Schoonderwoerd and Haastrecht and Stadtholder of Guelders.-Biography:...
|Wolfart de Borsele, Seigneur de Vere||1430||1487||
|Joost de Lailang, Seigneur de Montigny
Joost de Lalaing
Joost de Lalaing , lord of Montigny and of Santes, was a noble from Hainaut who filled several important posts in service of the Burgundian Dukes.-Life:Joost de Lalaing was the eldest son of Simon de Lalaing...
|Jacques de Luxembourg, Seigneur de Fiennes||1443||1517||
|Philippe de Bourgogne, Seigneur de Beveren||c. 1450||1498||
|Peter II de Luxembourg, Count of Saint-Pol||1440||1483||
|Jacques de Savoie, Comte de Romont||1450||1486||
|Bertrem, Seigneur de Liechtenstein||?||?||
|rowspan=8|1481||Philip the Fair, Comte de Charolais
Philip I of Castile
Philip I , known as Philip the Handsome or the Fair, was the first Habsburg King of Castile...
||1479||1506||eldest son of Maximilian I
Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor
Maximilian I , the son of Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor and Eleanor of Portugal, was King of the Romans from 1486 and Holy Roman Emperor from 1493 until his death, though he was never in fact crowned by the Pope, the journey to Rome always being too risky...
and Marie
Mary of Burgundy
Mary of Burgundy ruled the Burgundian territories in Low Countries and was suo jure Duchess of Burgundy from 1477 until her death...
; head of the order 1482–1506
|Jean, Seigneur de Ligne||1435||1491||
|Pierre de Hennin, Seigneur de Boussu||1433||1490||
|Baudouin de Lannoy, Seigneur de Molembaix||1436||1501||
|Guillaume de la Baume, Seigneur d'Irlain||?||1516||
|Jean III, Seigneur de Berghes||1452||1531||
|Martin, Seigneur de Polheim||?||1498||
|Claude de Toulonjon, Seigneur de la Bastie||?||?||
|rowspan=14|1491||Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor
Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor
Frederick the Peaceful KG was Duke of Austria as Frederick V from 1424, the successor of Albert II as German King as Frederick IV from 1440, and Holy Roman Emperor as Frederick III from 1452...
||1415||1493||father to Maximilian I
Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor
Maximilian I , the son of Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor and Eleanor of Portugal, was King of the Romans from 1486 and Holy Roman Emperor from 1493 until his death, though he was never in fact crowned by the Pope, the journey to Rome always being too risky...
and grandfather to Philip
|Henry VII, King of England
Henry VII of England
Henry VII was King of England and Lord of Ireland from his seizing the crown on 22 August 1485 until his death on 21 April 1509, as the first monarch of the House of Tudor....
|Albert III, Duke of Saxony||1443||1500||
|Henri de Witthem, Seigneur de Beersel||1440||1515||
|Pierre de Lannoy, Seigneur de Fresnoy||1445||1510||
|Eberhard V, Count of Württemberg
Eberhard I, Duke of Württemberg
Eberhard I of Württemberg . From 1459 till 1495 he was Count Eberhard V. From July 1495 he was the first Duke of Württemberg. He is also known as Eberhard im Bart ....
|Claude de Neufchâtel, Seigneur de Fay||?||1505||
|Jean I, Comte d'Egmont||1439||1516||
|Christopher, Margrave of Baden-Hachberg||1453||1527||
|Jean, Seigneur de Cruninghen||1460||1513||
|Charles de Croy, 1st Prince of Chimay||1455||1527||
|Guillaume de Croy, Seigneur de Chièvres
William de Croÿ
William II de Croÿ, Lord of Chièvres , later Duke of Sora and Arce, Baron of Roccaguglielma William II de Croÿ, Lord of Chièvres (1458 – 28 May 1521) (also known as: Guillaume II de Croÿ, sieur de Chièvres in French; Guillermo II de Croÿ, señor de Chièvres, Xevres or Xebres in Spanish;...
|Hugues de Melun, Vicomte de Gand||1454||1524||
|Jacques de Luxembourg, Seigneur de Fiennes||?||1535||
16th Century
!Year of Induction!!Name!!Born!!Died!!Notes|-
|rowspan=8|1501||Charles of Ghent, Comte de Charolais
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
Charles V was ruler of the Holy Roman Empire from 1519 and, as Charles I, of the Spanish Empire from 1516 until his voluntary retirement and abdication in favor of his younger brother Ferdinand I and his son Philip II in 1556.As...
||1500||1558||eldest son of Philip the Fair. Head of the Order from 1506 to 1555
|Wolfgang von Polheim||1458||1512||
|Eitelfried II, Count of Zollern||1458||1512||
|Corneille de Berghes, Seigneur de Zevenberghe||1458||1516||
|Philippe bâtard de Bourgogne, Bishop of Utrecht||1466||1542||
|Michel de Croy, Seigneur de Sempy||?||1516||
|Jean de Luxembourg, Seigneur de Ville||?||1508||
|Philibert II, Duke of Savoy||1480||1504||
|rowspan=10|1505||Henry, Prince of Wales
Henry VIII of England
Henry VIII was King of England from 21 April 1509 until his death. He was Lord, and later King, of Ireland, as well as continuing the nominal claim by the English monarchs to the Kingdom of France...
||1491||1547||later King Henry VIII of England
|Paul von Liechtenstein||?||?||
|Charles I de Lalaing
Charles I de Lalaing
Charles de Lalaing, baron and later 1st count of Lalaing, lord of Escornaix .-Life:Charles was born as the eldest son of Joost de Lalaing, from a family of landowners from Hainaut. He was married to Jacoba of Luxembourg, daughter of Jacob of Luxembourg and Maria of Berlaymont...
|Wolfgang von Fürstenberg||1465||1509||
|Juan Manuel de Belmonte||?||1535||
|Floris d'Egmont, Count of Buren||1469||1539||
|Jacques III, Comte de Hornes||?||1530||
|Henry III, Count of Nassau-Breda
Henry III of Nassau-Breda
Count Henry III of Nassau-Dillenburg-Dietz , Lord of Breda, Lord of the Lek, of Diest, etc. was a count of the House of Nassau....
|Ferry de Croy, Seigneur de Roeulx||?||1524||
|Philibert, Seigneur de Vere||?||1512||
|rowspan=25|1515||Francis I, King of France
Francis I of France
Francis I was King of France from 1515 until his death. During his reign, huge cultural changes took place in France and he has been called France's original Renaissance monarch...
|Archduke Ferdinand of Austria
Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor
Ferdinand I was Holy Roman Emperor from 1558 and king of Bohemia and Hungary from 1526 until his death. Before his accession, he ruled the Austrian hereditary lands of the Habsburgs in the name of his elder brother, Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor.The key events during his reign were the contest...
||1503||1564||younger brother of Charles V, later Holy Roman Emperor
|Frederick II, Elector Palatine||1482||1556||
|John V of Brandenburg-Ansbach||1493||1525||
|Guy de la Baume, Comte de Montrevel||?||1516||
|Hoier, Comte de Mansfeld||1484||1540||
|Laurent de Gorrevod, Comte de Pont de Vaux||?||1527||
|Philippe de Croy, 1st Duc d'Aerschot||1496||1549||
|Jacques de Gavre, Seigneur de Frezin||?||1537||
|Antoine de Croy, Seigneur de Tour-sur-Marne et Sempy||?||1546||
|Antoine de Lalaing, Comte de Hoogstraten||1480||1540||
|Charles de Lannoy, Seigneur de Senzeille
Charles de Lannoy
Charles de Lannoy was a soldier and statesman from the Low Countries in service of the Habsburg Emperors Maximilian I and Charles V of Spain....
|Adolphe de Bourgogne, Seigneur de Beveren||1489||1540||
|Philibert of Châlon, Prince of Orange||1502||1530||
|Felix, Count of Werdenberg||?||1530||
|Manuel I, King of Portugal
Manuel I of Portugal
Manuel I , the Fortunate , 14th king of Portugal and the Algarves was the son of Infante Ferdinand, Duke of Viseu, , by his wife, Infanta Beatrice of Portugal...
|Louis II, King of Hungary and Bohemia
Louis II of Hungary and Bohemia
Louis II was King of Hungary, Bohemia and Croatia from 1516 to 1526.- Early life :Louis was the son of Ladislaus II Jagiellon and his third wife, Anne de Foix....
|Michael von Wolkenstein||?||1523||
|Maximilien de Hornes, Seigneur de Gaesbeek||?||1542||
|Guillaume, Seigneur de Ribaupierre||1468||1547||
|Jean III, baron de Trazegnies||1470||1550||
|Jean van Wassenaar
House of Wassenaer
Van Wassenaer is the name of an old Dutch noble family. It was first mentioned in the county of Holland on November 3, 1200. They are one of the few original noble families from Holland that has not died out.-Origin of the name:...
, Vicomte de Leyden||1483||1523||
|Maximilien de Berghes, Seigneur de Zevenbergen||?||1545||
|François de Melun, Comte d'Espinoy||?||1547||
|Jean, Comte d'Egmont||1499||1528||
|rowspan=14|1519||Fadrique Alvarez de Toledo, 2nd Duke of Alva||c. 1460||1531||
|Diego Lopez de Pacheco, 2nd Duke of Escalona
Diego Lopez de Pacheco, 2nd Duke of Escalona
Diego López Pacheco was a Spanish noble, 2nd Duke of Escalona and 2nd Marquis of Villena.Diego López Pacheco was son of Juan Pacheco, one of the most influential politicians of his time, and María Portocarrero...
|Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, 3rd Duke of l'Infantado
Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, 3rd Duke of l'Infantado
Diego Hurtado de Mendoza y Luna, 3rd Duke of the Infantado, nicknamed El Grande, was a Spanish noble....
|Íñigo Fernández de Velasco, 2nd Duke of Frías
Íñigo Fernández de Velasco, 2nd Duke of Frías
Íñigo Fernández de Velasco, 2nd Duke of Frías, Grandee of Spain, ), was a Spanish nobleman and Duke of Frias....
|Alvaro de Zuniga y Guzman, 2nd Duke of Béjar||1455||1531||
|Antonio Manrique de Lara, 2nd Duke of Najera
Antonio Manrique de Lara, 2nd Duke of Nájera
Antonio Manrique de Lara, 2nd Duke of Nájera was a Spanish noble and military, and Viceroy of Navarre between 1516 and 1521....
|Fernando Ramon Folch, 2nd Duke of Cardona
Fernando Ramon Folch, 2nd Duke of Cardona
Fernando Ramon Folch de Cardona, 2nd duke of Cardona, , was a Spanish noble, 2nd Duke of Cardona since 1513 and Viceroy of Sicily....
||c. 1470||1543||
|Pietro Antonio San Severino, Duke of San Marco||?||?||
|Fadrique Enriquez de Cabrera, 2nd Count of Melgar||1466||1538||
|Alvaro Perez Osorio, 3rd Marquis of Astorga||?||1523||
|Christian II, King of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden
Christian II of Denmark
Christian II was King of Denmark, Norway and Sweden , during the Kalmar Union.-Background:...
|Sigismund I of Poland
Sigismund I the Old
Sigismund I of Poland , of the Jagiellon dynasty, reigned as King of Poland and also as the Grand Duke of Lithuania from 1506 until 1548...
|Jacques de Luxembourg, Comte de Gavre||?||1530||
|Adrien de Croy, Comte de Roeulx||?||1555||
|rowspan=24|1531||John III, King of Portugal
John III of Portugal
John III , nicknamed o Piedoso , was the fifteenth King of Portugal and the Algarves. He was the son of King Manuel I and Maria of Aragon, the third daughter of King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella I of Castile...
||1502||1557||Charles V's brother-in-law
|James V, King of Scots
James V of Scotland
James V was King of Scots from 9 September 1513 until his death, which followed the Scottish defeat at the Battle of Solway Moss...
|Ferdinando d'Aragon, Duke of Calabria||1488||1550||
|Pedro Fernandez de Velasco, 3rd Duke of Frias
Pedro Fernández de Velasco, 3rd Duke of Frías
Pedro Fernández de Velasco, 3rd Duke of Frías , Grandee of Spain was a Spanish nobleman.Fernández de Velasco was the son of Íñigo Fernández de Velasco, 2nd Duke of Frías and of María de Tovar, Lady of Berlanga...
|Philip, Duke of Bavaria||1503||1548||
|George, Duke of Saxony
George, Duke of Saxony
George the Bearded, Duke of Saxony , was duke of Saxony from 1500 to 1539.Duke George was a member of the Order of the Golden Fleece.-Early life:...
|Beltran II de la Cueva y Toledo, 3rd Duke of Albuquerque||1477||1560||
|Andrea Doria, 1st Prince of Melfi
Andrea Doria
Andrea Doria was an Italian condottiere and admiral from Genoa.-Early life:Doria was born at Oneglia from the ancient Genoese family, the Doria di Oneglia branch of the old Doria, de Oria or de Auria family. His parents were related: Ceva Doria, co-lord of Oneglia, and Caracosa Doria, of the...
|Philip of Austria, Prince of Asturias
Philip II of Spain
Philip II was King of Spain, Portugal, Naples, Sicily, and, while married to Mary I, King of England and Ireland. He was lord of the Seventeen Provinces from 1556 until 1581, holding various titles for the individual territories such as duke or count....
||1527||1598||Charles V's eldest son, later Philip II of Spain. Head of the order from 1555
|Reinoud III van Brederode
Reinoud III van Brederode
Reinoud III van Brederode , lord of Brederode and Vianen, burgrave of Utrecht, master of the woods and master of the hunt of Holland, member of the Council of State....
|Ferrante Gonzaga, Duke of Ariano||1507||1557||
|Nicholas, Count of Salm
Nicholas, Count of Salm
Nicholas, Count of Salm was a Holy Roman Empire Imperial senior military commander ....
|Claude de la Baume, Seigneur de Mont-Saint-Sorlin||?||1541||
|Antoine, Marquis de Berghes||1503||1567||
|Jean de Hennin, 1st Comte de Boussu||1480||1562||
|Charles, 2nd Comte de Lalaing||1506||1558||
|Louis de Flandres, Seigneur de Praet||1488||1555||
|Georges Schenck, Seigneur de Tautenburg||1480||1540||
|Philippe de Lannoy, Vicomte de Sebourg||1460||1535||
|Philippe de Lannoy, Seigneur de Molembaix||1487||1543||
|Alfonso d'Avalos d'Aquino, Marquis del Vasto||1502||1546||
|Francisco de Zuñiga, 3rd Count of Miranda||?||1536||
|Maximilien d'Egmont, Count of Büren||1509||1548||
|René de Châlons, Prince of Orange
René of Châlon
René of Châlon , also known as Renatus of Châlon, was a Prince of Orange and stadtholder of Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht and Gelre....
|rowspan=21|1546||Archduke Maximilian of Austria
Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor
Maximilian II was king of Bohemia and king of the Romans from 1562, king of Hungary and Croatia from 1563, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation from 1564 until his death...
||1527||1576||eldest son of Charles's brother, King Ferdinand. Later Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian II
|Iñigo Lopez de Mendoza, 4th Duke of l'Infantado||1503||1566||
|Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, 3rd Duke of Alva||1508||1582||
|Cosimo I de' Medici, Duke of Florence||1519||1574||later became the first Grand Duke of Tuscany
|Albert V, Duke of Bavaria
Albert V, Duke of Bavaria
Albert V was Duke of Bavaria from 1550 until his death. He was born in Munich to William IV and Marie Jacobaea of Baden.-Early life:Albert was educated at Ingolstadt under good Catholic teachers...
|Emmanuel Philibert, Prince of Piedmont||1528||1580||later Duke of Savoy
|Ottavio Farnese, Duke of Parma
Ottavio Farnese, Duke of Parma
Ottavio Farnese reigned as Duke of Parma and Piacenza from 1547 and Duke of Castro from 1545 until his death.-Biography:...
|Juan Esteban Manrique de Lara, 3rd Duke of Najera||1504||1558||
|Friedrich von Fürstenberg||1496||1559||
|Philippe de Lannoy, 2nd Prince of Sulmone||1514||1553||
|Joachim, Seigneur de Rye||?||?||
|Ponthus de Lalaing, Seigneur de Bugnicourt||1508||1558||
|Lamoral d'Egmont, Prince de Gavre
Lamoral, Count of Egmont
Lamoral, Count of Egmont, Prince of Gavere was a general and statesman in the Habsburg Netherlands just before the start of the Eighty Years' War, whose execution helped spark the national uprising that eventually led to the independence of the Netherlands.The Count of Egmont headed one of the...
|Claude de Vergy, Comte de Gruères||1495||1560||
|Jacques, Comte de Ligne||?||1552||
|Maximilien de Bourgogne, Marquis de Vere||1514||1558||
|Peter Ernest, Count of Mansfeld||1517||1604||
|Jean de Ligne, Comte d'Arenberg
Jean de Ligne, Duke of Aremberg
Jean de Ligne, Duke of Arenberg was Baron of Barbançon, founder of the House of Arenberg and stadtholder of the Dutch provinces of Friesland, Groningen, Drenthe and Overijssel from 1549 until his death....
|Pierre de Barbançon, Stadtholder of Hainault||1500||1557||
|Jean de Lannoy, Seigneur de Molembaix||1509||1560||
|Pedro Fernández de Córdoba, 4th Count of Feria||1518||1552||
|rowspan=18|1555||Henry II, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel||1489||1568||
|Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, Margrave of Burgau||1529||1595||second son of Emperor Ferdinand I
|Philippe de Croy, 3rd Duc d'Aerschot||1521||1595||
|Gonzalo II Fernández de Córdoba (1520-1578)
Gonzalo II Fernández de Córdoba (1520-1578)
Gonzalo II Fernández de Córdoba , 3rd duke of Sessa, was the grandson of famous Viceroy of Naples, Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba, 1st duke of Sessa...
|Don Carlos of Spain
Don Carlos, Prince of Asturias
Carlos, Prince of Asturias, also known as Don Carlos , was the eldest son and heir of King Philip II of Spain. His mother was Maria Manuela of Portugal, daughter of John III of Portugal. Carlos was mentally unstable and was imprisoned by his father in early 1568, dying after half a year of solitary...
||1545||1568||eldest son of King Philip II
|Luis Enriquez de Cabrera, 2nd Duke of Medina de Rioseco||?||1572||
|Alfonso de Aragon, 3rd Duke of Cardona||?||1562||
|Charles, Baron de Berlaymont
Charles de Berlaymont
Charles de Berlaymont was a noble who sided with the Spanish during the Eighty years war, and was a member of the Council of Troubles. He was the son of Michiel de Berlaymont and Maria de Berault. He was lord of Floyon and Haultpenne, and baron of Hierges...
|Philippe de Stavele, Baron de Chaumont||1508||1562||
|Charles de Brimeu, Comte de Meghem||1524/25||1572||
|Philippe de Montmorency, Count of Horn||1518||1568||
|Jean IV, Marquis de Berghes||1528||1567||
|William I, Prince of Orange||1533||1584||
|Jean de Montmorency, Siegneur de Courrière||?||1563||
|Wratislaw von Pernstein||1530||1592||
|Francisco Fernando d'Avalos d'Aquino, 5th Marquis of Pescara||?||1571||
|Antonio Doria, Marquis of San Stefano||?||?||
|Ascanio Sforza-Sforza, Count of Santa Fiora||1520||1575||
|rowspan=9|1559||Guidobaldo de Montefeltre, Duke of Urbino||1514||1574||
|Marco-Antonio Colonna, Prince of Tagliacozza||1535||1584||
|Philippe de Montmorency, Seigneur d'Achricourt||1502||1566||
|Baudouin de Lannoy, Seigneur de Molembaix||1518||1559||
|Guillaume de Croy, Marquis de Renty||1527||1565||
|Floris de Montmorency, Seigneur de Montigny||1528||1567||
|Philippe, 2me Comte de Ligne||1533||1583||
|Charles de Lannoy, 5th Prince of Sulmone||1537||1568||
|Antoine de Lalaing, 3rd Comte de Hoogstraten||1535||1568||
|1560||Francis II, King of France
Francis II of France
Francis II was aged 15 when he succeeded to the throne of France after the accidental death of his father, King Henry II, in 1559. He reigned for 18 months before he died in December 1560...
|1561||Joachim von Neuhaus||?||1584||
|1565||Charles IX, King of France
Charles IX of France
Charles IX was King of France, ruling from 1560 until his death. His reign was dominated by the Wars of Religion. He is best known as king at the time of the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre.-Childhood:...
|1566||Don John of Austria||1547||1578||illegitimate son of Charles V; later the victor of Lepanto
Battle of Lepanto (1571)
The Battle of Lepanto took place on 7 October 1571 when a fleet of the Holy League, a coalition of Catholic maritime states, decisively defeated the main fleet of the Ottoman Empire in five hours of fighting on the northern edge of the Gulf of Patras, off western Greece...
|1573||Eric II, Duke of Brunswick||1528||1584||
|rowspan=2|1581||Joao, Duke of Braganza||1547||1583||
|Alonso de Guzmán El Bueno, 7th Duke of Medina Sidonia
Alonso de Guzmán El Bueno, 7th Duke of Medina Sidonia
Alonso Pérez de Guzmán y de Zúñiga-Sotomayor, 7th Duke of Medina Sidonia, , Grandee of Spain, a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece since 1581, was the commander-in-chief of the Spanish Armada....
||1550||1615||later commander of the Spanish Armada
Spanish Armada
This article refers to the Battle of Gravelines, for the modern navy of Spain, see Spanish NavyThe Spanish Armada was the Spanish fleet that sailed against England under the command of the Duke of Medina Sidonia in 1588, with the intention of overthrowing Elizabeth I of England to stop English...
|1583||Philip, Prince Asturias
Philip III of Spain
Philip III , also known as Philip the Pious, was the King of Spain and King of Portugal and the Algarves, where he ruled as Philip II , from 1598 until his death...
||1578||1621||only surviving son of Philip II, later King Philip III of Spain. Head of the order from 1598
|rowspan=16|1585||Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy||1562||1630||son-in-law of Philip II
|Luis Enriquez de Cabrera, 3rd Duke of Medina de Rioseco||?||1596||
|Juan de la Cerda, 5th Duke of Medinaceli
Juan de la Cerda, 5th Duke of Medinaceli
Juan de la Cerda, 5th Duke of Medinaceli, , Grandee of Spain, , was a Spanish nobleman and Ambassador in Portugal....
|Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor
Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor
Rudolf II was Holy Roman Emperor , King of Hungary and Croatia , King of Bohemia and Archduke of Austria...
||1552||1612||son of Maximilian II and nephew of Philip II
|Archduke Charles of Inner Austria||1540||1590||youngest son of Ferdinand I
|Archduke Ernest of Austria
Archduke Ernest of Austria
Archduke Ernest of Austria was an Austrian nobleman, the son of Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor and Maria of Spain....
||1513||1595||younger brother of Rudolf II, nephew of Philip II
|Guillaume Orsini de Rosenberg||1535||1592||
|Leonhard Harrach von Rohrau und Pirckenstein||1514||1590||
|Horace de Lannoy, 4th Prince of Sulmone||?||1597||
|Wilhelm V, Duke of Bavaria||1548||1626||
|Francesco de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany||1541||1587||
|Alexander Farnese, Prince of Parma
Alexander Farnese, Duke of Parma
Alexander Farnese was Duke of Parma and Piacenza from 1586 to 1592, and Governor of the Spanish Netherlands from 1578 to 1592.-Biography:...
||1545||1592||nephew of Philip II; from 1586, Duke of Parma
|Francesco de Montefeltre, Duke of Urbino||1549||1631||
|Vespasiano Gonzaga Colonna, Duke of Sabbioneta||1531||1591||
|Carlos de Aragón||c. 1520||1599||
|Diego Fernández de Córdoba, 3rd Marquis of Camarasa||1524||1601||
|rowspan=10|1586||Marc de Rye, Marquis de Varambon||?||1599||
|Maximilian, Count of East Frisia||1542||1600||
|Charles de Ligne, 2nd Prince of Arenberg
Charles de Ligne, 2nd Prince of Arenberg
Princely Count Charles of Arenberg, duke of Aarschot , baron of Zevenbergen, knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, was the second Princely Count of Arenberg and a leading aristocrat of the Habsburg Netherlands, who served as a courtier, soldier, minister and diplomat.-Background and early...
|Florent, Count of Berlaymont||?||1626||
|Philip William d'Egmont, Prince of Gavre||1558||1590||
|Emmanuel de Lalaing, Marquis de Renty||1547||1590||
|Robert de Melun, Prince d'Espinoy||1550||1585||
|Alfonso Felix d'Avalos d'Aragone, 6th Marquis of Pescara||1529||1593||
|François de Vergy, Comte de Champlite||1530||1591||
|Francisco de Santapau Varesi, 2nd Prince of Butera||?||1590||
|rowspan=2|1587||Onorato Caëtani, 6th Marquis of Cisterna||1541||1592||
|Jean Khevenhüller de Aichelburg, Count of Frankenburg||1537||1606||
|rowspan=4|1589||Vincenzo I Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua||1562||1612||
|Iñigo Lopez de Mendoza, 5th Duke of l'Infantado||1536||1601||
|Juan Fernandez Pacheco, 5th Duke of Escalona
Juan Fernandez Pacheco, 5th Duke of Escalona
Don Juan Fernández Pacheco, , 5th Duke of Escalona, 5th Marquis of Villena and 5th Count of Xiquena was a Spanish nobleman and, between 1607 and 1610, viceroy of Sicily....
|Pietro de' Medici, Prince of Tuscany||1544||1604||
|rowspan=4|1596||Archduke Matthias of Austria
Matthias, Holy Roman Emperor
Matthias of Austria was Holy Roman Emperor from 1612, King of Hungary and Croatia from 1608 and King of Bohemia from 1611...
||1557||1619||later Holy Roman Emperor
|Archduke Ferdinand of Austria
Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor
Ferdinand II , a member of the House of Habsburg, was Holy Roman Emperor , King of Bohemia , and King of Hungary . His rule coincided with the Thirty Years' War.- Life :...
||1578||1637||later Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II
|Sigismund Bathory, Prince of Transylvania||1572||1613||
|Albert VII, Archduke of Austria
Albert VII, Archduke of Austria
Archduke Albert VII of Austria was, jointly with his wife, the Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia, sovereign of the Habsburg Netherlands between 1598 and 1621, ruling the Habsburg territories in the southern Low Countries and the north of modern France...
||1559||1621||Governor of the Spanish Netherlands
|rowspan=11|1599||Louis Enriquez de Cabrera, 4th Duke of Medina de Rioseco||?||1600||
|Ferrante II Gonzaga, Duke of Ariano||1563||1630||
|Juan de la Cerda, 6th Duke of Medinaceli
Juan de la Cerda, 6th Duke of Medinaceli
Juan Luis de la Cerda, 6th Duke of Medinaceli, Grandee of Spain, , was a Spanish nobleman and Ambassador in Germanic countries....
|Antonio Alvarez de Toledo, 5th Duke of Alba
Antonio Álvarez de Toledo, 5th Duke of Alba
Antonio Álvarez de Toledo y Beaumont, 5th Duke of Alba, Grandee of Spain, , was a Spanish nobleman and politician....
|Charles de Croy, 4th Duke of Aerschot||1560||1612||
|Charles Philippe de Croy, Marquis d'Havré||1549||1613||
|Philippe de Croy, Comte de Solre||1561||1612||
|Philip William, Prince of Orange
Philip William, Prince of Orange
Philip William, Prince of Orange was the eldest son of William the Silent, who played an important role during the Dutch Revolt, by his first wife Anna van Egmont...
||1554||1618||Catholic son of William the Silent
William the Silent
William I, Prince of Orange , also widely known as William the Silent , or simply William of Orange , was the main leader of the Dutch revolt against the Spanish that set off the Eighty Years' War and resulted in the formal independence of the United Provinces in 1648. He was born in the House of...
|Lamoral de Ligne, Prince d'Espinoy||1563||1624||
|Charles d'Egmont, Prince de Gavre||1568||1620||
|Claude-François de Vergy, Comte de Champlite||?||1602||
|rowspan=5|1600||Pietro Caëtani, 7th Duke of Sermoneta||1564||1614||
|Sigismund III, King of Poland
Sigismund III Vasa
Sigismund III Vasa was King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, a monarch of the united Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth from 1587 to 1632, and King of Sweden from 1592 until he was deposed in 1599...
|Rainuccio Farnese, Duke of Parma||1569||1622||
|Diego Enriquez de Guzman, 5th Duke of Alba de Lista||?||1604||
|Maximilian I, Count Palatine of Zweibrücken||1573||1651||
17th Century
!Year of Induction!!Name!!Born!!Died!!Notes|-
|rowspan=2|1601||Hermann de Berg, Marquis of Bergen op Zoom
Herman van den Bergh (stadhouder)
Herman, Count van den Bergh was a Dutch soldier in the Eighty Years' War, knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece and stadtholder of Spanish Guelders.-Life:...
|Carlos Tagliava d'Aragona, 2nd Duke of Terranova||?||1605||
|rowspan=8|1605||Ambrogio Spinola, Marquis of Sesto||1569||1630||
|Cesare d'Este, Duke of Modena||1552||1628||
|Alexandro Pico, 1st Duke of Mirandola||1567||1637||
|Camillo Carraciolo, 2nd Prince of Avellino||1563||1617||
|Matteo de Capua, 2nd Prince of Conca||?||?||
|Marzio Colonna, Duke of Zagarolo||1584||1607||
|Iñigo d'Avalos d'Aquino, 7th Marquis of Pescara||?||?||
|Virginio Orsini, 2nd Duke of Bracciano||1573||1615||
|1606||Lodovico Carafa de Marra, 4th Prince of Stigliano||1570||1630||
|rowspan=4|1607||Andrea Matteo Acquaviva d'Aragon, 2nd Prince of Caserta||?||1635||
|Fabrizio Branciforte, 3rd Prince of Buteera||?||?||
|Antonio de Moncada, 4th Prince of Paterno||?||1631||
|Gian Andrea Doria, 5th Prince of Melfi||1570||1612||
|1608||Pedro Tellez Giron, 3rd Duke of Osuna||1574||1624||
|1609||Jean Tagliavia d'Aragon, 3rd Duke of Terranova||?||1624||
|rowspan=2|1610||Alonso Diego Lopez de Zuniga, 6th Duke of Béjar||1578||1619||
|Francesco Colonna, Prince of Palestrina||?||1636||
|1611||Rodrigo Ponce de Leon, 3rd Duke of Arcos||1545||1630||
|rowspan=4|1612||Francisco Gonzaga, 3rd Prince of Castiglione||1577||1616||
|Frederico Landi, 4th Prince of Val di Taro||?||1630||
|Georg Ludwig, Landgrave of Leuchtenberg||1550||1613||
|Paul Sixtus Trauston, Count of Falkenstein||1550||1621||
|rowspan=5|1613||Philip, Prince of Asturias
Philip IV of Spain
Philip IV was King of Spain between 1621 and 1665, sovereign of the Spanish Netherlands, and King of Portugal until 1640...
||1605||1665||later King Philip IV of Spain. Head of the order from 1621
|Charles de Longueval, Comte de Bucquoy||1571||1621||
|Frédéric de Bergen op Zoom, Baron de Boxmeer||1559||1625||
|Charles Emmanuel de Gorrevod, Duc de Pont-de-Vaux||1569||1625||
|Antoine de Lalaing, 4th Count of Hoogstraten||1588||1613||
|1614||Jean de Croy, Comte de Solre||1578||1640||
|rowspan=4|1615||Emmanuel Domingo Perez de Guzman, 8th Duke of Medina Sidonia||1579||1636||
|Gleriardus de Vergy, Comte de Champlite||1580||1630||
|Wolfgang William, Count Palatine of Neuburg||1578||1653||
|Wladyslaw, Crown Prince of Poland||1595||1648||later King Wladyslaw IV of Poland
|1616||Carlo Philiberto d'Este, Marquis d'Este||1571||1651||
|rowspan=5|1617||Paolo di Sangro, 2nd Prince of San Severo||1569||1624||
|Philippe Charles, Comte d'Arenberg||1587||1640||
|Charles-Alexandre de Croy, Marquis of Havré||1574||1624||
|Christophe de Rye de la Palu||?||1663||
|Wratislaw, Count of Fürstenberg||1548||1631||
|1618||Jean, Comte d'Ostfrise et Ritberg||1566||1625||
|1619||Christophe, Comte d'Ostfrise et d'Emden||1569||1636||
|rowspan=3|1620||John Ulrich, Prince of Eggenberg||1568||1634||
|Zdenko Adalbert Poppel, Prince of Lobkowicz||1568||1628||
|John George, Count of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen||1577||1623||
|rowspan=5|1621||Francisco Diego Lopez de Zuñiga, 7th Duke of Béjar||1596||1636||
|Charles de Lalaing, 5th Count of Hoogstraten||1569||1626||
|François Thomas d'Oyselet Perrenot de Granvelle||?||1629||
|Luis de Velasco, Count of Salazar||1559||1625||
|Guillaume de Melun, Prince of Espinoy||1580||1635||
|rowspan=2|1622||Charles I, Prince of Liechtenstein||1569||1627||
|Leonard Helfrid, Count of Meggau||?||1644||
|rowspan=2|1623||Infant Carlos of Spain||1607||1632||brother of King Philip IV
|Francis Christoph Khevenhüller, Count of Frankenburg||1588||1650||
|rowspan=11|1624||John III, Count of Nassau||1583||1638||
|Archibald Campbell, 7th Earl of Argyll
Archibald Campbell, 7th Earl of Argyll
Archibald Campbell, 7th Earl of Argyll , also called "Gillesbuig Grumach", was a Scottish politician and military leader.-Biography:...
|Philippe de Rubempré, Comte de Vertaing||?||1639||
|Alexandre I, duc de Bournonville||1586||1656||
|Louis d'Egmont, Prince of Gavre||1596||1654||
|Alexandre, Prince of Arenberg and Chimay||1599||1629||
|Paolo Savelli, 1st Prince of Albano||?||1632||
|Honoré I, Prince of Monaco||1597||1662||
|Fabricio Carafa, Prince of La Roccella||?||?||
|Marino Caracciolo, 4th Prince of Avellino||1587||1630||
|Archduke Ferdinand of Austria
Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor
Ferdinand III was Holy Roman Emperor from 15 February 1637 until his death, as well as King of Hungary and Croatia, King of Bohemia and Archduke of Austria.-Life:...
||1608||1657||later Emperor Ferdinand III
|1626||Archduke Leopold V of Austria||1586||1632||
|rowspan=4|1627||Alonso Fernández de Córdoba, 5th Duke of Feria||1588||1645||
|Karl, Count Harrach von Rohrau||1570||1628||
|Georg Ludwig, Count of Schwarzenberg||1586||1646||
|Tiberio Vincenzo del Bosco, 3rd Prince of Cattolica||?||1654||
|rowspan=11|1628||Albrecht von Wallenstein, Duke of Friedland
Albrecht von Wallenstein
Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Wallenstein , actually von Waldstein, was a Bohemian soldier and politician, who offered his services, and an army of 30,000 to 100,000 men during the Danish period of the Thirty Years' War , to the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II...
|Maximilian, Count of Sainte-Adelgonde||?||1635||
|Jean de Montmorency, Prince of Robecq||?||1631||
|Maximilien de Hennin, Count of Boussu||?||1635||
|Tiberio Carafa, 6th Prince of Bisignano||1580||1647||
|Johann Jakob, Count of Bronckhorst and Anholt||1580||1630||
|Ottavio Visconti, Count of Gamalerio||?||1632||
|Luis Fernández de Córdoba, 7th Duke of Cardona||1608||1670||
|Albert, Prince of Arenberg||1600||1674||
|Otto Heinrich Fugger, Count of Kirchberg
Otto Heinrich Fugger, Count of Kirchberg
Otto Heinrich Fugger, Count of Kirchberg was promoted to be a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece in 1628. He was the son of Christoffe Fugger, deceased 1615, the grandson of Johann Fugger, deceased 1598, the great grandson of very wealthy Augsburg city International businessman and banker...
|Nicholas, Count Esterházy de Galántha||1582||1645||
|1629||Ramboldo, Count of Collalto
Ramboldo, Count of Collalto
Ramboldo XIII, Count of Collalto was an Italian Imperial commander.-Biography:Born at Mantua into an ancient noble Venetian family , dating back to the 10th century, he was the son of Venetian general Antonio IV of Collalto. Expelled from the Republic of Venice, he joined the Imperial Army and...
|1630||Philippe Lamoral de Gand, Count of Isenghien||1587||1631||
|rowspan=3|1631||Filippo Spinola, 2nd Marquis of Los Balbases
Filippo Spinola, 2nd Marquis of Los Balbases
Filippo Spinola, 2nd Marquis of Los Balbases, , was a Grandee of Spain, duke of San Severino, a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, General of the Spanish Army and President of the Council of Flanders....
|Gottfried Heinrich Graf zu Pappenheim
Gottfried Heinrich Graf zu Pappenheim
Gottfried Heinrich Graf zu Pappenheim was field marshal of the Holy Roman Emperor in the Thirty Years' War.-Biography:...
|Adam von Waldstein||1570||1638||
|1633||Gianbattista de Capua, Prince of Caspoli||?||1634||
|rowspan=5|1634||Etoro Ravaschiero, Prince of Satriano||?||?||
|Paolo de Sangro, 4th Prince of San Severo||1605||1636||
|Ercole Teodoro Trivulzio, 2nd Prince Mussocco||1620||1664||
|Maximilian, Prince of Dietrichstein||1596||1655||
|Maximilian, Count of Trauttmansdorff-Weinsberg||1584||1650||
|1635||Archduke Ferdinand Karl of Austria||1628||1662||
|rowspan=4|1638||Claude de Lannoy
Claude de Lannoy
Claude de Lannoy , Comte de la Motterie, was a Flemish nobleman, Governor of Maastrict and Namur and a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece.-Early life:...
, Comte de la Motterie||1578||1643||
|Balthasar Carlos, Prince of Asturias||1629||1646||son of King Philip IV
|Francesco I d'Este, Duke of Modena||1610||1658||Brother-in-law of Maffeo Barberini (through his final marriage to Lucrezia Barberini
Lucrezia Barberini
Lucrezia Barberini was an Italian noblewoman and, by marriage, Duchess of Modena. Born into the Barberini family, she was the last wife of Francesco I d'Este, Duke of Modena.-Biography:...
); also a Knight of the Golden Fleece.
|John II Casimir of Poland
John II Casimir of Poland
John II Casimir was King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania during the era of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, Duke of Opole in Upper Silesia, and titular King of Sweden 1648–1660. In Poland, he is known and commonly referred as Jan Kazimierz. His parents were Sigismund III Vasa and...
|rowspan=4|1639||Siegfried Christoph von Breuner||?||1651||
|Rudolf von Tiefenbach
Rudolf von Tiefenbach
Rudolf von Tiefenbach was a German military commander who served the Holy Roman Empire during the Thirty Years' War.Despite beiong raised a protestant, von Tiefenbach joined the catholic Hapsburg army in 1613....
|William, Margrave of Baden-Baden||1593||1677||
|Francesco Maria Carafa
Francesco Maria Carafa
thumb|250px|Francesco Maria Carafa.Francesco Maria Carafa was an Italian nobleman, 5th Duke of Nocera, a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece and was viceroy of Aragon and Navarre and a military commander who commanded troops loyal to King Philip IV of Spain.-Biography:Carafa married Anna...
, 5th Duke of Nocera||?||1642||
|1642||Carlo de Tocco, Duke of Leucado||?||1674||
|rowspan=7|1644||Ottavio Piccolomini, 1st Duke of Amalfi||1599||1655||
|Philippe Balthazar de Gand||1617||1680||
|Wilhelm, Count of Slawata||1572||1652||
|Wenzel Poppel, Prince Lobkowicz||1609||1677||
|Anton Ulrich, Prince of Eggenberg||1610||1649||
|Heinrich Schlick, Count of Passau||?||1650||
|Francesco del Carretto, 2nd Marquis of Grana||?||1651||
|1645||Sigismund Ludwig, Count of Dietrichstein||?||1678||
|rowspan=6|1646||Philippe François, 1st Duke of Arenberg
Philippe François, 1st Duke of Arenberg
Philippe François de Ligne, , 7th Duke of Aarschot, 1st Duke of Arenberg, a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, was the first son of the second marriage of Philippe Charles, Comte d'Arenberg and Isabelle Claire de Berlaymont.On 14 July 1642 Philippe François married 15 year old Magdalena de...
|Eugène de Hennin Liétard, Count of Boussu||?||1656||
|Philippe François de Croy, Duke of Havré
Philippe François de Croy, Duke of Havré
Philippe François de Croy, Vicomte de Langle, Seigneur de Tourcoing, , was by marriage Duke of Havré.He was Governor of Luxembourg.He became a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece in 1646.He was first married to Marie Madeleine de Bailleul....
|Claude Lamoral, Prince of Ligne
Claude Lamoral, Prince of Ligne
Claude Lamoral, 3rd Prince of Ligne, Prince of Epinoy, Marquis of Roubaix and Count of Fauquemberg , was a Belgian nobleman, military and diplomate in the service of Philip IV of Spain and Charles II of Spain ....
|Philippe d'Arenberg, Prince of Chimay||1619||1675||
|Eustache de Croy, Count of Roeulx||1609||1653||
|rowspan=2|1647||George Adam Borzitza, Count of Martinitz||1602||1651||
|John Louis, Count of Nassau||1590||1653||
|rowspan=3|1648||Juan Francisco Pimentel, 7th Duke of Benavente
Juan Francisco Pimentel, 7th Duke of Benavente
Juan Francisco Pimentel, 7th Duke of Benavente, a Ducal title going back to January 1473 by king Henry IV of Castile, a.k.a. Juan Francisco Alonso Pimentel y Ponce de León, , a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece in 1648, number 421, 10th Count and 7th Duke of Benavente, 10th Count of Mayorga,...
|Nicolo Maria de Guzman, 7th Prince of Stigliano||?||1689||
|Heinrich Wilhelm von Starhemberg||1593||1675||
|rowspan=1|1649||Diego Fernandez Pacheco Portocarrero, 7th Duke of Escalona||1599||1653||
|rowspan=6|1650||Ferdinand IV, King of Hungary and Bohemia||1634||1654||son of Emperor Ferdinand III
|Paul von Palffy d'Erdödod, Palatine of Hungary||1589||1653||
|Johann Weikhard, Prince of Auersperg||1615||1677||
|Sigismondo Sfrodati, Marquis of Montafia||?||1652||
|Charles Albert de Longueval, Count of Bucquoy
Charles Albert de Longueval, Count of Bucquoy
Charles Albert de Longueval, third count of Bucquoy was a military commander, holder of high office, and nobleman in the Habsburg realms of the Low Countries and Bohemia...
|Johann Adolf, Count of Schwarzenberg||1615||1685||
|rowspan=4|1651||Luis de Moncada, 7th Duke of Montalto||1614||1672||
|Luis Ramon de Aragón, Duke of Cardona||1608||1670||
|Diego d'Aragon, 4th Duke of Terranova||1596||1663||
|Ferdinand del Carreto, Marquis of Grana||?||1651||
|rowspan=5|1653||Philip William, Count Palatine of Neuburg
Philipp Wilhelm, Elector Palatine
Philip William of Neuburg, Elector Palatine was Count Palatine of Neuburg from 1653 to 1690, Duke of Jülich and Berg from 1653 to 1679 and Elector of the Palatinate from 1685 to 1690...
|Georg Achaz, Count of Losenstein||1597||1653||
|Johann Franz Trautson, Count of Falkenstein||1609||1663||
|Marcantonio V Colonna
Marcantonio V Colonna
Marcantonio V Colonna was an Italian nobleman of the Colonna family and Prince of Paliano.Colonna was the son of Don Filippo I Colonna, Prince of Paliano and his wife, Lucrezia Tomacelli...
, 5th Prince of Paliano
Princes of Paliano
The title Duke and Prince of Paliano is borne by the head of the Colonna di Paliano family. At times the honour has been borne by several members at once...
||1606/10||1659||Father of Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna
Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna
Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna was an Italian nobleman of the Colonna family. He was the 8th Duke and Prince of Paliano and hereditary Grand Constable of the Kingdom of Naples. He was also a Knight of the Golden Fleece.-Biography:...
and uncle of Maffeo Barberini; also Knights of the Golden Fleece.
|Francesco Filomarino, Prince of Rocca d'Aspro||1606||1659||
|rowspan=2|1654||Archduke Leopold of Austria
Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor
| style="float:right;" | Leopold I was a Holy Roman Emperor, King of Hungary and King of Bohemia. A member of the Habsburg family, he was the second son of Emperor Ferdinand III and his first wife, Maria Anna of Spain. His maternal grandparents were Philip III of Spain and Margaret of Austria...
||1640||1705||later Emperor Leopold I. 1st head of the Austrian Branch of the Order from the King Charles II of Spain's death (1700) as heir of Philip the Good (House of Habsburg's Chief)
|Luis Ignacio Fernández de Córdoba, 6th Duke of Feria||1623||1665||
|rowspan=2|1655||Maximilian Adam von Waldstein||?||1654||
|Johann Maximilian von Lamberg||1608||1682||
|1656||Alonso Lopez de Zuniga, 8th Duke of Béjar||1621||1660||
|rowspan=7|1657||John Ferdinand, Count of Porcia||1605||1665||
|Bernard Borzita, Count of Martinitz, Palatine of Hungary||1603||1665||
|Annibal Gonzague, Prince of San Martino||1602||1668||
|Jean Christophe, Count of Pueccheim||?||1657||
|Charles d'Este, Marquis of Borgomanero||1622||1659||
|Niccolò Ludovisi
Niccolò Ludovisi
Niccolò I Ludovisi was Prince of Piombino from 1634 until his death.-Family:He was the son of Orazio Ludovisi, patrician of Bologna and commander-in-chief of the Papal Army , and Lavinia Albergati. He was the nephew of later-Cardinal Niccolò Albergati-Ludovisi...
, Prince of Piombino||?||c. 1664||
|Philippe Emmanuel of Croy, Count of Solre||1611||1670||
|1658||Bernardino Savelli, 2nd Prince of Albano||1606||1658||
|rowspan=3|1659||Jules Savelli, 3rd Prince of Albano||1626||1712||
|Bernard Fabricio Pignatelli, 5th Duke of Monteleone||1606||1664||
|Francesco IV Caetani, 9th Duke of Sermoneta||1594||1683||
|rowspan=2|1661||John Francis, Prince of Nassau
John Francis Desideratus of Nassau-Siegen
John Francis Desideratus was count of Nassau-Siegen and stadtholder of Limburg and Upper Guelders.-Leven:...
|Ferdinand Bonaventura, Count of Harrach||1636||1706||
|rowspan=3|1662||Giovanni Battista Borghese, 2nd Prince of Sulmona||1639||1717||
|Francis, Count Wesselenyi of Hadad||1605||1667||
|Raimundo de Lencastre Manrique de Cardenas, 4th Duke of Aveiro||1620||1666||
|rowspan=6|1663||John, Count of Rottal||?||1674||
|George Louis, Count of Sinzendorf||1616||1681||
|Francesco Marino Caracciolo, 4th Prince of Avellino||1631||1674||
|Sigismund, Archduke of Austria, Count of Tyrol
Archduke Sigismund Francis of Austria
Sigismund Francis, Archduke of Further Austria was the ruler of Further Austria including Tyrol from 1662 to 1665.-Biography:...
|Francis Eusebius, Count of Pötting||?||1678||
|Philip II Caetani, 4th Prince of Caserta||1626||1687||
|rowspan=3|1664||Nicolas, Count of Zrin||1620||1664||
|Carl I. Ferdinand Montenari, Count of Montenari||1632||1689||
|Antonio Teodoro Trivulzio, 3rd Prince of Musocco||?||1678||
|rowspan=2|1665||Walther, Count of Leslie||1606||1667||
|Charles II, King of Spain
Charles II of Spain
Charles II was the last Habsburg King of Spain and the ruler of large parts of Italy, the Spanish territories in the Southern Low Countries, and Spain's overseas Empire, stretching from the Americas to the Spanish East Indies...
||1661||1700||Head of the Order from 1665 to 1700
|1667||Francis Albert, Count of Harrach||1614||1666||
|rowspan=8|1668||Manuel Diego Lopez de Zuniga, 10th Duke of Béjar||1657||1686||
|Philippe-Hippolyte Spinola, Comte de Bruay||1612||1670||
|Ferdinand James, Prince of Dietrichstein||1636||1698||
|Raimondo Montecuccoli
Raimondo Montecuccoli
Raimondo, Count of Montecúccoli or Montecucculi was an Italian military general who also served as general for the Austrians, and was also a prince of the Holy Roman Empire and Neapolitan Duke of Melfi....
|Albert Francis de Croy, Count of Meghem||1615||1674||
|Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna
Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna
Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna was an Italian nobleman of the Colonna family. He was the 8th Duke and Prince of Paliano and hereditary Grand Constable of the Kingdom of Naples. He was also a Knight of the Golden Fleece.-Biography:...
6th Duke of Paliano||1637||1689||Son of Marcantonio V Colonna
Marcantonio V Colonna
Marcantonio V Colonna was an Italian nobleman of the Colonna family and Prince of Paliano.Colonna was the son of Don Filippo I Colonna, Prince of Paliano and his wife, Lucrezia Tomacelli...
and cousin of Maffeo Barberini; both also Knights of the Golden Fleece.
|Marzio Carafa, 7th Duke of Maddaloni||?||?||
|Maffeo Barberini, Prince of Palestrina
Palestrina is an ancient city and comune with a population of about 18,000, in Lazio, c. 35 km east of Rome...
||1631||1685||Brother-in-law (by the marriage of his sister, Lucrezia Barberini
Lucrezia Barberini
Lucrezia Barberini was an Italian noblewoman and, by marriage, Duchess of Modena. Born into the Barberini family, she was the last wife of Francesco I d'Este, Duke of Modena.-Biography:...
) of Francesco I d'Este, Duke of Modena, also a Knight of the Golden Fleece.
|rowspan=4|1669||Balthasar Sarmiento de Mendoza, 5th Marquis of Camarasa||?||1715||
|Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki, King of Poland||1640||1673||
|Giovanni Battista Ludovisio, Prince of Piombino||1638||1699||
|Teobaldo, Marquis of Visconti, Count of Gallarate||?||1674||
| rowspan=7|1670||Charles Louis de Bauffremont, Marquis of Messimieux||?||1682||
|Juan Francisco de la Cerda, 8th Duke of Medinaceli||1637||1691||
|Pedro Nuño Colón de Portugal, 6th Duke of Veragua||1628||1673||
|Ettore Pignatelli d'Aragon, 6th Duke of Monteleone||1620||1674||
|Philip II, Count of Egmont and Prince of Gavre||1623||1682||
|Ferdinand Francis de Croy, Duke of Havré||1644||1694||
|Charles, Baron of Watteville and Marquis of Conflans||1638||1670||
| rowspan=2|1671||David Ungnad, Count of Weissenwolff||1604||1672||
|Julius Cesar Colonna, Prince of Carbognano||?||1681||
|rowspan=3|1672||John Hartwig, Count of Nostitz||1610||1683||
|Condacre, Count of Dietrichstein||1623||1690||
|Fernando Francisco de Avalos y Aquino, 10th Marquis of Pescara||?||1672||
|rowspan=3|1674||Alexander II, Duke of Bournoville and Count of Hennin||1616||1690||
|Juan de Velasco, 3rd Count of Salazar
Juan de Velasco
Juan de Velasco y Pérez Petroche was an 18th-century Jesuit priest, historian, and professor of philosophy and theology from the Royal Audience of Quito. He was born in Riobamba to Juan de Velasco y López de Moncayo and to María Pérez Petroche. Among the universities where he taught was the...
|Albert, Count of Zinzendorff and Pottendorff||1618||1683||
|rowspan=13|1675||Charles Henri de Lorraine, Prince of Vaudémont||1642||1723||
|Carlantonio Spinelli, 5th Prince of Cariati||1645||1725||
|John Hubert, Count Czernin of Chudenicz||1628||1682||
|Leopold William, Count of Königsegg and Rothenfels||1630||1694||
|Charles Ferdinand, Count of Waldstein||1634||1702||
|Alexander Farnese, Prince of Parma
Alexander Farnese, Prince of Parma
Alessandro Farnese was an Italian military leader, who was Governor of the Habsburg Netherlands from 1678 until 1682....
||1635||1689||Governor of the Habsburg Netherlands (1678–1682).
|Ernest Alexander of Arenberg, Prince of Chimay||1643||1686||
|Antonio Álvarez de Toledo y Pimentel, 7th Duke of Alba||1615||1690||
|Pedro II Manuel Colon y Portugal, 7th Duke of Veragua||1651||1710||
|André Fabrizio Pignatelli d'Aragona, 7th Duke of Monteleone||1640||1677||
|Antooine, Count of Trotti Bentivoglio||1627||1681||
|Eugene de Montmorency, Prince of Robecq||1615||1683||
|Jean Charles de Watteville, Marquis of Conflans||1628||1699||
|rowspan=6|1678||Othon Henri del Caretto, Marquis of Savona
Othon Henri del Caretto, Marquis of Savona
Othon Henri del Caretto or del Carretto, Marquis of Grana was an Imperial Army commander and political figure....
|Charles V, Duke of Lorraine
Charles V, Duke of Lorraine
Charles V , Karl V. Leopold, , son of Nicolas François, Duke of Lorraine, and Claude Françoise de Lorraine. Karl Leopold was born in Vienna and became the brother in law of Emperor Leopold and son in law of emperor Ferdinand III...
|Charles, Count of Borromeo Arona||1657||1734||
|Cesar, Marquis of Visconti||1643||1716||
|Carlos de Aragon Borja y Gurrea, 9th Duke of Villahermosa||1634||1692||
|Charles Eugene, 2nd Duke of Arenberg
Charles Eugene, 2nd Duke of Arenberg
Charles Eugene, 2nd Duke of Arenberg , a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece since 1678, became 2nd Duke of Arenberg in 1674 on the death of his step brother Philippe François, 1st Duke of Arenberg...
|1680||Antonio Alvarez de Toledo, 8th Duke of Alba||1627||1701||
|rowspan=6|1681||Conrad Balthazar, Count of Starhemberg||1648||1730||
||Sigismund Helfried II, Count of Dietrichstein||1635||1698||
|Giuseppe Branciforte, Prince of Pietraperia||?||1698||
|Francis Maximilian, Count of Mansfeld||1639||1692||
|Dominico Marzio Carafa, 8th Duke of Maddaloni||?||?||
|Paul I, 1st Prince Esterházy of Galántha
Paul I, 1st Prince Esterházy of Galántha
Paul I, Prince Esterházy of Galántha was the first Prince Esterházy of Galántha from 1687 to 1713, Palatine of the Kingdom of Hungary from 1681 to 1713, and an Imperial Field Marshal...
|rowspan=4|1682||Octavius Ignatius, Prince of Arenberg and Barbançon||1643||1693||
|John Ernest, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein||1637||1700||
|Jakub Ludwik Sobieski
Jakub Ludwik Sobieski
James Louis Sobieski was the son of King John III of Poland and Marie Casimire Louise de La Grange d'Arquien.-Biography:...
||1667||1737||Crown Prince of Poland
|Ernest Rudiger, Count of Starhemberg||1638||1701||
|1683||Henri Francis Philip of Melun, Marquis of Richebourg||1627||1690||
|rowspan=3|1684||Francis Marie Carafa, 3rd Prince of Belvedere||?||1711||
|Henri Louis Ernest, Prince of Ligne||1644||1702||
|Francis Augustine, Count of Waldstein||1657||1734||
|rowspan=2|1685||Philippe Charles d'Arenberg, 3rd Duke of Arenberg||1663||1691||
|Henri Francis, Count of Mannsfeld and Prince of Fondi||1646||1715||
|rowspan=2|1686||John Francis, Count palatine, Duke of Bavaria||1658||1716||
|Juan Manuel Diego López de Zuniga, 11th Duke of Béjar||1680||1647||
|rowspan=17|1687||Archduke Joseph of Austria
Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor
Joseph I , Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia, King of Hungary, King of the Romans was the elder son of Emperor Leopold I and his third wife, Eleonor Magdalene of Neuburg....
||1678||1711||later Emperor Joseph I. Head of the Austrian order from 1705
|Eugene, Prince of Savoy
Prince Eugene of Savoy
Prince Eugene of Savoy , was one of the most successful military commanders in modern European history, rising to the highest offices of state at the Imperial court in Vienna. Born in Paris to aristocratic Italian parents, Eugene grew up around the French court of King Louis XIV...
||Louis Ernest, Count of Egmont and Prince of Gavre||1665||1693||
|Iñigo Manuel Vélez de Guevara, 10th Count of Oñate||1642||1699||
|Juan Manuel López de Pacheco, 8th Duke of Escalona||1648||1725||
|Helmhard Christopher Ungnad, Count of Weissenwolff||1635||1702||
|Adolf Wratislas, Count of Sternberg||?||1703||
|Wolfgang Andreas Orsini, Count of Rosenberg||1626||1695||
|Amadeus, Count of Windisch-Graetz||1630||1695||
|Dominikus Andreas, Count of Kaunitz||1655||1705||
|Philip of Hennin, Count of Boussu and Prince of Chimay||1646||1688||
|Eugen Alexander Franz, 1st Prince of Thurn and Taxis
Eugen Alexander Franz, 1st Prince of Thurn and Taxis
Eugen Alexander Franz, Prince of Thurn and Taxis, full German name: Eugen Alexander Franz Fürst von Thurn und Taxis was the first Prince of Thurn and Taxis, Postmaster General of the Imperial Reichspost, and Head of the House of...
|Jaime de Silva Fernández, Duke of Hijar||c. 1623||1700||
|Eugene de Berghes, Prince of Rache||1624||1688||
|Urbano Barberini, 3rd Prince of Palestrina
Palestrina is an ancient city and comune with a population of about 18,000, in Lazio, c. 35 km east of Rome...
||1666||1722||Son of Maffeo Barberini, also Knight of the Golden Fleece.
|Ferdinand Gaston Lamoral de Croy, Count of Roeulx||1660||1720||
|Luis Fernández de Córdoba, 7th Duke of Feria||1650||1690||
|rowspan=5|1688||Francis Charles Liebsteinsky, Count of Kolowrat||1620||1700||
|Francis, Count of Kinsky of Wchinitz and Tettau||1632||1699||
|John Quentin, Count of Jörger||1624||1705||
|Ferdinand, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1652||1703||
|Antoine Carafa, Count of Forli||1642||1693||
|1689||Filippo II Colonna
Filippo II Colonna
Filippo II Colonna , 9th Duke and Prince of Paliano, was an Italian nobleman of the prominent Colonna family....
||1663||1714||Prince of Paliano and High Constable of Naples from 1689. Son of Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna
Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna
Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna was an Italian nobleman of the Colonna family. He was the 8th Duke and Prince of Paliano and hereditary Grand Constable of the Kingdom of Naples. He was also a Knight of the Golden Fleece.-Biography:...
; also a Knight of the Golden Fleece.
|rowspan=2|1690||Leopold Joseph, Duke of Lorraine and Bar
Leopold, Duke of Lorraine
Leopold , surnamed the Good, was Duke of Lorraine and Bar from 1690 to his death.-Early life:Leopold Joseph Charles Dominique Agapet Hyacinthe was the son of Charles V, Duke of Lorraine, and his wife Eleonora Maria Josefa of Austria, a half-sister of Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor.At the time of...
|Manuel Fernández de Córdoba, 8th Duke of Feria||1679||1700||
|1691||Louis William, Margrave of Baden
Louis William, Margrave of Baden-Baden
Louis William, Margrave of Baden was the ruler of Baden in Germany and chief commander of the Imperial army. He was also known as Türkenlouis...
|rowspan=2|1692||Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria
Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria
Maximilian II , also known as Max Emanuel or Maximilian Emanuel, was a Wittelsbach ruler of Bavaria and an elector of the Holy Roman Empire. He was also the last Governor of the Spanish Netherlands and duke of Luxembourg...
|Fernando de Castro Portugal, 11th Count of Lemos||1666||1741||
|1693||Gregorio de Silva y Mendoza, 9th Duke of Infantado||1640||1693||
|rowspan=14|1694||Charles-Louis de Hennin de Boussu, Prince de Chimay||1674||1740||
|Balthazar Naselli del Carillo, Prince of Aragona||?||1720||
|Joseph Mario Orsini, 3rd Duke of Paganica||?||?||
|Philippe François, Prince de Berghes||1646||1704||
|Francesco Caracciolo, 5th Prince of Avelino||1668||1720||
|Jean Philippe, Count of Mérode and Marquis de Westerloo||1674||1732||
|Christopher Leopold, Count of Schaffgotsch||1623||1703||
|Francis Joseph, Count (later Prince) of Lamberg||1637||1712||
|Hans Adam I, Prince of Liechtenstein||1656||1712||
|Jean Chrétien, Duke of Cromau and Prince of Eggenberg||1641||1710||
|Otto Honorius, Count of Abensperg-Traun||1644||1715||
|Philip Sigismund, Count of Dietrichstein||1651||1716||
|Enea, Count of Caprara||1631||1701||
|Charles III Philip of Bavaria, Elector Palatine of Rhin
Karl III Philip, Elector Palatine
Charles III Philip, Elector Palatine was a ruler from the house of Wittelsbach. He was Elector Palatine, Count of Palatinate-Neuburg, and Duke of Jülich and Berg from 1716 to 1742...
|rowspan=5|1695||Antonio Francesco, Count of Collalto||1630||1696||
|Ferdinand Wenceslas Poppel, Count of Lobkowicz||?||1697||
|Cesar, Marquis of Vidoni||?||1772||
|Ferdinand Marquard, Count of Wartenberg||1673||1730||
|Iñigo de la Cruz Manrique de Lara, 11th Count of Aguilar||1673||1733||
|rowspan=12|1697||Aloys Thomas, Count of Harrach||1669||1742|| Viceroy of Naples
|Charles Carafa, 4th Prince of Belvedere||?||?||
||Archduke Charles of Austria
Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor
Charles VI was the penultimate Habsburg sovereign of the Habsburg Empire. He succeeded his elder brother, Joseph I, as Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia , Hungary and Croatia , Archduke of Austria, etc., in 1711...
||1685||1740|| later Emperor Charles VI. Head of the Austrian order from 1711
|George Louis, Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt||1669||1705||
|John Siegfried, Duke of Cromau and Prince of Eggenberg||1644||1713||
|Anton Florian, Prince of Liechtenstein
Anton Florian of Liechtenstein
Anton Florian, Prince of Liechtenstein was the Prince of Liechtenstein between 1718 and 1721.He was born in Wilfersdorf, in what is now Lower Austria...
|Leopold Ignacius, Prince of Montecuccoli||1662||1698||
|John Francis, Count of Wrbna and Freudenthal||1643||1705||
|Siegfried Christopher, Count of Breuner||?||1698||
|Maximilian, Count of Thun||1638||1701||
|George Adam, Count of Martinitz-Borzita||?||1714||
|Augustus II, King of Poland
Augustus II the Strong
Frederick Augustus I or Augustus II the Strong was Elector of Saxony and King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania ....
|rowspan=6|1698||Ferdinand Augustus Poppel, Prince of Lobkowicz||1655||1715||
|Octavius, Marquis of Cavriani||?||?||
|Nicolas Placido Branciforte, Prince of Pietrapercia||?||?||
|John Leopold, Prince of Trautson and Count of Falkenstein||1659||1724||
|Charles Ernest, Count of Waldstein||1661||1713||
|Leopold Ignatius, Prince of Dietrichstein||1660||1708||
|rowspan=3|1699||Francis Taffe, Count of Carlingfort||1639||1704||
|Côme Claude d'Ognies, Count of Coupigny||1646||1709||
|Wenceslaus Albert, Count of Sternberg||?||1708||
|rowspan=12|1700||Cesar of Avalos and Aquino, 12th Marquis of Pescara||1667||1729||
|Charles Henri of Melun, Marquis of Richebourg||1670||1634||
|Philippe Antoine, Prince of Rubempré||1650||1707||
|Charles Emmanuel of Watteville, Marquis of Conflans||1656||1728||
|Domenico d'Acquaviva et d'Aragon, comte de Conversano|| ?|| ?||
|Leopold Philip, 4th Duke of Arenberg||1690||1754||
|Ferdinand Gravina and Cruyllas, 4th Prince of Palagoinia||?||1736||
|Ernest Frederic, Count of Windisch-Graetz||1670||1727||
|Leopold Joseph, Count of Lamberg||1653||1706||
|Joseph Matthias, Count of Lamberg||1667||1711||
|Charles, Count of Archinto||1670||1732||
|Charles Thomas de Lorraine, Prince of Commercy and Vaudémont||1670||1704||
18th Century
!Year of Induction!!Name!!Born!!Died!!Notes|-
|rowspan=6|1701||Philip V, King of Spain
Philip V of Spain
Philip V was King of Spain from 15 November 1700 to 15 January 1724, when he abdicated in favor of his son Louis, and from 6 September 1724, when he assumed the throne again upon his son's death, to his death.Before his reign, Philip occupied an exalted place in the royal family of France as a...
||1682||1746||Grandnephew of King Charles II of Spain. 1st head of the Spanish Branch of the Order from the King's death as his successor.
|Charles, Duke of Berry||1686||1714||
|Philip I, Duke of Orléans||1640||1701||
|Paul de Saint-Aignan, Duke of Beauvilliers||1648||1714||
|Philippe II, Duke of Orléans
Philippe II, Duke of Orléans
Philippe d'Orléans was a member of the royal family of France and served as Regent of the Kingdom from 1715 to 1723. Born at his father's palace at Saint-Cloud, he was known from birth under the title of Duke of Chartres...
||1674||1723||Regent of France
|Charles Albert of Bavaria
Charles VII, Holy Roman Emperor
Charles VII Albert a member of the Wittelsbach family, was Prince-elector of Bavaria from 1726 and Holy Roman Emperor from 24 January 1742 until his death in 1745...
||1697||1745||later Elector of Bavaria and Emperor Charles VII
|rowspan=6|1702||Adrien Maurice,Duke of Noailles||1678||1766||
|Albert Alfred, Count then Prince of Serclaes-Tilly||1646||1715||
|Antonio Buoncompagni Ludovisi Ruffo, 5th Duke of Sora, Prince of Piombino||1658||1731||
|Giovanni, Geronimo Acquaviva d'Aragona, 15th Duke of Atri||1663||1709||
|Louis François d'Harcourt, Count of Beuvron||1677||1714||
|Louis Joseph de Bourbon, Duke of Vendôme||1654||1712||
|rowspan=2|1703||Jean François de Bette, Marquis of Lede
Jean François de Bette, Marquis of Lede
Jean François de Bette, 3rd Marquis of Lede was a Belgian military commander in Spanish service. He was also lord of the Fiefdom of Lede in Flanders.-Biography:...
|Louis François, Duke of Boufflers||1644||1711||
|rowspan=2|1704||Louis Alexandre de Bourbon, Count of Toulouse
Louis-Alexandre de Bourbon, Comte de Toulouse
Louis Alexandre de Bourbon, comte de Toulouse , duc de Penthièvre , d'Arc, de Châteauvillain and de Rambouillet , , was the son of Louis XIV and of his mistress Madame de Montespan...
|James FitzJames, 1st Duke of Berwick and Liria
James FitzJames, 1st Duke of Berwick
James FitzJames, 1st Duke of Berwick, 1st Duke of Fitz-James, 1st Duke of Liria and Jérica was an Anglo-French military leader, illegitimate son of King James II of England by Arabella Churchill, sister of the 1st Duke of Marlborough...
|rowspan=2|1705||Jean Frédéric, Count of Autel||1645||1716||
|Antoine Charles, Duke of Gramont
Antoine Charles IV de Gramont
Antoine Charles IV de Gramont, comte de Guiche, 3rd Duke de Gramont, comte de Louvigny, Souverain de Bidache was a French diplomat....
|rowspan=4|1706||Procope François, Count of Egmont and Prince of Gavre||1664||1707||
|Maximilian Gaëtan, Count of Toerring Seefeld||1670||1752||
|Alphonse Donimique François, Prince of Berghts||?||1720||
|Victor Marie, Duke of Estrées||1660||1737||
|rowspan=4|1707||Charles Antoine, Duke of Croy-Havré||1683||1710||
|Francisco Fernández de la Cueva, 10th Duke of Alburquerque
Francisco Fernández de la Cueva, 10th Duke of Alburquerque
Francisco V Fernández de la Cueva y Fernández de la Cueva, was 10th Duke of Alburquerque, Grandee of Spain, a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece since 1707, and viceroy of New Spain, Viceroy of Mexico, from 27 November 1702 to 14 January 1711.He was the nephew of Francisco IV Fernández de...
|Francisco Pío de Saboya, 6th Marquis of Castel Rodrigo||1672||1723||
|Alexandre Maître, Marquis de Bay
Alexandre Maître, Marquis de Bay
Alexandre Maître, marquis de Bay was a French military officer.-Service Record:1696 - 1701: in service in the Dutch cavalry, colonel....
|1708||Francis II Rákóczi, Prince of Transylvania
Francis II Rákóczi
Francis II Rákóczi Hungarian aristocrat, he was the leader of the Hungarian uprising against the Habsburgs in 1703-11 as the prince of the Estates Confederated for Liberty of the Kingdom of Hungary. He was also Prince of Transylvania, an Imperial Prince, and a member of the Order of the Golden...
|rowspan=5|1709||Victor Amadeus Ferrero Fieschi, Prince of Masserano||1687||1743||
|Marcello de Ceva Grimaldi||?||?||
|Jacques Antoine de Bauffremont||c. 1682||1710||
|Michel Joseph, duc de Bournonville Michel Joseph, Duke of Bournonville||1672||1752||
|Giosia Acquaviva d'Aragona, 16th Duke of Atri||1680||1710||
|rowspan=2|1710||Jacques Bazin, Count of Bezons||1645||1733||
|Domenico Acquaviva d'Aragona, 17th Duke of Atri||1689||1745||
|rowspan=3|1711||Anne Auguste de Montmorency, Prince of Robecq||1680||1745||
|Louis Bénigne, Marquis of Bauffremont and Prince de Listenois||1684||1755||
|Jean Louis, Marquis of Arpajon||1669||1750||
|rowspan=2|1712||Jean Baptiste Ducasse||1646||1715||
|Procope Charles Nicolas Augustin Pignatelli, Count of Egmont and Prince of Gavre||1703||1743||
|rowspan=3|1713||Louis, Marquis of Brancas and Prince of Nisaro
Louis, Marquis of Brancas and Prince of Nisaro
Louis-Henri de Brancas-Forcalquier, was a Marshal of France.He was the second marquis of Céreste, but was better known as « Le Marquis de Brancas ». Ha was also prince souverain of the island of Nisyros...
|Louis Hector, Marquis later Duke of Villars
Claude Louis Hector de Villars
Claude Louis Hector de Villars, Prince de Martigues, Marquis then Duc de Villars, Vicomte de Melun was the last great general of Louis XIV of France and one of the most brilliant commanders in French military history, one of only six Marshals who have been promoted to Marshal General of...
|Cristóbal Gregorio Portocarrero, 5th Count of Montijo||1692||1763||
|rowspan=3|1714||Rostaino Cantelmo Stuart, 8th Duke of Popoli and Prince of Pettorano||1655||1723||
|James Francis Fitz-James Stuart, 2nd Duke of Berwick, Liria and Jérica||1696||1738||son of James FitzJames, 1st Duke of Berwick
James FitzJames, 1st Duke of Berwick
James FitzJames, 1st Duke of Berwick, 1st Duke of Fitz-James, 1st Duke of Liria and Jérica was an Anglo-French military leader, illegitimate son of King James II of England by Arabella Churchill, sister of the 1st Duke of Marlborough...
|Louis Pierre Maximilien de Béthune, duc de Sully||1685||1761||
|rowspan=3|1715||Francis Immanuel Ignatius, Prince of Nassau-Siegen||1678||1735||
|Louis Henri d'Harcourt, Count (later Marquis) of Beuvron||1682||1746||
|Claude Francis Bidal, Marquis of Asfeld||1667||1743||
|1716||Claude Abraham de Tubières de Grimoard de Pestel de Lévis, Duke of Caylus
Claude Abraham de Tubières de Grimoard de Pestel de Lévis, duc de Caylus
Claude Abraham de Tubières de Grimoard de Pestel de Lévis was a French military leader.Born in Auvergne, he was the third son of the Henry de Tubières - Grimoard and Claude Fabert, daughter of Abraham II de Fabert, a Marshal of the Kingdom of France.He was Lieutenant General of the Spanish Army in...
||c. 1672||1759||
|rowspan=4|1717||Louis, Prince of Asturias
Louis of Spain
Louis I was reigned as King of Spain from 15 January 1724 until his death in August the same year...
||1707||1724||later King Louis of Spain. Head of the order in 1724
|Lelio Carafa, Marquis of Arienzo||?||1762||
|Charles Grillo||?||1724||
|Stefano Mari Centurioni, Marquis of Mari||?||1749||
|1721||Jean Baptiste Louis Andrault, Marquis of Maulévrier Langeron||1677||1754||
|rowspan=2|1722||Louis de Rouvroy, Duke of Saint-Simon
Louis de Rouvroy, duc de Saint-Simon
Louis de Rouvroy commonly known as Saint-Simon was a French soldier, diplomatist and writer of memoirs, was born in Paris...
|Philippe Charles, Marquis of La Fare||1685||1782||
|rowspan=3|1723||Infante Ferdinand of Spain
Ferdinand VI of Spain
Ferdinand VI , called the Learnt, was King of Spain from 9 July 1746 until his death. He was the fourth son of the previous monarch Philip V and his first wife Maria Luisa of Savoy...
||1713||1759||later King Ferdinand VI of Spain. Head of the order from 1746
|Infante Charles of Spain
Charles III of Spain
Charles III was the King of Spain and the Spanish Indies from 1759 to 1788. He was the eldest son of Philip V of Spain and his second wife, the Princess Elisabeth Farnese...
||1716||1788||later Duke Charles I of Parma, King Charles VII of the Two Sicilies and III of Spain. Head of the order from 1759
|Infante Philip of Spain
Philip, Duke of Parma
Philip of Spain was Duke of Parma from 1748 to 1765. He founded the House of Bourbon-Parma , a cadet line of the Spanish branch of the dynasty...
||1720||1765||later Duke Philip of Parma
|rowspan=13|1724||Nicolás Fernández de Córdoba, 10th Duke of Medinaceli and Feria||1682||1739||
|Hyacinthe Boutin, Marquis of Valouse||1671||1736||
|Francesco Maria Pico, 3rd Duke of la Mirandola||1688||1747||
|Mercurio Antonio López Pacheco, 9th Marquis of Villena, 9th Duke of Escalona and Count of Santisteban de Gorma||1679||1738||
|Domingo María Carlos de Guzman el Bueno, 13th Duke of Medinasidonia||1691||1739||
|Antonio Arduino||?||1731||
|Alfonso Fernández Manrique de Lara, 1st Duke of Arco||?||1737||
|José Grimaldi, Marquis of Grimaldi||1660||1733||
|Álvaro Benavides Bazán, 7th Marquis of Santa Cruz||?||1737||
|Annibal, Marquis of Scotti||?||1752||
|Jacques Antoine de Bauffremont||c. 1682||1710||
|Louis d'Orléans, Duke of Orléans||1703||1752||
|Louis Henri, Duke of Bourbon, Enghien and Prince of Condé||1692||1740||
|1725||René de Froulay Count de Tessé
René de Froulay de Tessé
René de Froulay, comte de Tessé was a French Marshal and diplomat.- Military career :Tessé was born at Le Mans...
|1727||Francesco de Evoli, Duke of Castropignano||?||1758||
|1728||Rodrigo Ignacio de Saa Almeida y Meneses, 7th Count of Penaguiaon||?||1733||
|rowspan=2|1732||José Carrillo de Albornoz, Count (later Duke) of Montemar||1671||1747||
|José Patiño
José Patiño
Don José Patiño , Spanish statesman, was born at Milan.His father, Don Lucas Patino de Ibarra, Señor de Castelar, who was by origin a Galician, was a member of the privy council and inspector of the troops in the Duchy of Milan for the king of Spain, to whom it then, belonged...
|1734||Marie François Henri de Franquetot, Count of Coigny||1670||1759||
|1735||Infante Louis Antonio of Spain||1727||1785||Cardinal Archbishop of Toledo and Seville, later Count of Chinchón
|rowspan=2|1736||Gaetano Boncompagni Ludovisi, 6th Duke of Sora and Prince of Piombino||1706||1777||
|Honoré Armand, Duke of Villars and Prince of Martigues||1702||1770||
|rowspan=3|1737||Ambrose Spinola de la Cerda y Colonna, 5th Marquis of los Balbases and Duke of Sesto||?||1757||
|Miguel Reggio Branciforte||?||?||
|José Armendáriz, 1st Marquis of Castelfuerte||1665||1749||
|rowspan=7|1738||Pedro Cebrián, Count of Fuenclara||1687||1752||
|Jaime Miguel de Guzmán de Avalos y Spinola, Marquis of la Mina, Duke of Palata and Prince of Masa
Jaime Miguel de Guzmán de Avalos y Spinola, Marquis of la Mina, Duke of Palata and Prince of Masa
Jaime de Guzmán y Spinola, II Marquis of la Mina was a Spanish Army commander and Captain General of Catalonia. He was also the Fifth Count of Pezuela de las Torres, near Alcalá de Henares.-Biography:He was born at Seville....
|Giuseppe Sforza Cesarini Savelli, Duke of Sforza Cesarini, Count of Chinchon and Duke of Segni||1705||1744||
|Nicola Sangro||1678||1750||
|Louis Jean Marie, Duke of Penthièvre||1725||1793||
|Andrés López Pacheco, 10th Marquis of Villena and 10th Duke of Escalona||1710||1746||
|Albert, Duke of Saxe-Teschen
Prince Albert of Saxony, Duke of Teschen
Prince Albert Casimir August of Saxony, Duke of Teschen was a German prince from the House of Wettin who married into the Habsburg imperial family...
|rowspan=4|1739||Louis XV, King of France
Louis XV of France
Louis XV was a Bourbon monarch who ruled as King of France and of Navarre from 1 September 1715 until his death. He succeeded his great-grandfather at the age of five, his first cousin Philippe II, Duke of Orléans, served as Regent of the kingdom until Louis's majority in 1723...
|Louis, Dauphin of France||1729||1765||
|Louis Pierre Engelbert, Count of la Marck||1707||1724||
|Marino Francesco Carriciolo, 7th Prince of Avellino||1714||1773||
|1740||Count Stanislas Jablonowski||1692||1754||
|rowspan=2|1742||Maximilian III, Duke and Elector of Bavaria
Maximilian III, Elector of Bavaria
Maximilian III Joseph was Prince-elector of the Holy Roman Empire and Duke of Bavaria from 1745 to 1777.-Biography:...
|Charles Louis César Auguste Fouquet, Duke of Belle-Isle||1684||1761||
|1743||Melchor de Solis y Gante, Duke of Astrito and Marquis of Valladares||?||1752||
|rowspan=3|1745||Jean Bonaventure Dumont, Count of Gages||1682||1753||
|Domenico Marzio Carafa, 9th Duke of Maddaloni and Prince of la Guardia||1672||1750||
|Louis de Brancas, Duke of Lauraguais||1714||1793||
|rowspan=4|1746||Fernando de Silva Mendoza y Toledo, 12th Duke of Alba
Fernando de Silva, 12th Duke of Alba
Fernando de Silva Mendoza y Toledo, 12th Duke of Alba, Grandee of Spain , was a Spanish politician and general.-Biography:...
|Philippe de Noailles, Duke of Mouchy and Prince of Poix||1715||1794||
|Sebastián Antonio de Guzmán y Spinola Enríquez Colonna, 5th Marquis of Montealegre||1683||1757||
|Francisco Fernández de la Cueva y de la Cerda, 11th Duke of Alburquerque||1692||1757||
|1747||Infante Felipe, Duke of Calabria||1747||1777||son of King Charles VII of the Two Sicilies (later Charles III of Spain) excluded from succession to the throne due to his imbecility.
|1748||Luis Antonio Fernández de Córdoba Spinola y la Cerda, 10th Marquis of Priego, Duke of Medinaceli and Feria||1704||1768||
|rowspan=2|1749||Infante Charles of Spain
Charles IV of Spain
Charles IV was King of Spain from 14 December 1788 until his abdication on 19 March 1808.-Early life:...
||1748||1819||later King Charles IV of Spain. Head of the Order from 1788 to 1808
|Clement, Duke of Bavaria and Count Palatine
Clement, Duke of Bavaria and Count Palatine
Klemens Franz de Paula, Prince of Bavaria was the son of the Imperial Field Marshal, Ferdinand of Bavaria , and the grandson of Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria....
|rowspan=5|1750||Luc Spinola, Count of Sirvela||?||1750||
|Zenón de Somodevilla y Bengoechea, Marquis of Ensenada
Zenón de Somodevilla y Bengoechea, Marquis of Ensenada
Don Zenón de Somodevilla y Bengoechea , widely known as the Marquis of the Ensenada, was a Spanish statesman.-Early life:...
|Fadrique Vicente Álvarez de Toledo Osorio y Pimentel, 9th Marquis of Villafranca del Bierzo, Duke of Fernandina and Montalto, Prince of Paternò||1686||1753||
|José de Carvajal y Lancaster
José de Carvajal y Lancáster
José de Carvajal y Lancáster was a Spanish statesman.He was son of the duke of Linares and his mother was descendant of Jorge de Lancastre, a natural son of King John II of Portugal. After graduating at the University of Salamanca, he was appointed oidor of the Chancillería of Valladolid and...
|Joaquín Diego López de Zuñiga, 12th Duke of Béjar and Marquis of Gibraleón||1715||1777||
|rowspan=2|1751||Ferdinand, Prince of Parma
Ferdinand, Duke of Parma
Ferdinand Maria Philip Louis Sebastian Francis James of Parma was Duke of Parma from 1765 to 1802. He was the second child and only son of Philip, Duke of Parma and Princess Louise-Élisabeth of France, eldest daughter of Louis XV of France and Maria Leszczyńska...
||1751||1802||later Duke of Parma
|Infante Ferdinand of Spain
Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies
Ferdinand I reigned variously over Naples, Sicily, and the Two Sicilies from 1759 until his death. He was the third son of King Charles III of Spain by his wife Maria Amalia of Saxony. On 10 August 1759, Charles succeeded his elder brother, Ferdinand VI, as King Charles III of Spain...
||1751||1725||later King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies (IV of Naples and III of Sicily)
|rowspan=5|1752||Infante Gabriel of Spain||1752||1788||son of King Charles VII of the Two Sicilies (later Charles III of Spain)
|Louis Philippe, Duke of Chartres
Louis Philippe I, Duke of Orléans
Louis Philippe d'Orléans known as le Gros , was a French nobleman, a member of a cadet branch of the House of Bourbon, the dynasty then ruling France. The First Prince of the Blood after 1752, he was the most senior male at the French court after the immediate royal family. He was the father of...
||1725||1785||later Duke Louis Philippe I of Orléans
|Victor Amadeus Ferrero Fieschi, Prince of Masserano||1713||1777||
|Francis Gonzague Pico de la Mirandola y Este, Prince of Mantua||1684||1758||
|Domingo Cattaneo della Volta, Prince of San Nicandro and Duke of Termoli||1697||1782||
|rowspan=3|1753||François Jose de Bournonville, Duke of Bournonville||1710||1769||
|Antonio Álvarez de Toledo, 10th Marquis of Villafranca, Duke of Fernandina and Montalto||1716||1773||
|Pedro de Alcántara Alonso Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno, 14th Duke of Medinasidonia and 17th Count of Niebla||1724||1777||
|1754||Louis, Duke of Burgundy ||1751||1761||son of Louis, Dauphin of France
|1755||Lorenzo Colonna, 9th Prince of Paliano and Tagliacozzo, Prince of Castiglione||1723||1779||
|rowspan=2|1756||Infante Anthony of Spain||1755||1817||son of King Charles VII of the Two Sicilies (later Charles III of Spain)
|Pedro Pablo Abarca de Bolea, 10th Count of Aranda
Pedro Pablo Abarca de Bolea, Count of Aranda
Don Pedro Pablo Abarca de Bolea y Jiménez de Urrea, 10th Count of Aranda , was a Spanish statesman and diplomat.-Early life:...
|1757||Infante Francisco of Spain||1757||1771||son of King Charles III of Spain;
|1758||José Maria de Guzmán Guevara, 6th Marquis of Montealegre and 13th Count of Oñate||?||1781||
|rowspan=4|1761||Louis, Duke of Berry
Louis XVI of France
Louis XVI was a Bourbon monarch who ruled as King of France and Navarre until 1791, and then as King of the French from 1791 to 1792, before being executed in 1793....
||1754||1793||later King Louis XVI of France
|Charles Philip, Count of Artois
Charles X of France
Charles X was known for most of his life as the Comte d'Artois before he reigned as King of France and of Navarre from 16 September 1824 until 2 August 1830. A younger brother to Kings Louis XVI and Louis XVIII, he supported the latter in exile and eventually succeeded him...
||1757||1836||later King Charles X of France
|Joaquin Anastase Pignatelli d'Aragona, 16th Count of Fuentes, 2nd Duke of Solferino||1724||1776||
|Etienne François, Duke of Choiseul
Étienne François, duc de Choiseul
Étienne-François, comte de Stainville, duc de Choiseul was a French military officer, diplomat and statesman. Between 1758 and 1761, and 1766 and 1770, he was Foreign Minister of France and had a strong influence on France's global strategy throughout the period...
|1762||Nicolás de Carvajal y Lancáster, Marquis of Sarria||?||1770||
|rowspan=4|1764||José Fernández de Miranda, 1st Duke of Losada||1706||1783||
|Luis Manuel Laso de la Vega, Marquis of Miranda and Duke of Arco||?||1768||
|Antonio de Venavides y de la Cueva, Duke of Santisteban||1726||1782||
|Antonio Ponce de León y Spinola la Cerda, 11th Duke of Arcos and Nájera||1726||1780||
|rowspan=2|1765||Paolo Jeronimo Grimaldi Pallavicini, Duke of Grimaldi||1710||1789||
|John Clement, Count of Branicki||1689||1771||
|rowspan=4|1767||Casimir Pignatelli, Count of Egmont and Prince of Gavre||1727||1801||
|Jean Juste Ferdinand, Prince of Croy-Havré and Count of Priego||1716||1790||
|Jose Bonano Filangieri del Bosco, Prince of Rocafiorita and Cattolica||?||?||
|Louis, Count of Provence
Louis XVIII of France
Louis XVIII , known as "the Unavoidable", was King of France and of Navarre from 1814 to 1824, omitting the Hundred Days in 1815...
||1755||1824||later King Louis XVIII of France
|1768||Joaquín Manrique de Zuñiga, Count of Baños and Marquis of Leyva||?||1783||
|1770||Michele Imperiali Simeana, Prince of Francavilla||1719||1782||
|rowspan=3|1771||Infante Charles Clement of Spain||1771||1774||son of Charles, Prince of Asturias (Charles IV of Spain)
|Alonso Vicente de Solís Folch de Cardona, Duke of Montellano||?||1780||
|José Joaquín de Silva Bazán y Sarmiento, 9th Marquis of Santa Cruz||1734||1802||
|rowspan=5|1772||Pedro de Alcántara Fernández de Córdoba, 12th Duke of Medinaceli||1730||1789||
|Ventura Osorio de Moscoso y Guzmán, 14th Marquis of Astorga and Duke of Sesa||1732||1776||
|Andrés Téllez Girón, Duke of Uceda||1728||1780||
|Emmanuel Félicité, Count of Durfort and Duke of Duras||1715||1789||
|Joaquín Antonio de Palafox y Rebolledo, Marquis of Ariza||?||1775||
|1773||Louis, Prince of Parma
Louis of Etruria
Louis was the first of only two Kings of Etruria.Louis was the son of Ferdinand, Duke of Parma and Maria Amalia of Austria, the second surviving daughter of Maria Theresa of Austria and Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor....
,||1773||1803||later King of Etruria
|1775||Prince Carlo Tito of Naples||1775||1778||son of King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies
|1777||Prince Francis of Naples
Francis I of the Two Sicilies
-Biography:Francis was born in Naples, the son of Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies and his wife Archduchess Maria Carolina of Austria. He was also the nephew of Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI the last King and Queen of France before the first French Republic....
||1777||1830||later King Francis I of the Two-Sicilies
|rowspan=9|1779||Infante Carlos Eusebio of Spain||1779||1783||son of Charles, Prince of Asturias (Charles IV of Spain)
|Bartolomeo de Capua, 20th Count of Altavilla, Duke of Airola, Prince of Riccia||?||?||
|Pedro Téllez Girón, 8th Duke of Osuna||1728||1787||
|Pascual Benito Belvis de Moncada, 3rd Marquis of Belgida and San Juan de Piedras Albos||1727||1781||
|Vicente Manrique de Zúñiga, Marquis of Aguilafuente and Count of Aguilar||?||?||
|Pedro de Alcántara Fadrique Fernández de Híjar, 10th Duke of Híjar||?||1794||
|Diego Ventura de Guzmán Fernández de Córdoba, 7th Marquis of Montealegre and Duke of Nájera||c.1730||1805||
|Fausto Francisco de Palafox y Rebolledo, Marquis of Ariza||?||?||
|Jean Louis Paul de Noailles, Count of Ayen||1739||1824||later Duke of Ayen
|rowspan=3|1780||Pierre Pual, Marquis of Ossun||1713||1788||
|Filippo Colonna, 10 Duke of Paliano||1760||1818||
|Prince Carlo Gennaro of Naples||1780||1789||son of King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies
|1781||Prince Giuseppe of Naples||1781||1783||son of King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies
|rowspan=6|1783||Carlos José Gutiérrez de los Ríos, 6th Count of Fernan Nuñez||1742||1795||
|Armand Marc, Count of Montmorin de Saint-Herem||1745||1794||
|Philip, Prince of Parma||1783||1786||son of Ferdinand, Duke of Parma
Ferdinand, Duke of Parma
Ferdinand Maria Philip Louis Sebastian Francis James of Parma was Duke of Parma from 1765 to 1802. He was the second child and only son of Philip, Duke of Parma and Princess Louise-Élisabeth of France, eldest daughter of Louis XV of France and Maria Leszczyńska...
|Louis Pierre Nolasque Berton des Balbes, Marquis of Crillon||1717||1796||
|Infante Charles Francis of Spain||1783||1784||son of Charles, Prince of Asturias (Charles IV of Spain)
|Infante Philip Francis of Spain||1783||1784||son of Charles, Prince of Asturias (Charles IV of Spain)
|1784||Infante Ferdinand of Spain||1784||1833||later King Ferdinand VII of Spain. Head of the order from 1808
|rowspan=5|1785||José, Prince of Brazil||1761||1788||son of Queen Maria I of Portugal
|Infante John of Portugal
John VI of Portugal
John VI John VI John VI (full name: João Maria José Francisco Xavier de Paula Luís António Domingos Rafael; (13 May 1767 – 10 March 1826) was King of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves (later changed to just King of Portugal and the Algarves, after Brazil was recognized...
||1769||1826||later King John VI of Portugal
|Henri de Meneses, Count of Ericeyra and Marquis de Lourizal||?||?||
|Philippe Louis Marc de Noailles, Prince of Poix||1752||1819||
|Joaquín Antonio de Palafox y Rebolledo, Marquis of Ariza||?||1775||
|1786||Infante Peter Charles Anthony of Spain||1786||1812||son of Gabriel de Borbón
|rowspan=2|1788||Infante Carlos of Spain
Infante Carlos, Count of Molina
The Infante Carlos of Spain was the second surviving son of King Charles IV of Spain and of his wife, Maria Luisa of Parma. As Carlos V he was the first of the Carlist claimants to the throne of Spain...
||1775||1855||First Carlist Claimant to the Throne of Spain
|Carlo, Duke of Calabria
Carlo, Duke of Calabria
Carlo of Naples and Sicily was a Prince of Naples and Sicily and Duke of Calabria. He died in infancy of smallpox.-Biography:Born at the Caserta Palace near Naples, he was created Duke of Calabria at birth as the heir apparent to his father's throne...
||1788||1789||son of King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies
|rowspan=16|1789||Infante Charles John of Spain||1788||1789||son of Gabriel de Borbón
|Felipe López Pacheco de la Cueva, 10th Marquis de Villena, Moya and 12th Duke of Escalona||1727||1798||
|Salatore Montaperto Uberti Branciforte, Prince of Raffadali||?||1801||
|Manuel José Pacheco Téllez Girón y Toledo||1732||1794||
|Cristobal Pío Funes de Villapandro, Count of Atares||?||?||
|Pedro Francisco Lujan Silva, Duke of Almodóvar||1727||1789||
|Judas Tadeo Fernández de Miranda, 5th Marquis of Valdecarzana||?||1810||
|Juan de Silva Rabatta, 14th Count of Cifuentes||?||1792||
|Paul François de Quélen, Prince of Carency and Duke of Vauguyon||1746||1728||
|Luis María Fernández de Córdoba, Duke of Santisteban, 13th Duke of Medinaceli||1749||1806||
|Vicente Joaquín Osorio de Moscoso, 15th Marquis of Astorga, 11th Count of Altamira, Prince of Aracena and Duke of Sesa||1756||1816||
|Juan Pablo de Aragón Azlor y Zapata de Calatayud, 11th Duke of Villahermosa, Duke of Palata and Count of Real||1730||1790||
|Louis Henri, Duke of Bourbon||1756||1830||
|Charles Roger, Prince of Bauffremont-Listenois||1713||1795||
|Andrea IV Doria-Pamphili-Landi
Doria-Pamphili-Landi is a princely Roman family of Genoese extraction. Legend has that the origins of the Doria family go back to the early 11th century, but the authentic pedigree is traced to Ansaldo d'Oria, consul of Genoa in the 12th century...
, Marquis of Torriglia and Melfi||1747||1820||
|Miguel José de la Cueva Velasco, 13th Duke of Alburquerque and 4th Marquis of Mina||1743||1803||
|rowspan=3|1790||Diego Fernández de Velasco, 13th Duke of Frías and Uceda, Count of Alba and Lista||1754||1811||
|Diego de Noronha||?||?||
|Joseph Anne Auguste, Duke of Croy-Havré||1744||1839||
|rowspan=5|1791||Francesco Augusto Cattaneo, Duke of Termoli and 4th Prince of San Nicandro||1721||1791||
|José María Álvarez de Toledo, 15th Duke of Medinasidonia, Fernandina and Montalto||1756||1796||
|José Monino, Count of Floridablanca
José Moñino y Redondo, conde de Floridablanca
José Moñino y Redondo, Count of Floridablanca , Spanish statesman. He was the reformist chief minister of King Charles III of Spain, and also served briefly under Charles IV. He was arguably Spain's most effective statesman in the eighteenth century...
|Aususto Cattaneo, Duke of Termoli and 5th Prince of San Nicandro||1754||1824||
|Infante Philip Maria of Spain||1792||1894||son of King Charles IV of Spain
|rowspan=2|1792||Maximilian, Prince of Saxony
Maximilian, Prince of Saxony
Maximilian of Saxony , was German prince and a member of the House of Wettin.He was the sixth but third and youngest surviving son of Frederick Christian, Elector of...
|Manuel de Godoy, Prince of the Peace
Manuel de Godoy
Don Manuel Francisco Domingo de Godoy y Álvarez de Faria, de los Ríos y Sánchez-Zarzosa, also Manuel de Godoy y Álvarez de Faria de los Ríos Sánchez Zarzosa , was Prime Minister of Spain from 1792 to 1797 and from 1801 to 1808...
|rowspan=7|1794||Infante Francisco de Paula of Spain
Infante Francisco de Paula of Spain
Infante Francisco de Paula of Spain was the youngest son of Charles IV of Spain and Maria Luisa of Parma.-Marriage and children:...
||1794||1865||son of King Charles IV of Spain
|Antonio Sebastiano Ferrero Fieschi, Prince of Masserano||1760||1826||
|Vicente María de Palafox, Marquis of Ariza||?||?||
|Vicenzo Maria de Vera Aragon, Duke of la Rocca||?||?||
|Francisco María del Castillo Horcasitas, Marquis of Villadarias||?||?||
|Pedro Téllez-Girón, 9th Duke of Osuna||1755||1807||
|Pablo de Sangro, Prince of Castelfranco||1760||1826||
|rowspan=3|1795||Marquis of Oyra||?||?||
|Miguel de la Grúa Talamanca, 1st Marquis of Branciforte||?||?||
|Francis Anthony Pius, Prince of Beira||1795||1801||son of King John VI of Portugal
|rowspan=2|1796||Luis Pinto de Sousa||?||?||
|Antonio de Valdés y Fernández de Bazán||1744||1816||
|1798||Bruno Domingo Simon, Count of Lalaing||1739||?||
|rowspan=2|1799||Juan Manuel Álvarez de Faria y Sánchez de Zarzosa||1794||1865||
|Charles, Prince of Parma
Charles II, Duke of Parma
Charles Louis of Bourbon-Parma was King of Etruria , Duke of Lucca , and Duke of Parma .-Early life and marriage:...
||1760||1826||later King of Etruria, Duke of Lucca and Parma
19th Century
!Year of Induction!!Name!!Born!!Died!!Notes|-
|1801||Peter of Portugal, Prince of Beira||1798||1834||later Emperor Peter I of Brazil
|rowspan=3|1802||Prince Leopoldo Giovanni of the Two Siciles||1790||1851||son of King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies
Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies
Ferdinand I reigned variously over Naples, Sicily, and the Two Sicilies from 1759 until his death. He was the third son of King Charles III of Spain by his wife Maria Amalia of Saxony. On 10 August 1759, Charles succeeded his elder brother, Ferdinand VI, as King Charles III of Spain...
|Sir John Acton, Bt.
Sir John Acton, 6th Baronet
Sir John Francis Edward Acton, 6th Baronet was commander of the naval forces of Grand Duchy of Tuscany and prime minister of Naples under Ferdinand IV....
|Carlo Maria Caracciolo, Duke of San Teodoro||1764||1823||
|1804||Infant Miguel of Portugal
Miguel of Portugal
Dom Miguel I, sometimes Michael , was the King of Portugal between 1828 and 1834, the seventh child and second son of King John VI and his queen, Charlotte of Spain....
||1802||1866||later King Miguel of Portugal
|rowspan=8|1805||Napoleon I, Emperor of the French
Napoleon I of France
Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military and political leader during the latter stages of the French Revolution.As Napoleon I, he was Emperor of the French from 1804 to 1815...
|Joseph Bonaparte
Joseph Bonaparte
Joseph-Napoléon Bonaparte was the elder brother of Napoleon Bonaparte, who made him King of Naples and Sicily , and later King of Spain...
||1768||1844||later King of Naples and Spain
|Louis Bonaparte
Louis Bonaparte
Louis Napoléon Bonaparte, Prince Français, Comte de Saint-Leu , King of Holland , was the fifth surviving child and the fourth surviving son of Carlo Buonaparte and Letizia Ramolino...
||1778||1846||later King of Holland
|Felice Baciocchi, Prince of Lucca and Piombino||1762||1841||
|Camillo Borghese, Prince of Sulmona and Rossano
Camillo Filippo Ludovico Borghese
Don Camillo Filippo Ludovico Borghese, Prince of Sulmona and of Rossano, Duke and Prince of Guastalla was a member of the Borghese family, best known for being brother-in-law to Napoleon.- Biography :...
|Joseph, Cardinal Fesch
Joseph Fesch
Joseph Fesch was a French cardinal, closely associated with the family of Napoleon Bonaparte. He was also one of the most famous art collectors of his period.-Biography:Fesch was born at Ajaccio in Corsica...
|Joachim Murat
Joachim Murat
Joachim-Napoléon Murat , Marshal of France and Grand Admiral or Admiral of France, 1st Prince Murat, was Grand Duke of Berg from 1806 to 1808 and then King of Naples from 1808 to 1815...
||1767||1815||later King of Naples
|Eugène de Beauharnais
Eugène de Beauharnais
Eugène Rose de Beauharnais, Prince Français, Prince of Venice, Viceroy of the Kingdom of Italy, Hereditary Grand Duke of Frankfurt, 1st Duke of Leuchtenberg and 1st Prince of Eichstätt ad personam was the first child and only son of Alexandre, Vicomte de Beauharnais and Joséphine Tascher de la...
||1781||1824||Viceroy of Italy
|1812||Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, Prince of Waterloo, Duke of Ciudad Rodrigo and Marquis of Vimeiro
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington
Field Marshal Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, KG, GCB, GCH, PC, FRS , was an Irish-born British soldier and statesman, and one of the leading military and political figures of the 19th century...
|rowspan=10|1814||José Miguel de Carvajal, 2nd Duke of San Carlos||1771||1828||
|Alexander I, Emperor of Russia
Alexander I of Russia
Alexander I of Russia , served as Emperor of Russia from 23 March 1801 to 1 December 1825 and the first Russian King of Poland from 1815 to 1825. He was also the first Russian Grand Duke of Finland and Lithuania....
|Frederick William III, King of Prussia
Frederick William III of Prussia
Frederick William III was king of Prussia from 1797 to 1840. He was in personal union the sovereign prince of the Principality of Neuchâtel .-Early life:...
|George, Prince of Wales
George IV of the United Kingdom
George IV was the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and also of Hanover from the death of his father, George III, on 29 January 1820 until his own death ten years later...
||1762||1830||Prince Regent of United Kingdom, later King George IV of the United Kingdom and Hanover
|Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, Prince of Talleyrand and Benevente||1754||1838||
|William, Hereditary Prince of Orange
William II of the Netherlands
William II was King of the Netherlands, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, and Duke of Limburg from 7 October 1840 until his death in 1849.- Early life and education :...
||1792||1849||later King William II of the Netherlands
|Louis-Antoine, Duke of Angoulême
Louis-Antoine, Duke of Angouleme
Louis Antoine of France, Duke of Angoulême was the eldest son of Charles X of France and, from 1824 to 1836, the last Dauphin of France...
|Charles-Ferdinand, Duke of Berry
Charles Ferdinand, duc de Berry
Charles Ferdinand d'Artois, Duke of Berry was the younger son of the future king, Charles X of France, and his wife, Princess Maria Theresa of Savoy....
|Charles XIII, King of Sweden
Charles XIII of Sweden
Charles XIII & II also Carl, , was King of Sweden from 1809 and King of Norway from 1814 until his death...
|Carlos Gutiérrez de los Ríos Fernández de Córdoba, Count (later Duke) of Fernan-Nuñez and Montellano||1779||1827||
|rowspan=12|1816||Pedro de Ceballos||1764||1840||
|Dmitriy Tatistcheff||1767||1845||Russian diplomat
|William I, King of the Netherlands
William I of the Netherlands
William I Frederick, born Willem Frederik Prins van Oranje-Nassau , was a Prince of Orange and the first King of the Netherlands and Grand Duke of Luxembourg....
|Juan de la Cruz Belvis de Moncada, Marquis of Belgida||1756||1835||
|Pedro de Alcántara Álvarez de Toledo, Count of Miranda and Duke Peneranda||?||?||
|Ignacio Ciro de Ortega y Lazcano, Marquis of Valmediano||?||?||
|Francisco de Meneses Silveira y Castro, Marquis of Vallada||?||?||
|Francisco de Paula Fernández de Córdoba, 18th Count of la Puebla del Maestre||1763||1824||
|Nicola Caetano Jose Centurioni e Vera, Marquis of la Lapilla||?||?||
|Francisco de Borja Idiaquez de Palafox, Duke of Granada and Ega||?||?||
|Pedro de Alcántara de Toledo, 13th Duke of Infantado||1773||1841||
|Joaquín Antonio Samaniego, Count of Torrejón and Marquis of Valverde||1769||?||
|rowspan=6|1817||Constantine, Tsesarevich and Grand Duke of Russia
Grand Duke Constantine Pavlovich of Russia
Constantine Pavlovich was a grand duke of Russia and the second son of Emperor Paul I. He was the Tsesarevich of Russia throughout the reign of his elder brother Alexander I, but had secretly renounced his claim to the throne in 1823...
|Grand Duke Nicholas Pavlovich of Russia
Nicholas I of Russia
Nicholas I , was the Emperor of Russia from 1825 until 1855, known as one of the most reactionary of the Russian monarchs. On the eve of his death, the Russian Empire reached its historical zenith spanning over 20 million square kilometers...
||1796||1855||later Emperor Nicholas I of Russia
|Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich of Russia
Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich of Russia
Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich of Russia was the tenth child and fourth son of Paul I of Russia and Sophie Dorothea of Württemberg.-Marriage and issue:In St...
||1798||1849||son of Emperor Paul I of Russia
|Antonio María Ponce de León, Duke of Montemar||?||?||
|Augustin Pedro González Telmo Fernández de Híjar, Duke of Híjar||?||?||
|Antonio Rocaberti de Dameto, Count of Peralada and Viscount of Rocaberti||?||?||
|rowspan=4|1818||Infante Carlos Luis of Spain||1818||1861||Second Carlist Claimant to the throne of Spain, Count of Montemolin
|Frederick William, Prince of Prussia
Frederick William IV of Prussia
|align=right|Upon his accession, he toned down the reactionary policies enacted by his father, easing press censorship and promising to enact a constitution at some point, but he refused to enact a popular legislative assembly, preferring to work with the aristocracy through "united committees" of...
||1795||1861||later King Frederick William IV of Prussia
|Frederick VI, King of Denmark
Frederick VI of Denmark
Frederick VI reigned as King of Denmark , and as king of Norway .-Regent of Denmark:Frederick's parents were King Christian VII and Caroline Matilda of Wales...
|Ramón San Martín, Marquis of San Martin||1764||?||
|rowspan=6|1819||Antoine Claude de Noailles, Duke of Mouchy||1777||1846||
|Fulco Ruffo di Calabria, 8th Prince of Scilla||1773||1852||
|Tommaso Maria di Somma, 9th Marquis of Circello||1737||1826||
|Frederick Augustus I, King of Saxony
Frederick Augustus I of Saxony
Frederick Augustus I was King of Saxony from the House of Wettin. He was also Elector Frederick Augustus III of Saxony and Duke Frederick Augustus I of Warsaw...
|Francisco Ramón de Spes Fernández de Córdoba, Duke of Alagón||1758||1841||
|Valentín Carlos, Marquis de Villanueva del Duero, Count of Villariezo||?||?||
|rowspan=2|1820||Infante Francis of Spain||1820||1821||son of Infante Francisco de Paula of Spain
Infante Francisco de Paula of Spain
Infante Francisco de Paula of Spain was the youngest son of Charles IV of Spain and Maria Luisa of Parma.-Marriage and children:...
|Luis María de Borbón y Vallabriga, 14th Count of Chinchón||1777||1823||Archbishop of Seville and Toledo, Cardinal.
|rowspan=3|1821||José Gabriel Bazán de Silva, 10th Marquis of Santa Cruz||1782||1839||
|Ferdinand, Duke of Noto
Ferdinand II of the Two Sicilies
Ferdinand II was King of the Two Sicilies from 1830 until his death.-Family:Ferdinand was born in Palermo, the son of King Francis I of the Two Sicilies and his wife and first cousin Maria Isabella of Spain.His paternal grandparents were King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies and Queen Marie...
||1810||1859||later Ferdinand II of the Two-Siciles
|Anne Pierre, Prince of Montmorency-Laval||1768||1837||
|rowspan=3|1822||Infante Francis of Spain
Francis of Spain
Francis of Spain was King consort of Spain as spouse of Isabella II of Spain. He is commonly styled the Duke of Cádiz, the title he held before his marriage.-Family:...
||1822||1902||Duke of Cádiz, later King Consort of Spain
|Infante Juan Carlos of Spain
Juan, Count of Montizón
Don Juan Carlos María Isidro de Borbón, Count of Montizón was the Carlist claimant to the throne of Spain from 1860 to 1868, and the Legitimist claimant to the throne of France from 1883 to 1887.- Youth and marriage :...
||1822||1887||son of Infante Carlos of Spain, the first Carlist Claimant
|Charles XIV John, King of Sweden
Charles XIV John of Sweden
Charles XIV & III John, also Carl John, Swedish and Norwegian: Karl Johan was King of Sweden and King of Norway from 1818 until his death...
|rowspan=10|1823||Ferdinand Charles, Prince of Lucca
Charles III, Duke of Parma
-Early life:Charles III was born at the Villa delle Pianore near Lucca, the only son of Charles Louis, Prince of Lucca and his wife Princess Maria-Theresa of Savoy . He was given the baptismal names Ferdinando Carlo Vittorio Giuseppe Maria Baldassarre...
||1823||1854||later Duke Charles III of Parma
|Infante Enrique of Spain
Infante Enrique, Duke of Seville
Infante Enrique, Duke of Seville was a member of the House of Bourbon, Spanish Infante and Duke of Seville, grandson of Charles IV of Spain. He was known for his progressive, even revolutionary ideas during the reign of his cousin and sister-in-law, Isabella II of Spain.-Early life:Infante Enrique...
||1823||1870||son of the Infante Francisco de Paula, youngest son of King Charles IV of Spain. Later Duke of Seville
|Joaquín José Melgarejo de Ruiz Dávalos, Duke of San Fernando||?||?||
|Charles Albert, Prince of Savoy-Carignan
Charles Albert of Sardinia
Charles Albert was the King of Piedmont-Sardinia from 1831 to 1849. He succeeded his distant cousin Charles Felix, and his name is bound with the first Italian statute and the First War of Independence...
||1798||1849||later King of Sardinia
|Louis Justin, Marquis of Talaru||1773||1850||
|Infante Sebastian of Spain||1813||1875||son of Teresa, Princess of Beira and Infante Pedro Carlos of Spain
|Carlo Andrea Pozzo di Borgo
Carlo Andrea Pozzo di Borgo
Carlo Andrea, count Pozzo di Borgo , was a Corsican politician who became a Russian diplomat.He was born at Alata, near Ajaccio, of a noble Corsican family, four years before the island became a French possession...
||1764||1842||Russian diplomat
|Henri, Duke of Bordeaux
Henri, comte de Chambord
Henri, comte de Chambord was disputedly King of France from 2 to 9 August 1830 as Henry V, although he was never officially proclaimed as such...
||1820||1883||later the French legitimist pretender, count of Chambord
|Jean Baptiste Guillaume, Count of Villèle||1773||1854||
|François, Viscount of Chateaubriand||1768||1848||
|rowspan=5|1824||Pedro de Sousa Holstein, Duke of Palmella||1781||1850||
|Charles Robert, Count of Nesselrode||1780||1862||the Russian foreign minister
|Christian Gunther, Count of Bernstorff||1769||1835||
|Infante Ferdinand of Spain||1824||1861||son of the Infante Carlos of Spain, the first Carlist Claimant
|Paul, Duke of Noailles and Ayen||1802||1885||
|1825||Prince John of Saxony
John I of Saxony
John was a King of Saxony and a member of the House of Wettin....
||1801||1873||later King John I of Saxony
|rowspan=5|1826||Infante Edward Philip of Spain||1826||1830||
|Charles, Prince of Capua||1811||1862||son of King Francis I of the Two-Sicilies
|Leopold, Count of Syracuse||1813||1860||son of King Francis I of the Two-Sicilies
|Grand Duke Alexander Nikolayevich of Russia
Alexander II of Russia
Alexander II , also known as Alexander the Liberator was the Emperor of the Russian Empire from 3 March 1855 until his assassination in 1881...
||1818||1881||later Emperor Alexander II of Russia
|Antonio, Count of Lecce||1814||1843||son of King Francis I of the Two-Sicilies
|1827||José Antonio Aragon y Azlor, 12th Duke of Villahermosa, Duke of Palata and Count of Real||1785||1852||
|rowspan=7|1829||Vicenze Maria Grifeo, Duke of Floridia, Prince of Partanna||?||?||
|Luigi de' Medici dei Principi de Ottajano||1760||1830||
|Donato, Marquis Tommasi and Casaliecho||?||?||
|Pedro Gómez Labrador, Marquis of Labrador
Pedro Gómez Labrador, Marquis of Labrador
Don Pedro Gómez Labrador, Marquis of Labrador was a Spanish diplomat and nobleman who served as Spain's representative at the Congress of Vienna . Labrador did not successfully advance his country's diplomatic goals at the conference...
|José Rafael Fadrique Fernández de Híjar, 13th Duke of Híjar||?||1863||
|Francisco Castaños, 1st Duke of Bailén||1758||1852||
|Francisco Tadeo Calomarde, Duke of Santa Isabel
Francisco Tadeo Calomarde y Arría
Francisco Tadeo Calomarde y Arría was a Spanish statesman.-Biography:Calomarde was born in Villel, Aragon, to poor parents....
|rowspan=3|1830||Auguste Pierre, Count of La Ferronays||1777||1842||
|Louis, Duke of Aquila||1824||1897||
|Francis, Count of Trapani||1827||1892||
|rowspan=2|1832||Girolamo, Marquis Ruffo||?||?||
|Prudencio de Guadalfajara, Duke of Castroterrano||?||?||
|rowspan=2|1834||William IV, King of the United Kingdom and Hanover
William IV of the United Kingdom
William IV was King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of Hanover from 26 June 1830 until his death...
|Louis Philippe, King of the French
Louis-Philippe of France
Louis Philippe I was King of the French from 1830 to 1848 in what was known as the July Monarchy. His father was a duke who supported the French Revolution but was nevertheless guillotined. Louis Philippe fled France as a young man and spent 21 years in exile, including considerable time in the...
|rowspan=6|1835||Leopold I, King of the Belgians
Leopold I of Belgium
Leopold I was from 21 July 1831 the first King of the Belgians, following Belgium's independence from the Netherlands. He was the founder of the Belgian line of the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha...
|Augustus, Prince of Leuchtenberg||1810||1835||1st husband of Queen Maria II of Portugal
|Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil
Pedro II of Brazil
Dom Pedro II , nicknamed "the Magnanimous", was the second and last ruler of the Empire of Brazil, reigning for over 58 years. Born in Rio de Janeiro, he was the seventh child of Emperor Dom Pedro I of Brazil and Empress Dona Maria Leopoldina and thus a member of the Brazilian branch of...
|Otto, King of the Hellenes
Otto of Greece
Otto, Prince of Bavaria, then Othon, King of Greece was made the first modern King of Greece in 1832 under the Convention of London, whereby Greece became a new independent kingdom under the protection of the Great Powers .The second son of the philhellene King Ludwig I of Bavaria, Otto ascended...
|Bernardino José López Pacheco, 14th Duke of Frías||1783||1851||
|Ferdinand Philippe, Duke of Orléans and Prince Royal of France
Prince Ferdinand-Philippe d'Orléans
Ferdinand Philippe d'Orléans was Prince Royal of France. Born Ferdinand Philippe Louis Charles Henri Joseph d'Orléans in Palermo, Italy, he was the eldest son of the future king Louis-Philippe of France and Princess Marie Amalie of Bourbon-Sicilies.-Early life:Born in Palermo during his parents'...
|1837||Ferdinand II, King-consort of Portugal
Ferdinand II of Portugal
Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha , named Prince Ferdinand Augustus Francis Anthony of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha-Koháry, was King of Portugal as husband of Queen Maria II of Portugal from the birth of their son in 1837 to her death in 1853.In keeping with Portuguese law, only after the birth of his son in...
||1816||1885||2nd husband of Queen Maria II of Portugal
|rowspan=6|1838||Miguel Tacón, Duke of la Unión and Cuba||1775||1855||
|Fernando de Aguillara, Marquis of Cerralbo||?||?||
|Napoléon Louis de Talleyrand-Périgord, Duke of Valençay||1811||1898||
|Juan Baptista de Queralt y Silva, Count of Santa Coloma||?||?||
|Nicolas Jean de Dieu Soult
Nicolas Jean de Dieu Soult
Nicolas Jean-de-Dieu Soult, 1st Duke of Dalmatia , the Hand of Iron, was a French general and statesman, named Marshal of the Empire in 1804. He was one of only six officers in French history to receive the distinction of Marshal General of France...
|Manuel Pando Fernandez de Pinedo, 2nd Marquis of Miraflores||1792||1872||
|rowspan=2|1840||Christian VIII, King of Denmark
Christian VIII of Denmark
Christian VIII , was king of Denmark from 1839 to 1848 and, as Christian Frederick, king of Norway in 1814. He was the eldest son of Hereditary Prince Frederick of Denmark and Norway and Sophia Frederica of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, born in 1786 at Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen...
|Baldomero Espartero, Regent of Spain and Prince of Vergara
Baldomero Espartero, Prince of Vergara
Don Joaquín Baldomero Fernández-Espartero y Alvarez de Toro, 1st Prince of Vergara, 1st Duke of la Victoria, 1st Duke of Morella, 1st Count of Luchana, 1st Viscount of Banderas was a Spanish general and political figure...
|1841||Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Prince Consort of the United Kingdom||1819||1861||
|1842||William Alexander, Prince of Orange
William III of the Netherlands
William III was from 1849 King of the Netherlands and Grand Duke of Luxembourg until his death and the Duke of Limburg until the abolition of the Duchy in 1866.-Early life:William was born in Brussels as son of William II of the Netherlands and...
||1817||1890||later King William III of the Netherlands
|rowspan=3|1843||Salustiano de Olózaga||1803||1873||
|Louis, Duke of Nemours
Louis, Duke of Nemours
Prince Louis of Orléans was the second son of the future King Louis-Philippe I of France, and his wife Maria Amalia of Naples and Sicily. Under the reign of his father from 1830–1848, he was styled as Prince Louis, Duke of Nemours.-Childhood:He was born at the Palais Royal, in Paris...
||1814||1896||second son of the King Louis Philippe of the French
|Diego Isidro Guzmán de la Cerda, 8th Marquis of Montealegre, Duke of Nájera||?||1849||
|rowspan=3|1844||François Guizot
François Guizot
François Pierre Guillaume Guizot was a French historian, orator, and statesman. Guizot was a dominant figure in French politics prior to the Revolution of 1848, a conservative liberal who opposed the attempt by King Charles X to usurp legislative power, and worked to sustain a constitutional...
||1787||1874||Prime Minister of France
|Oscar I, King of Sweden
Oscar I of Sweden
Oscar I was King of Sweden and Norway from 1844 to his death. When, in August 1810, his father Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte was elected Crown Prince of Sweden, Oscar and his mother moved from Paris to Stockholm . Oscar's father was the first ruler of the current House of Bernadotte...
|Francis, Duke of Calabria
Francis II of the Two Sicilies
Francis II , was King of the Two Sicilies from 1859 to 1861. He was the last King of the Two Sicilies, as successive invasions by Giuseppe Garibaldi and Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia ultimately brought an end to his rule, and marked the first major event of Italian unification...
||1836||1894||later King Francis II of the Two Sicilies
|1845||Henri, Duke of Aumale
Henri d'Orléans, duc d'Aumale
-Bibliophile:He was a noted collector of old manuscripts and books. His library remains at Chantilly.-Death:By his will of the June 3, 1884, however, he had bequeathed to the Institute of France his Chantilly estate, including the Château de Chantilly, with all the art-collection he had collected...
|rowspan=5|1846||Eugène Lamoral, Prince of Ligne||1804||1880||
|Augustín Fernández Muñoz, Duke of Riansares
Augustín Fernández Muñoz, Duke of Riansares
Don Agustin Fernando Muñoz y Sánchez, 1st Duke of Riánsares, Grandee of Spain was the second but morganatic husband of Maria Christina, Regent of Spain....
|Antoine, Duke of Montpensier
Antoine, Duke of Montpensier
- Titles and styles:/*13 July 182421 September 1824: His Serene Highness Prince Antoine d'Orléans*21 September 18249 August 1830: His Royal Highness Prince Antoine d'Orléans...
||1824||1890||youngest son of the King Louis Philippe of the French; husband of the Infanta Luisa, sister of Queen Isabella II of Spain
|François, Prince of Joinville||1818||1900||
|Pedro, Crown Prince of Portugal
Pedro V of Portugal
* Duke of Barcelos* Marquis of Vila Viçosa* Count of Ourém* Count of Barcelos* Count of Arraiolos* Count of Guimarães-Honours:* Knight of the Garter* Knight of the Golden Fleece-Ancestry:...
||1837||1861||later King Pedro V of Portugal
|rowspan=2|1847||Ramón María Narváez y Campos, 1st Duke of Valencia
Ramón María Narváez y Campos, 1st Duke of Valencia
Don Ramón María de Narváez y Campos, 1st Duke of Valencia was a Spanish soldier and statesman.-Biography:...
|José María Osorio de Mosco de Carvajal, 17th Duke of Sessa, 19th Duke of Trastamara and 14th Count of Altamira||1828||1881||
|1848||Frederick VII, King of Denmark
Frederick VII of Denmark
Frederick VII was a King of Denmark. He reigned from 1848 until his death. He was the last Danish monarch of the older Royal branch of the House of Oldenburg and also the last king of Denmark to rule as an absolute monarch...
|1849||Juan Roca de Togores, 3rd Count of Pinohermoso||1801||1883||
|1850||Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, President of the French Republic
Napoleon III of France
Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte was the President of the French Second Republic and as Napoleon III, the ruler of the Second French Empire. He was the nephew and heir of Napoleon I, christened as Charles Louis Napoléon Bonaparte...
||1808||1873||later Napoleon III, Emperor of the French. Co-Prince of Andorra.
|rowspan=2|1851||Francisco Martinez de la Rosa
Francisco de Paula Martinez de la Rosa
Francisco de Paula Martinez de la Rosa was a Spanish statesman and dramatist.-Biography:He was born at Granada, and educated at the university there....
|Joaquín Fernández de Córdoba, 6th Duke of Arion||1787||1871||
|rowspan=6|1852||Francisco Javier de Istúriz||1790||1871||
|Nicolás de Osorio y Zayas, 16th Marquis of Alcañices, 15th Duke of Albuquerque and 15th Duke of Ledesma||1793||1866||
|Juan Bravo Murillo
Juan Bravo Murillo
Juan Bravo Murillo was a Spanish politician, jurist and economist. He was president of the council of ministers of Spain from 14 January 1851 to 14 December 1852 during the reign of Isabella II.-Origins:Bravo Murillo was born in Fregenal de la Sierra on 24...
|Albert Edward, Prince of Wales
Edward VII of the United Kingdom
Edward VII was King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions and Emperor of India from 22 January 1901 until his death in 1910...
||1841||1910||later King Edward VII of the United Kingdom, Emperor of India
|Louis, Count of Trani||1838||1886||
|Charles Louis, Count of Ficquelmont and of the Holy Roman Empire||1777||1857||heir from a prominent noble family
House of Ficquelmont
Nine-century-old high nobility Lorrainerinct family ranking among the prominent of the Holy Roman Empire, Lorraine, Austria and Hungary, France, Russia and Belgium.-Origins:...
from Lorraine, former imperial ambassador
An ambassador is the highest ranking diplomat who represents a nation and is usually accredited to a foreign sovereign or government, or to an international organization....
and former Minister-President
A minister-president is the head of government in a number of European countries or subnational governments, in which a parliamentary or semi-presidential system of government prevails, who presides over the council of ministers...
of the Austrian Empire
|1853||William, Prince of Prussia
William I, German Emperor
William I, also known as Wilhelm I , of the House of Hohenzollern was the King of Prussia and the first German Emperor .Under the leadership of William and his Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, Prussia achieved the unification of Germany and the...
||1797||1888||later King William I of Prussia and German Emperor
|1854||Robert, Duke of Parma||1848||1907||
|1855||Charles, Crown Prince of Sweden
Charles XV of Sweden
Charles XV & IV also Carl ; Swedish and Norwegian: Karl was King of Sweden and Norway from 1859 until his death....
||1826||1872||later King Charles XV of Sweden
|rowspan=3|1856||Juan Carlos Francisco, Duke of Saldaña||1791||1876||
|Napoleon, Prince Imperial
Napoléon Eugène, Prince Imperial
Napoléon, Prince Imperial, , Prince Imperial, Fils de France, was the only child of Emperor Napoleon III of France and his Empress consort Eugénie de Montijo...
||1856||1879||son of Emperor Napoleon III of France
|Prince Adalbert of Bavaria
Prince Adalbert of Bavaria (1828-1875)
Prince Adalbert of Bavaria was the ninth child and fourth son of Ludwig I of Bavaria and Therese of Saxe-Hildburghausen.-Marriage:...
||1828||1875||son of King Louis I of Bavaria
|rowspan=3|1857||Nicholas, Tsarevich and Grand Duke of Russia||1843||1865||
|Alexander, Prince Gorchakov||1798||1883||Foreign Minister of Russia
|Alfonso, Prince of the Asturias
Alfonso XII of Spain
Alfonso XII was king of Spain, reigning from 1874 to 1885, after a coup d'état restored the monarchy and ended the ephemeral First Spanish Republic.-Early life and paternity:Alfonso was the son of Queen Isabella II of Spain, and...
||1857||1885||later King Alfonso XII of Spain. Head of the Order from 1870/1874
|rowspan=2|1859||Infante Ferdinand of Spain||1859||1872||nephew of Queen Isabella II of Spain
|Prince Ludwig Ferdinand of Bavaria
Prince Louis Ferdinand of Bavaria
Prince Ludwig Ferdinand of Bavaria , was a member of the Bavarian Royal House of Wittelsbach and a General of Cavalry. Following his marriage to Infanta Maria da Paz of Spain, he also became Spanish infante.-General information:...
|rowspan=2|1860||Antonio Ramón Zarco de Valle y Huete||?||?||
|Mariano Téllez Girón, 12th Duke of Osuna and Infantado||1814||1882||
|1861||Luís I, King of Portugal
Luís I of Portugal
|rowspan=2|1862||Frederick, Crown Prince of Prussia
Frederick III, German Emperor
Frederick III was German Emperor and King of Prussia for 99 days in 1888, the Year of the Three Emperors. Friedrich Wilhelm Nikolaus Karl known informally as Fritz, was the only son of Emperor William I and was raised in his family's tradition of military service...
||1831||1888||later German Emperor Frederick III
|Francisco, Duke of Marchena||1861||1923||
|rowspan=2|1863||Louis III, Grand Duke of Hesse||1806||1877||
|William Nicholas, Prince of Orange and Crown Prince of the Netherlands
Prince Willem of the Netherlands
William Nicholas Alexander Frederick Charles Henry, Prince of Orange, Prince of the Netherlands, Prince of Orange-Nassau , was heir apparent to his father King William III of the Netherlands from 17 March 1849 until his death.-Biography:...
|1864||Christian IX, King of Denmark
Christian IX of Denmark
Christian IX was King of Denmark from 16 November 1863 to 29 January 1906.Growing up as a prince of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, a junior branch of the House of Oldenburg which had ruled Denmark since 1448, Christian was originally not in the immediate line of succession to the Danish...
|rowspan=3|1865||Pedro José Pidal, 1st Marquis of Pidal||1800||1865||
|Ángel Ramírez de Bapredano, 3rd Duke of Rivas||1791||1865||
|Luis Tomas Fernández de Córdoba, 15th Duke of Medinaceli||1813||1873||
|rowspan=8|1866||George V, King of Hanover
George V of Hanover
George V was King of Hanover, the only child of Ernest Augustus I, and a grandchild of King George III of the United Kingdom. In the peerage of Great Britain, he was 2nd Duke of Cumberland and Teviotdale, 2nd Earl of Armagh...
|Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia||1801||1883||
|Alexander, Tsarevich and Grand Duke of Russia
Alexander III of Russia
Alexander Alexandrovich Romanov , historically remembered as Alexander III or Alexander the Peacemaker reigned as Emperor of Russia from until his death on .-Disposition:...
||1845||1894||later Emperor Alexander III of Russia
|Leopold Ferdinand, Count of Hainaut
Prince Leopold, Duke of Brabant
Prince Leopold of Belgium, Duke of Brabant, Count of Hainaut , was the second child and only son and heir-apparent of Leopold II of Belgium and his wife, Archduchess Marie Henriette of...
||1859||1869||son of King Leopold II of the Belgians
|Francisco Serrano y Domínguez, Duke de la Torre
Francisco Serrano y Domínguez, Duke de la Torre
Don Francisco Serrano y Domínguez, 1st Duke of la Torre Grandee of Spain, Count of San Antonio was a Spanish marshal and statesman...
|Pedro Colón, Duke of Veragua||?||?||
|Fernando Díaz de Mendoza, Count of Lalaing de Balazote||?||?||
|Carlos, Crown Prince of Portugal
Carlos I of Portugal
-Assassination:On 1 February 1908 the royal family returned from the palace of Vila Viçosa to Lisbon. They travelled by train to Barreiro and, from there, they took a steamer to cross the Tagus River and disembarked at Cais do Sodré in central Lisbon. On their way to the royal palace, the open...
||1863||1908||later King Carlos of Portugal
|1867||Luis González Bravo||1811||1871||
|rowspan=4|1868||Gaetano, Count of Girgenti||1846||1871||Son-in-law of Queen Isabella II of Spain
|Manuel Seijas Lozano|| ?||?||
|Lorenzo Arrazola||1797||1873||
|Francisco Javier Arias Dávila Matheu, Count of Punonrostro||?||?||
|rowspan=5|1870||Pedro Gómez de la Serna||?||?||
|Casimiro Vigodet y Guernica||1787||1872||
Abdülaziz I or Abd Al-Aziz, His Imperial Majesty was the 32nd Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and reigned between 25 June 1861 and 30 May 1876...
(عبد العزيز), Sultan of the Ottoman Empire||1830||1876||
|Muhammad III as-Sadiq
Muhammad III as-Sadiq
Muhammad III as-Sadiq, GCB was the ruler of Tunisia from 23 September 1859 to 28 October 1881, when he abdicated. He signed the Treaty of Bardo with France on 12 May 1881 signifying Tunisia as a French Protectorate.-References:...
( محمد الصادق بن حسين), Bey of Tunis||1813||1882||
|Amadeo I, King of Spain
Amadeo I of Spain
Amadeo I was the only King of Spain from the House of Savoy...
|rowspan=4|1871||Eugenio Emanuele Prince of Savoy-Carignan||1816||1888||
|Adolphe Thiers, President of the French Republic
Adolphe Thiers
Marie Joseph Louis Adolphe Thiers was a French politician and historian. was a prime minister under King Louis-Philippe of France. Following the overthrow of the Second Empire he again came to prominence as the French leader who suppressed the revolutionary Paris Commune of 1871...
||1797||1877||Co-Prince of Andorra
|George I, King of the Hellenes
George I of Greece
George I was King of Greece from 1863 to 1913. Originally a Danish prince, George was only 17 years old when he was elected king by the Greek National Assembly, which had deposed the former king Otto. His nomination was both suggested and supported by the Great Powers...
|Frederick Charles, Prince of Prussia
Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia
Prince Friedrich Carl Nicolaus of Prussia was the son of Prince Charles of Prussia and his wife Princess Marie of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach . Prince Frederick Charles was a grandson of King Frederick William III of Prussia and a nephew of Frederick William IV and William I...
|| 1828|| 1885||
|rowspan=6|1872||Pedro Gómez de la Serna||1828||1885||
|Prince Philippe, Count of Flanders
Prince Philippe, Count of Flanders
align="right"|Prince Philippe of Belgium, Count of Flanders was the third born son of King Leopold I of the Belgians and his wife Louise d'Orléans . He was born at the Château de Laeken, near Brussels, Belgium...
||1837||1905||son of King Leopold I of the Belgians
|Manuel Falcó de Adda, 3rd Duke of Fernan-Nuñez and Arco||?||?||
|Cirilo Álvarez Martínez de Velasco||?||?||
|Antonio de los Ríos y Rosas
Antonio de los Ríos y Rosas
Antonio de los Ríos Rosas was a Spanish politician who was elected three times President of the Congress of Deputies....
|Oscar II, King of Sweden
Oscar II of Sweden
Oscar II , baptised Oscar Fredrik was King of Sweden from 1872 until his death and King of Norway from 1872 until 1905. The third son of King Oscar I of Sweden and Josephine of Leuchtenberg, he was a descendant of Gustav I of Sweden through his mother.-Early life:At his birth in Stockholm, Oscar...
|rowspan=12|1875||Juan Manuel González de la Pezuela, Count of Cheste||1809||1906||
|José Osorio y Silva, Marquis of Alcañices, Sexto and Alburquerque||1825||1910||
|Alejandro Mon y Martínez||1801||1882||
|Mariano Roca de Togores, Marquis de Molins, Viscount of Rocamora||1812||1889||
|Manuel Pavia y Lacy, 1st Marquis de Novaliches
Manuel Pavia y Lacy, 1st Marquis de Novaliches
Manuel Pavía y Lacy, 1st Marquis de Novaliches , Spanish marshal, was born at Granada on the 6th of July 1814. He was the son of Colonel Pavía, and after a few years at the Jesuit school in Valencia he entered the Royal Artillery Academy at Segovia...
|Patrice MacMahon, President of the French Republic
Patrice MacMahon, duc de Magenta
Marie Edme Patrice Maurice de Mac-Mahon, 1st Duke of Magenta was a French general and politician with the distinction Marshal of France. He served as Chief of State of France from 1873 to 1875 and as the first president of the Third Republic, from 1875 to 1879.-Early life:Born in Sully , in the...
||1808||1893||Duke of Magenta and Marshal of France. Co-Prince of Andorra
|Otto von Bismarck, Prince of Bismarck
Otto von Bismarck
Otto Eduard Leopold, Prince of Bismarck, Duke of Lauenburg , simply known as Otto von Bismarck, was a Prussian-German statesman whose actions unified Germany, made it a major player in world affairs, and created a balance of power that kept Europe at peace after 1871.As Minister President of...
||1815||1898|| Minister-President of Prussia and Chancellor of German Empire
|Charles Alexander, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
Charles Alexander, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
Karl Alexander August Johann, Grand Duke of Saxony; 24 June 1818 – 5 January 1901) was the ruler of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach from 1853 until his death.-Biography:...
|Cardinal James Santiago Antonelli||1806||1876||
|Alexander, Count of Adlerberg||1818||1884||
|William, Prince of Prussia||1859||1941||later German Emperor William II
|Antonio Cánovas del Castillo
Antonio Cánovas del Castillo
Antonio Cánovas del Castillo was a Spanish politician and historian known principally for his role in supporting the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy to the Spanish throne and for his death at the hands of an anarchist assassin, Michele Angiolillo.-Early career:Born in Málaga as the son of...
|1877||Francisco de Borja Bazán de Silva, 11th Marquis of Santa Cruz||1815||1889||
|rowspan=6|1878||Francisco Santa Cruz y Pacheco||1797||1883||
|Juan Zavala y de la Puente, Marquis of Sierra Bullones||1804||1879||
|Manuel García, Marquis of Barzanallana||1817||1892||
|Frederick I, Grand Duke of Baden||1826||1907||
|Arsenio Martínez Campos||1831||1900||
|Victor Emmanuel, Prince of Italy
Victor Emmanuel III of Italy
Victor Emmanuel III was a member of the House of Savoy and King of Italy . In addition, he claimed the crowns of Ethiopia and Albania and claimed the titles Emperor of Ethiopia and King of Albania , which were unrecognised by the Great Powers...
||1869||1947||later King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy
|1879||Antonio Maria Fontes Pereria de Mello||1819||1887||
|rowspan=2|1880||Abdul Hamid II
Abdul Hamid II
His Imperial Majesty, The Sultan Abdülhamid II, Emperor of the Ottomans, Caliph of the Faithful was the 34th sultan of the Ottoman Empire...
(عبد الحميد ثانی), Sultan of the Ottoman Empire||1842||1918||
|Antonio d'Orléans, Infant of Spain, Duke of Galliera||1866||1930||brother-in-law of King Alfonso XII of Spain
|rowspan=3|1881||Gaston d'Orléans, Count of Eu
Gaston, comte d'Eu
Gaston d'Orléans , the first son of Louis, the Duke of Nemours and Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Kohary. His full name was Louis Philippe Marie Ferdinand Gaston d'Orléans; Portuguese: Luís Filipe Maria Fernando Gastão de Orleães...
|Manuel Lorenzo Antonio de Acuna y Dewite, Marquis of Bedmar||1821||1883||
|Gustaf, Crown Prince of Sweden
Gustaf V of Sweden
Gustaf V was King of Sweden from 1907. He was the eldest son of King Oscar II of Sweden and Sophia of Nassau, a half-sister of Adolphe, Grand Duke of Luxembourg...
||1858||1950||later King Gustaf V of Sweden
|1882||Jules Grévy, President of the French Republic
Jules Grévy
François Paul Jules Grévy was a President of the French Third Republic and one of the leaders of the Opportunist Republicans faction. Given that his predecessors were monarchists who tried without success to restore the French monarchy, Grévy is seen as the first real republican President of...
||1807||1891||Co-Prince of Andorra
|rowspan=5|1883||Nicholas, Tsarevitch and Grand Duke of Russia
Nicholas II of Russia
Nicholas II was the last Emperor of Russia, Grand Prince of Finland, and titular King of Poland. His official short title was Nicholas II, Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias and he is known as Saint Nicholas the Passion-Bearer by the Russian Orthodox Church.Nicholas II ruled from 1894 until...
||1868||1918||later Emperor Nicholas II of Russia
|Frederick, Crown Prince of Denmark
Frederick VIII of Denmark
Frederick VIII was King of Denmark from 1906 to 1912.-Early life:Frederick was born on 3 June 1843 in the Yellow Palace in Copenhagen as Prince Frederick of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, a junior male line of the House of Oldenburg descended from Christian III of Denmark and who had...
||1843||1912||later King Frederick VIII of Denmark
|Prince Heinrich of Prussia
Prince Heinrich of Prussia
Prince Henry of Prussia was a younger brother of German Emperor William II and a Prince of Prussia...
|Emperor Meiji of Japan
Emperor Meiji
The or was the 122nd emperor of Japan according to the traditional order of succession, reigning from 3 February 1867 until his death...
(明治天皇)||1852||1912||Mutsuhito (personal name)
|Infante Alfonso of Portugal, Duke of Porto
Infante Afonso, Duke of Porto
Afonso Henriques, Prince Royal of Portugal was a Portuguese prince of the House of Braganza, the son of King Luis I of Portugal and his wife, Maria Pia of Savoy.-Biography:...
|rowspan=3|1884||José Posada Herrera||1815||1885||
|Fernando Calderón de la Barca y Collantes, Marquis of Reinosa||1811||1890||
|Rafael de Bustos et Castillo, Marquis of Corvera||?||?||
|rowspan=4|1886||Alfonso XIII, King of Spain
Alfonso XIII of Spain
Alfonso XIII was King of Spain from 1886 until 1931. His mother, Maria Christina of Austria, was appointed regent during his minority...
||1886||1941||posthumous son of Alfonso XII of Spain, King and Grand Master of the Order at his birth (nominal until 1902)
|Infante Augusto of Portugal, Duke of Coimbra
Infante Augusto, Duke of Coimbra
Infante Augusto of Portugal was a Portuguese infante of the House of Braganza-Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.He was born in Lisbon the fifth son of Queen Maria II of Portugal and her King consort Ferdinand II. Augusto was created Duke of Coimbra and had the additional title Duke of Saxony through his father...
|Cardinal Louis Jacobini||1832||1887||
|José Gutierrez de la Concha, 1st Marquis of La Habana||1809||1895||
|rowspan=3|1888||Thomas, 2nd Duke of Genoa||1854||1931||
|Charles I, King of Württemberg
Charles I of Württemberg
Charles was the third King of Württemberg, from 25 June 1864 until his death in 1891.-Early life:He was born 6 March 1823 at Stuttgart, as HRH Charles Frederick Alexander, Crown Prince of Württemberg the son of William I, King of Württemberg and his third wife Pauline Therese of Württemberg .He...
|Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh
Alfred, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Alfred, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha was the third Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and reigned from 1893 to 1900. He was also a member of the British Royal Family, the second son and fourth child of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha...
|1889||Constantine, Crown Prince of Greece
Constantine I of Greece
Constantine I was King of Greece from 1913 to 1917 and from 1920 to 1922. He was commander-in-chief of the Hellenic Army during the unsuccessful Greco-Turkish War of 1897 and led the Greek forces during the successful Balkan Wars of 1912–1913, in which Greece won Thessaloniki and doubled in...
||1868||1923||later King Constantine I of the Hellenes
|1890||José Joaquín Álvarez de Toledo, 18th Duke of Medina Sidonia
José Joaquín Álvarez de Toledo, 18th Duke of Medina Sidonia
Don José Joaquín Álvarez de Toledo y Silva, 18th Duke of Medina Sidonia, 14th Marquis of Villafranca del Bierzo, 14th Marquis of los Vélez, 12th Duke of Fernandina, 13th Marquis of Molina and 22nd Count of Niebla, Grandee of Spain, Knight of the Reales Maestranzas de Caballería de Valencia and...
|rowspan=3|1891||Práxedes Mateo Sagasta
Práxedes Mateo Sagasta
Práxedes Mariano Mateo Sagasta y Escolar was a Spanish politician who served as Prime Minister on eight occasions between 1870 and 1902—always in charge of the Liberal Party—as part of the turno pacifico, alternating with the Liberal-Conservative leader Antonio Cánovas...
|Vladimir Alexandrovitch, Grand Duke of Russia
Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich of Russia
Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich of Russia ) was a son of Emperor Alexander II of Russia...
|Albert, Prince of Prussia, Regent of the Duchy of Brunswick
Prince Albrecht of Prussia
Prince Friedrich Wilhelm Nikolaus Albrecht of Prussia was a Prussian general field marshal and, from 1885, regent of the Duchy of Brunswick.-Biography:...
|rowspan=3|1892||William II, King of Württemberg
William II of Württemberg
William II was the fourth King of Württemberg, from 6 October 1891 until the abolition of the kingdom on 30 November 1918...
|Cristóbal Colón de la Cerday Gante, Duke of Veragua and Marquis of Jamaica||1837||1910||
|Prince Luís Filipe of Portugal, Duke of Braganza
Luís Filipe, Duke of Braganza
-Titles and Styles:*21 March 1887-19 October 1889 - His Royal Highness The Prince of Beira, Duke of Barcelos*19 October 1889-1 February 1908 - His Royal Highness The Prince Royal of Portugal, Duke of Braganza-Arms:...
|1893||George, Prince of the United Kingdom and Duke of York
George V of the United Kingdom
George V was King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Emperor of India, from 6 May 1910 through the First World War until his death in 1936....
||1865||1936||later King George V of the United Kingdom and British dominions beyond the seas, Emperor of India
|rowspan=3|1895||Guillermo Chacón y Maldonado||1813||1899||
|José Elduayen y Gorriti, Marquis of Pazo de la Merced||1823||1898||
|Eugenio Montero Ríos
Eugenio Montero Ríos
Eugenio Montero Ríos was a leading member of the Spanish Liberal Party before being part of a 1903 schism that divided it. He also served briefly as Prime Minister. He played a role in the 1898 Treaty of Paris that ended the Spanish–American War as he was then President of the Senate of Spain.-...
|rowspan=2|1896||George Alexandrovitch, Grand Duke of Russia||1871||1899||
|Yoshihito, Crown Prince of Japan
Emperor Taishō
The was the 123rd emperor of Japan, according to the traditional order of succession, reigning from 30 July 1912, until his death in 1926.The Emperor’s personal name was . According to Japanese customs, the emperor has no name during his reign and is only called the Emperor...
(嘉仁)||1879||1926||later Emperor Taishō (大正天皇) of Japan
|1897||Ferdinand, Duke of Calabria||1869||1960||
|1898||Félix Faure, President of the French Republic
Félix Faure
Félix François Faure was President of France from 1895 until his death.-Biography:Félix François Faure was born in Paris, the son of a small furniture maker...
||1841||1899||Co-Prince of Andorra
|rowspan=4|1900||Wilhelm, Crown Prince of Germany||1882||1951||
|Enrique Ramírez de Saaveda y Cueto, 4th Duke of Rivas and Marquis de Andia||1828||1914||
|Carlos María Stuart Fitz James y Portocarrero, 9th Duke of Berwick and 16th Duke of Alba||1849||1901||
|Alejandro Llorente y Lamas||1914||1901||
20th Century
!Year of Induction!!Name!!Born!!Died!!Notes|-
|rowspan=4|1901||Charles of Bourbon-Sicily, Infante of Spain
Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Two Sicilies
Don Carlos, Prince of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Infante of Spain was the son of Prince Alfonso of the Two...
||1870||1949||husband of Mercedes, Princess of Asturias
Mercedes, Princess of Asturias
Infanta María de las Mercedes of Spain , Princess of the Asturias, for all 24 years of her life the heiress presumptive to the Crown of Spain, was the eldest daughter of King Alfonso XII of Spain and his second wife, Maria Christina of Austria.For a period from...
|Christian, Prince of Denmark
Christian X of Denmark
Christian X was King of Denmark from 1912 to 1947 and the only King of Iceland between 1918 and 1944....
||1870||1947||later King Christian X of Denmark
|Infante Alfonso of Spain, Duke of Calabria
Infante Alfonso, Duke of Calabria
Infante Alfonso, Duke of Calabria was one of two claimants to the title of the head of the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies from 1960 until his death in 1964...
||1901||1964||son of Mercedes, Princess of Asturias
|Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia
Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia
Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia was the youngest son of Emperor Alexander III of Russia.At the time of his birth, his paternal grandfather was still the reigning Emperor of All the Russias. Michael was fourth-in-line to the throne following his father and elder brothers Nicholas and...
|rowspan=7|1902||Carlos Martinez de Irujo, Duke of Sotomayor and Marquis of Casa-Irujo||1846||1909||
|Prince Eugén, Duke of Närke
Prince Eugén, Duke of Närke
Prince Eugen Napoleon Nicolaus of Sweden and Norway, Duke of Närke was the youngest son of King Oscar II of Sweden and Norway....
|Arthur William, Prince of the United Kingdom and Duke of Connaught and Strathearn
Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn
Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn was a member of the shared British and Saxe-Coburg and Gotha royal family who served as the Governor General of Canada, the 10th since Canadian Confederation.Born the seventh child and third son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and...
|Vajiravudh, Crown Prince of Thailand
Phra Bat Somdet Phra Poramentharamaha Vajiravudh Phra Mongkut Klao Chao Yu Hua , or Phra Bat Somdet Phra Ramathibodi Si Sintharamaha Vajiravudh Phra Mongkut Klao Chao Yu Hua , or Rama VI was the sixth monarch of Siam under the House of Chakri, ruling from 1910 until his death...
||1881||1925||later King Vajiravudh of Thailand (พระบาทสมเด็จพระมงกุฎเกล้าเจ้าอยู่หัว) also known as Rama VI
|Émile Loubet, President of the French Republic
Émile Loubet
Émile François Loubet was a French politician and the 8th President of France.-Early life:He was born the son of a peasant proprietor and mayor of Marsanne . Admitted to the Parisian bar in 1862, he took his doctorate in law the next year...
||1838||1929||Co-Prince of Andorra
|Prince Ernest Augustus, 3rd Duke of Cumberland and Teviotdale||1845||1923||
|Mozaffar al-Din
Mozzafar al-Din Shah
Mozaffar ad-Din Shah Qajar, KG was the fifth Qajar king of Iran. He reigned between the years 1896 and 1907.He is credited with the creation of the Iranian constitution, and often wrongly credited with the rise of the Persian Constitutional Revolution which took place immediately after his...
(مظفرالدين شاه قاجار), Shah of Persia||1853||1907||
| rowspan=6|1903||Ferdinand Maria of the Two Siciles, Infante of Spain||1903||1905||son of Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Two Sicilies
Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Two Sicilies
Don Carlos, Prince of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Infante of Spain was the son of Prince Alfonso of the Two...
|Carlos Valcárcel y Ussel de Guimbarda||1819||1903||
|Honorio de Samaniego y Pando, Conde de Villapaterna||1833||1917||
|Don Alejandro Pidal y Mon||1846||1913||
|Antonio de Aguilar y Correa, Marquis of la Vega de Armijo||1824||1908||
|Ernesto Rodolfo Hintze Ribeiro||1849||1907||
|1904||Marcelo Azcárraga y Palmero||1832||1915||
|rowspan=2|1905||Ferdinand Maria, Prince of Bavaria and Infante of Spain
Prince Louis Ferdinand of Bavaria
Prince Ludwig Ferdinand of Bavaria , was a member of the Bavarian Royal House of Wittelsbach and a General of Cavalry. Following his marriage to Infanta Maria da Paz of Spain, he also became Spanish infante.-General information:...
||1884||1958||husband of Infanta Maria Teresa of Spain
Infanta Maria Teresa of Spain
Infanta Maria Teresa of Spain was the second eldest child and daughter of Alfonso XII of Spain and his second wife Maria Christina of Austria...
|Bernard Henri, Prince of Bülow
Bernhard von Bülow
Bernhard Heinrich Karl Martin von Bülow , named in 1905 Prince von Bülow, was a German statesman who served as Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs for three years and then as Chancellor of the German Empire from 1900 to 1909.Bülow was described as possessing every quality except greatness...
|1906||Prince Alfons of Bavaria
Prince Alfons of Bavaria
Prince Alfons of Bavaria was a member of the Bavarian Royal House of Wittelsbach and a General of Cavalry.-Early life:Alfons was born in Munich, Bavaria...
|rowspan=2|1907||Alfonso, Prince of Asturias
Alfonso of Spain, Prince of Asturias
Alfonso, Prince of Asturias Alfonso, Prince of Asturias Alfonso, Prince of Asturias (Alfonso Pío Cristino Eduardo Francisco Guillermo Carlos Enrique Eugenio Fernando Antonio Venancio Borbón y Battenberg (Madrid, 10 May 1907 – Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida, 6 September 1938), was an Infante of...
|Alfonso Maria d'Orléans, Infante of Spain||1886||1975||
|rowspan=3|1908||Manuel II, King of Portugal
Manuel II of Portugal
Manuel II , named Manuel Maria Filipe Carlos Amélio Luís Miguel Rafael Gabriel Gonzaga Francisco de Assis Eugénio de Bragança Orleães Sabóia e Saxe-Coburgo-Gotha — , was the last King of Portugal from 1908 to 1910, ascending the throne after the assassination of his father and elder brother Manuel...
|José López Domínguez||1829||1911||
|Fernando Primo de Rivera y Sobremonte, Marquis of Estrella
Fernando Primo de Rivera
Fernando Primo de Rivera y Sobremonte, 1st Marqués of Estella, 12th Count of Peña Vélez, 17th Count of Torres Rovellas, 23rd Count of Sobremonte was a Spanish politician, and soldier....
|1909||Adalbert, Prince of Bavaria||1886||1970||
|rowspan=4|1910||Gustav, Crown Prince of Sweden||1882||1973||later King Gustav VI of Sweden
|Haakon VII, King of Norway
Haakon VII of Norway
Haakon VII , known as Prince Carl of Denmark until 1905, was the first king of Norway after the 1905 dissolution of the personal union with Sweden. He was a member of the House of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg...
|Ernest Louis, Grand Duke of Hesse
Ernest Louis, Grand Duke of Hesse
Ernest Louis Charles Albert William , was the last Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine from 1892 until 1918...
|Fernando León y Castillo, Marquis of the Muni||1842||1918||
|rowspan=5|1911||José Messía y Gayoso de los Cobos, 4th Duke of Tamales||1853||1917||
|Alejandro Groizard y Gómez de la Serna||1830||1919||
|Andrés Avelino Salabert Ortega, 8th Marquis of la Torrecilla||1864||1925||
|Manuel Aguirre de Tejada O'Neal y Eulato, 1st Count of Tejada de Valdeosera||1827||1911||
|José de Echegaray Eizaguire||1832||1916||
|1912||Edward, Prince of Wales
Edward VIII of the United Kingdom
Edward VIII was King of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Commonwealth, and Emperor of India, from 20 January to 11 December 1936.Before his accession to the throne, Edward was Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall and Rothesay...
||1894||1972||later King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom and British dominions beyond the seas, Emperor of India (1936) and Duke of Windsor (from 1936)
|rowspan=4|1913||Raymond Poincaré, President of the French Republic
Raymond Poincaré
Raymond Poincaré was a French statesman who served as Prime Minister of France on five separate occasions and as President of France from 1913 to 1920. Poincaré was a conservative leader primarily committed to political and social stability...
||1860||1934||Co-Prince of Andorra
|Francisco Javier Azlor-Aragón e Idiaquez, Duke of Granada de Ega ||1842||1919||
|Luis Pidal y Mon, 2nd Marquis of Pidal||1842||1913||
|Valeriano Weyler y Nicolay, Marquis of Tenerife and Duke of Rubi
Valeriano Weyler
Don Valeriano Weyler y Nicolau, 1st Duke of Rubí and 1st Marquis of Tenerife Don Valeriano Weyler y Nicolau, 1st Duke of Rubí and 1st Marquis of Tenerife Don Valeriano Weyler y Nicolau, 1st Duke of Rubí and 1st Marquis of Tenerife (Seed in Ambos Camarines.-Philippines:In 1888, he was sent out as...
|rowspan=5|1914||Juan Bautista Viniegra y Mendoza||1842||1918||
|Manuel Falcó Osorio de Adda y Gutiérrez de los Ríos, Marquis of Mina and Duke of Fernán Nuñez||1856||1927||
|Claudio López y Bru, 2nd Marquis of Comillas||1853||1925||
|Philippe Emmanuel d’Orléans, Duke of Vendôme||1872||1931||
|Etienne, Prince of Croy-Solre||1872||1932||
|1915||Fermín de Lasala y Collado, Duke of Mandas and Villanueva||1830||1917||
|rowspan=2|1916||Prince Filippo Maria of the Two Siciles||1847||1922||son of Prince Louis, Count of Aquila
Prince Louis, Count of Aquila
Prince Luigi Carlo Maria Giuseppe of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Count of Aquila was a member of the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies.-Family:...
|Joaquín Ignacio de Arteaga y Echagüe, 17th Duke of Infantado||1870||1948||
|rowspan=3|1919||Prince Gennaro of the Two Sicilies||1882||1944||son of Prince Alfonso, Count of Caserta
Prince Alfonso, Count of Caserta
Prince Alfonso Maria Giuseppe Alberto of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Count of Caserta was the third son of Ferdinand II of the Two Sicilies and Archduchess Maria Theresa of Austria....
|Prince Ranieri of the Two Sicilies
Prince Ranieri, Duke of Castro
Prince Ranieri Maria Gaetano, Duke of Castro was a claimant to the headship of the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies.-Biography:...
||1883||1973||later Head of the House of the Two Sicilies and Duke of Castro
|Alberto Manso de Velasco y Chaves, Count of Superonda||1828||?||
|rowspan=2|1920||Antonio Maura y Montaner||1853||1925||
|Prince Gabriel of the Two Sicilies||1897||1975||son of Prince Alfonso, Count of Caserta
Prince Alfonso, Count of Caserta
Prince Alfonso Maria Giuseppe Alberto of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Count of Caserta was the third son of Ferdinand II of the Two Sicilies and Archduchess Maria Theresa of Austria....
|1921||Infante Jaime of Spain
Infante Jaime, Duke of Segovia
Infante Jaime of Spain, Duke of Segovia, Grandee of Spain , was the second son of King Alfonso XIII of Spain and his wife Princess Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg...
||1908||1974||later Duke of Segovia
|rowspan=3|1923||Leopold, Crown Prince of Belgium and Duke of Brabant
Leopold III of Belgium
Leopold III reigned as King of the Belgians from 1934 until 1951, when he abdicated in favour of the Heir Apparent,...
||1901||1983||later King Leopold III of the Belgians (until 1951)
|Luis Alfonso of Bavaria, Infante of Spain||1906||1983||son of Infanta María Teresa of Spain
|Umberto, Prince of Piedmont
Umberto II of Italy
Umberto II, occasionally anglicized as Humbert II was the last King of Italy for slightly over a month, from 9 May 1946 to 12 June 1946. He was nicknamed the King of May -Biography:...
||1904||1983||later King Umberto II of Italy
|rowspan=2|1924||Hendrik of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Prince Consort of the Netherlands
Hendrik of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Duke Henry of Mecklenburg-Schwerin , later Prince Henry of the Netherlands, was prince consort of the Netherlands as the husband of Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands...
|José Eugenio of Bavaria, Infante of Spain||1909||1966||son of Infanta María Teresa of Spain
|rowspan=2|1925||Albert Henry of Bourbon and Castelvi, 1st Duke of Santa Elena|||1854||1939||son of Henri of Borbón, Duke of Seville
|Galeazzo von Thun und Hohenstein, Grand Master of the Knights Hospitaller
Galeazzo von Thun und Hohenstein
Fra' Galeas von Thun und Hohenstein was the 75th Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta from 1905 to 1931...
|rowspan=3|1926||Jacobo Stuart Fitz-James y Falcó, 10th Duke of Berwick and 17th Duke of Alba||1878||1954||
|Gaston Doumergue, President of the French Republic
Gaston Doumergue
Pierre-Paul-Henri-Gaston Doumergue was a French politician of the Third Republic.Doumergue came from a Protestant family. Beginning as a Radical, he turned more towards the political right in his old age. He served as Prime Minister from 9 December 1913 to 2 June 1914...
|José de Saaverda et Salamanca, 2nd Marquis of Viana||1870||1927||
|rowspan=4|1927||Francisco de Paula de Borbón y Castellví
Francisco de Paula de Borbón y Castellví
Francisco de Paula de Borbón y Castellví was son of the controversial Infante Enrique, Duke of Seville, grandson of Charles IV of Spain and younger brother of Francis, Duke of Cádiz King consort of Isabella II of Spain...
||1853||1942||son of Infante Enrique, Duke of Seville
|Infante Juan of Spain
Juan de Borbón, Count of Barcelona
The Infante Juan of Spain, Count of Barcelona , was the third surviving son and designated heir of King Alfonso XIII of Spain and Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg, the monarch replaced by the Second Spanish Republic,...
||1913||1993||later Head of the Spanish Royal House and Claimant to the Throne (1941–1977), Count of Barcelona. Head of the Order from 1941 to 1977
|Infante Gonzalo of Spain
Infante Gonzalo of Spain
Infante Gonzalo of Spain was the fourth surviving son and youngest child of King Alfonso XIII of Spain and his wife Princess Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg....
||1914||1934||son of King Alfonso XIII of Spain
|Mariano de Silva y Carvajal Fernández de Córdoba y Salabert, 13th Marquis of Santa Cruz||1875||1940||
|1928||Emperor Shōwa of Japan
, posthumously in Japan officially called Emperor Shōwa or , was the 124th Emperor of Japan according to the traditional order, reigning from December 25, 1926, until his death in 1989. Although better known outside of Japan by his personal name Hirohito, in Japan he is now referred to...
(昭和天皇) ||1901||1989||Hirohito (personal name)
|1929||Luis Jesús Fernández de Córdoba y Salabert, 17th Duke of Medinaceli||1880||1956||
|1930||Ernest Louis Henry Lamoral, Prince of Ligne||1857||1937||
|rowspan=4|1931||Paul von Hindenburg, President of Germany
Paul von Hindenburg
Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg , known universally as Paul von Hindenburg was a Prussian-German field marshal, statesman, and politician, and served as the second President of Germany from 1925 to 1934....
|Carlos María Cortezo y Prieto||1850||1933||
|Juan Bautista Aznar Cabañas
Juan Bautista Aznar Cabañas
Juan Bautista Aznar Cabañas, KOGF was a Spanish admiral who was made Prime Minister at a time of intense crisis, in the first months of 1931, when the monarchy was on the verge of falling under popular pressure for a republic. His attempts to save the crown failed, and King Alfonso had to go to...
|Luis de Silva y Carvajal, Duke of Mircanda and Count of la Unión||1876||1935||
|1941||Infante Juan Carlos of Spain
Juan Carlos I of Spain
Juan Carlos I |Italy]]) is the reigning King of Spain.On 22 November 1975, two days after the death of General Francisco Franco, Juan Carlos was designated king according to the law of succession promulgated by Franco. Spain had no monarch for 38 years in 1969 when Franco named Juan Carlos as the...
||1938||-||later King Juan Carlos of Spain. 20th Head and Sovereign of the Order of the Golden Fleece
|1960||Baudouin, King of the Belgians|||1930||1993||
|1962||Paul, King of the Hellenes
Paul of Greece
Paul reigned as King of Greece from 1947 to 1964.-Family and early life:Paul was born in Athens, the third son of King Constantine I of Greece and his wife, Princess Sophia of Prussia. He was trained as a naval officer....
|rowspan=3|1964||Robert II, Duke of Parma
Robert II, Duke of Parma
Robert Hugo, Duke of Parma and Piacenza was the head of the House of Bourbon-Parma and the pretender to the defunct throne of the Parma between 1959 and 1974.-Biography:...
|Carlos, Duke of Calabria
Infante Carlos, Duke of Calabria
Infante Carlos of Spain, Prince of the Two Sicilies, Duke of Calabria, KOGF, KGCHS is the son of Don Alfonso of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duke of Calabria and Princess Alicia of Bourbon-Parma .-Biography:Infante Carlos is one of two claimants of the dignity of...
|Constantine II, King of the Hellenes
Constantine II of Greece
|align=right|Constantine II was King of Greece from 1964 until the abolition of the monarchy in 1973, the sixth and last monarch of the Greek Royal Family....
||1940||-||Monarch until 1973
| rowspan=3|1977||Nicolás Cotoner y Cotoner, Marquis of Mondéjar||1905||1996||
|Torcuato Fernández Miranda, Duke of Fernández Miranda||1915||1980||
|Beltrán Osorio y Díez de Rivera, Duke of Alburquerque||1919||1994
| rowspan=2|1981||Felipe, Prince of Asturias
Felipe, Prince of Asturias
Felipe, Prince of Asturias de Borbón y de Grecia; born 30 January 1968), is the third child and only son of King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofía of Spain....
|José María Pemán
José María Pemán
José María Pemán y Pemartín, KOGF was a Spanish journalist, poet, novelist, essayist, and right-wing intellectual....
|1982||Olav V, King of Norway
Olav V of Norway
Olav V was the king of Norway from 1957 until his death. A member of the House of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, Olav was born in the United Kingdom as the son of King Haakon VII of Norway and Queen Maud of Norway...
| rowspan=2|1983||Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden
Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden
Carl XVI Gustaf is the reigning King of Sweden since 15 September 1973, succeeding his grandfather King Gustaf VI Adolf because his father had predeceased him...
|Jean, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
Jean, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg ruled Luxembourg from 1964 to 2000. He is the father of the current ruler, Grand Duke Henri, and the son of Grand Duchess Charlotte and Prince Felix of Bourbon-Parma...
||1921||-||Monarch until 2000
|rowspan=4|1985||Akihito, Crown Prince of Japan
is the current , the 125th emperor of his line according to Japan's traditional order of succession. He acceded to the throne in 1989.-Name:In Japan, the emperor is never referred to by his given name, but rather is referred to as "His Imperial Majesty the Emperor" which may be shortened to . In...
(明仁) ||1933||-||later Emperor Akihito of Japan
|Hussein, King of Jordan
Hussein of Jordan
Hussein bin Talal was the third King of Jordan from the abdication of his father, King Talal, in 1952, until his death. Hussein's rule extended through the Cold War and four decades of Arab-Israeli conflict...
(حسين بن طلال) ||1935||1999||
|Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands
Beatrix of the Netherlands
Beatrix is the Queen regnant of the Kingdom of the Netherlands comprising the Netherlands, Curaçao, Sint Maarten, and Aruba. She is the first daughter of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands and Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld. She studied law at Leiden University...
|Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark
Margrethe II of Denmark
Margrethe II is the Queen regnant of the Kingdom of Denmark. In 1972 she became the first female monarch of Denmark since Margaret I, ruler of the Scandinavian countries in 1375-1412 during the Kalmar Union.-Early life:...
|1988||Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom
Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom
Elizabeth II is the constitutional monarch of 16 sovereign states known as the Commonwealth realms: the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belize,...
||1926||-||also Queen of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados, Bahamas, Grenada, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, Papua New Guinea and Saint Christopher and Nevis
|1994||Albert II, King of the Belgians
Albert II of Belgium
Albert II is the current reigning King of the Belgians, a constitutional monarch. He is a member of the royal house "of Belgium"; formerly this house was named Saxe-Coburg-Gotha...
|1995||Harald V, King of Norway
Harald V of Norway
Harald V is the king of Norway. He succeeded to the throne of Norway upon the death of his father Olav V on 17 January 1991...
21st Century
!Year of Induction!!Name!!Born!!Died!!Notes|-
|2004||Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
Simeon Borisov of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Tsar Simeon II or Simeon II of Bulgaria is an important political and royal figure in Bulgaria...
||1937||-|| Tsar of Bulgaria (1943–1946) and Prime Minister of Bulgaria (2001–2005)
|2006||Bhumibol Adulyadej, King of Thailand
Bhumibol Adulyadej
Bhumibol Adulyadej is the current King of Thailand. He is known as Rama IX...
(ภูมิพลอดุลยเดช) pʰuːmipʰon adunjadeːt ||1927||-|| also known as Rama IX
|rowspan=3|2007||Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg OIH is the head of state of Luxembourg. He is the eldest son of Jean, Grand Duke of Luxembourg and Princess Joséphine-Charlotte of Belgium. His maternal grandparents were King Leopold III of Belgium and Astrid of Sweden...
|Adolfo Suárez, Duke of Suarez
Adolfo Suárez
Adolfo Suárez y González, 1st Duke of Suárez, Grandee of Spain, KOGF is a Spanish lawyer and politician. Suárez was Spain's first democratically elected prime minister after the dictatorship of Francisco Franco, and the key figure in the country's transition to democracy.-Parents:He is a son of...
||1932||-|| Spain's first democratically elected Prime Minister after the dictatorship of General Francisco Franco
Francisco Franco
Francisco Franco y Bahamonde was a Spanish general, dictator and head of state of Spain from October 1936 , and de facto regent of the nominally restored Kingdom of Spain from 1947 until his death in November, 1975...
|Abdullah, King of Saudi Arabia
Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, is the King of Saudi Arabia. He succeeded to the throne on 1 August 2005 upon the death of his half-brother, King Fahd. When Crown Prince, he governed Saudi Arabia as regent from 1998 to 2005...
(عبد الله بن عبد العزيز آل سعود)||
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques , a historical term, was a pious title taken by the Ayyubids, the Mamluk Sultans of Egypt, and the Ottoman Sultans; it has been revived by modern Saudi kings.-Saudi monarchy:...
|rowspan=2|2010||Javier Solana
Javier Solana
Francisco Javier Solana de Madariaga, KOGF is a Spanish physicist and Socialist politician. After serving in the Spanish government under Felipe González and Secretary General of NATO , he was appointed the European Union's High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, Secretary...
||1942||-|| Secretary General of NATO
Secretary General of NATO
The Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation is the chairman of the North Atlantic Council, the supreme decision-making organisation of the defence alliance. The Secretary-General also serves as the leader of the organisation's staff and as its chief spokesman...
(1995–1999) and High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy (1999–2009)
|Víctor García de la Concha||1934||-|| Director of the Real Academia Española
Real Academia Española
The Royal Spanish Academy is the official royal institution responsible for regulating the Spanish language. It is based in Madrid, Spain, but is affiliated with national language academies in twenty-one other hispanophone nations through the Association of Spanish Language Academies...
|2011||Nicolas Sarkozy
Nicolas Sarkozy
Nicolas Sarkozy is the 23rd and current President of the French Republic and ex officio Co-Prince of Andorra. He assumed the office on 16 May 2007 after defeating the Socialist Party candidate Ségolène Royal 10 days earlier....
, President of the French Republic
President of the French Republic
The President of the French Republic colloquially referred to in English as the President of France, is France's elected Head of State....
||1955||-|| Co-Prince of Andorra
18th Century
!Year of Induction!!Name!!Born!!Died!!Notes|-
|rowspan=19|1712||Rinaldo III, Duke of Modena and Reggio||1655||1737||Son of Francesco I d'Este and nephew of Maffeo Barberini; both Knights of the Golden Fleece.
|Vincent Gonzague, Duke of Gustalla||1634||1714||
|Thomas Emmanuel, Prince of Savoy-Carignan
Thomas Emmanuel, Prince of Savoy-Carignan
Prince Thomas Emmanuel of Savoy, , was born a prince of Savoy and was later Count of Soissons from 1702 till his death.He was the son of Prince Louis Thomas of Savoy and Uranie de La Cropte....
|Wenceslaus Norbert, Count of Kinsky||1642||1719||
|Charles Maximilian, Count of Tour and Valsassina||1643||1716||
|Philip Louis, Count of Sinzendorf||1671||1742||
|Gundacre, Count of Starhemberg||1663||1745||
|Charles Joseph, Count of Paar||1654||1725||
|Fernando de Silva, 13th Count of Cifuentes||1663||1749||
|Adam Franz Karl, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1680|| 1732||
|Nicholas, Count of Palffy and Palatine of Hungary||1657||1732||
|Norbert Leopold, Count of Kolowrat||1655||1716||
|Vicente Pedro Álvarez de Toledo y Portugal, 10th Count of Oropesa||1687||1728||
|Wirrich Philip, Count of Daun, Prince of Teano||1668||1741||
|Giuseppe Sanseverino, 9th Prince of Bisignano||?||1727||
|Francis de Blanes, Count of Centelles||?||?||
|John Baptist, Count of Colloredo||1656||1729||
|Livio, Prince Odescalchi||1652||1713||
|Paolo di Sangro, Prince of San Severo||1657||1726||
||1715||Charles Albert of Bavaria
Charles VII, Holy Roman Emperor
Charles VII Albert a member of the Wittelsbach family, was Prince-elector of Bavaria from 1726 and Holy Roman Emperor from 24 January 1742 until his death in 1745...
||1697||1745||later Elector of Bavaria and Emperor Charles VII
|1716||Leopold John, Archduke of Austria||1716||1716||Infant son of Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor
Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor
Charles VI was the penultimate Habsburg sovereign of the Habsburg Empire. He succeeded his elder brother, Joseph I, as Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia , Hungary and Croatia , Archduke of Austria, etc., in 1711...
|rowspan=25|1721||Augustus III, King of Poland and Saxony
Augustus III of Poland
Augustus III, known as the Saxon ; ; also Prince-elector Friedrich August II was the Elector of Saxony in 1733-1763, as Frederick Augustus II , King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania in 1734-1763.-Biography:Augustus was the only legitimate son of Augustus II the Strong, Imperial Prince-Elector...
|Infante Manuel of Portugal, Count of Ourém
Infante Manuel, Count of Ourém
The Infante Manuel, Count of Ourém, KGF was a Portuguese infante , seventh child of Peter II, King of Portugal, and his wife Marie-Sophie of Neuburg...
|Maximilian William, Duke of Hanover-Brunswick and Lunebourg||1666||1726||son of Pince Elector Ernest Augustus, Elector of Brunswick-Lüneburg
Ernest Augustus, Elector of Brunswick-Lüneburg
Ernest Augustus was duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg and ruled over the Principality of Calenberg subdivision of the duchy. He was appointed prince-elector, but died before the appointment became effective...
|Leopold Clement Charles, Prince Hereditary of Lorraine||1707||1723||son of Duke Leopold of Lorraine
Leopold, Duke of Lorraine
Leopold , surnamed the Good, was Duke of Lorraine and Bar from 1690 to his death.-Early life:Leopold Joseph Charles Dominique Agapet Hyacinthe was the son of Charles V, Duke of Lorraine, and his wife Eleonora Maria Josefa of Austria, a half-sister of Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor.At the time of...
|Joseph Charles of Bavaria, Count Palatine and Prince Hereditary of Sulzbach||1694||1729||
|Ferdinand Marie, Duke of Bavaria||1699||1738||son of Elector Maximilian II Emanuel of Bavaria
|Leopold, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein||1674||1744||
|Alexander, Prince of Württemberg||1684||1737||
|Joseph Folch, Prince of Cardona||1651||1729||
|Maximilan Guidobalde, Count of Martinitz||?||1733||
|Leopold, Count of Herberstein||1655||1728||
|Philip Francis, Prince de Rubempré||1669||1742||
|Fabrizio Colonna, 8th Prince of Paliano||1700||1785||
|Leopold, Count of Schlick||1663||1723||
|Sigismund Frederick, Count of Khevenhuller||1666||1742||
|Claude Lamoral, Prince de Ligne||1685||1766||
|Forben Ferdinand, Prince of Fürstenberg||1664||1741||
|Manuel, Count of Galbes de Silva y Mendoza||?||?||
|Jules, Count of Visconti-Borromeo||1664||1741||
|Joseph, Prince of Liechtenstein||1690||1732||
|John Joseph, Count of Wrtby||?||1734||
|Francesco Marino Caracciolo, 6th Prince of Avellino||1688||1727||
|John Anthony de Buxador, Count of Savalla||1673||1745||
|Alfonso, Prince of Cardenas and Count of Acerra||?||?||
|George Thomas, Count of Starhemberg||?||?||
|1723||Francis I, Prince Hereditary of Lorraine
Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor
Francis I was Holy Roman Emperor and Grand Duke of Tuscany, though his wife effectively executed the real power of those positions. With his wife, Maria Theresa, he was the founder of the Habsburg-Lorraine dynasty...
||1708||1765||later Emperor Francis I. Head of the order from 1740
|1729||Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine
Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine
Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine was a Lorraine-born Austrian soldier.-Background:Charles was the son of Leopold Joseph, Duke of Lorraine and Élisabeth Charlotte d'Orléans...
||1712||1780||Governor of the Austrian Netherlands and Grand Master of the Teutonic Order
|rowspan=24|1731||Theodore of Bavaria, Count Palatine of Sulzbach||1659||1733||
|Ludwig Georg Simpert, Margrave of Baden-Baden||1702||1761||
|Francesco III d'Este, 12th Duke of Modena
Francesco III d'Este
Francesco III was Duke of Modena and Reggio from 1737 until his death.-Biography:He was born in Modena, the son of Rinaldo d'Este, Duke of Modena, and Charlotte of Brunswick-Lüneburg....
|Prince Eugene Francis of Savoy, Duke of Troppau and Piedmont||1714||1734||
|Philip, Prince of Lobkowicz||1680||1737||
|Walther Xavier, Prince of Dietrichstein||1664||1738||
|Joseph Ignatius, Count of Paar||1660||1735||
|Johann Kaspar, Count of Cobenzl||1664||1742||
|Louis Sanseverino, 10th Prince of Bisignano||1705||?||
|Francis Ferdinand, Count of Kinsky||1678||1741||
|Anselm Franz, 2nd Prince of Thurn and Taxis
Anselm Franz, 2nd Prince of Thurn and Taxis
-Titles and styles:*1681–1695: His Serene Highness The Hereditary Count of Thurn and Taxis*1695 – 21 February 1714: His Serene Highness The Hereditary Prince of Thurn and Taxis...
|Adolf Bernard, Count of Martinitz||1680||1735||
|Joseph de Norona, Count of Montesanto||? ||?||
|Diego Pignatelli Aragona, 9th Duke of Monteleone||1687||1750||
|Johann Antoine, Count of Schaffgotsch||1675||1742||
|Lothar Joseph, Count of Königsegg||1673||1751||
|Giulio Antonio d'Acquaviva d'Aragona, Count of Conversano||1691||1746||
|François Honoré Bonanno del Bosco, Prince di Cattolica||?||1739||
|Scipion Pubblicola, Prince of Santa Croce||?||?||
|Ferdinand, Count of Plettenberg
House of Plettenberg
The House of Plettenberg is a Westphalian noble family of the Uradel. It dates back at least to 1187, when Heidolphus de Plettenbrath was mentioned in a document by Philip I...
|Francis Erwin, Count of Schönborn||1677||1754||
|Antonio Tolomeo de Gallio Trivulzio, Prince of Musocco||1692||1767||
|Antonio Diego de Portugal Toledo, Count of Alcaudete||?||?||
|Adriano Antonio Carafa, Duke of Traétto||1696||1765||
|1732||Joseph Adam, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1722||1782||
|1734||Theodor, Prince of Lubomirski||1683||1745||
|1735||Joseph Anton, 6th Prince of Belmonte, 1st Prince of the Holy Roman Empire||1685||1771||
|rowspan=21|1739||Karl Eugen, Duke of Württemberg
Karl Eugen, Duke of Württemberg
Charles Eugene , Duke of Württemberg was the eldest son of Duke Karl I Alexander and Princess Maria Augusta of Thurn and Taxis .-Life:...
|Ernest, Duke of Saxe-Hildburghausen
Ernst Frederick II, Duke of Saxe-Hildburghausen
Ernst Frederick II, Duke of Saxe-Hildburghausen , was a duke of Saxe-Hildburghausen.-Young Duke:...
|Henri, Prince of Auersperg||1697||1783||
|Josef Wenzel, Prince of Liechtenstein
Josef Wenzel, Prince of Liechtenstein
Wenzel I Karl, Prince of Liechtenstein was the Prince of Liechtenstein between 1712 and 1718, 1732 and 1745, and 1748 and 1772....
|Johann, Count of Pálffy||1664||1751||
|Johann Georg, Prince of Lobkowicz||1686||1755||
|Johann Franz, Count of Dietrichstein||1671||1755||
|Joseph Wilhelm Ernst, Prince of Fürstenberg
Joseph Wilhelm Ernst, Prince of Fürstenberg
Joseph Wilhelm Ernst was a German prince who founded Donaueschingen, the mouth of the Danube when he descended from his feudal castle in the hills and founded the town....
|Marc, Prince of Craon||1679||1754||
|Johann Ernest, Count of Schaffgotsch||1685||1747||
|Leopold Victorinus, Count of Windisch-Graetz||1686||1746||
|Johann Wilhelm, Count of Wurmbrand||1670||1750||
|John Vasily, Count of Castellvi de Cervellon||1673||1754||
|Gundakar, Count of Althan||1670||1747||
|John Descaller y Diesbach, Marquis of Pesora||1685||1766||
|Nicholas, Prince of Salm-Salm and Duke of Hoogstraten||1701||1770||
|Ferdinand, Prince of Pignatelli Strongoli||1689||1767||
|Luzio, Count of Sangro and San Severo||1677||1767||
|Ambrogio Caracciolo d'Avelino, Prince of Torchiarolo||1699||1748||
|Cristiano, Count of Stampa and Montecastello||1712||1744||
|Michael John, Count of Althan||1710||?||
|1741||Archduke Joseph of Austria
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor
Joseph II was Holy Roman Emperor from 1765 to 1790 and ruler of the Habsburg lands from 1780 to 1790. He was the eldest son of Empress Maria Theresa and her husband, Francis I...
||1741||1790||later Emperor Joseph II. Head of the order from 1765
|rowspan=16|1744||Paulus Antonius, Prince of Esterházy||1711||1762||
|Franz Antonius, Prince of Lamberg||1678||1759||
|Antonius Corfitz, Count of Ulfeld||1699||1760||
|Louis Andreas, Count of Khevenhuller||1683||1744||
|Maximilian Udalric, Count of Kaunitz||1679||1746||
|Frederick, Count of Harrach||1696||1749||
|Ferdinand Leopold, Count of Heberstein||1695||1744||
|Otto Ferdinand, Count of Abensberg und Traun||1677||1748||
|Louis, Count Batthyany||1696||1763||
|Philipp Joseph, Count of Kinsky||1700||1749||
|Rudolf Joseph, Count of Colloredo||1706||1788||
|Johann Joseph, Count of Khevenhuller||1706||1776||
|Immanuel, Duke of Silva Tarouca||1699||1771||
|Charles, Count of Königsegg-Erps||1696||1759||
|Wilhelm, Count of Sinzendorf||1697||1766||
|Eugen, Count of Lannoy||1686||1755||
|rowspan=9|1749||Charles, Prince of Dietrichstein||1702||1784||
|Emanuel, Prince of Liechtenstein
Emanuel, Prince of Liechtenstein
Prince Emanuel Joseph Johann of Liechtenstein was the father and brother to two of Liechtenstein's monarch's....
|Alexander Ferdinand, 3rd Prince of Thurn and Taxis
Alexander Ferdinand, 3rd Prince of Thurn and Taxis
-Titles and styles:*21 March 1704 – 8 November 1739: His Serene Highness The Hereditary Prince of Thurn and Taxis*8 November 1739 – 17 March 1773: His Serene Highness The Prince of Thurn and Taxis-Honours:...
|Johann Wilhelm, Prince of Trautson and Count of Falkenstein||1700||1775||
|Charles, Count Batthyany||1697||1772||
|Wenzel Anton, Count (later Prince) of Kaunitz-Reitberg
Wenzel Anton, Prince of Kaunitz-Rietberg
Wenzel Anton, Prince of Kaunitz-Rietberg was a diplomat and statesman of the Holy Roman Empire. In 1764 he was made a prince of the Holy Roman Empire as Reichfürst von Kaunitz-Rietberg and in 1776 prince of the Kingdom of Bohemia.-Early life:Kaunitz was born in Vienna, one of 19 children of...
|Maximilian Immanuel, Prince de Hornes||1695||1763||
|Ferdinand, Count of Harrach||1708||1778||
|Georg, Count of Erdöd||1674||1753||
|1751||Ercole III d'Este, 13th Duke of Modena
Ercole III d'Este, Duke of Modena
Ercole III d'Este was Duke of Modena and Reggio from 1780 to 1796. He was a member of the House of Este.-Biography:...
|rowspan=9|1753||Wilhelm Reinhard, Count of Neipperg||1684||1774||
|François Joseph de Choiseul, Marquis of Stainville
François Joseph de Choiseul, marquis de Stainville
François Joseph de Choiseul, marquis de Stainville was a diplomat and courtier in the service of the Dukes of Lorraine.Choiseul was a chief advisor later serving as Ambassador to Britain and France...
|Gaspar Fernández, Count of Cordon and Alagon||1674||1753||
|Ferdinand-Gaston Joseph, Duke of Croy||1709||1767||
|Francis Louis, Count of Salburg||?||?||
|Leopold, Count of Daun||1705||1766||
|Giovanluca, Count of Pallavicini||1697||1773||
|Filipo Doria Sforza Visconti||1710||1786||
|Francesco, Count of Montecuccoli-Caprara||?||?||
|rowspan=2|1755||Archduke Charles Joseph of Austria
Archduke Charles Joseph of Austria
Charles Joseph was an Archduke of Austria and Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights . He was also the bishop of Olmütz, and Breslau, Passau....
||1745||1761||son of Empress Maria Theresa
Maria Theresa of Austria
Maria Theresa Walburga Amalia Christina was the only female ruler of the Habsburg dominions and the last of the House of Habsburg. She was the sovereign of Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Bohemia, Mantua, Milan, Lodomeria and Galicia, the Austrian Netherlands and Parma...
|Archduke Peter Leopold of Austria
Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor
Leopold II , born Peter Leopold Joseph Anton Joachim Pius Gotthard, was Holy Roman Emperor and King of Hungary and Bohemia from 1790 to 1792, Archduke of Austria and Grand Duke of Tuscany from 1765 to 1790. He was a son of Emperor Francis I and his wife, Empress Maria Theresa...
||1747||1792||later Emperor Leopold II. Head of the order from 1790
|rowspan=2|1757||Charles, 5th Duke of Arenberg
Charles Marie Raymond of Arenberg
Charles Marie Raymond d'Arenberg was the fifth Duke of Arenberg, 11th Duke of Aarschot and an Austrian Field Marshal.-Biography:...
|Maximilian Ulysses, Reichsgraf von Browne, Baron de Camus and Mountany||1705||1757||
| rowspan=14|1759||Charles Joseph, Count of Cobenzl||1712||1770||
|Georg Adams, Prince of Starhemberg Georg Adams, Count (later Prince) of Starhemberg||1724||1807||
|Constantine, Landgrave of Hesse-Rotenburg
Constantine, Landgrave of Hesse-Rotenburg
Constantine of Hessen-Rotenburg was Landgrave of Hesse-Rotenburg from 1749 until his death....
|Frederick of Bavaria, Prince Palatine of Zweibrücken||1724||1767||
|Agostino, Prince of Chigi and Farnese||1710||1769||
|Frederick Ferdinand, Count of Leyen and Hohengeroldeck||1709||1760||
|Charles Immanuel, Prince of Gavre||1696||1773||
|Friedrich Wilhelm, Count of Haugwitz||1700||1765||
|Nicholas, Count of Palffy||1710||1773||
|Philippe Krakowsky, Count of Kolowrat||1688||1773||
|Charles, Count of Bruener||?||1796||
|Rudolf Chotek, Count of Chotkowa and Wognin||1708||1771||
|Antonio, Marquis of Caerici and Cavenago||1715||1768||
|Alessandro, Prince of Ruspoli and 2nd Prince of Cerveteri||1709||1779||
|1762||August Georg, Margrave of Baden-Bade||1706||1771||
|rowspan=14|1763||Archduke Ferdinand Charles of Austria
Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Este
Archduke Ferdinand Karl Anton Joseph Johann Stanislaus of Austria-Este was a son of Holy Roman Emperor Franz I and Maria Theresa of Austria. He was the founder of the House of Austria-Este and Governor of the Duchy of Milan between 1765 and 1796...
|Archduke Maximilian Franz of Austria
Archduke Maximilian Franz of Austria
Archduke Maximilian Francis of Austria was an Archbishop-Elector of Cologne, the last child of the Habsburg ruler Maria Theresa and her husband, Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor. His siblings included two Holy Roman Emperors , as well as Queen Marie Antoinette of France and Queen Maria Carolina of...
|Livio, Prince Odescalchi and Duke of Bracciano||1725||1805||
|Charles, Count of Firmian||1715||1782||
|Anthony, Count of Belgiojsos||1693||1779||later Prince of Belgiojsos
|Francis, Count of Orsini and Rosenberg||1723||1796||
|Charles, Count of Ogara||?||?||
|Nicholas, Count of Esterházy||1711||1764||
|Philipp Joseph, Count of Künigl||1696||1770||
|Ferdinand Charles, Count of Aspremont-Lynden||1689||1772||
|Adam Philippe, Count of Losy||?||1787||
|Rudolf, Count of Korzensky of Tereschau||?||?||
|Francis Leopold, Count of Buquoy||1703||1768||
|Franz Philipp, Count of Sternberg||1708||1786||
|rowspan=9|1765||John Charles, Count of Merode and Marquis of Deynze||1719||1774||
|Jean Baptiste, Count of Serbelloni and Castiglione||1697||1778||
|Nicholas, Prince Esterházy||1714||1790||
|Antonius, Count of Salm-Reifferscheidt||1728||1769||
|Franz Wencel, Count of Wallis||1696||1774||
|Anthony, Marquis of Litta and Gambolo||1700||1776||
|Camille, Count of Colloredo||1712||1797||
|Gabriel, Count of Bethlen||1729||1768||
|Francis Norbert, Count of Trauttmansdorf||1705||1786||
|rowspan=3| 1767||Charles Frederick, Count of Hatzfeld-Gleichen||1718||1793||
|Johann Karl Walter, Count of Dietrichstein||1728||1808||later Prince of Dietrichstein
|Charles Egon, Prince of Fürstenberg||1729||1787||
|1768||Archduke Francis Joseph of Austria
Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor
Francis II was the last Holy Roman Emperor, ruling from 1792 until 6 August 1806, when he dissolved the Empire after the disastrous defeat of the Third Coalition by Napoleon at the Battle of Austerlitz...
||1768||1835||later Emperor Francis II (Francis I of Austria). Head of the order from 1792
|rowspan=2|1770||Claude, Count of Mercy-Argenteau||1727||1794||
|Francis Maurice, Count of Lacy||1725||1801||
|rowspan=5|1771||Archduke Joseph Ferdinand of Austria
Ferdinand III, Grand Duke of Tuscany
Ferdinand III, Grand Duke of Tuscany was Grand Duke of Tuscany from 1790 to 1801 and, after a period of disenfranchisement, again from 1814 to 1824. He was also the Prince-elector and Grand Duke of Salzburg and Grand Duke of Würzburg .-Biography:Ferdinand was born in Florence, Tuscany, into the...
||1769||1824||later Grand Duke Ferdinand III of Tuscany
|Franz, Count of Esterházy||?||1785||
|Franz Josef I, Prince of Liechtenstein
Franz Josef I, Prince of Liechtenstein
Franz Joseph I, Prince of Liechtenstein, born Franz de Paula Joseph Johann Nepomuk Andreas was the Prince of Liechtenstein from 1772 until his death.- Biography :...
|Franz Ulric, Count of Kinsky||1726||1792||
|Charles Conrad, Duke of Ursel and Hoboken||1718||1775||
|rowspan=7|1772||Prince Karl Josef of Liechtenstein||1730||1789||
|Karl Josef, Prince of Ligne||1735||1814||
|Franz Gundakar, Count of Colloredo||1731||1807||
|Ernst Christoph, Count of Kaunitz-Rietberg||1737||1797||
|Maximilian, Prince of Salm-Salm and Duke of Hoogstraten||1732||1773||
|Louis Frederick, Count of Zinzendorf et Pottendorf||1721||1783||
|Josef, Prince of Lobkowicz and Duke of Sagan||1725||1802||
|rowspan=2|1775||Bartolomeo, Prince of Corsini and Sismano||1729||1792||
|Karl Anselm, 4th Prince of Thurn and Taxis
Karl Anselm, 4th Prince of Thurn and Taxis
-Titles and styles:*2 June 1733 – 8 November 1739: His Serene Highness Prince Karl Anselm of Thurn and Taxis*8 November 1739 – 17 March 1773: His Serene Highness The Hereditary Prince of Thurn and Taxis...
|1778||Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria
Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria
Charles Theodore, Prince-Elector, Count Palatine and Duke of Bavaria reigned as Prince-Elector and Count palatine from 1742, as Duke of Jülich and Berg from 1742 and also as Prince-Elector and Duke of Bavaria from 1777, until his death...
|rowspan=7|1782||Karl, Landgrave of Hesse-Rheinfels||1746||1812||
|Johann, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1742||1789||
|Louis Engelbert, 6th Duke of Arenberg
Louis Engelbert, 6th Duke of Arenberg
Louis Engelbert, 6th Duke of Arenberg , nicknamed the blind duke, was between 1778 and 1801 the sixth Duke of Arenberg and 12th Duke of Aarschot...
|Leopold Krakowsky, Count of Kolowrat||1727||180?||
|Franz Wencel, Count of Sinzendorf and Thannhausen||?||1729||
|Eugen, Count of Wrbna-Freudenthal||1728||1789||
|Karl, Count of Palffy ab Erdöd||1735||1816||
|rowspan=6|1785||Johann Franz, Count of Khevenhüller-Metsch||1737||1797||
|Antonius Gotthard, Count of Schaffgotsch||1721||1811||
|Antonius, Count of Thurn and Valsassina||1723||1806||
|Charles des Princes de Albani Savelli||1749||1811||
|Francis Joseph, Prince of Gavre||1731||1797||
|Johann, Count of Hardegg of Galtz and Machland||1741||1808||
|1789||Ferdinand, Count of Trauttmansdorff-Weinsberg||1749||1827||
|rowspan=17|1790||Francesco Maria Ruspoli, 3rd Prince of Cerveteri||1752||1829||
|Anthony Clement of Saxony
Anthony Clement of Saxony
Anthony , also known by his German name Anton , was a King of Saxony from the House of Wettin...
||1755||1836||later King of Saxony
|Archduke Charles of Austria, Duke of Teschen
Archduke Charles, Duke of Teschen
Archduke Charles of Austria, Duke of Teschen was an Austrian field-marshal, the third son of emperor Leopold II and his wife Infanta Maria Luisa of Spain...
|Archduke Alexander Leopold of Austria
Archduke Alexander Leopold of Austria
Archduke Alexander Leopold of Austria was the fourth son of Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor and his wife Maria Louisa of Spain. After the accession of his father to the Imperial throne in 1790, Alexander Leopold was appointed Palatine of Hungary...
||1772||1792||son of Emperor Leopold II
|Archduke Joseph of Austria, Palatine of Hungary
Archduke Joseph of Austria, Palatine of Hungary
Joseph Anton Johann, archduke of Austria , was the palatine of Hungary from 1796 to 1847. He was the seventh son of Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor and Maria Louisa of Spain.-Family:...
|Archduke Francis of Austria
Francis IV, Duke of Modena
Francis IV Joseph Charles Ambrose Stanislaus was Duke of Modena, Reggio, and Mirandola , Duke of Massa and Prince of Carrara , Archduke of Austria-Este, Royal Prince of Hungary and Bohemia, Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece...
||1779||1846||later Duke Francis IV of Modena
|Karl Josef, Prince of Auersperg||1720||1800||
|Alois I, Prince of Liechtenstein
Alois I, Prince of Liechtenstein
Aloys I, Prince of Liechtenstein, born Aloys Joseph Johannes Nepomuk Melchior was the Prince of Liechtenstein from 1781 until his death. He was the third son of Franz Josef I....
|Antonius, Prince of Esterházy||1738||1794||
|Alberic XII, Prince of Belgiojoso and Barbiano||1725||1813||
|John, Baron of Hagen||?||?||
|Eugen Erwin, Count of Shuönborn||1727||1801||
|Chrisen, Count of Sternberg||1732||1798||
|Antoine, Count of Karolyi||1732||1791||
|Pompeo, Marquis of Litta Visconti Arese||1727||1797||
|Frederick, Count of Nostitz||1728||1796||
|Franz, Count of Colloredo||1736||1806||
|rowspan=10|1792||Archduke Anthony of Austria
Archduke Anton Victor of Austria
Anton Victor, Viceroy of Lombardy-Venetia was an Archduke of Austria and a Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights. He was also briefly the last Archbishop-Elector of Cologne and Prince-Bishop of Münster, before those territories were secularized in 1803.Anton Victor was the son of Leopold II, Holy...
||1779||1835||son of Emperor Leopold II. Grand Master of Teutonic Knights
|Archduke John of Austria
Archduke Johann of Austria
Archduke John of Austria was a member of the Habsburg dynasty, an Austrian field marshal and German Imperial regent .-Biography:...
|Philip, 14th Prince of Chimay||1736||1804||
|August Josef, Prince of Lobkowicz||1724||1803||
|Johann Josef, Count of Wilczek||1738||1819||
|Dominikus, Count of Kaunitz-Rietberg-Questenberg||1739||1812||
|Joseph, Count of Pallavicini-Centurion||1756||1818||
|Charles Clement, Count of Pellegrini||1720||1796||
|Franz Georg Karl, Count (later Prince) of Metternich||1746||1818||
|Jean Philipp, Count of Cobenzl||1741||1810||
|rowspan=2|1793||Archduke Ferdinand of Austria
Ferdinand I of Austria
Ferdinand I was Emperor of Austria, President of the German Confederation, King of Hungary and Bohemia , as well as associated dominions from the death of his father, Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor, until his abdication after the Revolutions of 1848.He married Maria Anna of Savoy, the sixth child...
||1793||1857||later Emperor Ferdinand I of Austria (until 1848). Head of the Order from 1835 to 1848
|Ludwig Eugen, Duke of Württemberg
Ludwig Eugen, Duke of Württemberg
Ludwig Eugen, Duke of Württemberg , was the third son of Duke Karl Alexander and Princess Maria Augusta of Thurn and Taxis - 1 February 1756).-Marriage:...
|rowspan=2|1796||Francis Sebastian, Count of Clerfayt||1753||1798||
|Karl, Prince of Auersperg||1750||1822||
|rowspan=3|1798||Marzio Mastrilli, Duke of Gall||1753||1833||
|Ludwig, Count of Cobenzl||1753||1809||
|Karl Alexander, 5th Prince of Thurn and Taxis
Karl Alexander, 5th Prince of Thurn and Taxis
-Titles and styles:*22 February 1770 – 17 March 1773: His Serene Highness Prince Karl Alexander of Thurn and Taxis*17 March 1773 – 13 November 1805: His Serene Highness The Hereditary Prince of Thurn and Taxis...
19th Century
!Year of Induction!!Name!!Born!!Died!!Notes|-
|1802||Ludwig, Count of Starhemberg||1761||1833||later Prince of Starhemberg
|rowspan=3|1803||Joseph, Prince Rospigliosi and Duke of Zagarolo||1755||1833||
|Joachim Egon, Landgrave of Fürstenberg||1749||1828||
||Franz, Count Esterházy of Galantha||1779||1831||
|rowspan=2|1805||Archduke Rainer Joseph of Austria
Archduke Rainer of Austria
Rainer Joseph of Austria was a Viceroy of the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia from 1818 to 1848. He was also an Archduke of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia.-Biography:...
|Archduke Louis Joseph of Austria
Archduke Louis of Austria
right|thumb|Archduke LouisArchduke Louis Joseph Anton Johann, Prince Imperial of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia and Prince of Tuscany , was the 14th child of Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II, King of Hungary and Bohemia, Grand Duke of Tuscany and Infanta Maria Luisa of Spain.Archduke...
|1806||Johann I Josef, Prince of Liechtenstein
Johann I Josef, Prince of Liechtenstein
Johann I Joseph, Prince of Liechtenstein, born Johann Baptist Joseph Adam Johann Nepomuk Aloys Franz de Paula was the Prince of Liechtenstein between 1805 and 1806 and again from 1814 until 1836...
|rowspan=17|1808||Archduke Ferdinand Karl Joseph of Austria-Este
Archduke Ferdinand Karl Joseph of Austria-Este
Archduke Ferdinand Karl Joseph of Austria-Este was the third son of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Este and of his wife Princess Maria Beatrice Ricciarda d'Este, last member and heiress of the house of Este. For much of the Napoleonic Wars he was in command of the Austrian army.Ferdinand was born...
|Karl, Count Zichy of Vasonykeo||1753||1826||
|Nicholas, Prince Esterházy of Galantha||1765||1833||
|Johann Philipp, Count of Stadion-Thannhausen||1763||1824||
|Rudolf, Count of Wrbna and Freudenthal||?||?||
|Charles Eugene, Prince of Lambesc
Charles Eugene, Prince of Lambesc
Charles Eugène of Lorraine was a member of the House of Guise, a cadet branch of the House of Lorraine, he was an officer in the French and Habsburg military during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars....
|Adams Kasimir, Prince of Czartoryski||1734||1823||
|Josef Johann, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1769||1835||
|Johann Rudolf, Count Chotek of Chotkow and Wognin
Johann Rudolf, Count Chotek of Chotkow and Wognin
Johann Rudolf, Count Chotek of Chotkow and Wognin was an Austrian finance minister and Government President in the Kingdom of Bohemia.-Life:...
|Prosper, Prince of Sinzendorf||1751||1822||
|Immanuel, Count of Khevenhuller||1751||1847||
|Josef, Count Erdödy||1754||1824||
|Franz, Count Széchényi||1754||1820||
|Phillipp Karl, Count of Oettingen-Wallerstein||1769||1826||
|Francis, Prince of Orsini and Rosenberg||1761||1832||
|Michael Francis, Count of Althan||?||?||
|Stefan, Count of Illeshazy||1762||1838||
|rowspan=2|1809||Karl, Prince of Schwarzenberg
Karl Philipp, Prince of Schwarzenberg
Karl Philipp Fürst zu Schwarzenberg Karl Philipp Fürst zu Schwarzenberg Karl Philipp Fürst zu Schwarzenberg (or Charles Philip, Prince of Schwarzenberg (April 18, 1771 – October 15, 1820) was an Austrian field marshal.- Life :...
|Franz Joseph, Prince of Lobkowicz||1772||1816||
|rowspan=2|1810||Archduke Leopold Johann of Austria
Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany
Leopold II of Tuscany was the last reigning grand duke of Tuscany ....
||1797||1870||later Grand Duke of Tuscany
|Klemens Wenzel, Count (later Prince) of Metternich
Klemens Wenzel von Metternich
Prince Klemens Wenzel von Metternich was a German-born Austrian politician and statesman and was one of the most important diplomats of his era...
|1811||Archduke Rudolph of Austria||1788||1831||later Cardinal and Archbishop of Olomouc
|1813||Maximilian I, King of Bavaria||1756||1825||
|1814||George Prince of Wales
George IV of the United Kingdom
George IV was the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and also of Hanover from the death of his father, George III, on 29 January 1820 until his own death ten years later...
||1762||1830||Prince Regent of the United Kingdom. Later King George IV of the United Kingdom and Hanover
|rowspan=7|1817||Louis, Count of Ugarte||1749||1817||
|Archduke Franz Karl of Austria
Archduke Franz Karl of Austria
Archduke Franz Karl Joseph of Austria from the House of Habsburg was father of two emperors as well as the grandfather of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, whose assassination sparked the hostilities that led to the outbreak of World War I, and the greatgrandfather of the last Habsburg...
|Henri, Count of Bellegarde||1760||1845||
|Josef, Count of Wallsi||1767||1818||
|Josef, Count of Dietrichstein||?||1825||
|Antonius, Count of Brzezie-Lanckoronski||1748||1830||
|Franz, Prince of Kohary||1766||1826||
|1819||Frederick Augustus, Prince of Saxony
Frederick Augustus II of Saxony
Frederick Augustus II |Tyrol]], 9 August 1854) was King of Saxony and a member of the House of Wettin.He was the eldest son of Maximilian, Prince of Saxony --younger son of the Elector Frederick Christian of Saxony—by his...
||1797||1854||later King Frederick II Augustus of Saxony
|1822||Charles Felix, King of Sardinia and Duke of Savoy
Charles Felix of Sardinia
Charles Felix was the Duke of Savoy, Piedmont, Aosta and King of Sardinia from 1821 to 1831.-Early life:...
|rowspan=6|1823||Franz, Count of Saurau||1760||1832||
|Henri, Count of Wurmbrand-Stuppach||1762||1847||
|Vincent Liebsteinsky, Count of Kolowrat||1750||1824||
|Charles Alain, Prince of Rohan and Duke of Bouillon (de la Marck | de La Marck | van de Marck) ||1764||1836||
|Johann, Count of Harrach||1783||1829||
|Johann Rudolf, Count Czernin of Chudenitz||1757||1845||
|rowspan=2|1825||Gilbert, Count of Borromeo Arese||1751||1837||
|Ludwig I, King of Bavaria
Ludwig I of Bavaria
Ludwig I was a German king of Bavaria from 1825 until the 1848 revolutions in the German states.-Crown prince:...
|1826||Frederick Xavier, Prince of Hohenzollern-Hechingen||1757||1844||
|rowspan=13|1830||Archduke Albert of Austria, Duke of Teschen
Archduke Albert, Duke of Teschen
Archduke Albrecht Friedrich Rudolf Dominik of Austria, Duke of Teschen was an Austrian Habsburg general. Inspector General for 36 years, he was honored with the rank of Field Marshal in the armies of Austria-Hungary and Germany .-Early life:He was the eldest son of Archduke Charles of Austria,...
|Archduke Stefan of Austria
Archduke Stephen, Palatine of Hungary
Palatine Stephen of Hungary or Archduke Stephen Francis Victor of Austria was a member of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine.-Biography:...
|Frederick Ferdinand, Duke of Anhalt-Köthen
Frederick Ferdinand, Duke of Anhalt-Köthen
Frederick Ferdinand of Anhalt-Köthen , was a German prince of the House of Ascania, ruler of the principality of Anhalt-Pless, and from 1818 ruler of the duchy of Anhalt-Köthen....
|Karl, Prince of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg||1783||1849||
|Franz Liebsteinsky, Count of Kolowrat||1778||1861||
|Rudolf, Prince of Colloredo-Mannsfeld||1772||1843||
|Peter, Count of Goëss||1774||1846||
|Alfonso Gabriel, Prince of Porcia||1861||1835||
|Ignaz, Count of Gyulai
Ignaz Gyulai
Ignaz Gyulai von Máros-Nemeth und Nádaska, Ignácz Gyulay, Ignác Gyulay, or Ignjat Đulaj born 11 September 1763 – died 11 November 1831, joined the army of Habsburg Austria, fought against Ottoman Turkey, and became a general officer during the French Revolutionary Wars. From 1806 he held the...
|Paul, Prince Esterházy of Galantha||1786||1866||
|Louis, Prince of Liechtenstein||1780||1833||
|Louis, Count of Contarini||1766||1836||
|Alfred, Prince of Windisch-Graetz||1787||1862||
|rowspan=14|1836||Archduke Charles Ferdinand of Austria||1818||1874||
|Archduke Francis of Austria-Este, Prince of Modena
Francis V, Duke of Modena
Francesco Ferdinando Geminiano von Habsburg-Lothringen, known as Francis V of Modena , Archduke of Austria-Este, Royal Prince of Hungary and Bohemia, was Duke of Modena, Reggio, and Mirandola, Duke of Guastalla , Duke of Massa and Prince of Carrara from 1846 to 1859...
||1819||1875||later Duke Francis V of Modena
|Antonius, Count of Mittrowsky of Mottrowitz and Nemischl||?||1842||
|Ignaz, Count of Hardegg of Glatz and Machland||1772||?||
|Antonius, Count of Cziraky||1772||1852||
|Antonius, Count of Apponyi||1782||1852||
|Alois II, Prince of Liechtenstein
Alois II, Prince of Liechtenstein
Aloys II, Prince of Liechtenstein, born Aloys Maria Joseph Johann Baptista Joachim Philipp Nerius was the sovereign Prince of Liechtenstein between 1836 and 1858...
|Ferdinand, Prince of Lobkowicz||1797||1868||
|Adolf, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1799||1888||
|Karl Egon, Prince of Fürstenberg||1796||1854||
|Frederick, Prince of Oettingen-Wallerstein||1793||1842||
|Johann Ernst, Count of Hoyos-Sprinzenstein||1779||1849||
|Maurice, Count of Dietrichstein-Proskau-Leslie||1775||1864||
|Karl, Count Chotek of Chotkow and Wognin
Karl, Count Chotek of Chotkow and Wognin
Karl, Count Chotek of Chotkow and Wognin ; 23 July 1783 18 December 1868) was an Austrian chancellor, Government President and school reformer of Bohemia and honorary citizen of Innsbruck and Prague.-Life and education:...
|rowspan=4|1838||Charles Joseph Gallarati, Count of Scotti||1775||1840||
|Geronimo,Count of Contarini||1770||1843||
|Count Fidelius Pálffy of Erdöd||1788||1864||
|Archduke Frederick Ferdinand of Austria||1821||1847||
|rowspan=3|1841||Archduke Leopold Louis of Austria||1823||1898||son of Archduke Rainer of Austria
Archduke Rainer of Austria
Rainer Joseph of Austria was a Viceroy of the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia from 1818 to 1848. He was also an Archduke of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia.-Biography:...
|Maximilian Karl, 6th Prince of Thurn and Taxis
Maximilian Karl, 6th Prince of Thurn and Taxis
-Titles and styles:*3 November 1802 – 13 November 1805: His Serene Highness Prince Maximilian Karl of Thurn and Taxis*13 November 1805 – 15 July 1827: His Serene Highness The Hereditary Prince of Thurn and Taxis...
|Victor Emmanuel, Duke of Savoy
Victor Emmanuel II of Italy
Victor Emanuel II was king of Sardinia from 1849 and, on 17 March 1861, he assumed the title King of Italy to become the first king of a united Italy since the 6th century, a title he held until his death in 1878...
||1820||1878||later King Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia and Italy
|rowspan=4|1844||Archduke Franz Josef of Austria||1830||1916||later Emperor Franz Josef of Austria and King of Hungary. Head of the order from 1848
|Silvester, Count of Dandolo||1766||1847||
|Archduke Ernst Karl of Austria||1824||1899||son of Archduke Rainer of Austria
Archduke Rainer of Austria
Rainer Joseph of Austria was a Viceroy of the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia from 1818 to 1848. He was also an Archduke of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia.-Biography:...
|Archduke Ferdinand Charles of Austria-Este||1821||1849||son of Duke Francis IV of Modena
|1847||Vitalian, Count of Borromeo Arese||1792||1874||
|rowspan=3|1849||Joseph, Count of Radetzky
Joseph Radetzky von Radetz
Johann Josef Wenzel Graf Radetzky von Radetz was a Czech nobleman and Austrian general, immortalised by Johann Strauss I's Radetzky March...
|Maximilian II, King of Bavaria
Maximilian II of Bavaria
Maximilian II of Bavaria was king of Bavaria from 1848 until 1864. He was son of Ludwig I of Bavaria and Therese of Saxe-Hildburghausen.-Crown Prince:...
|Luitpold, Prince of Bavaria
Luitpold, Prince Regent of Bavaria
Luitpold, Prince Regent of Bavaria , was the de facto ruler of Bavaria from 1886 to 1912, due to the incapacity of his nephews, King Ludwig II and King Otto.-Early life:...
||1821||1912||later Regent of Bavaria
|rowspan=2|1850||Albert, Prince of Saxony
Albert I of Saxony
Albert was a King of Saxony and a member of the House of Wettin.He was the eldest son of Prince John, Albert (full name: Frederick Augustus Albert Anton Ferdinand Joseph Karl Maria Baptist Nepomuk Wilhelm Xaver Georg Fidelis) (Dresden, 23 April 1828 – Schloss Sibyllenort (Szczodre), 19 June...
||1828||1902||later King Albert I of Saxony
|Otto, King of the Hellenes
Otto of Greece
Otto, Prince of Bavaria, then Othon, King of Greece was made the first modern King of Greece in 1832 under the Convention of London, whereby Greece became a new independent kingdom under the protection of the Great Powers .The second son of the philhellene King Ludwig I of Bavaria, Otto ascended...
|rowspan=18|1852||Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian of Austria
Maximilian I of Mexico
Maximilian I was the only monarch of the Second Mexican Empire.After a distinguished career in the Austrian Navy, he was proclaimed Emperor of Mexico on April 10, 1864, with the backing of Napoleon III of France and a group of Mexican monarchists who sought to revive the Mexican monarchy...
||1832||1867||later Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico
|Karl Ludwig, Archduke of Austria
Archduke Karl Ludwig of Austria
Archduke Karl Ludwig Joseph Maria of Austria was the younger brother of Franz Joseph I of Austria and the father of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria , whose assassination ignited the start of World War I.-Biography:He was born at Schönbrunn in Vienna, the son of Archduke Franz Karl of Austria ...
||Ferdinand Salvator, Archduke of Austria
Ferdinand IV, Grand Duke of Tuscany
Ferdinand IV, Grand Duke of Tuscany was the last Grand Duke of Tuscany from 1859 to 1860. The House of Habsburg-Lorraine continued to hold the title as pretenders until the end of World War I.-Biography:...
||1835||1908||later Grand Duke Ferdinand IV of Tuscany
|Joseph Charles, Archduke of Austria||1833||1905||son of Archduke Joseph, Palatine of Hungary
|Sigismund, Archduke of Austria||1826||1891||son of Archduke Rainer of Austria
Archduke Rainer of Austria
Rainer Joseph of Austria was a Viceroy of the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia from 1818 to 1848. He was also an Archduke of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia.-Biography:...
|Archduke Rainier Ferdinand of Austria||1827||1913||son of Archduke Rainer of Austria
Archduke Rainer of Austria
Rainer Joseph of Austria was a Viceroy of the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia from 1818 to 1848. He was also an Archduke of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia.-Biography:...
|Heinrich, Archduke of Austria||1828||1891||son of Archduke Rainer of Austria
Archduke Rainer of Austria
Rainer Joseph of Austria was a Viceroy of the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia from 1818 to 1848. He was also an Archduke of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia.-Biography:...
|Karl, Prince of Liechtenstein||1790||1865||
|Hugo, Prince of Salm-Reifferscheid-Krautheim||1803||1888||
|Karl, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1802||1858||
|Philipp, Prince Batthyany||1781||1870||
|Friedrich Egon, Landgrave of Fürstenberg||1744||1856||
|Maximilian, Baron of Wimpffen||1770||1854||
|Karl Ludwig Graf von Ficquelmont||1777||1857||
|Eugen, Count of Wratislaw||1786||1867||
|Karl, Count of Brzezie-Lanckoronski||1799||1863||
|Ferdinand, Prince of Trauttmansdorff||1803||1856||
|Karl Wilhelm, Prince of Auersperg||1814||1890||
|rowspan=2|1853||Franz, Count of Gyulai||1798||1868||
|Leopold, Crown Prince of Belgium and Duke of Brabant
Leopold II of Belgium
Leopold II was the second king of the Belgians. Born in Brussels the second son of Leopold I and Louise-Marie of Orléans, he succeeded his father to the throne on 17 December 1865 and remained king until his death.Leopold is chiefly remembered as the founder and sole owner of the Congo Free...
||1835||1909||later King Leopold II of the Belgians
|rowspan=2|1854||Duke Maximilian Joseph in Bavaria
Maximilian Joseph, Duke in Bavaria
Duke Maximilian Joseph in Bavaria , known informally as Max in Bayern, was a member of a junior branch of the House of Wittelsbach and a promoter of Bavarian folk-music...
|Duke Ludwig Wilhelm in Bavaria
Duke Ludwig Wilhelm in Bavaria
Duke Ludwig Wilhelm Karl Norbert Theodor Johann in Bavaria was a Bavarian noble.- Life :...
||1831||1920||son of Duke Maximilian Joseph in Bavaria
|1857||Count Joseph Archinto||1783||1861||
|rowspan=2|1858||Laval, Count Nugent
Laval Nugent von Westmeath
Laval Graf Nugent von Westmeath was a soldier of Irish birth who fought in the armies of Austria and the Two Sicilies.-Biography:...
|Archduke Rudolf of Austria, Crown Prince of Austria, Hungary and Bohemia||1858||1889||
|1859||Prince Karl Theodor of Bavaria
Prince Karl Theodor of Bavaria
Prince Karl Theodor of Bavaria was a member of the Wittelsbach dynasty. He was the second son and fifth child of Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria and Augusta Wilhelmine of Hesse-Darmstadt .Prince Karl joined the Bavarian Army and rose to be Field Marshal in 1841...
|1860||Karl Anton, Prince of Hohenzollern||1811||1885||
|rowspan=17|1862||Archduke Ludwig Victor of Austria||1842||1910||
|Archduke Karl Salvator of Austria
Archduke Karl Salvator of Austria
Archduke Karl Salvator of Austria, in Italian Carlo Salvatore Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Battista Filippo Jacopo Gennaro Lodovico Gonzaga Raniero, in German Karl Salvator Maria Joseph Johann Baptist Philipp Jakob Januarius Ludwig Gonzaga Ranier , was a member of the Tuscan branch of the House of...
||1839||1892||son of Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany
Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany
Leopold II of Tuscany was the last reigning grand duke of Tuscany ....
|Prince George of Saxony
George of Saxony
-Life:George was born in the Saxon capital Dresden. He was the second son of King John of Saxony and his wife Princess Amelia of Bavaria , daughter of King Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria ....
||1832||1904||later King Georof Saxony
|Duke Karl-Theodor in Bavaria||1839||1909||
|Johannes II, Prince of Liechtenstein
Johannes II, Prince of Liechtenstein
Johann II, Prince of Liechtenstein, born Johann Maria Franz Placidus , aka Johann II der Gute or Johann II the Good, was the Prince of Liechtenstein between 1858 and 1929...
|Prince August of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
August of Saxe-Coburg-Kohary
August Ludwig Viktor of Saxe-Coburg-Kohary , was a German prince of the house of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and holder of Čabrad and Sitno, both in modern day Slovakia....
|Engelbert, 8th Duke of Arenberg
Engelbert, 8th Duke of Arenberg
Engelbert August Anton of Arenberg was 8th Duke of Arenberg and 14th Duke of Aarschot...
|Edmund, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1803||1873||
|Maximilian Anton Lamoral, Hereditary Prince of Thurn and Taxis
Maximilian Anton Lamoral, Hereditary Prince of Thurn and Taxis
-Titles and styles:*28 September 1831 – 26 June 1867: His Serene Highness The Hereditary Prince of Thurn and Taxis-Honours:*Knight of the Austrian Order of the Golden Fleece -Ancestry:-References:...
|Nicholas, Prince Esterházy of Galántha||1817||1884||
|Charles, Prince of Paar||1806||1881||
|Antal Károly, Prince Pálffy of Erdöd||1793||1879||
|Franz, Count of Kuefstein||1794||1871||
|Franz Ernst, Count of Harrach||1799||1884||
|Franz, Count of Hartig||1789||1865||
|Johann, Count of Coronini-Cronberg||1794||1880||
|Edward, Count of Clam-Gallas||1805||1891||
|rowspan=2|1864||Ludwig II, King of Bavaria
Ludwig II of Bavaria
Ludwig II was King of Bavaria from 1864 until shortly before his death. He is sometimes called the Swan King and der Märchenkönig, the Fairy tale King...
|Johann Bernard, Count of Rechberg and Rothenlöwen||1806||1890||
|rowspan=9|1865||Philip, Duke of Württemberg||1838||1917||
|Karl Egon, Prince of Fürstenberg||1820||1892||
|Edward, Prince of Schönburg-Hartenstein||1787||1872||
|Vincent, Prince of Auersperg and Duke of Gotschée||1812||1867||
|Camille, Prince of Rohan and Duke of Bouillon||1800||1892||
|Franz Séraphin, Count of Nadasdy||1801||1883||
|Karl, Count of Grunne||1802||1858||
|Philipp, Prince Batthyany||1808||1884||
|Rudolf, Count of Apponyi||1812||1875||
|rowspan=13|1867||Constantine, Prince of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst||1828||1896||
|Maximilian Egon, Prince of Fürstenberg||?||1873||
|Emerich, Count of Batthyany||1881||1874||
|Antonius, Count of Majlath||1801||?||
|Johann, Count of Cziraky||1818||1884||
|Archduke Ludwig Salvator of Austria||1847||1915||son of Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany
Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany
Leopold II of Tuscany was the last reigning grand duke of Tuscany ....
|Charles, Prince of Isenburg-Birstein||1838||1899||
|Prince Friedrich of Liechtenstein||1807||1885||son of Johann I Josef, Prince of Liechtenstein
Johann I Josef, Prince of Liechtenstein
Johann I Joseph, Prince of Liechtenstein, born Johann Baptist Joseph Adam Johann Nepomuk Aloys Franz de Paula was the Prince of Liechtenstein between 1805 and 1806 and again from 1814 until 1836...
|Alfred II, Prince of Windisch-Graetz||1819||1876||
|Richard, Prince of Metternich-Winneburg||1829||1895||
|William Albert, 1st Prince of Montenuovo
William Albert, 1st Prince of Montenuovo
William Albert, 1st Prince of Montenuovo was an Italian prince and Field Marshal Lieutenant of the Austrian Empire.-Early life:...
|Ernst, Count of Waldstein-Wartenberg||1821||1904||
|Count Franz Folliot de Crenneville-Poutet||1815||1888||
|rowspan=2|1868||Prince Ludwig of Bavaria
Ludwig III of Bavaria
Ludwig III , was the last King of Bavaria, reigning from 1913 to 1918.-Early life:...
||1845||1921||later King Ludwig III of Bavaria
|Prince Leopold of Bavaria
Prince Leopold of Bavaria
Leopold Maximilian Joseph Maria Arnulf, Prinz von Bayern was born in Munich, the son of Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria and his wife Archduchess Augusta of Austria...
|rowspan=7|1869||Umberto, Crown Prince of Italy||1844||1900||later King Umberto I of Italy
|Prince Otto of Bavaria
Otto of Bavaria
Otto , was King of Bavaria from 1886 to 1913. He was the son of Maximilian II and his wife, Marie of Prussia, and younger brother of Ludwig II...
||1848||1916||later King Otto of Bavaria
|Franz, Count of Meran
Franz von Meran
Franz Ludwig Johann Baptist Graf von Meran was an Austrian count .- Life :Franz was the only child of the morganatic marriage of Archduke Johann of Austria and Anne Marie Josephine Plochl, and a grandson of Leopold, Grand Duke Leopold of Tuscany and later Holy Roman Emperor...
|Johann, Landgrave of Fürstenberg||1802||1879||
|Alfred, Count of Potocki||1817||1889||
|Tassilo, Count Festetics of Tolna||1813||1883||
|Franz, Count of Haller of Halerkeö||1795||1875||
|rowspan=7|1873||Archduke Friedrich of Austria, Duke of Teschen
Archduke Friedrich, Duke of Teschen
Archduke Friedrich, Duke of Teschen was a member of the House of Habsburg and the Supreme Commander of the Austro-Hungarian Army during World War I.-Early life:...
|Prince Arnulf of Bavaria
Prince Arnulf of Bavaria
Prince Arnulf of Bavaria was a member of the Bavarian Royal House of Wittelsbach and a General of Infantry.-Early life:Arnulf was born in Munich, Bavaria...
||1852||1907||son of Luitpold, Prince Regent of Bavaria
|Josef, Prince of Colloredo-Mannsfeld||1813||1895||
|Richard, Prince of Khevenhüller||1813||1877||
|Ervin, Count of Neipperg||1813||1897||
|Johann, Count of Larisch-Moennich||1821||1884||
|Ferdinand, Prince Kinsky||1834||1904||
|1875||Duke Maximilian Emmanuel in Bavaria||1849||1893||son of Duke Maximilian Joseph in Bavaria
Maximilian Joseph, Duke in Bavaria
Duke Maximilian Joseph in Bavaria , known informally as Max in Bayern, was a member of a junior branch of the House of Wittelsbach and a promoter of Bavarian folk-music...
|1877||Julius, Count of Andrassy||1823||1890||
|rowspan=16|1878||Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria
Franz Ferdinand was an Archduke of Austria-Este, Austro-Hungarian and Royal Prince of Hungary and of Bohemia, and from 1889 until his death, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne. His assassination in Sarajevo precipitated Austria-Hungary's declaration of war against Serbia...
||1863||1914||later heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne
|Archduke Leopold Salvator of Austria||1863||1931||son of Archduke Karl Salvator of Austria
|Archduke Karl of Austria||1860||1833||
|Archduke Eugen of Austria
Archduke Eugen of Austria
Archduke Eugen Ferdinand Pius Bernhard Felix Maria of Austria-Teschen was an Archduke of Austria and a Prince of Hungary and Bohemia...
|Maurice, Count Esterházy||1807||1890||
|Antonius, Count of Goëß||1816||1887||
|Rudolf, Count of Wrbna and Freudentahl||1818||1883||
|Georg von Majlath
György Majláth (1818-1883)
György Majláth , also known by his German name Georg von Majláth, was a Hungarian politician.Majláth was born in Bratislava, then in the Kingdom of Hungary , to György Majláth, also a Hungarian politician. He entered the civil service of the county of Baranya, of which he was deputy from 1839 to 1843...
||1818||1883||later Count of Majlath
|Emeric, Prince of Thurn and Taxis||1820||1900||
|Prince Adolf Wilhelm Daniel von Auersperg||1821||1885||
|Richard, Count of Belcredi||1823||1902||
|Rodolph, Duke of Croÿ||1823||1902||
|Ferdinand, Count of Trauttmansdorff-Weinsberg||1825||1896||
|Louis, Count Karolyi of Nagy-Karoly
Alajos Károlyi
Count Alajos Károlyi de Nagykároly , was an Austro-Hungarian diplomat.He was born in Vienna, into the great Hungarian family of Károlyi, whose fame dates from the time of Sándor Károlyi , one of the generals of Francis II Rákóczi, who in 1711 negotiated the peace of Szatmár between the insurgent...
|Joseph Alexander, Prince of Schönburg-Hartenstein||1826||1896||
|Eduard Taaffe, 11th Viscount Taaffe
Eduard Taaffe, 11th Viscount Taaffe
Eduard Franz Joseph, 11th Viscount Taaffe was an Austrian statesman who held a hereditary peerage in the Peerage of Ireland.-Family background and early years:...
|rowspan=9|1881||Archduke Otto of Austria
Archduke Otto Franz of Austria
-Marriage and issue:On October 2, 1886, he married Princess Maria Josepha of Saxony, daughter of King George of Saxony. They had two sons:* Archduke Karl Franz of Austria , who became the last Emperor of Austria and had issue....
|Prince Michael of Portugal, Duke of Braganza
Miguel II, Duke of Braganza
Miguel II of Braganza was the Miguelist claimant to the throne of Portugal from 1866 to 1920. He used the title Duke of Braganza.-Biography:...
|Prince Philip of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha||1844||1921||
|Peter, Count of Pejacsevich||1804||1887||
||Karl, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1824||1904||
|Hugo, Count of Abensperg-Traun||1828||1904||
|Maurice, Prince of Lobkowicz||1831||1903||
|Julius, Count of Szapary||1832||1905||
|Charles, 6th Prince of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg||1834||1921||
|rowspan=10|1884||Charles I, King of Romania
Carol I of Romania
Carol I , born Prince Karl of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen was reigning prince and then King of Romania from 1866 to 1914. He was elected prince of Romania on 20 April 1866 following the overthrow of Alexandru Ioan Cuza by a palace coup...
|Archduke Ferdinand Charles of Austria||1868||1915||son of Archduke Carl Ludwig of Austria
|Archduke Leopold Ferdinand of Austria
Archduke Leopold Ferdinand, Prince of Tuscany
Archduke Leopold Ferdinand of Austria was the eldest son of Ferdinand IV, Grand Duke of Tuscany, and Alice of Bourbon-Parma.-Early life:...
||1868||1935||removed from the roll of the order, 1902
|Archduke Franz Salvator of Austria
Archduke Franz Salvator of Austria
Archduke Franz Salvator of Austria, in Italian Francesco Salvatore Maria Giuseppe Ferdinando Carlo Leopoldo Antonio di Padova Giovanni Battista Gennaro Lodovico Gonzaga Raniero Benedetto Bernardo, in German Franz Salvator Maria Joseph Ferdinand Karl Leopold Anton von Padua Johann Baptist Januarius...
||1866||1939||son of Archduke Karl Salvator of Austria
|Ladislaus de Szögyény-Marich
Ladislaus de Szögyény-Marich
Ladislaus Freiherr von Szögyény-Marich von Magyar-Szögyén und Szolgaegyháza , was an Austro-Hungarian diplomat of Hungarian origin who was a long serving Ambassador at Berlin.- Life :...
|Leopold, Count of Thun and Hohenstein||1811||1888||
|Jaromir, Count Czernin of Chudenitz||1818||1908||
|Karl, Prince of Khevenhüller-Metsch||1839||1905||
|Alfred III, Prince of Windisch-Grätz
Alfred III, Prince of Windisch-Grätz
HSH Prince Alfred III of Windisch-Grätz was a Bohemian nobleman and Austro-Hungarian statesman. He was President of the Herrenhaus from 1895 to 1918. He was a Great-Grandfather of HRH Princess Michael of Kent.- External links :* - See also :* Portrait...
|Maximilian Maria, Prince of Thurn and Taxis||1862||1885||
|rowspan=6|1887||Antonius, Count of Szecsen of Temerin||1819||1896||
|Arthur, Count of Bylandt-Rheidt||1821||1891||
|Paul, Baron Sennyey of Kis-Sennye||1824||1888||
|Ludwig, Prince of Windisch-Graetz||1830||1904||
|Gustav, Count Kalnoky of Köröspatak||1832||1898||
|Nicholas, Count Pejascevich of Veröcze||1833||1890||
|rowspan=11|1889||Prince Frederick Augustus of Saxony
Frederick Augustus III of Saxony
This article is about King Frederick Augustus III of Saxony. For the elector Frederick Augustus III, see Frederick Augustus I of Saxony.Frederick Augustus III was the last King of Saxony and a member of the House of Wettin.Born in Dresden, Frederick Augustus was the son of King George of Saxony...
||1865||1932||later King Frederick Augustus III of Saxony
|Archduke Albert Salvator of Austria||1871||1896||son of Archduke Karl Salvator of Austria
|Baron Lajos Jósika de Branyicska||1807||1891||
|Count Moritz Pálffy of Erdöd||1812||1897||
|Stephen, Count of Erdödy||1813||1896||
|Victor, Prince of Hohenlohe||1818||1893||
|Antonius, Count of Wolkenstein-Trotsbourg||1832||1913||
|Ernst, Count of Hoyos-Sprinzenstein||1830||1903||
|Adolf Josef, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1832||1914||
|Julius, Count Karolyi of Nagy-Karoly||1837||1890||
|Albert, 8th Prince of Thurn and Taxis||1867||1952||
|rowspan=6|1891||Archduke Josef Ferdinand of Austria
Josef Ferdinand
Archduke Joseph Ferdinand of Austria was an Austro-Hungarian Archduke, military commander, and early advocate of air power...
|Archduke Joseph August of Austria
Archduke Joseph August of Austria
Archduke Joseph August Viktor Klemens Maria of Austria, Prince of Hungary and Bohemia was for a short period head of state of Hungary, a member of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine and the eldest son of Archduke Joseph Karl of Austria and his wife Princess Clotilde of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha...
|Leopold, Count of Sternberg||1811||1899||
|Edmond, Prince of Clary and Aldringen||1813||1894||
|Richard, Count of Clam-Martinic||1832||1891||
|Count Karoly Khuen-Belasi-Héderváry||1849||1918||
|rowspan=9|1892||Emeric, Count Széchény of Sárárvar-Felsövidk||1825||1898||
|Emil Egon, Prince of Fürstenberg||1825||1899||
|Leopold, Prince of Croy-Dulmen||1827||1894||
|Franz, Count of Falkenhayn||1827||1898||
|Ferdinand, Count of Zichy of Zich and Vasonykeö||1829||1911||
|Count Philipp of Grunne||1833||1902||
|Prince Rudolf of Liechtenstein||1838||1908||
|Rudolf, Prince of Lobkowicz||1840||1908||
|Karl Friedrich, Prince of Oettingen-Wallerstein||1840||1905||
|rowspan=2|1893||Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg
Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg
Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg or Albrecht Herzog von Württemberg was a German Generalfeldmarschall and head of the Royal House of Württemberg...
|Archduke Peter Ferdinand of Austria||1874||1948||son of Ferdinand IV, Grand Duke of Tuscany
Ferdinand IV, Grand Duke of Tuscany
Ferdinand IV, Grand Duke of Tuscany was the last Grand Duke of Tuscany from 1859 to 1860. The House of Habsburg-Lorraine continued to hold the title as pretenders until the end of World War I.-Biography:...
|1895||Archduke Ladislaus of Austria||1875||1895||son of Archduke Joseph Karl of Austria
|rowspan=11|1896||Aladar, Count of Andrassy||1827||1903||
|Johann, Count of Harrach||1828||1909||
|Adam, Prince Sapieha-Kodenski||1828||1903||
|Karl, Prince of Paar||1834||1917||
|Count Zeno Welser of Welsersheimb
Welser is the surname of an important German banking and merchant family, originally from Augsburg. Along with the Fugger family, the Welser family controlled various sectors of the European economy, and accumulated enormous wealth through trade and the German colonization of the...
|Paul IV, Prince Esterházy of Galantha||1843||1898||
|Franz, Count of Thun-Hohenstein||1847||1916||
|Tassilo, Count Festetics of Tolna||1850||1933||later Prince Festetics of Tolna
|Clovis, Prince of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfurst||1819||1901||
|Agenor, Count of Goluchowski of Goluchowo||1849||1921||
|Philippe, Duke of Orléans||1869||1926||
|1897||Archduke Heinrich Ferdinand of Austria||1878||1969||son of Ferdinand IV, Grand Duke of Tuscany
Ferdinand IV, Grand Duke of Tuscany
Ferdinand IV, Grand Duke of Tuscany was the last Grand Duke of Tuscany from 1859 to 1860. The House of Habsburg-Lorraine continued to hold the title as pretenders until the end of World War I.-Biography:...
|rowspan=2|1898||Eustach, Prince of Sanguszko-Lubartowicz||1842||1903||
|Prince Johann Georg of Saxony
Prince Johann Georg of Saxony
Prince Johann Georg Pius Karl Leopold Maria Januarius Anacletus of Saxony, Duke of Saxony was the sixth child and second-eldest son of George...
||1869||1938||son of King George of Saxony
George of Saxony
-Life:George was born in the Saxon capital Dresden. He was the second son of King John of Saxony and his wife Princess Amelia of Bavaria , daughter of King Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria ....
|1899||Emanuele Filiberto, 2nd Duke of Aosta
Emanuele Filiberto, 2nd Duke of Aosta
Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy-Aosta, 2nd Duke of Aosta was a member of the House of Savoy, former Crown Prince of Spain and a cousin of Victor Emmanuel III of Italy.-Biography:...
|rowspan=15|1900||Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria
Rupprecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria
Rupprecht or Rupert, Crown Prince of Bavaria was the last Bavarian Crown Prince.His full title was His Royal Highness Rupprecht Maria Luitpold Ferdinand, Crown Prince of Bavaria, Duke of Bavaria, of Franconia and in Swabia, Count Palatine of the Rhine...
||1869||1955||later Crown Prince of Bavaria
|Prince Georg of Bavaria
Prince Georg of Bavaria
Prince Georg of Bavaria was a member of the Bavarian Royal House of Wittelsbach and a Catholic priest.- Birth and family :...
|William, Count of Siemienski-Lewicki||1827||1901||
|Karl, Prince of Fugger-Babenhausen||1861||1925||
|Alexander, Count of Karolyi||1831||1906||
|Edward, Count of Paar||1837||1919||
|Franz, Count of Deym||1838||1903||
|Ladislaus de Szögyény-Marich
Ladislaus de Szögyény-Marich
Ladislaus Freiherr von Szögyény-Marich von Magyar-Szögyén und Szolgaegyháza , was an Austro-Hungarian diplomat of Hungarian origin who was a long serving Ambassador at Berlin.- Life :...
|Josef, Count of Thun-Hohenstein-Salm-Reifferscheidt||1849||1913||
|Bela, Count of Cziraky||1852||1911||
|Alfred, 2nd Prince of Montenuovo
Alfred, 2nd Prince of Montenuovo
Alfred, 2nd Prince of Montenuovo was one of the highest court officials of Emperor Francis Joseph I of Austria...
|Karl, Prince of Auersperg||1859||1927||
|Nicholas, Prince of Palffy||1861||1955||
|Maximilian Egon, Prince of Fürstenberg||1863||1941||
|Robert, Duke of Württemberg||1873||1947||
20th Century
!Year of Induction!!Name!!Born!!Died!!Notes|-
|rowspan=7|1903||Prince Alfred of Liechtenstein
Prince Alfred of Liechtenstein
Prince Alfred Louis of Liechtenstein was the son of Prince Franz de Paula of Liechtenstein and Countess Julie Potocka , uncle and brother in law of Franz I of Liechtenstein.He was the 1,143rd Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece in Austria in 1903.-Marriage and issue:On 26...
|Count Gyula Széchényi de Sárvár-Felsövidék||1829||1921||
|Georg Christian, Prince of Lobkowicz||1835||1908||
|Count Karl of Brzezie-Lanckoronski||1848||1933||
|Margrave Alexander of Pallavicini||1853||1933||
|Alois, Prince of Schönburg-Hartenstein||1858||1944||
|Miklós, Prince Esterházy of Galántha||1869||1920||
|1905||Archduke Charles of Austria
Karl I of Austria
Charles I of Austria or Charles IV of Hungary was the last ruler of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He was the last Emperor of Austria, the last King of Hungary, the last King of Bohemia and Croatia and the last King of Galicia and Lodomeria and the last monarch of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine...
||1887||1922||later Emperor Charles I of Austria, King Charles IV of Hungary and III of Bohemia. Head of the order from 1916 till 1922
|rowspan=15|1907||Wilhelm, Prince of Hohenzollern
Wilhelm, Prince of Hohenzollern
William, Prince of Hohenzollern was the eldest son of Leopold, Prince of Hohenzollern and Infanta Antónia of Portugal. His maternal grandparents were Maria II of Portugal and her King consort Ferdinand II of Portugal.William was an older brother of Ferdinand I of Romania...
|Albert, Duke of Brabant
Albert I of Belgium
Albert I reigned as King of the Belgians from 1909 until 1934.-Early life:Born Albert Léopold Clément Marie Meinrad in Brussels, he was the fifth child and second son of Prince Philippe, Count of Flanders, and his wife, Princess Marie of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen...
||1874||1934||later King Albert I of the Belgians
|Elias, Duke of Parma
Elias, Duke of Parma
Elias, Duke of Parma and Piacenza was the head of the House of Bourbon-Parma and pretender to the defunct throne of Parma between 1950 and 1959...
||1880||1959||Head of the Ducal House of Parma
|Prince Konrad of Bavaria
Prince Konrad of Bavaria
Prince Konrad of Bavaria was a member of the Bavarian Royal House of Wittelsbach.-Early life:Konrad was born in Munich, Bavaria...
||1883||1969||son of Prince Leopold of Bavaria
|Count Albin Csaky de Körösszeg et Adorján||1841||1912||
|Count Sándor Apponyi de Nagy-Apponyi||1844||1925||
|Karl, Prince of Trauttmansdorff-Weinsberg||1845||1921||
|Franz Josef, Prince of Auersperg||1856||1938||
|Karl, Prince Kinsky of Wchinitz and Tettau||1858||1919||
|Hugo, Prince of Dietrichstein of Nikolsbourg||1858||1920||
|Karl, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1859||1913||
|Count Andreas Potocki||1861||1927||
|Ernst Rüdiger, Prince of Starhemberg||1861||1927||
|Johann, Prince of Hohenlohe-Bartenstein||1863||1921||
|Count Johann of Meran||1867||1947||
|rowspan=8|1908||Ernst, Prince of Windisch-Graetz||1827||1918||
|Count Ladislaus Pejácsevich de Veröcze||1828||1916||
|Prince Alajos Esterházy of Galántha||1844||1912||
|Count Rudolf of Khevenhuller-Metsch||1844||1910||
|Alain, Prince of Rohan||1853||1914||
|Count Roman Potocki||1852||1915||
|Miklós, Count Szécsen de Temerin
Count Nikolaus Szécsen von Temerin
Nikolaus Graf Szécsen von Temerin , was an Austro-Hungarian diplomat of Hungarian origin serving as Ambassador at Paris at the outbreak of World War I.- Life :...
|Ferdinand, Prince of Lobkowicz||1858||1938||
|1909||Ferdinand, Crown Prince of Romania
Ferdinand I of Romania
Ferdinand was the King of Romania from 10 October 1914 until his death.-Early life:Born in Sigmaringen in southwestern Germany, the Roman Catholic Prince Ferdinand Viktor Albert Meinrad of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, later simply of Hohenzollern, was a son of Leopold, Prince of...
||1865||1927||later King Ferdinand I of Romania
|1910||Archduke Karl Albrecht of Austria
Archduke Karl Albrecht of Austria
Archduke Karl Albrecht of Austria-Teschen Archduke Karl Albrecht of Austria-Teschen Archduke Karl Albrecht of Austria-Teschen (Karl Albrecht Nikolaus Leo Gratianus von Österreich, later Karl Albrecht Habsburg-Lothringen, since 1919 – Karol Olbracht Habsburg-Lotaryński, since 1949 – Karl von...
|rowspan=6|1911||Ferdinand I, King of Bulgaria
Ferdinand I of Bulgaria
Ferdinand , born Ferdinand Maximilian Karl Leopold Maria of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha-Koháry, was the ruler of Bulgaria from 1887 to 1918, first as knyaz and later as tsar...
|Prince Alois of Liechtenstein||1869||1955||
|Count Rudolph of Montecuccoli||1843||1922||
|Count Leopold of Gudenus||1843||1913||
|Count Antonius of Cziraki||1850||?||
|Count Eugen Czernin of Chudenitz||1851||1925||
|rowspan=2|1912||Karl de Longueval, Count of Buquoy||1854||1911||
|Leopold, Count Berchtold von und zu Ungarschitz, Frättling und Püllütz||1863||1942||
|1913||Ferdinand, Prince of Lobkowicz||1850||1938||
|1914||Friedrich August Georg, Crown Prince of Saxony||1893||1943||son of King Frederick Augustus III of Saxony
|rowspan=9|1915||Archduke Maximilian Eugen of Austria
Archduke Maximilian Eugen of Austria
Maximilian Eugen Ludwig Friedrich Philipp Ignatius Joseph Maria was an Archduke of Austria.- Family :Maximilian was the second son of Archduke Otto of Austria and Princess Maria Josepha of Saxony...
|Archduke Franz Karl Salvator of Austria||1893||1918||
|Archduke Hubert Salvator of Austria
Archduke Hubert Salvator of Austria
Archduke Hubert Salvator of Austria was a member of the Tuscan line of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine and Archduke and Prince of Austria, Prince of Hungary, Bohemia, and Tuscany by birth.-Family:Hubert Salvator was the...
|Archduke Leon Karl of Austria||1893||1939||
|Archduke Wilhelm Franz of Austria
Archduke Wilhelm Franz of Austria
Archduke Wilhelm Franz Karl of Austria-Teschen was an Archduke of Austria from the Habsburg dynasty.He was born in Vienna as the son of Archduke Charles, Duke of Teschen and Princess Henrietta of Nassau-Weilburg...
|Archduke Joseph Franz of Austria
Archduke Joseph Franz of Austria
Archduke Franz Leopold of Austria was the second son and seventh child of Francis II, the last Holy Roman Emperor and his second wife, Maria Theresa of Naples and Sicily, daughter of Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies and his wife Maria Carolina of Austria...
|Count Augustus Zichy de Zich et Vásonkeö||1852||1925||
|Johann, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1860||1938||
|Count Ferdinand Kinsky of Wchinitz and Tettau||1886||1916||
|rowspan=8|1916||Archduke Albert Franz of Austria
Archduke Albrecht Franz, Duke of Teschen
Albert Franz Josef Karl Friedrich Georg Hubert Maria, Archduke and Prince Imperial of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Duke of Teschen – was a member of the House of Habsburg and titular pretender to the Duchy of...
|Archduke Ranier Karl of Austria||1895||1930||
|Archduke Leopold of Austria
Archduke Leopold Alfons of Austria
Archduke Leopold Maria of Austria, Prince of Tuscany was the second son of Archduke Leopold Salvator, Prince of Tuscany and Infanta Bianca of Spain...
|Archduke Otto of Austria, Crown Prince of Austria, Hungary and Bohemia
Otto von Habsburg
Otto von Habsburg , also known by his royal name as Archduke Otto of Austria, was the last Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary from 1916 until the dissolution of the empire in 1918, a realm which comprised modern-day Austria, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia,...
||1912||2011||Head of the House of Habsburg and Sovereign of the Order of the Golden Fleece from 1922 to 2007
|Count Aurel Dessewffy de Csernek et Tarkeö||1846||1928||
|Baron Samuel Josika||1848||1923||
|Gyula, Count Andrássy de Csíkszentkirály et Krasznahorka
Gyula Andrássy the Younger
Count Gyula Andrássy de Csíkszentkirály et Krasznahorka the Younger was a Hungarian politician.The second son of Count Gyula Andrássy, the younger Andrássy became under-secretary in the Sándor Wekerle ministry in 1892; in 1893, he became Minister of Education, and, in June 1894, he was appointed...
|Ladislaus, Prince of Batthyany-Strattmann||1870||1931||
|rowspan=7|1917||Philipp Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg
Philipp Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg
Philipp Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg was the son of Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg and Archduchess Margarete Sophie of Austria...
||1893||1975 ||later Head of the Royal House of Württemberg
|Franz I, Prince of Liechtenstein
Franz I, Prince of Liechtenstein
Franz I, Prince of Liechtenstein, born Franz de Paula Maria Karl August was the Prince of Liechtenstein between 1929 and 1938. He was the son of Aloys II of Liechtenstein and his wife Countess Franziska Kinsky...
|Count Johann Nepomuk of Wilczek||1837||1922||
|Konrad, Prince of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfurst||1863||1918||
|Friedrich Karl, Count of Schönborn-Bucheim||1869||1932||
|Gottfried, Prince of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst
Prince Gottfried von Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst
Gottfried Prinz zu Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingfürst, Ratibor und Corvey , was an Austro-Hungarian army officer and diplomat during World War I.- Life :...
|Ottokar, Count Czernin von und zu Chudenitz||1872||1932||
|rowspan=6|1918||Count Miklós Móric Esterházy of Galántha||1855||1925||
|Zdenko Vincent, Prince of Lobkowicz||1858||1933||
|Count Heinrich of Clam-Martinic||1863||1932||
|Count Karl of Kuefstein||1838||1925||
|Count Joseph of Hunyady||1873||1942||
|Stephan, Count Burián von Rajecz||1851||1922||
|rowspan=2|1919||Count Georg of Wallis||1856||?||
|Count Nikolaus Revertera of Salandra||1860||1951||
|rowspan=2|1920||Prince Johann of Schönburg-Hartenstein||1864||1937||
|Karl Emil, Prince of Furstenberg||1867||1945||
|rowspan=3|1921||Prince Johann of Liechtenstein||1873||1959||
|Albert, Count Apponyi de Nagy-Appony||1846||1933||
|Count Alexander Esterházy of Galántha||1868||1925||
|rowspan=7|1932||Archduke Robert of Austria-Este
Robert, Archduke of Austria-Este
Robert, Archduke of Austria-Este, Prince Imperial of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary, Bohemia and Croatia , was born as the second son of Karl I, last Emperor of Austria-Hungary, and Zita of Bourbon-Parma.-Archduke of Austria-Este:On 16 April 1917, at the age of two, Robert was created Archduke of...
|Archduke Gottfried of Austria||1902||1984||Head of the Grand Ducal House of Tuscany
|Maximilian, Duke of Hohenberg
Maximilian, Duke of Hohenberg
Maximilian, Duke of Hohenberg was the eldest son of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary, and his morganatic wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg...
|Baron Erwein of Gudenus||1869||1953||
|Count Heinrich of Degenfeld-Schonburg||1890||1978||
|Count Joseph Karolyi of Nagy-Karoly||1884||1934||
|Count Joseph Cziraki of Czirak and Dénesfalva||1883||1960||
|rowspan=2|1934||Archduke Georg of Austria||1905||1952||
|Count Johann Zichy||1868||1944||
|rowspan=5|1945||Archduke Felix of Austria
Archduke Felix of Austria
Archduke Felix of Austria was the last surviving child of the last Austrian Emperor Charles I and a member of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine...
||1916||2011||son of Emperor Charles I of Austria (King Charles VI of Hungary and III of Bohemia)
|Archduke Karl Ludwig of Austria||1918||2007||son of Emperor Charles I of Austria (King Charles VI of Hungary and III of Bohemia)
|Archduke Rudolf Syringus of Austria
Archduke Rudolf of Austria (b. 1919)
Archduke Rudolf of Austria was the youngest son of Emperor Charles I of Austria and Zita of Bourbon-Parma.-Early life:...
||1919||2010||son of Emperor Charles I of Austria (King Charles VI of Hungary and III of Bohemia)
|Prince Ernst of Hohenberg||1904||1954||
|Count Antonius of Sigray||1879||1947||
|rowspan=2|1946||Margrave Georg of Pallavicini||1881||1946||
|Leopold, Count Künigl||1880||1965||
|rowspan=4|1948||Duarte Nuno, Duke of Braganza
Duarte Nuno, Duke of Braganza
Duarte Nuno, Duke of Braganza was a claimant to the throne of Portugal from 1920 until his death.-Birth:...
||1907||1976||Head of the Royal House of Portugal
|Franz Joseph II, Prince of Liechtenstein
Franz Joseph II, Prince of Liechtenstein
Franz Joseph II, Prince of Liechtenstein, , was the Sovereign Prince of Liechtenstein from 1938 until his death...
|Archduke Theodor Salvator of Austria||1899||1978||
|Count Ferdinand of Colloredo-Mannsfeld||1878||1967||
|1949||Baron Franz of Vorst-Gudenau-Mirbach||1878||1952||
|rowspan=6|1950||Friedrich Christian, Margrave of Meissen
Friedrich Christian, Margrave of Meissen
Friedrich Christian, Margrave of Meissen was the head of the Royal House of Saxony.-Life:He was born at Dresden, the second son of King Frederick Augustus III of Saxony and his wife Archduchess Luise, Princess of Tuscany...
||1893||1968||Head of the Royal House of Saxony
|Friedrich, Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen||1891||1965||
|Count Georg of Waldburg-Zeil-Hohenems||1878||1955||
|Count Bernhard of Stolberg-Stolberg||1881||1952||
|Margrave Alphons of Pallavicini||1883||1958||
|Count Rudolf of Straten-Ponthoz||1877||1961||
|rowspan=6|1951||Archduke Ferdinand of Austria||1918||2004||nephew of Emperor Charles I of Austria (King Charles VI of Hungary and III of Bohemia)
|Prince Heinrich of Liechtenstein||1916||1991||
|Joseph, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1900||1979||
|Erich, Prince of Waldburg-Zeil and Trauchburg||1899||1953||
|José de Saldanha da Gama||1893||1958||
|Baron Gábor Apor de Al-Torja||1889||1969||
|rowspan=7|1953||Albrecht, Hereditary Prince of Bavaria
Albrecht, Duke of Bavaria
Albrecht Luitpold Ferdinand Michael, Duke of Bavaria, of Franconia and in Swabia, Count Palatine of the Rhine , was the son of Rupprecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria and his first wife, Duchess Marie Gabrielle in Bavaria. He was the one surviving child from that marriage...
||1905||1996||later Duke of Bavaria and Head of the Royal House of Bavaria
|Ladislaus, Prince of Batthyany-Strattmann||1904||1966||
|Eduard, Prince of Auersperg||1863||1956||
|Count Karl of Trauttmansdorff-Weinsberg||1897||1970||
|Count Carl of Czernin of Chudenitz||1886||1978||
|Count János Esterházy de Galántha||1900||1967||
|Count Philipp of Gudenus||1905||1990||
|rowspan=3|1954||Eugène, 11th Prince of Ligne
Eugène, 11th Prince of Ligne
Eugene de Ligne, 11th Prince de Ligne was the eldest son of Ernest, 10th Prince de Ligne and Diane de Cossé-Brissac...
|Count Franz Josef Forni||1904||1992||
|Viscount Charles Terlinden
Terlinden is a noble family of the Kingdom of Belgium with origins in Germany and established in the Spanish Netherlands around 1580. Their titles are Viscounts and Barons....
|rowspan=4|1955||Archduke Heinrich of Austria||1925||- ||
|Thierry, Count of Limburg Stirum||1904||1968||
|Charles, Count of Limburg Stirum
Charles, Count of Limburg Stirum
Count Charles Gaëtan Corneille Marie François-Xavier Ghislain of Limburg Stirum, GCVO, GCSG , a Count of the Holy Roman Empire and Knight of the Golden Fleece , was a member of the House of Limburg-Stirum...
|Gaston Christyn, Count of Ribaucourt||1882||1961||
|rowspan=3|1957||Count Rudolf Hoyos-Sprinzenstein||1884||1972 ||
|Count Peter Revertera of Salandra||1893||1966||
|Count Franz of Meran||1891||1983||
|rowspan=2|1958||Archduke Friedrich Salvator of Austria||1927||1999||
|Archduke Franz Salvator of Austria
Archduke Franz Salvator of Austria
Archduke Franz Salvator of Austria, in Italian Francesco Salvatore Maria Giuseppe Ferdinando Carlo Leopoldo Antonio di Padova Giovanni Battista Gennaro Lodovico Gonzaga Raniero Benedetto Bernardo, in German Franz Salvator Maria Joseph Ferdinand Karl Leopold Anton von Padua Johann Baptist Januarius...
|rowspan=8|1960||Archduke Joseph Arpád of Austria
Archduke Joseph Arpad of Austria
József Árpád Habsburg , is a member of the Hungarian Palatine branch of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine....
|Franz, Hereditary Prince of Bavaria
Franz, Duke of Bavaria
Franz Bonaventura Adalbert Maria Herzog von Bayern , styled as His Royal Highness The Duke of Bavaria, is head of the Wittelsbach family, the former ruling family of the Kingdom of Bavaria...
||1933||- ||later Duke of Bavaria and Head of the Royal House of Bavaria
|Prince Ludwig of Bavaria||1913||2008||
|Karl, Prince of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg||1904||1990||
|Karl, Prince of Schwarzenberg||1911||1986 ||
|Count Johann-Anton of Goëss||1892||1970||
|Count Adalbert Hadik de Futak||1905||1971||
|Count Johann Larisch of Moennich||1917|| - ||
1961||Archduke Karl of Austria
Karl Habsburg-Lothringen
Karl von Habsburg , referred to in Austria as Karl Habsburg-Lothringen, in France as Charles de Habsbourg-Lorraine, in the Czech Lands as Karel Habsbursko-Lotrinský, in Hungary as Habsburg Károly, and by his royal name as Archduke Karl of Austria, is an Austrian politician,...
||1961||- ||Head of the House of Habsburg and Sovereign of the Order of the Golden Fleece since 2007
|Archduke Andreas Salvator of Austria, Prince of Tuscany||1936|| - ||
|Archduke Karl Salvator of Austria, Prince of Tuscany||1936|| - ||
|Archduke Lorenz of Austria-Este, Prince of Belgium||1955|| - ||
|Archduke Michael Koloman of Austria||1942|| - ||
|Archduke Michael Salvator of Austria, Prince of Tuscany||1949|| - ||
|Archduke Georg of Austria||1964|| - ||
|Archduke Carl Christian of Austria
Archduke Carl Christian of Austria
Archduke Carl Christian of Austria is a member of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine and Archduke and Prince of Austria, Prince of Hungary, Croatia, and Bohemia...
||1954|| - ||
|Archduke Joseph of Austria||1933|| - ||
|Prince Rasso of Bavaria
Prince Rasso of Bavaria
Prince Rasso of Bavaria was a member of the Bavarian Royal House of Wittelsbach.-Early life:Rasso was born at Schloß Leutstetten near Starnberg, Bavaria...
||1926|| - ||
|Albert II, King of the Belgians
Albert II of Belgium
Albert II is the current reigning King of the Belgians, a constitutional monarch. He is a member of the royal house "of Belgium"; formerly this house was named Saxe-Coburg-Gotha...
||1937|| - ||
|Jean, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
Jean, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg ruled Luxembourg from 1964 to 2000. He is the father of the current ruler, Grand Duke Henri, and the son of Grand Duchess Charlotte and Prince Felix of Bourbon-Parma...
||1921|| - ||Monarch until 2000
|Antoine, Prince of Ligne
Antoine, 13th Prince of Ligne
Antoine Maria Joachim Lamoral, Prince of Ligne, Prince of Épinoy, Prince of Amblise, Grandee of Spain was born on 8 March 1925 in Brussels, Belgium. He was the son of Eugène, 11th Prince of Ligne and Philippine de Noailles...
|Renaud, Viscount of Chabot-Tramecourt||1921||-||
|Prince Albrecht of Hohenberg||1931|| - ||
|Joachim Egon, Prince of Fürstenberg||1923||2002||
|Carl, Duke of Württemberg
Carl, Duke of Württemberg
Carl, Duke of Württemberg is the current Head of the House of Württemberg.-Heir to House of Württemberg:...
||1936|| - ||Head of the Royal House of Württemberg
|Eduard, Prince of Auersperg-Trautson||1917||2002||
|Prince Vincenz of Liechtenstein||1950||2008||
|The Prince of Hanover
House of Hanover
The House of Hanover is a deposed German royal dynasty which has ruled the Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg , the Kingdom of Hanover, the Kingdom of Great Britain, the Kingdom of Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland...
||1969|| - ||
|Maria Emanuel, Margrave of Meissen
Maria Emanuel, Margrave of Meissen
Maria Emanuel, Margrave of Meissen is the head of the Royal House of Saxony.Born in Schloss Prüfening, Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany as son of Hereditary Prince Frederick Christian of Saxony, Margrave of Meissen and Princess Elisabeth Helene of Thurn and Taxis.He and Princess Anastasia of Anhalt ...
||1926|| - ||Head of the Royal House of Saxony
|Nikolaus, Prince of Lobkowicz||1931|| - ||
|Count Johann of Hoyos-Sprinzenstein||1923|| - ||
|Georg, Prince of Waldburg-Zeil and Trauchberg||1928|| - ||
|Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein
Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein
Hans-Adam II , is the reigning Prince of Liechtenstein. He is the son of Franz Joseph II, Prince of Liechtenstein and his wife Countess Georgina von Wilczek . He also bears the titles Duke of Troppau and Jägerndorf, Count of Rietberg...
||1945|| - ||
|Prince Clemens of Altenburg||1932|| - ||
|Duarte Pio, Duke of Braganza
Duarte Pio, Duke of Braganza
Dom Duarte Pio, Duke of Braganza , is the 24th Duke of Braganza and a pretender to the throne of Portugal.-Birth and education:...
||1945|| - ||Head of the Royal House of Portugal
|Count Joseph of Neipperg||1918|| - ||
|Georg, Duke of Hohenberg
Georg, Duke of Hohenberg
Georg, Duke of Hohenberg , is a grandson of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and Hungary, heir presumptive to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and his morganatic wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg....
||1929|| - ||
|Fra Andrew Bertie, Grand Master of the Order of Malta
Fra Andrew Bertie
Fra' Andrew Willoughby Ninian Bertie was the 78th Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, serving for nearly 20 years from 1988 until his death in 2008. Bertie was the first Englishman elected Grand Master since 1258.He never married and had a younger brother...
||1929|| 2008 ||
|Count Jakob of Eltz||1921|| 2006 ||
|Karl Johannes, Prince of Schwarzenberg
Karel Schwarzenberg
Karel Schwarzenberg or Karel, Prince of Schwarzenberg , 7...
||1937|| - ||
|Archduke Joseph of Austria||1960||- ||
|Max, Prince of Khevenhüller-Metsch||1919|| - ||
|Aloys-Konstantin, Prince of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg||1941|| - ||
|Count Gottfried of Czernin of Chudenitz||?|| - ||
|Heinrich, Prince of Orsini and Rosenberg||1925|| - ||
|Mariano Hugo, Prince of Windisch-Grätz||1955|| - ||
|Olivier, Count of Ormesson||?|| - ||
|Baron Johann Friedrich of Solemacher-Antweiler||?|| - ||
|Baron Nicolas Adamovich de Csepin||1936|| - ||
|Count Alexander of Pachta-Reyhofen||?|| - ||Chancellor of the Order of the Golden Fleece
|Christoph Cardinal Schönborn
Christoph Cardinal Schönborn
Christoph Maria Michael Hugo Damian Peter Adalbert Schönborn, OP is an Austrian Cardinal of the Catholic Church and theologian. He currently serves as the Archbishop of Vienna and President of the Austrian Bishops Conference...
, Archbishop of Vienna
Archbishop of Vienna
The Archbishop of Vienna is the prelate of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vienna who is concurrently the metropolitan bishop of its ecclesiastical province which includes the dioceses of Eisenstadt, Linz and St. Pölten....
||1945|| - ||born Count of Schönborn-Wiesentheid, Chaplain of the Order of the Golden Fleece
|Baron Wulf Gordian of Hauser||?|| - ||Treasurer of the Order of the Golden Fleece
|Count Philipp of Clam-Martinic||?|| - ||Registrar of the Order of the Golden Fleece
|Count Karl-Albrecht of Waldstein-Wartenberg||?|| - ||Herald of the Order of the Golden Fleece
21st Century
!Year of Induction!!Name!!Born!!Died!!Notes|-
|2008||Prince Philippe, Duke of Brabant||1960|| - || Mentioned in his biography in the "Biographical Manual", an official publication of the Belgian Senate