List of villages and municipalities in Slovakia
This is a comprehensive list of municipalities and town
s in Slovakia
. For lists of towns and municipalities sorted by Regions
see the individual articles on Regions. For an outdated list of town
s only in Slovakia
see also List of towns in Slovakia. There are currently 2,891 municipalities and towns in Slovakia.
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Abovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Abrahám
(Trnava Region
) Abrahámovce, Bardejov District
(Prešov Region
) Abrahámovce, Kežmarok District
(Prešov Region
) Abramová
(Žilina Region
) Abranovce
(Prešov Region
) Adamovské Kochanovce
(Trenčín Region
) Adidovce
(Prešov Region
) Alekšince
(Nitra Region
) Andovce
(Nitra Region
) Andrejová
(Prešov Region
) Ardanovce
(Nitra Region
) Ardovo
(Košice Region
) Arnutovce
(Košice Region
) Báb
(Nitra Region
) Babie
(Prešov Region
) Babín
(Žilina Region
) Babindol
(Nitra Region
) Babinec
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Bacúch
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Báč
(Trnava Region
) Bačka
(Košice Region
) Bačkov
(Košice Region
) Bačkovík
(Košice Region
) Baďan
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Bádice
(Nitra Region
) Báhoň
(Bratislava Region
) Bajany
(Košice Region
) Bajč
(Nitra Region
) Bajerov
(Prešov Region
) Bajerovce
(Prešov Region
) Bajka
(Nitra Region
) Bajtava
(Nitra Region
) Baka (Trnava Region
) Baldovce
(Prešov Region
) Balog nad Ipľom
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Baloň
(Trnava Region
) Baňa
(Prešov Region
) Banka
(Trnava Region
) Bánov
(Nitra Region
) Bánovce nad Bebravou
(Trenčín Region
) Bánovce nad Ondavou
(Košice Region
) Banská Belá
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Banská Bystrica
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Banská Štiavnica
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Banské
(Prešov Region
) Banský Studenec
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Bara
(Košice Region
) Barca
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Bardejov
(Prešov Region
) Bardoňovo
(Nitra Region
) Bartošova Lehôtka
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Bartošovce
(Prešov Region
) Baška (Košice Region
) Baškovce
(Košice Region
) Baškovce
(Prešov Region
) Bašovce
(Trnava Region
) Batizovce
(Prešov Region
) Bátka
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Bátorová
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Bátorove Kosihy
(Nitra Region
) Bátovce
(Nitra Region
) Beckov
(Trenčín Region
) Beharovce
(Prešov Region
) Becherov
(Prešov Region
) Belá nad Cirochou
(Prešov Region
) Belá
(Nitra Region
) Belá
(Žilina Region
) Beladice
(Nitra Region
) Belá-Dulice
(Žilina Region
) Belejovce
(Prešov Region
) Belín (Banská Bystrica Region
) Belina
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Belince
(Nitra Region
) Bellova Ves
(Trnava Region
) Beloveža
(Prešov Region
) Beluj (Banská Bystrica Region
) Beluša
(Trenčín Region
) Belža
(Košice Region
) Beňadiková
(Žilina Region
) Beňadikovce
(Prešov Region
) Beňadovo
(Žilina Region
) Beňatina
(Košice Region
) Beniakovce
(Košice Region
) Benice
(Žilina Region
) Benkovce
(Prešov Region
) Beňuš
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Bernolákovo
(Bratislava Region
) Bertotovce
(Prešov Region
) Beša (Košice Region
) Beša
(Nitra Region
) Bešeňov
(Nitra Region
) Betlanovce
(Košice Region
) Betliar
(Košice Region
) Bežovce
(Košice Region
) Bidovce
(Košice Region
) Biel
(Košice Region
) Bielovce
(Nitra Region
) Biely Kostol
(Trnava Region
) Bijacovce
(Prešov Region
) Bílkove Humence
(Trnava Region
) Bíňa
(Nitra Region
) Bíňovce
(Trnava Region
) Biskupice
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Biskupová
(Nitra Region
) Bitarová
(Žilina Region
) Blahová
(Trnava Region
) Blatná na Ostrove
(Trnava Region
) Blatná Polianka
(Košice Region
) Blatné Remety
(Košice Region
) Blatné Revištia
(Košice Region
) Blatné
(Bratislava Region
) Blatnica (Žilina Region
) Blažice
(Košice Region
) Blažovce
(Žilina Region
) Blesovce
(Nitra Region
) Blhovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Bobot
(Trenčín Region
) Bobrov
(Žilina Region
) Bobrovček
(Žilina Region
) Bobrovec
(Žilina Region
) Bobrovník
(Žilina Region
) Bočiar
(Košice Region
) Bodíky
(Trnava Region
) Bodiná
(Trenčín Region
) Bodorová
(Žilina Region
) Bodovce
(Prešov Region
) Bodružal
(Prešov Region
) Bodza
(Nitra Region
) Bodzianske Lúky
(Nitra Region
) Bogliarka
(Prešov Region
) Bohdanovce nad Trnavou
(Trnava Region
) Bohdanovce
(Košice Region
) Boheľov
(Trnava Region
) Bohunice
(Nitra Region
) Bohunice (Trenčín Region
) Bohúňovo
(Košice Region
) Bojná
(Nitra Region
) Bojnice
(Trenčín Region
) Bojničky
(Trnava Region
) Boľ
(Košice Region
) Boldog
(Bratislava Region
) Boleráz
(Trnava Region
) Bolešov
(Trenčín Region
) Boliarov
(Košice Region
) Boľkovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Borcová
(Žilina Region
) Borčany
(Trenčín Region
) Borčice
(Trenčín Region
) Borinka
(Bratislava Region
) Borová (Trnava Region
) Borovce
(Trnava Region
) Borský Mikuláš
(Trnava Region
) Borský Svätý Jur
(Trnava Region
) Borša
(Košice Region
) Bory
(Nitra Region
) Bošáca
(Trenčín Region
) Bošany
(Trenčín Region
) Boťany
(Košice Region
) Bottovo
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Bôrka
(Košice Region
) Bracovce
(Košice Region
) Branč
(Nitra Region
) Branovo
(Nitra Region
) Bratislava
(Bratislava Region
) Braväcovo
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Brdárka
(Košice Region
) Brehov
(Košice Region
) Brehy
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Brekov
(Prešov Region
) Brestov nad Laborcom
(Prešov Region
) Brestov
(Prešov Region
) Brestov (Prešov Region
) Brestovany
(Trnava Region
) Brestovec
(Nitra Region
) Brestovec
(Trenčín Region
) Bretejovce
(Prešov Region
) Bretka
(Košice Region
) Bretka
(Košice Region
) Breza
(Žilina Region
) Brezany
(Žilina Region
) Brezina
(Košice Region
) Breznica
(Prešov Region
) Breznička
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Breznička
(Prešov Region
) Brezno (Banská Bystrica Region
) Brezolupy
(Trenčín Region
) Brezov
(Prešov Region
) Brezová pod Bradlom
(Trenčín Region
) Brezovec
(Prešov Region
) Brezovica
(Prešov Region
) Brezovica
(Žilina Region
) Brezovička
(Prešov Region
) Brezovka
(Prešov Region
) Brežany
(Prešov Region
) Brhlovce
(Nitra Region
) Brieštie
(Žilina Region
) Brodské
(Trnava Region
) Brodzany
(Trenčín Region
) Brunovce
(Trenčín Region
) Brusnica
(Prešov Region
) Brusník
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Brutovce
(Prešov Region
) Bruty
(Nitra Region
) Brvnište
(Trenčín Region
) Brzotín
(Košice Region
) Buclovany
(Prešov Region
) Búč
(Nitra Region
) Bučany
(Trnava Region
) Budikovany
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Budimír
(Košice Region
) Budince
(Košice Region
) Budiš
(Žilina Region
) Budkovce
(Košice Region
) Budmerice
(Bratislava Region
) Buglovce
(Prešov Region
) Buková
(Trnava Region
) Bukovce
(Prešov Region
) Bukovec
(Košice Region
) Bukovec
(Trenčín Region
) Bukovina (Žilina Region
) Bulhary (Banská Bystrica Region
) Bunetice
(Košice Region
) Bunkovce
(Košice Region
) Bušince
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Bušovce
(Prešov Region
) Buzica
(Košice Region
) Bystrá
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Bystrá
(Prešov Region
) Bystrany
(Košice Region
) Bystré (Prešov Region
) Bystričany
(Trenčín Region
) Bystrička
(Žilina Region
) Byšta
(Košice Region
) Byšta
(Košice Region
) Bytča
(Žilina Region
) Bzenica (Banská Bystrica Region
) Bzenov
(Prešov Region
) Bzince pod Javorinou
(Trenčín Region
) Bziny
(Žilina Region
) Bzovík
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Bžany
(Prešov Region
) Cabaj-Čápor
(Nitra Region
) Cabov
(Prešov Region
) Cakov
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Cejkov
(Košice Region
) Cernina
(Prešov Region
) Cerová
(Trnava Region
) Cerovo
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Cestice
(Košice Region
) Cífer
(Trnava Region
) Cigeľ
(Trenčín Region
) Cigeľka
(Prešov Region
) Cigla
(Prešov Region
) Cimenná
(Trenčín Region
) Cinobaňa
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Čab
(Nitra Region
) Čabalovce
(Prešov Region
) Čabiny
(Prešov Region
) Čabradský Vrbovok
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Čadca
(Žilina Region
) Čachtice
(Trenčín Region
) Čajkov
(Nitra Region
) Čaka
(Nitra Region
) Čakajovce
(Nitra Region
) Čakanovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Čakanovce
(Košice Region
) Čakany
(Trnava Region
) Čaklov
(Prešov Region
) Čalovec
(Nitra Region
) Čamovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Čaňa
(Košice Region
) Čaradice
(Nitra Region
) Čáry
(Trnava Region
) Častá
(Bratislava Region
) Častkov
(Trnava Region
) Častkovce
(Trenčín Region
) Čata
(Nitra Region
) Čataj
(Bratislava Region
) Čavoj
(Trenčín Region
) Čebovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Čečehov
(Košice Region
) Čečejovce
(Košice Region
) Čechy
(Nitra Region
) Čechynce
(Nitra Region
) Čekovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Čeľadice
(Nitra Region
) Čeľadince
(Nitra Region
) Čeláre
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Čelkova Lehota
(Trenčín Region
) Čelovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Čeľovce
(Košice Region
) Čelovce
(Prešov Region
) Čenkovce
(Trnava Region
) Čereňany
(Trenčín Region
) Čerenčany
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Čerhov
(Košice Region
) Čermany
(Nitra Region
) Černík
(Nitra Region
) Černochov
(Košice Region
) Čertižné
(Prešov Region
) Červená Voda
(Prešov Region
) Červeňany
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Červenica pri Sabinove
(Prešov Region
) Červenica
(Prešov Region
) Červeník
(Trnava Region
) Červený Hrádok
(Nitra Region
) Červený Kameň
(Trenčín Region
) Červený Kláštor
(Prešov Region
) České Brezovo
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Čičarovce
(Košice Region
) Čičarovce
(Košice Region
) Čičava
(Prešov Region
) Čičmany
(Žilina Region
) Číčov
(Nitra Region
) Čierna Lehota
(Košice Region
) Čierna Lehota (Trenčín Region
) Čierna nad Tisou
(Košice Region
) Čierna Voda
(Trnava Region
) Čierna
(Košice Region
) Čierne Kľačany
(Nitra Region
) Čierne nad Topľou
(Prešov Region
) Čierne Pole
(Košice Region
) Čierne
(Žilina Region
) Čierny Balog
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Čierny Brod
(Trnava Region
) Čierny Potok
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Čifáre
(Nitra Region
) Čiližská Radvaň
(Trnava Region
) Čimhová
(Žilina Region
) Čirč
(Prešov Region
) Číž
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Čižatice
(Košice Region
) Čižatice
(Košice Region
) Čoltovo
(Košice Region
) Čremošné
(Žilina Region
) Čučma
(Košice Region
) Dačov Lom
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ďačov
(Prešov Region
) Daletice
(Prešov Region
) Danišovce
(Košice Region
) Ďanová
(Žilina Region
) Ďapalovce
(Prešov Region
) Dargov
(Košice Region
) Davidov
(Prešov Region
) Debraď
(Košice Region
) Dedina Mládeže
(Nitra Region
) Dedinka
(Nitra Region
) Dedinky
(Košice Region
) Dechtice
(Trnava Region
) Dekýš
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Demandice
(Nitra Region
) Demänovská Dolina
(Žilina Region
) Demjata
(Prešov Region
) Detrík
(Prešov Region
) Detva
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Detvianska Huta
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Devičany
(Nitra Region
) Devičie
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Dežerice
(Trenčín Region
) Diaková
(Žilina Region
) Diakovce
(Nitra Region
) Diviacka Nová Ves
(Trenčín Region
) Diviaky nad Nitricou
(Trenčín Region
) Divín
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Divina
(Žilina Region
) Divinka
(Žilina Region
) Dlhá nad Kysucou
(Žilina Region
) Dlhá nad Oravou
(Žilina Region
) Dlhá nad Váhom
(Nitra Region
) Dlhá Ves
(Košice Region
) Dlhá
(Trnava Region
) Dlhé Klčovo
(Prešov Region
) Dlhé Pole
(Žilina Region
) Dlhé Stráže
(Prešov Region
) Dlhoňa
(Prešov Region
) Dlžín
(Trenčín Region
) Dobrá Voda
(Trnava Region
) Dobrá
(Košice Region
) Dobroč
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Dobrohošť
(Trnava Region
) Dobroslava
(Prešov Region
) Dobšiná
(Košice Region
) Dohňany
(Trenčín Region
) Dojč
(Trnava Region
) Doľany
(Bratislava Region
) Doľany
(Prešov Region
) Dolinka
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Dolná Breznica
(Trenčín Region
) Dolná Krupá
(Trnava Region
) Dolná Lehota
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Dolná Mariková
(Trenčín Region
) Dolná Poruba
(Trenčín Region
) Dolná Seč
(Nitra Region
) Dolná Streda
(Trnava Region
) Dolná Strehová
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Dolná Súča
(Trenčín Region
) Dolná Tižina
(Žilina Region
) Dolná Trnávka
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Dolná Ves
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Dolná Ždaňa
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Dolné Dubové
(Trnava Region
) Dolné Kočkovce
(Trenčín Region
) Dolné Lefantovce
(Nitra Region
) Dolné Lovčice
(Trnava Region
) Dolné Mladonice
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Dolné Naštice
(Trenčín Region
) Dolné Obdokovce
(Nitra Region
) Dolné Orešany
(Trnava Region
) Dolné Otrokovce
(Trnava Region
) Dolné Plachtince
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Dolné Saliby
(Trnava Region
) Dolné Semerovce
(Nitra Region
) Dolné Srnie
(Trenčín Region
) Dolné Strháre
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Dolné Trhovište
(Trnava Region
) Dolné Vestenice
(Trenčín Region
) Dolné Zahorany
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Dolné Zelenice
(Trnava Region
) Dolný Badín
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Dolný Bar
(Trnava Region
) Dolný Hričov
(Žilina Region
) Dolný Chotár
(Trnava Region
) Dolný Kalník
(Žilina Region
) Dolný Kubín
(Žilina Region
) Dolný Lieskov
(Trenčín Region
) Dolný Lopašov
(Trnava Region
) Dolný Ohaj
(Nitra Region
) Dolný Pial
(Nitra Region
) Dolný Štál
(Trnava Region
) Dolný Vadičov
(Žilina Region
) Domadice
(Nitra Region
) Domaníky
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Domaniža
(Trenčín Region
) Domaňovce
(Prešov Region
) Donovaly
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Drábsko
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Drahňov
(Košice Region
) Drahovce
(Trnava Region
) Dravce
(Prešov Region
) Dražice (Banská Bystrica Region
) Dražkovce
(Žilina Region
) Drážovce (Banská Bystrica Region
) Drienčany
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Drienica
(Prešov Region
) Drienov
(Prešov Region
) Drienovec
(Košice Region
) Drienovo
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Drienovská Nová Ves
(Prešov Region
) Drietoma
(Trenčín Region
) Drňa
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Drnava
(Košice Region
) Družstevná pri Hornáde
(Košice Region
) Drženice
(Nitra Region
) Držkovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ďubákovo
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Dubinné
(Prešov Region
) Dubnica nad Váhom
(Trenčín Region
) Dubnička
(Trenčín Region
) Dubník
(Nitra Region
) Dubno (Banská Bystrica Region
) Dubodiel
(Trenčín Region
) Dubová
(Bratislava Region
) Dubová
(Prešov Region
) Dubovany
(Trnava Region
) Dubovce
(Trnava Region
) Dubové
(Žilina Region
) Dubovec
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Dubovica
(Prešov Region
) Dúbrava
(Prešov Region
) Dúbrava
(Žilina Region
) Dúbravka
(Košice Region
) Dúbravy
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ducové
(Trnava Region
) Dudince
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Dukovce
(Prešov Region
) Dulov
(Trenčín Region
) Dulova Ves
(Prešov Region
) Dulovce
(Nitra Region
) Dulovo (Banská Bystrica Region
) Dunajov
(Žilina Region
) Dunajská Lužná
(Bratislava Region
) Gajary
(Bratislava Region
) Dunajská Streda
(Trnava Region
) Dunajský Klátov
(Trnava Region
) Ďurčiná
(Žilina Region
) Ďurďoš
(Prešov Region
) Ďurďošík
(Košice Region
) Ďurďové
(Trenčín Region
) Ďurkov
(Košice Region
) Ďurková
(Prešov Region
) Ďurkovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Dvorany nad Nitrou
(Nitra Region
) Dvorec
(Trenčín Region
) Dvorianky
(Košice Region
) Dvorníky
(Trnava Region
) Dvorníky-Včeláre
(Košice Region
) Dvory nad Žitavou
(Nitra Region
) Egreš
(Košice Region
) Fačkov
(Žilina Region
) Falkušovce
(Košice Region
) Farná
(Nitra Region
) Fekišovce
(Košice Region
) Figa
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Fijaš
(Prešov Region
) Fiľakovo
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Fiľakovské Kováče
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Fintice
(Prešov Region
) Folkušová
(Žilina Region
) Forbasy
(Prešov Region
) Frička
(Prešov Region
) Fričkovce
(Prešov Region
) Fričovce
(Prešov Region
) Fulianka
(Prešov Region
) Gabčíkovo
(Trnava Region
) Gaboltov
(Prešov Region
) Galanta
(Trnava Region
) Galovany
(Žilina Region
) Gáň
(Trnava Region
) Gánovce
(Prešov Region
) Gbeľany
(Žilina Region
) Gbelce
(Nitra Region
) Gbely
(Trnava Region
) Geča
(Košice Region
) Gelnica
(Košice Region
) Gemer (village) (Banská Bystrica Region
) Gemerček
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Gemerská Hôrka
(Košice Region
) Gemerská Panica
(Košice Region
) Gemerská Poloma
(Košice Region
) Gemerská Ves
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Gemerské Dechtáre
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Gemerské Michalovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Gemerské Teplice
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Gemerský Jablonec
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Gemerský Sad
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Geraltov
(Prešov Region
) Gerlachov, Bardejov District
(Prešov Region
) Gerlachov, Poprad District
(Prešov Region
) Giglovce
(Prešov Region
) Giraltovce
(Prešov Region
) Girovce
(Prešov Region
) Glabušovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Gočaltovo
(Košice Region
) Gočovo
(Košice Region
) Golianovo
(Nitra Region
) Gortva
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Gôtovany
(Žilina Region
) Granč-Petrovce
(Prešov Region
) Gregorova Vieska
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Gregorovce
(Prešov Region
) Gyňov
(Košice Region
) Habovka
(Žilina Region
) Habura
(Prešov Region
) Hačava
(Košice Region
) Háj
(Košice Region
) Háj (Žilina Region
) Hajná Nová Ves
(Nitra Region
) Hajnáčka
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hájske
(Nitra Region
) Hajtovka
(Prešov Region
) Haláčovce
(Trenčín Region
) Halič
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Haligovce
(Prešov Region
) Haluzice
(Trenčín Region
) Hamuliakovo
(Bratislava Region
) Handlová
(Trenčín Region
) Hanigovce
(Prešov Region
) Haniska (Košice Region
) Haniska
(Prešov Region
) Hanková
(Košice Region
) Hankovce (Prešov Region
) Hanušovce nad Topľou
(Prešov Region
) Harakovce
(Prešov Region
) Harhaj
(Prešov Region
) Harichovce
(Košice Region
) Hatalov
(Košice Region
) Hatné
(Trenčín Region
) Havka
(Prešov Region
) Havranec
(Prešov Region
) Hažín
(Košice Region
) Hažlín
(Prešov Region
) Helcmanovce
(Košice Region
) Heľpa
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Henckovce
(Košice Region
) Henclová
(Košice Region
) Hencovce
(Prešov Region
) Hendrichovce
(Prešov Region
) Herľany
(Košice Region
) Hermanovce nad Topľou
(Prešov Region
) Hermanovce
(Prešov Region
) Hertník
(Prešov Region
) Hervartov
(Prešov Region
) Hincovce
(Košice Region
) Hladovka
(Žilina Region
) Hlboké nad Váhom
(Žilina Region
) Hlboké
(Trnava Region
) Hliník nad Hronom
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hlinné
(Prešov Region
) Hlivištia
(Košice Region
) Hlohovec (Trnava Region
) Hniezdne
(Prešov Region
) Hnilčík
(Košice Region
) Hnilec
(Košice Region
) Hnojné
(Košice Region
) Hnúšťa
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hodejov
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hodejovec
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hodkovce
(Košice Region
) Hodruša-Hámre
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hokovce
(Nitra Region
) Holčíkovce
(Prešov Region
) Holiare
(Nitra Region
) Holice (Trnava Region
) Holíč
(Trnava Region
) Holiša
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Holumnica
(Prešov Region
) Honce
(Košice Region
) Hontianska Vrbica
(Nitra Region
) Hontianske Moravce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hontianske Nemce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hontianske Tesáre
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hontianske Trsťany
(Nitra Region
) Horná Breznica
(Trenčín Region
) Horná Kráľová
(Nitra Region
) Horná Krupá
(Trnava Region
) Horná Lehota (Banská Bystrica Region
) Horná Lehota
(Žilina Region
) Horná Mariková
(Trenčín Region
) Horná Poruba
(Trenčín Region
) Horná Potôň
(Trnava Region
) Horná Seč
(Nitra Region
) Horná Streda
(Trenčín Region
) Horná Strehová
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Horná Súča
(Trenčín Region
) Horná Štubňa
(Žilina Region
) Horná Ves
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Horná Ves
(Trenčín Region
) Horná Ždaňa
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Horňa
(Košice Region
) Horňany
(Trenčín Region
) Horné Dubové
(Trnava Region
) Horné Hámre
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Horné Chlebany
(Nitra Region
) Horné Lefantovce
(Nitra Region
) Horné Mladonice
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Horné Mýto
(Trnava Region
) Horné Naštice
(Trenčín Region
) Horné Obdokovce
(Nitra Region
) Horné Orešany
(Trnava Region
) Horné Otrokovce
(Trnava Region
) Horné Plachtince
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Horné Saliby
(Trnava Region
) Horné Semerovce
(Nitra Region
) Horné Srnie
(Trenčín Region
) Horné Strháre
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Horné Štitáre
(Nitra Region
) Horné Trhovište
(Trnava Region
) Horné Turovce
(Nitra Region
) Horné Vestenice
(Trenčín Region
) Horné Zahorany
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Horné Zelenice
(Trnava Region
) Horný Badín
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Horný Bar
(Trnava Region
) Horný Hričov
(Žilina Region
) Horný Kalník
(Žilina Region
) Horný Lieskov
(Trenčín Region
) Horný Pial
(Nitra Region
) Horný Tisovník
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Horný Vadičov
(Žilina Region
) Horovce
(Košice Region
) Horovce
(Trenčín Region
) Hoste
(Trnava Region
) Hostice
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hostie
(Nitra Region
) Hostišovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hosťová
(Nitra Region
) Hosťovce (Košice Region
) Hosťovce
(Nitra Region
) Hozelec
(Prešov Region
) Hôrka nad Váhom
(Trenčín Region
) Hôrka
(Prešov Region
) Hôrky
(Žilina Region
) Hrabičov
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hrabkov
(Prešov Region
) Hrabovčík
(Prešov Region
) Hrabovec
(Prešov Region
) Hrabovka
(Trenčín Region
) Hrabské
(Prešov Region
) Hrabušice
(Košice Region
) Hradisko
(Prešov Region
) Hradište pod Vrátnom
(Trnava Region
) Hradište (Banská Bystrica Region
) Hradište (Trenčín Region
) Hrádok
(Trenčín Region
) Hrachovište
(Trenčín Region
) Hrachovo
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hraň
(Košice Region
) Hraničné
(Prešov Region
) Hranovnica
(Prešov Region
) Hrašné
(Trenčín Region
) Hrašovík
(Košice Region
) Hrčeľ
(Košice Region
) Hrhov
(Košice Region
) Hriadky
(Košice Region
) Hričovské Podhradie
(Žilina Region
) Hriňová
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hrišovce
(Košice Region
) Hrkovce
(Nitra Region
) Hrlica
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hrnčiarovce nad Parnou
(Trnava Region
) Hrnčiarska Ves
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hrnčiarske Zalužany
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hromoš
(Prešov Region
) Hronec
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hronovce
(Nitra Region
) Hronská Dúbrava
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hronské Kľačany
(Nitra Region
) Hronské Kosihy
(Nitra Region
) Hrubá Borša
(Bratislava Region
) Hruboňovo
(Nitra Region
) Hrubý Šúr
(Bratislava Region
) Hrušov
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hrušov
(Košice Region
) Hrušovany (Nitra Region
) Hrušovo
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hruštín
(Žilina Region
) Hubice
(Trnava Region
) Hubina
(Trnava Region
) Hubošovce
(Prešov Region
) Hubová
(Žilina Region
) Hubovo
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hucín
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hul
(Nitra Region
) Huncovce
(Prešov Region
) Hunkovce
(Prešov Region
) Hurbanova Ves
(Bratislava Region
) Igram
(Bratislava Region
) Hurbanovo
(Nitra Region
) Husák
(Košice Region
) Husiná
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Hutka
(Prešov Region
) Huty
(Žilina Region
) Hviezdoslavov
(Trnava Region
) Hvozdnica
(Žilina Region
) Hybe
(Žilina Region
) Hýľov
(Košice Region
) Chanava
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Chľaba
(Nitra Region
) Chlebnice
(Žilina Region
) Chmeľnica
(Prešov Region
) Chmeľov
(Prešov Region
) Chmeľová
(Prešov Region
) Chmeľovec
(Prešov Region
) Chmiňany
(Prešov Region
) Chminianska Nová Ves
(Prešov Region
) Chminianske Jakubovany
(Prešov Region
) Choča
(Nitra Region
) Chocholná-Velčice
(Trenčín Region
) Choňkovce
(Košice Region
) Chorvátsky Grob
(Bratislava Region
) Chorváty
(Košice Region
) Chotín
(Nitra Region
) Chrabrany
(Nitra Region
) Chrámec
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Chrasť nad Hornádom
(Košice Region
) Chrastince
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Chrastné
(Košice Region
) Chrenovec-Brusno
(Trenčín Region
) Chropov
(Trnava Region
) Chrťany
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Chtelnica
(Trnava Region
) Chudá Lehota
(Trenčín Region
) Chvalová
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Chvojnica
(Trenčín Region
) Chvojnica
(Trenčín Region
) Chynorany
(Trenčín Region
) Chyžné
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ihľany
(Prešov Region
) Ihráč
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ilava
(Trenčín Region
) Iliašovce
(Košice Region
) Ilija (Banská Bystrica Region
) Imeľ
(Nitra Region
) Iňa
(Nitra Region
) Iňačovce
(Košice Region
) Inovce
(Košice Region
) Ipeľské Predmostie
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ipeľské Úľany
(Nitra Region
) Ipeľský Sokolec
(Nitra Region
) Istebné
(Žilina Region
) Ivachnová
(Žilina Region
) Ivančiná
(Žilina Region
) Ivanice
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ivanka pri Dunaji
(Bratislava Region
) Ivanka pri Nitre
(Nitra Region
) Ivanovce
(Trenčín Region
) Iža
(Nitra Region
) Ižipovce
(Žilina Region
) Ižkovce
(Košice Region
) Jablonec (Bratislava Region
) Jablonica
(Trnava Region
) Jablonka
(Trenčín Region
) Jablonov nad Turňou
(Košice Region
) Jablonov
(Prešov Region
) Jabloňovce
(Nitra Region
) Jablonové
(Bratislava Region
) Jablonové
(Žilina Region
) Jacovce
(Nitra Region
) Jahodná
(Trnava Region
) Jaklovce
(Košice Region
) Jakovany
(Prešov Region
) Jakubany
(Prešov Region
) Jakubov
(Bratislava Region
) Jakubova Voľa
(Prešov Region
) Jakubovany (Prešov Region
) Jakubovany (Žilina Region
) Jalovec (Trenčín Region
) Jalovec (Žilina Region
) Jalšové
(Trnava Region
) Jalšovík
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Jamník (Košice Region
) Jamník (Žilina Region
) Janice, Rimavská Sobota (Banská Bystrica Region
) Janík
(Košice Region
) Janíky
(Trnava Region
) Janov (Prešov Region
) Janova Lehota
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Janovce
(Prešov Region
) Jánovce
(Prešov Region
) Jánovce
(Trnava Region
) Janovík
(Prešov Region
) Jarabá
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Jarabina
(Prešov Region
) Jarok
(Nitra Region
) Jarovnice
(Prešov Region
) Jasenica
(Trenčín Region
) Jasenie
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Jasenov
(Prešov Region
) Jasenov
(Košice Region
) Jasenová
(Žilina Region
) Jasenovce
(Prešov Region
) Jasenové
(Žilina Region
) Jasenovo
(Žilina Region
) Jaslovské Bohunice
(Trnava Region
) Jasov
(Košice Region
) Jasová
(Nitra Region
) Jastrabá
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Jastrabie nad Topľou
(Prešov Region
) Jastrabie pri Michalovciach
(Košice Region
) Jatov
(Nitra Region
) Javorina
(Prešov Region
) Jazernica
(Žilina Region
) Jedlinka
(Prešov Region
) Jedľové Kostoľany
(Nitra Region
) Jelenec
(Nitra Region
) Jelka
(Trnava Region
) Jelšava
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Jelšovce
(Nitra Region
) Jelšovec
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Jenkovce
(Košice Region
) Jesenské (Banská Bystrica Region
) Jesenské
(Nitra Region
) Jestice
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ješkova Ves
(Trenčín Region
) Jezersko (Prešov Region
) Jovice
(Košice Region
) Jovsa
(Košice Region
) Jur nad Hronom
(Nitra Region
) Jurkova Voľa
(Prešov Region
) Jurová
(Trnava Region
) Jurské
(Prešov Region
) Juskova Voľa
(Prešov Region
) Kačanov
(Košice Region
) Kajal
(Trnava Region
) Kaľamenová
(Žilina Region
) Kalameny
(Žilina Region
) Kaľava
(Košice Region
) Kalinkovo
(Bratislava Region
) Kalinov (Prešov Region
) Kalinovo
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Kalná nad Hronom
(Nitra Region
) Kalnica
(Trenčín Region
) Kalnište
(Prešov Region
) Kalonda
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Kaloša
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Kalša
(Košice Region
) Kaluža
(Košice Region
) Kamanová
(Nitra Region
) Kameňany
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Kamenec pod Vtáčnikom
(Trenčín Region
) Kamenica nad Hronom
(Nitra Region
) Kamenica (Prešov Region
) Kameničany
(Trenčín Region
) Kameničná
(Nitra Region
) Kamenín
(Nitra Region
) Kamenná Poruba
(Prešov Region
) Kamenná Poruba
(Žilina Region
) Kamenné Kosihy
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Kamenný Most
(Nitra Region
) Kamienka, Humenné District
(Prešov Region
) Kamienka, Stará Ľubovňa District
(Prešov Region
) Kanianka
(Trenčín Region
) Kapince
(Nitra Region
) Kapišová
(Prešov Region
) Kaplná
(Bratislava Region
) Kapušany
(Prešov Region
) Kapušianske Kľačany
(Košice Region
) Karlová
(Žilina Region
) Kašov
(Košice Region
) Kátlovce
(Trnava Region
) Kátov
(Trnava Region
) Kazimír
(Košice Region
) Kecerovce
(Košice Region
) Kecerovský Lipovec
(Košice Region
) Kečkovce
(Prešov Region
) Kečovo
(Košice Region
) Kechnec
(Košice Region
) Kendice
(Prešov Region
) Kesovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Keť
(Nitra Region
) Kežmarok
(Prešov Region
) Kiarov
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Kľačany
(Trnava Region
) Kľače
(Žilina Region
) Kľačno
(Trenčín Region
) Kladzany
(Prešov Region
) Kľak
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Klasov
(Nitra Region
) Kláštor pod Znievom
(Žilina Region
) Klátova Nová Ves
(Trenčín Region
) Klčov
(Prešov Region
) Kleňany
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Klenov
(Prešov Region
) Klenovec
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Klieština
(Trenčín Region
) Klin nad Bodrogom
(Košice Region
) Klin
(Žilina Region
) Klížska Nemá
(Nitra Region
) Klokoč
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Klokočov
(Košice Region
) Klokočov
(Žilina Region
) Klubina
(Žilina Region
) Kľúčovec
(Trnava Region
) Kluknava
(Košice Region
) Kľušov
(Prešov Region
) Kmeťovo
(Nitra Region
) Kobeliarovo
(Košice Region
) Kobylnice
(Prešov Region
) Kobyly
(Prešov Region
) Koceľovce
(Košice Region
) Kociha
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Kocurany
(Trenčín Region
) Kočín-Lančár
(Trnava Region
) Kočovce
(Trenčín Region
) Kochanovce, Bardejov District
(Prešov Region
) Kochanovce, Humenné District
(Prešov Region
) Kojatice
(Prešov Region
) Kojšov
(Košice Region
) Kokava nad Rimavicou
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Kokošovce
(Prešov Region
) Kokšov-Bakša
(Košice Region
) Kolačkov
(Prešov Region
) Kolačno
(Trenčín Region
) Koláre
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Kolárovice
(Žilina Region
) Kolárovo
(Nitra Region
) Kolibabovce
(Košice Region
) Kolíňany
(Nitra Region
) Kolinovce
(Košice Region
) Kolta
(Nitra Region
) Komárany
(Prešov Region
) Komárno
(Nitra Region
) Komárov
(Prešov Region
) Komárovce
(Košice Region
) Komjatice
(Nitra Region
) Komjatná
(Žilina Region
) Komoča
(Nitra Region
) Koniarovce
(Nitra Region
) Konrádovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Konská
(Žilina Region
) Konská
(Žilina Region
) Koňuš
(Košice Region
) Kopčany
(Trnava Region
) Kopernica
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Koplotovce
(Trnava Region
) Koprivnica (Prešov Region
) Korejovce
(Prešov Region
) Korňa
(Žilina Region
) Koromľa
(Košice Region
) Korytárky
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Korytné
(Prešov Region
) Kosihovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Kosihy nad Ipľom
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Kosorín
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Kostoľany pod Tribečom
(Nitra Region
) Kostolec
(Trenčín Region
) Kostolište
(Bratislava Region
) Kostolná pri Dunaji
(Bratislava Region
) Kostolná Ves
(Trenčín Region
) Kostolná-Záriečie
(Trenčín Region
) Kostolné Kračany
(Trnava Region
) Kostolné
(Trenčín Region
) Koš
(Trenčín Region
) Košariská
(Trenčín Region
) Košeca
(Trenčín Region
) Košecké Podhradie
(Trenčín Region
) Košice
(Košice Region
) Košická Belá
(Košice Region
) Košická Polianka
(Košice Region
) Košické Oľšany
(Košice Region
) Košický Klečenov
(Košice Region
) Košolná
(Trnava Region
) Košťany nad Turcom
(Žilina Region
) Košúty
(Trnava Region
) Kotešová
(Žilina Region
) Kotmanová
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Kotrčiná Lúčka
(Žilina Region
) Kováčová (Košice Region
) Kováčová
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Kováčovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Koválov
(Trnava Region
) Koválovec
(Trnava Region
) Kovarce
(Nitra Region
) Kozárovce
(Nitra Region
) Kozelník
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Kozí Vrbovok
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Kožany
(Prešov Region
) Kožuchov
(Košice Region
) Kračúnovce
(Prešov Region
) Krahule
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Krajná Bystrá
(Prešov Region
) Krajná Poľana
(Prešov Region
) Krajná Porúbka
(Prešov Region
) Krajné Čierno
(Prešov Region
) Krajné
(Trenčín Region
) Krakovany (Trnava Region
) Kráľ
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Kráľov Brod
(Trnava Region
) Kráľova Lehota
(Žilina Region
) Kráľová nad Váhom
(Nitra Region
) Kráľová pri Senci
(Bratislava Region
) Kraľovany
(Žilina Region
) Kráľovce
(Košice Region
) Kráľovce-Krnišov
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Kráľovičove Kračany
(Trnava Region
) Kráľovský Chlmec
(Košice Region
) Krásna Lúka
(Prešov Region
) Krásna Ves
(Trenčín Region
) Krasňany
(Žilina Region
) Krásno nad Kysucou
(Žilina Region
) Krásno
(Trenčín Region
) Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka
(Košice Region
) Krásnohorské Podhradie
(Košice Region
) Krásnovce
(Košice Region
) Krásny Brod
(Prešov Region
) Kravany nad Dunajom
(Nitra Region
) Kravany
(Košice Region
) Kravany (Prešov Region
) Krčava
(Košice Region
) Kremná
(Prešov Region
) Kremnica
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Kremnické Bane
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Kristy
(Košice Region
) Krišovská Liesková
(Košice Region
) Krivá
(Žilina Region
) Kriváň (village)
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Krivany
(Prešov Region
) Krivé
(Prešov Region
) Krivoklát (Trenčín Region
) Krivosúd-Bodovka
(Trenčín Region
) Kríže
(Prešov Region
) Krížová Ves
(Prešov Region
) Križovany nad Dudváhom
(Trnava Region
) Križovany
(Prešov Region
) Krná
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Krnča
(Nitra Region
) Krokava
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Krompachy
(Košice Region
) Krpeľany
(Žilina Region
) Krškany
(Nitra Region
) Krtovce
(Nitra Region
) Krupina
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Krušetnica
(Žilina Region
) Krušovce
(Nitra Region
) Kružlov
(Prešov Region
) Kružlová
(Prešov Region
) Kružná
(Košice Region
) Kružno
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Kšinná
(Trenčín Region
) Kubáňovo
(Nitra Region
) Kučín
(Prešov Region
) Kučín
(Prešov Region
) Kuchyňa
(Bratislava Region
) Kuklov
(Trnava Region
) Kuková
(Prešov Region
) Kukučínov
(Nitra Region
) Kunerad
(Žilina Region
) Kunešov
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Kunova Teplica
(Košice Region
) Kuraľany
(Nitra Region
) Kurima
(Prešov Region
) Kurimany
(Prešov Region
) Kurimka
(Prešov Region
) Kurov
(Prešov Region
) Kusín
(Košice Region
) Kútniky
(Trnava Region
) Kúty
(Trnava Region
) Kuzmice
(Košice Region
) Kuzmice (Nitra Region
) Kvačany
(Prešov Region
) Kvačany
(Žilina Region
) Bešeňová
(Žilina Region
) Kvakovce
(Prešov Region
) Kvašov
(Trenčín Region
) Kvetoslavov
(Trnava Region
) Kyjatice
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Kyjov
(Prešov Region
) Kysak
(Košice Region
) Kyselica
(Trnava Region
) Kysta
(Košice Region
) Kysucké Nové Mesto
(Žilina Region
) Kysucký Lieskovec
(Žilina Region
) Láb
(Bratislava Region
) Lackov
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Lacková
(Prešov Region
) Lada (Prešov Region
) Ladce
(Trenčín Region
) Ladice
(Nitra Region
) Ladmovce
(Košice Region
) Ladomeská Vieska
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ladomírová
(Prešov Region
) Ladzany
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Lakšárska Nová Ves
(Trnava Region
) Lascov
(Prešov Region
) Laskár
(Žilina Region
) Lastomír
(Košice Region
) Lastovce
(Košice Region
) Laškovce
(Košice Region
) Látky
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Lazany
(Trenčín Region
) Lazisko
(Žilina Region
) Lazy pod Makytou
(Trenčín Region
) Lažany
(Prešov Region
) Lednica (Trenčín Region
) Lednické Rovne
(Trenčín Region
) Legnava
(Prešov Region
) Lehnice
(Trnava Region
) Lehota nad Rimavicou
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Lehota pod Vtáčnikom
(Trenčín Region
) Lehota
(Nitra Region
) Lehôtka pod Brehmi
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Lehôtka
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Lechnica
(Prešov Region
) Lekárovce
(Košice Region
) Leľa
(Nitra Region
) Leles
(Košice Region
) Lemešany
(Prešov Region
) Lenartov
(Prešov Region
) Lenartovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Lendak
(Prešov Region
) Lenka
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Lentvora
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Leopoldov
(Trnava Region
) Lesenice
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Lesíček
(Prešov Region
) Lesné
(Košice Region
) Lesnica
(Prešov Region
) Lešť
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Leštiny
(Žilina Region
) Letanovce
(Košice Region
) Letničie
(Trnava Region
) Leváre
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Levice
(Nitra Region
) Levkuška
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Levoča
(Prešov Region
) Ležiachov
(Žilina Region
) Libichava
(Trenčín Region
) Licince
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ličartovce
(Prešov Region
) Liesek
(Žilina Region
) Lieskovany
(Košice Region
) Liešno
(Žilina Region
) Liešťany
(Trenčín Region
) Lietava
(Žilina Region
) Lietavská Lúčka
(Žilina Region
) Lietavská Svinná-Babkov
(Žilina Region
) Likavka
(Žilina Region
) Limbach
(Bratislava Region
) Lipany
(Prešov Region
) Lipník
(Trenčín Region
) Lipníky
(Prešov Region
) Lipová
(Nitra Region
) Lipová (Prešov Region
) Lipovany
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Lipovce
(Prešov Region
) Lipové
(Nitra Region
) Lipovec
(Žilina Region
) Lipovec, Rimavská Sobota (Banská Bystrica Region
) Lipovník
(Košice Region
) Lipovník (Nitra Region
) Liptovská Anna
(Žilina Region
) Liptovská Kokava
(Žilina Region
) Liptovská Lúžna
(Žilina Region
) Liptovská Osada
(Žilina Region
) Liptovská Porúbka
(Žilina Region
) Liptovská Sielnica
(Žilina Region
) Liptovská Štiavnica
(Žilina Region
) Liptovská Teplá
(Žilina Region
) Liptovská Teplička
(Prešov Region
) Liptovské Beharovce
(Žilina Region
) Liptovské Kľačany
(Žilina Region
) Liptovské Matiašovce
(Žilina Region
) Liptovské Revúce
(Žilina Region
) Liptovské Sliače
(Žilina Region
) Liptovský Hrádok
(Žilina Region
) Liptovský Ján
(Žilina Region
) Liptovský Michal
(Žilina Region
) Liptovský Mikuláš
(Žilina Region
) Liptovský Ondrej
(Žilina region
) Liptovský Peter
(Žilina Region
) Liptovský Trnovec
(Žilina Region
) Lisková
(Žilina Region
) Lišov (Banská Bystrica Region
) Litava
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Litmanová
(Prešov Region
) Livina
(Trenčín Region
) Livinské Opatovce
(Trenčín Region
) Livov
(Prešov Region
) Livovská Huta
(Prešov Region
) Lodno
(Žilina Region
) Lok
(Nitra Region
) Lokca
(Žilina Region
) Lom nad Rimavicou
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Lomná (Žilina Region
) Lomnička (Prešov Region
) Lontov
(Nitra Region
) Lopašov
(Trnava Region
) Lopúchov
(Prešov Region
) Lopušné Pažite
(Žilina Region
) Lošonec
(Trnava Region
) Lovce
(Nitra Region
) Lovča
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Lovčica-Trubín
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Lovinobaňa
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Lozorno
(Bratislava Region
) Ložín
(Košice Region
) Ľubá
(Nitra Region
) Ľubeľa
(Žilina Region
) Lubeník
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ľubica
(Prešov Region
) Lubina
(Trenčín Region
) Ľubochňa
(Žilina Region
) Ľuboreč
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ľuboriečka
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ľubotice
(Prešov Region
) Ľubotín
(Prešov Region
) Ľubovec
(Prešov Region
) Lúč na Ostrove
(Trnava Region
) Lučenec
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Lúčina
(Prešov Region
) Lučivná
(Prešov Region
) Lúčka
(Košice Region
) Lúčka
(Prešov Region
) Lúčka
(Prešov Region
) Lúčka
(Prešov Region
) Lúčky
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Lúčky
(Košice Region
) Lúčky
(Žilina Region
) Lúčnica nad Žitavou
(Nitra Region
) Ludanice
(Nitra Region
) Ľudovítová
(Nitra Region
) Ludrová
(Žilina Region
) Luhyňa
(Košice Region
) Lúka
(Trenčín Region
) Lukáčovce
(Nitra Region
) Lukavica
(Prešov Region
) Lukov
(Prešov Region
) Lukovištia
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Lúky
(Trenčín Region
) Lula (Nitra Region
) Lupoč
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Lutila
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ľutina
(Prešov Region
) Lutiše
(Žilina Region
) Ľutov
(Trenčín Region
) Lužany pri Topli
(Prešov Region
) Lužany
(Nitra Region
) Lužianky
(Nitra Region
) Lysá pod Makytou
(Trenčín Region
) Lysica
(Žilina Region
) Macov
(Trnava Region
) Mad
(Trnava Region
) Madunice
(Trnava Region
) Magnezitovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Machulince
(Nitra Region
) Majcichov
(Trnava Region
) Majere (Prešov Region
) Majerovce
(Prešov Region
) Makov
(Žilina Region
) Malá Čalomija
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Malá Čausa
(Trenčín Region
) Malá Čierna
(Žilina Region
) Malá Domaša
(Prešov Region
) Malá Franková
(Prešov Region
) Malá Hradná
(Trenčín Region
) Malá Ida
(Košice Region
) Malá Lehota
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Malá Lodina
(Košice Region
) Malá nad Hronom
(Nitra Region
) Malá Tŕňa
(Košice Region
) Malacky
(Bratislava Region
) Málaš
(Nitra Region
) Malatiná
(Žilina Region
) Malatíny
(Žilina Region
) Malcov
(Prešov Region
) Malčice
(Košice Region
) Malé Borové
(Žilina Region
) Malé Dvorníky
(Trnava Region
) Malé Hoste
(Trenčín Region
) Malé Chyndice
(Nitra Region
) Malé Kosihy
(Nitra Region
) Malé Kozmálovce
(Nitra Region
) Malé Kršteňany
(Trenčín Region
) Malé Lednice
(Trenčín Region
) Malé Leváre
(Bratislava Region
) Malé Ludince
(Nitra Region
) Malé Ozorovce
(Košice Region
) Malé Raškovce
(Košice Region
) Malé Ripňany
(Nitra Region
) Malé Straciny
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Malé Trakany
(Košice Region
) Malé Uherce
(Trenčín Region
) Malé Vozokany
(Nitra Region
) Malé Zálužie
(Nitra Region
) Malé Zlievce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Málinec
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Malinová
(Trenčín Region
) Malinovo
(Bratislava Region
) Malužiná
(Žilina Region
) Malý Cetín
(Nitra Region
) Malý Čepčín
(Žilina Region
) Malý Horeš
(Košice Region
) Malý Kamenec
(Košice Region
) Malý Krtíš
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Malý Lapáš
(Nitra Region
) Malý Lipník
(Prešov Region
) Malý Slavkov
(Prešov Region
) Malý Slivník
(Prešov Region
) Malý Šariš
(Prešov Region
) Malženice
(Trnava Region
) Maňa
(Nitra Region
) Mankovce
(Nitra Region
) Marcelová
(Nitra Region
) Margecany
(Košice Region
) Marhaň
(Prešov Region
) Marianka
(Bratislava Region
) Markovce
(Košice Region
) Markuška
(Košice Region
) Markušovce
(Košice Region
) Maršová-Rašov
(Žilina Region
) Martin nad Žitavou
(Nitra Region
) Martin
(Žilina Region
) Martinček
(Žilina Region
) Martinová
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Martovce
(Nitra Region
) Mašková
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Matejovce (Košice Region
) Matiaška
(Prešov Region
) Matiašovce
(Prešov Region
) Matovce
(Prešov Region
) Maťovské Vojkovce
(Košice Region
) Matúškovo
(Trnava Region
) Matysová
(Prešov Region
) Medovarce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Medvedie
(Prešov Region
) Medveďov
(Trnava Region
) Medzany
(Prešov Region
) Medzev
(Košice Region
) Medzianky
(Prešov Region
) Medzibrodie nad Oravou
(Žilina Region
) Medzilaborce
(Prešov Region
) Melčice-Lieskové
(Trenčín Region
) Melek
(Nitra Region
) Meliata
(Košice Region
) Mengusovce
(Prešov Region
) Merašice
(Trnava Region
) Merník
(Prešov Region
) Mestečko
(Trenčín Region
) Mestisko
(Prešov Region
) Mičakovce
(Prešov Region
) Mierovo
(Trnava Region
) Miezgovce
(Trenčín Region
) Michal na Ostrove
(Trnava Region
) Michal nad Žitavou
(Nitra Region
) Michaľany
(Košice Region
) Michalok
(Prešov Region
) Michalová
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Michalovce
(Košice Region
) Miklušovce
(Prešov Region
) Mikulášová
(Prešov Region
) Mikušovce (Trenčín Region
) Milhosť (Košice Region
) Miloslavov
(Bratislava Region
) Milpoš
(Prešov Region
) Mirkovce
(Prešov Region
) Miroľa
(Prešov Region
) Mládzovo
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Mlynárovce
(Prešov Region
) Mlynčeky
(Prešov Region
) Mlynica
(Prešov Region
) Mlynky
(Košice Region
) Mníchova Lehota
(Trenčín Region
) Mníšek nad Hnilcom
(Košice Region
) Mníšek nad Popradom
(Prešov Region
) Moča
(Nitra Region
) Močenok
(Nitra Region
) Močiar
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Modra
(Bratislava Region
) Modrany
(Nitra Region
) Modrová
(Trenčín Region
) Modrovka
(Trenčín Region
) Modrý Kameň
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Mojmírovce
(Nitra Region
) Mojš
(Žilina Region
) Mojtín
(Trenčín Region
) Mojzesovo
(Nitra Region
) Mokrá Lúka
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Mokrance
(Košice Region
) Mokroluh
(Prešov Region
) Nemcovce
(Prešov Region
) Mokrý Háj
(Trnava Region
) Moldava nad Bodvou (Košice Region
) Moravany nad Váhom
(Trnava Region
) Moravany
(Košice Region
) Moravské Lieskové
(Trenčín Region
) Moravský Svätý Ján
(Trnava Region
) Most pri Bratislave
(Bratislava Region
) Mostová
(Trnava Region
) Moškovec
(Žilina Region
) Mošovce
(Žilina Region
) Mošurov
(Prešov Region
) Motešice
(Trenčín Region
) Mučín
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Mudroňovo
(Nitra Region
) Mudrovce
(Košice Region
) Muľa
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Muráň
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Muránska Dlhá Lúka
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Muránska Huta
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Muránska Lehota
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Muránska Zdychava
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Mútne
(Žilina Region
) Mužla
(Nitra Region
) Myjava
(Trenčín Region
) Mýtna
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Mýtne Ludany
(Nitra Region
) Mýto pod Ďumbierom
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Nacina Ves
(Košice Region
) Nadlice
(Trenčín Region
) Ňagov
(Prešov Region
) Naháč
(Trnava Region
) Nálepkovo
(Košice Region
) Námestovo
(Žilina Region
) Nána (Nitra Region
) Nandraž
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ňárad
(Trnava Region
) Necpaly
(Žilina Region
) Nedanovce
(Trenčín Region
) Nedašovce
(Trenčín Region
) Neded
(Nitra Region
) Nededza
(Žilina Region
) Nedožery-Brezany
(Trenčín Region
) Nemcovce
(Prešov Region
) Nemčice
(Nitra Region
) Nemčiňany
(Nitra Region
) Nemecká
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Nemečky
(Nitra Region
) Nemešany
(Prešov Region
) Nemšová
(Trenčín Region
) Nenince
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Neporadza (Banská Bystrica Region
) Neporadza
(Trenčín Region
) Nesluša
(Žilina Region
) Nesvady
(Nitra Region
) Neverice
(Nitra Region
) Nevidzany
(Nitra Region
) Nevidzany
(Trenčín Region
) Nevoľné
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Nezbudská Lúčka
(Žilina Region
) Nimnica
(Trenčín Region
) Nitra nad Ipľom
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Nitra
(Nitra Region
) Nitrianska Blatnica
(Nitra Region
) Nitrianska Streda
(Nitra Region
) Nitrianske Hrnčiarovce
(Nitra Region
) Nitrianske Pravno
(Trenčín Region
) Nitrianske Rudno
(Trenčín Region
) Nitrianske Sučany
(Trenčín Region
) Nitrica
(Trenčín Region
) Nižná Boca
(Žilina Region
) Nižná Hutka
(Košice Region
) Nižná Jedľová
(Prešov Region
) Nižná Kamenica
(Košice Region
) Nižná Myšľa
(Košice Region
) Nižná Pisaná
(Prešov Region
) Nižná Polianka
(Prešov Region
) Nižná Rybnica
(Košice Region
) Nižná Slaná
(Košice Region
) Nižná Voľa
(Prešov Region
) Nižná
(Trnava Region
) Nižná
(Žilina Region
) Nižné Nemecké
(Košice Region
) Nižné Repaše
(Prešov Region
) Nižné Ružbachy
(Prešov Region
) Nižný Čaj
(Košice Region
) Nižný Hrabovec
(Prešov Region
) Nižný Hrušov
(Prešov Region
) Nižný Klátov
(Košice Region
) Nižný Komárnik
(Prešov Region
) Nižný Kručov
(Prešov Region
) Nižný Lánec
(Košice Region
) Nižný Mirošov
(Prešov Region
) Nižný Orlík
(Prešov Region
) Nižný Skálnik
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Nižný Slavkov
(Prešov Region
) Nižný Tvarožec
(Prešov Region
) Nižný Žipov
(Košice Region
) Nolčovo
(Žilina Region
) Norovce
(Nitra Region
) Nová Baňa
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Nová Bašta
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Nová Bošáca
(Trenčín Region
) Nová Bystrica
(Žilina Region
) Nová Dedina
(Nitra Region
) Nová Dedinka
(Bratislava Region
) Nová Dubnica
(Trenčín Region
) Nová Kelča
(Prešov Region
) Nová Lehota
(Trenčín Region
) Nová Lesná
(Prešov Region
) Nová Ľubovňa
(Prešov Region
) Nová Polhora
(Košice Region
) Nová Polianka
(Prešov Region
) Nová Ves nad Váhom
(Trenčín Region
) Nová Ves nad Žitavou
(Nitra Region
) Nová Ves (Banská Bystrica Region
) Nová Vieska
(Nitra Region
) Nováčany
(Košice Region
) Nováky
(Trenčín Region
) Nové Mesto nad Váhom
(Trenčín Region
) Nové Sady
(Nitra Region
) Nové Zámky
(Nitra Region
) Novosad
(Košice Region
) Novoť
(Žilina Region
) Nový Ruskov
(Košice Region
) Nový Salaš
(Košice Region
) Nový Tekov
(Nitra Region
) Nový Život
(Trnava Region
) Nýrovce
(Nitra Region
) Obeckov
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Obid
(Nitra Region
) Obišovce
(Košice Region
) Oborín
(Košice Region
) Obručné
(Prešov Region
) Obyce
(Nitra Region
) Očkov
(Trenčín Region
) Odorín
(Košice Region
) Ohrady
(Trnava Region
) Ochodnica
(Žilina Region
) Ochtiná
(Košice Region
) Okoč
(Trnava Region
) Okoličná na Ostrove
(Nitra Region
) Okrúhle
(Prešov Region
) Okružná
(Prešov Region
) Olcnava
(Košice Region
) Oľdza
(Trnava Region
) Olejníkov
(Prešov Region
) Olešná (Žilina Region
) Oľka
(Prešov Region
) Olováry
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Oľšavce
(Prešov Region
) Oľšavica
(Prešov Region
) Oľšavka
(Košice Region
) Oľšinkov
(Prešov Region
) Oľšov
(Prešov Region
) Olšovany
(Košice Region
) Omastiná
(Trenčín Region
) Omšenie
(Trenčín Region
) Ondavka
(Prešov Region
) Ondavské Matiašovce
(Prešov Region
) Ondrašová
(Žilina Region
) Ondrašovce
(Prešov Region
) Ondrejovce
(Nitra Region
) Opátka
(Košice Region
) Opatovce nad Nitrou
(Trenčín Region
) Opatovce
(Trenčín Region
) Opatovská Nová Ves
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Opava
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Opiná
(Košice Region
) Opoj
(Trnava Region
) Oponice
(Nitra Region
) Orávka
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Oravská Jasenica
(Žilina Region
) Oravská Lesná
(Žilina Region
) Oravská Polhora
(Žilina Region
) Oravská Poruba
(Žilina Region
) Oravské Veselé
(Žilina Region
) Oravský Biely Potok
(Žilina Region
) Oravský Podzámok
(Žilina Region
) Ordzovany
(Prešov Region
) Orechová Potôň
(Trnava Region
) Orechová
(Košice Region
) Oreské
(Košice Region
) Oreské
(Trnava Region
) Orešany
(Nitra Region
) Orlov (Prešov Region
) Orovnica
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ortuťová
(Prešov Region
) Osádka
(Žilina Region
) Osikov
(Prešov Region
) Oslany
(Trenčín Region
) Osrblie
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ostratice
(Trenčín Region
) Ostrov (Trnava Region
) Ostrov (Košice Region
) Ostrovany
(Prešov Region
) Ostrý Grúň
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Osturňa
(Prešov Region
) Osuské
(Trnava Region
) Oščadnica
(Žilina Region
) Otrhánky
(Trenčín Region
) Otročok
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ovčiarsko
(Žilina Region
) Ovčie
(Prešov Region
) Ozdín
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ožďany
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Pača
(Košice Region
) Padáň
(Trnava Region
) Padarovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Palárikovo
(Nitra Region
) Palín
(Košice Region
) Palota
(Prešov Region
) Paňa
(Nitra Region
) Panické Dravce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Paňovce
(Košice Region
) Papradno
(Trenčín Region
) Parchovany
(Košice Region
) Párnica
(Žilina Region
) Partizánska Ľupča
(Žilina Region
) Partizánske
(Trenčín Region
) Pastovce
(Nitra Region
) Pastuchov
(Trnava Region
) Pašková
(Košice Region
) Paština Závada
(Žilina Region
) Pata
(Trnava Region
) Pataš
(Trnava Region
) Patince
(Nitra Region
) Pavčina Lehota
(Žilina Region
) Pavľany
(Prešov Region
) Pavlice
(Trnava Region
) Pavlova Ves
(Žilina Region
) Pavlová
(Nitra Region
) Pavlovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Pavlovce
(Prešov Region
) Pavlovce nad Uhom
(Košice Region
) Pažiť
(Trenčín Region
) Pečeňady
(Trnava Region
) Pečeňany
(Trenčín Region
) Pečenice
(Nitra Region
) Pečovská Nová Ves
(Prešov Region
) Peder (Košice Region
) Perín-Chym
(Košice Region
) Pernek
(Bratislava Region
) Petkovce
(Prešov Region
) Petrikovce
(Košice Region
) Petrova Lehota
(Trenčín Region
) Petrova Ves
(Trnava Region
) Petrová
(Prešov Region
) Petrovany
(Prešov Region
) Petrovce nad Laborcom
(Košice Region
) Petrovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Petrovce
(Košice Region
) Petrovce
(Prešov Region
) Petrovice
(Žilina Region
) Petrovo
(Košice Region
) Pezinok
(Bratislava Region
) Piešťany
(Trnava Region
) Píla
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Píla
(Bratislava Region
) Pinkovce
(Košice Region
) Piskorovce
(Prešov Region
) Pitelová
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Plášťovce
(Nitra Region
) Plavé Vozokany
(Nitra Region
) Plavecké Podhradie
(Bratislava Region
) Plavecký Mikuláš
(Bratislava Region
) Plavecký Peter
(Trnava Region
) Plavecký Štvrtok
(Bratislava Region
) Plaveč
(Prešov Region
) Plavnica
(Prešov Region
) Plechotice
(Košice Region
) Pleš
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Plešivec (Košice Region
) Plevník-Drienové
(Trenčín Region
) Ploské (Banská Bystrica Region
) Ploské
(Košice Region
) Pobedim
(Trenčín Region
) Počarová
(Trenčín Region
) Počúvadlo
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Podbiel
(Žilina Region
) Podbranč
(Trnava Region
) Podbrezová
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Podhájska
(Nitra Region
) Podhorany
(Nitra Region
) Podhorany, Kežmarok District
(Prešov Region
) Podhorany, Prešov District
(Prešov Region
) Podhorie
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Podhorie
(Žilina Region
) Podhoroď
(Košice Region
) Podhradie (Nitra Region
) Podhradie
(Trenčín Region
) Podhradie
(Žilina Region
) Podhradík
(Prešov Region
) Podkriváň
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Podkylava
(Trenčín Region
) Podlužany
(Nitra Region
) Podlužany
(Trenčín Region
) Podolie
(Trenčín Region
) Podolínec
(Prešov Region
) Podrečany
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Podskalie
(Trenčín Region
) Podtureň
(Žilina Region
) Podvysoká
(Žilina Region
) Pohorelá
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Pohranice
(Nitra Region
) Pohronská Polhora
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Pohronský Ruskov
(Nitra Region
) Pochabany
(Trenčín Region
) Pokryváč
(Žilina Region
) Poľanovce
(Prešov Region
) Poľany
(Košice Region
) Poliakovce
(Prešov Region
) Polianka
(Trenčín Region
) Polichno
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Polina
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Poľný Kesov
(Nitra Region
) Poloma
(Prešov Region
) Polomka
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Poltár
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Poltár
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Poluvsie
(Trenčín Region
) Pongrácovce
(Prešov Region
) Poprad
(Prešov Region
) Poproč
(Košice Region
) Poproč, Rimavská Sobota (Banská Bystrica Region
) Popudinské Močidľany
(Trnava Region
) Poráč (Košice Region
) Poriadie
(Trenčín Region
) Porostov
(Košice Region
) Poruba pod Vihorlatom
(Košice Region
) Poruba
(Trenčín Region
) Porúbka
(Košice Region
) Porúbka
(Prešov Region
) Porúbka
(Žilina Region
) Poša
(Prešov Region
) Potok, Rimavská Sobota (Banská Bystrica Region
) Potok
(Žilina Region
) Potvorice
(Trenčín Region
) Považany
(Trenčín Region
) Považská Bystrica
(Trenčín Region
) Povina
(Žilina Region
) Povoda
(Trnava Region
) Pozba
(Nitra Region
) Pozdišovce
(Košice Region
) Pôtor
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Praha, Slovakia) (Banská Bystrica Region
) Prakovce
(Košice Region
) Prašice
(Nitra Region
) Prašník
(Trnava Region
) Pravenec
(Trenčín Region
) Pravica
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Pravotice
(Trenčín Region
) Práznovce
(Nitra Region
) Prečín
(Trenčín Region
) Predajná
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Predmier
(Žilina Region
) Prenčov
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Preseľany
(Nitra Region
) Prešov
(Prešov Region
) Príbelce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Pribeník
(Košice Region
) Pribeta
(Nitra Region
) Pribiš
(Žilina Region
) Príbovce
(Žilina Region
) Pribylina
(Žilina Region
) Priekopa
(Košice Region
) Priepasné
(Trenčín Region
) Prietrž
(Trnava Region
) Prietržka
(Trnava Region
) Prievaly
(Trnava Region
) Prievidza
(Trenčín Region
) Prihradzany
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Príkra
(Prešov Region
) Proč
(Prešov Region
) Prochot
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Prosačov
(Prešov Region
) Prosiek
(Žilina Region
) Prša
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Pruské
(Trenčín Region
) Prusy (Trenčín Region
) Pružina
(Trenčín Region
) Pstriná
(Prešov Region
) Ptrukša
(Košice Region
) Pucov (Žilina Region
) Púchov
(Trenčín Region
) Pukanec
(Nitra Region
) Pusté Čemerné
(Košice Region
) Pusté Pole
(Prešov Region
) Pusté Sady
(Trnava Region
) Pusté Úľany
(Trnava Region
) Pušovce
(Prešov Region
) Rabča
(Žilina Region
) Rabčice
(Žilina Region
) Rad
(Košice Region
) Radatice
(Prešov Region
) Radava
(Nitra Region
) Radimov
(Trnava Region
) Radnovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Radobica
(Trenčín Region
) Radoľa
(Žilina Region
) Radoma
(Prešov Region
) Radošina
(Nitra Region
) Radošovce, Skalica District
(Trnava Region
) Radošovce, Trnava District
(Trnava Region
) Radôstka
(Žilina Region
) Radvaň nad Dunajom
(Nitra Region
) Radvaň nad Laborcom
(Prešov Region
) Radvanovce
(Prešov Region
) Radzovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Rafajovce
(Prešov Region
) Rajčany
(Nitra Region
) Rajec
(Žilina Region
) Rajecká Lesná
(Žilina Region
) Rajecké Teplice
(Žilina Region
) Rákoš (Banská Bystrica Region
) Rákoš
(Košice Region
) Raková
(Žilina Region
) Rakovčík
(Prešov Region
) Rakovec nad Ondavou
(Košice Region
) Rakovice
(Trnava Region
) Rakovnica
(Košice Region
) Rakovo
(Žilina Region
) Rakša
(Žilina Region
) Rakúsy
(Prešov Region
) Rakytník
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Rankovce (Košice Region
) Rapovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Raslavice
(Prešov Region
) Rastislavice
(Nitra Region
) Rašice
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ratka
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ratková
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ratkovce
(Trnava Region
) Ratkovo
(Žilina Region
) Ratkovská Lehota
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ratkovská Suchá
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ratkovské Bystré
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ratnovce
(Trnava Region
) Ratvaj
(Prešov Region
) Ráztočno
(Trenčín Region
) Ráztoka
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ražňany
(Prešov Region
) Reca
(Bratislava Region
) Regetovka
(Prešov Region
) Rejdová
(Košice Region
) Reľov
(Prešov Region
) Remeniny
(Prešov Region
) Remetské Hámre
(Košice Region
) Renčišov
(Prešov Region
) Repejov
(Prešov Region
) Repište
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Rešica
(Košice Region
) Rešov
(Prešov Region
) Revúca
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Revúcka Lehota
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Riečka (Banská Bystrica Region
) Richnava
(Košice Region
) Richvald
(Prešov Region
) Rimavská Baňa
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Rimavská Seč
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Rimavská Sobota
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Rimavské Brezovo
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Rimavské Janovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Rimavské Zalužany
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Rišňovce
(Nitra Region
) Rohov (Trnava Region
) Rohovce
(Trnava Region
) Rohožník
(Bratislava Region
) Rohožník
(Prešov Region
) Rochovce
(Košice Region
) Rokycany (Prešov Region
) Rokytov
(Prešov Region
) Rokytovce
(Prešov Region
) Rosina
(Žilina Region
) Roškovce
(Prešov Region
) Roštár
(Košice Region
) Rovensko
(Trnava Region
) Rovinka
(Bratislava Region
) Rovňany
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Rovné, Rimavská Sobota
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Rovné
(Prešov Region
) Rozhanovce
(Košice Region
) Rozložná
(Košice Region
) Roztoky
(Prešov Region
) Rožkovany
(Prešov Region
) Rožňava
(Košice Region
) Rožňavské Bystré
(Košice Region
) Rúbaň
(Nitra Region
) Rudina
(Žilina Region
) Rudinka
(Žilina Region
) Rudinská
(Žilina Region
) Rudlov
(Prešov Region
) Rudná (Košice Region
) Rudňany
(Košice Region
) Rudnianska Lehota
(Trenčín Region
) Rudník (Košice Region
) Rudník
(Trenčín Region
) Rudno nad Hronom
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Rudno (Žilina Region
) Rumanová
(Nitra Region
) Rumince
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ruská Bystrá
(Košice Region
) Ruská Nová Ves
(Prešov Region
) Ruská Voľa nad Popradom
(Prešov Region
) Ruská Voľa
(Prešov Region
) Ruská
(Košice Region
) Ruskov
(Košice Region
) Ruskovce
(Košice Region
) Ruskovce
(Trenčín Region
) Ruský Hrabovec
(Košice Region
) Ružiná
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Ružindol
(Trnava Region
) Ružomberok
(Žilina Region
) Rybany
(Trenčín Region
) Rybky
(Trnava Region
) Rybník (Banská Bystrica Region
) Rybník
(Nitra Region
) Rykynčice
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Sabinov
(Prešov Region
) Sačurov
(Prešov Region
) Sádočné
(Trenčín Region
) Sady nad Torysou
(Košice Region
) Salka
(Nitra Region
) Santovka
(Nitra Region
) Sap
(Trnava Region
) Sása, Revúca (Banská Bystrica Region
) Sása, Zvolen
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Sasinkovo
(Trnava Region
) Sazdice
(Nitra Region
) Sebedražie
(Trenčín Region
) Sebechleby
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Seč (Trenčín Region
) Sečianky
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Sečovce
(Košice Region
) Sečovská Polianka
(Prešov Region
) Sedliacka Dubová
(Žilina Region
) Sedlice
(Prešov Region
) Sedliská
(Prešov Region
) Sedmerovec
(Trenčín Region
) Sejkov
(Košice Region
) Sekule
(Trnava Region
) Seľany
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Selce (Poltár District) (Banská Bystrica Region
) Selce, Krupina District
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Selec
(Trenčín Region
) Selice
(Nitra Region
) Semerovo
(Nitra Region
) Seňa
(Košice Region
) Senec
(Bratislava Region
) Seniakovce
(Prešov Region
) Senica
(Trnava Region
) Senné (Banská Bystrica Region
) Senné
(Košice Region
) Senohrad
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Sereď
(Trnava Region
) Sihelné
(Žilina Region
) Sihla
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Sikenica
(Nitra Region
) Sikenička
(Nitra Region
) Siladice
(Trnava Region
) Silica (Košice Region
) Silická Brezová
(Košice Region
) Silická Jablonica
(Košice Region
) Sirk
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Sirník
(Košice Region
) Skačany
(Trenčín Region
) Skalica
(Trnava Region
) Skalité
(Žilina Region
) Skalka nad Váhom
(Trenčín Region
) Skároš
(Košice Region
) Skerešovo
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Sklabiná
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Sklabiňa
(Žilina Region
) Sklabinský Podzámok
(Žilina Region
) Sklené Teplice
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Sklené
(Žilina Region
) Skrabské
(Prešov Region
) Skýcov
(Nitra Region
) Sládkovičovo
(Trnava Region
) Slančík
(Košice Region
) Slanec
(Košice Region
) Slanská Huta
(Košice Region
) Slanské Nové Mesto
(Košice Region
) Slaska
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Slatina nad Bebravou
(Trenčín Region
) Slatina (Nitra Region
) Slatinka nad Bebravou
(Trenčín Region
) Slatinské Lazy
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Slatvina
(Košice Region
) Slavec
(Košice Region
) Slavkovce
(Košice Region
) Slavnica
(Trenčín Region
) Slavoška
(Košice Region
) Slavošovce
(Košice Region
) Sľažany
(Nitra Region
) Slepčany
(Nitra Region
) Sliač
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Sliepkovce
(Košice Region
) Slivník
(Košice Region
) Slizké
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Slopná
(Trenčín Region
) Slovany
(Žilina Region
) Slovenská Kajňa
(Prešov Region
) Slovenská Nová Ves
(Trnava Region
) Slovenská Ves
(Prešov Region
) Slovenské Ďarmoty
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Slovenské Kľačany
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Slovenské Nové Mesto
(Košice Region
) Slovenské Pravno
(Žilina Region
) Slovenský Grob
(Bratislava Region
) Slovinky
(Košice Region
) Smilno
(Prešov Region
) Smižany
(Košice Region
) Smolenice
(Trnava Region
) Smolinské
(Trnava Region
) Smolnícka Huta
(Košice Region
) Smolník
(Košice Region
) Smrdáky
(Trnava Region
) Smrečany
(Žilina Region
) Snakov
(Prešov Region
) Snežnica
(Žilina Region
) Soblahov
(Trenčín Region
) Soboš
(Prešov Region
) Sobotište (Trnava Region
) Sobrance
(Košice Region
) Socovce
(Žilina Region
) Sokoľ
(Košice Region
) Sokoľany
(Košice Region
) Sokolce
(Nitra Region
) Sokolovce
(Trnava Region
) Soľ
(Prešov Region
) Solčany
(Nitra Region
) Solčianky
(Nitra Region
) Soľnička
(Košice Region
) Sološnica
(Bratislava Region
) Somotor
(Košice Region
) Spišská Belá
(Prešov Region
) Spišská Nová Ves (Košice Region
) Spišská Stará Ves (Prešov Region
) Spišská Teplica
(Prešov Region
) Spišské Bystré
(Prešov Region
) Spišské Hanušovce
(Prešov Region
) Spišské Podhradie
(Prešov Region
) Spišské Tomášovce
(Košice Region
) Spišské Vlachy
(Košice Region
) Spišský Hrhov
(Prešov Region
) Spišský Hrušov
(Košice Region
) Spišský Štiavnik
(Prešov Region
) Spišský Štvrtok
(Prešov Region
) Stanča
(Košice Region
) Stankovany
(Žilina Region
) Stankovce
(Košice Region
) Stará Bašta
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Stará Bystrica
(Žilina Region
) Stará Halič
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Stará Huta
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Stará Kremnička
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Stará Lehota
(Trenčín Region
) Stará Lesná
(Prešov Region
) Stará Ľubovňa
(Prešov Region
) Stará Myjava
(Trenčín Region
) Stará Turá
(Trenčín Region
) Stará Voda (Košice Region
) Staré
(Košice Region
) Starina
(Prešov Region
) Starý Hrádok
(Nitra Region
) Starý Tekov (Nitra Region
) Staškov
(Žilina Region
) Stebnícka Huta
(Prešov Region
) Stebník
(Prešov Region
) Stožok
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Stráňany
(Prešov Region
) Stráňavy
(Žilina Region
) Stráne pod Tatrami
(Prešov Region
) Stránska
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Stránske
(Žilina Region
) Stratená
(Košice Region
) Stráža
(Žilina Region
) Strážne
(Košice Region
) Strážske
(Košice Region
) Strečno
(Žilina Region
) Streda nad Bodrogom
(Košice Region
) Stredné Plachtince
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Strekov
(Nitra Region
) Stretava
(Košice Region
) Stretavka
(Košice Region
) Streženice
(Trenčín Region
) Stročín
(Prešov Region
) Studená
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Studenec (Prešov Region
) Studienka
(Bratislava Region
) Stuľany
(Prešov Region
) Stupava
(Bratislava Region
) Stupné
(Trenčín Region
) Sučany
(Žilina Region
) Sudince
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Súdovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Suchá Dolina
(Prešov Region
) Suchá Hora
(Žilina Region
) Suchá nad Parnou
(Trnava Region
) Sucháň
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Suché Brezovo
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Suché
(Košice Region
) Suchohrad
(Bratislava Region
) Sukov
(Prešov Region
) Sulín
(Prešov Region
) Súlovce
(Nitra Region
) Súľov-Hradná
(Žilina Region
) Sušany
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Sútor
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Svätá Mária
(Košice Region
) Svätoplukovo
(Nitra Region
) Svätuš
(Košice Region
) Svätuše
(Košice Region
) Svätý Anton
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Svätý Jur
(Bratislava Region
) Svätý Kríž (Žilina Region
) Svätý Peter
(Nitra Region
) Svederník
(Žilina Region
) Sverepec
(Trenčín Region
) Sveržov
(Prešov Region
) Svetlice
(Prešov Region
) Svidnička
(Prešov Region
) Svidník
(Prešov Region
) Svinia
(Prešov Region
) Svinica
(Košice Region
) Svinice
(Košice Region
) Svinná
(Trenčín Region
) Svit
(Prešov Region
) Svodín
(Nitra Region
) Svrbice
(Nitra Region
) Svrčinovec
(Žilina Region
) Šahy
(Nitra Region
) Šajdíkove Humence
(Trnava Region
) Šaľa
(Nitra Region
) Šalgočka
(Trnava Region
) Šalgovce
(Nitra Region
) Šalov
(Nitra Region
) Šambron
(Prešov Region
) Šamorín
(Trnava Region
) Šamudovce
(Košice Region
) Šarbov
(Prešov Region
) Šarišská Poruba
(Prešov Region
) Šarišská Trstená
(Prešov Region
) Šarišské Bohdanovce
(Prešov Region
) Šarišské Čierne
(Prešov Region
) Šarišské Dravce
(Prešov Region
) Šarišské Jastrabie
(Prešov Region
) Šarišské Michaľany
(Prešov Region
) Šarišské Sokolovce
(Prešov Region
) Teriakovce
(Prešov Region
) Šarišský Štiavnik
(Prešov Region
) Šarkan
(Nitra Region
) Šarovce
(Nitra Region
) Šašová
(Prešov Region
) Šaštín-Stráže
(Trnava Region
) Šávoľ
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Šelpice
(Trnava Region
) Šemetkovce
(Prešov Region
) Šemša
(Košice Region
) Šemša
(Košice Region
) Šenkvice
(Bratislava Region
) Šiatorská Bukovinka
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Šiba
(Prešov Region
) Šíd
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Šimonovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Šindliar
(Prešov Region
) Šintava
(Trnava Region
) Šípkov
(Trenčín Region
) Šípkové
(Trnava Region
) Širákov
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Širkovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Široké
(Prešov Region
) Šišov
(Trenčín Region
) Šivetice
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Šoltýska
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Šoporňa
(Trnava Region
) Špačince
(Trnava Region
) Špania Dolina
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Španie Pole
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Šrobárová
(Nitra Region
) Štefanov nad Oravou
(Žilina Region
) Štefanov
(Trnava Region
) Štefanová (Bratislava Region
) Štefanovce
(Prešov Region
) Štefanovce
(Prešov Region
) Štefanovičová
(Nitra Region
) Štefurov
(Prešov Region
) Šterusy
(Trnava Region
) Štiavnické Bane
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Štiavnička
(Žilina Region
) Štiavnik
(Žilina Region
) Štitáre
(Nitra Region
) Štítnik
(Košice Region
) Štós
(Košice Region
) Štós
(Košice Region
) Štôla
(Prešov Region
) Štrba
(Prešov Region
) Štrkovec
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Štúrovo
(Nitra Region
) Štvrtok na Ostrove
(Trnava Region
) Štvrtok
(Trenčín Region
) Šuja
(Žilina Region
) Šuľa
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Šumiac
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Šuňava
(Prešov Region
) Šurany
(Nitra Region
) Šurianky
(Nitra Region
) Šurice
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Šúrovce
(Trnava Region
) Šutovce
(Trenčín Region
) Šútovo
(Žilina Region
) Švábovce
(Prešov Region
) Švedlár
(Košice Region
) Švošov
(Žilina Region
) Tachty
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Tajná
(Nitra Region
) Ťapešovo
(Žilina Region
) Tarnov
(Prešov Region
) Tašuľa
(Košice Region
) Tatranská Javorina
(Prešov Region
) Tehla
(Nitra Region
) Tekolďany
(Trnava Region
) Tekovská Breznica
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Tekovské Lužany
(Nitra Region
) Tekovské Nemce
(Nitra Region
) Tekovský Hrádok
(Nitra Region
) Telgárt
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Telince
(Nitra Region
) Temeš
(Trenčín Region
) Teplička
(Košice Region
) Teplička nad Váhom
(Žilina Region
) Tepličky
(Trnava Region
) Teplý Vrch
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Terany
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Terchová
(Žilina Region
) Terňa
(Prešov Region
) Tesáre
(Nitra Region
) Tesárske Mlyňany
(Nitra Region
) Tešedíkovo
(Nitra Region
) Tibava
(Košice Region
) Tichý Potok
(Prešov Region
) Timoradza
(Trenčín Region
) Tisovec
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Tlmače
(Nitra Region
) Točnica
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Tomášikovo
(Trnava Region
) Tomášov
(Bratislava Region
) Tomášovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Topoľčany
(Nitra Region
) Topoľčianky
(Nitra Region
) Topoľnica
(Trnava Region
) Topoľníky
(Trnava Region
) Toporec
(Prešov Region
) Tornaľa
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Torysa
(Prešov Region
) Torysky
(Prešov Region
) Tovarné
(Prešov Region
) Tovarnianska Polianka
(Prešov Region
) Tovarníky
(Nitra Region
) Tôň
(Nitra Region
) Trakovice
(Trnava Region
) Trávnica
(Nitra Region
) Trávnik
(Nitra Region
) Trebatice
(Trnava Region
) Trebejov
(Košice Region
) Trebeľovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Trebichava
(Trenčín Region
) Uhrovec
(Trenčín Region
) Trebišov
(Košice Region
) Trebostovo
(Žilina Region
) Trebušovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Trenč
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Trenčianska Teplá
(Trenčín Region
) Trenčianska Turná
(Trenčín Region
) Trenčianske Bohuslavice
(Trenčín Region
) Trenčianske Jastrabie
(Trenčín Region
) Trenčianske Mitice
(Trenčín Region
) Trenčianske Stankovce
(Trenčín Region
) Trenčianske Teplice
(Trenčín Region
) Trenčín
(Trenčín Region
) Trhová Hradská
(Trnava Region
) Trhovište
(Košice Region
) Trnavá Hora
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Trnava pri Laborci
(Košice Region
) Trnava
(Trnava Region
) Trnávka (Trnava Region
) Trnávka
(Košice Region
) Trnkov
(Prešov Region
) Trnovec nad Váhom
(Nitra Region
) Trnovec
(Trnava Region
) Trnovo (Žilina Region
) Tročany
(Prešov Region
) Trpín (Banská Bystrica Region
) Trsťany
(Košice Region
) Trstená na Ostrove
(Trnava Region
) Trstená
(Žilina Region
) Trstené pri Hornáde
(Košice Region
) Trstené
(Žilina Region
) Trstice
(Trnava Region
) Trstín
(Trnava Region
) Tuhár
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Tuhrina
(Prešov Region
) Tuchyňa
(Trenčín Region
) Tulčík
(Prešov Region
) Tupá
(Nitra Region
) Turá
(Nitra Region
) Turany
(Žilina Region
) Turček
(Žilina Region
) Turčianky
(Trenčín Region
) Turčianska Štiavnička
(Žilina Region
) Turčianske Jaseno
(Žilina Region
) Turčianske Kľačany
(Žilina Region
) Turčianske Teplice
(Žilina Region
) Turčiansky Ďur
(Žilina Region
) Turčiansky Peter
(Žilina Region
) Turčok
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Tureň
(Bratislava Region
) Turie
(Žilina Region
) Turík
(Žilina Region
) Turňa nad Bodvou
(Košice Region
) Turnianska Nová Ves
(Košice Region
) Turzovka
(Žilina Region
) Tušice
(Košice Region
) Tušická Nová Ves
(Košice Region
) Tužina
(Trenčín Region
) Tvarožná
(Prešov Region
) Tvrdomestice
(Nitra Region
) Tvrdošín
(Žilina Region
) Tvrdošovce
(Nitra Region
) Úbrež
(Košice Region
) Udiča
(Trenčín Region
) Údol
(Prešov Region
) Uhliská
(Nitra Region
) Úhorna
(Košice Region
) Uhorská Ves
(Žilina Region
) Uhorské
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Uhrovské Podhradie
(Trenčín Region
) Úľany nad Žitavou
(Nitra Region
) Uloža
(Prešov Region
) Uňatín
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Unín
(Trnava Region
) Urmince
(Nitra Region
) Utekáč
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Uzovce
(Prešov Region
) Uzovská Panica
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Uzovské Pekľany
(Prešov Region
) Uzovský Šalgov
(Prešov Region
) Vaďovce
(Trenčín Region
) Vagrinec
(Prešov Region
) Váhovce
(Trnava Region
) Vajkovce
(Košice Region
) Valaliky
(Košice Region
) Valaská Belá
(Trenčín Region
) Valaská Dubová
(Žilina Region
) Valaská
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Valča
(Žilina Region
) Valentovce
(Prešov Region
) Valice
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Valkovce
(Prešov Region
) Vaľkovňa
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Vaniškovce
(Prešov Region
) Vápeník
(Prešov Region
) Varadka
(Prešov Region
) Varhaňovce
(Prešov Region
) Varín
(Žilina Region
) Vasiľov
(Žilina Region
) Vavrečka
(Žilina Region
) Vavrinec
(Prešov Region
) Vavrišovo
(Žilina Region
) Važec
(Žilina Region
) Včelince
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Večelkov
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Vechec
(Prešov Region
) Veľaty
(Košice Region
) Velčice
(Nitra Region
) Veličná
(Žilina Region
) Veľká Čalomija
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Veľká Čausa
(Trenčín Region
) Veľká Čierna
(Žilina Region
) Veľká Dolina
(Nitra Region
) Veľká Franková
(Prešov Region
) Veľká Hradná
(Trenčín Region
) Veľká Ida
(Košice Region
) Veľká Lehota
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Veľká Lesná
(Prešov Region
) Veľká Lodina
(Košice Region
) Veľká Lomnica
(Prešov Region
) Veľká Mača
(Trnava Region
) Veľká nad Ipľom
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Veľká Paka
(Trnava Region
) Veľká Tŕňa
(Košice Region
) Veľká Ves nad Ipľom
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Veľká Ves
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Veľké Bierovce
(Trenčín Region
) Veľké Blahovo
(Trnava Region
) Veľké Borové
(Žilina Region
) Veľké Dravce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Veľké Držkovce
(Trenčín Region
) Veľké Dvorany
(Nitra Region
) Veľké Dvorníky
(Trnava Region
) Veľké Hoste
(Trenčín Region
) Veľké Chlievany
(Trenčín Region
) Veľké Chyndice
(Nitra Region
) Veľké Kapušany
(Košice Region
) Veľké Kosihy
(Nitra Region
) Veľké Kostoľany
(Trnava Region
) Veľké Kozmálovce
(Nitra Region
) Veľké Kršteňany
(Trenčín Region
) Veľké Leváre
(Bratislava Region
) Veľké Lovce
(Nitra Region
) Veľké Ludince
(Nitra Region
) Veľké Orvište
(Trnava Region
) Veľké Ozorovce
(Košice Region
) Veľké Pole
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Veľké Raškovce
(Košice Region
) Veľké Revištia
(Košice Region
) Veľké Ripňany
(Nitra Region
) Veľké Rovné
(Žilina Region
) Veľké Slemence
(Košice Region
) Veľké Straciny
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Veľké Teriakovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Veľké Trakany
(Košice Region
) Veľké Turovce
(Nitra Region
) Veľké Uherce
(Trenčín Region
) Veľké Úľany
(Trnava Region
) Veľké Vozokany
(Nitra Region
) Veľké Zálužie
(Nitra Region
) Veľké Zlievce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Veľký Biel
(Bratislava Region
) Veľký Blh
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Veľký Cetín
(Nitra Region
) Veľký Čepčín
(Žilina Region
) Veľký Ďur
(Nitra Region
) Veľký Folkmár
(Košice Region
) Veľký Grob
(Trnava Region
) Veľký Horeš
(Košice Region
) Veľký Kamenec
(Košice Region
) Veľký Klíž
(Trenčín Region
) Veľký Krtíš
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Veľký Kýr
(Nitra Region
) Veľký Lapáš
(Nitra Region
) Veľký Lipník
(Prešov Region
) Veľký Lom
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Veľký Meder
(Trnava Region
) Veľký Slavkov
(Prešov Region
) Veľký Slivník
(Prešov Region
) Veľký Šariš
(Prešov Region
) Velušovce
(Nitra Region
) Vernár
(Prešov Region
) Veselé
(Trnava Region
) Veterná Poruba
(Žilina Region
) Vidiná
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Vieska nad Blhom
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Vieska nad Žitavou
(Nitra Region
) Vieska, Veľký Krtíš District
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Vieska
(Trnava Region
) Vígľaš
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Vígľašská Huta-Kalinka
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Vikartovce
(Prešov Region
) Vinica, Veľký Krtíš (Banská Bystrica Region
) Viničky
(Košice Region
) Viničné
(Bratislava Region
) Vinné
(Košice Region
) Vinodol (Nitra Region
) Vinohrady nad Váhom
(Trnava Region
) Vinosady
(Bratislava Region
) Virt
(Nitra Region
) Vislanka
(Prešov Region
) Visolaje
(Trenčín Region
) Višňov
(Košice Region
) Višňové
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Višňové
(Trenčín Region
) Višňové (Žilina Region
) Vištuk
(Bratislava Region
) Vitanová
(Žilina Region
) Víťaz
(Prešov Region
) Vítkovce
(Košice Region
) Vlača
(Prešov Region
) Vlachovo
(Košice Region
) Vlachy
(Žilina Region
) Vlčany
(Nitra Region
) Vlčkovce
(Trnava Region
) Vlkas
(Nitra Region
) Vlková
(Prešov Region
) Vlkovce
(Prešov Region
) Vlky
(Bratislava Region
) Vlkyňa
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Voderady
(Trnava Region
) Vojany
(Košice Region
) Vojčice
(Košice Region
) Vojka nad Dunajom
(Trnava Region
) Vojka
(Košice Region
) Vojkovce
(Košice Region
) Vojňany
(Prešov Region
) Vojnatina
(Košice Region
) Voľa
(Košice Region
) Volica
(Prešov Region
) Volkovce
(Nitra Region
) Voznica
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Vozokany
(Nitra Region
) Vozokany
(Trnava Region
) Vráble
(Nitra Region
) Vrádište
(Trnava Region
) Vrakúň
(Trnava Region
) Vranov nad Topľou
(Prešov Region
) Vrbnica
(Košice Region
) Vrbov
(Prešov Region
) Vrbová nad Váhom
(Nitra Region
) Vrbovce (Trenčín Region
) Vrbové
(Trnava Region
) Vrbovka
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Vrchteplá
(Trenčín Region
) Vrícko
(Žilina Region
) Vršatské Podhradie
(Trenčín Region
) Vrútky
(Žilina Region
) Vtáčkovce
(Košice Region
) Výborná
(Prešov Region
) Výčapy-Opatovce
(Nitra Region
) Vydrany
(Trnava Region
) Vydrná
(Trenčín Region
) Vydrník
(Prešov Region
) Vyhne
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Východná
(Žilina Region
) Výrava
(Prešov Region
) Bánovce nad Bebravou
(Trenčín Region
) Vysoká nad Kysucou
(Žilina Region
) Vysoká nad Uhom
(Košice Region
) Vysoká pri Morave
(Bratislava Region
) Vysoká (Banská Bystrica Region
) Vysoká
(Prešov Region
) Vysoké Tatry
(Prešov Region
) Vyškovce nad Ipľom
(Nitra Region
) Vyšná Boca
(Žilina Region
) Vyšná Hutka
(Košice Region
) Vyšná Jedľová
(Prešov Region
) Vyšná Kamenica
(Košice Region
) Vyšná Myšľa
(Košice Region
) Vyšná Pisaná
(Prešov Region
) Vyšná Polianka
(Prešov Region
) Vyšná Rybnica
(Košice Region
) Vyšná Slaná
(Košice Region
) Vyšná Šebastová
(Prešov Region
) Vyšná Voľa
(Prešov Region
) Vyšné nad Hronom
(Nitra Region
) Vyšné Nemecké
(Košice Region
) Vyšné Remety
(Košice Region
) Vyšné Repaše
(Prešov Region
) Vyšné Ružbachy
(Prešov Region
) Vyšné Valice
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Vyšný Čaj
(Košice Region
) Vyšný Kazimír
(Prešov Region
) Vyšný Klátov
(Košice Region
) Vyšný Komárnik
(Prešov Region
) Vyšný Kručov
(Prešov Region
) Vyšný Kubín
(Žilina Region
) Vyšný Mirošov
(Prešov Region
) Vyšný Orlík
(Prešov Region
) Vyšný Skálnik
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Vyšný Slavkov
(Prešov Region
) Vyšný Tvarožec
(Prešov Region
) Vyšný Žipov
(Prešov Region
) Zábiedovo
(Žilina Region
) Záborie
(Žilina Region
) Záborské
(Prešov Region
) Zádiel
(Košice Region
) Zádor (Banská Bystrica Region
) Záhor
(Košice Region
) Záhorce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Záhorie
(Bratislava Region
) Záhorská Ves
(Bratislava Region
) Záhradné
(Prešov Region
) Zacharovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Zákamenné
(Žilina Region
) Zákopčie
(Žilina Region
) Zalaba
(Nitra Region
) Zálesie
(Bratislava Region
) Zálesie
(Prešov Region
) Zalužice
(Košice Region
) Zamarovce
(Trenčín Region
) Zámutov
(Prešov Region
) Záriečie
(Trenčín Region
) Záskalie
(Trenčín Region
) Zatín
(Košice Region
) Závada (Nitra Region
) Závada (Banská Bystrica Region
) Závadka nad Hronom
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Závadka
(Košice Region
) Zavar
(Trnava Region
) Závažná Poruba
(Žilina Region
) Závod (Bratislava Region
) Zázrivá
(Žilina Region
) Zbehňov
(Košice Region
) Zbehy
(Nitra Region
) Zbojné
(Prešov Region
) Zborov nad Bystricou
(Žilina Region
) Zborov
(Prešov Region
) Zbrojníky
(Nitra Region
) Zbudská Belá
(Prešov Region
) Zbudza
(Košice Region
) Zbyňov
(Žilina Region
) Zeleneč (Trnava Region
) Zemianska Olča
(Nitra Region
) Zemianske Kostoľany
(Trenčín Region
) Zemianske Podhradie
(Trenčín Region
) Zemianske Sady
(Trnava Region
) Zemiansky Vrbovok
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Zemné
(Nitra Region
) Zemplín
(Košice Region
) Zemplínska Nová Ves
(Košice Region
) Zemplínska Široká
(Košice Region
) Zemplínska Teplica
(Košice Region
) Zemplínske Hradište
(Košice Region
) Zemplínske Jastrabie
(Košice Region
) Zemplínske Kopčany
(Košice Region
) Zemplínsky Branč
(Košice Region
) Zlatá Baňa
(Prešov Region
) Zlatá Idka
(Košice Region
) Zlaté Klasy
(Trnava Region
) Zlaté Moravce
(Nitra Region
) Zlaté
(Prešov Region
) Zlatná na Ostrove
(Nitra Region
) Zlatník
(Prešov Region
) Zlatníky
(Trenčín Region
) Zlatno
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Zlatno
(Nitra Region
) Zliechov
(Trenčín Region
) Zohor
(Bratislava Region
) Zombor (Banská Bystrica Region
) Zubák
(Trenčín Region
) Zuberec
(Žilina Region
) Zubrohlava
(Žilina Region
) Zvolen
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Zvončín
(Trnava Region
) Žabokreky nad Nitrou
(Trenčín Region
) Žabokreky
(Žilina Region
) Žakarovce
(Košice Region
) Žakovce
(Prešov Region
) Žalobín
(Prešov Region
) Žarnov
(Košice Region
) Žarnovica
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Žaškov
(Žilina Region
) Žbince
(Košice Region
) Ždaňa
(Košice Region
) Ždiar
(Prešov Region
) Žehňa
(Prešov Region
) Žehra
(Košice Region
) Železná Breznica
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Železník
(Prešov Region
) Želiezovce (Nitra Region
) Želmanov
(Prešov Region
) Želovce
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Žemberovce
(Nitra Region
) Žemliare
(Nitra Region
) Žiar nad Hronom
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Žiar
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Žiar
(Žilina Region
) Žibritov
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Žihárec
(Nitra Region
) Žikava
(Nitra Region
) Žilina
(Žilina Region
) Žíp
(Banská Bystrica Region
) Žipov
(Prešov Region
) Žirany
(Nitra Region
) Žitavany
(Nitra Region
) Žitavce
(Nitra Region
) Žitná-Radiša
(Trenčín Region
) Žlkovce
(Trnava Region
) Župčany
(Prešov Region
) Župkov
(Banská Bystrica Region
A town is a human settlement larger than a village but smaller than a city. The size a settlement must be in order to be called a "town" varies considerably in different parts of the world, so that, for example, many American "small towns" seem to British people to be no more than villages, while...
s in Slovakia
The Slovak Republic is a landlocked state in Central Europe. It has a population of over five million and an area of about . Slovakia is bordered by the Czech Republic and Austria to the west, Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east and Hungary to the south...
. For lists of towns and municipalities sorted by Regions
Regions of Slovakia
Since 1949 , Slovakia has been divided into a number of kraje . Their number, borders and functions have been changed several times. There are currently eight regions of Slovakia and they correspond to the EU's NUTS 3 level of local administrative units. Each kraj consists of okresy...
see the individual articles on Regions. For an outdated list of town
A town is a human settlement larger than a village but smaller than a city. The size a settlement must be in order to be called a "town" varies considerably in different parts of the world, so that, for example, many American "small towns" seem to British people to be no more than villages, while...
s only in Slovakia
The Slovak Republic is a landlocked state in Central Europe. It has a population of over five million and an area of about . Slovakia is bordered by the Czech Republic and Austria to the west, Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east and Hungary to the south...
see also List of towns in Slovakia. There are currently 2,891 municipalities and towns in Slovakia.
List of municipalities and towns sorted alphabetically
Ábelová is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Abovce
Abovce is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1339 when it belonged to the local noble family Abaffy. It suffered devastation by Turks and afterwards many epidemics...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Abrahám
Abrahám is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 125 metres and covers an area of . It has a population of about 1075 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Abrahámovce, Bardejov District
Abrahámovce, Bardejov District
Abrahámovce is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia. In historical records it was first mentioned in 1427. The municipality lies at an altitude of 265 metres and covers an area of 5.899 km². It has a population of about 342 people. The...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Abrahámovce, Kežmarok District
Abrahámovce, Kežmarok District
Abrahámovce is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of northern central Slovakia. In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1286. The municipality lies at an altitude of 713 metres and covers an area of 6.653 km².It has a population of about 225...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Abramová
Abramová is a village and municipality in Turčianske Teplice District in the Žilina Region of northern central Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1400. Traditionally, it is a small village...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Abranovce
Abranovce is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1320....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Adamovské Kochanovce
Adamovské Kochanovce
Adamovské Kochanovce is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 202 metres and covers an area of . It has a population of about 782 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Adidovce
Adidovce is a village and municipality in Humenné District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia. The mayor is Milan Koromház .-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 204 metres and covers an area of ....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Alekšince
Alekšince is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 160 metres and covers an area of...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Andovce
Andovce is a municipality and village in the Nové Zámky District of the south-west of Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.- Geography :The village lies at an altitude of 113 metres and covers an area of . It has a population of about 1295 people.- Ethnicity :...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Andrejová
Andrejová is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of Slovakia. In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1355.The predominant religion is the Greek Catholic Church with 4.9% Eastern Orthodox...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Ardanovce
Ardanovce is a municipality with 239 inhabitants in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Ardovo
Ardovo a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 138 metres and covers an area of .It has a population of about 835 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Arnutovce
Arnutovce is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 515 metres and covers an area of .It has a population of about 605 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Báb
Báb, Nitra District
Báb is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-History:The village was created in 1955 from the merger of two formerly independent villages, Malý Báb and Velký Báb...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Babie
Babie is a village and municipality in the Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of Slovakia.-References:*
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Babín
Babín is a village and municipality in Námestovo District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 428 metres and covers an area of 2.151 km². It has a population of about 290 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Babindol
Babindol is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western centralSlovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 175 metres and covers an area of 5.414 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Babinec
Babinec is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:A Bronze Age treasure has been excavated in the village. The current village arose in the 13th century from an older settlement....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Bacúch
Bacúch is a village and municipality in the Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1563 as a part of the mining district of Brezno. It belonged to the Schaffer and Gaismair families from Banská Bystrica...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Báč
- Arts and entertainment :* Batman: Arkham City, a 2011 video game* Battersea Arts Centre, London, England, United Kingdom* Benedicta Arts Center, St...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Bačka
Backa (village)
Bačka is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1214 as Bocskay family’s property...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Bačkov
Backov, Trebišov District
Bačkov is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 198 metres and covers an area of 27.675 km².It has a population of about 620 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Bačkovík
Bačkovík is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of Slovakia.-History:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Baďan
Baďan is a village and municipality in Banská Štiavnica District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Bádice
Bádice is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-External links:*
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Báhoň
Báhoň is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Pezinok District in the Bratislava Region. The village of roughly 1650 people is located next to Kaplná, east of Pezinok and south-west of Trnava.-History:...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Bajany
Bajany is a village and municipality in the Michalovce District in the Košice Region of Slovakia.-History:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Bajč
Bajč is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 121 metres and covers an area of ....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Bajerov
Bajerov is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1332 as a settlement of Bavarians....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Bajerovce
Bajerovce is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1366. Ruthenians, settled here in the 1570s, were the main inhabitants of the village in recent centuries.The municipality lies at an...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Bajka
Bajka is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 159 metres and covers an area of .It has a population of about 335 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Bajtava
Bajtava is a municipality and village in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 197 metres and covers an area of . It has a population of 388 .-External links:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Baka (Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Baldovce
Baldovce is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1272....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Balog nad Ipľom
Balog nad Iplom
Balog nad Ipl'om is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Baloň
Baloň is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of and covers an area of . It has a population of about 756 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Baňa
Bana may refer to:*Term for the Fali people, especially in Nigeria* Bana, Gabon* Bana, Guinea* Bana , a village in Rajasthan state of India* Bana , popular balladeer from Cape Verde* Bana, Hungary, village in Hungary...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Banka
Banka, Pieštany District
Banka is a village and municipality in Piešťany District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia, near the Váh river.-History:The site was inhabited for thousands of years, with the archaeological site dating inhabitation from the Paleolithic age. In historical records the village was first...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Bánov
Bánov is a municipality and village in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an elevation of 125 metres and covers an area of 19.763 km² . It has a population of about 3780 people.-Facilities:The village has a public library, a DVD...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Bánovce nad Bebravou
Bánovce nad Bebravou
Bánovce nad Bebravou is a town in Slovakia, in the Trenčín Region.-Geography:It is located at the northernmost edge of the Danubian Hills, at the foothills of the Strážovské vrchy mountains at the confluence of the Radiša and Bebrava rivers...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Bánovce nad Ondavou
Bánovce nad Ondavou
Bánovce nad Ondavou is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 122 metres and covers an area of 12.235 km².It has a population of about 760 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Banská Belá
Banská Belá
Banská Belá is a village and municipality in Banská Štiavnica District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia. It has a population of 1,234.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Banská Bystrica
Banská Bystrica
Banská Bystrica is a key city in central Slovakia located on the Hron River in a long and wide valley encircled by the mountain chains of the Low Tatras, the Veľká Fatra, and the Kremnica Mountains. With 81,281 inhabitants, Banská Bystrica is the sixth most populous municipality in Slovakia...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Banská Štiavnica
Banská Štiavnica
Banská Štiavnica is a town in central Slovakia, in the middle of an immense caldera created by the collapse of an ancient volcano. For its size, the caldera is known as Štiavnica Mountains. Banská Štiavnica has a population of more than 10,000. It is a completely preserved medieval town...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Banské
Banské is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia. In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1397. The municipality lies at an altitude of 325 metres and covers an area of 29.861km²...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Banský Studenec
Banský Studenec
Banský Studenec is a village and municipality in Banská Štiavnica District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1266 as a German settlement...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Bara
Bara, Trebišov District
Bara is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.- History :In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1296 as Bary...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Barca
Barca, Rimavská Sobota District
Barca is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Bardejov
Bardejov is a town in North-Eastern Slovakia. It is situated in the Šariš region and has about 33,000 inhabitants. The spa town, mentioned for the first time in 1241, exhibits numerous cultural monuments in its completely intact medieval town center...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Bardoňovo
Bardoňovo is a municipality and village in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 193 metres and covers an area of 23.81 km². It has a population of about 880 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Bartošova Lehôtka
Bartošova Lehôtka
Bartošova Lehôtka is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Bartošovce
Bartošovce is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-History:Bartosovce is in the Bardejov District of the Saris Region in Slovakia...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Baška (Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Baškovce
Baškovce, Sobrance District
Baškovce is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-External links:*
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Baškovce
Baškovce, Humenné District
Baškovce is a village and municipality in Humenné District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia. The mayor is František Bazar .-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 197 metres and covers an area of 6.627 km²....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Bašovce
Bašovce is a village and municipality in Piešťany District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 164 metres and covers an area of 4.044km². It has a population of about 348 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Batizovce
Batizovce is a village and municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 756 metres and covers an area of 14.348 km². It has a population of about 2125 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Bátka
Bátka is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Bátorová
Bátorová is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:The village was first mentioned in 1478 . It belonged to landowners Balogh, Koháry and Kubinyi...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Bátorove Kosihy
Bátorove Kosihy
Bátorove Kosihy is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:It was inhabited by the Avars as shown by an 8th century cemetery found by archeologists. The village was first recorded in 1156 by its Hungarian name as villa Kesceu...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Bátovce
Bátovce is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1037 as "FORUM REGINE". The second time Batovce was mentioned as "MERKATUM REGINE". In 1327 Hungarian King Karoly named Batovce as The Royal...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Beckov
Beckov is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1208...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Beharovce
Beharovce is a small village and municipality in the Levoča District, Prešov Region.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 474 metres and covers an area of 2.649km². As of 2006, it had 172 inhabitants. The village is few kilometres away from the Branisko tunnel.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Becherov
Becherov is a municipality in Slovakia in the Bardejov Districtin the Prešov Region near the border with Poland.It had 284 inhabitants in 2006...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Belá nad Cirochou
Belá nad Cirochou
Belá nad Cirochou is a large village and municipality in Snina District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 207 metres and covers an area of 17.356 km². It has a population of about 3315 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Belá
Belá, Nové Zámky District
Belá is a municipality and village in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 187 metres and covers an area of 8.692 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Belá
Belá, Žilina District
Belá is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Beladice
Beladice is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 170 metres and covers an area of 22.408 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Belá-Dulice
Belá-Dulice is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 530 metres and covers an area of 51.172km². It has a population of about 1230 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Belejovce
Belejovce is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 463 metres and covers an area of 3.084km². It has a population of about 18 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Belín (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Belina
Belina is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Belince
Belince is a municipality with 159 inhabitants in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Bellova Ves
Bellova Ves
Bellova Ves is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 119 metres and covers an area of 6.929 km². It has a population of about 187 people. The village has food shop and a public...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Beloveža
Beloveža is a village and municipality in Bardejov District, in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1355. The Catholic church of St. Michael the Archangel of 1778 can be found in the village.-Geography:The municipality lies at...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Beluj (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Beluša
Beluša is a large village and municipality in Púchov District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Belža
Belža is a small municipality in Slovakia in the Košice-okolie District.It arose after 1877 by a merge of the municipalities Stredná Belža, Šándorova Belža and Vyšná Belža.-External links:*All about village is on the
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Beňadiková
Beňadiková is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 615 metres and covers an area of 4.975km². It has a population of about 430 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Beňadikovce
Beňadikovce is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 250 metres and covers an area of 12.084km². It has a population of about 238 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Beňadovo
Beňadovo is a village and municipality in Námestovo District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 780 metres and covers an area of 6.699km². It has a population of about 730 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Beňatina
Beňatina is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 410 metres and covers an area of .It has a population of about 260 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Beniakovce
Beniakovce is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of Slovakia.It arose after 1877 by a merge of the municipalities Stredná Belža, Šándorova Belža and Vyšná Belža.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Benice
Benice is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 428 metres and covers an area of . It has a population of about 290 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Benkovce
Benkovce is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 138 metres and covers an area of 8.239km². It has a population of about 544 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Beňuš
Beňuš is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1380 as a mining village, in 1563 it is mentioned as a free woodmen’s village. In the 14th century, some Germans...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Bernolákovo
Bernolákovo is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region.-Demography:Population by nationality:-External links:*...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Bertotovce
Bertotovce is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1320....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Beša (Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Beša
Beša, Levice District
Beša is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-External links:*
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Bešeňov
Bešeňov is a municipality and village in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 121 metres and covers an area of 17.096 km². It has a population of about 1726 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Betlanovce
Betlanovce is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 546 metres and covers an area of 10.124km².It has a population of about 638 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Betliar
Betliar is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia, known for its manor house built by the Andrássy family.- Basic information :...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Bežovce
Bežovce is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 105 metres and covers an area of 29.507 km².It has a population of about 1000 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Bidovce
Bidovce is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of Slovakia.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Biel
Biel, Trebišov District
Biel is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Ethnicity:The village is about 75% Hungarian....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Bielovce
Bielovce is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 117 metres and covers an area of 11.385 km².It has a population of about 250 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Biely Kostol
Biely Kostol
Biely Kostol is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Bijacovce
Bijacovce is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia. The village is along the famous Gothic Route and the church dates from the 13th century. The church is gothic with a rotunda to match it. There is also a manor house from the 18th century...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Bílkove Humence
Bílkove Humence
Bílkove Humence is a village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 243 metres and covers an area of 4.095km². It has a population of about 217 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Bíňa
Bíňa is a municipality and village in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1135 written as Byn. Earlier the Romans built a fortress here and in 173 emperor Marcus Aurelius wrote his famous diary in this...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Bíňovce
Bíňovce is a municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Biskupice
Biskupice, Lucenec District
Biskupice is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Biskupová
Biskupová is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Bitarová
Bitarová is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 380 metres and covers an area of 3.645km². It has a population of about 627 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Blahová
Bláhová is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.It has a post-office. There is a football playground and a public library in the village....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Blatná na Ostrove
Blatná na Ostrove
Blatná na Ostrove is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.It has a post-office, a food store and a petrol station. There is also a football playground and a public library in the village....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Blatná Polianka
Blatná Polianka
Blatná Polianka is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 104 metres and covers an area of 9.986 km².It has a population of about 170 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Blatné Remety
Blatné Remety
Blatné Remety is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 103 metres and covers an area of 6.228 km².It has a population of about 500 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Blatné Revištia
Blatné Revištia
Blatné Revištia is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 109 metres and covers an area of 5.155km².It has a population of about 215 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Blatné
Blatné is a mid-sized village in Senec District in the Bratislava Region of western Slovakia, about 5 km north of Senec. It lies on the fork of roads connecting Senec with Trnava and Senec with Modra and Pezinok. Currently, the village has around 1,500 inhabitants.-History:The name of the...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Blatnica (Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Blažice
Blažice is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 205 metres and covers an area of .It has a population of about 500 people.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Blažovce
Blažovce is a village and municipality in Turčianske Teplice District in the Žilina Region of northern central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 450 metres and covers an area of 3.606km². It has a population of about 165 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Blesovce
Blesovce is a municipality with 396 inhabitants in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Blhovce
Blhovce is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1244 . In 1427 it belonged to the paladin Juraj of Ratold. In the 16th century it belong to Feledyi and...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Bobot
Bobot, Trencín District
Bobot is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 240 metres and covers an area of 16.079 km². It has a population of about 725 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Bobrov
Bobrov, Slovakia
Bobrov is a village and municipality in Námestovo District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 610 metres and covers an area of 25.753 km². It has a population of about 1520 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Bobrovček
Bobrovček is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 668 metres and covers an area of 3.426km². It has a population of about 200 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Bobrovec
Bobrovec is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 634 metres and covers an area of 31.132km². It has a population of about 1775 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Bobrovník
Bobrovník is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 568 metres and covers an area of 6.780km²...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Bočiar
Bočiar is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 210 metres and covers an area of 4.721 km². It has a population of about 220 people.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Bodíky
Bodíky is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.It has a public water-supply system and sewage system connected to sewage disposal plant. There is a football playground and a public library in the village.- History :Until the end...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Bodiná
Bodiná is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Bodorová
Bodorová is a village and municipality in Turčianske Teplice District in the Žilina Region of northern central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 465 metres and covers an area of 5.115km². It has a population of about 261 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Bodovce
Bodovce is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of northeastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 450 metres and covers an area of 7.523 km². It has a population of about 325 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Bodružal
Bodružal is a municipality in Slovakia in the Svidník District in Prešov Region, within the Laborec Highlands....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Bodza
Bodza is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 109 metres and covers an area of 6.318 km².It had a population of about 355 people as at 31 December 2004....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Bodzianske Lúky
Bodzianske Lúky
Bodzianske Lúky is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 109 metres and covers an area of 5.166 km².It has a population of about 220 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Bogliarka
Bogliarka is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 455 metres and covers an area of 9.391km².It has a population of about 150 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Bohdanovce nad Trnavou
Bohdanovce nad Trnavou
Bohdanovce nad Trnavou is a municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Bohdanovce
Bohdanovce is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Boheľov
Boheľov is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-External links:* * *...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Bohunice
Bohunice, Levice District
Bohunice is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 271 metres and covers an area of 12.883 km².It has a population of about 155 people.-External links:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Bohunice (Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Bohúňovo
Bohúňovo is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Bojná
Bojná is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia. The village has a population of about 2,000 people. The main landmark is Catholic Church of All Saints built in 1787...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Bojnice
Bojnice is a small town in central Slovakia at the upper Nitra river, near the city of Prievidza. It has population of 4,983 . Bojnice is best known for its tourist attractions: the oldest zoo in Slovakia, the most visited castle, and one of the oldest spa towns in Slovakia. The town is situated...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Bojničky
Bojničky is a village and municipality in Hlohovec District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 9.268km². It has a population of about 1290 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Boľ
Bol is a 2011 Urdu-language social drama Lollywood film written, directed and produced by Shoaib Mansoor. The feature film was released on 24 June 2011. The film stars Humaima Malik, Atif Aslam, Mahira Khan, Iman Ali, Shafqat Cheema, Manzar Sehbai, Zaib Rehman and Amr Kashmiri in the lead roles...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Boldog
Boldog is the name of an Orc Captain in J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional Middle-earth during the First Age."Boldog he sent, but Boldog was slain:strange ye were not in Boldog's train."...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Boleráz
Boleráz is a municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:* Statistics * Boleráz...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Bolešov
Bolešov is a village and municipality in Ilava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 241 metres and covers an area of 14.951 km². It has a population of about 1465 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Boliarov
Boliarov is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Boľkovce
Boľkovce is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Borcová
Borcová is a village and municipality in Turčianske Teplice District in the Žilina Region of northern central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 445 metres and covers an area of 2.094km². It has a population of about 126 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Borčany
Borčany is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Borčice
Borčice is a village and municipality in Ilava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 229 metres and covers an area of 4.118 km². It has a population of about 377 people.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Borinka
Borinka is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Malacky District in the Bratislava Region, at the foothills of the Little Carpathians, best known for the Pajštún Castle, but it is also area with a lots of week-end houses ....
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Borová (Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Borovce
Borovce is a village and municipality in Piešťany District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 160 metres and covers an area of 10.879km². It has a population of about 980 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Borský Mikuláš
Borský Mikuláš
Borský Mikuláš is a large village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 198 metres and covers an area of 49.982km². It has a population of about 3,879 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Borský Svätý Jur
Borský Svätý Jur
Borský Svätý Jur is a village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1393....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Borša
Borša is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1221...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Bory
Bory, Levice District
Bory is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 160 metres and covers an area of 8.811 km².It has a population of about 326 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Bošáca
Bošáca is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1380 as Bosach.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Bošany
Bošany is a village and municipality in Partizánske District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1183.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Boťany
Botany, plant science, or plant biology is a branch of biology that involves the scientific study of plant life. Traditionally, botany also included the study of fungi, algae and viruses...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Bottovo
Bottovo is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:**
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Bôrka
Bôrka is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Bracovce
Bracovce is a village and municipality in the Michalovce District in the Košice Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 105 metres and covers an area of 9.622 km².It has a population of about 950 people.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Branč
Branč is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western centralSlovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 137 metres and covers an area of 13.808 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Branovo
Branovo is a municipality and village in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 130 metres and covers an area of 9.321 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Bratislava
Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia and, with a population of about 431,000, also the country's largest city. Bratislava is in southwestern Slovakia on both banks of the Danube River. Bordering Austria and Hungary, it is the only national capital that borders two independent countries.Bratislava...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Braväcovo
Braväcovo is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Brdárka
Brdárka is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Brehov
Brehov is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 130 metres and covers an area of 7.901 km².It has a population of about 640 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Brehy
Brehy, Žarnovica District
Brehy is a village and municipality in the Žarnovica District, Banská Bystrica Region in Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1283 when German colonists arrived here for overworking local mines of silver In 1339 the King gave the village to the Sz...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Brekov
Brekov is a village and municipality in the Humenné District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 145 metres and covers an area of 9.725 km².It has a population of about 1,265 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Brestov nad Laborcom
Brestov nad Laborcom
Brestov nad Laborcom is a village and municipality in the Medzilaborce District in the Prešov Region of far north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Brestov
Brestov, Humenné
Brestov is a village and municipality in Humenné District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia. The mayor is Ľudmila Nováková .-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 206 metres and covers an area of 10.122 km²....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Brestov (Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Brestovany
Brestovany is a municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia. The region has a reputation for the admirable beauty and fitness of its inhabitants.-External links:*...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Brestovec
Brestovec, Komárno District
Brestovec is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 110 metres and covers an area of 7.491 km².It has a population of about 490 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Brestovec
Brestovec, Myjava District
Brestovec is a village and municipality in Myjava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 389 metres and covers an area of 17.342 km². It has a population of about 970 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Bretejovce
Bretejovce is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:The village was first mentioned in historical records in 1289.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Bretka
Bretka is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Bretka
Bretka is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Breza
Breza is a town and municipality in central Bosnia and Herzegovina, famous for the local mining activities and production of coal. It covers an area of and is part of the Zenica-Doboj Canton in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Brezany
Brezany is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 390 metres and covers an area of 3.656km². It has a population of about 460 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Brezina
Brezina (village)
Brezina is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 186 metres and covers an area of 12.964 km².It has a population of about 715 people.- Demography :...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Breznica
Breznica, Stropkov District
Breznica is a village and municipality in Stropkov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 176 metres and covers an area of 9.931 km². It has a population of about 725 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Breznička
Breznicka, Poltár District
Breznička is a village and municipality in the Poltár District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1279 as a Slavic settlement.-External links:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Breznička
Breznicka, Stropkov District
Breznička is a village and municipality in Stropkov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 220 metres and covers an area of 5.838 km²...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Brezno (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Brezolupy
Brezolupy is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Brezov
Brezov is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 190 metres and covers an area of 6.894km².It has a population of about 435 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Brezová pod Bradlom
Brezová pod Bradlom
Brezová pod Bradlom is a town in the Myjava District, Trenčín Region, western Slovakia, at the western foothills of the Little Carpathians, in the Záhorie region.-History:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Brezovec
Brezovec is a village and municipality in Snina District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 290 metres and covers an area of 3.427 km². It has a population of about 51 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Brezovica
Brezovica, Sabinov District
Brezovica, fully Brezovica nad Torysou is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 456 metres and covers an area of 18.235 km²...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Brezovica
Brezovica, Tvrdošín District
Brezovica is a village and municipality in Tvrdošín District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 700 metres and covers an area of 19.229km². It has a population of about 1290 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Brezovička
Brezovička is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in the literature in 1320 AD.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Brezovka
Brezovka is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 360 metres and covers an area of 3.268km².It has a population of about 79 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Brežany
Brežany is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 390 metres and covers an area of 3.306 km². It has a population of about 150 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Brhlovce
Brhlovce is a municipality and village in the Levice District in the south-west of Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.It was formed in 1952 by a merger of the villages Dolné Brhlovce and Horné Brhlovce .It lies some 10 km east of Levice...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Brieštie
Brieštie is a village and municipality in Turčianske Teplice District in the Žilina Region of northern central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 580 metres and covers an area of 11.175km². It has a population of about 159 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Brodské
Brodské is a village and municipality in Skalica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.Brodské is a small village lying on the left side of the Morava river, which makes border with the Czech republic and Austria. In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1163...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Brodzany
Brodzany is a village and municipality in Partizánske District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1293....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Brunovce
Brunovce is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 172 metres and covers an area of 5.821km². It has a population of about 544 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Brusnica
Brusnica is a village and municipality in Stropkov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 199 metres and covers an area of 14.283 km². It has a population of about 415 people...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Brusník
Brusník is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1327 as belonging to Sečianky. After it passed to Divín castle.-External...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Brutovce
Brutovce is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 863 metres and covers an area of 13.685km² . It has a population of about 220 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Bruty
Bruty is a municipality and village in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 156 metres and covers an area of 23.532 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Brvnište
Brvnište is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 367 metres and covers an area of 6.940 km². It has a population of about 1170 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Brzotín
Brzotín is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Buclovany
Buclovany is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 245 metres and covers an area of 4.095 km².It has a population of about 230 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Búč
Búč is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 118 metres and covers an area of 31.501 km².It has a population of about 1200 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Bučany
Bučany is a municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Budikovany
Budikovany is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.Part of the historic Gömör-Kishont region of the Kingdom of Hungary.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Budimír
Budimír is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 350 metres and covers an area of 4.502 km².It has a population of about 325 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Budince
Budince is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 106 metres and covers an area of 1.964 km².It has a population of about 220 people.-Government:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Budiš
Budiš is a village and municipality in Turčianske Teplice District in the Žilina Region of northern central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 476 metres and covers an area of 10.275km². It has a population of about 211 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Budkovce
Budkovce a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 102 metres and covers an area of 19.836 km².It has a population of about 1500 people.-Government:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Budmerice
Budmerice is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Pezinok District in the Bratislava region....
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Buglovce
Buglovce is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 460 metres and covers an area of 3.031 km² . It has a population of about 264 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Buková
Buková is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region, Slovakia. The village is located in the Little Carpathians and Buková reservoir is located nearby.-External links:*...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Bukovce
Bukovce is a village and municipality in Stropkov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 239 metres and covers an area of 11.062 km²...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Bukovec
Bukovec, Košice-okolie District
Bukovec is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude 360 metres and covers an area of 10.852 km². It has a population of about 700 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Bukovec
Bukovec, Myjava District
Bukovec is a village and municipality in Myjava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 380 metres and covers an area of 15.469 km². It has a population of about 415 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Bukovina (Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Bulhary (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Bunetice
Bunetice is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Bunkovce
Bunkovce is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 106 metres and covers an area of 7.79 km².It has a population of about 335 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Bušince
Bušince is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:The village was first mentioned in 1248 . It belonged to Divín, and after until the 17th century to Modrý Kameň. It suffered war devastations very much. It was defended by...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Bušovce
Bušovce is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of northern central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 713 metres and covers an area of 6.653 km².It has a population of about 225 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Buzica
Buzica is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Bystrá
Bystrá, Brezno District
Bystrá is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-Famous people:*František Švantner, writer...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Bystrá
Bystrá, Stropkov District
Bystrá is a village and municipality in Stropkov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 400 metres and covers an area of 3.012 km²...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Bystrany
Bystrany (Slovakia)
Bystrany is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 415 metres and covers an area of 7.819km².It has a population of about 2740 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Bystré (Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Bystričany
Bystričany is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 260 metres and covers an area of 37.607 km²...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Bystrička
Bystrička is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 450 metres and covers an area of 19.122km². It has a population of about 1375 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Byšta
Byšta is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 126 metres and covers an area of 11.522 km².It has a population of about 160 people.-Facilities:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Byšta
Byšta is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 126 metres and covers an area of 11.522 km².It has a population of about 160 people.-Facilities:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Bytča
Bytča is a town in northwestern Slovakia. It is located at the Váh river near the cities of Žilina and Považská Bystrica. It belongs to Upper Váh region of tourism.-History:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Bzenica (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Bzenov
Bzenov is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 305 metres and covers an area of 3.192 km². It has a population of about 730 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Bzince pod Javorinou
Bzince pod Javorinou
Bzince pod Javorinou is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1332.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Bziny
Bziny is a village and municipality in Dolný Kubín District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 502 metres and covers an area of 5.842km². It has a population of about 530 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Bzovík
Bzovík is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1135 when the noble Lampert of Hunt-Poznan founded a Cistercian abbey here. In 1433 Bzovík was destroyed by Hussites and in...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Bžany
Bžany, Stropkov District
Bžany is a village and municipality in Stropkov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 170 metres and covers an area of 17.064 km². It has a population of about 172 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Cabaj-Čápor
Cabaj-Čápor is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 165 metres and covers an area of 34.422 km². It has a population of about 3570 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Cabov
Cabov is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 217 metres and covers an area of 15.689km². It has a population of about 424 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Cakov
Cakov is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:The village arose in the 13th century. It was first mentioned in 1395 when it belonged to the Széchy family. From the 17th century it was the property of Muráň. In 1576...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Cejkov
Cejkov is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 172 metres and covers an area of 20.845 km².It has a population of about 1210 people.-Facilities:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Cernina
Černina is a village and municipality in Humenné District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia. The mayor is Silvia Žinčáková .-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 264 metres and covers an area of 7.4 km²....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Cerová
For other uses, see Cerova Cerová is a village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Cerovo
Cerovo is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.- History :...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Cestice
Cestice is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Cífer
Cífer is a municipality in the Trnava District, Slovakia. It has a population of 4,013....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Cigeľ
Cigeľ is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 460 metres and covers an area of 17.35 km². It has a population of about 1,036 people.-External links:*...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Cigeľka
Cigeľka is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia with Ruthenian and Roma inhabitants. It lies in the valley of Oľchovec below the Busov hill near the Slovakia-Poland border...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Cigla
Cigla is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 330 metres and covers an area of 4.879km². It has a population of about 78 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Cimenná
Cimenná is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Cinobaňa
Cinobaňa is a village and municipality in the Poltár District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1279 as a miner village . It belonged to Somoskő Castle...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Čab
The word cab has a number of meanings, most of which are abbreviations:In transport:* Cabriolet, a horse-drawn carriage* Taxicab* Cabin * Cab , the driving compartment of a locomotive...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Čabalovce
Čabalovce is a village and municipality in the Medzilaborce District in the Prešov Region of far north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 400 metres and covers an area of 21.403 km². It has a population of about 365 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Čabiny
Čabiny is a village and municipality in the Medzilaborce District in the Prešov Region of far north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 250 metres and covers an area of 38.847 km². It has a population of about 430 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Čabradský Vrbovok
Cabradský Vrbovok
Čabradský Vrbovok is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.The village is best-known for the ruins of Čabraď Castle.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Čadca
Čadca is a district town in northern Slovakia, near the border with Poland and the Czech Republic.-Geography:It is located south of the Jablunkov Pass, surrounded by the Javorníky, Kysucké Beskydy and Turzovská vrchovina mountain ranges. It lies in the valley of the Kysuca river, around 30 km...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Čachtice
Čachtice is a village in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in western Slovakia with a population of 3,630 .The village is situated between the Danubian Lowland and the Little Carpathians. It is best known for the ruins of the nearby Čachtice Castle, home of Elizabeth Báthory who is alleged to be the...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Čajkov
Čajkov is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 188 metres and covers an area of 23.939 km².It has a population of about 1030 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Čaka
Čaka is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 188 metres and covers an area of 9.069 km².It has a population of about 830 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Čakajovce
Čakajovce is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 146 metres and covers an area of 5.77 km². It has a population of about 1070 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Čakanovce
Cakanovce, Lucenec District
Čakanovce is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Čakanovce
Cakanovce, Košice-okolie District
Čakanovce is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 240 metres and covers an area of 9.617 km². It has a population of about 556 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Čakany
Čakany is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Čaklov
Čaklov is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 135 metres and covers an area of 12.759km². It has a population of about 2,258 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Čalovec
Čalovec is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 112 metres and covers an area of 23.209 km².It has a population of about 1,185 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Čamovce
Čamovce is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:The village arose in the 12th century. It was first mentioned in 1240 . It belonged to Hajnáčka and, successively, to the families Feledyi, Lorantfy, Vecsény and Vay...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Čaňa
In the Christian New Testament, the Gospel of John refers a number of times to a town called Cana of Galilee.-The marriage at Cana:Among Christians and other students of the New Testament, Cana is best known as the place where, according to the Fourth Gospel, Jesus performed his first public...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Čaradice
Čaradice is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 240 metres and covers an area of 17.85 km². It has a population of about 520 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Čáry
- Surname :* Cary family* Alexander Cary, Master of Falkland , son of Lucius Cary, 15th Viscount Falkland* Alice Cary , American poet* Annie Louise Cary , American singer...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Častá
Casta is a Portuguese and Spanish term used in seventeenth and eighteenth centuries mainly in Spanish America to describe as a whole the mixed-race people which appeared in the post-Conquest period...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Častkov
Častkov is a village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 280 metres and covers an area of 13.182km². It has a population of about 610 people.- External links :...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Častkovce
Častkovce is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 178 metres and covers an area of 7.541 km². It has a population of about 1014 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Čata
CATA may refer to:*Cape Ann Transportation Authority in Gloucester, Massachusetts*Capital Area Transportation Authority in Lansing, Michigan*Centre Area Transportation Authority in State College, Pennsylvania*CATA Línea Aérea an Argentinian airline...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Čataj
Čataj is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava region. This typical agricultural village has fewer than 1000 inhabitants and is located aside from major roads, roughly between Senec and Trnava.-History:...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Čavoj
Čavoj is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 534 metres and covers an area of 15.245 km² . It has a population of about 577 people.-External links:*
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Čebovce
Čebovce is a village in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:The village was first mentioned in 1240 . It belonged to Zichy, Balassa and Somogyi noble families. From 1938 to 1944 it was occupied by Hungary.-Geography:The municipality lies at an...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Čečehov
Čečehov is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 106 metres and covers an area of 7.616 km². It has a population of about 350 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Čečejovce
Čečejovce is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:The village of Čečejovce is situated 205 m above sea level in the Košice Lowlands 22 km to the southwest of Košice in Slovakia...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Čechy
- Place names :Czechia:* Čechy, the Czech name for Bohemia** Střední Čechy, the Central Bohemian Region* Čechy , a village and municipality in Přerov District, Olomouc Region, Czech Republic...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Čechynce
Čechynce is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 133 metres and covers an area of 5.861 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Čekovce
Čekovce is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1391 . It belonged to Bzovík, and in the 17th century to Esztergom' Seminary.-External...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Čeľadice
Čeľadice is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 170 metres and covers an area of 10.471 km². It has a population of about 765 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Čeľadince
Čeľadince is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Čeláre
Čeláre is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:The village was first mentioned in 1436 . It belonged to many feudal families, and Feudal Law was always strictly applied here. From 1554 to 1593 it was occupied by Turks...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Čelkova Lehota
Celkova Lehota
Čelková Lehota is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.The village lies in a beautiful natural environment near Strážovské vrchy mountain range at the end of Domaniža valley.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Čelovce
Celovce, Velký Krtíš District
Čelovce is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:The village was first mentioned in 1295 when it belonged to Hunt family. In the 16th century it passed to Čabraď castle...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Čeľovce
Celovce may refer to several places in Slovakia*Čelovce, Veľký Krtíš District*Čeľovce - a village in Trebisov District in eastern Kosice Region...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Čelovce
Celovce, Prešov District
Čelovce is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 327 metres and covers an area of 3.993 km². It has a population of about 300 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Čenkovce
Čenkovce is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Demography :It has a population of about 814 people, of whom 740 respondents reported themselves as Hungarian and 67 as Slovak) at the 2001 census....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Čereňany
Čereňany is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 225 metres and covers an area of 18.978 km². It has a population of about 1,730 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Čerenčany
Čerenčany Čerenčany Čerenčany (earlier Cšerencšány, is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia. During the past years the village recorded population growth and new houses and condominiums were built...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Čerhov
Čerhov is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 123 metres and covers an area of 8.528 km².It has a population of about 820 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Čermany
Čermany is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Černík
Černík is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 129 metres and covers an area of 13.389 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Černochov
Černochov is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 175 metres and covers an area of 6.156 km².It has a population of 221 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Čertižné
Čertižné is a village and municipality in the Medzilaborce District in the Prešov Region of far north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 452 metres and covers an area of 23.729 km²...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Červená Voda
Cervená Voda, Sabinov District
Červená Voda is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 515 metres and covers an area of 5.452 km². It has a population of about 448 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Červeňany
Červeňany is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:**
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Červenica pri Sabinove
Cervenica pri Sabinove
Červenica pri Sabinove is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 358 metres and covers an area of 6.300 km². It has a population of about 788 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Červenica
Červenica is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1427. Until the nineteenth century its mines were the only source of precious opal available to Europeans.-Geography:The...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Červeník
Červeník is a village and municipality in Hlohovec District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1113. The first known name of the village was "Bin", it was changed to "Wereswar" in 1394, in 1661 to "Veresvar", and in 1911 it was...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Červený Hrádok
Cervený Hrádok
Červený Hrádok is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 170 metres and covers an area of 5.5 km². It has a population of about 430 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Červený Kameň
Cervený Kamen
Červený Kameň is a village and municipality in Ilava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 361 metres and covers an area of 32.584 km². It has a population of about 757 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Červený Kláštor
Cervený Kláštor
This is an article about the Slovakian village. For the monastery see, Červený Kláštor Červený Kláštor is a small village and municipality in the far north Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia, near the Polish border in the Zamagurie region.-History:A Camaldolese Monastery...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) České Brezovo
Ceské Brezovo
České Brezovo is a village and municipality in the Poltár District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was surely mentioned in 1435 , but the existence of the village in the area is recorded from 1334 as belonging to Zachy, Bosnyáky and Szentivány...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Čičarovce
Čičarovce is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 106 metres and covers an area of 26.634 km²...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Čičarovce
Čičarovce is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 106 metres and covers an area of 26.634 km²...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Čičava
Čičava is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 155 metres and covers an area of 5.284km². It has a population of about 978 people.-External links:*...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Čičmany
Čičmany is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia. It is known as the first folk architecture reserve in the world .-History:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Číčov
Číčov is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.- History :The village was first mentioned in 1172 as Chichou. In 1268 belonged to Komárom fortress, later it was the property of the Counts Cseszneky, Pálffy, Zichy and Kálnoky. In 1682, as a...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Čierna Lehota
Cierna Lehota, Rožnava District
Čierna Lehota is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 521 metres and covers an area of 31.864 km².It has a population of about 575 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Čierna Lehota (Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Čierna nad Tisou
Cierna nad Tisou
Čierna nad Tisou is a town and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of extreme south-eastern Slovakia, near the Tisa river.-History:The town and municipality is one of the newest in the Košice Region established in 1828....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Čierna Voda
Cierna Voda
Čierna Voda is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 120 metres and covers an area of 12.142 km². It has a population of about 1410 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Čierna
Čierna is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 101 metres and covers an area of 4.244 km².It has a population of 415 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Čierne Kľačany
Cierne Klacany
Čierne Kľačany is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, of Slovakia. It is best known for the archeological find of the Pyxis of Čierne Kľačany.-Geography:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Čierne nad Topľou
Cierne nad Toplou
Čierne nad Topľou is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Čierne Pole
Cierne Pole
Čierne Pole is a small village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 108 metres and covers an area of 4.232 km². The municipality has a population of about 310 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Čierne
Čierne is a village and municipality in Čadca District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia, on the border with Poland and the Czech Republic.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1662....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Čierny Balog
Cierny Balog
Čierny Balog is a municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-History:The village arose after 1882 by a merge of 13 villages...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Čierny Brod
Cierny Brod
Čierny Brod is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 120 metres and covers an area of 17.699 km². It has a population of about 1559 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Čierny Potok
Cierny Potok
Čierny Potok is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:It arose in 1955 by separation from Hodejov...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Čifáre
Čifáre is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 173 metres and covers an area of 15.339 km². It has a population of about 644 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Čiližská Radvaň
Ciližská Radvan
Čiližská Radvaň is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.- Demography :According to the 2001 census, its total population was 1218, of whom 95,40% of the respondents reported themselves as Hungarian.-History:The first mention of the...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Čimhová
Čimhová is a village and municipality in Tvrdošín District in the Žilina Region of the northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 644 metres and covers an area of 6.388 km². It has a population of about 645 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Čirč
CIRC is a four-letter acronym that may refer to:*China Insurance Regulatory Commission*Cross-interleaved Reed-Solomon coding*CIRC-FM, a radio station*Central Iowa Railway...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Číž
Číž is a spa village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1274 . It first belonged to the Tukovci family and later to several zeman families. In 1566 and 1682, the...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Čižatice
Čižatice is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 280 metres and covers an area of 7.671 km².It has a population of about 360 people.-Government:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Čižatice
Čižatice is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 280 metres and covers an area of 7.671 km².It has a population of about 360 people.-Government:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Čoltovo
Čoltovo is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 15.382 km².It has a population of about 480 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Čremošné
Čremošné is a village and municipality in Turčianske Teplice District in the Žilina Region of northern central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 650 metres and covers an area of 16.175km². It has a population of about 87 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Čučma
Čučma is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 345 metres and covers an area of 11.697 km².It has a population of about 585 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Dačov Lom
Dacov Lom
Dačov Lom is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:It arose in 1943 with the union of Dolný and Horný Dačov Lom...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ďačov
Ďačov is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 432 metres and covers an area of 10.678 km². It has a population of about 747 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Daletice
Daletice is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 457 metres and covers an area of 2.489 km². It has a population107 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Danišovce
Danišovce is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 470 metres and covers an area of 4.298km².It has a population of about 455 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Ďanová
Danova can refer to:*The Seattle Legendary Lover, Will Danova, from Las Vegas.*the Latin name of the ancient episcopal see of Danaba*Ďanová, a village in Slovakia*Cesare Danova, Italian-born actor...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Ďapalovce
Ďapalovce is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 195 metres and covers an area of 14.383km². It has a population of about 489 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Dargov
Dargov is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.- History :The village was first mentioned as Dorgo in a charter in 1458. It belonged to several owners: the nobles Semsey and Széchy, the castle of Sečovce , and a part to the town of Trebišov...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Davidov
Davidov (municipality)
Davidov is a village and municipality in the Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of Slovakia....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Debraď
Debraď is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 267 metres and covers an area of 23.791 km²....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Dedina Mládeže
Dedina Mládeže
Dedina Mládeže is a village and municipality in Slovakia with a population of 514. It literally means Village of Youth.- History :The village was founded by youth volunteers building the Trať Mládeže in 1949 as a settlement within Kolárovo...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Dedinka
Dedinka is a municipality and village in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 180 metres and covers an area of 18.519 km². It has a population of about 830 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Dedinky
Dedinky is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 795 metres and covers an area of 3.643 km².It has a population of about 300 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Dechtice
Dechtice is a municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.There is the Roman Catholic Church of St. Catherine of Alexandria from 1652 and the cemetery of All Saints Church of the 1172nd In the center of the chapel in 1743 dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Caramel. In the...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Dekýš
Dekýš is a village and municipality in Banská Štiavnica District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:Settlements from the Paleolithic period and from the Roman period have been excavated here....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Demandice
Demandice is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 143 metres and covers an area of 21.925 km².It has a population of about 995 people.-External links:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Demänovská Dolina
Demänovská Dolina
Demänovská Dolina is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia. More precisely, it is situated in Demänovská valley, where Demänovská Cave of Liberty and Demänovská Ice Cave can be found.-Geography:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Demjata
Demjata is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 291 metres and covers an area of 11.496km². It has a population of about 1174 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Detrík
Detrík is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 345 metres and covers an area of 9.528km². It has a population of about 48 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Detva
Detva is a town in central Slovakia with a population of 15,000. It is situated on the mountain, Poľana.-History:Detva was created as a village of bondage in a deep-forested area belonging to Zvolenská Slatina and Očová upon instruction of the owner of the Vígľaš dominionLadislav Čáky resp....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Detvianska Huta
Detvianska Huta
Detvianska Huta is a village and municipality in Detva District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Devičany
Devičany is an old village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 260 metres and covers an area of 29.875 km². It has a population of about 388 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Devičie
Devičie is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:Settlements from the Bronze Age and Thracian and Hallstatt finds have been made here....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Dežerice
Dežerice is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 239 metres and covers an area of . It has a population of about 610 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Diaková
Diaková is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia. Coordinates: Latitude: 49° 2' 60"N, Longitude: 18° 58' 0"E.-Geography:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Diakovce
Diakovce is an old village and municipality in Šaľa District, in the Nitra Region of southwest Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1002 meaning that it is one of the oldest recorded villages in Slovakia. In 1001, Stephen I of Hungary deployed Benedictines...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Diviacka Nová Ves
Diviacka Nová Ves
Diviacka Nová Ves is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 270 metres and covers an area of 13.369 km². It has a population of about 1754 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Diviaky nad Nitricou
Diviaky nad Nitricou
Diviaky nad Nitrou is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 304 metres and covers an area of 19.859 km². It has a population of about 1798 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Divín
Divín is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1329 as a parish and a castle...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Divina
Divina is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 381 metres and covers an area of 21.881km². It has a population of about 2522 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Divinka
Divinka is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 327 metres and covers an area of 5.174km². It has a population of about 851 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Dlhá nad Kysucou
Dlhá nad Kysucou
Dlhá nad Kysucou is a village and municipality in Čadca District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 520 metres and covers an area of 12.259km². It has a population of about 503 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Dlhá nad Oravou
Dlhá nad Oravou
Dlhá nad Oravou is a village and municipality in Dolný Kubín District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Dlhá nad Váhom
Dlhá nad Váhom
Dlhá nad Váhom is a village and municipality in Šaľa District, in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 118 metres and covers an area of 9.07 km².It has a population of about 907 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Dlhá Ves
Dlhá Ves
Dlhá Ves is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 330 metres and covers an area of 10.760 km².It has a population of about 600 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Dlhá
Dlhá is a municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Dlhé Klčovo
Dlhé Klcovo
Dlhé Klčovo is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Dlhé Pole
Dlhé Pole
Dlhé Pole is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 392 metres and covers an area of 41.025km². It has a population of about 2039 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Dlhé Stráže
Dlhé Stráže
Dlhé Stráže is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Dlhoňa
Dlhoňa is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 348 metres and covers an area of 8.847km². It has a population of about 70 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Dlžín
Dlžín is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 396 metres and covers an area of 6.653 km². It has a population of about 187 people.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Dobrá Voda
Dobrá Voda
Dobrá Voda is a municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Dobrá
Dobrá, Trebišov District
Dobrá is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 112 metres and covers an area of 8.32 km².It has a population of about 415 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Dobroč
Dobroč is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1393 as belonging to Divín castle.-External links:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Dobrohošť
Dobrohošt, Dunajská Streda District
Dobrohošť is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 123 metres and covers an area of 4.855 km². It has a population of about 371 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Dobroslava
Dobroslava is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 335 metres and covers an area of 5.577km². It has a population of about 39 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Dobšiná
Dobšiná is a town in the Slovenské rudohorie mountains in Slovakia, on the Slaná River, north-west of Košice.-Geography:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Dohňany
Dohňany is a village and municipality in Púchov District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 289 metres and covers an area of 28.752 km². It has a population of about 1753 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Dojč
Dojč is a village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.- Geography :The village is located in the Záhorie lowland, around 10 km west of Senica at an altitude of 180 metres. It has 1 263 inhabitants as of 2008 and has a land area of 20.367km².- External links...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Doľany
Dolany, Pezinok District
Doľany is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Pezinok District in the Bratislava region.-External links:*...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Doľany
Dolany, Levoca District
Doľany is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 560 metres and covers an area of 3.673km² . It has a population of about 430 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Dolinka
Dolinka is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1258 . In 1506 it belonged to Verbőczy family, and after to ecclesiastical Esztergom’s Capitol...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Dolná Breznica
Dolná Breznica
Dolná Breznica is a village and municipality in Púchov District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 297 metres and covers an area of 8.361 km². It has a population of about 818 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Dolná Krupá
Dolná Krupá
Dolná Krupá is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia. It is located in the Danubian Hills at around 12 km from the city of Trnava.The important sights in the village are:* the Saint Andrew church, built in 1807-1811...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Dolná Lehota
Dolná Lehota
Dolná Lehota is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-History:The village was founded in 1358 by a certain Peter from Predajná...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Dolná Mariková
Dolná Mariková
Dolná Mariková is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 343 metres and covers an area of 22.129 km². It has a population of about 1460 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Dolná Poruba
Dolná Poruba
Dolná Poruba is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 427 metres and covers an area of 22.688 km². It has a population of about 845 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Dolná Seč
Dolná Sec
Dolná Seč is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 155 metres and covers an area of 8.78 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Dolná Streda
Dolná Streda
Dolná Streda is a village and municipality in the Galanta District of the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-External links:Oficiálna stránka obce:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Dolná Strehová
Dolná Strehová
Dolná Strehová is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1251 . It belonged to many feudatory families. In 1534 it passed to Levice town...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Dolná Súča
Dolná Súca
Dolná Súča is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 285 metres and covers an area of 26.319 km². It has a population of about 2917 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Dolná Tižina
Dolná Tižina
Dolná Tižina is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 440 metres and covers an area of 13.117km². It has a population of about 1222 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Dolná Trnávka
Dolná Trnávka
Dolná Trnávka is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1338...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Dolná Ves
Dolná Ves
Dolná Ves is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia. It is near the town of Kremnica....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Dolná Ždaňa
Dolná Ždana
Dolná Ždaňa is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1391 , when it belonged to Repište...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Dolné Dubové
Dolné Dubové
Dolné Dubové is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Dolné Kočkovce
Dolné Kockovce
Dolné Kočkovce is a village and municipality in Púchov District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 262 metres and covers an area of 6.125km². It has a population of about 1200 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Dolné Lefantovce
Dolné Lefantovce
Dolné Lefantovce is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of about 160 metres and covers an area of 4.613 km². It has a population of about 540 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Dolné Lovčice
Dolné Lovcice
Dolné Lovčice is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Dolné Mladonice
Dolné Mladonice
Dolné Mladonice is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1391 , when it belonged to Bzovík Castle.-External links:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Dolné Naštice
Dolné Naštice
Dolné Naštice is a village and municipality in the Bánovce nad Bebravou District of the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Dolné Obdokovce
Dolné Obdokovce
Dolné Obdokovce is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 197 metres and covers an area of 10.187 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Dolné Orešany
Dolné Orešany
Dolné Orešany is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Dolné Otrokovce
Dolné Otrokovce
Dolné Otrokovce is a village and municipality in Hlohovec District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 180 metres and covers an area of 9.305km². It has a population of about 342 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Dolné Plachtince
Dolné Plachtince
Dolné Plachtince is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1337 . It belonged to nobles Dacsoy, Lukay and Simonfy...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Dolné Saliby
Dolné Saliby
Dolné Saliby is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 116 metres and covers an area of 18.717 km². It has a population of about 1,957 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Dolné Semerovce
Dolné Semerovce
Dolné Semerovce is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1268.-Geography:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Dolné Srnie
Dolné Srnie
Dolné Srnie is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 230 metres and covers an area of 8.788km². It has a population of about 928 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Dolné Strháre
Dolné Strháre
Dolné Strháre is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1244 , as a royal dominion. In 1260 it was given to the chief Mattheus from Bratislava and after to Divín...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Dolné Trhovište
Dolné Trhovište
Dolné Trhovište is a village and municipality in Hlohovec District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 180 metres and covers an area of 10.057km². It has a population of about 637 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Dolné Vestenice
Dolné Vestenice
Dolné Vestenice is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 228 metres and covers an area of 13.836 km². It has a population of about 2,686 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Dolné Zahorany
Dolné Zahorany
Dolné Zahorany is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Dolné Zelenice
Dolné Zelenice
Dolné Zelenice is a village and municipality in Hlohovec District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 138 metres and covers an area of 2.719km². It has a population of about 534 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Dolný Badín
Dolný Badín
Dolný Badín is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:The area of the village has been continuously inhabited by various peoples since the Neolithic period...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Dolný Bar
Dolný Bar
Dolný Bar is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 114 metres and covers an area of 8.200 km². It has a population of about 560 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Dolný Hričov
Dolný Hricov
Dolný Hričov is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 316 metres and covers an area of 12.451km². It has a population of about 1496 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Dolný Chotár
Dolný Chotár
Dolný Chotár is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 110 metres and covers an area of 13.882 km². It has a population of about 205 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Dolný Kalník
Dolný Kalník
Dolný Kalník is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 440 metres and covers an area of 1.296km². It has a population of about 42 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Dolný Kubín
Dolný Kubín
Dolný Kubín is a town in northern Slovakia in the Žilina Region. It is the historical capital of the Orava region.-Geography:Dolný Kubín lies at an altitude of above sea level and covers an area of ....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Dolný Lieskov
Dolný Lieskov
Dolný Lieskov is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 310 metres and covers an area of 16.470 km². It has a population of about 773 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Dolný Lopašov
Dolný Lopašov
Dolný Lopašov is a village and municipality in Piešťany District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 207 metres and covers an area of 22.934km². It has a population of about 979 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Dolný Ohaj
Dolný Ohaj
Dolný Ohaj is a municipality and village in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 124 metres and covers an area of 17.928 km². It has a population of about 1720 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Dolný Pial
Dolný Pial
Dolný Pial is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 182 metres and covers an area of 13.989 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Dolný Štál
Dolný Štál
Dolný Štál is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.- Demography :In 1910, the village had 1040, in 1991 the census indicated 1889, while the 2001 census 1962 inhabitants. The village has an absolute Hungarian majority.-History:In...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Dolný Vadičov
Dolný Vadicov
Dolný Vadičov is a village and municipality in Kysucké Nové Mesto District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 439 metres and covers an area of 5.952km². It has a population of about 422 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Domadice
Domadice is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 168 metres and covers an area of 13.617 km². It has a population of about 266 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Domaníky
Domaníky is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1135 when it belonged to János and Rubin from Esztergom. In 1382 German settlers established here and the village was called...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Domaniža
Domaniža is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 391 metres and covers an area of 26.061 km². It has a population of about 1487 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Domaňovce
Domaňovce is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 440 metres and covers an area of 12.846km². It has a population of about 915 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Donovaly
Donovaly is a village in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia. Being situated in an important pass between the mountains of Veľká Fatra and Starohorské vrchy, on the route connecting Banská Bystrica with Ružomberok, it became a prominent centre of winter and summer...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Drábsko
Drábsko is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-History:Set in the highland plateau, it was founded in 1810 after an extensive forest calamity in this area. Count Forgách, the owner of the forests, brought the first group of loggers from...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Drahňov
Drahňov is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 110 metres and covers an area of 17.552 km².It has a population of about 1200 people.-Government:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Drahovce
Drahovce is a village and municipality in Piešťany District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 150 metres and covers an area of 24.042 km2. It has a population of about 2564 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Dravce
Dravce is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 648 metres and covers an area of 12.958km². It has a population of about 780 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Dražice (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Dražkovce
Dražkovce is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 430 metres and covers an area of 4.424km². It has a population of about 550 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Drážovce (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Drienčany
Drienčany is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1291 , when here the local feudatory family Derencsény ruled. Derencsény built here their castle, today...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Drienica
Drienica is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 473 metres and covers an area of 10.217 km². It has a population of about 691 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Drienov
Drienov is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 226 metres and covers an area of 20.267km². It has a population of about 2110 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Drienovec
Drienovec is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 190 metres and covers an area of 28.70 km². It has a population of about 1840 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Drienovo
Drienovo is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1256 when it belonged to Čabraď Castle. After, in the order, it passed to families Bakócy , Erdődy, Pálffy, Krusics , Koháry...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Drienovská Nová Ves
Drienovská Nová Ves
Drienovská Nová Ves is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 220 metres and covers an area of 6.484 km². It has a population of about 695 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Drietoma
Drietoma is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 242 metres and covers an area of 35.832 km². It has a population of about 2047 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Drňa
Drňa is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1245 when it was founded . In the 15th century it belonged to nobles Janosy...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Drnava
Drnava is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 382 metres and covers an area of 26.906 km².It has a population of about 675 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Družstevná pri Hornáde
Družstevná pri Hornáde
Družstevná pri Hornáde is a relatively new village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Drženice
Drženice is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 231 metres and covers an area of 12.87 km². It has a population of about 410 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Držkovce
Držkovce is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1243 as a royal dominion . In 1318 it belonged to feudatories Bebek. In 1551 it had to pay tributes to Turks...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ďubákovo
Ďubákovo is a village and municipality in the Poltár District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Dubinné
Dubinné is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 216 metres and covers an area of 7.078km².It has a population of about 325 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Dubnica nad Váhom
Dubnica nad Váhom
Dubnica nad Váhom ) is a town in the Ilava District, Trenčín Region in Slovakia.-Geography:It is located on the Váh river, in the Ilava Basin, between the White Carpathians and Strážovské vrchy mountains, at an altitude of 242 metres...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Dubnička
Dubnička is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Dubník
Dubník is a municipality and village in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 146 metres and covers an area of 41.006 km². It has a population of about 1,765 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Dubno (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Dubodiel
Dubodiel is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 310 metres and covers an area of 20.191 km². It has a population of about 922 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Dubová
Dubová, Pezinok District
Dubová is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Pezinok District in the Bratislava region.-External links:*...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Dubová
Dubová, Svidník District
Dubová is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 330 metres and covers an area of 12.546km². It has a population of about 226 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Dubovany
Dubovany is a village and municipality in Piešťany District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 158 metres and covers an area of 11.337km². It has a population of about 935 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Dubovce
Dubovce is a village and municipality in Skalica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 207 metres and covers an area of 8.459 km². It has a population of about 675 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Dubové
Dubové, Turcianske Teplice District
Dubové is a village and municipality in Turčianske Teplice District in the Žilina Region of northern central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 487 metres and covers an area of 28.294km². It has a population of about 758 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Dubovec
Dubovec is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1260 , when it belonged to Blh castle. After it passed to Szèchy family. In 1683 it was pillaged by Turks...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Dubovica
Dubovica is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 419 metres and covers an area of 17.156 km². It has a population of about 1475 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Dúbrava
Dúbrava, Levoca District
Dúbrava is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 620 metres and covers an area of 9.603km². It has a population of about 365 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Dúbrava
Dúbrava, Liptovský Mikuláš District
Dúbrava is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 636 metres and covers an area of 23.217km². It has a population of about 1300 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Dúbravka
Dúbravka, Michalovce
Dúbravka is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 106 metres and covers an area of 10.211 km².It has a population of about 660 people.-Government:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Dúbravy
Dúbravy is a village and municipality in Detva District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ducové
Ducové is a municipality situated in western Slovakia, near the spa town of Piešťany. It was part of the municipality Moravany nad Váhom from 1976 to 1992...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Dudince
Dudince is a spa town in southern Slovakia, with a population of 1,500. It is known for its healing mineral waters and spas.-Geography:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Dukovce
Dukovce is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 260 metres and covers an area of 5.636km². It has a population of about 247 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Dulov
Dulov is a village and municipality in the Ilava District of the Trenčín Region of Slovakia....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Dulova Ves
Dulova Ves
Dulova Ves is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 308 metres and covers an area of 6.073 km². It has a population of about 615 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Dulovce
Dulovce is village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.- Geography :The village lies at an altitude of 135 metres and covers an area of 12.38 km².It has a population of 1,844 .- Facilities :...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Dulovo (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Dunajov
Dunajov is a village and municipality in Čadca District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 373 metres and covers an area of 6.062km². It has a population of about 914 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Dunajská Lužná
Dunajská Lužná
Dunajská Lužná is a municipality in the Bratislava Region of western Slovakia in Senec District.Dunajská Lužná lies approximately 15 km from the capital city of Bratislava towards Dunajská Streda and Komárno...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Gajary
Gajary is a village and municipality in western Slovakia close to the town of Malacky in the Bratislava region. It lies around 40 km north-west of Slovakia's capital Bratislava close to the Austrian border...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Dunajská Streda
Dunajská Streda
Dunajská Streda is a town in southern Slovakia . Dunajská Streda is the most important town of the Žitný ostrov region. It has a Hungarian ethnic majority and its population is 23,562 -Name:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Dunajský Klátov
Dunajský Klátov
Dunajský Klátov is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 114 metres and covers an area of 4.574 km². It has a population of about 456 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Ďurčiná
Ďurčiná is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of and covers an area of . It has a population of about 1072 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Ďurďoš
Ďurďoš is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 175 metres and covers an area of 6.135km². It has a population of about 233 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Ďurďošík
Ďurďošík is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 233 metres and covers an area of 4.590 km².It has a population of 350 people.-Government:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Ďurďové
Ďurďové is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 381 metres and covers an area of 4.815 km² . It has a population of about 192.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Ďurkov
Ďurkov is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 261 metres and covers an area of 9.921 km².It has a population of 1560 people.-Government:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Ďurková
Ďurková is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 550 metres and covers an area of 3.979 km² . It has a population of about 276.-External links:*
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Ďurkovce
Ďurkovce is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1262 . In 1351 it belonged to Vinica town and, successively, to nobles Gyürkiy, a local feudatory family, Teleky...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Dvorany nad Nitrou
Dvorany nad Nitrou
Dvorany nad Nitrou is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Dvorec
Dvorec is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Dvorianky
Dvorianky is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 111 metres and covers an area of 6.177 km².It has a population of about 615 people.-Facilities:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Dvorníky
Dvorníky is a village and municipality in Hlohovec District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 150 metres and covers an area of 25.537km². It has a population of about 2017 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Dvorníky-Včeláre
Dvorníky-Včeláre is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 214 metres and covers an area of 13.632 km². It has a population of about 440 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Dvory nad Žitavou
Dvory nad Žitavou
Dvory nad Žitavou is a municipality and village in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 122 metres and covers an area of 63.85 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Egreš
Egreš is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 153 metres and covers an area of 5.603 km².It has a population of about 438 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Fačkov
Fačkov is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 536 metres and covers an area of 37.517km². It has a population of about 736 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Falkušovce
Falkušovce is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 104 metres and covers an area of 9.446 km².It has a population of about 670 people.-Government:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Farná
Farná is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 159 metres and covers an area of 32.745 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Fekišovce
Fekišovce is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 121 metres and covers an area of 4.758km².It has a population of about 300 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Figa
Figa is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1294 . From 1938 to 1945 it belonged to Hungary.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Fijaš
Fijaš is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 240 metres in the Ondavská Highlands, and covers an area of 4.402km². It has a population of about 150 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Fiľakovo
Fiľakovo is a town in the Banská Bystrica Region of south-central Slovakia. Historically it was part of the Nógrád region.-Geography:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Fiľakovské Kováče
Filakovské Kováce
Fiľakovské Kováče is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1246 . It belonged to Fil’akovo town. In 1548 it was destroyed by Turks...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Fintice
Fintice is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 271 metres and covers an area of 11.241 km². It has a population of about 1675 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Folkušová
Folkušová is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 520 metres and covers an area of 6.014km². It has a population of about 126 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Forbasy
Forbasy is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 540 metres and covers an area of 4.498 km². It has a population of about 390 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Frička
Frička is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 500 metres and covers an area of 8.279km².It has a population of about 255 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Fričkovce
Fričkovce is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 450 metres and covers an area of 9.351km².It has a population of about 690 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Fričovce
Fričovce is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1320. One of the oldest breweries in the country can be found there, Zapovca.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Fulianka
Fulianka is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 277 metres and covers an area of 3.805km². It has a population of about 390 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Gabčíkovo
Gabčíkovo is a municipality in Slovakia. It has around 5,100 inhabitants of whom 90% are Hungarians.The Hungarian name of the village was first recorded in 1102 as Beys and preserves the name of its erstwhile pecheneg inhabitants, pecheneg being besenyő in Hungarian...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Gaboltov
Gaboltov is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1247.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Galanta
Galanta is a small town in Slovakia. It is situated 50 km due east from the Slovak capital Bratislava.-Geography:Galanta lies in the Danubian Lowland , the warm southern part of Slovakia...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Galovany
Galovany is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 580 metres and covers an area of 12.924km². It has a population of about 281 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Gáň
Gan may refer to:-Computing and telecommunications:*.gan, the file extension for documents created by GanttProject*Generic Access Network formerly known as Unlicensed Mobile Access *Global Area Network- Mythology :...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Gánovce
Gánovce is a village in the Poprad District of the Prešov Region in northern Slovakia, situated 3 km south-east from the town of Poprad.-History:Gánovce was mentioned for the first time in written records in 1317 as "villa Ganau"...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Gbeľany
Gbeľany is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 375 metres and covers an area of 7.134km². It has a population of about 1244 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Gbelce
Gbelce is a municipality and village in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1233. The battle of Köbölkút occurred here in 1663.-Geography:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Gbely
Gbely is a town in the Skalica District, Trnava Region in western Slovakia, close to the Czech border.-History:The first written record about Gbely was in 1392. It gained town rights in the 16th–17th centuries...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Geča
Geča is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 185 metres and covers an area of 5.481 km². It has a population of about 1500 people.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Gelnica
Gelnica is a town in the Košice Region of Slovakia. It has a population of 6,171.-Geography:It is located in the northern part of the Slovak Ore Mountains, in the Hnilec river valley, which flows few kilometres downstream into Hornád...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Gemer (village) (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Gemerček
Gemerček is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1427 when it belonged to Ratoldoy family. In 1554 it was destroyed by Turks, and in 1689 it suffered because...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Gemerská Hôrka
Gemerská Hôrka
Gemerská Hôrka is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 227 metres and covers an area of 12.794 km².It has a population of about 1330 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Gemerská Panica
Gemerská Panica
Gemerská Panica is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-History:Prvá písomná zmienka o obci Gemerská Panica sa datuje do roku 1247, kedy sa nazývala Ponyth...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Gemerská Poloma
Gemerská Poloma
Gemerská Poloma is a village and large municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-History:The area of Gemerská Poloma was variously part of Great Moravia and the medieval Kingdom of Hungary. In 1241 the area was subject to Mongol invasion.The first...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Gemerská Ves
Gemerská Ves
Gemerská Ves is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:It arose in 1964 for the union of the Hrkáč and Šankovice in a unique municipality. Hrkáč was first mentioned, in the past, in 1274 , when King Ladislav gave the village to Otročok. In...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Gemerské Dechtáre
Gemerské Dechtáre
Gemerské Dechtáre is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Gemerské Michalovce
Gemerské Michalovce
Gemerské Michalovce is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1413...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Gemerské Teplice
Gemerské Teplice
Gemerské Teplice is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:It arose in 1964 for the union of Gemerský Milhost' and Jelšavská Teplica in a unique Municipality. Gemerský Milhost' merged in the History in 1258...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Gemerský Jablonec
Gemerský Jablonec
Gemerský Jablonec is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Gemerský Sad
Gemerský Sad
Gemerský Sad is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:It arose in 1964 for the union of Mikolčany and Nováčany in one Municipality. Mikolčany was first mentioned in 1337 when it belonged to feudatoris Zachy...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Geraltov
Geraltov is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 514 metres and covers an area of 10.665km². It has a population of about 130 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Gerlachov, Bardejov District
Gerlachov, Bardejov District
Gerlachov is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 360 metres and covers an area of 8.864km²....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Gerlachov, Poprad District
Gerlachov, Poprad District
Gerlachov is a village and municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia, under the High Tatras. It historically belongs to the Spiš region.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1326...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Giglovce
Giglovce is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 150 metres and covers an area of 4.029km². It has a population of about 169 people.-External links:*...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Giraltovce
Giraltovce is a town lying the in Prešov Region, eastern Slovakia.-Twin towns — Sister cities:Giraltovce is twinned with:-External links:*...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Girovce
Girovce is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 155 metres and covers an area of 2.733km². It has a population of about 71 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Glabušovce
Glabušovce is a village and municipality in southern Slovakia. It is located in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Gočaltovo
Gočaltovo is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 373 metres and covers an area of 10.677 km².It has a population of about 245 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Gočovo
Gočovo is a village and large municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 435 metres and covers an area of 14.578 km².It has a population of about 410 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Golianovo
Golianovo is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 164 metres and covers an area of 10.702 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Gortva
Gortva is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1326 , when it belonged to Feledy feudatories. In the 16th century it suffered Turkish devastations...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Gôtovany
Gôtovany is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 595 metres and covers an area of 2.914 km². It has a population of about 389 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Granč-Petrovce
Granč-Petrovce is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 452 metres and covers an area of 3.166km². It has a population of about 600 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Gregorova Vieska
Gregorova Vieska
Gregorova Vieska is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1393 . It belonged to Divín castle.-External links:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Gregorovce
Gregorovce is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 326 metres and covers an area of 9.843km². It has a population of about 780 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Gyňov
Gyňov is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 5.38 km². It has a population of about 570 people.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Habovka
Habovka is a village and municipality in Tvrdošín District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 730 metres and covers an area of 29.414km². It has a population of about 1,350 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Habura
Habura is a village and municipality in the Medzilaborce District in the Prešov Region of far north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 387 metres and covers an area of 27.82 km². It has a population of about 470 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hačava
Hačava is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Háj
Háj, Košice-okolie
Háj is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.*Location: Slovak Republic. Háj is situated near Zádiel valley in Slovak carst.*GPS position: 48°37'N 20°51' E....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Háj (Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Hajná Nová Ves
Hajná Nová Ves
Hajná Nová Ves is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Hajnáčka
Hajnáčka is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hájske
Hájske is a village and municipality in Šaľa District, in the Nitra Region of southwest Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 130 metres and covers an area of 14.066 km². It has a population of about 1365 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Hajtovka
Hajtovka is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 525 metres and covers an area of 3.047 km². It has a population of about 91 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Haláčovce
Haláčovce is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Halič
Halic may refer to:* Halič - a village in Slovakia* Haliç - a village in Turkey* The Golden Horn...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Haligovce
Haligovce is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia. Former name of the village was "Hedvigina Poruba".-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Haluzice
Haluzice, Nové Mesto nad Váhom District
Haluzice is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-History:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Hamuliakovo
Hamuliakovo is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 129 metres and covers an area of 10.947km². It has a population of 1108 people.-Demography:...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Handlová
Handlová is a town in the Prievidza District, Trenčín Region in the middle of Slovakia. It is made up of the three parts Handlová, Nová Lehota and Morovno.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Hanigovce
Hanigovce is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 533 metres and covers an area of 8.473 km². It has a population of about 130 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Haniska (Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Haniska
Haniska, Prešov District
Haniska is a village and municipality in the Prešov District, Prešov Region in eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude 233 metres and covers an area of 1.902km²...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hanková
Hanková is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 490 metres and covers an area of 10.872 km².It has a population of about 54 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Hankovce (Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hanušovce nad Topľou
Hanušovce nad Toplou
Hanušovce nad Topľou is a town in the Vranov nad Topľou District, Prešov Region in eastern Slovakia, near the Topľa river.-Geography:Hanušovce nad Topľou lies at an altitude of above sea level and covers an area of...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Harakovce
Harakovce is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 610 metres and covers an area of 5.276km². It has a population of about 70 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Harhaj
Harhaj is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 4.434km².It has a population of about 245 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Harichovce
Harichovce is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 446 metres and covers an area of 10.8km².It has a population of about 1725 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Hatalov
Hatalov is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 103 metres and covers an area of 8.633 km².It has a population of about 760 people.-Government:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Hatné
Hatné is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 390 metres and covers an area of 5.435 km². It has a population of about 564 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Havka
Havka is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1337...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Havranec
Havranec is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 375 metres and covers an area of . It has a population of about 10 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hažín
Hažín is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 120 metres and covers an area of 16.318 km².It has a population of about 450 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Hažlín
Hažlín is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 270 metres and covers an area of 20.093 km².It has a population of about 1185 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Helcmanovce
Helcmanovce is a village and municipality in the Gelnica District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Heľpa
Heľpa is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1549...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Henckovce
Henckovce is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Henclová
Henclová is a village and municipality in the Gelnica District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Hencovce
Hencovce is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 123 metres and covers an area of 6.369km². It has a population of about 1261 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hendrichovce
Hendrichovce is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 412 metres and covers an area of 4.224km². It has a population of about 215 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Herľany
Herľany is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1487.-Geography:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Hermanovce nad Topľou
Hermanovce nad Toplou
Hermanovce nad Topľou is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hermanovce
Hermanovce is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of and occupies an area of . It has a population of about 1,530 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hertník
Hertník is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-History:Hertník originated around 1300 and is associated with the Mongol invasion of Europe of 1241-1242. Following the invasion, Béla IV of Hungary donated his estates to his patricians...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hervartov
Hervartov is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1406. The wooden church in the village was built around 1500 and is a Roman Catholic wooden church...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hincovce
Hincovce is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 435 metres and covers an area of 6.488km².It has a population of about 205 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Hladovka
Hladovka is a village and municipality in Tvrdošín District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1598...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Hlboké nad Váhom
Hlboké nad Váhom
Hlboké nad Váhom is a village and municipality in Bytča District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 347 metres and covers an area of 5.359km². It has a population of about 915 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Hlboké
Hlboké, is a village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1262. In 1843 the Štúr's Slovak language was codified in the village.-Geography:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Hliník nad Hronom
Hliník nad Hronom
Hliník nad Hronom is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hlinné
Hlinné is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 152 metres and covers an area of 14.588km². It has a population of about 1648 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hlivištia
Hlivištia is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 262 metres and covers an area of 20.21 km².It has a population of about 385 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Hlohovec (Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Hniezdne
Hniezdne is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 539 metres and covers an area of 17.981 km². It has a population of about 1397 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hnilčík
Hnilčík is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 608 metres and covers an area of 23.23km².It has a population of about 530 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Hnilec
Hnilec (village)
Hnilec is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 669 metres and covers an area of 27.082km².It has a population of about 515 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Hnojné
Hnojné is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 108 metres and covers an area of 6.811 km².It has a population of about 250 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Hnúšťa
Hnúšťa is a town and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.It is a birthplace of a well known Slovak writer of 19th century, member of the Štúr generation, Janko Francisci Rimavský...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hodejov
Hodejov is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1280 ,when the local feudatories the Ratoldoy built a castle in the zone. Successively it belonged to femilies...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hodejovec
Hodejovec is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1246 . It belonged to Hunt-Poznany, in the 15th century to Kaplaiy and Plóczi, and in the 16th century to...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hodkovce
Hodkovce is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 323 metres and covers an area of 7.573 km².It has a population of about 250 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Hodruša-Hámre
Hodruša-Hámre is a village and municipality in the Žarnovica District, Banská Bystrica Region in Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hokovce
Hokovce is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 138 metres and covers an area of 14.403 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Holčíkovce
Holčíkovce is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Holiare
Holiare is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.- Geography :The village lies at an altitude of 112 metres and covers an area of 9.885 km².It has a population of about 415 people.- Facilities :...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Holice (Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Holíč
Holíč is a town in western Slovakia.-History:The oldest archaeological findings are from the Neolithic, and there are findings from the Bronze Age, Iron Age and the Roman time. The town was first mentioned in 1205 as Wywar, meaning "New Castle". The Árpád dynasty built a stone castle after Mongol...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Holiša
Holiša is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1246. It belonged to local nobles Lossonczy. From 1554 to 1594 it was occupied by Turks, and after it passed to Forgách, Koháry...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Holumnica
Holumnica is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 593 metres and covers an area of 8.944 km².It has a population of about 815 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Honce
Honce is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Hontianska Vrbica
Hontianska Vrbica
Hontianska Vrbica is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 173 metres and covers an area of 23.851 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Hontianske Moravce
Hontianske Moravce
Hontianske Moravce is a village situated in southern central Slovakia in Krupina District in the Banská Bystrica Region near the cities of Zvolen and Levice .-Famous people:*Jaro Filip, artist*Ladislav Svihran, writer...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hontianske Nemce
Hontianske Nemce
Hontianske Nemce is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hontianske Tesáre
Hontianske Tesáre
Hontianske Tesare is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hontianske Trsťany
Hontianske Trstany
Hontianske Trsťany is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 164 metres and covers an area of 15.539 km². It has a population of about 340 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Horná Breznica
Horná Breznica
Horná Breznica is a village and municipality in Púchov District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 297 metres and covers an area of 12.276km² . It has a population of about 455 people.-External links:*...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Horná Kráľová
Horná Králová
Horná Kráľová is a village and municipality in Šaľa District, in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 135 metres and covers an area of 19.117 km².It has a population of about 1855 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Horná Krupá
Horná Krupá
Horná Krupá is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Horná Lehota (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Horná Lehota
Horná Lehota, Dolný Kubín District
Horná Lehota is a village and municipality in Dolný Kubín District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Horná Mariková
Horná Mariková
Horná Mariková is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 470 metres and covers an area of 47.458 km². It has a population of about 757 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Horná Poruba
Horná Poruba
Horná Poruba is a village and municipality in Ilava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 402 metres and covers an area of 13.691 km². It has a population of about 1,093 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Horná Potôň
Horná Potôn
Horná Potôň is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1250. Until the end of World War I, it was part of Hungary and fell within the Dunaszerdahely district of...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Horná Seč
Horná Sec
Horná Seč is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 158 metres and covers an area of 8.303 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Horná Streda
Horná Streda
Horná Streda is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 169 metres and covers an area of 9.827 km². It has a population of about 1300 people. The village lies about 7 km north of...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Horná Strehová
Horná Strehová
Horná Strehová is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1493 . It belonged to Divín and Modrý Kameň....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Horná Súča
Horná Súca
Horná Súča is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 315 metres and covers an area of 53.284 km². It has a population of about 3503 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Horná Štubňa
Horná Štubna
Horná Štubňa is a village and municipality in Turčianske Teplice District in the Žilina Region of northern central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 627 metres and covers an area of 31.388km². It has a population of about 1,610 people.-Famous people:*Emília Vášáryová,...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Horná Ves
Horná Ves, Žiar nad Hronom District
Horná Ves is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Horná Ves
Horná Ves, Prievidza District
Horná Ves is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 286 metres and covers an area of 18.569 km². It has a population of about 1080 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Horná Ždaňa
Horná Ždana
Horná Ždaňa is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Horňa
Horna is a Finnish black metal band that formed in 1993. The band has appeared on over thirty releases including splits, demos, EPs and albums since 1995, which have been released through numerous record labels.-History:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Horňany
Horňany is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 222 metres and covers an area of 6.707 km². It has a population of about 400 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Horné Dubové
Horné Dubové
Horné Dubové is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Horné Hámre
Horné Hámre
Horné Hámre is a village and municipality in the Žarnovica District, Banská Bystrica Region in Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Horné Chlebany
Horné Chlebany
Horné Chlebany is a municipality with 346 inhabitants in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Horné Lefantovce
Horné Lefantovce
Horné Lefantovce is a village and municipality in the Nitra District of the Nitra Region, in western Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies in the centre of a west facing valley, at an altitude of around 190 metres and covers an area of 18.603 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Horné Mladonice
Horné Mladonice
Horné Mladonice is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Horné Mýto
Horné Mýto
Horné Mýto is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.- Demography :At the 2001 Census the recorded population of the village was 969 while an end-2008 estimate by the Statistical Office had the villages's population as 981...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Horné Naštice
Horné Naštice
Horné Naštice is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Horné Obdokovce
Horné Obdokovce
' is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Horné Orešany
Horné Orešany
Horné Orešany is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:***
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Horné Otrokovce
Horné Otrokovce
Horné Otrokovce is a village and municipality in Hlohovec District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 230 metres and covers an area of 9.059km². It has a population of about 897 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Horné Plachtince
Horné Plachtince
Horné Plachtince is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1243 . It belonged to nobles Doboy, Daszcoy and Simonfy. In 1685 it was pillaged by Turks...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Horné Saliby
Horné Saliby
Horné Saliby is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 117 metres and covers an area of 34.838 km². It has a population of about 3,156 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Horné Semerovce
Horné Semerovce
Horné Semerovce is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 134 metres and covers an area of 10.09 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Horné Srnie
Horné Srnie
Horné Srnie is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 257 metres and covers an area of 27.262 km²...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Horné Strháre
Horné Strháre
Horné Strháre is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1243 , when it belonged to Hont Castle. After, it apssed to Lords Kacsics and, in 1327, to Szécsényi. From...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Horné Štitáre
Horné Štitáre
Horné Štitáre is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Horné Trhovište
Horné Trhovište
Horné Trhovište is a village and municipality in Hlohovec District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 222 metres and covers an area of 7.544km². It has a population of about 548 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Horné Turovce
Horné Turovce
Horné Turovce is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1435.-Geography:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Horné Vestenice
Horné Vestenice
Horné Vestenice is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 260 metres and covers an area of 9.963 km². It has a population of about 610 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Horné Zahorany
Horné Zahorany
Horné Zahorany is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1323...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Horné Zelenice
Horné Zelenice
Horné Zelenice is a village and municipality in Hlohovec District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 138 metres and covers an area of 4.249km². It has a population of about 655 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Horný Badín
Horný Badín
Horný Badín is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Horný Bar
Horný Bar
Horný Bar is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.- Demography :At the 2001 Census the recorded population of the village was 1,075 while an end-2008 estimate by the Institute of Informatics and Statistics had the villages's...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Horný Hričov
Horný Hricov
Horný Hričov is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 318 metres and covers an area of 5.782km². It has a population of about 780 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Horný Kalník
Horný Kalník
Horný Kalník is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 450 metres and covers an area of 2.058km². It has a population of about 156 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Horný Lieskov
Horný Lieskov
Horný Lieskov is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 370 metres and covers an area of 4.897 km². It has a population of about 373 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Horný Pial
Horný Pial
Horný Pial is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 170 metres and covers an area of 6.354km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Horný Tisovník
Horný Tisovník
Horný Tisovník is a village and municipality in Detva District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Horný Vadičov
Horný Vadicov
Horný Vadičov is a village and municipality in Kysucké Nové Mesto District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 489 metres and covers an area of 20.812km². It has a population of about 1557 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Horovce
Horovce, Michalovce District
Horovce is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 111 metres and covers an area of 13.081 km².It has a population of about 900 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Horovce
Horovce, Púchov District
Horovce is a village and municipality in Púchov District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 252 metres and covers an area of 5.353 km². It has a population of about 781 people.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Hoste
Hoste, Galanta District
Hoste is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 126 metres and covers an area of 4.485 km². It has a population of about 504 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Hostice
Hostice is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1332 . It belonged to noble families Ratoldoy and Lórantfy. In the 16th century it had to pay tributes to Turks...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hostie
Hostie is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 290 metres and covers an area of 28.17 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Hostišovce
Hostišovce is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1333 . In 1368 it belonged to Derencsény family. In 1582 it was pillaged by Turks.-External...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hosťová
Hosťová is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 4.784 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Hosťovce (Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Hosťovce
Hostovce, Zlaté Moravce District
Hosťovce is a village and municipality in the Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-External links:*
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Hozelec
Hozelec is a village and municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 695 metres and covers an area of 4.011km². It has a population of about 830 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hôrka nad Váhom
Hôrka nad Váhom
Hôrka nad Váhom is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 193 metres and covers an area of 18.319 km². It has a population of about 680 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Hôrka
Hôrka is a village and municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 610 metres and covers an area of 11.305km². It has a population of about 1560 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hôrky
Hôrky is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 375 metres and covers an area of 2.318 km². It has a population of about 615 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Hrabičov
Hrabičov is a village and municipality in the Žarnovica District, Banská Bystrica Region in Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hrabkov
Hrabkov is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 479 metres and covers an area of 16.705km². It has a population of about 700 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hrabovčík
Hrabovčík is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 285 metres and covers an area of 7.102km². It has a population of about 326 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hrabovec
Hrabovec is a village and municipality in the Bardejov District, Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia. In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1353.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hrabovka
Hrabovka is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 315 metres and covers an area of 4.295 km². It has a population of about 431 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Hrabské
Hrabské is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 230 metres and covers an area of 7.855km².It has a population of about 500 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hrabušice
Hrabušice is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-History:The village was first mentioned in local records in 1279. It contains the 13th century Church of St...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Hradisko
Hradisko is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 840 metres and covers an area of 2.635 km².It has a population of about 100 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hradište pod Vrátnom
Hradište pod Vrátnom
Hradište pod Vrátnom is a village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 284 metres and covers an area of 25.195km². It has a population of about 701 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Hradište (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hradište (Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Hrádok
Hrádok is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 24.135 km². It has a population of about 596 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Hrachovište
Hrachovište is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 229 metres and covers an area of 9.204km². It has a population of about 694 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Hrachovo
Hrachovo is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hraň
Hraň is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 111 metres and covers an area of 17.401 km².It has a population of about 1570 people.-Facilities:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Hraničné
Hrani is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 530 metres and covers an area of 7.543 km². It has a population of about 219 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hranovnica
Hranovnica is a village and municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 613 metres and covers an area of 32.662km². It has a population of about 2580 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hrašné
Hrašné is a village and municipality in Myjava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 341 metres and covers an area of 7.879 km². It has a population of about 505 people.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Hrašovík
Hrašovík is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 215 metres and covers an area of 2.05 km².It has a population of 300 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Hrčeľ
Hrčeľ is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 135 metres and covers an area of 9.9 km².It has a population of about 790 people.-Facilities:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Hrhov
Hrhov is a village and large municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 219 metres and covers an area of 36.078 km².It has a population of about 1200 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Hriadky
Hriadky is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 111 metres and covers an area of 3.315 km².It has a population of about 470 people.-Facilities:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Hričovské Podhradie
Hricovské Podhradie
Hričovské Podhradie is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 360 metres and covers an area of 38.61km². It has a population of about 379 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Hriňová
Hriňová is a town in the Detva District of central Slovakia.-Geography:The town is located on the Slatina river, under the Poľana mountains. It is located app. from Detva and from Zvolen. A dam is located above the town.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hrišovce
Hrišovce is a village and municipality in the Gelnica District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Hrkovce
Hrkovce is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia. Mayor of village is Gejza Nagy.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 205 metres and covers an area of 8.197 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Hrlica
Hrlica is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1413 , when it belonged to Derencsénny feudatories. In the 17th century it passed tu Muráň.-External...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hrnčiarovce nad Parnou
Hrnciarovce nad Parnou
Hrnčiarovce nad Parnou is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Hrnčiarska Ves
Hrnciarska Ves
Hrnčiarska Ves is a village and municipality in the Poltár District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hrnčiarske Zalužany
Hrnciarske Zalužany
Hrnčiarske Zalužany is a village and municipality in the Poltár District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hromoš
Hromoš is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 523 metres and covers an area of 13.353 km². It has a population of about 527 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hronec
Hronec is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1357, when it belonged to Ľupča. In 1405 it was given by Hungarian kings to the knight Paul...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hronovce
Hronovce is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 133 metres and covers an area of 30.962 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Hronská Dúbrava
Hronská Dúbrava
Hronská Dúbrava is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hronské Kľačany
Hronské Klacany
Hronské Kľačany is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 166 metres and covers an area of 7.882 km². It has a population of about 1435 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Hronské Kosihy
Hronské Kosihy
Hronské Kosihy is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 170 metres and covers an area of 7.088 km². It has a population of about 674 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Hrubá Borša
Hrubá Borša
Hrubá Borša or Nagyborsa is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region.-Geography:...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Hruboňovo
Hruboňovo is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 155 metres and covers an area of 11.551 km². It has a population of about 485 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Hrubý Šúr
Hrubý Šúr
Hrubý Šúr or Hegysúr is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region.-Geography:...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Hrušov
Hrušov, Velký Krtíš District
Hrušov is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia. Hrušov is located in a historical region Hont.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hrušov
Hrušov, Rožnava District
Hrušov is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 246 metres and covers an area of 16.801 km².It has a population of about 355 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Hrušovany (Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Hrušovo
Hrušovo is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1297 . It belonged to Blh castle, and in the 14th century to Derencsény...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hruštín
Hruštín is a village and municipality in Námestovo District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 697 metres and covers an area of 36.510km². It has a population of about 3215 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Hubice
Hubice is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1293. Until the end of World War I, it was part of Hungary and fell within the Somorja district of Pozsony County...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Hubina
Hubina is a village and municipality in Piešťany District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 26.843km². It has a population of about 480 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Hubošovce
Hubošovce is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 370 metres and covers an area of 5.821 km². It has a population of about 420 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hubová
Hubová is a village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 450 metres and covers an area of 16.697 km². It has a population of about 1070 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Hubovo
Hubovo is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1235...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hucín
Hucín is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1327 . t belonged to local feudatories Gizey. Some Germans established here in the 16th century...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hul
Hul, Nové Zámky District
Hul is a municipality and village in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 124 metres and covers an area of 12.624 km². It has a population of about 1240 people.-External links:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Huncovce
Huncovce is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.- Etymology :In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1257.- Geography :...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hunkovce
Hunkovce is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1548....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Hurbanova Ves
Hurbanova Ves
Hurbanova Ves is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 125 metres and covers an area of 5.413km². It has a population of 263 people.-Demography:...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Igram
Igram is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region. It is located northeast of Senec, between the villages of Kaplna and Čataj. Currently, the village has around 550 inhabitants.-History:...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Hurbanovo
Hurbanovo is a town and large municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia. In 1948, its Slovak name was changed to Hurbanovo, named after Slovak writer Jozef Miloslav Hurban.- Geography :...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Husák
Husák is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 220 metres and covers an area of 14.81 km².It has a population of about 162 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Husiná
Husiná is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1332 as a village along with a parish...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Hutka
Hutka is a village and small municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 400 metres and covers an area of 3.694km².It has a population of about 88 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Huty
Huty is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 789 metres and covers an area of 11.571km². It has a population of about 229 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Hviezdoslavov
Hviezdoslavov is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.- Demography :At the 2001 Census the recorded population of the village was 337 while an end-2008 estimate by the Statistical Office had the villages's population as 476...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Hvozdnica
Hvozdnica is a village and municipality in Bytča District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 159 metres and covers an area of 19.893km². It has a population of about 2370 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Hybe
Hybe is a village and municipality in the Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-History:The village of Hybe was first mentioned in historical records in 1239....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Hýľov
Hýľov is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 490 metres and covers an area of 23.861 km². It has a population of about 430 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Chanava
Chanava is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Chľaba
Chľaba is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 117 metres and covers an area of 13.866 km². It has a population of about 707 people.-External links:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Chlebnice
Chlebnice is a village and municipality in Dolný Kubín District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Chmeľnica
Chmeľnica is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Chmeľov
Chmeľov is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 396 metres and covers an area of 12.639km². It has a population of about 910 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Chmeľová
Chmeľová is a village and small municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia, formerly known as Komloša.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 365 metres and covers an area of 12.431km²....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Chmeľovec
Chmeľovec is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 349 metres and covers an area of 7.238km². It has a population of about 435 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Chmiňany
Chmiňany is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 375 metres and covers an area of 7.499km². It has a population of about 780 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Chminianska Nová Ves
Chminianska Nová Ves
Chminianska Nová Ves is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 360 metres and covers an area of 10.576km²...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Chminianske Jakubovany
Chminianske Jakubovany
Chminianske Jakubovany is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Choča
Choča is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 180 metres and covers an area of 4.39 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Chocholná-Velčice
Chocholná-Velčice is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 227 metres and covers an area of 27.898 km². It has a population of about 1695 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Choňkovce
Choňkovce is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an elevation of 218 metres and covers an area of 18.322 km² .It has a population of about 625 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Chorvátsky Grob
Chorvátsky Grob
Chorvátsky Grob is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava region.The village's name Chorvátsky means Croatian. This refers to the Croatian people that have lived in the area since the early 16th century...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Chorváty
Chorváty is a village and municipality in the Greater Košice District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.- Geography :The village lies at an elevation of 188 meters and covers an area of 3.30 km².It has a population of about 95....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Chotín
Chotín is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-western Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 109 metres and covers an area of 20.425 km².It has a population of about 1,410 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Chrabrany
Chrabrany is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia.Chrabrany is a small village situated on the right bank of the Nitra river, three kilometres south of Topolcany...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Chrámec
Chrámec is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:Old settlement, in historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1246 , as belonging to feudatories Birin and Michael. After it passed to nobles Hunt-Poznany...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Chrasť nad Hornádom
Chrast nad Hornádom
Chrasť nad Hornádom is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 420 metres and covers an area of 9.387km²....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Chrastince
Chrastince is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:The village was first mentioned in King Bela IV’s List in 1244 as a donation to Balassa feudatory family. In the 18th century it belonged to Gürky family and in the...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Chrastné
Chrastné is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 225 metres and covers an area of 4.732 km².It has a population of about 375 people.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Chrenovec-Brusno
Chrenovec-Brusno is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 360 metres and covers an area of 12.315 km². It has a population of about 1335 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Chropov
Chropov is a village and municipality in Skalica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 246 metres and covers an area of 17.794km². It has a population of about 355 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Chrťany
Chrťany is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1227 . During its History, it belonged to many noble families . From 1554 to 1594 it was occupied by Turks...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Chtelnica
Chtelnica is a village and municipality in Piešťany District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 204 metres and covers an area of 32.965km². It has a population of about 2551 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Chudá Lehota
Chudá Lehota
Chudá Lehota is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 223 metres and covers an area of 3.667km². It has a population of about 221 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Chvalová
Chvalová is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1343 when it passed from local Lords Szkárosy to noble Soldosy family. It was destroyed from Turks in the 16th century...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Chvojnica
Chvojnica, Myjava District
Chvojnica is a village and municipality in Myjava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 370 metres and covers an area of 16.345 km². It has a population of about 400 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Chvojnica
Chvojnica, Prievidza District
Chvojnica is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 493 metres and covers an area of 9.298 km². It has a population of about 235 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Chynorany
Chynorany is a village and municipality in Partizánske District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 178 metres and covers an area of 10.351 km². It has a population of about 2723 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Chyžné
Chyžné is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1427 . It belonged to Jelšava and after to Muráň...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ihľany
Ihľany is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 706 metres and covers an area of 9.587 km².It has a population of about 1380 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Ihráč
Ihráč is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1388...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ilava
Ilava is a town in the Trenčín Region, northwestern Slovakia.-Geography:It is located in the Ilava Basin near the Váh river at the foothills of Strážovské vrchy mountains, near the cities of Považská Bystrica and Trenčín...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Iliašovce
Iliašovce is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 520 metres and covers an area of 13.492km².It has a population of about 970 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Ilija (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Imeľ
Imeľ is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.- Geography :The village lies at an altitude of 111 metres and covers an area of 21.96 km².It has a population of about 2,150 people.- Facilities :...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Iňa
INA as an acronym may refer to: by IOC country code* Indian National Army was an Indian nationalist force during World War II aimed at overthrowing British rule over India* Indian Naval Academy* INA, a division of the Schaeffler Group...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Iňačovce
Iňačovce is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 103 metres and covers an area of 17.35 km². The municipality has a population of about 625 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Inovce
Inovce is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 495 metres and covers an area of 10.596 km².It has a population of about 235 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Ipeľské Predmostie
Ipelské Predmostie
Ipeľské Predmostie is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1252 when King Bela IV gave it to Count Myko. Before, it belonged to Hont. In castle. In 1438 it...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ipeľské Úľany
Ipelské Úlany
Ipeľské Úľany is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 345 metres and covers an area of 15.68 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Ipeľský Sokolec
Ipelský Sokolec
Ipeľský Sokolec is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 116 metres and covers an area of 18.148 km². It has a population of about 870 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Istebné
Istebné is a village and municipality in Dolný Kubín District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Ivachnová
Ivachnová is a village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 508 metres and covers an area of 5.894km². It has a population of about 500 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Ivančiná
Ivančiná is a village and municipality in Turčianske Teplice District in the Žilina Region of northern central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 460 metres and covers an area of 3.543km². It has a population of about 97 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Ivanice
Ivanice is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-History:Ivanice is mentioned in 1245. It belonged to the yeomanry families of Széchy and Koháry, later to the Coburg family. Within the years 1796 – 1797 a reformed church was...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ivanka pri Dunaji
Ivanka pri Dunaji
Ivanka pri Dunaji is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1209....
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Ivanka pri Nitre
Ivanka pri Nitre
Ivanka pri Nitre is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 146 metres and covers an area of 14.909 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Ivanovce
Ivanovce is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 202 metres and covers an area of 15.077 km². It has a population of about 789 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Iža
Iža is a village in south-western Slovakia.- History :The biggest Roman castellum in present-day Slovakia was located in Celemantia, an ancient settlement discovered on the territory of Iža. Celemantia was already mentioned by Claudius Ptolemaios in the 2nd century CE and it was abandoned in...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Ižipovce
Ižipovce is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 605 metres and covers an area of 2.636 km². It has a population of about 83 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Ižkovce
Ižkovce is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Jablonec (Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Jablonica
Jablonica, is a village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 211 metres and covers an area of 31.44km². It has a population of about 2,279 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Jablonka
Jablonka, Myjava District
Jablonka is a village and municipality in the Myjava District in the Trenčín Region of West Slovakia. The name Jablonka literally translates as a 'small apple tree', which can be explained by the big amount of apple trees in and around the village....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Jablonov nad Turňou
Jablonov nad Turnou
Jablonov nad Turňou is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 280 metres and covers an area of 24.463 km².It has a population of about 860 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Jablonov
Jablonov is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 480 metres and covers an area of 20.35km². It has a population of about 975 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Jabloňovce
Jabloňovce is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 291 metres and covers an area of 34.694 km². It has a population of about 208 people.-External links:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Jablonové
Jablonové, Malacky District
Jablonové is a village in Malacky District in the Bratislava Region of western Slovakia close to the town of Malacky, north-west of Slovakia's capital Bratislava.-External links:*
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Jablonové
Jablonové, Bytca District
Jablonové is a village and municipality in Bytča District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 340 metres and covers an area of 4.228km². It has a population of about 862 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Jacovce
Jacovce is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia. It is a birthplace of Slovak ice-hockey star Miro Šatan....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Jahodná
Jahodná is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.- Demography :At the 2001 Census the recorded population of the village was 1374 while an end-2008 estimate by the Statistical Office had the villages's population as 1545...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Jaklovce
Jaklovce is a village and municipality in the Gelnica District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Jakovany
Jakovany is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 507 metres and covers an area of 4.881 km². It has a population of about 355 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Jakubany
Jakubany is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 610 metres and covers an area of 16.748 km². It has a population of about 2488 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Jakubov
Jakubov is a village in Malacky District in the Bratislava Region of western Slovakia close to the town of Malacky, north-west of Slovakia's capital Bratislava.-External links:*
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Jakubova Voľa
Jakubova Vola
Jakubova Voľa is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 386 metres and covers an area of 5.767 km². It has a population of about 394 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Jakubovany (Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Jakubovany (Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Jalovec (Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Jalovec (Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Jalšové
Jalšové is a village and municipality in the Hlohovec District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 180 metres and covers an area of 9.331 km². It has a population of about 469 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Jalšovík
Jalšovík is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:It arose in 1902 for the union of Dolný and Horný Jalšovík....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Jamník (Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Jamník (Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Janice, Rimavská Sobota (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Janík
Janík is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 203 metres and covers an area of 19.868 km². It has a population of about 580 people.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Janíky
Janykí is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:In historical records the name of the village was first mentioned in 1287 in the Hungarian form Janok. The Slovak form was first recorded in 1311 as Janyk...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Janov (Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Janova Lehota
Janova Lehota
Janova Lehota is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1487 as a German settlement founded by a certain Drexler and belonging to Esztergom archbishopric. In 1776...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Janovce
Janovce, Bardejov District
Janovce is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 370 metres and covers an area of 5.551 km²....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Jánovce
Jánovce is a village and municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 591 metres and covers an area of 9.677 km². It has a population of about 1180 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Jánovce
Jánovce is a village and municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 591 metres and covers an area of 9.677 km². It has a population of about 1180 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Janovík
Janovík is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 230 metres and covers an area of 2.389 km². It has a population of about 290 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Jarabá
Jarabá is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1540 as a mining settlement.-External links:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Jarabina
Jarabina is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.U.S. Marine Michael Strank, Flag Raiser at Iwo Jima, was born here.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Jarok
Jarok is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region. At Jarok, the Veľké Kostoľany transmitter, Slovakia's most powerful broadcasting station is situated.-Geography:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Jarovnice
Jarovnice is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 441 metres and covers an area of 20.170 km²...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Jasenica
Jasenica (village)
Jasenica is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:Jasenica is lying in Považie region in Papradno valley among four hills Hradište, Dúbrava, Súdna and Lopušná. Across this valley flows river called Papradnianka. The...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Jasenie
Jasenie is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1424 , as belonging to Slovenská Ľupča town.-External...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Jasenov
Jasenov, Humenné District
Jasenov is a village and municipality in Humenné District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1279. Jasenov has a castle that dates from the mid 14th century, when it was owned by Phillip Drugeth...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Jasenov
Jasenov, Sobrance District
Jasenov is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 174 metres and covers an area of 7.213 km².It has a population of 314 people .-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Jasenová
Jasenová is a village and municipality in Dolný Kubín District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia.It has population of 390 people.Its name comes from Slovak word Jaseň, which is a kind of tree often found in the area. There is a church build in 1836, an old elementary school from the 19th...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Jasenovce
Jasenovce is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 166 metres and covers an area of 5.651km². It has a population of about 232 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Jasenové
Jasenové is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 440 metres and covers an area of 6.273km². It has a population of about 635 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Jasenovo
Jasenovo, Slovakia
Jasenovo is a village and municipality in Turčianske Teplice District in the Žilina Region of northern central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 550 metres and covers an area of . It has a population of about 169 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Jaslovské Bohunice
Jaslovské Bohunice
Jaslovské Bohunice is a small village in Slovakia in the Trnava District. It is best known for the nearby Bohunice Nuclear Power Plants complex....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Jasov
Jasov is a small town and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-St.John The Baptist Church:This is the biggest monastery complex in Slovakia and the , which forms its centrepiece, is considered one of the country's most important late-Baroque...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Jasová
Jasová is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 167 metres and covers an area of 19.925 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Jastrabá
Jastrabá is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.The first notice in 1487....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Jastrabie nad Topľou
Jastrabie nad Toplou
Jastrabie nad Topľou is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Jastrabie pri Michalovciach
Jastrabie pri Michalovciach
Jastrabie pri Michalovciach is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 104 metres and covers an area of 5.742 km².It has a population of 338 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Jatov
Jatov is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies att an altitude of 116 metres and covers an area of 18.657 km². It has a population of about 784 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Javorina
Javorina was a military district in the Kežmarok District in northern Slovakia, in the Levoča Hills. Its area is 316.24km² and has no permanent population.-History: The military district was created in 1952...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Jazernica
Jazernica is a village and municipality in Turčianske Teplice District in the Žilina Region of northern central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 448 metres and covers an area of 2.921km². It has a population of about 290 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Jedlinka
Jedlinka is a village and small municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 405 metres and covers an area of 4.56km².It has a population of about 82 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Jedľové Kostoľany
Jedlové Kostolany
Jedľové Kostoľany is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 409 metres and covers an area of 27.294 km². It has a population of about 1010 people.-External...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Jelenec
Jelenec is a municipality and village in the Nitra District of the south-west of Slovakia, in the Nitra Region....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Jelka
Jelka is a large village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 123 metres and covers an area of 32.658 km². It has a population of about 3,908 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Jelšava
Jelšava is a town and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The town lies in the Revúcka vrchovina highlands at the border of the Slovak Ore Mountains and Slovak Karst, in the valley of the Muráň river, at an altitude of around 258 m...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Jelšovce
Jelšovce is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 146 metres and covers an area of 10.442 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Jelšovec
Jelšovec is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1573 . It belonged to Somoskō castle an in the 17th century to Halič...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Jenkovce
Jenkovce is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia. It is known for being occupied by Ukrainians with rather large heads.-Geography:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Jesenské (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Jesenské
Jesenské, Levice District
Jesenské is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 175 metres and covers an area of 3.79 km². It has a population of about 49 people.-External links:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Jestice
Jestice is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-History:The village dates back to the 11th century. The first reference to the settlement comes from 1333 . It belonged to Felician Zach and later on passed to the Méhy family...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ješkova Ves
Ješkova Ves
Ješkova Ves is a village and municipality in Partizánske District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 226 metres and covers an area of 10.393 km². It has a population of about 504 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Jezersko (Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Jovice
Jovice is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 280 metres and covers an area of 10.071 km².It has a population of about 695 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Jovsa
Jovsa is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 138 metres and covers an area of 18.464 km².It has a population of about 835 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Jur nad Hronom
Jur nad Hronom
Jur nad Hronom is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 145 metres and covers an area of 15.189 km². It has a population of about 940 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Jurkova Voľa
Jurkova Vola
Jurkova Voľa is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 304 metres and covers an area of 7.412km². It has a population of about 75 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Jurová
Jurová is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1253. Until the end of World War I, it was part of Hungary and fell within the Dunaszerdahely district of Pozsony...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Jurské
Jurské is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 647 metres and covers an area of 3.826 km².It has a population of about 883 people-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Juskova Voľa
Juskova Vola
Juskova Voľa is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kačanov
Kačanov is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 100 metres and covers an area of 5.784 km².It has a population of about 400 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kajal
Kajal (village)
Kajal is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 121 metres and covers an area of 13.825 km². It has a population of about 1451 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Kaľamenová
Kaľamenová is a village and municipality in Turčianske Teplice District in the Žilina Region of northern central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 472 metres and covers an area of 5.795 km². It has a population of about 69 people.-External...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Kalameny
Kalameny is a village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 568 metres and covers an area of 8.703 km². It has a population of about 480 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Kaľava
Kaľava is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 560 metres and covers an area of 4.45 km².It has a population of about 440 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kalinkovo
Kalinkovo is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 131 metres and covers an area of 12.912km². It has a population of 957 people....
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Kalinov (Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kalinovo
Kalinovo is a small village in Poltár District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.- External links :* *...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Kalná nad Hronom
Kalná nad Hronom
Kalná nad Hronom is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 162 metres and covers an area of 34.134 km².-Ethnicity:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Kalnica
Kálnica is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 215 metres and covers an area of 26.404 km² . It has a population of about 1,047....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Kalnište
Kalnište is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 210 metres and covers an area of 5.664km². It has a population of about 555 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kalonda
Kalonda is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Kaloša
Kaloša is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Kalša
Kalša is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in shabgfohusa 1270.-Geography:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kaluža
Kaluža is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 120 metres and covers an area of 9.934 km². The municipality has a population of 380 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kamanová
Kamanová is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Kameňany
Kameňany is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Kamenec pod Vtáčnikom
Kamenec pod Vtácnikom
Kamenec pod Vtáčnikom is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 275 metres and covers an area of 25.298 km². It has a population of about 1861 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Kamenica nad Hronom
Kamenica nad Hronom
Kamenica nad Hronom is a municipality and village in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 117 metres and covers an area of 18.795 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Kamenica (Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kameničany
Kameničany is a village and municipality in Ilava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 233 metres and covers an area of 5.082 km². It has a population of about 466 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Kameničná
Kameničná is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 110 metres and covers an area of 34.512 km².It has a population of about 1830 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Kamenín
Kamenín is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 127 metres and covers an area of 28.058 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Kamenná Poruba
Kamenná Poruba, Vranov nad Toplou District
Kamenná Poruba is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 150 metres and covers an area of 7.402km². It has a population of about 1622 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kamenná Poruba
Kamenná Poruba, Žilina District
Kamenná Poruba is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 484 metres and covers an area of 14.182km². It has a population of about 1815 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Kamenné Kosihy
Kamenné Kosihy
Kamenné Kosihy is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Kamenný Most
Kamenný Most
Kamenný Most is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 114 metres and covers an area of 20.336 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Kamienka, Humenné District
Kamienka, Humenné District
Kamienka is a village and municipality in Humenné District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 228 metres and covers an area of 5.385 km².It has a population of about 565 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kamienka, Stará Ľubovňa District
Kamienka, Stará Lubovna District
Kamienka is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 588 metres and covers an area of 29.166 km². It has a population of about 1409 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kanianka
Kanianka is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 380 metres and covers an area of 7.938 km². It has a population of about 3990 people.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Kapince
Kapince is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 155 metres and covers an area of 5.839 km². It has a population of about 193 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Kapišová
Kapišová is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 255 metres and covers an area of 6.619km². It has a population of about 377 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kaplná
Kaplna is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region. It is located about ten kilometres north-east of Senec on a road connecting Senec with Trnava. Currently, the village has over 700 inhabitants....
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Kapušany
Kapušany is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 280 metres and covers an area of 11.31 km²...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kapušianske Kľačany
Kapušianske Klacany
Kapušianske Kľačany is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 106 metres and covers an area of 20.310 km².It has a population of about 830 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Karlová
Karlová is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 468 metres and covers an area of 1.833km². It has a population of about 114 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Kašov
Kašov is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 159 metres and covers an area of 8.88 km².It has a population of 275 people.-Facilities:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kátlovce
Kátlovce is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Kátov
Kátov is a village and municipality in Skalica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 163 metres and covers an area of 4.274 km². It has a population of about 574 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Kazimír
Kazimír is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kecerovce
Kecerovce is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 310 metres and covers an area of 13.806 km².It has a population of about 2585 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kecerovský Lipovec
Kecerovský Lipovec
Kecerovský Lipovec is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 350 metres and covers an area of 15.67 km².It has a population of about 110 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kečkovce
Kečkovce is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 402 metres and covers an area of 12.798 km². It has a population of about 220 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kečovo
Kečovo is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 354 metres and covers an area of 13.574 km².It has a population of about 395 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kechnec
Kechnec is a village in eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 180 metres and covers an area of 10.211 km². The municipality is part of the administrative units Košice-okolie District and Košice Region. It has a population of about 960 people.-History:Historically, the...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kendice
Kendice is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 234 metres and covers an area of 9.344 km². It has a population of about 1675 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kesovce
Kesovce is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Keť
Ket can also refer to:*Ket people, a people of Siberia*Ket language, the language of the Ket people*Ket River, a river in Siberia*Keť, a village in south-west Slovakia...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Kežmarok
Kežmarok is a town in the Spiš region of eastern Slovakia , on the Poprad River.-History:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kiarov
Kiarov is both a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Kľačany
Kľačany is a village and municipality in Hlohovec District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 170 metres and covers an area of 10.105 km². It has a population of about 976 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Kľače
Kľače is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 438 metres and covers an area of 2.073 km². It has a population of about 337 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Kľačno
Kľačno is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 368 metres and covers an area of 48.699 km². It has a population of about 1100 people.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Kladzany
Kladzany is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 130 metres and covers an area of 5.357km². It has a population of about 557 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kľak
Kľak is a village and municipality in the Žarnovica District, Banská Bystrica Region in Slovakia.-History:On January 21, 1945 the village was burned by Waffen-SS special unit Edelweiss with help of Heimatschutz unit. 84 inhabitants of the village were killed , all of 132 houses and buildings were...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Klasov
Klasov is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 177 metres and covers an area of 12.231 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Kláštor pod Znievom
Kláštor pod Znievom
Kláštor pod Znievom is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia, south west from Martin, near the Malá Fatra mountains.-History:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Klátova Nová Ves
Klátova Nová Ves
Klátova Nová Ves is a village and municipality in Partizánske District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 199 metres and covers an area of 35.038 km². It has a population of about 1570 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Klčov
Klčov is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 493 metres and covers an area of 7.339 km². It has a population of about 565 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kleňany
Kleňany is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Klenov
Klenov is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 542 metres and covers an area of 15.367 km². It has a population of about 200 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Klenovec
Klenovec is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Klieština
Klieština is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 390 metres and covers an area of 5.315 km². It has a population of about 372 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Klin nad Bodrogom
Klin nad Bodrogom
Klin nad Bodrogom is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 98 metres and covers an area of 3.662 km².It has a population of about 195 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Klin
Klin, Námestovo District
Klin is a village and municipality in Námestovo District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 640 metres and covers an area of 12.781km². It has a population of about 2036 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Klížska Nemá
Klížska Nemá
Klížska Nemá is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 115 metres and covers an area of 11.807 km².It has a population of about 545 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Klokoč
Klokocč is a village and municipality in Detva District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Klokočov
Klokocov, Michalovce District
Klokočov is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 117 metres and covers an area of 11.942 km². The municipality has a population of about 410 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Klokočov
Klokocov, Cadca District
Klokočov is a village and municipality in Čadca District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 556 metres and covers an area of 51.171km². It has a population of about 2610 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Klubina
Klubina is a village and municipality in Čadca District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 450 metres and covers an area of 15.574km². It has a population of about 516 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Kľúčovec
Kľúčovec is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1252 as "Kwichud" when King Béla IV of Hungary donated the village to the provostship of Túróc...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Kluknava
Kluknava is a village and municipality in the Gelnica District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kľušov
Kľušov is a village and small municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 317 metres and covers an area of 15.358 km².It has a population of about 1030 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kmeťovo
Kmeťovo is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 134 metres and covers an area of 5.196 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Kobeliarovo
Kobeliarovo is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-History:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kobylnice
Kobylnice is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.- History :In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1363....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kobyly
Kobyly, Bardejov District
Kobyly is a village and small municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 370 metres and covers an area of 12.458km².It has a population of about 850 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Koceľovce
Koceľovce is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 349 metres and covers an area of 6.955 km².It has a population of about 260 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kociha
Kociha is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Kocurany
Kocurany is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 320 metres and covers an area of 4.174 km². It has a population of about 402 people.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Kočín-Lančár
Kočín-Lančár is a village and municipality in Piešťany District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 227 metres and covers an area of 13.119 km². It has a population of about 521 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Kočovce
Kočovce is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 183 metres and covers an area of 15.319 km². It has a population of about 1400 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Kochanovce, Bardejov District
Kochanovce, Bardejov District
Kochanovce is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 159 metres and covers an area of 5.527 km².It has a population of about 260 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kochanovce, Humenné District
Kochanovce, Humenné District
Kochanovce is a village and municipality in Humenné District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 159 metres and covers an area of 5.042 km².It has a population of about 745 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kojatice
Kojatice is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 346 metres and covers an area of 10.694 km². It has a population of about 1015 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kojšov
Kojšov is a village and municipality in the Gelnica District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia. Located near Kojšov are Kojšovská Hoľa and Folkmarská Skala, as well as Lukáčova Jaskyňa. It has a lot of holiday homes where people from Košice go at the weekends and relax.-Famous people:*Juraj...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kokava nad Rimavicou
Kokava nad Rimavicou
Kokava nad Rimavicou is a village and municipality in the Poltár District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia. The village stands in the Stolica Mountains of the Inner Western Carpathians....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Kokošovce
Kokošovce is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 375 metres and covers an area of 11.318 km². It has a population of about 680 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kokšov-Bakša
Kokšov-Bakša is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 190 metres and covers an area of 3.567 km².It has a population of about 1050 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kolačkov
Kolačkov is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 648 metres and covers an area of 8.361 km². It has a population of about 1043 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kolačno
Kolačno is a village and municipality in Partizánske District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 240 metres and covers an area of 21.314 km². It has a population of about 887 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Koláre
Koláre is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Kolárovice
Kolárovice is a village and municipality in Bytča District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 390 metres and covers an area of 27.540km². It has a population of about 1890 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Kolárovo
Kolárovo is a town in the south of Slovakia near the town of Komárno. It is an agricultural center with 11,000 inhabitants.- Basic information :...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Kolibabovce
Kolibabovce is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 175 metres and covers an area of 3.826 km².It has a population of 188 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kolíňany
Kolíňany is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 245 metres and covers an area of 12.501km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Kolinovce
Kolinovce is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 389 metres and covers an area of 4.677km².It has a population of about 590 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kolta
Kolta is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.- Geography :The village lies at an altitude of 175 metres and covers an area of 25.854 km². It has a population of about 1,644 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Komárany
Komárany is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 135 metres and covers an area of 4.752km². It has a population of about 494 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Komárno
Komárno is a town in Slovakia at the confluence of the Danube and the Váh rivers. Komárno was formed from part of a historical town in Hungary situated on both banks of the Danube. Following World War I, the border of the newly created Czechoslovakia cut the historical, unified town in half,...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Komárov
Komárov, Bardejov District
Komárov is avillage and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1355....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Komárovce
Komárovce is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 205 metres and covers an area of 8.497 km².It has a population of about 385 people.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Komjatice
Komjatice is a municipality and village in the Nové Zámky District of the south-west of Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.- History :Village was named after count Komjati. The settlement had Hungarian majority in the 17th century according to the Turkish tax census.- Places of interest :* Church of...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Komjatná
Komjatná is a village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 634 metres and covers an area of 14.543km². It has a population of about 1483 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Komoča
Komoča is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 110 metres and covers an area of 13.476 km². It has a population of about 930 people.-External links:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Koniarovce
Koniarovce is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Konrádovce
Konrádovce is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Konská
Konská, Liptovský Mikuláš District
Konská is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 745 metres and covers an area of 1.1806 km2. It has a population of about 241 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Konská
Konská, Žilina District
Konská is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.- History :In historical records the village was first mentioned in...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Koňuš
Koňuš is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 272 metres and covers an area of 23.236 km².It has a population of about 350 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kopčany
Kopčany is a village in western Slovakia, close to the borders with the Czech Republic.-History:In historical records Kopčany was first mentioned in 1392. However, the village is much older. In the 9th century, Kopčany was part of the agglomeration of Mikulčice, an important center and plausibly...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Kopernica
Kopernica is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Koplotovce
Koplotovce is a village and municipality in Hlohovec District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 165 metres and covers an area of 5.799km². It has a population of about 580 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Koprivnica (Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Korejovce
Korejovce is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 265 metres and covers an area of 4.061km². It has a population of about 65 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Korňa
Korňa is a village and municipality in Čadca District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:Scenic village is situated in Beskydy Mountains, closely town Turzovka, location 18°32'10" E, 48°24'42" N, elevation above sea-level 559 m . Lies near Czech and Poland border...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Koromľa
Koromľa is a small village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 280 metres and covers an area of 13.035 km².It has a population of about 520 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Korytárky
Korytárky is a village and municipality in Detva District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-External links:*...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Korytné
Korytné is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kosihovce
Kosihovce is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Kosihy nad Ipľom
Kosihy nad Iplom
Kosihy nad Ipľom is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Kosorín
Kosorín is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Kostoľany pod Tribečom
Kostolany pod Tribecom
Kostoľany pod Tribečom is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 245 metres and covers an area of 22.122 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Kostolec
Kostolec is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 495 metres and covers an area of 4.001 km². It has a population of about 256 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Kostolište
Kostolište is a village in Malacky District in the Bratislava Region of western Slovakia close to the town of Malacky, north-west of Slovakia's capital Bratislava.-External links:*
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Kostolná pri Dunaji
Kostolná pri Dunaji
Kostolná pri Dunaji is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 128 metres and covers an area of 8.072km². It has a population of 470 people....
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Kostolná Ves
Kostolná Ves
Kostolná Ves is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 360 metres and covers an area of 3.754 km². It has a population of about 467 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Kostolná-Záriečie
Kostolná-Záriečie is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 206 metres and covers an area of 3.666 km². It has a population of about 645 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Kostolné Kračany
Kostolné Kracany
Kostolné Kračany is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.- Component villages :The village also administers 5 other villages:- Demography :...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Kostolné
Kostolné is a village and municipality in Myjava District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 219 metres and covers an area of 10.109 km². It has a population of about 640 people.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Koš
Koš is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 270 metres and covers an area of 13.586 km². It has a population of about 900 people.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Košariská
Košariská is a village and municipality in Myjava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 249 metres and covers an area of 11.531 km². It has a population of about 403 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Košeca
Košeca is a village and municipality in Ilava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 255 metres and covers an area of 18.943 km²...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Košecké Podhradie
Košecké Podhradie
Košecké Podhradie is a village and municipality in Ilava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 330 metres and covers an area of 36.915 km². It has a population of about 1071 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Košice
Košice is a city in eastern Slovakia. It is situated on the river Hornád at the eastern reaches of the Slovak Ore Mountains, near the border with Hungary...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Košická Belá
Košická Belá
Košická Belá is a village and large municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Košická Polianka
Košická Polianka
Košická Polianka is a village and large municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1335 by its Hungarian name Lengenfolua when it belonged to Drugeth and Cudar families which possessed Trstené...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Košické Oľšany
Košické Olšany
Košické Oľšany is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1288 when a part of the village belonged to Slanec Lords, and the other part to Krásna nad Hornádom’s Benedectine...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Košický Klečenov
Košický Klecenov
Košický Klečenov is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 324 metres and covers an area of 13.4 km². The municipality has a population of about 270 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Košolná
Košolná is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Košťany nad Turcom
Koštany nad Turcom
Košťany nad Turcom:sk:Košťany nad Turcom is a village and municipality in Martin District, in Turiec territory, and in Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-History:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Košúty
Košúty is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an elevation of 120 metres and covers an area of 14.73 km². It has a population of about 1476 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Kotešová
Kotešová is a village and municipality in Bytča District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 330 metres and covers an area of 20.333 km². It has a population of about 1895 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Kotmanová
Kotmanová is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Kotrčiná Lúčka
Kotrciná Lúcka
Kotrčiná Lúčka is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 480 metres and covers an area of 4.149 km². It has a population of about 404 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Kováčová (Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kováčová
Kovácová, Zvolen District
Kováčová is a spa village in Central Slovakia, best known for its hot springs.-History:The village was first mentioned in 1254 as Koachou, and it was standing approximately 2 km west from present-day village...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Kováčovce
Kováčovce is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Koválov
Koválov, is a village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 213 metres and covers an area of 13.620km². It has a population of about 800 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Koválovec
Koválovec is a village and municipality in Skalica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 263 metres and covers an area of 8.492km². It has a population of about 136 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Kovarce
Kovarce is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Kozárovce
Kozárovce is an old village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 150 metres and covers an area of 21.822 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Kozelník
Kozelnik is a village and municipality in Banská Štiavnica District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Kozí Vrbovok
Kozí Vrbovok
Kozí Vrbovok is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Kožany
Kožany is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1427....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kožuchov
Kožuchov is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 110 metres and covers an area of 5.868 km².It has a population of about 235 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kračúnovce
Kračúnovce is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 198 metres and covers an area of 8.259km². It has a population of about 1179 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Krahule
Krahule is a village in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia. It is the only municipality in Slovakia that officially uses German along with Slovak.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Krajná Bystrá
Krajná Bystrá
Krajná Bystrá is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 374 metres and covers an area of . It has a population of about 335 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Krajná Poľana
Krajná Polana
Krajná Poľana is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1618 AD.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Krajná Porúbka
Krajná Porúbka
Krajná Porúbka is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 420 metres and covers an area of . It has a population of about 56 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Krajné Čierno
Krajné Cierno
Krajné Čierno is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Krajné
Krajné is a village and municipality in Myjava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 250 metres and covers an area of 26.982 km². It has a population of about 1664 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Krakovany (Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Kráľ
Kráľ is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Kráľov Brod
Králov Brod
Kráľov Brod is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 110 metres and covers an area of 23.668 km². It has a population of about 1,167 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Kráľova Lehota
Králova Lehota
Kráľova Lehota is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 677 metres and covers an area of 19.609 km²...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Kráľová nad Váhom
Králová nad Váhom
Kráľová nad Váhom is a village and municipality in Šaľa District, in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 121 metres and covers an area of 9.509 km².It has a population of about 1580 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Kráľová pri Senci
Králová pri Senci
Kráľová pri Senci is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 128 metres and covers an area of 19.912km². It has a population of 1426 people ....
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Kraľovany
Kraľovany is a village and municipality in Dolný Kubín District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia. It lies at the confluence of the Orava and Váh rivers....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Kráľovce
Kráľovce is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 210 metres and covers an area of 6.54 km².It has a population of about 1040 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kráľovce-Krnišov
Kráľovce-Krnišov is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Kráľovičove Kračany
Královicove Kracany
Kráľovičove Kračany is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1215 when King Andrew II of Hungary upon request of the archbishop of Esztergom acquitted a certain...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Kráľovský Chlmec
Královský Chlmec
Kráľovský Chlmec is a town in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia. As of 2005, it had a population of 7,938.-History:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Krásna Lúka
Krásna Lúka
Krásna Lúka is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 561 metres and covers an area of 10.352 km². It has a population of about 720 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Krásna Ves
Krásna Ves
Krásna Ves is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Krasňany
Krasňany is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 380 metres and covers an area of 15.175km². It has a population of about 1231 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Krásno nad Kysucou
Krásno nad Kysucou
Krásno nad Kysucou -Krászno) is a town in the Čadca District, Žilina Region, north-western Slovakia.-History:The first written record about Krásno nad Kysucou was in 1325.-Geography:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Krásno
Krásno, Partizánske District
Krásno is a village and municipality in Partizánske District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 210 metres and covers an area of 3.608 km². It has a population of about 490 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka
Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka
Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1338.-Geography:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Krásnohorské Podhradie
Krásnohorské Podhradie
Krásnohorské Podhradie is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.The town has an absolute Hungarian majority...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Krásnovce
Krásnovce is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 108 metres and covers an area of 4.633 km². The municipality has a population of about 600 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Krásny Brod
Krásny Brod
Krásny Brod is a village and municipality in the Medzilaborce District in the Prešov Region of far north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 301 metres and covers an area of 15.113 km². It has a population of about 425 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kravany nad Dunajom
Kravany nad Dunajom
Kravany nad Dunajom is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 112 metres and covers an area of 15.901 km².It has a population of about 765 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Kravany
Kravany, Trebišov District
Kravany is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kravany (Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Krčava
Krčava is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 129 metres and covers an area of 8.735 km².It has a population of about 435 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kremná
Kremná is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa Districtin the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 607 metres and covers an area of 4.141 km². It has a population of about 110 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kremnica
Kremnica is a town in central Slovakia. It has some 5,700 inhabitants. The well-preserved medieval town built above important gold mines is the site of the oldest still-working mint in the world.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Kremnické Bane
Kremnické Bane
Kremnické Bane is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Kristy
Kristy (village)
Kristy is a small village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 108 metres and covers an area of 7.9 km².It has a population of about 300 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Krišovská Liesková
Krišovská Liesková
Krišovská Liesková is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 112 metres and covers an area of 15.582 km². The municipality has a population of about 675 people.-External...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Krivá
Krivá is a village and municipality in Dolný Kubín District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 545 metres and covers an area of 18.877km². It has a population of about 794 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Kriváň (village)
Kriván (village)
Kriváň is a village and municipality in Detva District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Krivany
Krivany is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 426 metres and covers an area of 18.867 km². It has a population of about 1135 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Krivé
Krivé is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1406, when the village was named Spyskvagasa. From the 15th century onwards it was settled by Ruthenians.The wooden Greek Orthodox...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Krivoklát (Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Krivosúd-Bodovka
Krivosúd-Bodovka is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 8.082 km². It has a population of about 303 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Kríže
Kríže is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 565 metres and covers an area of 14.937 km²....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Krížová Ves
Krížová Ves
Krížová Ves is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 624 metres and covers an area of 11.928 km².It has a population of about 1720 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Križovany nad Dudváhom
Križovany nad Dudváhom
Križovany nad Dudváhom is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-Sightseeings:The old rotunda is the most interesting sightseeing in the village. It had been built in the 11th century in the Medieval Hungarian Kingdom. The patrotinium was the Saint Cross....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Križovany
Krížovany is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 396 metres and covers an area of 9.341 km². It has a population of about 365 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Krná
Krná is a village and municipality in the Poltár District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Krnča
Krnča is a municipality with 1,320 inhabitants in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Krokava
Krokava is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia. Originally a sheperd settlement, locals later engaged in cattling and weaving.Most important sightseeing is a village belfry....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Krompachy
Krompachy is a town in Slovakia, with a rich mining and metallurgical history, well-known both in Slovakia and in its close neighboring countries for its Plejsy ski center.- History :...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Krpeľany
Krpeľany is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 410 metres and covers an area of 13.886km². It has a population of about 1100 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Krškany
Krškany is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 180 metres and covers an area of 17.025 km². It has a population of about 732 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Krtovce
Krtovce is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Krupina
Krupina is a town in southern central Slovakia. It is part of the Banská Bystrica Region and has 7,812 inhabitants as of 2005.-History:The territory of modern day Krupina was inhabited since the Neolithic, based on archaeological findings from the Bronze Age. The first written reference to the...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Krušetnica
Krušetnica is a large village and municipality in Námestovo District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 656 metres and covers an area of 16.559km². It has a population of about 930 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Krušovce
Krušovce is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Kružlov
Kružlov is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 360 metres and covers an area of 10.143km².It has a population of about 1000 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kružlová
Kružlová is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 285 metres and covers an area of 8.282km². It has a population of about 565 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kružná
Kružná is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 300 metres and covers an area of 6.908 km².It has a population of about 525 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kružno
Kružno is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Kšinná
Kšinná is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 350 metres and covers an area of 41.249km². It has a population of about 540 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Kubáňovo
Kubáňovo is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 127 metres and covers an area of 12.056 km². It has a population of about 300 people.-External links:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Kučín
Kucín, Bardejov District
Kučín is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 124 metres and covers an area of 7.193 km².It has a population of about 316 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kučín
Kucín, Vranov nad Toplou District
Kučín is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kuchyňa
Kuchyňa is a municipality in the Malacky District in the Bratislava Region of western Slovakia close to the town of Malacky, north-west of Slovakia's capital Bratislava....
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Kuklov
Kuklov, is a village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 162 metres and covers an area of 18.704km². It has a population of about 790 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Kuková
Kuková is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 205 metres and covers an area of 10.608km². It has a population of about 710 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kukučínov
Kukučínov is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 138 metres and covers an area of 11.309 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Kunerad
Kunerad is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 494 metres and covers an area of 22.937km². It has a population of about 931 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Kunešov
Kunešov is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia. The village has a German minority ....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Kunova Teplica
Kunova Teplica
Kunova Teplica is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 250 metres and covers an area of 8.418 km².It has a population of about 640 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kuraľany
Kuraľany is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 162 metres and covers an area of 10.685 km². It has a population of about 577 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Kurima
Kurima is a village and municipality in the Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 214 metres and covers an area of 15.89km².It has a population of about 1065 people...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kurimany
Kurimany is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 521 metres and covers an area of 2.583 km². It has a population of about 366 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kurimka
Kurimka is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 329 metres and covers an area of 12.460 km²...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kurov
Kurov is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 400 metres and covers an area of km².It has a population of about 555 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kusín
Kusín is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 116 metres and covers an area of 9.815 km². The municipality has a population of about 365 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kútniky
Kútniky is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:In historical records, Hegybeneéte a component village of the municipality was mentioned in 1380...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Kúty
Kúty, is a village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 156 metres and covers an area of 27.158 km²...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Kuzmice
Kuzmice, Trebišov District
Kuzmice is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kuzmice (Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Kvačany
Kvacany, Prešov District
Kvačany is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 409 metres and covers an area of 5.12 km². It has a population of about 245 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kvačany
Kvacany, Liptovský Mikuláš District
Kvačany is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 610 metres and covers an area of 22.435km². It has a population of about 560 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Bešeňová
Bešeňová is a village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia. It is famous for a hot spring water park attracting thousands of visitors all year round.-Geography:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Kvakovce
Kvakovce is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 33.744km². It has a population of about 439 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kvašov
Kvašov is a village and municipality in Púchov District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 252 metres and covers an area of 7.468km². It has a population of about 660 people.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Kvetoslavov
Kvetoslavov is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first recorded in 1230 as "Vzor"....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Kyjatice
Kyjatice is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia. Near the village there is archeological park with more than 2000 years old excavations...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Kyjov
Kyjov, Stará Lubovna District
Kyjov is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 650 metres and covers an area of 15.654 km². It has a population of about 767 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Kysak
Kysak is a village and railway hub in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:Historically, the village was first mentioned in 1330...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kyselica
Kyselica is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:The vinyard in its territory was already mentioned in 1205, but the village itself was first recorded in 1296 when Andrew III of Hungary donated an estate to a certain...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Kysta
Kysta is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 151 metres and covers an area of 8.153 km².It has a population of about 410 people.-Facilities:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Kysucké Nové Mesto
Kysucké Nové Mesto
Kysucké Nové Mesto is a town in Žilina Region, Slovakia, near the city of Žilina.-History:The first written record to the Kysuce region, which was relatively uninhabited at that time, was in 1244, and to the town in 1325 under name Congsberg...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Kysucký Lieskovec
Kysucký Lieskovec
Kysucký Lieskovec is a village and municipality in Kysucké Nové Mesto District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 376 metres and covers an area of 12.320km². It has a population of about 2267 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Láb
Láb is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Malacky District in the Bratislava region.-External links:*
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Lackov
Lackov is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Lacková
Lacková is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 560 metres and covers an area of 6.212 km². It has a population of about 172 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lada (Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Ladce
Ladce is a village and municipality in Ilava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 250 metres and covers an area of 15.688 km². It has a population of about 2561 people.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Ladice
This article is about Ladice, the village in Slovakia. For the Libyan Greek Cyrenaean Princess who married the Egyptian Pharaoh Amasis II, see Ladice ....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Ladmovce
Ladmovce is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 125 metres and covers an area of 11.323 km².It has a population of about 350 people.-Facilities:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Ladomeská Vieska
Ladomeská Vieska
Ladomerská Vieska is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 262 metres and covers an area of 11.337km². It has a population of 782 people .-External links:*...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ladomírová
Ladomirová is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.A Wooden Greek Orthodox Church built in 1742 is part of the Carpathian Wooden Churches UNESCO World Heritage Site. In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1414. The...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Ladzany
Ladzany is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Lakšárska Nová Ves
Lakšárska Nová Ves
Lakšárska Nová Ves is a village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 229 metres and covers an area of 36.939km². It has a population of about 1025 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Lascov
Lascov is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 190 metres and covers an area of 5.347 km².It has a population of about 530 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Laskár
Laskár is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 455 metres and covers an area of 3.341km². It has a population of about 104 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Lastomír
Lastomír is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 107 metres and covers an area of 13.47 km². The municipality has a population of about 1160 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Lastovce
Lastovce is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Laškovce
Laškovce is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 11 metres and covers an area of 13.47 km². The municipality has a population of about 2160 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Látky
Látky is a village and municipality in Detva District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Lazany
Lazany is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 316 metres and covers an area of 9.884 km². It has a population of about 1,571 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Lazisko
Lazisko is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 660 metres and covers an area of 23.986km². It has a population of about 424 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Lazy pod Makytou
Lazy pod Makytou
Lazy pod Makytou is a village and municipality in Púchov District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 400 metres and covers an area of 49.905km². It has a population of about 1400 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Lažany
Lažany is a small village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 368 metres and covers an area of 1.313 km². It has a population of about 150 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lednica (Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Lednické Rovne
Lednické Rovne
Lednické Rovne is a village and municipality in Púchov District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.The municipality consists of three parts:*Lednické Rovne*Horenická Hôrka*Medné-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Legnava
Legnava is a village and municipality in the Stará Ľubovňa District, Prešov Region in northern Slovakia. It has 146 inhabitants.-Village History:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lehnice
Lehnice is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.- Component villages :-History:The name of the municipality was first recorded in 1239 by its Hungarian name as Legu...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Lehota nad Rimavicou
Lehota nad Rimavicou
Lehota nad Rimavicou is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia. Main activity of the locals has been forestry, agrobusiness and in the past carrying trade...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Lehota pod Vtáčnikom
Lehota pod Vtácnikom
Lehota pod Vtáčnikom is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 397 metres and covers an area of 27.972 km². It has a population of about 3795 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Lehota
Lehota is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 160 metres and covers an area of 11.005km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Lehôtka pod Brehmi
Lehôtka pod Brehmi
Lehôtka pod Brehmi is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Lehôtka
Lehôtka is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Lechnica
Lechnica is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 490 metres and covers an area of 12.525 km².It has a population of about 315 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lekárovce
Lekárovce is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1400...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Leľa
Leľa is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 124 metres and covers an area of 8.24 km². It has a population of about 400 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Leles
Leles is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Lemešany
Lemešany is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 231 metres and covers an area of 9.192 km². It has a population of about 1785 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lenartov
Lenartov is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 475 metres and covers an area of 14.777 km².It has a population of about 990 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lenartovce
Lenartovce is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Lendak
Lendak is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 749 metres and covers an area of 19.658 km².It has a population of about 4620 people.-Local Enterprises:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lenka
Lenka is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.- Demographics :As of 2001, Lenka had 202 inhabitants of whom 129 were Hungarians and 72 Slovakians.-External links:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Lentvora
Lentvora is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Leopoldov
Leopoldov is a town in the Trnava Region of Slovakia, near the Váh river. It has a population of 4,083. The city is the location of Leopoldov Prison a high-security correctional institution.-History:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Lesenice
Lesenice is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Lesíček
Lesíček is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 546 metres and covers an area of 6.716 km². It has a population of about 295 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lesné
Lesné is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 146 metres and covers an area of 6.815 km². The municipality has a population of about 425 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Lesnica
Lesnica, Stará Lubovna
Lesnica is a large village and municipality in the Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 485 metres....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lešť
.Lešť is a village and municipality of the Zvolen District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Leštiny
Leštiny is a village and municipality in Dolný Kubín District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 586 metres and covers an area of 6.939 km². It has a population of about 225 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Letanovce
Letanovce is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 511 metres and covers an area of 21.38km².It has a population of about 2075 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Letničie
Letničie is a village and municipality in Skalica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.Mayor Marián Dvorský is elected in 2010. Deputy mayor is Mgr Katarína Smolinská.-Monuments:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Leváre
Levare is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Levice
Levice is a town in western Slovakia. The town lies on the left bank of the lower Hron river. The Old Slavic name of the town was Leva, which means "the Left One"....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Levkuška
Levkuška is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Levoča
Levoča is a town in the Spiš region of eastern Slovakia with a population of 14,600. The town has a historic center with a well preserved town wall, a Renaissance church with the highest wooden altar in Europe, carved by Master Paul of Levoča, and many other Renaissance buildings.On 28 June 2009,...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Ležiachov
Ležiachov is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 437 metres and covers an area of 4.232 km². It has a population of about 143 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Libichava
Libichava is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Licince
Licince is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ličartovce
Ličartovce is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 243 metres and covers an area of 8.289 km²...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Liesek
Liesek is a village and municipality in Tvrdošín District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 631 metres and covers an area of 30.904 km². It has a population of about 2,595 people.-Church:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Lieskovany
Lieskovany is a tiny village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 434 metres and covers an area of 1.759km².It has a population of about 260 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Liešno
Liešno is a village and municipality in Turčianske Teplice District in the Žilina Region of northern central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 472 metres and covers an area of 1.944km². It has a population of about 57 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Liešťany
Liešťany is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 331 metres and covers an area of 16.414 km². It has a population of about 1248 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Lietava
Lietava is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia. The village is also home to the third largest castle in Slovakia: Lietava Castle.-History:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Lietavská Lúčka
Lietavská Lúcka
Lietavská Lúčka is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 370 metres and covers an area of 6.496km². It has a population of about 1769 people...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Lietavská Svinná-Babkov
Lietavská Svinná-Babkov
Lietavská Svinná-Babkov is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 420 metres and covers an area of 18.297km². It has a population of about 1562 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Likavka
Likavka is a village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 520 metres and covers an area of 18.261km². It has a population of about 3012 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Limbach
Limbach, Slovakia
Limbach is a municipality in western Slovakia in Pezinok District in the Bratislava Region, under the Little Carpathians. It is particularly well known for its production of wine.-History:...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Lipany
Lipany is a town in the Sabinov District, Prešov Region in northeastern Slovakia.- History :The first written mention about Lipany comes from 1312. It gained town privileges in the 16th century.- Geography :...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lipník
Lipník, Prievidza District
Lipník is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 330 metres and covers an area of 5.487 km². It has a population of about 477 people.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Lipníky
Lipníky is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In the village was built in 1990 making it one of the newest settlements in the entire country of Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lipová
Lipová, Nové Zámky District
Lipová is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 126 metres and covers an area of 13.63 km². It has a population of about 1595 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Lipová (Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lipovany
Lipovany is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Lipovce
Lipovce is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 587 metres and covers an area of 22.377km². It has a population of about 495 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lipové
Lipové is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 110 metres and covers an area of 10.578 km².It has a population of about 180 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Lipovec
Lipovec, Martin District
Lipovec is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 380 metres and covers an area of 12.756km². It has a population of about 844 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Lipovec, Rimavská Sobota (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Lipovník
Lipovník, Rožnava District
Lipovník is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 364 metres and covers an area of 12.723 km².It has a population of about 520 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Lipovník (Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Liptovská Anna
Liptovská Anna
Liptovská Anna is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 660 metres and covers an area of 11.284km². It has a population of about 94 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Liptovská Kokava
Liptovská Kokava
Liptovská Kokava is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia, at the foot of Kriváň, Slovakia's symbolic and often considered most beautiful mountain.-History:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Liptovská Lúžna
Liptovská Lúžna
Liptovská Lúžna is a village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 717 metres and covers an area of 54.662km². It has a population of about 2950 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Liptovská Osada
Liptovská Osada
Liptovská Osada is a village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 609 metres and covers an area of 50.195km². It has a population of about 1617 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Liptovská Porúbka
Liptovská Porúbka
Liptovská Porúbka is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 681 metres and covers an area of 42.226km². It has a population of about 1180 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Liptovská Sielnica
Liptovská Sielnica
Liptovská Sielnica is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 562 metres and covers an area of 17.428km². It has a population of about 609 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Liptovská Štiavnica
Liptovská Štiavnica
Liptovská Štiavnica is a village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 560 metres and covers an area of 32.372km². It has a population of about 905 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Liptovská Teplá
Liptovská Teplá
Liptovská Teplá is a village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 510 metres and covers an area of 9.431km². It has a population of about 903 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Liptovská Teplička
Liptovská Teplicka
Liptovská Teplička is a large village and municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1634....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Liptovské Beharovce
Liptovské Beharovce
Liptovské Beharovce is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 630 metres and covers an area of . It has a population of about 60 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Liptovské Kľačany
Liptovské Klacany
Liptovské Kľačany is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 672 metres and covers an area of 13.412km². It has a population of about 360 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Liptovské Matiašovce
Liptovské Matiašovce
Liptovské Matiašovce is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 626 metres and covers an area of 5.733km². It has a population of about 290 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Liptovské Revúce
Liptovské Revúce
Liptovské Revúce is a large village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 680 metres and covers an area of 76.914km². It has a population of about 1690 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Liptovské Sliače
Liptovské Sliace
Liptovské Sliače is a village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 550 metres and covers an area of 19.596km². It has a population of about 3811 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Liptovský Hrádok
Liptovský Hrádok
Liptovský Hrádok is a town in northern Slovakia, in the region of Liptov.-History:First mentioned in 1341, Liptovský Hrádok was named after the nearby castle. The castle, also known as Liptovský Hrádok, was built originally for use of the forestry commission, hunters of the area and the...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Liptovský Ján
Liptovský Ján
Liptovský Ján is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.- History :The village was first mentioned in 1263 in historical records. Its traditional name was Sv. Ján, "St. John" , after the local church...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Liptovský Michal
Liptovský Michal
Liptovský Michal is a village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 526 metres and covers an area of 1.595km². It has a population of about 269 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Liptovský Mikuláš
Liptovský Mikuláš
Liptovský Mikuláš is a town in northern Slovakia, on the Váh River. It lies in the Liptov region, in Liptov Basin near the Low Tatra and Tatra mountains...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Liptovský Ondrej
Liptovský Ondrej
Liptovský Ondrej is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 690 metres and covers an area of 4.689km². It has a population of about 570 people....
(Žilina region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Liptovský Peter
Liptovský Peter
Liptovský Peter is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 681 metres and covers an area of 6.123km². It has a population of about 1361 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Liptovský Trnovec
Liptovský Trnovec
Liptovský Trnovec is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 570 metres and covers an area of 27.451km². It has a population of about 550 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Lisková
-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1252.Of interest is a cult cave with findings of the cult statuette of a horned bull, the remains of a copper-age secondary burial , and anthropological finds.-Geography:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Lišov (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Litava
Litava is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Litmanová
Litmanová is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.A small ski resort and a Catholic religious site are located in Litmanová.-History:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Livina
Livina is a village and municipality in Partizánske District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 196 metres and covers an area of 3.223 km². It has a population of about 120 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Livinské Opatovce
Livinské Opatovce
Livinské Opatovce is a village and municipality in Partizánske District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 5.014 km². It has a population of about 242 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Livov
Livov is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 510 meters and covers an area of 26.37 km2 .It has a population of about 105....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Livovská Huta
Livovská Huta
Livovská Huta is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1773...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lodno
Lodno is a village and municipality in Kysucké Nové Mesto District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1658.-Geography:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Lok
Lok, Levice District
Lok is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 196 metres and covers an area of 17.197 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Lokca
Lokca is a village and municipality in Námestovo District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 655 metres and covers an area of 24.199km². It has a population of about 2201 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Lom nad Rimavicou
Lom nad Rimavicou
Lom nad Rimavicou is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia. The approximate latitude is 48.65 and longitude is 19.65. It is one of the highest located villages in Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Lomná (Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Lomnička (Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lontov
Lontov is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 196 metres and covers an area of 17.197 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Lopašov
Lopašov is a village and municipality in Skalica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 265 metres and covers an area of 5.214km². It has a population of about 287 people.- External links :...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Lopúchov
Lopúchov is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 275 metres and covers an area of 8.135 km² ....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lopušné Pažite
Lopušné Pažite
Lopušné Pažite is a village and municipality in Kysucké Nové Mesto District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1598.-Geography:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Lošonec
Lošonec is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:** -oficiálna stránka obce*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Lovce
Lovce is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 270 metres and covers an area of 10.188 km². It has a population of about 700 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Lovča
Lovča is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-External links:*...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Lovčica-Trubín
Lovčica-Trubín is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Lovinobaňa
Lovinobaňa is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 255 metres and covers and area of 21.130km². It has a population of about 2100 people....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Lozorno
Lozorno is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Malacky District in the Bratislava region.Village lies near the western slopes of the Small Carpathians in the southern Záhorská lowlands. In the middle of the village, the Church of St. Catherine of Alexandria is risen, which dates from...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Ložín
Ložín is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 118 metres and covers an area of 8.247 km². The municipality has a population of about 820 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Ľubá
Luba may refer to:*Slavic origin feminine name which means "someone who has love"*Luba, Equatorial Guinea*Luba, Abra, a municipality in the Philippines*Ľubá, a village and municipality in the Nitra region of south-west Slovakia...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Ľubeľa
Ľubeľa is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 612 metres and covers an area of 17.457 km². It has a population of about 1088 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Lubeník
Lubeník is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:* *
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ľubica
Ľubica is a large village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 630 metres and covers an area of 26.421 km² . It has a population of about 8,375 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lubina
Lubina is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 273 metres and covers an area of 29.433km². It has a population of about 1465 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Ľubochňa
Ľubochňa is a village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 451 metres and covers an area of 113.679 km². It has a population of about 1042 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Ľuboreč
Ľuboreč is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ľuboriečka
Ľuboriečka is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ľubotice
Ľubotice is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 258 metres and covers an area of 8.324 km² . It had a population of 3025 people in 2009.-Notes:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Ľubotín
Ľubotín is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was mentioned for the first time in 1330. The oldest record comes from a priest Štefan de Lubentin from the year 1330. It is thought that Ľubotín...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Ľubovec
Ľubovec is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 277 metres and covers an area of 8.277 km². It has a population of about 2780 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lúč na Ostrove
Lúc na Ostrove
Lúč na Ostrove is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Component villages:-History:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Lučenec
Lučenec is a town in the Banská Bystrica Region of south-central Slovakia. Historically, it was part, and in the 18th century the capital, of the Nógrád county of the Kingdom of Hungary. In 1918, as a result of the Treaty of Trianon, it became a part of Czechoslovakia...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Lúčina
In ancient Roman religion and myth, Lucina was the goddess of childbirth. She safeguarded the lives of women in labour. Later, Lucina was an epithet for Juno...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lučivná
Lučivná is a village and municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 767 metres and covers an area of 18.766 km² . It has a population of about 975 people.-External links:*
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lúčka
Lúcka, Rožnava District
Lúčka is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Hussite remains:In you find the ruins of a church established by Hussites who left Bohemia during the religious conflicts of the fifteenth century and finally settled here.The church is...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Lúčka
Lúcka, Levoca District
Lúčka is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 510 metres and covers an area of 3.933 km². It has a population of about 140 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lúčka
Lúcka, Sabinov District
Lúčka is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 512 metres and covers an area of 3.891 km². It has a population of about 679 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lúčka
Lúcka, Svidník District
Lúčka is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 3.544 km². It has a population of about 531 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lúčky
Lúcky, Žiar nad Hronom District
Lúčky is a village and municipality in the Žiar nad Hronom District of the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Lúčky
Lúcky, Michalovce District
Lúčky is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 107 metres and covers an area of 7.927 km². The municipality has a population of about 519 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Lúčky
Lúcky, Ružomberok District
Lúčky is a village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 598 metres and covers an area of 21.847 km². In 2006, it had a population of about 1725 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Lúčnica nad Žitavou
Lúcnica nad Žitavou
Lúčnica nad Žitavou is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region. It arose in 1960 by merging of villages Martinová and Vajka nad Žitavou.-Geography:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Ludanice
Ludanice is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia. The most important sightseeing is a church from 1701. The village is developed as most of the villages in Topoľčany district....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Ľudovítová
Ľudovítová is a small village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an elevation of 152 metres and covers an area of 1.878 km². It has a population of about 255 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Ludrová
Ludrová is a village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 565 metres and covers an area of 5.347km². It has a population of about 982 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Luhyňa
Luhyňa is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 187 metres and covers an area of 6.835 km².It has a population of about 315 people.-Facilities:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Lúka
Lúka is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 17.407km². It has a population of about 577 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Lukáčovce
Lukáčovce is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 183 metres and covers an area of 16.837km². It has a population of about 1126 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Lukavica
Lukavica, Bardejov District
Lukavica is a village and municipality of the Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of Slovakia....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lukov
Lukov is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1264 The timber Church of Saints Cosmo and Damian was built in 1708....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lukovištia
Lukovištia is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Lúky
Lúky is a village and municipality in Púchov District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 345 metres and covers an area of 7.736 km². It has a population of about 950 people.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Lula (Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Lupoč
Lupoč is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Lutila
Lutila is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 294 metres and covers an area of 26.008km². It has a population of 1332 people....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ľutina
Ľutina is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 424 metres and covers an area of 6.906 km². It has a population of about 428 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lutiše
Lutiše is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 560 metres and covers an area of . It has a population of about 818 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Ľutov
Ľutov is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 248 metres and covers an area of 8.577km². It has a population of about 135 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Lužany pri Topli
Lužany pri Topli
Lužany pri Topli is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Lužany
Lužany is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Lužianky
Lužianky is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 144 metres and covers an area of 12.426 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Lysá pod Makytou
Lysá pod Makytou
Lysá pod Makytou is a village and municipality in Púchov District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 415 metres and covers an area of 33.402 km². It has a population of about 2,170 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Lysica
Lysica is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 500 metres and covers an area of 15.527km². It has a population of about 859 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Macov
Macov is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:The village was first recorded in 1367 by its Hungarian name as Machhaza. Until the end of World War I, it was part of Hungary and fell within the Somorja district of Pozsony...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Mad
Mad (village)
Mad is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:The village was first recorded in 1254 as Mod, in 1260 as Nagmod. Until the end of World War I, it was part of Hungary and fell within the Dunaszerdahely district of Pozsony County...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Madunice
Madunice is a large village and municipality in Slovakia in Trnava region in Hlohovec District.-Situation :Madunice is situated on the right bank of river Váh, approximately one kilometer away from the river. North of Madunice are Drahovce, on east Koplotovce, on south Červeník and Leopoldov and...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Magnezitovce
Magnezitovce is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Machulince
Machulince is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 230 metres and covers an area of 9.421 km². It has a population of about 1040 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Majcichov
Majcichov is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Majere (Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Majerovce
Majerovce is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 135 metres and covers an area of 8.541km². It has a population of about 450 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Makov
Makov is a village and municipality in Čadca District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 583 metres and covers an area of 46.052 km². It has a population of about 1905 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Malá Čalomija
Malá Calomija
Malá Čalomija is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Malá Čausa
Malá Causa
Malá Čausa is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 350 metres and covers an area of 15.349 km² . It has a population of about 621.-External links:*
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Malá Čierna
Malá Cierna
Malá Čierna is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 530 metres and covers an area of 4.262 km². It has a population of about 333 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Malá Domaša
Malá Domaša
Malá Domaša is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Malá Franková
Malá Franková
Malá Franková is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 750 metres and covers an area of 10.808km² . It has a population of about 180 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Malá Hradná
Malá Hradná
Malá Hradná is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 290 metres and covers an area of 7.910 km2. It has a population of about 387 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Malá Ida
Malá Ida
Malá Ida is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 306 metres and covers an area of 10.194 km².It has a population of about 1175 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Malá Lehota
Malá Lehota
Malá Lehota is a village and municipality in the Žarnovica District, Banská Bystrica Region in Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Malá Lodina
Malá Lodina
Malá Lodina is a village and large municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 265 metres and covers an area of 38.348 km².It has a population of about 195 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Malá nad Hronom
Malá nad Hronom
Malá nad Hronom is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 140 metres and covers an area of 7.721 km². It has a population of about 410 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Malá Tŕňa
Malá Trna
Malá Tŕňa is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 186 metres and covers an area of 9.807 km².It has a population of about 450 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Malacky
Malacky is a town and municipality in western Slovakia around 35 km north from capital Bratislava. From the second half of the 10th century until 1918, it was part of the Kingdom of Hungary...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Málaš
Málaš is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 155 metres and covers an area of 15.977 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Malatiná
Malatiná is a village and municipality in Dolný Kubín District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 803 metres and covers an area of 19.141km². It has a population of about 824 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Malatíny
Malatíny is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 580 metres and covers an area of 4.176km². It has a population of about 150 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Malcov
Malcov is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 410 metres and covers an area of 18.876 km².It has a population of about 1460 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Malčice
Malčice is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1274 AD.-Geography:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Malé Borové
Malé Borové
Malé Borové is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 880 metres and covers an area of 5.835km². It has a population of about 205 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Malé Dvorníky
Malé Dvorníky
Malé Dvorníky is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:I was an Avar settlement in the 6th century. The name of the village was first recorded in 1254 as "Odour". Until the end of World War I, it was part of Hungary and...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Malé Hoste
Malé Hoste
Malé Hoste is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 276 metres and covers an area of 6.806km². It has a population of about 450 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Malé Chyndice
Malé Chyndice
Malé Chyndice is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 144 metres and covers an area of 12.426km². It has a population of about 2535 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Malé Kosihy
Malé Kosihy
Malé Kosihy is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 115 metres and covers an area of 8.432 km². It has a population of about 435 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Malé Kozmálovce
Malé Kozmálovce
Malé Kozmálovce is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-History:The Magyar population founded the settlement before the final and decisive victory of Magyars in Pozsony Battle...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Malé Kršteňany
Malé Krštenany
Malé Kršteňany is a village and municipality in Partizánske District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 230 metres and covers an area of 6.292 km². It has a population of about 514 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Malé Lednice
Malé Lednice
Malé Lednice is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 425 metres and covers an area of 15.105 km². It has a population of about 528 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Malé Leváre
Malé Leváre
Malé Leváre is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Malacky District in the Bratislava region.-External links:*...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Malé Ludince
Malé Ludince
Malé Ludince is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 136 metres and covers an area of 6.803 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Malé Ozorovce
Malé Ozorovce
Malé Ozorovce is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 197 metres and covers an area of 17.082 km² . It has a population of about 565 people.-External...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Malé Raškovce
Malé Raškovce
Malé Raškovce is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 102 metres and covers an area of 8.752 km². The municipality has a population of about 245 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Malé Ripňany
Malé Ripnany
Malé Ripňany is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Malé Straciny
Malé Straciny
Malé Straciny is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Malé Trakany
Malé Trakany
Malé Trakany is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 111 metres and covers an area of 11.014 km².It has a population of about 1135 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Malé Uherce
Malé Uherce
Malé Uherce is a village and municipality in Partizánske District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 5.974 km². It has a population of about 728 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Malé Vozokany
Malé Vozokany
Malé Vozokany is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 179 metres and covers an area of 5.863 km². It has a population of about 320 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Malé Zálužie
Malé Zálužie
Malé Zálužie is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 159 metres and covers an area of 5.905km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Malé Zlievce
Malé Zlievce
Malé Zlievce is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.The village has got 280 inhabitants in January 2007.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Málinec
Málinec is a village and municipality in the Poltár District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Malinová
Malinová is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Malinovo
Malinovo is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 128 metres and covers an area of 8.829km². It has a population of 1402 people....
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Malužiná
Malužiná is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 733 metres and covers an area of 39.484km². It has a population of about 286 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Malý Cetín
Malý Cetín
Malý Cetín is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 129 metres and covers an area of 5.159km². It has a population of about 381 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Malý Čepčín
Malý Cepcín
Malý Čepčín is a village and municipality in Turčianske Teplice District in the Žilina Region of northern central Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1254....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Malý Horeš
Malý Horeš
Malý Horeš is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 103 metres and covers an area of 19.21 km².It has a population of about 1115 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Malý Kamenec
Malý Kamenec
Malý Kamenec is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 114 metres and covers an area of 5.64 km².It has a population of about 455 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Malý Krtíš
Malý Krtíš
Malý Krtíš is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Malý Lapáš
Malý Lapáš
Malý Lapáš is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 170 metres and covers an area of 3.219km². It has a population of about 386 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Malý Lipník
Malý Lipník
Malý Lipník is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 450 metres and covers an area of 13.770 km². It has a population of about 458 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Malý Slavkov
Malý Slavkov
Malý Slavkov is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 660 metres and covers an area of 4.989 km² . It has a population of about 840.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Malý Slivník
Malý Slivník
Malý Slivník is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 364 metres and covers an area of 2.606 km² . It has a population of about 720 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Malý Šariš
Malý Šariš
Malý Šariš is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 300 metres and covers an area of 8.635 km² . It has a population of about 1365 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Malženice
Malženice is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Maňa
Mana is an indigenous Pacific islander concept of an impersonal force or quality that resides in people, animals, and inanimate objects. The word is a cognate in many Oceanic languages, including Melanesian, Polynesian, and Micronesian....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Mankovce
Mankovce is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 300 metres and covers an area of 4.238 km². It has a population of about 540 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Marcelová
Marcelová is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 112 metres and covers an area of 35.75km².-Demographics:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Margecany
Margecany is a village and municipality in the Gelnica District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia. Margecany is a very important railway junction situated on the main railway connecting Košice with Žilina and Bratislava....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Marhaň
Marhaň is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 195 metres and covers an area of 10.381 km².It has a population of about 935 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Marianka
Marianka is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Malacky District in the Bratislava region, in the foothills of the Little Carpathians. The village is the oldest pilgrimage site in Slovakia and the first pilgrimage site dedicated to Virgin Mary in the area of former Hungarian Kingdom...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Markovce
Markovce is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 114 metres and covers an area of 8.016 km². The municipality has a population of about 810 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Markuška
Markuška is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 376 metres and covers an area of 6.807 km².It has a population of about 180 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Markušovce
Markušovce is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-History:Markušovce was founded in the 12th century before the Tatar invasions of the region. The village was owned by the Mariassy family from the 13th century, and many...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Maršová-Rašov
Maršová-Rašov is a village and municipality in Bytča District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 310 metres and covers an area of 9.611km². It has a population of about 780 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Martin nad Žitavou
Martin nad Žitavou
Martin nad Žitavou is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 4.332 km². It has a population of about 530 people.-External...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Martin
Martin, Slovakia
Martin is a city in northern Slovakia, situated on the Turiec river, between the Malá Fatra and Veľká Fatra mountains, near the city of Žilina. The population numbers approximately 58,000, which makes it the eighth largest city in Slovakia...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Martinček
Martinček is a village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 598 metres and covers an area of 2.476km². It has a population of about 383 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Martinová
Martinová is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Martovce
Martovce is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 112 metres and covers an area of 19.964km².It has a population of about 760 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Mašková
Mašková is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Matejovce (Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Matiaška
Matiaška is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 220 metres and covers an area of 12.290km². It has a population of about 270 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Matiašovce
Matiašovce is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 556 metres and covers an area of 17.506km² . It has a population of about 790 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Matovce
Matovce is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 3.99 km². It has a population of approximately 131 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Maťovské Vojkovce
Matovské Vojkovce
Maťovské Vojkovce is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of and covers an area of . The municipality has a population of about 590 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Matúškovo
Matúškovo is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 118 metres and covers an area of 11.954 km². It has a population of about 1938 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Matysová
Matysová is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 600 metres and covers an area of 10.430 km². It has a population of about 78 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Medovarce
Medovarce is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Medvedie
Medvedie is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 378 metres and covers an area of 5.069km². It has a population of about 55 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Medveďov
Medveďov is a border village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:The name of the village was first mentioned in 1252 as Willa Medwe castri Posoniensis . Until the end of World War I, the village was part of Hungary and fell within...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Medzany
Medzany is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia. It has a 14th century Catholic Church All Saints Church, Medzany-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Medzev
Medzev is a town and large municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the town was first mentioned in 1359. It was founded and settled by ethnic Germans.-Geography:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Medzianky
Medzianky is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 240 metres and covers an area of 4.930km². It has a population of about 315 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Medzibrodie nad Oravou
Medzibrodie nad Oravou
Medzibrodie nad Oravou is a village and municipality in Dolný Kubín District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia.-External links:
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Medzilaborce
Medzilaborce is a town in northeastern Slovakia close to the border with Poland, located near the towns of Sanok and Bukowsko . Its population is approximately 6,600.-Characteristics:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Melčice-Lieskové
Melčice-Lieskové is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 202 metres and covers an area of 21.575 km². It has a population of about 1557 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Melek
Melek is a municipality and village in the Nitra District of the south-west of Slovakia, in the Nitra Region....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Meliata
Meliata is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 224 metres and covers an area of 14.49 km².It has a population of about 215 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Mengusovce
Mengusovce is a village and municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 825 metres and covers an area of 8.944 km². It has a population of about 610 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Merašice
Merašice is a village and municipality in Hlohovec District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 189 metres and covers an area of 4.938km². It has a population of about 387 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Merník
Merník is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 165 metres and covers an area of 11.587km². It has a population of about 626 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Mestečko
Mestečko is a village and municipality in Púchov District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 321 metres and covers an area of . It has a population of about 505 people.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Mestisko
Mestisko is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 254 metres and covers an area of 11.057km². It has a population of about 464 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Mičakovce
Mičakovce is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 180 metres and covers an area of 4.700 km². It has a population of about 122 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Mierovo
Mierovo is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:The village was first recorded in 1260 by its Hungarian name as Weke. Until the end of World War I, it was part of Hungary and fell within the Somorja district of Pozsony...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Miezgovce
Miezgovce is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1389....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Michal na Ostrove
Michal na Ostrove
Michal na Ostrove is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:The village was first recorded in 1337 by its Hungarian name as Weke....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Michal nad Žitavou
Michal nad Žitavou
Michal nad Žitavou is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 133 metres and covers an area of 8.189 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Michaľany
Michaľany is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 131 metres and covers an area of 8.152 km².It has a population of about 1750 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Michalok
Michalok is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 256 metres and covers an area of 12.317km². It has a population of about 332 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Michalová
Michalová is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Michalovce
Michalovce is a town on the Laborec river in eastern Slovakia, with a population around 40,000. It is the biggest town of the Michalovce District in the Košice Region.-Geography:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Miklušovce
Miklušovce is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 481 metres and covers an area of 7.22 km². It has a population of about 340 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Mikulášová
Mikulášová is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 350 metres and covers an area of 7.997 km².It has a population of about 145 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Mikušovce (Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Milhosť (Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Miloslavov
Miloslavov is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 129 metres and covers an area of 10.194km². It has a population of 999 people. It consists of two parts. Miloslava and Alzbetin Dvor...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Milpoš
Milpoš is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1950.Milpoš coat of arms is seen at the right. -Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Mirkovce
Mirkovce is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 290 metres and covers an area of 9.546 km². It has a population of about 1030 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Miroľa
Miroľa is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 367 metres and covers an area of 6.112km². It has a population of about 73 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Mládzovo
Mládzovo is a village and municipality in the Poltár District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Mlynárovce
Mlynárovce is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 296 metres and covers an area of 11.223km². It has a population of about 235 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Mlynčeky
Mlynčeky is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 680 metres and covers an area of 7.679km² . It has a population of about 620 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Mlynica
Mlynica is a village and municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 688 metres and covers an area of 7.776km². It has a population of about 380 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Mlynky
Mlynky is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 739 metres and covers an area of 25.051km².It has a population of about 600 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Mníchova Lehota
Mníchova Lehota
Mníchova Lehota is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 260 metres and covers an area of 16.616 km². It has a population of about 1115 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Mníšek nad Hnilcom
Mníšek nad Hnilcom
Mníšek nad Hnilcom is a village and municipality in the Gelnica District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-External links:* *...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Mníšek nad Popradom
Mníšek nad Popradom
Mníšek nad Popradom is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 390 metres and covers an area of 17.789 km². It has a population of about 682 people...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Moča
-Museums:* Museum of Chinese in America, a museum in New York City which exhibits Chinese American history* Museum of Contemporary Art , any of several museums with this title...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Močenok
Močenok is a village and municipality in Šaľa District, in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 141 metres and covers an area of 46.39 km².It has a population of about 5315 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Močiar
Močiar is a village and municipality in Banská Štiavnica District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Modra
Modra is a city and municipality in the Bratislava Region in Slovakia. It has a population of 8,704 as of 2005. It nestles in the foothills of the Malé Karpaty and is an excellent centre of hiking.Modra is famous for its pottery industry...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Modrany
Modrany is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1205. The Calvinist church was, for centuries, the one church that most of the surrounding villages attended.The Soviet Army...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Modrová
Modrová is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1348.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Modrovka
Modrovka is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 170 metres and covers an area of 3.160km². It has a population of about 224 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Modrý Kameň
Modrý Kamen
Modrý Kameň is a town and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.- Geography :It is located in the Krupina Plain on the Krtíš and Riečka rivers...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Mojmírovce
Mojmírovce is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 140 metres and covers an area of 19.863km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Mojš
Mojš is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 345 metres and covers an area of 2.593km². It has a population of about 450 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Mojtín
Mojtín is a village and municipality in Púchov District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 636 metres and covers an area of 10.842 km². It has a population of about 575 people.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Mojzesovo
Mojzesovo is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1273....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Mokrá Lúka
Mokrá Lúka
Mokrá Lúka is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Mokrance
Mokrance is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 212 metres and covers an area of 23.411 km². It has a population of about 1340 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Mokroluh
Mokroluh is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-History:In the medieval times, Mokroluh was a vassal village and it belonged to the estate Smilno-Makovica...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Nemcovce
Nemcovce, Prešov District
Nemcovce is a small village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 283 metres and covers an area of 5.739 km². It has a population of about 453 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Mokrý Háj
Mokrý Háj
Mokrý Háj is a village and municipality in Skalica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 261 metres and covers an area of 6.871km². It has a population of about 623 people.- External links :...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Moldava nad Bodvou (Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Moravany nad Váhom
Moravany nad Váhom
Moravany nad Váhom is a village and municipality in Piešťany District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.- History :In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1348....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Moravany
Moravany, Michalovce
Moravany is a village and large municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 108 metres and covers an area of 16.667 km². The municipality has a population of about 1,040 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Moravské Lieskové
Moravské Lieskové
Moravské Lieskové is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 249 metres and covers an area of 36.421km². It has a population of about 2484 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Moravský Svätý Ján
Moravský Svätý Ján
Moravský Svätý Ján is a village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 168 metres and covers an area of 39.219km². It has a population of about 2074 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Most pri Bratislave
Most pri Bratislave
Most pri Bratislave is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 130 metres above sea level and covers an area of 19.01km². It has a population of 1594 people.-External...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Mostová
Mostová is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 125 metres and covers an area of 25.157 km². It has a population of about 1,591 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Moškovec
Moškovec is a village and municipality in Turčianske Teplice District in the Žilina Region of northern central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 450 metres and covers an area of 2.101 km². It has a population of about 63 people.-External...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Mošovce
Mošovce is one of the largest villages in the historical region of Turiec, currently in the Turčianske Teplice District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-History:Many preserved historical buildings are the evidence of the 770 years of its existence...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Mošurov
Mošurov is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 398 metres and covers an area of 5.44 km². It has a population of about 158 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Motešice
Motešice is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 260 metres and covers an area of 17.393 km². It has a population of about 811 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Mučín
Mucins are a family of high molecular weight, heavily glycosylated proteins produced by epithelial tissues in most metazoans. Mucins' key characteristic is their ability to form gels; therefore they are a key component in most gel-like secretions, serving functions from lubrication to cell...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Mudroňovo
Mudroňovo is a small village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 150 metres and covers an area of 4.007 km².It has a population of about 108 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Mudrovce
Mudrovce is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 410 metres and covers an area of 5.889 km². The municipality has a population of only 84 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Muľa
-Places:* Mula, Maldives, a city in the Maldives* Mula, Spain, a town in the autonomous community of Murcia, Spain* Muľa, a village and municipality in southern Slovakia* Mula, a drum used in Cuban music...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Muráň
Muráň is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village is located around 9 km north of Revúca, in the Muráň river valley. The Muráň Plateau is located north and west of the village, with the governing body of the Muránska planina...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Muránska Dlhá Lúka
Muránska Dlhá Lúka
Muránska Dlhá Lúka is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Muránska Huta
Muránska Huta
Muránska Huta is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Muránska Lehota
Muránska Lehota
Muránska Lehota is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Muránska Zdychava
Muránska Zdychava
Muránska Zdychava is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Mútne
Mútne is a large village and municipality in Námestovo District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 836 metres and covers an area of 64.452km². It has a population of about 2835 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Mužla
Mužla is a village and large municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 121 metres and covers an area of 52.097 km². It has a population of about 1980 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Myjava
Myjava is a town in Trenčín Region, Slovakia.-Geography:It is located in the Myjava Hills at the foothills of the White Carpathians and not far from the Little Carpathians. The river Myjava flows through the town...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Mýtna
Mýtna is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.Mýtna was already settled in the prehistorical era - some scientists supposed that people already lived here in the younger Bronze Age probably 3,000 years ago. In the 7th century came Avars and...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Mýtne Ludany
Mýtne Ludany
Mýtne Ludany is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 157 metres and covers an area of 17.652 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Mýto pod Ďumbierom
Mýto pod Dumbierom
Mýto pod Ďumbierom is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Nacina Ves
Nacina Ves
Nacina Ves is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 125 metres and covers an area of 15.803 km². The municipality has a population of about 1750 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Nadlice
Nadlice is a village and municipality in Partizánske District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 177 metres and covers an area of 5.534 km². It has a population of about 640 people.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Ňagov
Ňagov is a village and municipality in the Medzilaborce District in the Prešov Region of far north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 372 metres and covers an area of 9.646 km². It has a population of about 415 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Naháč
Naháč is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Nálepkovo
Nálepkovo is a village and municipality in the Gelnica District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Námestovo
Námestovo is a town in northern Slovakia. It is the capital and largest town of Námestovo District in the Žilina Region. its population was 8,094.-Geography:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Nána (Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Nandraž
Nandraž is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ňárad
Ňárad is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:The village was first recorded in 1468 as the estate of the Dóczy family. Until the end of World War I, it was part of Hungary and fell within the Tószigetcsilizköz district of...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Necpaly
Necpaly is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.- Manor house :In the 19th century the chateau got under control of Franklins...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Nedanovce
Nedanovce is a village and municipality in Partizánske District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 180 metres and covers an area of 7 km². It has a population of about 615 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Nedašovce
Nedašovce is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 6.914km². It has a population of about 455 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Neded
Neded is a village and municipality in Šaľa District, in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 112 metres and covers an area of 36.009 km².It has a population of about 3,100 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Nededza
Nededza is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 381 metres and covers an area of 6.311km². It has a population of about 929 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Nedožery-Brezany
Nedožery-Brezany is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-History:The town was founded in 1964 following the unification of two existing municipalities and Nedožery Brezany...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Nemcovce
Nemcovce, Prešov District
Nemcovce is a small village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 283 metres and covers an area of 5.739 km². It has a population of about 453 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Nemčice
Němčice is the name of several villages in the Czech Republic. The name may refer to:In the Plzeň region* Němčice , a village in Domažlice DistrictIn the South Bohemian region...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Nemčiňany
Nemčiňany is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 212 metres and covers an area of 15.683 km². It has a population of about 750 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Nemecká
Nemecká is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia. The name suggests villagers, or part of them, being of German stock, possibly a result of Ostsiedlung....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Nemečky
Nemečky is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Nemešany
Nemešany is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 482 metres and covers an area of 4.009 km². It has a population of about 353 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Nemšová
Nemšová is a town in the Trenčín District, Trenčín Region in northwestern Slovakia.-Geography:It is located in the Ilava Basin on the Váh and Vlára rivers at the foothills of the White Carpathians. It is from Trenčín and from the Czech border.-History:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Nenince
Nenince is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Neporadza (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Neporadza
Neporadza, Trencín District
Neporadza is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 290 metres and covers an area of 14.211 km². It has a population of about 773 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Nesluša
Nesluša is a village and municipality in the Kysucké Nové Mesto District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Historical variants of the name:*Nezlusa *Neszlusa *Valachorum *Neslussa *Nesluša...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Nesvady
Nesvady is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 114 metres and covers an area of 57.861 km² on the left bank of the Nitra river, around 23 km north of Komárno, 10 km north-east of...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Neverice
Neverice is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 180 metres and covers an area of 5.96 km². It has a population of about 675 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Nevidzany
Nevidzany, Zlaté Moravce District
Nevidzany is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 181 metres and covers an area of 10.258 km². It has a population of about 615 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Nevidzany
Nevidzany, Prievidza District
Nevidzany is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 411 metres and covers an area of 11.785 km². It has a population of about 295 people.-External links:*
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Nevoľné
Nevoľné is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia, 6 kilometres from Kremnica town. The village is mentioned first in archive documents in 1487.-Famous people:*Blazej Balaz, Slovak painter...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Nezbudská Lúčka
Nezbudská Lúcka
Nezbudská Lúčka is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 355 metres and covers an area of 8.211km². It has a population of about 382 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Nimnica
Nimnica is a spa village and municipality in Púchov District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia. It is located between the towns of Púchov and Považská Bystrica.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Nitra nad Ipľom
Nitra nad Iplom
Nitra nad Ipľom is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Nitra
Nitra is a city in western Slovakia, situated at the foot of Zobor Mountain in the valley of the river Nitra. With a population of about 83,572, it is the fifth largest city in Slovakia. Nitra is also one of the oldest cities in Slovakia and the country's earliest political and cultural center...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Nitrianska Blatnica
Nitrianska Blatnica
Nitrianska Blatnica is a municipality with 1,207 inhabitants in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia. In the hills above the village is a church of Saint George /rotunda svätého Juraja/, from 9th and 10th century, one of the oldest remaining church buildings in Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Nitrianska Streda
Nitrianska Streda
Nitrianska Streda is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Nitrianske Hrnčiarovce
Nitrianske Hrnciarovce
Nitrianske Hrnčiarovce is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 215 metres and covers an area of 9.946km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Nitrianske Pravno
Nitrianske Pravno
Nitrianske Pravno is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-History:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Nitrianske Rudno
Nitrianske Rudno
Nitrianske Rudno is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 318 metres and covers an area of 14.501 km². It has a population of about 1960 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Nitrianske Sučany
Nitrianske Sucany
Nitrianske Sučany is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 310 metres and covers an area of 18.067 km². It has a population of about 1260 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Nitrica
Nitrica is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 246 metres and covers an area of 24.034 km². It has a population of about 1260 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Nižná Boca
Nižná Boca
Nižná Boca is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.- History :In historical records the village was first mentioned in [1285]]. Nižná Boca Village is situated on both banks of the river Boca...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Nižná Hutka
Nižná Hutka
Nižná Hutka is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 214 metres and covers an area of 4.348 km².It has a population of about 510 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Nižná Jedľová
Nižná Jedlová
Nižná Jedľová is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 289 metres and covers an area of 4.748 km². It has a population of about 85 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Nižná Kamenica
Nižná Kamenica
Nižná Kamenica is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 308 metres and covers an area of 13.325 km².It has a population of about 500 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Nižná Myšľa
Nižná Myšla
Nižná Myšľa is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 235 metres and covers an area of .It has a population of about 1400 people.-External links:* * *...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Nižná Pisaná
Nižná Pisaná
Nižná Pisaná is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 324 metres and covers an area of 7.382 km². It has a population of about 100 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Nižná Polianka
Nižná Polianka
Nižná Polianka is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 395 metres and covers an area of 5.876 km².It has a population of about 252 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Nižná Rybnica
Nižná Rybnica
Nižná Rybnica is a small village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 111 metres and covers an area of 8.999 km².-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Nižná Slaná
Nižná Slaná
Nižná Slaná is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 360 metres and covers an area of 18.96 km².It has a population of about 1210 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Nižná Voľa
Nižná Vola
Nižná Voľa is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 270 metres and covers an area of 7.174 km².It has a population of about 300 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Nižná
Nižná, Pieštany District
Nižná is a village and municipality in Piešťany District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 184 metres and covers an area of 8.051 km². It has a population of about 517 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Nižná
Nižná, Tvrdošín District
Nižná is a village and municipality in Tvrdošín District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 573 metres and covers an area of 27.779 km². It has a population of about 4,140 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Nižné Nemecké
Nižné Nemecké
Nižné Nemecké is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.The name of the village literally means "Low Germany" or "Lower Germans".-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1353...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Nižné Repaše
Nižné Repaše
Nižné Repaše is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 747 metres and covers an area of 8.577 km². It has a population of about 215 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Nižné Ružbachy
Nižné Ružbachy
Nižné Ružbachy is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 555 metres and covers an area of 9.794 km². It has a population of about 639 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Nižný Čaj
Nižný Caj
Nižný Čaj is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude 207 metres and covers an area of 2.946km². It has a population of about 271 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Nižný Hrabovec
Nižný Hrabovec
Nižný Hrabovec is a village and municipality in the Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of Slovakia....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Nižný Hrušov
Nižný Hrušov
Nižný Hrušov is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Nižný Klátov
Nižný Klátov
Nižný Klátov is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Nižný Komárnik
Nižný Komárnik
Nižný Komárnik is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1618.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Nižný Kručov
Nižný Krucov
Nižný Kručov is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Nižný Lánec
Nižný Lánec
Nižný Lánec is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 4.1 km².It has a population of 417 people.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Nižný Mirošov
Nižný Mirošov
Nižný Mirošov is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 286 metres and covers an area of 6.990 km². It has a population of about 257 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Nižný Orlík
Nižný Orlík
Nižný Orlík is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 256 metres and covers an area of 9.289 km². It has a population of about 260 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Nižný Skálnik
Nižný Skálnik
Nižný Skálnik is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia. Located between hilly and flat area, agriculture played an important role in local economy. Village is first mentioned in 1334...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Nižný Slavkov
Nižný Slavkov
Nižný Slavkov is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 516 metres and covers an area of 23.142 km². It has a population of about 790 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Nižný Tvarožec
Nižný Tvarožec
Nižný Tvarožec is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1355....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Nižný Žipov
Nižný Žipov
Nižný Žipov is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 133 metres and covers an area of 17.071 km².It has a population of about 1350 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Nolčovo
Nolčovo is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 408 metres and covers an area of 15.018km². It has a population of about 254 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Norovce
Norovce is a municipality with 350 inhabitants in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Nová Baňa
Nová Bana
Nová Baňa is a small town in the west of central Slovakia and the largest town of the Žarnovica District, located in the Banská Bystrica Region.- Geography :...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Nová Bašta
Nová Bašta
Nová Bašta is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Nová Bošáca
Nová Bošáca
Nová Bošáca is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 301 metres and covers an area of 33.440km². It has a population of about 1192 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Nová Bystrica
Nová Bystrica
Nová Bystrica is a village and municipality in Čadca District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia, in the Kysuce region.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 526 metres and covers an area of 125.261km². It has a population of about 2855 people...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Nová Dedina
Nová Dedina
Nová Dedina is an old village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1075.The original name of this village was Balwany .-Geography:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Nová Dedinka
Nová Dedinka
Nová Dedinka is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 130 metres and covers an area of 10.242km². It has a population of 1751 people....
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Nová Dubnica
Nová Dubnica
Nová Dubnica is a town in Trenčín Region, Slovakia.-Geography:It is located in the Ilava Basin at the foothills of the Strážovské vrchy mountains.-History:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Nová Kelča
Nová Kelca
Nová Kelča is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Nová Lehota
Nová Lehota
Nová Lehota is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia. Since 1976 it has been a part of the municipality of Handlová.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1487....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Nová Lesná
Nová Lesná
Nová Lesná is a village and municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 747 metres and covers an area of 4.159km². It has a population of about 1520 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Nová Ľubovňa
Nová Lubovna
Nová Ľubovňa is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 562 metres and covers an area of 14.433 km². It has a population of about 2738 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Nová Polhora
Nová Polhora
Nová Polhora is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 220 metres and covers an area of 2.076 km².It has a population of 421 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Nová Polianka
Nová Polianka
Nová Polianka is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 337 metres and covers an area of 5.471km². It has a population of about 60 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Nová Ves nad Váhom
Nová Ves nad Váhom
Nová Ves nad Váhom is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 180 metres and covers an area of 12.112km². It has a population of about 517 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Nová Ves nad Žitavou
Nová Ves nad Žitavou
Nová Ves nad Žitavou is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region. The village lies at an elevation of and covers an area of . It has a population of about 1,270 people, with a distribution of approximately 99% Slovak and 1% Magyar...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Nová Ves (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Nová Vieska
Nová Vieska
Nová Vieska is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 135 metres and covers an area of 17.481 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Nováčany
Nováčany is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 337 metres and covers an area of 17.345 km².It has a population of about 680 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Nováky
Nováky is a town in the Prievidza District, Trenčín Region in western Slovakia. Nováky Power Plant, a thermal power plant is located near the town.The town is one of the centres of brown coal mining in Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Nové Mesto nad Váhom
Nové Mesto nad Váhom
Nové Mesto nad Váhom is a town in the Trenčín Region of Slovakia.- Geography :District town located at the northern edge of the Danubian Hills at the foothills of the northern end of the White Carpathians, on the Váh river. Other mountains nearby are the White Carpathians and the Považský Inovec...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Nové Sady
Nové Sady
Nové Sady is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 168 metres and covers an area of 17.475km². It has a population of about 1,275 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Nové Zámky
Nové Zámky
Nové Zámky is a town in southwestern Slovakia.-Geography:The town is located on the Danubian Lowland, on the Nitra River, at an altitude of 119 metres. It is located around 100 km from Bratislava and around 25 km from the Hungarian border. It is a road and railway hub of southern...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Novosad
Novosad is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1318.-Geography:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Novoť
Novoť is a village and municipality in Námestovo District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 752 metres and covers an area of 37.978km². It has a population of about 3150 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Nový Ruskov
Nový Ruskov
Nový Ruskov is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 134 metres and covers an area of 11.008 km².It has a population of about 640 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Nový Salaš
Nový Salaš
Nový Salaš is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 350 metres and covers an area of 11.016 km².It has a population of about 200 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Nový Tekov
Nový Tekov
Nový Tekov is an old village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 171 metres and covers an area of 29.701 km². It has a population of about 830 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Nový Život
Nový Život
Nový Život is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Component villages:-History:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Nýrovce
Nýrovce is an old village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 153 metres and covers an area of 13.49 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Obeckov
Obeckov is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Obid
Obid is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 116 metres and covers an area of 24.095 km². It has a population of about 1150 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Obišovce
Obišovce is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 297 metres and covers an area of 9.816 km².It has a population of about 383 people.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Oborín
Oborín is a village and large municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 104 metres and covers an area of 43.782 km². The municipality has a population of about 700 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Obručné
Obručné is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 655 metres and covers an area of 5.860 km². It has a population of about 52 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Obyce
Obyce is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 260 metres and covers an area of 31.27 km². It has a population of about 1560 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Očkov
Očkov is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 169 metres and covers an area of 4.942 km². It has a population of about 448 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Odorín
Odorín is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 441 metres and covers an area of 9.138km².It has a population of about 895 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Ohrady
Ohrady is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:The village was first recorded in 1138 as Kywrth in 1252 as Kurth and Kyrth which refers to the ancient Hungarian tribe 'Kürt'. Until the end of World War I, it was part of...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Ochodnica
Ochodnica is a village and municipality in Kysucké Nové Mesto District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Ochtiná
Ochtiná is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 344 metres and covers an area of 14.481 km².It has a population of about 550 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Okoč
Okoč is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Component villages:The municipality comprises the following villages and manors:- Demography :...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Okoličná na Ostrove
Okolicná na Ostrove
Okoličná na Ostrove is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 113 metres and covers an area of 29.89 km².It has a population of about 1435 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Okrúhle
Okrúhle is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 220 metres and covers an area of 14.964km². It has a population of about 640 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Okružná
Okružná is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 423 metres and covers an area of 11.516 km². It has a population of about 440 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Olcnava
Olcnava is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 404 metres and covers an area of 15.211km².It has a population of about 975 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Oľdza
Oľdza is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 126 metres and covers an area of 8.861 km².-History:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Olejníkov
Olejníkov is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 484 metres and covers an area of 44.461 km². It has a population of about 357 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Olešná (Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Oľka
Oľka is a village and municipality in the Medzilaborce District in the Prešov Region of far north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 250 metres and covers an area of 31.459 km². It has a population of about 350 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Olováry
Olováry is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Oľšavce
Oľšavce is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 240 metres and covers an area of 5.048 km².It has a population of about 165 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Oľšavica
Oľšavica is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 800 metres and covers an area of 17.606 km². It has a population of about 315 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Oľšavka
Olšavka, Spišská Nová Ves District
Oľšavka is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 430 metres and covers an area of 3.018 km².It has a population of about 195 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Oľšinkov
Oľšinkov is a village and municipality in the Medzilaborce District in the Prešov Region of far north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 450 metres and covers an area of 7.652 km². It has a population of about 30 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Oľšov
Oľšov is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1309. The coat of arms of Oľšov shows three fish which represents the bountiful fishing that was provided by the nearby Torysa...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Olšovany
Olšovany is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 245 metres and covers an area of 9.974 km².It has a population of about 545 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Omastiná
Omastiná is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 300 metres and covers an area of 12.448km². It has a population of about 43 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Omšenie
Omšenie is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 322 metres and covers an area of 24.361 km². It has a population of about 1957 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Ondavka
Ondavka is a small village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 480 metres and covers an area of 3.468 km².It has a population of about 34 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Ondavské Matiašovce
Ondavské Matiašovce
Ondavské Matiašovce is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1363....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Ondrašová
Ondrašová is a village and municipality in Turčianske Teplice District in the Žilina Region of northern central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 470 metres and covers an area of 6.982km². It has a population of about 53 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Ondrašovce
Ondrašovce is a village and municipality in the Prešov District of the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 460 metres and covers an area of 4.356km². It has a population of about 65 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Ondrejovce
Ondrejovce is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 163 metres and covers an area of 19.611 km². It has a population of about 470 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Opátka
Opátka is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 460 metres and covers an area of 13.903 km².It has a population of almost 85 people.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Opatovce nad Nitrou
Opatovce nad Nitrou
Opatovce nad Nitrou is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 270 metres and covers an area of 9.17 km²...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Opatovce
Opatovce is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1113....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Opatovská Nová Ves
Opatovská Nová Ves
Opatovská Nová Ves is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Opava
Opava, Velký Krtíš District
Opava is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Opiná
Opiná is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 367 metres and covers an area of 11.953 km².It has a population of about 180 people.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Opoj
Opoj is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Oponice
Oponice is a municipality with 932 inhabitants in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Orávka
Orávka is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Oravská Jasenica
Oravská Jasenica
Oravská Jasenica is a village and municipality in Námestovo District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 630 metres and covers an area of 23.684km². It has a population of about 1575 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Oravská Lesná
Oravská Lesná
Oravská Lesná is a village and municipality in Námestovo District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 934 metres and covers an area of 65.628km². It has a population of about 3133 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Oravská Polhora
Oravská Polhora
Oravská Polhora is a large village and municipality in Námestovo District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1580....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Oravská Poruba
Oravská Poruba
Oravská Poruba is a village and municipality in Dolný Kubín District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Oravské Veselé
Oravské Veselé
Oravské Veselé is a village and municipality in Námestovo District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 755 metres and covers an area of 41.217km². It has a population of about 2794 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Oravský Biely Potok
Oravský Biely Potok
Oravský Biely Potok is a village and municipality in Tvrdošín District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 644 metres and covers an area of 18.447 km²...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Oravský Podzámok
Oravský Podzámok
Oravský Podzámok is a village and municipality in Dolný Kubín District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia. Orava Castle is located in the village....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Ordzovany
Ordzovany is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 545 metres and covers an area of 12.079km². It has a population of about 170 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Orechová Potôň
Orechová Potôn
Orechová Potôň is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1250. Until the end of World War I, it was part of Hungary and fell within the Dunaszerdahely district of...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Orechová
Orechová is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 135 metres and covers an area of 3.396km².It has a population of 250 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Oreské
Oreské, Michalovce District
Oreské is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 165 metres and covers an area of 11.13 km². The municipality has a population of about 490 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Oreské
Oreské, Skalica District
Oreské is a village and municipality in Skalica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 243 metres and covers an area of km². It has a population of about 345 people.- External links :...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Orešany
Orešany is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Orlov (Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Orovnica
Orovnica is a village and municipality in the Žarnovica District, Banská Bystrica Region in Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ortuťová
Ortuťová is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 232 metres and covers an area of 6.026 km².It has a population of about 205 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Osádka
Osádka is a village and municipality in Dolný Kubín District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 670 metres and covers an area of 4.710 km². It has a population of about 140 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Osikov
Osikov is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 370 metres and covers an area of 13.874 km².It has a population of about 915 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Oslany
Oslany is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 234 metres and covers an area of 25.153 km². It has a population of about 2224 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Osrblie
Osrblie is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia. The village is best known for biathlon races, with Biathlon World Cup events taking place since the mid 1990s and with one Biathlon World Championships in 1997.-History:In historical records...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ostratice
Ostratice is a village and municipality in Partizánske District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 187 metres and covers an area of 11.308 km². It has a population of about 802 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Ostrov (Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Ostrov (Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Ostrovany
Ostrovany is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1248...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Ostrý Grúň
Ostrý Grún
Ostrý Grúň is a village and municipality in the Žarnovica District, Banská Bystrica Region in Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Osturňa
Osturňa is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 717 metres and covers an area of 41.237km² . It has a population of about 412 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Osuské
Osuské is a village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia. There is a catholic church first mentioned in 1468 with an organ rebuilted in 1844...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Oščadnica
Oščadnica is a village and municipality in Čadca District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia. The village is now a well known touristic resort, offering private apparments and agrobusiness. During the winter a ski resort Oščadnica-Veľká Rača is a popular destination.-Geography:The...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Otrhánky
Otrhánky is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 215 metres and covers an area of 4.645km². It has a population of about 430 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Otročok
Otročok is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ovčiarsko
Ovčiarsko is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 420 metres and covers an area of 4.894 km². It has a population of about 483 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Ovčie
Ovčie is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 488 metres and covers an area of 3.157 km². It has a population of about 680 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Ozdín
Ozdín is a village and municipality in the Poltár District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ožďany
Ožďany is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia. Local high school played an important role in the Slovak history, some important persons of Slovak literary and political life of 19th century made their studies here, like...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Pača
The Lowland Paca , also known as the Spotted Paca, is a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical America, from East-Central Mexico to Northern Argentina...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Padáň
Padan may refer to:* Padan Fain, one of the primary antagonists of The Wheel of Time fantasy series* Padan plain, a major geographical feature of Italy* Padan-aram, the field of Aram-Naharaim...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Padarovce
Padarovce is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Palárikovo
Palárikovo is a large village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 113 metres and covers an area of 51.294 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Palín
Palín, Michalovce
Palín is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia. It is located 15 kilometres from the city of Michalovce.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 105 metres and covers an area of 11.115 km²....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Palota
Palota is a village and municipality in the Medzilaborce District in the Prešov Region of far north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 482 metres and covers an area of 24.116 km². It has a population of about 190 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Paňa
In Inuit mythology, Pana was the god who cared for souls in the underworld before they were reincarnated.Pana also means "snow knife" in Inuktitut.Pana means "girlfriend; unmarried woman" in Lithuanian....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Panické Dravce
Panické Dravce
Panické Dravce is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:**...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Paňovce
Paňovce is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 241 metres and covers an area of 20.678 km²...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Papradno
Papradno is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1525. In the past it belonged to the feudal dominion Bytča....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Parchovany
Parchovany is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 115 metres and covers an area of 23.225 km².It has a population of about 1900 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Párnica
Párnica is a village and municipality in Dolný Kubín District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 458 metres and covers an area of 50.405 km². It has a population of about 737 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Partizánska Ľupča
Partizánska Lupca
Partizánska Ľupča is a large village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.- Geography :...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Partizánske
Partizánske |partisan]] town, formerly: Baťovany) is a town in Trenčín Region, Slovakia.-Geography:It is located in the northern part of the Danubian Hills around from Nitra, on the Nitra River, near the Tribeč mountains.-History:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Pastovce
Pastovce is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 124 metres and covers an area of 12.859 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Pastuchov
Pastuchov is a village and municipality in Hlohovec District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 15.235km². It has a population of about 975 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Pašková
Pašková is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.The Hungarian name is Páskaháza.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 237 metres and covers an area of 6.007 km²....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Paština Závada
Paština Závada
Paština Závada is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 380 metres and covers an area of 7.328 km². It has a population of about 257 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Pata
Pata, Galanta District
Pata is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 139 metres and covers an area of 17.549 km². It has a population of about 3051 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Pataš
Pataš is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia. The municipality also comprises Milinovice and Pásztómajor settlements...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Patince
Patince is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 111 metres and covers an area of 11.306 km².It has a population of about 450 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Pavčina Lehota
Pavcina Lehota
Pavčina Lehota is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 700metres and covers an area of 7.217km². It has a population of about 350 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Pavľany
Pavľany is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 805 metres and covers an area of 7.707 km². It has a population of about 84 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Pavlice
Pavlice is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Pavlova Ves
Pavlova Ves
Pavlova Ves is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.- History :In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1469 AD. Geography :...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Pavlová
Pavlová is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 137 metres and covers an area of 7.617 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Pavlovce
Pavlovce (Rimavská Sobota District)
Pavlovce is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Pavlovce
Pavlovce (Vranov nad Toplou District)
Pavlovce is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 300 metres and covers an area of 17.573 km².It has a population of about 716 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Pavlovce nad Uhom
Pavlovce nad Uhom
Pavlovce nad Uhom is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 108 metres and covers an area of 33.420 km²....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Pažiť
Pažiť is a village and municipality in Partizánske District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 3.062 km². It has a population of about 403 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Pečeňady
Pečeňady is a village and municipality in Piešťany District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1113....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Pečeňany
Pečeňany is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 190 metres and covers an area of 6.626 km². It has a population of about 470 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Pečenice
Pečenice is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1135....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Pečovská Nová Ves
Pecovská Nová Ves
Pečovská Nová Ves is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 348 metres and covers an area of 11.754 km². It has a population of 2355 people .-Main sights:*Church of St. Andrew Pečovská...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Peder (Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Perín-Chym
Perín-Chym is a municipality in eastern Slovakia near the town of Košice.It arose in 1964 by a merger of the municipalities Perín and Chym...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Pernek
Pernek is a village and municipality in Malacky District in the Bratislava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 278 metres and covers an area of 27.665 km². It has a population of about 793 people.-External links:...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Petkovce
Petkovce is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 205 metres and covers an area of 4.352km². It has a population of about 148 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Petrikovce
Petrikovce is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 103 metres and covers an area of 5.74 km². The municipality has a population of about 220 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Petrova Lehota
Petrova Lehota
Petrova Lehota is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 387 metres and covers an area of 8.069 km². It has a population of about 165 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Petrova Ves
Petrova Ves
Petrova Ves is a village and municipality in Skalica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.- History :In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1392.História obce...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Petrová
Petrová is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 449 metres and covers an area of 14.297 km².It has a population of about 670 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Petrovany
Petrovany is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 233 metres and covers an area of 17.463km². It has a population of about 1800 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Petrovce nad Laborcom
Petrovce nad Laborcom
Petrovce nad Laborcom is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 118 metres and covers an area of 10.217 km².It has a population of about 980 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Petrovce
Petrovce (Rimavská Sobota District)
Petrovce is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Petrovce
Petrovce (Sobrance District)
Petrovce is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 290 metres and covers an area of 16.479 km².It has a population of about 230 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Petrovce
Petrovce (Vranov nad Toplou District)
Petrovce is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 325 metres and covers an area of 13.705 km².It has a population of about 440 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Petrovice
Petrovice, Bytca District
Petrovice is a village and municipality in Bytča District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of and covers an area of and has a population of about 1,500 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Petrovo
Petrovo, Rožnava District
Petrovo is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 389 metres and covers an area of 3.965 km².It has a population of about 107 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Pezinok
Pezinok is a city in southwestern Slovakia. It is roughly northeast of Bratislava and has a population of 21,334 .Pezinok lies near the Little Carpathians and thrives mainly on viticulture and agriculture, as well as on brick making and ceramic production.-History:From the second half of the 10th...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Piešťany
Piešťany is a town in Slovakia. It is located in the western part of the country within the Trnava Region and is the seat of its own district. It is the biggest and best known spa town in Slovakia and has around 30,000 inhabitants.-History:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Píla
Píla, Lucenec District
Píla is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Píla
Píla, Pezinok District
Píla is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Pezinok District in the Bratislava region.-External links:*...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Pinkovce
Pinkovce is a small village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 109 metres and covers an area of 3.135 km². It has a population of about 190 people...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Piskorovce
Piskorovce is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 250 metres and covers an area of 7.671km². It has a population of about 161 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Pitelová
Pitelová is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Plášťovce
Plášťovce is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at altitude of 155 metres and covers an area of 50,509 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Plavé Vozokany
Plavé Vozokany
Plavé Vozokany is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 185 metres and covers an area of 23.132 km². It has a population of about 855 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Plavecké Podhradie
Plavecké Podhradie
Plavecké Podhradie is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in the Malacky District in the Bratislava region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 256 metres and covers an area of 21.188km². It has a population of 696 people....
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Plavecký Mikuláš
Plavecký Mikuláš
Plavecký Mikuláš is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Malacky District in the Bratislava region.-External links:*...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Plavecký Peter
Plavecký Peter
Plavecký Peter is a village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 226 metres and covers an area of 14.783km². It has a population of about 645 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Plavecký Štvrtok
Plavecký Štvrtok
Plavecký Štvrtok is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Malacky District in the Bratislava region.-External links:*...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Plaveč
Plaveč is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1287. The ruins of the 13th century Plaveč Castle lie above the town, after a fire in 1856. -Geography:The municipality lies at...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Plavnica
Plavnica is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 530 metres and covers an area of 19.608 km²...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Plechotice
Plechotice is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 142 metres and covers an area of 12.936 km².It has a population of about 775 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Pleš
Pleš is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Plešivec (Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Plevník-Drienové
Plevník-Drienové is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 300 metres and covers an area of 13.019 km². It has a population of about 1589 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Ploské (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ploské
Ploské, Košice-okolie District
Ploské is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Pobedim
Pobedim is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 169 metres and covers an area of 8.609km². It has a population of about 1,218 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Počarová
Počarová is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 337 metres and covers an area of 2.316 km². It has a population of about 145 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Počúvadlo
Počúvadlo is a village and municipality in Banská Štiavnica District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Podbiel
Podbiel is a village and municipality in Tvrdošín District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia. It contains a beautiful set of traditional wooden cottages, which have been declared a folk architecture preservation area.- Geography :...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Podbranč
Podbranč is a village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 420 metres and covers an area of 14.137km². It has a population of about 645 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Podbrezová
Podbrezová is a large village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia, around 10 km west of the district seat town, Brezno.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Podhájska
Podhájska is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 141 metres and covers an area of 11.116 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Podhorany
Podhorany, Nitra District
Podhorany is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 190 metres and covers an area of 17.707 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Podhorany, Kežmarok District
Podhorany, Kežmarok District
Podhorany is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 598 metres and covers an area of 11.02 km² . It has a population of about 1620 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Podhorany, Prešov District
Podhorany, Prešov District
Podhorany is a small village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 340 metres and covers an area of 7.116 km² . It has a population of about 691 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Podhorie
Podhorie, Banská Štiavnica District
Podhorie is a village and municipality in Banská Štiavnica District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Podhorie
Podhorie, Žilina District
Podhorie is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 460 metres and covers an area of 6.416km². It has a population of about 765 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Podhoroď
Podhoroď is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 339 metres and covers an area of 16.609 km².It has a population of about 400 people.-Facilities:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Podhradie (Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Podhradie
Podhradie, Prievidza District
Podhradie is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 550 metres and covers an area of 12.757 km². It has a population of about 331 people.-External links:*
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Podhradie
Podhradie, Martin District
Podhradie is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 480 metres and covers an area of 16.396km². It has a population of about 690 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Podhradík
Podhradík is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 441 metres and covers an area of 10.563km². It has a population of about 350 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Podkriváň
Podkriváň is a village and municipality in Detva District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Podkylava
Podkylava is a village and municipality in Myjava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 245 metres and covers an area of 9.955 km². It has a population of about 250 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Podlužany
Podlužany, Levice District
Podlužany is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 175 metres and covers an area of 8.749 km². It has a population of about 760 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Podlužany
Podlužany, Bánovce nad Bebravou District
Podlužany is a village in north-western Slovakia.-Geography:Podlužany is located approximately 7 km north from Bánovce nad Bebravou and it constitutes the entrance gate into the micro-region Podhorie. The small river Bebrava flows past the west side of the village. It is surrounded by forests,...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Podolie
Podolie is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 180 metres and covers an area of 17.266km². It has a population of about 2056 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Podolínec
Podolínec is a town in the Stará Ľubovňa District of the Prešov Region in northern Slovakia.-History:Originally Podoliniec belonged to Poland and was part of the Ziema Sądecka land...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Podrečany
Podrečany is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Podskalie
Podskalie is a municipality in Slovakia in the Považská Bystrica District. It has 7,68 km² and 145 inhabitants....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Podtureň
Podtureň is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 615 metres and covers an area of . It has a population of about 514 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Podvysoká
Podvysoká is a village and municipality in Čadca District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 460 metres and covers an area of 5.609km². It has a population of about 1210 people. The village lies near the border with Poland and the Czech...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Pohorelá
Pohorelá is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.The Roman Catholic Pohorela church built in 1762 is a dominant feature of the village.-External links:* *...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Pohranice
Pohranice is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 197 metres and covers an area of 12.089 km². It has a population of about 1063 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Pohronská Polhora
Pohronská Polhora
Pohronská Polhora is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Pohronský Ruskov
Pohronský Ruskov
Pohronský Ruskov is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 130 metres and covers an area of 9.113 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Pochabany
Pochabany is a village and municipality in the Bánovce nad Bebravou District of the Trenčín Region of Slovakia....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Pokryváč
Pokryváč is a village and municipality in Dolný Kubín District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 640 metres and covers an area of 3.9km². It has a population of about 187 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Poľanovce
Poľanovce is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 590 metres and covers an area of 16.617 km². It has a population of about 182 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Poľany
Poľany is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 103 metres and covers an area of 18.505 km².It has a population of about 535 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Poliakovce
Poliakovce is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 225 metres and covers an area of 7.532 km².It has a population of about 370 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Polianka
Polianka is a village and municipality in Myjava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 410 metres and covers an area of 9.419 km². It has a population of about 356 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Polichno
Polichno is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Polina
Polina is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Poľný Kesov
Polný Kesov
Poľný Kesov is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 172 metres and covers an area of 10.224 km². It has a population of about 615 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Poloma
Poloma is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 628 metres and covers an area of 5.911 km². It has a population of about 965 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Polomka
Polomka is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Poltár
Poltár is a town and municipality in the Poltár District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The town is located in the Southern Slovak basin near the river Ipeľ, south of the Revúcka Hills, which is part of the Slovak Ore Mountains, around from Lučenec.It is home to a small...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Poltár
Poltár is a town and municipality in the Poltár District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The town is located in the Southern Slovak basin near the river Ipeľ, south of the Revúcka Hills, which is part of the Slovak Ore Mountains, around from Lučenec.It is home to a small...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Poluvsie
Poluvsie is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 320 metres and covers an area of 2.165 km². It has a population of about 562 people.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Pongrácovce
Pongrácovce is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 540 metres and covers an area of 2.983km². It has a population of about 100 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Poprad
Poprad is a city in northern Slovakia at the foot of the High Tatra Mountains famous for its picturesque historic centre and as a holiday resort. It is the biggest town of the Spiš region and the tenth largest city in Slovakia with a population of approximately 55,000.The Poprad-Tatry Airport is...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Poproč
Poproc, Košice–okolie
Poproč [pronunciation: 'poproch] is a village in eastern Slovakia near the town of Košice.The first written mention about the locality is dated back to 1255 - Poproč is mentioned in the document of the King Béla IV as the royal mining settlement Olchuan....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Poproč, Rimavská Sobota (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Popudinské Močidľany
Popudinské Mocidlany
Popudinské Močidľany is a village and municipality in Skalica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 196 metres and covers an area of 10.821km². It has a population of about 908 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Poráč (Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Poriadie
Poriadie is a village and municipality in Myjava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 425 metres and covers an area of 7.872 km². It has a population of about 695 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Porostov
Porostov is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 107 metres and covers an area of 7.298 km².It has a population of about 335 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Poruba pod Vihorlatom
Poruba pod Vihorlatom
Poruba pod Vihorlatom is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 193 metres and covers an area of 20.503 km².It has a population of about 610 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Poruba
Poruba, Prievidza District
Poruba is a village in central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 400 metres and covers an area of 15.145 km². It has a population of about 1,287 people. Poruba belongs to the Prievidza District of the Trenčín Region....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Porúbka
Porúbka, Sobrance District
Porúbka is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 220 metres and covers an area of 10.764 km².It has a population of about 458 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Porúbka
Porúbka, Bardejov District
Porúbka is a village and small municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 2.965 km².It has a population of about 237 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Porúbka
Porúbka, Žilina District
Porúbka is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 387 metres and covers an area of 3.452km². It has a population of about 455 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Poša
Poša is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 125 metres and covers an area of 8.447 km². It has a population of about 844 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Potok, Rimavská Sobota (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Potok
Potok, Ružomberok District
Potok is a village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 554 metres and covers an area of 1.499km². It has a population of about 115 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Potvorice
Potvorice is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 177 metres and covers an area of 4.045km². It has a population of about 561 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Považany
Považany is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 177 metres and covers an area of 4.045km². It has a population of about 561 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Považská Bystrica
Považská Bystrica
Považská Bystrica is a town in northwestern Slovakia. It is located on the Váh river, around 30 km from the city of Žilina. It belongs to Upper Váh region of tourism.- Profile :...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Povina
Povina is a village and municipality in Kysucké Nové Mesto District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 375 metres and covers an area of 19.127km². It has a population of about 1123 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Povoda
Povoda is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Component villages:-History:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Pozba
Pozba is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 156 metres and covers an area of 9.41 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Pozdišovce
Pozdišovce is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1315....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Pôtor
Pôtor is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Praha, Slovakia) (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Prakovce
Prakovce is a village and municipality in the Gelnica District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Prašice
Prašice is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Prašník
Prašník is a village and municipality in Piešťany District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 189 metres and covers an area of 27.881 km². It has a population of about 851 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Pravenec
Pravenec is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 324 metres and covers an area of 10.794 km². It has a population of about 1,178 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Pravica
Pravica is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Pravotice
Pravotice is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Práznovce
Práznovce is a municipality with 971 inhabitants in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Prečín
Prečín is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region in north-western Slovakia.-History:The first mention of the municipality in historical records is dated 1385....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Predajná
Predajná is a village and municipality in the Brezno District, of the Banská Bystrica Region, located in central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Predmier
Predmier is a village in Bytča District in the Žilina Region of Slovakia. It has a population of 1,350 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Prenčov
Prenčov is a village and municipality in Banská Štiavnica District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Preseľany
Preseľany is a municipality with 1,494 inhabitants in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Prešov
Prešov Historically, the city has been known in German as Eperies , Eperjes in Hungarian, Fragopolis in Latin, Preszów in Polish, Peryeshis in Romany, Пряшев in Russian and Пряшів in Rusyn and Ukrainian.-Characteristics:The city is a showcase of Baroque, Rococo and Gothic...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Príbelce
Príbelce is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Pribeník
Pribeník is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 100 metres and covers an area of 12.331 km².It has a population of about 960 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Pribeta
Pribeta is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia. In 2001 it had 3137 inhabitants of which 2403 Hungarian and 713 slovak.-Geography:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Pribiš
Pribiš is a village and municipality in Dolný Kubín District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 643 metres and covers an area of 8.403km². It has a population of about 474 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Príbovce
Príbovce is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 420 metres and covers an area of 5.971 km². It has a population of about 1058 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Pribylina
Pribylina is a village in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia, at the foot of Kriváň, Slovakia's symbolic and often considered most beautiful mountain.-Geography:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Priekopa
Priekopa is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia. In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1400. The village lies at an altitude of 108 metres and covers an area of 12.269km². It has a population of about 1030 people. The village...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Priepasné
Priepasné is a village and municipality in Myjava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 430 metres and covers an area of 13.710 km². It has a population of about 345 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Prietrž
Prietrž is a village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 250 metres and covers an area of 24.687km². It has a population of about 708 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Prietržka
Prietržka is a village and municipality in Skalica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 177 metres and covers an area of 4.696km². It has a population of about 452 people.- External links :...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Prievaly
Prievaly is a village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 250 metres and covers an area of 15.007km². It has a population of about 906 people.-External links:*...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Prievidza
Prievidza is a city in the central-western Slovakia. With 51,200 inhabitants it is one of the biggest municipalities in the Trenčín Region.-Features:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Prihradzany
Prihradzany is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia. Before the First World War it belonged to Hungary for 1000 years. Its name is Kisperlász in Hungarian-Sightseeing:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Príkra
Príkra is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 440 metres and covers an area of 9.328 km². It has a population of 9 people, making it the least populated municipality in...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Proč
Proc may refer to:* proc filesystem, a special file system in Unix-like operating systems for accessing process information* ALGOL 68#proc: Procedures* Proč, a village in eastern Slovakia...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Prochot
Prochot is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Prosačov
Prosačov is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1363.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Prosiek
Prosiek is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 600 metres and covers an area of 12.674km². It has a population of about 192 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Prša
Prša is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Pruské
Pruské is a village and municipality in Ilava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 252 metres and covers an area of 12.926 km². It has a population of about 2,088 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Prusy (Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Pružina
Pružina is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.Pružina is also a surname that comes from the village of Pružina and is very uncommon.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Pstriná
Pstrina is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 325 metres and covers an area of 6.230km². It has a population of about 59 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Ptrukša
Ptrukša is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 109 metres and covers an area of 6.936 km². The municipality has a population of 520 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Pucov (Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Púchov
Púchov is an industrial town in the centre of Púchov District in Slovakia, with a population close to 20,000.-Geography:It is located on the main train line between Bratislava and Košice...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Pukanec
Pukanec anz, ; ) is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of southern Slovakia.-History:In the past, it was one of the nine free royal mining towns, where silver and other precious ore was mined....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Pusté Čemerné
Pusté Cemerné
Pusté Čemerné is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 135 metres and covers an area of 6.679 km². The municipality has a population of about 375 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Pusté Pole
Pusté Pole
Pusté Pole is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 530 metres and covers an area of 19.608 km². It has a population of about 1544 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Pusté Sady
Pusté Sady
Pusté Sady is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 136 metres and covers an area of 8.031 km². It has a population of about 622 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Pusté Úľany
Pusté Úlany
Pusté Úľany is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 130 metres and covers an area of 24.540 km². It has a population of about 1,600 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Pušovce
Pušovce is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 330 metres and covers an area of 4.417 km². It has a population of about 550 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Rabča
Rabča is a large village and municipality in Námestovo District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 661 metres and covers an area of 25.157km². It has a population of about 4360 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Rabčice
Rabčice is a village and municipality in Námestovo District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 756 metres and covers an area of 22.183km². It has a population of about 1885 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Rad
Rad (village)
Rad is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Radatice
Radatice is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 295 metres and covers an area of 19.136km². It has a population of about 750 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Radava
Radava is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 151 meters and covers an area of 7.599 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Radimov
Radimov is a village and municipality in Skalica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 254 metres and covers an area of 12.915 km². It has a population of about 576 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Radnovce
Radnovce is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Radobica
Radobica is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 380 metres and covers an area of 11.454 km². It has a population of about 566 people.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Radoľa
Radoľa is a village and municipality in Kysucké Nové Mesto District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 300 metres and covers an area of 6.722km². It has a population of about 1370 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Radoma
Radoma is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 243 metres and covers an area of 10.914km². It has a population of about 436 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Radošina
Radošina is a municipality with 1,987 inhabitants in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Radošovce, Skalica District
Radošovce, Skalica District
Radošovce is a village and municipality in Skalica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 223 metres and covers an area of 26.599km². It has a population of about 1812 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Radošovce, Trnava District
Radošovce, Trnava District
Radošovce is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Radôstka
Radôstka is a village and municipality in Čadca District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 487 metres and covers an area of 13.172km². It has a population of about 886 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Radvaň nad Dunajom
Radvan nad Dunajom
Radvaň nad Dunajom is a municipality at the Danube in the Komárno District of the Nitra Region in Slovakia.Parts:*Bystrička*Radvaň nad Dunajom *Žitava [earlier also known as Žitva]...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Radvaň nad Laborcom
Radvan nad Laborcom
Radvaň nad Laborcom is a village and municipality in the Medzilaborce District in the Prešov Region of far north-eastern Slovakia, in the Laborec Highlands.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Radvanovce
Radvanovce is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Radzovce
Radzovce is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Rafajovce
Rafajovce is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 185 metres and covers an area of 4.742km². It has a population of about 170 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Rajčany
Rajčany is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Rajec
Rajec is a town in the Žilina District, Žilina Region in northern Slovakia.-History:The first written record about Rajec was in 1193 as Raich, in a document issued by King Bela III. The first mention as a town comes from 1397....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Rajecká Lesná
Rajecká Lesná
Rajecká Lesná is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1474.Rajecka Lesna has been a place of pilgrimage since the 15th century...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Rajecké Teplice
Rajecké Teplice
Rajecké Teplice is a town in the , Žilina Region in northern Slovakia.-History of the spa:Located between the Lúčanská Malá Fatra and Martinské hole Hills at the valley of the Rajčanka river, the spa is marked as Thermae on a map from 1376, but a deed by Luis the Great gives the first written...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Rákoš (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Rákoš
Rákoš, Košice-okolie District
Rákoš is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-External links:* at the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Raková
Raková, Cadca District
Raková is a village and municipality in Čadca District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 427 metres and covers an area of 41.571km². It has a population of about 5120 people.- External links :...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Rakovčík
Rakovčík is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 227 metres and covers an area of 4.668km². It has a population of about 165 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Rakovec nad Ondavou
Rakovec nad Ondavou
Rakovec nad Ondavou is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 146 metres and covers an area of 15.218 km². The municipality has a population of about 1080 people.-External...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Rakovice
Rakovice is a village and municipality in Piešťany District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 160 metres and covers an area of 6.957km². It has a population of about 510 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Rakovnica
Rakovnica is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 358 metres and covers an area of 7.109 km².It has a population of about 585 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Rakovo
Rakovo is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 429 metres and covers an area of 5.415km². It has a population of about 317 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Rakša
Rakša is a village and municipality in Turčianske Teplice District in the Žilina Region of northern central Slovakia.-Famous Residents:Michal Miloslav Hodža, the famous Slovak national revivalist, priest, poet and liguist was born on 22 September, 1811 in Rakša.-Geography:The municipality lies at...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Rakúsy
Rakúsy is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 704 metres and covers an area of 6.341km² . It has a population of about 2150 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Rakytník
Rakytník is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Rankovce (Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Rapovce
Rapovce is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Raslavice
Raslavice is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 310 metres and covers an area of 16.459 km².It has a population of about 2585 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Rastislavice
Rastislavice is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 124 metres and covers an area of 19.589 km². It has a population of about 920 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Rašice
Rašice is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ratka
Ratka is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ratková
Ratková is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ratkovce
Ratkovce is a village and municipality in Hlohovec District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 165 metres and covers an area of 5.799km². It has a population of about 304 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Ratkovo
Ratkovo, Slovakia
Ratkovo is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 440 metres and covers an area of 0.909km². It has a population of about 182 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Ratkovská Lehota
Ratkovská Lehota
Ratkovská Lehota is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:**
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ratkovská Suchá
Ratkovská Suchá
Ratkovská Suchá is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ratkovské Bystré
Ratkovské Bystré
Ratkovské Bystré is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ratnovce
Ratnovce is a village and municipality in Piešťany District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 198 metres and covers an area of 8.456km². It has a population of about 950 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Ratvaj
Ratvaj is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 430 metres and covers an area of 5.311 km². It has a population of about 143 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Ráztočno
Ráztočno is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 350 metres and covers an area of 17.593 km² . It has a population of about 1237....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Ráztoka
Ráztoka is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ražňany
Ražňany is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1248....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Reca
Reca is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region.-History:Pagan tomb-mounds excavated in an around Reca confirm the presence of Magyar mounted border guards from the 10th century....
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Regetovka
Regetovka is a small village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 472 metres and covers an area of 7.123 km².It has a population of 21 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Rejdová
Rejdová is a village and large municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-History:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Reľov
Reľov is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 704 metres and covers an area of 6.341 km² . It has a population of about 2150 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Remeniny
Remeniny is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 180 metres and covers an area of 10.592km². It has a population of about 296 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Remetské Hámre
Remetské Hámre
Remetské Hámre is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1828 making it the newest village in Sobrance district.-Geography:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Renčišov
Renčišov is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 627 metres and covers an area of 8.861 km². It has a population of about 177 people + Peťo-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Repejov
Repejov is a village and municipality in the Medzilaborce District in the Prešov Region of far north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 280 metres and covers an area of 18.324 km². It has a population of about 165 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Repište
Repište, Slovakia
Repište is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Rešica
Rešica is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 460 metres and covers an area of 12.497 km²....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Rešov
Rešov is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1454.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Revúca
Revúca is a town in Banská Bystrica Region, Slovakia. Revúca is the seat of Revúca District.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Revúcka Lehota
Revúcka Lehota
Revúcka Lehota is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Riečka (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Richnava
Richnava is a village and municipality in the Gelnica District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Richvald
Richvald is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned as a German settlement in 1355.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Rimavská Baňa
Rimavská Bana
Rimavská Baňa is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia. The name of the village means Mine of the Rimava region and is a commemoration of he mining history of the region. Although mining is for some centuries not present, the...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Rimavská Seč
Rimavská Sec
Rimavská Seč is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Rimavská Sobota
Rimavská Sobota
Rimavská Sobota is a town in southern Slovakia, in the Banská Bystrica Region, on the Rimava river. It has 24,374 inhabitants . The town is a historical capital of the Gömör-Kishont county .-Geography:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Rimavské Brezovo
Rimavské Brezovo
Rimavské Brezovo is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Rimavské Janovce
Rimavské Janovce
Rimavské Janovce is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Rimavské Zalužany
Rimavské Zalužany
Rimavské Zalužany is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Rišňovce
Rišňovce is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 161 metres and covers an area of 18.788 km². It has a population of about 1991 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Rohov (Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Rohovce
Rohovce is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:The village was first recorded in 1250 as Zerva. Until the end of World War I, it was part of Hungary and fell within the Somorja district of Pozsony County. After the...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Rohožník
Rohožník, Malacky District
Rohožník is a village in Malacky District in the Bratislava Region of western Slovakia close to the town of Malacky, northwest of Slovakia's capital Bratislava.-External links:*
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Rohožník
Rohožník, Humenné District
Rohožník is a small village and municipality in Humenné District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 230 metres and covers an area of 3.594 km².It has a population of about 32 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Rochovce
Rochovce is a village and large municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 384 metres and covers an area of 8.33 km².It has a population of about 325 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Rokycany (Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Rokytov
Rokytov is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 1414 metres and covers an area of 5.132 km².It has a population of about 535 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Rokytovce
Rokytovce is a village and municipality in the Medzilaborce District in the Prešov Region of far north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 350 metres and covers an area of 7.379 km². It has a population of about 185 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Rosina
Rosina, Slovakia
Rosina is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 400 metres and covers an area of 7.325km². It has a population of about 2854 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Roškovce
Roškovce is a village and municipality in the Medzilaborce District in the Prešov Region of far north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 339 metres and covers an area of 12.548 km². It has a population of about 215 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Roštár
Roštár is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 343 metres and covers an area of 8.549 km².It has a population of about 700 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Rovensko
Rovensko is a village and municipality administered as part of Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia. The village is about 5 km NNE of the town of Senica and is close to the border with the Czech Republic.- Geography :...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Rovinka
Rovinka is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 132 metres and covers an area of 8.853km². It has a population of 1368 people....
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Rovňany
Rovňany is a village and municipality in the Poltár District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Rovné, Rimavská Sobota
Rovné, Rimavská Sobota
Rovné is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Rovné
Rovné, Humenné District
Rovné is a village and municipality in Humenné District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 190 metres and covers an area of 8.111 km².It has a population of about 470 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Rozhanovce
Rozhanovce is a village in Košice-okolie District of eastern Slovakia. It is situated about far from the city of Košice.-Names:1773 Rozgony, Roscho[no]wetz, Rozhonow, 1786 Rozgony, Roszonowecz, 1808 Rozgony, Rozgoňowce, Rozhanowce, 1863–1913 Rozgony, 1920– Rozhanovce.A smaller part of Rozhanovce...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Rozložná
Rozložná is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 306 metres and covers an area of 12.589 km².It has a population of about 200 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Roztoky
Roztoky, Svidník District
Roztoky is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 374 metres and covers an area of 11.263km². It has a population of about 281 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Rožkovany
Rožkovany is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 369 metres and covers an area of 14.052 km². It has a population of about 1280 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Rožňava
Rožňava is a town in Slovakia, approximately 71 km by road from Košice in the Košice Region, and has a population of 19,120.The town is an economic and tourist center of the Gemer. Rožňava is now a popular tourist attraction with a beautiful historic town centre. The town is an episcopal seat...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Rožňavské Bystré
Rožnavské Bystré
Rožňavské Bystré is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 402 metres and covers an area of 7.938 km².It has a population of about 580 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Rúbaň
Rúbaň is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 134 metres and covers an area of 16.109 km². It has a population of about 3935 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Rudina
Rudina, Kysucké Nové Mesto District
Rudina is a village and municipality in Kysucké Nové Mesto District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1359.-Geography:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Rudinka
Rudinka is a village and municipality in Kysucké Nové Mesto District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 350 metres and covers an area of 3.137km². It has a population of about 391 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Rudinská
Rudinská is a village and municipality in Kysucké Nové Mesto District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 480 metres and covers an area of 10.768km². It has a population of about 969 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Rudlov
Rudlov is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 201 metres and covers an area of 16.042km². It has a population of about 641 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Rudná (Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Rudňany
Rudňany is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1255....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Rudnianska Lehota
Rudnianska Lehota
Rudnianska Lehota is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 350 metres and covers an area of 12.232 km². It has a population of about 722 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Rudník (Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Rudník
Rudník, Myjava District
Rudník is a village and municipality in Myjava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 350 metres and covers an area of 9.381 km². It has a population of about 728 people.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Rudno nad Hronom
Rudno nad Hronom
Rudno nad Hronom is a village and municipality in the Žarnovica District, Banská Bystrica Region in Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Rudno (Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Rumanová
Rumanová is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1156, but in that time as so-called "Tomanová".-Geography:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Rumince
Ruminice is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ruská Bystrá
Ruská Bystrá
Ruská Bystrá is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 453 metres and covers an area of 11.965 km².It has a population of 130 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Ruská Nová Ves
Ruská Nová Ves
Ruská Nová Ves is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 430 metres and covers an area of 12.574 km² . It has a population of about 1036people.http://
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Ruská Voľa nad Popradom
Ruská Vola nad Popradom
Ruská Voľa nad Popradom is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1357....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Ruská Voľa
Ruská Vola
Ruská Voľa is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1357....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Ruská
Ruská is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1195...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Ruskov
Ruskov is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 223 metres and covers an area of 20.208 km². The municipality has a population of about 1350 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Ruskovce
Ruskovce, Sobrance District
Ruskovce is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-External links:*
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Ruskovce
Ruskovce, Bánovce nad Bebravou District
Ruskovce is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 227 metres and covers an area of 3.358km². It has a population of about 532 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Ruský Hrabovec
Ruský Hrabovec
Ruský Hrabovec is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 280 metres and covers an area of 16.819 km².It has a population of 370 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Ružiná
Ružiná is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Ružindol
Ružindol is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Ružomberok
Ružomberok is a town in northern Slovakia, in the historical Liptov region. It has a population of around 30,000-Geography:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Rybany
Rybany is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Rybky
Rybky is a village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 223 metres and covers an area of 5.779km². It has a population of about 441 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Rybník (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Rybník
Rybník, Levice District
Rybník is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 205 metres and covers an area of 24.696 km². It has a population of about 1405 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Rykynčice
Rykynčice is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Sabinov
Sabinov is a small town located in the Prešov Region , approximately 20 km from Prešov and 55 km from Košice. The population of Sabinov is 12,378.- History :...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Sačurov
Sačurov is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 129 metres and covers an area of 21.178 km² . It has a population of about 2011.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Sádočné
Sádočné is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 420 metres and covers an area of 7.505 km². It has a population of about 161 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Sady nad Torysou
Sady nad Torysou
Sady nad Torysou is a new village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:The municipality was established only in 1964. In fact, the village is formed by two localities: Byster and Zdoba...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Salka
Salka is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 110 metres and covers an area of 26.066 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Santovka
Santovka is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 162 metres and covers an area of 17.866 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Sap
Sap (village)
Sap is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia. The outlet channel of the Gabčíkovo – Nagymaros Dams re-enters the Danube at the village.-History:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Sása, Revúca (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Sása, Zvolen
Sása, Zvolen
Sása is a village and municipality of the Zvolen District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Sasinkovo
Sasinkovo is a village and municipality in Hlohovec District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 196 metres and covers an area of 12.412km². It has a population of about 872 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Sazdice
Sazdice is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 128 metres and covers an area of 18.236 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Sebedražie
Sebedražie is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1245.The village is also known as džungoro.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Sebechleby
Sebechleby is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Seč (Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Sečianky
Sečianky is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Sečovce
Sečovce is a town in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-History:The town was first mentioned in year 1255 in the list of king Béla IV of Hungary. In 1494 was built Roman Catholic church in Gothic architecture style. Since 15th century started gradual development...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Sečovská Polianka
Secovská Polianka
Sečovská Polianka is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Sedliacka Dubová
Sedliacka Dubová
Sedliacka Dubová is a village and municipality in Dolný Kubín District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-External links:* English,too...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Sedlice
Sedlice, Prešov District
Sedlice is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 439 metres and covers an area of 15.569km². It has a population of about 1,045 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Sedliská
Sedliská is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 160 metres and covers an area of 10.133km². It has a population of about 1287 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Sedmerovec
Sedmerovec is a village and municipality in Ilava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 238 metres and covers an area of 6.006 km². It has a population of about 410 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Sejkov
Sejkov is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 116 metres and covers an area of 7.026 km².It has a population of 203 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Sekule
Sekule is a village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 153 metres and covers an area of 23.492km². It has a population of about 1,633 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Seľany
Seľany is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Selce (Poltár District) (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Selce, Krupina District
Selce, Krupina District
Selce is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Selec
Selec is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 319 metres and covers an area of 24.802 km². It has a population of about 957 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Selice
Selice is a village and municipality in Šaľa District, in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Semerovo
Semerovo is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 150 metres and covers an area of 23.409 km². It has a population of about 1250 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Seňa
The word sena literally means army in Hindi and Bangla, and to praise in arabic language.In Benin, West Africa, the name SENA means "bringing Heaven to Earth".Sena could also refer to:-Places:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Senec
Senec, Slovakia
Senec is a town in the Bratislava Region of south-western Slovakia. It is a well known summer tourism and recreation center. The town is attractive not only because of the proximity of Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, but also because of the healthy environment and summer resort "Slnečné...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Seniakovce
Seniakovce is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia. It has a population of about 120 people.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 210 metres and covers an area of 2.576km²....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Senica
Senica is a city in Trnava Region, western Slovakia. It is located in the north-eastern part of the Záhorie lowland, close to the Little Carpathians.-History:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Senné (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Senné
Senné, Michalovce District
Senné is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 101 metres and covers an area of 18.758 km².It has a population of 751 people.-Economy:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Senohrad
Senohrad is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Sereď
Sereď is a town in southern Slovak Republic near Trnava, on the right bank of the Váh River on the Danubian Lowland. It has аpproximately 17,000 inhabitants.It has a hotel, cinema, culture house, many restaurants and confectioner's shops.-Geography:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Sihelné
Sihelné is a village and municipality in Námestovo District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 710 metres and covers an area of 14.409km². It has a population of about 2017 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Sihla
Sihla is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Sikenica
Sikenica is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 150 metres and covers an area of 25.549 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Sikenička
Sikenička is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 149 metres and covers an area of 13.916 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Siladice
Siladice is a village and municipality in Hlohovec District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 137 metres and covers an area of 7.601km². It has a population of about 620 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Silica (Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Silická Brezová
Silická Brezová
Silická Brezová is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 429 metres and covers an area of 13.368 km².It has a population of about 190 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Silická Jablonica
Silická Jablonica
Silická Jablonica is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 256 metres and covers an area of 25.566 km².It has a population of about 230 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Sirk
Sirk is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Sirník
Sirník is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 128 metres and covers an area of 5.822km².It has a population of about 605 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Skačany
Skačany is a village and municipality in Partizánske District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 207 metres and covers an area of 15.378 km². It has a population of about 1275 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Skalica
Skalica is the largest city in Skalica District in western Slovakia in the Záhorie region. Located near the Czech border, Skalica has a population of 14,963 .-History:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Skalité
Skalité is a village and municipality in Čadca District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1662. In late October 1938, Skalite, together with adjacent villages, was occupied by the Polish Army...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Skalka nad Váhom
Skalka nad Váhom
Skalka nad Váhom is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 233 metres and covers an area of 8.680 km². It has a population of about 1077 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Skároš
Skároš is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1270 , when it belonged to Trstené pri Hornáde.-Geography:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Skerešovo
Skerešovo is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Sklabiná
Sklabiná is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Sklabiňa
Sklabiná is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Sklabinský Podzámok
Sklabinský Podzámok
Sklabinský Podzámok is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 550 metres and covers an area of 27.146km². It has a population of about 190 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Sklené Teplice
Sklené Teplice
Sklené Teplice is a small spa village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Sklené
Sklené, Turcianske Teplice District
Sklené is a village and municipality in Turčianske Teplice District in the Žilina Region of northern central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 588 metres and covers an area of 40.502km². It has a population of about 788 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Skrabské
Skrabské is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 159 metres and covers an area of 11.035km². It has a population of about 728 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Skýcov
Skýcov is a municipality in the Zlaté Moravce District, Nitra Region, Slovakia. It is located between the towns of Partizánske and Zlaté Moravce, in the Tribeč mountains....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Sládkovičovo
Sládkovičovo is a town in the Galanta District, Trnava Region in southwestern Slovakia.-Geography:It is located on the Danubian Lowland, in the region known as Dolné Považie on the Dudváh river, around 45 km east of Slovak capital Bratislava and 8 km from district seat...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Slančík
Slančík is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1270 , when it belonged to Slanec Castle...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Slanec
Slanec is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1230 as an important fortress. In 1270 King Stephen V of Hungary gave the castle to Master Reinhold...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Slanská Huta
Slanská Huta
Slanská Huta is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 460 metres and covers an area of 14.157 km².It has a population of about 215 people.-Sport:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Slanské Nové Mesto
Slanské Nové Mesto
Slanské Nové Mesto is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1332 as a royal city “ cives et hospites de Nova Civitate regale”. In 1387 it belonged to Slanec...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Slaska
Slaská is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Slatina nad Bebravou
Slatina nad Bebravou
Slatina nad Bebravou is a village and municipality in the Bánovce nad Bebravou District of the Trenčín Region of Slovakia....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Slatina (Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Slatinka nad Bebravou
Slatinka nad Bebravou
Slatinka nad Bebravou is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Slatinské Lazy
Slatinské Lazy
Slatinské Lazy is a village and municipality in Detva District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Slatvina
Slatvina is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 479 metres and covers an area of 4.408km².It has a population of about 305 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Slavec
Slavec is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 232 metres and covers an area of 17.527 km².It has a population of about 475 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Slavkovce
Slavkovce is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 103 metres and covers an area of 9.182km².It has a population of 610 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Slavnica
Slavnica is a village and municipality in Ilava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 236 metres and covers an area of 7.810 km². It has a population of about 820 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Slavoška
Slavoška is a small village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 430 metres and covers an area of 4.377 km².It has a population of about 120 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Slavošovce
Slavošovce is a small village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 425 metres and covers an area of 15.533 km².It has a population of about 1835 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Sľažany
Sľažany is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 16.274 km². It has a population of about 1710 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Slepčany
Slepčany is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 160 metres and covers an area of 9.352 km². It has a population of about 850 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Sliač
Sliač is a small spa town located in central Slovakia, on the Hron river, between Banská Bystrica and Zvolen. The town is known for its healing hot springs and for an airport which has been used for military as well as civil purposes...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Sliepkovce
Sliepkovce is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 105 metres and covers an area of 6.456 km².It has a population of 704 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Slivník
Slivník is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Slizké
Slizké is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.First named in 1285 - "Zyluche", as part of the Balog lands. In 1301- "Styluche", then in 1413 - "Slyche", 1427 - "Scylische, Sciliche"....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Slopná
Slopná is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 310 metres and covers an area of 7.642 km². It has a population of about 491 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Slovany
Slovany is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 470 metres and covers an area of 14.303km². It has a population of about 410 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Slovenská Kajňa
Slovenská Kajna
Slovenská Kajňa is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Slovenská Nová Ves
Slovenská Nová Ves
Slovenská Nová Ves is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Slovenská Ves
Slovenská Ves
Slovenská Ves is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 650 metres and covers an area of 22.44km². It has a population of about 1800 people.-References:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Slovenské Ďarmoty
Slovenské Darmoty
Slovenské Ďarmoty is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Slovenské Kľačany
Slovenské Klacany
Slovenské Kľačany is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Slovenské Nové Mesto
Slovenské Nové Mesto
Slovenské Nové Mesto is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-History:The village is a former suburb of the Hungarian city of Sátoraljaújhely, which was separated from the rest of the city by the border of the newly created...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Slovenské Pravno
Slovenské Pravno
Slovenské Pravno is a village and municipality in Turčianske Teplice District in the Žilina Region of northern central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 505 metres and covers an area of 17.168km². It has a population of about 952 people.-External links:*...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Slovenský Grob
Slovenský Grob
Slovenský Grob is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Pezinok District in the Bratislava region.Slovenský Grob, in the foothills of the Small Carpathians, is geographically disposed to the rearing of geese...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Slovinky
Slovinky is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 442 metres and covers an area of 46.44km².It has a population of about 1850 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Smilno
Smilno is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 425 metres and covers an area of 13.796 km².It has a population of about 720 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Smižany
Smižany is a large village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-History:Excavations in Čingov, just south of the village, have found traces of Stone Age settlement. The village was settled by German settlers in 1242...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Smolenice
Smolenice is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava Region of Slovakia, on the foothills of the Little Carpathians. It is 60 km northeast of Bratislava and 25 km northwest of Trnava...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Smolinské
Smolinské is a village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 184 metres and covers an area of 15.692km². It has a population of about 968 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Smolnícka Huta
Smolnícka Huta
Smolnícka Huta is a village and municipality in the Gelnica District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-External links:* Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Smolník
Smolník is a village and municipality in the Gelnica District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Smrdáky
Smrdáky is a spa village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 241 metres and covers an area of 4.725km². It has a population of about 603 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Smrečany
Smrečany is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 718 metres and kokot an area of 8.046km². It has a population of about 621 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Snakov
Snakov is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 450 metres and covers an area of 12.139 km².It has a population of about 655 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Snežnica
Snežnica is a village and municipality in Kysucké Nové Mesto District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 404 metres and covers an area of 5.511km². It has a population of about 987 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Soblahov
Soblahov is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 284 metres and covers an area of 17.832 km². It has a population of about 1957 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Soboš
Soboš is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 210 metres and covers an area of 7.168km². It has a population of about 130 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Sobotište (Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Sobrance
Sobrance is a town in Košice Region, Slovakia, around 15 km from Uzhhorod, Ukraine, and 22 km east of Michalovce. Located in the Eastern Slovak Lowland not far from the Vihorlat Mountains, it is the easternmost town in Slovakia.-History:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Socovce
Sovce is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 470 metres and covers an area of 5.108km². It has a population of about 243 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Sokoľ
The Sokol movement is a youth sport movement and gymnastics organization first founded in Czech region of Austria-Hungary, Prague, in 1862 by Miroslav Tyrš and Jindřich Fügner...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Sokoľany
Sokoľany is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 210 metres and covers an area of 3.858 km².It has a population of about 1120 people.-Government:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Sokolce
Sokolce is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 112 metres and covers an area of 19.422 km².It has a population of about 1,280 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Sokolovce
Sokolovce is a village and municipality in Piešťany District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 160 metres and covers an area of 6.574km². It has a population of about 1168 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Soľ
Sól may refer to:*Sól , a goddess associated with the sun in Germanic mythology*Sól, Lublin Voivodeship, east Poland*Sól, Masovian Voivodeship, east-central Poland*Sól, Silesian Voivodeship, south Poland*Sowilo rune or Sól...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Solčany
Solčany is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia. Village Solčany is a center of municipality. It has good shopping network, small health center, sports clubs and fields....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Solčianky
Solčianky is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Soľnička
Soľnička is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1332...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Sološnica
Sološnica ; is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Malacky District in the Bratislava region.-Profile:Sološnica lies at the foot of the northwestern side of the Malé Karpaty Mountains at an altitude of 291 m above sea level...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Somotor
Somotor is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1214....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Spišská Belá
Spišská Belá
Spišská Belá is a town in the Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region in Spiš in northern Slovakia.-History:The town was first mentioned in historical records in 1263. The town received town rights in 1271. Scientist and inventor Joseph Petzval was born here in 1807. The town center has been...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Spišská Nová Ves (Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Spišská Stará Ves (Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Spišská Teplica
Spišská Teplica
Spišská Teplica is a large village and municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 704 metres and covers an area of 31.121 km² . It has a population of about 2000 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Spišské Bystré
Spišské Bystré
Spišské Bystré is a large village and municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 674 metres and covers an area of 38.031 km²...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Spišské Hanušovce
Spišské Hanušovce
Spišské Hanušovce is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 614 metres and covers an area of 14.296km² . It has a population of about 708 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Spišské Podhradie
Spišské Podhradie
Spišské Podhradie is a town in Spiš in the Prešov Region of Slovakia. Its population is 3,826.Spišské Podhradie is situated at the foot of the hill of Spiš Castle. It had a Zipser German settlement, with its own church and priest, in 1174...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Spišské Tomášovce
Spišské Tomášovce
Spišské Tomášovce is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 532 metres and covers an area of 13.621km²....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Spišské Vlachy
Spišské Vlachy
Spiśské Vlachy is a town in eastern Slovakia. It is in the Spiš region . It is now administratively in the district of Spišská Nová Ves, which is part of the Košice Region. The adjective "Spišské" is used to distinguish it from 6 other towns listed as "Olasz" or "Olaszi" in an 1828 Hungarian...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Spišský Hrhov
Spišský Hrhov
Spišský Hrhov is a village in the Spiš region of Slovakia, between Levoča and Spišské Podhradie in Levoča District. Its population is over 1000.-History:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Spišský Hrušov
Spišský Hrušov
is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-History:The village was founded before the 12th century in the former Hungarian Szepes County. The first historical records of its existence are from 1253...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Spišský Štiavnik
Spišský Štiavnik
Spišský Štiavnik is a village and municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 567 metres and covers an area of 18.364 km². It has a population of about 2150 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Spišský Štvrtok
Spišský Štvrtok
Spišský Štvrtok is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia. In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1263. The municipality lies at an elevation of 560 metres and covers an area of 14.237 km². It has a population of about 2,334...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Stanča
Stânca may refer to several places in Romania:Villages* Stânca, a village in the town of Ştefăneşti, Botoşani County* Stânca, a village in George Enescu Commune, Botoşani County* Stânca, a village in Comarna Commune, Iaşi County...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Stankovany
Stankovany is a village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 441 metres and covers an area of 18.924km². It has a population of about 1229 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Stankovce
Stankovce is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Stará Bašta
Stará Bašta
Stará Bašta is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Stará Bystrica
Stará Bystrica
Stará Bystrica is a village and municipality in Čadca District in the Žilina Region of Northern Slovakia. It is the home to the world's youngest astronomical clock, completed in 2009.- Geography :...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Stará Halič
Stará Halic
Stará Halič is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Stará Huta
Stará Huta
Stará Huta is a village and municipality in Detva District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Stará Kremnička
Stará Kremnicka
Stará Kremnička is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Stará Lehota
Stará Lehota
Stará Lehota is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 326 metres and covers an area of 16.167km². It has a population of about 263 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Stará Lesná
Stará Lesná
Stará Lesná or "Old Forest" is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region in north-central Slovakia. Stará Lesná is located in an area traditionally known as Spiš and it is situated within the Slovak Tourism Region of the Tatras....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Stará Ľubovňa
Stará Lubovna
Stará Ľubovňa is a town with approximately 16,000 inhabitants in northeastern Slovakia. The town consists of the districts Podsadek and Stará Ľubovňa.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Stará Myjava
Stará Myjava
Stará Myjava is a village and municipality in Myjava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 410 metres and covers an area of 17.128 km². It has a population of about 730 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Stará Turá
Stará Turá
Stará Turá is a town in the Trenčín Region in western Slovakia.-Geography:It is located in the Myjava Hills close to the Little Carpathians as well as the White Carpathians...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Stará Voda (Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Staré
Staré is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 107 metres and covers an area of 6.234 km²...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Starina
Starina is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 477 metres and covers an area of 9.088 km². It has a population of about 70 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Starý Hrádok
Starý Hrádok
Starý Hrádok is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 148 metres and covers an area of 6.568 km². It has a population of about 170 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Starý Tekov (Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Staškov
Staškov is a village and municipality in Čadca District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 451 metres and covers an area of 21.874km². It has a population of about 2,686 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Stebnícka Huta
Stebnícka Huta
Stebnícka Huta is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 505 metres and covers an area of 9.433 km².It has a population of about 255 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Stebník
Stebník is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 380 metres and covers an area of 20.533 km².It has a population of about 350 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Stožok
Stožok is a village and municipality in Detva District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Stráňany
Stráňany is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia. Former name of the village was Folvark. There is Greek Catholic church built in 1857 in the village.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Stráňavy
Stráňavy is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia. It lies below the mountain Polom.-History:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Stráne pod Tatrami
Stráne pod Tatrami
Stráne pod Tatrami is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 700 metres and covers an area of 4.218km² . It has a population of about 1290 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Stránska
Stránska is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Stránske
Stránske is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 487 metres and covers an area of 18.752km². It has a population of about 686 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Stratená
Stratená is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1723, so it is one of the newest villages in Roznava District.-Geography:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Stráža
Stráža is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 398 metres and covers an area of 3.174km². It has a population of about 657 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Strážne
Strážne is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 106 metres and covers an area of 16.71km².It has a population of about 685 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Strážske
Strážske ; ) is a small town and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia. It is located in the most northern part of Michalovce District.-Geography:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Strečno
Strečno is a village and municipality in the Žilina District in the Žilina Region in North Slovakia. It is located by the Váh River in the Malá Fatra Mts...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Streda nad Bodrogom
Streda nad Bodrogom
Streda nad Bodrogom is a village in Slovakia near Trebišov in the Košice Region.The village has the lowest altitude in Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Stredné Plachtince
Stredné Plachtince
Stredné Plachtince is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Strekov
Strekov is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 132 metres and covers an area of 41.055 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Stretava
Stretava is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 101 metres and covers an area of 7.748 km². The municipality has a population of about 635 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Stretavka
Stretavka is a small village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 102 metres and covers an area of 4.87 km². The municipality has a population of 185 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Streženice
Streženice is a village and municipality in Púchov District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 260 metres and covers an area of 7.984 km². It has a population of about 855 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Stročín
Stročín is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 213 metres and covers an area of 8.657km². It has a population of about 500 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Studená
Studená is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Studenec (Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Studienka
Studienka is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Malacky District in the Bratislava region....
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Stuľany
Stuľany is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 220 metres and covers an area of 8.118 km².It has a population of about 600 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Stupava
Stupava, Malacky District
Stupava is a small town in western Slovakia. It is situated in the Malacky District, Bratislava Region.-Geography:The town is located in the Záhorie lowland, under the Little Carpathians, around north of Bratislava at an altitude of 182 metres. It has 8,400 inhabitants as of 2005 and has a land...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Stupné
Stupné is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia in Považie region.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 340 metres and covers an area of 7.519 km²...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Sučany
Sučany is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia. It is located around 5 km northeast of Martin, in the Váh river valley.-Geography:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Sudince
Sudince is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Súdovce
Sudovce is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Suchá Dolina
Suchá Dolina
Suchá Dolina is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 450 metres and covers an area of 6.123km². It has a population of about 195 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Suchá Hora
Suchá Hora
Suchá Hora is a village and municipality in Tvrdošín District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Suchá nad Parnou
Suchá nad Parnou
Suchá nad Parnou is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Sucháň
Sucháň is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:* is also the best name ever!...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Suché Brezovo
Suché Brezovo
Suché Brezovo is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Suché
Suché is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 142 metres and covers an area of 7.303 km².It has a population of about 425 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Suchohrad
Suchograd is a village and municipality in Malacky District in the Bratislava Region of western Slovakia close to the town of Malacky, north-west of Slovakia's capital Bratislava.-External links:*
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Sukov
Sukov is a village and municipality in the Medzilaborce District in the Prešov Region of far north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 295 metres and covers an area of 8.189 km². It has a population of about 140 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Sulín
Sulín is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 400 metres and covers an area of 20.098 km². It has a population of about 414 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Súlovce
Súlovce is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Súľov-Hradná
Súľov-Hradná is a village and municipality in Bytča District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1193.-Geography:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Sušany
Sušany is a village in the Poltár District of Slovakia. The village lies in the southern part of the historic area of Malohont, in the valley of the small river Sucah. The first written notice about the village is from 1407, where it is mentioned as a property of Mikofalvy family...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Sútor
Sútor is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Svätá Mária
Svätá Mária
Svätá Mária is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 98 metres and covers an area of 12.942 km².It has a population of about 620 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Svätoplukovo
Svätoplukovo is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1386.-Geography:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Svätuš
Svätuš is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 105 metres and covers an area of 3.86 km².It has a population of 120 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Svätuše
Svätuše is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 120 metres and covers an area of 10.157 km².It has a population of about 900 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Svätý Anton
Svätý Anton
Svätý Anton is a village in Banská Štiavnica District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia. It is situated near the historic town of Banská Štiavnica. During the period of Communist Czechoslovakia, the village had to use a "non-religious" name Antol...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Svätý Jur
Svätý Jur
Svätý Jur is a small town northeast of Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. The name means Saint George. Between 1960 and 1990, the Communist government forced the town to use a "non-religious" name Jur pri Bratislave. Svätý Jur has a population of almost 5,000.-Geography:Svätý Jur is situated in...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Svätý Kríž (Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Svätý Peter
Svätý Peter
Svätý Peter is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of southwest Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 138 metres and covers an area of 34.327 km².It has a population of about 2610 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Svederník
Svederník is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 328 metres and covers an area of 11.564km². It has a population of about 1002 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Sverepec
Sverepec is a village in the Považská Bystrica District, Trenčín Region of northwestern Slovakia-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1321. From 1981 to 1990, it was part of Považská Bystrica.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Sveržov
Sveržov is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 345 metres and covers an area of 5.703 km².It has a population of about 510 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Svetlice
Svetlice is a village and municipality in the Medzilaborce District in the Prešov Region of far north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 336 metres and covers an area of 31.640 km². It has a population of about 160 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Svidnička
Svidnička is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 330 metres and covers an area of 5.724km². It has a population of about 132 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Svidník
Svidník is a town in eastern Slovakia, acting as the capital of Svidník District in Prešov Region. It has a population of 12,384 .-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Svinia
Svinia is a village of some 1,500 people in eastern Slovakia about 8 km west from Prešov. The village covers an area of 14.734km².It consists of two settlements of similar size, one inhabited by Slovaks and the other by Roma...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Svinica
Svinica, Košice-okolie District
Svinica is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Svinice
Svinice is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 105 metres and covers an area of 5.26 km².It has a population of about 245 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Svinná
Svinná is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 248 metres and covers an area of 8.601 km². It has a population of about 1516 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Svit
Svit is a small town and municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region in northern Slovakia. It lies west of the city of Poprad, at the foothills of the High Tatras.-History:Svit is one of the youngest Slovak towns...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Svodín
Svodín is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1156. The town had Hungarian majority in the 17th century according to the Turkish tax census.-Geography:The municipality...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Svrbice
Svrbice is small village in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region in Slovakia, situated approximately 24 km south to Topoľčany.The Roman Catholic Church of Virgin Mary built there in 1956. The first written reference to the village dates from 1268. It was part of Šalgovce from 1976 to...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Svrčinovec
Svrčinovec is a village and municipality in Čadca District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.- History :In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1658....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Šahy
Šahy is a town in southern Slovakia, The town has an ethnic Hungarian majority and its population is 7,971 people , with an average age of 42.5.-Geography:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Šajdíkove Humence
Šajdíkove Humence
Šajdíkové Humence is a village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 195 metres and covers an area of 15.524km². It has a population of about 1115 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Šaľa
- Geography :* Sala Municipality, Sweden - a municipality in Sweden* Sala, Sweden - a city in Sweden, seat of Sala Municipality* Sala municipality, Latvia - a municipality in Latvia* Sala, Latvia - a village in Latvia, an administrative centre of Sala municipality...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Šalgočka
Šalgočka is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 150 metres and covers an area of 4.747 km². It has a population of about 444 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Šalgovce
Šalgovce is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia.-References:
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Šalov
Šalov is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 180 metres and covers an area of 19.045km². It has a population of about 420 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Šambron
Šambron is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 672 metres and covers an area of 12.953 km². It has a population of about 429 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Šamorín
Šamorín or Somorja is a small town in western Slovakia, southeast of Bratislava.-Geography:The town is located on the Danubian Flat at the Žitný ostrov island, near the Gabčíkovo dam on the Danube. It is located around 17 km south-east of Bratislava and 25 km west of Dunajská Streda...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Šamudovce
Šamudovce is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 108 metres and covers an area of 4.842 km²...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Šarbov
Šarbov is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 440 metres and covers an area of 8.438 km². It has a population of about 10 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Šarišská Poruba
Šarišská Poruba
Šarišská Poruba is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 338 metres and covers an area of 5.987 km². It has a population of about 425 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Šarišská Trstená
Šarišská Trstená
Šarišská Trstená is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 400 metres and covers an area of 1.848 km². It has a population of about 270 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Šarišské Bohdanovce
Šarišské Bohdanovce
Šarišské Bohdanovce is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Šarišské Čierne
Šarišské Cierne
Šarišské Čierne is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 394 metres and covers an area of 14.017 km².It has a population of about 320 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Šarišské Dravce
Šarišské Dravce
Šarišské Dravce is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 467 metres and covers an area of 9.928 km². It has a population of about 1244 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Šarišské Jastrabie
Šarišské Jastrabie
Šarišské Jastrabie is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1435.Web pages -Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Šarišské Michaľany
Šarišské Michalany
Šarišské Michaľany is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 313 metres and covers an area of 9.333 km²...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Šarišské Sokolovce
Šarišské Sokolovce
Šarišské Sokolovce is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the 'Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 431 metres and covers an area of 12.268 km². It has a population of about 515 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Teriakovce
Teriakovce is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia. The village was first mentioned in the historical records in 1385.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Šarišský Štiavnik
Šarišský Štiavnik
Šarišský Štiavnik is a village in north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 236 metres and covers an area of 5.273km². It has a population of about 295 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Šarkan
Šarkan is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 150 metres and covers an area of 13.638 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Šarovce
Šarovce is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:Sarovce lies at an altitude of 146 meters and covers an area of 25.379km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Šašová
Šašová is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 255 metres and covers an area of 5.279 km².It has a population of about 158 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Šaštín-Stráže
Šaštín-Stráže is a town in the Senica District, Trnava Region in western Slovakia. Originally two separate villages, now it is one of the youngest towns in Slovakia, having received town privileges on 1 September 2001.-Geography:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Šávoľ
Šávoľ is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Šelpice
Šelpice is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Šemetkovce
Šemetkovce is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 363 metres and covers an area of 7.076 km². It has a population of about 100 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Šemša
Šemša is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1280 when it belonged to Ruszkay lords of Abov County. In 1322 it was bought by the castle lord Thomas from Spiš County, who...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Šemša
Šemša is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1280 when it belonged to Ruszkay lords of Abov County. In 1322 it was bought by the castle lord Thomas from Spiš County, who...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Šenkvice
Šenkvice is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Pezinok District in the Bratislava region. The town of roughly 4400 people lies east of Pezinok and south of Modra, and is connected to each via a main road. Another road connects Šenkvice to Blatné, which lies about five kilometers ...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Šiatorská Bukovinka
Šiatorská Bukovinka
Šiatorská Bukovinka is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Šiba
Šiba is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 400 metres and covers an area of 13.825 km².It has a population of about 570 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Šíd
Šíd is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Šimonovce
Šimonovce is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Šindliar
Šindliar is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 497 metres and covers an area of 11.324 km². It has a population of about 555 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Šintava
Šintava is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1042, when King Peter, the successor of Stephen I of Hungary, having been deprived from his throne united with German emperor...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Šípkov
Šípkov is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 270 metres and covers an area of 11.557 km². It has a population of about 150 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Šípkové
Šípkové is a village and municipality in Piešťany District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 230 metres and covers an area of 8.301km². It has a population of about 337 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Širákov
Širákov is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Širkovce
Širkovce is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Široké
Široké is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 514 metres and covers an area of 25.789 km². It has a population of about 2,270 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Šišov
Šišov is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 220 metres and covers an area of 9.631 km². It has a population of about 505 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Šivetice
Šivetice is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Šoltýska
Šoltýska is a village and municipality in the Poltár District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Šoporňa
Šoporňa is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1251, it was called Supurni. The name is recorded as Soporny in 1411 and as Sopornok in 1420. In the end of 18th century, it was...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Špačince
Špačince is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Špania Dolina
Špania Dolina
Špania Dolina is a village and municipality in central Slovakia, near the city of Banská Bystrica. Although its permanent population does not exceed 200 people, it is a picturesque historic village situated 728 m above sea level and is surrounded by the Staré Hory and Veľká Fatra mountains...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Španie Pole
Španie Pole
Španie Pole is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Šrobárová
Šrobárová is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 122 metres and covers an area of 8.388 km².It has a population of about 485 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Štefanov nad Oravou
Štefanov nad Oravou
Štefanov nad Oravou is a village and municipality in Tvrdošín District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 570 metres and covers an area of 12.348 km² . It has a population of about 605 people.-External...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Štefanov
Štefanov is a village and municipality in Senica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 205 metres and covers an area of 22.088km². It has a population of about 1,621 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Štefanová (Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Štefanovce
Štefanovce, Prešov District
Štefanovce is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Štefanovce
Štefanovce, Vranov nad Toplou District
Štefanovce is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Štefanovičová
Štefanovičová is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 145 metres and covers an area of 12.399km². It has a population of about 260 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Štefurov
Štefurov is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 243 metres and covers an area of 8.753 km². It has a population of about 113 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Šterusy
Šterusy is a village and municipality in Piešťany District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 210 metres and covers an area of 11.080km². It has a population of about 515 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Štiavnické Bane
Štiavnické Bane
Štiavnické Bane is a village in the Banská Štiavnica District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-Name:The German name of Štiavnické Bane is Siegelsberg and its Hungarian name is Hegybánya...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Štiavnička
Štiavnička is a village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 497 metres and covers an area of 1.914 km². It has a population of about 564 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Štiavnik
Štiavnik is a village and municipality in Bytča District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 387 metres and covers an area of 55.692 km². It has a population of about 4097 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Štitáre
Štitáre is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of about 240 metres and covers an area of 7.494km². It has a population of about 600 people. It lies 7km north-east to the historic city of Nitra...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Štítnik
Štítnik is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1243 by King Bela IV of Hungary, that was in a letter....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Štós
Štós is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Štós
Štós is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Štôla
Štôla is a village and small municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 840 metres and covers an area of 2.555km². It has a population of about 550 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Štrba
Štrba is a village in the Poprad District, Prešov Region, northern Slovakia. It is situated in the Sub-Tatra Basin, which separates the High Tatras and Low Tatras at the European continental divide between the Baltic and the Black Sea. It is approximately 16 km west of the city of...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Štrkovec
Štrkovec is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Štúrovo
Štúrovo is a town in Slovakia, situated on the River Danube. Its population in 2005 was 11,172.The town is situated opposite the Hungarian city of Esztergom. The Mária Valéria bridge connects the settlements. The bridge was destroyed in 1944 during World War II, but reconstructed in...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Štvrtok na Ostrove
Štvrtok na Ostrove
Štvrtok na Ostrove is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.- Geography :The village is in the Danubian Lowland and is in the western part of Žitný ostrov...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Štvrtok
Štvrtok is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 202 metres and covers an area of 4.084 km². It has a population of about 368 people.-Trivia:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Šuja
Šuja is a village municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:Šuja lies at an elevation of and covers an area of . It has a population of about 318 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Šuľa
-Places:Norway* Sula, Møre og Romsdal, an island and a municipality* Sula, Sogn og Fjordane, an island in Solund municipality* Sula, Sør-Trøndelag, an island group in Frøya municipality* Indre Sula and Ytre Sula, two mountains in Surnadal municipality...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Šumiac
Šumiac is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Šuňava
Šuňava is a village and municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 871 metres and covers an area of 26.406km². It has a population of about 1900 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Šurany
Šurany is a town and a railroad hub in the Nové Zámky District, Nitra Region, southern Slovakia.Alongside the main settlement, it has the boroughs of Kostolný Sek and Nitriansky Hrádok, both annexed 1976....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Šurianky
Šurianky is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 160 metres and covers an area of 10.4km². It has a population of about 570 people.-External links:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Šurice
Šurice is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Šúrovce
Šúrovce is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Šutovce
Šutovce is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 460 metres and covers an area of 7.084 km². It has a population of about 408 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Šútovo
Šútovo is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 460 metres and covers an area of 16.639 km². It has a population of about 505 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Švábovce
Švábovce is a village and municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 639 metres and covers an area of 9.174km². It has a population of about 1080 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Švedlár
Švedlár is a village and municipality in the Gelnica District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Švošov
Švošov is a village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 454 metres and covers an area of 4.273 km². It has a population of about 824 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Tachty
Tachty is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Tajná
Tajná is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 174 metres and covers an area of 8.482km². It has a population of about 288 people.-External links:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Ťapešovo
Ťapešovo is municipality near Námestovo, Žilina Region, Slovakia. It is located on the Biela Orava river. The first written mention of Ťapešovo comes from 1580. In 1588 Ťapešovo was under the rule of the Orava castle....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Tarnov
Tarnov, Bardejov District
Tarnov is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 330 metres and covers an area of 5.844 km².It has a population of about 380 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Tašuľa
Tašuľa is a small village in Sobrance District, Košice Region in eastern Slovakia. As of 2004, it had 222 inhabitants. It is 5 km distant from the seat of district, Sobrance...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Tatranská Javorina
Tatranská Javorina
Tatranská Javorina is a village in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-History:The beginnings of the municipality are in the 18th century. The name of the village stems from the former maple forests, after which some geographical objects were named...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Tehla
Tehla is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 172 metres and covers an area of 19.093 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Tekolďany
Tekolďany is a village and municipality in Hlohovec District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 210 metres and covers an area of . It has a population of about 165 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Tekovská Breznica
Tekovská Breznica
Tekovská Breznica is a municipality in the Žarnovica District, Banská Bystrica Region in Slovakia.-Location:The village is 5 km south of Nová Baňa and about 15 km south of Žarnovica.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Tekovské Lužany
Tekovské Lužany
Tekovské Lužany is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1156. The settlement had Hungarian majority in the 17th century according to the Turkish tax census.-Geography:The village lies at...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Tekovské Nemce
Tekovské Nemce
Tekovské Nemce is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 244 metres and covers an area of 28.503 km². It has a population of about 1,055 people.-External links:*...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Tekovský Hrádok
Tekovský Hrádok
Tekovský Hrádok is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 156 metres and covers an area of 7.316 km². It has a population of about 330 people.-External links:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Telgárt
Telgárt is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1326 or in 1549 .-Geography:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Telince
Telince is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 163 metres and covers an area of 6.844km². It has a population of about 320 people.-External links:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Temeš
Temeš is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 520 metres and covers an area of 4.274 km². It has a population of about 290 people.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Teplička
Teplicka, Spišská Nová Ves District
Teplička is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 538 metres and covers an area of 7.735km².It has a population of about 1115 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Teplička nad Váhom
Teplicka nad Váhom
Teplička nad Váhom is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1267...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Tepličky
Tepličky is a village and municipality in Hlohovec District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 215 metres and covers an area of 5.675km². It has a population of about 275 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Teplý Vrch
Teplý Vrch
Teplý Vrch is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.Written source has it named "Malaah" in 1285 although it existed before the Mongol invasions in 1240. In 1301- it is named "Melechdyhegy" then in 1460- ...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Terany
Terany is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Terchová
Terchová is a large village and municipality in the Malá Fatra mountains in the Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-History:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Terňa
Terňa is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 383 metres and covers an area of 29.408km². It has a population of about 1090 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Tesáre
Tesáre is municipality in a the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia.-References:
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Tesárske Mlyňany
Tesárske Mlynany
Tesárske Mlyňany is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 170 metres and covers an area of 18.007 km². It has a population of about 1655 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Tešedíkovo
Tešedíkovo is a village and municipality in Šaľa District, in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 115 metres and covers an area of 22.785 km².It has a population of about 3,704 people ....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Tibava
Tibava is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 129 metres and covers an area of 10.657 km².It has a population of 530 people. The Family owner was Sabo....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Tichý Potok
Tichý Potok
Tichý Potok is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 527 metres and covers an area of 8.441 km². It has a population of about 397 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Timoradza
Timoradza is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 235 metres and covers an area of 10.489km². It has a population of about 507 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Tisovec
Tisovec is a town in central Slovakia. Its current population is approximately 4,000.- Location and landscape :Tisovec is situated in the valley of the river Rimava, at the foots of the Muránska planina plateau. The landscape there gives the impression of a small town in the mountains...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Tlmače
Tlmače is a town and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.- History :In historical records the town was first mentioned in 1075 as Talmach. It has town status since 1986. From 1970 to 1994 the villages of Malé Kozmálovce and Veľké Kozmálovce were part of the town.-...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Točnica
Točnica is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Tomášikovo
Tomášikovo is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia. is a small village a few kilometres south of Galanta. A kilometre beyond the village is the Malý Dunaj, a slow-moving branch of the Danube...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Tomášov
Tomášov is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 128 metres and covers an area of 19.828km². It has a population of 2143 people....
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Tomášovce
Tomášovce, Lucenec District
Tomášovce is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Topoľčany
Topoľčany .The name Topoľčany was assumed to be derived from topoľ, Slovak for poplar tree. Groves of these trees were once abundant on the banks of the Nitra River...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Topoľčianky
Topoľčianky is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Tourisme:Topol´čienky is unique for its European Bison Reserve. By the 1930s only a handful of wisents remained, in Poland...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Topoľnica
Topoľnica is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 119 metres and covers an area of 10.475 km². It has a population of about 832 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Topoľníky
Topoľníky is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:The village was first recorded in 1113...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Toporec
Toporec is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 572 metres and covers an area of 28.122km² . It has a population of about 1690 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Tornaľa
Tornaľa is a town and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia, with a population of almost 8,000.-Geography:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Torysa
Torysa (village)
Torysa is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 449 metres and covers an area of 10.566 km². It has a population of about 1470 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Torysky
Torysky is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 810 metres and covers an area of 6.987 km². It has a population of about 390 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Tovarné
Tovarné is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 140 metres and covers an area of 7.708km². It has a population of about 1087 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Tovarnianska Polianka
Tovarnianska Polianka
Tovarnianska Polianka is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Tovarníky
Tovarníky is a municipality with 1.315 inhabitants in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia. Its name means factory area. Now it is a suburb of Topoľčany and mostly suburb for living with many family houses.-References:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Tôň
The ton is a unit of measure. It has a long history and has acquired a number of meanings and uses over the years. It is used principally as a unit of weight, and as a unit of volume. It can also be used as a measure of energy, for truck classification, or as a colloquial term.It is derived from...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Trakovice
Trakovice is a village and municipality in Hlohovec District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 150 metres and covers an area of 11.632km². It has a population of about 1321 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Trávnica
Trávnica is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 130 metres and covers an area of 21.155 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Trávnik
Trávnik is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.- Geography :The village lies at an altitude of 114 metres and covers an area of 18.736 km².It has a population of about 675 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Trebatice
Trebatice is a village and municipality in Piešťany District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 168 metres and covers an area of 7.666km². It has a population of about 161 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Trebejov
Trebejov is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 240 metres and covers an area of 7.671 km².It has a population of about 165 people.-Transport:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Trebeľovce
Trebel'ovce is a village and municipality in the LučenecDistrict in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Trebichava
Trebichava is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Uhrovec
Uhrovec is a village and municipality in the Bánovce nad Bebravou District of the Trenčín Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 258 metres and covers an area of 22.95km². It has a population of 1478 people...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Trebišov
Trebišov is a small industrial town in the easternmost part of Slovakia, with a population of around 23,000. The town is an administrative, economic and cultural center with machine and building materials industries.-History:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Trebostovo
Trebostovo is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 470 metres and covers an area of 13.123km². It has a population of about 455 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Trebušovce
Trebušovce is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Trenč
Trenč is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Trenčianska Teplá
Trencianska Teplá
Trenčianska Teplá is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 224 metres and covers an area of 15.133 km². It has a population of about 4035 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Trenčianska Turná
Trencianska Turná
Trenčianska Turná is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia. It has a population of about 3043 people .-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1269...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Trenčianske Bohuslavice
Trencianske Bohuslavice
Trenčianske Bohuslavice is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Trenčianske Jastrabie
Trencianske Jastrabie
Trenčianske Jastrabie is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 300 metres and covers an area of 12.254 km². It has a population of about 1206 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Trenčianske Mitice
Trencianske Mitice
Trenčianske Mitice is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 332 metres and covers an area of 12.836 km². It has a population of about 716 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Trenčianske Stankovce
Trencianske Stankovce
Trenčianske Stankovce is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 220 metres and covers an area of 24.497 km². It has a population of about 3000 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Trenčianske Teplice
Trencianske Teplice
Trenčianske Teplice is a health resort and small spa town in western Slovakia, in the valley of the river Teplička, at the foothills of the Strážovské vrchy mountains.-Characteristics:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Trenčín
Trenčín is a city in western Slovakia of the central Váh River valley near the Czech border, around from Bratislava. It has a population of more than 56,000, which makes it the ninth largest municipality of the country and is the seat of the Trenčín Region and the Trenčín District...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Trhová Hradská
Trhová Hradská
Trhová Hradská is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:The village was first recorded in 1235 by its Hungarin name as "Vasarut". Until the end of World War I, it was part of Hungary and fell within the Dunaszerdahely...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Trhovište
Trhovište is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an elevation of 130 metres and covers an area of 12.562 km²...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Trnavá Hora
Trnavá Hora
Trnavá Hora is a village and municipality in Žiar nad Hronom District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Trnava pri Laborci
Trnava pri Laborci
Trnava pri Laborci is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 176 metres and covers an area of 15.939 km².It has a population of about 540 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Trnava
Trnava is a city in western Slovakia, 47 km to the north-east of Bratislava, on the Trnávka river. It is the capital of a kraj and of an okres . It was the seat of a Roman Catholic archbishopric . The city has a historic center...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Trnávka (Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Trnávka
Trnávka, Trebišov District
Trnávka is a village and municipality located in the Trebišov District of the Košice Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 192 metres and covers an area of 6.018 km².It has a population of about 162 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Trnkov
Trnkov is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1330. They aided in the Russian-American war of 1843-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Trnovec nad Váhom
Trnovec nad Váhom
Trnovec nad Váhom is a village and municipality in Šaľa District, in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 115 metres and covers an area of 32.537 km².It has a population of about 2603 people.-People:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Trnovec
Trnovec is a village and municipality in Skalica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 181 metres and covers an area of 2.528km². It has a population of about 316 people.-External links:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Trnovo (Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Tročany
Tročany is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village, which was part of the Kingdom of Hungary until 1920, was first mentioned in 1270....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Trpín (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Trsťany
Trsťany is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 250 metres and covers an area of 6.592 km². The municipality has a population of about 245 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Trstená na Ostrove
Trstená na Ostrove
Trstená na Ostrove is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:The village was first recorded in 1250. Until the end of World War I, it was part of Hungary and fell within the Dunaszerdahely district of Pozsony County...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Trstená
Trstená is a city in Tvrdošín District, Žilina Region, central Slovakia....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Trstené pri Hornáde
Trstené pri Hornáde
Trstené pri Hornáde is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 204 metres and covers an area of 12.9 km². It has a population of about 1565 people...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Trstené
Trstené is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 639 metres and covers an area of 3.942km². It has a population of about 205 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Trstice
Trstice is a large village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 114 metres and covers an area of 20.267 km². It has a population of about 3,746 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Trstín
Trstín is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Tuhár
Tuhár is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Tuhrina
Tuhrina is a municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 490 metres and covers an area of 13.257km². It has a population of about 438 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Tuchyňa
Tuchyňa is a village and municipality in Ilava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 275 metres and covers an area of 5.444 km². It has a population of about 779 people.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Tulčík
Tulčík is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 286 metres and covers an area of 12.809km². It has a population of about 1305 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Tupá
Tupá is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 130 metres and covers an area of 11.97km². It has a population of about 620 people.-External links:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Turá
Turá is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 154 metres and covers an area of 9.286km². It has a population of about 240 people.-External links:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Turany
Turany is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 406 metres and covers an area of 46.747km². It has a population of about 4406 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Turček
Turček is a village and municipality in Turčianske Teplice District in the Žilina Region of northern central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 660 metres and covers an area of 53.011km². It has a population of about 694 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Turčianky
Turčianky is a village and municipality in Partizánske District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 230 metres and covers an area of 3.734 km². It has a population of about 156 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Turčianska Štiavnička
Turcianska Štiavnicka
Turčianska Štiavnička is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 435 metres and covers an area of 14.072km². It has a population of about 802 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Turčianske Jaseno
Turcianske Jaseno
Turčianske Jaseno is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1274 as Terra Jessen.-Geography:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Turčianske Kľačany
Turcianske Klacany
Turčianske Kľačany is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 410 metres and covers an area of 12.206km². It has a population of about 840 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Turčianske Teplice
Turcianske Teplice
Turčianske Teplice is a town in central Slovakia in the Žilina Region. It is about halfway between Martin and Kremnica. As of 2005 the town's population was 6,941...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Turčiansky Ďur
Turciansky Dur
Turčiansky Ďur is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 463 metres and covers an area of 0.934km². It has a population of about 193 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Turčiansky Peter
Turciansky Peter
Turčiansky Peter is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 439 metres and covers an area of 4.618km². It has a population of about 319 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Turčok
Turčok is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Tureň
Tureň is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 126 metres and covers an area of 5.303km². It has a population of 878 people.-External links/Sources:...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Turie
Turie is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 446 metres and covers an area of 27.204km². It has a population of about 1970 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Turík
Turík is a village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 500 metres and covers an area of 8.263km². It has a population of about 218 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Turňa nad Bodvou
Turna nad Bodvou
Turňa nad Bodvou is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1198...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Turnianska Nová Ves
Turnianska Nová Ves
Turnianska Nová Ves is a village and municipality in the Greater Košice District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an elevation of 173 meters and covers an area of 6.42 km².It has a population of about 360....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Turzovka
Turzovka is a town in the Čadca District, Žilina Region in north-western Slovakia.-History:The present-day town was established in 1598 by a palatine of the Thurzo family...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Tušice
Tušice is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 107 metres and covers an area of 6.234 km². The municipality has a population of about 700 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Tušická Nová Ves
Tušická Nová Ves
Tušická Nová Ves is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 108 metres and covers an area of 4.328 km². The municipality has a population of about 585 people.-External...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Tužina
Tužina is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 360 metres and covers an area of 48.193 km². It has a population of about 1219 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Tvarožná
Tvarožná, Kežmarok District
Tvarožná is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 676 metres and covers an area of 9.276km² . It has a population of about 630 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Tvrdomestice
Tvrdomestice is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia.-References:
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Tvrdošín
Tvrdošín ; ; ) is a town in central Slovakia.-Geography:The town is located at the confluence of the Orava and Oravica rivers, from the Polish borders and cca. from Dolný Kubín. It consists of the boroughs of Krásna Hôrka, Medvedzie, and Tvrdošín....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Tvrdošovce
Tvrdošovce is a large village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1221 AD.-Geography:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Úbrež
Úbrež is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia. In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1337. The village lies at an altitude of 130 metres and covers an area of 17.418 km². It has a population of 645 people...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Udiča
Udiča is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 282 metres and covers an area of 22.146 km². It has a population of about 2234 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Údol
Údol is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1427.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Uhliská
Uhliská is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 650 metres and covers an area of 14.098 km². It has a population of about 225 people.-External links:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Úhorna
Úhorná is a village and municipality in the Gelnica District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Uhorská Ves
Uhorská Ves
Uhorská Ves is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 611 metres and covers an area of 4.452km². It has a population of about 433 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Uhorské
Uhorské is a village and municipality in the Poltár District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Uhrovské Podhradie
Uhrovské Podhradie
Uhrovské Podhradie is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia. The village is situated close to the ruins of a roman castle Uhrovec.-Geography:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Úľany nad Žitavou
Úlany nad Žitavou
Úľany nad Žitavou is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.It is also known as Fedýmeś nad Žítvou,Fedymes nad Zitvou,Fedymes nad Zitavou,Úľany nad Žitavou and Fedýmeš nad Žitavou.-Geography:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Uloža
Uloža is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1280. Uloža was a village for people infected leprosy...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Uňatín
Uňatín is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Unín
Unín, Skalica District
Unín is a village and municipality in Skalica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 269 metres and covers an area of 22.727 km². It has a population of about 1,180 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Urmince
Urmince is a municipality with 12,300 inhabitants in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia. The city is approximately 679ft above sea level.- References :...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Utekáč
Utekáč is a village and municipality in the Poltár District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.Basic information:----Region: PoltárMicroregion: Kokavsko, Sinec - KokavskoFirst written mention: 1787Height above sea level: 408 m.n.m....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Uzovce
Uzovce is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region' of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 393 metres and covers an area of 5.542 km². It has a population of about 500 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Uzovská Panica
Uzovská Panica
Uzovská Panica is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia. Riť sveta. :)-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Uzovské Pekľany
Uzovské Peklany
Uzovské Pekľany is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Regionof north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 483 metres and covers an area of 9.955 km². It has a population of about 375 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Uzovský Šalgov
Uzovský Šalgov
Uzovský Šalgov is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 361 metres and covers an area of 6.429 km². It has a population of about 570 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vaďovce
Vaďovce is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1419....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Vagrinec
Vagrinec is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 292 metres and covers an area of 5.525km². It has a population of about 127 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Váhovce
Váhovce is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 130 metres and covers an area of 15.975 km². It has a population of about 2070 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Vajkovce
Vajkovce is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 3.888 km².It has a population of 540 people.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Valaliky
Valaliky is a relatively new village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 190 metres and covers an area of 8.625 km²...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Valaská Belá
Valaská Belá
Valaská Belá is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 482 metres and covers an area of 64.774 km². It has a population of about 2327 people.-Religion:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Valaská Dubová
Valaská Dubová
Valaská Dubová is a village and municipality in Ružomberok District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 649 metres and covers an area of 12.797km². It has a population of about 770 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Valaská
Valaská is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Valča
Valča is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 450 metres and covers an area of 32.233km². It has a population of about 1502 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Valentovce
Valentovce is a small village and municipality in the Medzilaborce District in the Prešov Region of far north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 340 metres and covers an area of 2.206 km². It has a population of about 40 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Valice
Valice is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Valkovce
Valkovce is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 230 metres and covers an area of 6.661km². It has a population of about 230 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vaľkovňa
Vaľkovňa is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Vaniškovce
Vaniškovce is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 400 metres and covers an area of 4.803 km².It has a population of about 335 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vápeník
Vápeník is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 448 metres and covers an area of 3.769 km². It has a population of about 45 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Varadka
Varadka is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 409 metres and covers an area of 7.374 km².It has a population of about 175 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Varhaňovce
Varhaňovce is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia. The municipality lies at an altitude of 297 metres and covers an area of 8.339km². It has a population of about 1110 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Varín
Varín is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia. It is located at the Malá Fatra National Park and also serves as a tourist resort.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1235...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Vasiľov
Vasiľov is a village and municipality in Námestovo District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 428 metres and covers an area of 9.147km². It has a population of about 757 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Vavrečka
Vavrečka is a village and municipality in Námestovo District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 648 metres and covers an area of 8.955km². It has a population of about 1290 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Vavrinec
Vavrinec is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 285 metres and covers an area of 5.447km². It has a population of about 65 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vavrišovo
Vavrišovo is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 668 metres and covers an area of 9.906 km². It has a population of about 598 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Važec
Važec is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia, at the foot of Kriváň, Slovakia's symbolic and often considered most beautiful mountain. It is a great place.-History:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Včelince
Včelince is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Večelkov
Večelkov is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Vechec
Vechec is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 184 metres and covers an area of 17.271km². It has a population of about 2331 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Veľaty
Veľaty is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 124 metres and covers an area of 12.723 km².It has a population of about 835 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Velčice
Velčice is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of , and covers an area of . It has a population of about 830 people.-External links:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Veličná
Veličná is a village and municipality in Dolný Kubín District in the Zilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 462 metres and covers an area of 29.302km². It has a population of about 870 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Veľká Čalomija
Velká Calomija
Veľká Čalomija is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Veľká Čausa
Velká Causa
Veľká Čausa is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 320 metres and covers an area of 7.814 km². It has a population of about 440 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Veľká Čierna
Velká Cierna
Veľká Čierna is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 480 metres and covers an area of 4.817 km². It has a population of about 357 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Veľká Dolina
Velká Dolina
Veľká Dolina is a village and municipality in the Nitra District of western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 135 metres and covers an area of 11.686 km². It has a population of about 605 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Veľká Franková
Velká Franková
Veľká Franková is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 664 metres and covers an area of 10.635 km². It has a population of about 380 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Veľká Hradná
Velká Hradná
Veľká Hradná is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia. It lies at an altitude of 270 metres and the municipalitycovers an area of 11.881 km² with a population of about 656.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Veľká Ida
Velká Ida
Veľká Ida is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 216 metres and covers an area of 31.007 km². The municipality has a population of 3000 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Veľká Lehota
Velká Lehota
Veľká Lehota is a village and municipality in the Žarnovica District, Banská Bystrica Region in Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Veľká Lesná
Velká Lesná
Veľká Lesná is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1338....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Veľká Lodina
Velká Lodina
Veľká Lodina is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 259 metres and covers an area of 19.699 km². It has a population of about 250 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Veľká Lomnica
Velká Lomnica
Veľká Lomnica is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.- History :Archeological finds of fortified settlement of Baden culture in the locality Burchbrich are dated to the end of stone and beginning of bronze age, more than 4000 years ago. 70 small...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Veľká Mača
Velká Maca
Veľká Mača is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 124 metres and covers an area of 14.813 km². It has a population of about 2614 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Veľká nad Ipľom
Velká nad Iplom
Veľká nad Ipľom is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Veľká Paka
Velká Paka
Veľká Paka is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Component villages:-History:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Veľká Tŕňa
Velká Trna
Veľká Tŕňa is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 178 metres and covers an area of 14.115 km².It has a population of about 480 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Veľká Ves nad Ipľom
Velká Ves nad Iplom
Veľká Ves nad Ipľom is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Veľká Ves
Velká Ves
Veľká Ves is a village and municipality in the Poltár District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Veľké Bierovce
Velké Bierovce
Veľké Bierovce is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of northwestern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 202 metres and covers an area of 4.909 km²...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Veľké Blahovo
Velké Blahovo
Veľké Blahovo is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.Until 1899 its Hungarian name was Nagy-Abony, then Nemesabony, but recently the Nagyabony form has come into usage. Its historical Slovakian name was Veľké Aboň)-History:It is...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Veľké Borové
Velké Borové
Veľké Borové is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 828 metres and covers an area of 10.985 km². It has a population of about 87 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Veľké Dravce
Velké Dravce
Veľké Dravce is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Veľké Držkovce
Velké Držkovce
Veľké Držkovce is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 243 metres and covers an area of 12.790 km². It has a population of about 670 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Veľké Dvorany
Velké Dvorany
Veľké Dvorany is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia.-References:
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Veľké Dvorníky
Velké Dvorníky
Veľké Dvorníky is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia. Its former Slovakian name Dvorníky na Ostrove.-History:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Veľké Hoste
Velké Hoste
Veľké Hoste is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 230 metres and covers an area of 8.262 km². It has a population of about 552 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Veľké Chlievany
Velké Chlievany
Veľké Chlievany is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 210 metres and covers an area of 5.143 km². It has a population of about 450 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Veľké Chyndice
Velké Chyndice
Veľké Chyndice is a village and municipality in the Nitra District of western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 172 metres and covers an area of 5.0496 km². It has a population of about 345 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Veľké Kapušany
Velké Kapušany
Veľké Kapušany is a small town on the eastern plains of Slovakia, not far from the Ukrainian border.-History :The territory of the town has been settled since time immemorial . From the second half of the 10th century until 1918, it was part of the Kingdom of Hungary...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Veľké Kosihy
Velké Kosihy
Veľké Kosihy is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.- Geography :The village lies at an altitude of 112 metres and covers an area of 24.403 km²....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Veľké Kostoľany
Velké Kostolany
Veľké Kostoľany is a village and municipality in Piešťany District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 167 metres and covers an area of 24.386 km². It has a population of about 2658 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Veľké Kozmálovce
Velké Kozmálovce
Veľké Kozmálovce is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 170 metres and covers an area of 5.924 km². It has a population of about 675 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Veľké Kršteňany
Velké Krštenany
Veľké Kršteňany is a village and municipality in Partizánske District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 215 metres and covers an area of 13.476 km². It has a population of about 621 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Veľké Leváre
Velké Leváre
Veľké Leváre is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Malacky District in the Bratislava region.The first written notice about the village has its origins in the year 1378. The village Veľké Leváre is situated in the reach of well-known centers: Bratislava, Vienna, Brno...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Veľké Lovce
Velké Lovce
Veľké Lovce is a town and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia. Veľké Lovce are home to 2,079 people according to the 2004 census.-History:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Veľké Ludince
Velké Ludince
Veľké Ludince is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 182 metres and covers an area of 31.804 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Veľké Orvište
Velké Orvište
Veľké Orvište is a village and municipality in Piešťany District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 164 metres and covers an area of 3.839 km². It has a population of about 1004 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Veľké Ozorovce
Velké Ozorovce
Veľké Ozorovce -Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 180 metres and covers an area of 13.77 km².It has a population of about 715 people.-External links:*
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Veľké Pole
Velké Pole
Veľké Pole - Hochwies is a village and municipality in the Žarnovica District, Banská Bystrica Region in Slovakia.HOCHWIES - CARPATHIAN GERMANS village in the HAUERLAND, from the 13th century to 1945, in the territory of today's Slovakia...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Veľké Raškovce
Velké Raškovce
Veľké Raškovce is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 104 metres and covers an area of 11.998 km². The municipality has a population of about 350 people.-External...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Veľké Revištia
Velké Revištia
Veľké Revištia is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 112 metres and covers an area of 10.194 km².It has a population of 540 people.-Facilities:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Veľké Ripňany
Velké Ripnany
Veľké Ripňany is a municipality in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia.-References:
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Veľké Rovné
Velké Rovné
Veľké Rovné is a village and municipality in Bytča District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 383 metres and covers an area of 40.601 km². It has a population of about 4042 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Veľké Slemence
Velké Slemence
Veľké Slemence is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Košice Region of easteastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1332. It was a single village named Szelmenc before 1945. From 1919 until 1945, Szelmenc bore the same history as...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Veľké Straciny
Velké Straciny
Veľké Straciny is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia. As of 31 December 2004, the municipality has an area of 6 km² and a population density of 24 persons per km².- References :...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Veľké Teriakovce
Velké Teriakovce
Veľké Teriakovce is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Veľké Trakany
Velké Trakany
Veľké Trakany is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 103 metres and covers an area of 10.68 km².It has a population of about 1390 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Veľké Turovce
Velké Turovce
Veľké Turovce is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 138 metres and covers an area of 9.191 km². It has a population of about 808 people.-External links:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Veľké Uherce
Velké Uherce
Veľké Uherce is a village and municipality in Partizánske District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 230 metres and covers an area of 27.788 km². It has a population of about 1,983 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Veľké Úľany
Velké Úlany
Veľké Úľany is a large village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Facts:Veľké Úľany is located in the southwest part of Slovakia, between Malý Dunaj and Čierna voda. Its population is about 5500. The village is situated near the...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Veľké Vozokany
Velké Vozokany
Veľké Vozokany is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1209. The community of Veľké Vozokany is certified to have existed by 1228. The Roman Catholic St...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Veľké Zálužie
Velké Zálužie
Veľké Zálužie is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 170 metres and covers an area of 32.104 km². It has a population of about 5,480 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Veľké Zlievce
Velké Zlievce
Veľké Zlievce is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Veľký Biel
Velký Biel
Veľký Biel or Magyarbél is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region.-Geography:...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Veľký Blh
Velký Blh
Veľký Blh is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Veľký Cetín
Velký Cetín
Veľký Cetín is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 137 metres and covers an area of 16.866 km². It has a population of about 1685 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Veľký Čepčín
Velký Cepcín
Veľký Čepčín is a village and municipality in Turčianske Teplice District in the Žilina Region of northern central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 470 metres and covers an area of 6.78 km². It has a population of about 215 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Veľký Ďur
Velký Dur
Veľký Ďur is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 190 metres and covers an area of 22.02 km². It has a population of about 1320 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Veľký Folkmár
Velký Folkmár
Veľký Folkmár is a village and municipality in the Gelnica District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-References:* from Statistical Office of Slovak Republic-External links:* @ 360 Cities...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Veľký Grob
Velký Grob
Veľký Grob is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 130 metres and covers an area of 23.545 km². It has a population of about 1290 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Veľký Horeš
Velký Horeš
Veľký Horeš is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 106 metres and covers an area of 18.235 km².It has a population of about 965 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Veľký Kamenec
Velký Kamenec
Veľký Kamenec is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 124 metres and covers an area of 12.723 km².It has a population of about 835 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Veľký Klíž
Velký Klíž
Veľký Klíž is a village and municipality in Partizánske District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 250 metres and covers an area of 42.405 km². It has a population of about 916 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Veľký Krtíš
Velký Krtíš
Veľký Krtíš is a town in southern Slovakia, situated in the historical Novohrad region. The town's most important economic sectors are mining and agriculture.-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Veľký Kýr
Velký Kýr
Veľký Kýr is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 130 metres and covers an area of 23.638 km². It has a population of about 3095 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Veľký Lapáš
Velký Lapáš
Veľký Lapáš is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 164 metres and covers an area of 8.158 km². It has a population of about 1175 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Veľký Lipník
Velký Lipník
Veľký Lipník is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia. There is Greek Catholic church built in 1794 in the village.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Veľký Lom
Velký Lom
Veľký Lom is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Veľký Meder
Velký Meder
Veľký Meder is a town in the Dunajská Streda District, Trnava Region in southwestern Slovakia.-Geography:Veľký Meder lies in the eastern part of Great Rye Island, on the western border of historical Komárom County,...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Veľký Slavkov
Velký Slavkov
Veľký Slavkov is a village and municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 677 metres and covers an area of 12.347 km² . It has a population of about 1,150....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Veľký Slivník
Velký Slivník
Veľký Slivník is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 389 metres and covers an area of 6.087 km². It has a population of about 315 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Veľký Šariš
Velký Šariš
Veľký Šariš is a small town near Prešov in eastern Slovakia. The town is known as the site of the largest brewery in Slovakia - Šariš Brewery.The first written mention of Veľký Šariš dates back to 1217....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Velušovce
Velušovce is a municipality with 505 inhabitants in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia.-References:
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Vernár
Vernár is a village and large municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 778 metres and covers an area of 52.901km². It has a population of about 635 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Veselé
According to Google Earth: Longitude 17o, 43', 56.20" E, Latitude 48o, 32', 53.43" NElevation: 516 ftVeselé is a village and municipality in Piešťany District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Veterná Poruba
Veterná Poruba
Veterná Poruba is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 819 metres and covers an area of 4.725km²...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Vidiná
Vidiná is a village and municipality in the Lučenec District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Vieska nad Blhom
Vieska nad Blhom
Vieska nad Blhom is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Vieska nad Žitavou
Vieska nad Žitavou
Vieska nad Žitavou is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 170 metres and covers an area of 5.465 km². It has a population of about 442 people.-External...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Vieska, Veľký Krtíš District
Vieska, Velký Krtíš District
Vieska is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Vieska
Vieska, Dunajská Streda District
Vieska is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:The village was first recorded in 1322. Until the end of World War I, it was part of Hungary and fell within the Dunaszerdahely district of Pozsony County. After the...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Vígľaš
Vígľaš is a village and municipality in Detva District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-External links:*...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Vígľašská Huta-Kalinka
Víglašská Huta-Kalinka
Vígľašská Huta-Kalinka is a village and municipality in Detva District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Vikartovce
Vikartovce is a village and large municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 756 metres and covers an area of 50.155km². It has a population of about 1805 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vinica, Veľký Krtíš (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Viničky
Viničky is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 100 metres and covers an area of 8.842 km².It has a population of about 520 people.-Facilities:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Viničné
Viničné ˙ is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Pezinok District in the Bratislava region.The village is known for archery. In 2006, Viničné held the 6th World University Archery Championship.-External links:***...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Vinné
Vinné is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 108 metres and covers an area of 29.784 km². The municipality has a population of 1638 people.-Facilities:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Vinodol (Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Vinohrady nad Váhom
Vinohrady nad Váhom
Vinohrady nad Váhom is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 170 metres and covers an area of 10.696 km². It has a population of about 1,515 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Vinosady
Vinosady is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Pezinok District in the Bratislava Region, on the foothills of the Little Carpathians.-History:...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Virt
Virt is a municipality at the Danube in the Komárno District in Slovakia in the Nitra Region.The village is known for finds of richly endowed Avar graves from the 7th and 8th century AD. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1256. Before 1990 it was part of Radvaň nad Dunajom....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Vislanka
Vislanka is a village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 541 metres and covers an area of 4.233 km². It has a population of about 282 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Visolaje
Visolaje is a village and municipality in Púchov District, Trenčín Region. As of 2004, it had 947 inhabitants. The village lies near the major D1 motorway from Bratislava to Žilina...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Višňov
Višňov is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 122 metres and covers an area of 4.763 km².It has a population of about 220 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Višňové
Višnové, Revúca District
Višňové is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of central southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Višňové
Višnové, Nové Mesto nad Váhom District
Višňové is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 220 metres and covers an area of 5.52 km². It has a population of about 200 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Višňové (Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Vištuk
Vištuk is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Pezinok District in the Bratislava region. The town is located north of Senec and east of Modra.-History:...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Vitanová
Vitanová is a village and municipality in Tvrdošín District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 700 metres and covers an area of 45.798km². It has a population of about 1,235 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Víťaz
Vitaz may refer to:*Víťaz - village in eastern Slovakia*Vityaz Ice Palace Ice rink...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vítkovce
Vítkovce is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 406 metres and covers an area of 5.217 km².It has a population of about 520 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Vlača
Vlača is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 4.254km². It has a population of about 230 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vlachovo
Vlachovo is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.- Geography :The village lies at an altitude of 397 metres and covers an area of 37.332 km².It has a population of about 900 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Vlachy
Vlachy is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 528 metres and covers an area of 11.224km². It has a population of about 630 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Vlčany
Vlčany is a village and municipality in Šaľa District, in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 112 metres and covers an area of 39.764 km².It has a population of about 3460 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Vlčkovce
Vlčkovce is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Vlkas
Vlkas is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 136 metres and covers an area of 6.698 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Vlková
Vlková is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 679 metres and covers an area of 11.815km² . It has a population of about 650 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vlkovce
Vlkovce is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 825 metres and covers an area of 3.84km² . It has a population of about 445 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vlky
Vlky is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region. It is most famous for being the homeland of American Politician Sarah Palin who fathered many of the town's current residents.-Geography:...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Vlkyňa
Vlkyňa is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Voderady
Voderady is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Vojany
Vojany is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 102 metres and covers an area of 10.923 km². The municipality has a population of about 830 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Vojčice
Vojčice is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 111 metres and covers an area of 17.896km².It has a population of about 2075 people.-Facilities:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Vojka nad Dunajom
Vojka nad Dunajom
Vojka nad Dunajom is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 123 metres and covers an area of 8.212 km². In 2008 t had an estimated population of 467 people.It is situated on an...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Vojka
Vojka, Slovakia
Vojka is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Vojkovce
Vojkovce is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Vojňany
Vojňany is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 666 metres and covers an area of 5.795km² . It has a population of about 266 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vojnatina
Vojnatina is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 136 metres and covers an area of 7.688 km².It has a population of 240 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Voľa
Voľa is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 127 metres and covers an area of 5.782 km². The municipality has a population of about 250 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Volica
Volica is a village and municipality in the Medzilaborce District in the Prešov Region of far north-eastern Slovakia, in the Laborec Highlands....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Volkovce
Volkovce is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-1275:The first written reference to Volkovce is found in a document from 1275. It was written by master Ladislav an official from Ostrihom canonry during the reign of king Ladislav IV...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Voznica
Voznica is a village and municipality in the Žarnovica District, Banská Bystrica Region in Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Vozokany
Vozokany, Topolcany District
Vozokany is a municipality with 324 inhabitants in the Topoľčany District of the Nitra Region, Slovakia.-References:
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Vozokany
Vozokany, Galanta District
Vozokany is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 119 metres and covers an area of 12.893 km². It has a population of about 1,103 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Vráble
Vráble is a small town in the Nitra District, Nitra Region, western Slovakia.-Geography:It is located in the Danubian Hills on the Žitava river, about 20 km south-east-east from Nitra. The cadastral area of the town has an altitude from 140 to 240 m ASL...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Vrádište
Vrádište is a village and municipality in Skalica District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 164 metres and covers an area of 4.251 km². It has a population of about 682 people.-Gallery:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Vrakúň
Vrakúň is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-History:The present-day municipality was formed in 1940 being when Várkony and Csallóköznyék villages were unified under the name of Nyékvárkony by the Hungarian authorities.Vrakúň ...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Vranov nad Topľou
Vranov nad Toplou
Vranov nad Topľou is a city of approximately 23,000 inhabitants in eastern Slovakia, situated near Košice and Prešov, and between the Topľa River and the Ondava River....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vrbnica
Vrbnica is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 105 metres and covers an area of 4.945 km².It has a population of about 805 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Vrbov
Vrbov is a village and municipality in the Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of Slovakia....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vrbová nad Váhom
Vrbová nad Váhom
Vrbová nad Váhom is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.- Geography :The village lies at an altitude of 111 metres and covers an area of 21.696 km².It has a population of about 565 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Vrbovce (Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Vrbové
Vrbové ; ) is a town in the Trnava Region of Slovakia. It has a population of 6,309 as of 2005. The town lies around northwest from Piešťany.- Characteristics :...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Vrbovka
Vrbovka is a municipality in southern Slovakia. The nearest town is Veľký Krtíš. First written reference is from 1327.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Vrchteplá
Vrchteplá is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 520 metres and covers an area of 4.897 km². It has a population of about 256 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Vrícko
Vrícko is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 592 metres and covers an area of 29.575 km². It has a population of about 427 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Vršatské Podhradie
Vršatské Podhradie
Vršatské Podhradie is a village and municipality in Ilava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 650 metres and covers an area of 13.430 km². It has a population of about 249 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Vrútky
Vrútky ; ) is a town in northern Slovakia, close to the city of Martin. It lies in the historic Turiec region.-Geography:The town lies at the confluence of the Váh and the Turiec, in the Turčianska kotlina, near the Malá Fatra mountain range. It is located north of the city of Martin, with which...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Vtáčkovce
Vtáčkovce is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 400 metres and covers an area of 3.25 km²....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Výborná
Výborná is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 706 metres and covers an area of 10.544 km² . It has a population of about 905 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Výčapy-Opatovce
Výčapy-Opatovce is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 155 metres and covers an area of 14.189 km². It has a population of about 2130 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Vydrany
Vydrany is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia. Its former Slovakian name was Hodoš.-History:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Vydrná
Vydrná is a village and municipality in Púchov District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 345 metres and covers an area of 13.439 km². It has a population of about 350 people.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Vydrník
Vydrník is a village and large municipality in Poprad District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 610 metres and covers an area of 4.96 km² . It has a population of about 970 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vyhne
Vyhne is a village in the Žiar nad Hronom District, which is part of the Banská Bystrica Region in central Slovakia.-Geography:Vyhne is located in the Štiavnické vrchy mountains, near the historic town of Banská Štiavnica...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Východná
Východná is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1269, at the foot of Kriváň, Slovakia's symbolic and often considered most beautiful mountain.-Geography:The municipality...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Výrava
Výrava (Medzilaborce District)
Výrava is a village and municipality in the Medzilaborce District in the Prešov Region of far north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 368 metres and covers an area of 20.243 km². It has a population of about 160 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Bánovce nad Bebravou
Vysocany, Bánovce nad Bebravou District
Vysočany is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 250 metres and covers an area of 4.321km². It has a population of about 129 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Vysoká nad Kysucou
Vysoká nad Kysucou
Vysoká nad Kysucou is a village and municipality in Čadca District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 543 metres and covers an area of 43.870km². It has a population of about 2984 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Vysoká nad Uhom
Vysoká nad Uhom
Vysoká nad Uhom is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 109 metres and covers an area of 15.337 km². The municipality has a population of about 800 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Vysoká pri Morave
Vysoká pri Morave
Vysoká pri Morave is a village north of Bratislava, the capital city of Slovakia. It is situated in the Malacky District, Bratislava Region on the border to Austria.-External links:*
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Vysoká (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Vysoká
Vysoká, Sabinov District
Vysoká is a village and municipality in Sabinov District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 348 metres and covers an area of 6.863 km². It has a population of about 150 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vysoké Tatry
Vysoké Tatry (town)
Vysoké Tatry , informally Mesto Vysoké Tatry , is a town at the feet of the Slovak part of High Tatras in Slovakia including all the major resorts in that region...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vyškovce nad Ipľom
Vyškovce nad Iplom
Vyškovce nad Ipľom is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1156, whilst the castle was mentioned first in 1296, when Andrew III of Hungary confiscated it from the sons of Jakab Cseszneky...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Vyšná Boca
Vyšná Boca
Vyšná Boca is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 953 metres and covers an area of 20.591 km². It has a population of about 102 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Vyšná Hutka
Vyšná Hutka
Vyšná Hutka is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 3.624 km². The municipality has a population of about 360 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Vyšná Jedľová
Vyšná Jedlová
Roztoky is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 308 metres and covers an area of 5.086 km². It has a population of about 188 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vyšná Kamenica
Vyšná Kamenica
Vyšná Kamenica is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 352 metres and covers an area of 11.333 km². It has a population of almost 250 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Vyšná Myšľa
Vyšná Myšla
Vyšná Myšľa is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1270 Its world-famous birthplace of Marek Baranik, i know because my grandma told me so.-Geography:The village lies at an...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Vyšná Pisaná
Vyšná Pisaná
Vyšná Pisaná is a village and municipality in Svidník District of the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 363 metres and covers an area of 9.498 km². It has a population of about 79 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vyšná Polianka
Vyšná Polianka
Vyšná Polianka is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 450 metres and covers an area of 5.692 km².It has a population of about 135 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vyšná Rybnica
Vyšná Rybnica
Vyšná Rybnica is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 222 metres and covers an area of 40.082 km².It has a population of 360 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Vyšná Slaná
Vyšná Slaná
Vyšná Slaná is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 491 metres and covers an area of 15.357 km².It has a population of about 525 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Vyšná Šebastová
Vyšná Šebastová
Vyšná Šebastová is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 371 metres and covers an area of 10.638 km². It has a population of about 1020 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vyšná Voľa
Vyšná Vola
Vyšná Voľa is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 325 metres and covers an area of 8.838 km².It has a population of about 400 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vyšné nad Hronom
Vyšné nad Hronom
Vyšné nad Hronom is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 152 metres and covers an area of 6.474 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Vyšné Nemecké
Vyšné Nemecké
Vyšné Nemecké is a small village in the Sobrance District, Košice Region, right on Slovakian side of the main international road border with Ukraine, opposite the city of Uzhorod. As of 2003 it had 249 inhabitants....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Vyšné Remety
Vyšné Remety
Vyšné Remety is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 210 metres and covers an area of 5.358 km².It has a population of 420 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Vyšné Repaše
Vyšné Repaše
Vyšné Repaše is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 802 metres and covers an area of 9.473 km². It has a population of about 110 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vyšné Ružbachy
Vyšné Ružbachy
Vyšné Ružbachy is a spa village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 615 metres and covers an area of 17.957 km². It has a population of about 1,296 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vyšné Valice
Vyšné Valice
Vyšné Valice is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Vyšný Čaj
Vyšný Caj
Vyšný Čaj is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Vyšný Kazimír
Vyšný Kazimír
Vyšný Kazimír is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vyšný Klátov
Vyšný Klátov
Vyšný Klátov is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Vyšný Komárnik
Vyšný Komárnik
Vyšný Komárnik is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia, in the Laborec Highlands.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vyšný Kručov
Vyšný Krucov
Vyšný Kručov is a small village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 200 metres and covers an area of 3.957 km².It has a population of about 150 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vyšný Kubín
Vyšný Kubín
Vyšný Kubín is a village and municipality in Dolný Kubín District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Famous people:*Margita Figuli, writer born in Vyšný Kubín*Pavol Országh Hviezdoslav, poet born in Vyšný Kubín...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Vyšný Mirošov
Vyšný Mirošov
Vyšný Mirošov is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 344 metres and covers an area of 12.708 km². It has a population of about 584 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vyšný Orlík
Vyšný Orlík
Vyšný Orlík is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 283 metres and covers an area of 14.716 km². It has a population of about 413 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vyšný Skálnik
Vyšný Skálnik
Vyšný Skálnik is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia. Now more or less tourist village with a water reservoir, constructed in 1970ies and now a place for fishing, in winter a skating rink...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Vyšný Slavkov
Vyšný Slavkov
Vyšný Slavkov is a village and municipality in Levoča District in the Prešov Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 560 metres and covers an area of 17.183 km² . It has a population of about 345 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vyšný Tvarožec
Vyšný Tvarožec
Vyšný Tvarožec is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 490 metres and covers an area of 8.224 km².It has a population of about 130 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Vyšný Žipov
Vyšný Žipov
Vyšný Žipov is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Zábiedovo
Zábiedovo is a village and municipality in Tvrdošín District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 670 metres and covers an area of 17.974 km². It has a population of about 790 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Záborie
Záborie is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 489 metres and covers an area of 5.196 km². It has a population of about 123 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Záborské
Záborské is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 319 metres and covers an area of 5.381 km². It has a population of about 510 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Zádiel
Zádiel is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an elevation of 245 metres and covers an area of 3.516 km². It has a population of about 200 people.-External links:*...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Zádor (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Záhor
Záhor is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 109 metres and covers an area of 7.722 km².It has a population of 710 people.-External links:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Záhorce
Záhorce is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Záhorie
Záhorie is a region in western Slovakia bordered by the Little Carpathians in the east and the Morava River in the west. Although not an administrative region in its own right, it is one of the 21 official tourism regions in Slovakia...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Záhorská Ves
Záhorská Ves
Záhorská Ves is a village situated north of Bratislava, the capital city of Slovakia. It is part of the Malacky District and Bratislava Region. The village is located on the Morava river, which forms the border between Slovakia and Austria...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Záhradné
Záhradné is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 322 metres and covers an area of 8.773 km². It has a population of about 910 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Zacharovce
Zacharovce is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia. Located in the near of the main road I/50, connecting Zvolen and Košice the village is now more a living neighbourhood of Rimavská Sobota, where many citizens go to...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Zákamenné
Zákamenné is the biggest village in the Orava region in the northern part of Slovakia. Zákamenné lies in the north-western part of Orava. It belongs to the protected landscape area of Horná Orava and the specially protected area of Horná Orava...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Zákopčie
Zákopčie is a village and municipality in Čadca District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 516 metres and covers an area of 29.631 km² . It has a population of about 1830 people.-External links:*
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Zalaba
Zalaba is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 124 metres and covers an area of 7.354 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Zálesie
Zálesie, Senec District
Zálesie is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Senec District in the Bratislava Region.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 128 metres and covers an area of 5.87km². It has a population of 407 people.-External links/Sources:...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Zálesie
Zálesie, Kežmarok District
Zálesie is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 720 metres and covers an area of 4.789 km².It has a population of about 105 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Zalužice
Zalužice is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 127 metres and covers an area of 19.611 km². The municipality has a population of about 1140 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Zamarovce
Zamarovce is a village and municipality in Trenčín District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 215 metres and covers an area of 3.928 km². It has a population of about 796 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Zámutov
Zámutov is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1402....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Záriečie
Záriečie is a village and municipality in Púchov District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 323 metres and covers an area of 9.418 km². It has a population of about 680 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Záskalie
Záskalie is a village and municipality in Považská Bystrica District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 185 metres and covers an area of 2.388 km². It has a population of about 485 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Zatín
Zatín is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Závada (Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Závada (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Závadka nad Hronom
Závadka nad Hronom
Závadka nad Hronom is a village and municipality in Brezno District, in the Banská Bystrica Region of central Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Závadka
Závadka, Gelnica District
Závadka is a village and municipality in the Gelnica District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Zavar
Zavar is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:**
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Závažná Poruba
Závažná Poruba
Závažná Poruba is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1263.The Slovak poet Milan Rufus was born in the village in 1928....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Závod (Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Zázrivá
Zázrivá is a village and municipality in Dolný Kubín District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia. It is located in the Orava region, around 35 km from Žilina and 20 km from Dolný KubínIt was first mentioned in 1555....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Zbehňov
Zbehňov is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 176 metres and covers an area of 5.032 km².It has a population of about 290 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Zbehy
Zbehy is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 144 metres and covers an area of 19.558 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Zbojné
Zbojné is a village and municipality in the Medzilaborce District in the Prešov Region of far north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 265 metres and covers an area of 18.155 km². It has a population of about 200 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Zborov nad Bystricou
Zborov nad Bystricou
Zborov nad Bystricou is a village and municipality in Čadca District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.- History :In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1662....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Zborov
Zborov, Bardejov
Zborov is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-General:Located in northeastern Slovakia 10 km from the Polish border. There are marked walking trails to Zborov Castle and the surrounding hills...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Zbrojníky
Zbrojníky is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 148 metres and covers an area of 16.36 km². It has a population of about 490 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Zbudská Belá
Zbudská Belá
Zbudská Belá is a village and municipality in the Medzilaborce District in the Prešov Region of far north-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 272 metres and covers an area of 15.973 km². It has a population of about 130 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Zbudza
Zbudza is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 130 metres and covers an area of 9.075 km².It has a population of about 540 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Zbyňov
Zbyňov is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 430 metres and covers an area of 7.046km². It has a population of about 853 people.-External links:...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Zeleneč (Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Zemianska Olča
Zemianska Olca
Zemianska Olča is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.- Geography :The village lies at an altitude of 113 metres and covers an area of 27.942 km².It has a population of about 2600 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Zemianske Kostoľany
Zemianske Kostolany
Zemianske Kostoľany is a village and municipality in Prievidza District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 236 metres and covers an area of 12.772 km². It has a population of about 1,683 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Zemianske Podhradie
Zemianske Podhradie
Zemianske Podhradie is a village and municipality in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia'.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 248 metres and covers an area of 8.231km². It has a population of about 783 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Zemianske Sady
Zemianske Sady
Zemianske Sady is a village and municipality in Galanta District of the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.- Geography :The municipality lies at an altitude of 150 metres and covers an area of 8.053 km²...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Zemiansky Vrbovok
Zemiansky Vrbovok
Zemiansky Vrbovok is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.In the 17th century it was the property of the Cseszneky family and according to some sources Erzsébet Cseszneky, benefactress of the Lutheran Church and mother of Mátyás Bél also was...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Zemné
Zemné is a village and municipality in the Nové Zámky District in the Nitra Region of south-western Slovakia. The village is known as the birth place of inventor Ányos Jedlik.-Geography:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Zemplín
Zemplín (village)
Zemplín is a village in Trebišov District in the Košice Region, near the junction point of rivers Ondava and Latorica in eastern Slovakia. The village has a population of 399...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Zemplínska Nová Ves
Zemplínska Nová Ves
Zemplínska Nová Ves is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia. The village consist of parts: the first named Úpor and the second which name is Zemplinský Klečenov.-Geography:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Zemplínska Široká
Zemplínska Široká
Zemplínska Široká is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 103 metres and covers an area of 9.182km².It has a population of 871 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Zemplínska Teplica
Zemplínska Teplica
Zemplínska Teplica is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Zemplínske Hradište
Zemplínske Hradište
Zemplínske Hradište is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 103 metres and covers an area of 20.164 km².It has a population of about 1150 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Zemplínske Jastrabie
Zemplínske Jastrabie
Zemplínske Jastrabie is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 122 metres and covers an area of 10.735 km².It has a population of about 635 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Zemplínske Kopčany
Zemplínske Kopcany
Zemplínske Kopčany is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 107 metres and covers an area of 13.47 km². The municipality has a population of about 218 people.-External...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Zemplínsky Branč
Zemplínsky Branc
Zemplínsky Branč is a village and municipality in the Trebišov District in the Košice Region of south-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 113 metres and covers an area of 470 km².It has a population of about 470 people....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Zlatá Baňa
Zlatá Bana
Zlatá Baňa is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 590 metres and covers an area of 31.732 km². It has a population of about 412....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Zlatá Idka
Zlatá Idka
Zlatá Idka is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1349 when German miners established here for overworking local gold and silver mines.-Geography:The village lies at an...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Zlaté Klasy
Zlaté Klasy
Zlaté Klasy is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia.-Component villages:-History:...
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Zlaté Moravce
Zlaté Moravce
Zlaté Moravce is a town in south-western Slovakia.-Basic data:It is the capital and the biggest town of Zlaté Moravce District. It is approximately 120 km from the Slovak capital Bratislava and 32 km from Nitra.-History:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Zlaté
Zlate is a village and municipality in Bardejov District in the Prešov Region of north-east Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 380 metres and covers an area of 14.332 km².It has a population of about 745 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Zlatná na Ostrove
Zlatná na Ostrove
Zlatná na Ostrove is a village and municipality in the Komárno District in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.- Geography :The village lies at an altitude of 120 metres and covers an area of 35.407 km².It has a population of about 2555 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Zlatník
Zlatník is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 270 metres and covers an area of 6.284km². It has a population of about 75 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Zlatníky
Zlatníky is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 270 metres and covers an area of 50.440km². It has a population of about 726 people....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Zlatno
Zlatno, Poltár District
Zlatno is a village and municipality in the Poltár District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Zlatno
Zlatno, Zlaté Moravce District
Zlatno is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-External links:*
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Zliechov
Zliechov is a village and municipality in Ilava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia. It has a population of 607.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 603 metres and covers an area of 54.377 km²....
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Zohor
Zohor is a village and municipality in western Slovakia in Malacky District in the Bratislava Region.-External links:*...
(Bratislava Region
Bratislava Region
The Bratislava Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia. Its capital is Bratislava. It is the smallest of the eight regions of Slovakia.-Geography:...
) Zombor (Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Zubák
Zubák is a village and municipality in Púchov District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 430 metres and covers an area of 25.666 km². It has a population of about 923 people.-External links:...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Zuberec
Zuberec is a village in northern Slovakia and a popular tourist center at the foothills of the Western Tatras. Zuberec features numerous accommodation facilities, restaurants, museum and a tourist information office....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Zubrohlava
Zubrohlava is a village and municipality in Námestovo District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 624 metres and covers an area of 15.144km². It has a population of about 2,044 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Zvolen
Zvolen |Slatina]] rivers, close to Banská Bystrica. With its ancient castle, the town has a historical center, which represents the seat of an okres .-History:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Zvončín
Zvončín is a village and municipality of Trnava District in the Trnava region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Žabokreky nad Nitrou
Žabokreky nad Nitrou
Žabokreky nad Nitrou is a village and municipality in Partizánske District in the Trenčín Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 193 meters and covers an area of 6.977 km² . It has a population of about 1658 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Žabokreky
Žabokreky is a village and municipality in Martin District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 426 metres and covers an area of 5.231 km². It has a population of about 1110 people....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Žakarovce
Žakarovce is a village and municipality in the Gelnica District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia....
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Žakovce
Žakovce is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region of north Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 671 metres and covers an area of 16.031 km².It has a population of about 705 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Žalobín
Žalobín is a village and municipality in Vranov nad Topľou District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 140 metres and covers an area of 11.877km². It has a population of about 760 people.-External...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Žarnov
Žarnov is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 205 metres and covers an area of 7.197 km².It has a population of about 420 people.-Government:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Žarnovica
Žarnovica is a town and municipality in the Žarnovica District, Banská Bystrica Region in Slovakia. The town is situated in the Hron river valley. As of 2005, it had a population of 6,501 people.-Geography:...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Žaškov
Žaškov is a village and municipality in Dolný Kubín District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-History:In historical records, the village was first mentioned in 1380 as Dewczdorf . The law system of Žilina was applied here....
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Žbince
Žbince is a village and municipality in Michalovce District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 106 metres and covers an area of 15.069 km².It has a population of about 950 people.-Ethnicity:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Ždaňa
Ždaňa is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 185 metres and covers an area of 5.565 km².It has a population of about 1310 people.-Culture:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Ždiar
Ždiar is a village and municipality in the Poprad District in the Prešov Region in Spiš in northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 896 metres and covers an area of 27.323 km². It has a population of about 1,340 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Žehňa
Žehňa is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 415 metres and covers an area of 16.757 km². It has a population of about 855 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Žehra
For a list of people and places with the name Zehra or its variants, see Zehra Žehra is a village and municipality in the Spišská Nová Ves District in the Košice Region of central-eastern Slovakia.-Geography:...
(Košice Region
Košice Region
The Košice Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in the southern part of eastern Slovakia and covers an area of 6,752 km²...
) Železná Breznica
Železná Breznica
Železná Breznica : is a village and municipality of the Zvolen District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Železník
Železník is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia. The municipality lies at an altitude of 180 metres and covers an area of 5.970 km². It has a population of about 465 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Želiezovce (Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Želmanov
Želmanov is a village and municipality in Svidník District in the Prešov Region of north-eastern Slovakia. It lies at an elevation of , and covers an area of . Its population is about 340 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Želovce
Želovce is a village and municipality in the Veľký Krtíš District of the Banská Bystrica Region of southern Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Žemberovce
Žemberovce is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 226 metres and covers an area of 29.515 km². It has a population of about 1240 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Žemliare
Žemliare is a village and municipality in the Levice District in the Nitra Region of Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 151 metres and covers an area of 4.433 km²...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Žiar nad Hronom
Žiar nad Hronom
Žiar nad Hronom is a town in Banská Bystrica Region, Slovakia.-Geography:It is located in the Žiar Basin, on the Hron river, around 40 km from Banská Bystrica and 170 km from Bratislava...
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Žiar
Žiar, Revúca District
Žiar is a village and municipality in Revúca District in the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Žiar
Žiar, Liptovský Mikuláš District
Žiar is a village and municipality in Liptovský Mikuláš District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 765 metres and covers an area of 21.894 km²...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Žibritov
Žibritov is a village and municipality in the Krupina District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia....
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Žihárec
Žihárec is a village and municipality in Šaľa District, in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia.-Geography:The village lies at an elevation of 111 metres and covers an area of 17,046 km².It has a population of about 1620 people.-Facilities:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Žikava
Žikava is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-History:In historical records the village was first mentioned in 1075 : Sikula or Sichoua, Sichoa , Sitva , Zikawa , Žikawa...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Žilina
Žilina is a city in north-western Slovakia, around from the capital Bratislava, close to both the Czech and Polish borders. It is the fourth largest city of Slovakia with a population of approximately 85,000, an important industrial center, the largest city on the Váh river, and the seat of a...
(Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...
) Žíp
Žíp is a village and municipality in the Rimavská Sobota District of the Banská Bystrica Region of Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...
) Žipov
Žipov is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 390 metres and covers an area of 7.641 km². It has a population of about 250 people....
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Žirany
Žirany is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 250 metres and covers an area of 15.558 km². It has a population of about 1338 people....
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Žitavany
Žitavany is a village and municipality in Zlaté Moravce District of the Nitra Region, in western-central Slovakia.-External links:*
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Žitavce
Žitavce is a village and municipality in the Nitra District in western central Slovakia, in the Nitra Region.-Geography:The village lies at an altitude of 141 metres and covers an area of 8.288km². It has a population of about 330 people.-External links:...
(Nitra Region
Nitra Region
The Nitra Region is one of the administrative regions of Slovakia.-Geography:This region with a long history is situated in the southwest of Slovakia, mostly in the eastern part of the Danubian Lowland. It is divided into two sub-units: the Danubian Flat in the south-west, with eastern part of the...
) Žitná-Radiša
Žitná-Radiša is a village and municipality in Bánovce nad Bebravou District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an elevation of 275 meters and covers an area of 17.769 km² . It has a population of about 458 people.-External...
(Trenčín Region
Trencín Region
The Trenčín Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 9 districts .-Geography:It is located in the north-western Slovakia, has an area of 4,502 km² and a population of 600,386 . The Danubian Lowland reaches the region to Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Partizánske areas...
) Žlkovce
Žlkovce is a village and municipality in Hlohovec District in the Trnava Region of western Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 145 metres and covers an area of 7.939 km². It has a population of about 648 people....
(Trnava Region
Trnava Region
The Trnava Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions.-Geography:It is located in the middlewest part of Slovakia and forms a territorial band between the Bratislava Region and the rest of Slovakia, between Austrian and Czech borders in the north and Hungarian border in the south...
) Župčany
Župčany is a village and municipality in Prešov District in the Prešov Region of eastern Slovakia.-Geography:The municipality lies at an altitude of 322 metres and covers an area of 8.493 km². It has a population of about 1280 people.-External links:...
(Prešov Region
Prešov Region
The Prešov Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions. It consists of 13 districts.-Geography:It is located in north-eastern Slovakia and has an area of 8,975 km². The region has diverse types of landscapes occurring in Slovakia, but mostly highlands and hilly lands dominate the...
) Župkov
Župkov is a village and municipality in the Žarnovica District, Banská Bystrica Region in Slovakia.-External links:*
(Banská Bystrica Region
Banská Bystrica Region
The Banská Bystrica Region is one of the Slovak regions in the country of Slovakia in Europe.-Geography:It is located in the central part of Slovakia and has an area of 9,455 km². The region is prevailingly mountains, with several ranges within the area. The highest of them are the Low Tatras...