List of mathematical proofs
Theorems of which articles are primarily devoted to proving them
- See also: :Category:Article proofs
- Bertrand's postulate and a proof
- Estimation of covariance matricesEstimation of covariance matricesIn statistics, sometimes the covariance matrix of a multivariate random variable is not known but has to be estimated. Estimation of covariance matrices then deals with the question of how to approximate the actual covariance matrix on the basis of a sample from the multivariate distribution...
- Fermat's little theoremFermat's little theoremFermat's little theorem states that if p is a prime number, then for any integer a, a p − a will be evenly divisible by p...
and some proofsProofs of Fermat's little theoremThis article collects together a variety of proofs of Fermat's little theorem, which states thata^p \equiv a \pmod p \,\!for every prime number p and every integer a .-Simplifications:... - Gödel's completeness theoremGödel's completeness theoremGödel's completeness theorem is a fundamental theorem in mathematical logic that establishes a correspondence between semantic truth and syntactic provability in first-order logic. It was first proved by Kurt Gödel in 1929....
and its original proofOriginal proof of Gödel's completeness theoremThe proof of Gödel's completeness theorem given by Kurt Gödel in his doctoral dissertation of 1929 is not easy to read today; it uses concepts and formalism that are outdated and terminology that is often obscure... - Mathematical inductionMathematical inductionMathematical induction is a method of mathematical proof typically used to establish that a given statement is true of all natural numbers...
and a proof - Proof that 0.999... equals 1
- Proof that 22/7 exceeds π
- Proof that e is irrationalProof that e is irrationalIn mathematics, the series representation of Euler's number ecan be used to prove that e is irrational. Of the many representations of e, this is the Taylor series for the exponential function evaluated at y = 1.-Summary of the proof:...
- Proof that the sum of the reciprocals of the primes diverges
Articles devoted to theorems of which a (sketch of a) proof is given
- See also: :Category:Articles containing proofs
- Banach fixed point theoremBanach fixed point theoremIn mathematics, the Banach fixed-point theorem is an important tool in the theory of metric spaces; it guarantees the existence and uniqueness of fixed points of certain self-maps of metric spaces, and provides a constructive method to find those fixed points...
- Banach–Tarski paradoxBanach–Tarski paradoxThe Banach–Tarski paradox is a theorem in set theoretic geometry which states the following: Given a solid ball in 3-dimensional space, there exists a decomposition of the ball into a finite number of non-overlapping pieces , which can then be put back together in a different way to yield two...
- Basel problemBasel problemThe Basel problem is a famous problem in mathematical analysis with relevance to number theory, first posed by Pietro Mengoli in 1644 and solved by Leonhard Euler in 1735. Since the problem had withstood the attacks of the leading mathematicians of the day, Euler's solution brought him immediate...
- Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem
- Brouwer fixed point theoremBrouwer fixed point theoremBrouwer's fixed-point theorem is a fixed-point theorem in topology, named after Luitzen Brouwer. It states that for any continuous function f with certain properties there is a point x0 such that f = x0. The simplest form of Brouwer's theorem is for continuous functions f from a disk D to...
- Buckingham π theorem (proof in progress)
- Burnside's lemmaBurnside's lemmaBurnside's lemma, sometimes also called Burnside's counting theorem, the Cauchy-Frobenius lemma or the orbit-counting theorem, is a result in group theory which is often useful in taking account of symmetry when counting mathematical objects. Its various eponyms include William Burnside, George...
- Cantor's theoremCantor's theoremIn elementary set theory, Cantor's theorem states that, for any set A, the set of all subsets of A has a strictly greater cardinality than A itself...
- Cantor–Bernstein–Schroeder theoremCantor–Bernstein–Schroeder theoremIn set theory, the Cantor–Bernstein–Schroeder theorem, named after Georg Cantor, Felix Bernstein, and Ernst Schröder, states that, if there exist injective functions and between the sets A and B, then there exists a bijective function...
- Cayley's formula
- Cayley's theoremCayley's theoremIn group theory, Cayley's theorem, named in honor of Arthur Cayley, states that every group G is isomorphic to a subgroup of the symmetric group acting on G...
- Clique problemClique problemIn computer science, the clique problem refers to any of the problems related to finding particular complete subgraphs in a graph, i.e., sets of elements where each pair of elements is connected....
(to do) - Compactness theoremCompactness theoremIn mathematical logic, the compactness theorem states that a set of first-order sentences has a model if and only if every finite subset of it has a model...
(very compact proof) - Erdős-Ko-Rado theorem
- Euler's formulaEuler's formulaEuler's formula, named after Leonhard Euler, is a mathematical formula in complex analysis that establishes the deep relationship between the trigonometric functions and the complex exponential function...
- Euler's four-square identityEuler's four-square identityIn mathematics, Euler's four-square identity says that the product of two numbers, each of which being a sum of four squares, is itself a sum of four squares. Specifically:=\,...
- Euler's theorem
- Five color theoremFive color theoremThe five color theorem is a result from graph theory that given a plane separated into regions, such as a political map of the counties of a state, the regions may be colored using no more than five colors in such a way that no two adjacent regions receive the same color.The five color theorem is...
- Five lemmaFive lemmaIn mathematics, especially homological algebra and other applications of abelian category theory, the five lemma is an important and widely used lemma about commutative diagrams....
- Fundamental theorem of arithmeticFundamental theorem of arithmeticIn number theory, the fundamental theorem of arithmetic states that any integer greater than 1 can be written as a unique product of prime numbers...
- Gauss-Markov theorem (brief pointer to proof)
- Gödel's incompleteness theorem
- Gödel's first incompleteness theorem
- Gödel's second incompleteness theorem
- Goodstein's theoremGoodstein's theoremIn mathematical logic, Goodstein's theorem is a statement about the natural numbers, made by Reuben Goodstein, which states that every Goodstein sequence eventually terminates at 0. showed that it is unprovable in Peano arithmetic...
- Green's theoremGreen's theoremIn mathematics, Green's theorem gives the relationship between a line integral around a simple closed curve C and a double integral over the plane region D bounded by C...
(to do)- Green's theorem when D is a simple region
- Heine-Borel theorem
- Intermediate value theoremIntermediate value theoremIn mathematical analysis, the intermediate value theorem states that for each value between the least upper bound and greatest lower bound of the image of a continuous function there is at least one point in its domain that the function maps to that value....
- Itō's lemmaIto's lemmaIn mathematics, Itō's lemma is used in Itō stochastic calculus to find the differential of a function of a particular type of stochastic process. It is named after its discoverer, Kiyoshi Itō...
- König's lemmaKönig's lemmaKönig's lemma or König's infinity lemma is a theorem in graph theory due to Dénes Kőnig . It gives a sufficient condition for an infinite graph to have an infinitely long path. The computability aspects of this theorem have been thoroughly investigated by researchers in mathematical logic,...
- König's theorem (set theory)König's theorem (set theory)In set theory, König's theorem colloquially states that if the axiom of choice holds, I is a set, mi and ni are cardinal numbers for every i in I, and m_i In set theory, König's theorem In set theory, König's theorem (named after the Hungarian mathematician Gyula Kőnig, who published under the...
- König's theorem (graph theory)König's theorem (graph theory)In the mathematical area of graph theory, König's theorem, proved by Dénes Kőnig in 1931, describes an equivalence between the maximum matching problem and the minimum vertex cover problem in bipartite graphs...
- Lagrange's theoremLagrange's theoremIn mathematics, Lagrange's theorem usually refers to any of the following theorems, attributed to Joseph Louis Lagrange:* Lagrange's theorem * Lagrange's theorem...
- Liouville's theoremLiouville's theoremLiouville's theorem has various meanings, all mathematical results named after Joseph Liouville:*In complex analysis, see Liouville's theorem ; there is also a related theorem on harmonic functions....
(brief pointer to proof) - Markov's inequalityMarkov's inequalityIn probability theory, Markov's inequality gives an upper bound for the probability that a non-negative function of a random variable is greater than or equal to some positive constant...
(proof of a generalization) - Mean value theoremMean value theoremIn calculus, the mean value theorem states, roughly, that given an arc of a differentiable curve, there is at least one point on that arc at which the derivative of the curve is equal to the "average" derivative of the arc. Briefly, a suitable infinitesimal element of the arc is parallel to the...
- Multivariate normal distribution (to do)
- Holomorphic functions are analyticHolomorphic functions are analyticIn complex analysis, a branch of mathematics, a complex-valued function ƒ of a complex variable z.*is said to be holomorphic at a point a if it is differentiable at every point within some open disk centered at a, and...
- Pythagorean theoremPythagorean theoremIn mathematics, the Pythagorean theorem or Pythagoras' theorem is a relation in Euclidean geometry among the three sides of a right triangle...
- Quadratic equationQuadratic equationIn mathematics, a quadratic equation is a univariate polynomial equation of the second degree. A general quadratic equation can be written in the formax^2+bx+c=0,\,...
- Quotient rule
- Ramsey's theoremRamsey's theoremIn combinatorics, Ramsey's theorem states that in any colouring of the edges of a sufficiently large complete graph, one will find monochromatic complete subgraphs...
- Rao-Blackwell theorem
- Rice's theoremRice's theoremIn computability theory, Rice's theorem states that, for any non-trivial property of partial functions, there is no general and effective method to decide whether an algorithm computes a partial function with that property...
- Rolle's theoremRolle's theoremIn calculus, Rolle's theorem essentially states that a differentiable function which attains equal values at two distinct points must have a point somewhere between them where the first derivative is zero.-Standard version of the theorem:If a real-valued function ƒ is continuous on a closed...
- Splitting lemmaSplitting lemmaIn mathematics, and more specifically in homological algebra, the splitting lemma states that in any abelian category, the following statements for short exact sequence are equivalent....
- squeeze theoremSqueeze theoremIn calculus, the squeeze theorem is a theorem regarding the limit of a function....
- Sum rule in differentiationSum rule in differentiationIn calculus, the sum rule in differentiation is a method of finding the derivative of a function that is the sum of two other functions for which derivatives exist. This is a part of the linearity of differentiation. The sum rule in integration follows from it...
- Sum rule in integrationSum rule in integrationIn calculus, the sum rule in integration states that the integral of a sum of two functions is equal to the sum of their integrals. It is of particular use for the integration of sums, and is one part of the linearity of integration....
- Sylow theorems
- Transcendence of e and π (as corollaries of Lindemann-Weierstrass)
- Tychonoff's theoremTychonoff's theoremIn mathematics, Tychonoff's theorem states that the product of any collection of compact topological spaces is compact. The theorem is named after Andrey Nikolayevich Tychonoff, who proved it first in 1930 for powers of the closed unit interval and in 1935 stated the full theorem along with the...
(to do) - Ultrafilter lemma
- Ultraparallel theoremUltraparallel theoremIn hyperbolic geometry, the ultraparallel theorem states that every pair of ultraparallel lines in the hyperbolic plane has a unique common perpendicular hyperbolic line.-Proof in the Poincaré half-plane model:Leta...
- Urysohn's lemmaUrysohn's lemmaIn topology, Urysohn's lemma is a lemma that states that a topological space is normal if and only if any two disjoint closed subsets can be separated by a function....
- Van der Waerden's theorem
- Wilson's theorem
- Zorn's lemmaZorn's lemmaZorn's lemma, also known as the Kuratowski–Zorn lemma, is a proposition of set theory that states:Suppose a partially ordered set P has the property that every chain has an upper bound in P...
- Banach fixed point theorem
Articles devoted to algorithms in which their correctness is proven
- Bellman-Ford algorithmBellman-Ford algorithmThe Bellman–Ford algorithm computes single-source shortest paths in a weighted digraph.For graphs with only non-negative edge weights, the faster Dijkstra's algorithm also solves the problem....
(to do) - Euclidean algorithmEuclidean algorithmIn mathematics, the Euclidean algorithm is an efficient method for computing the greatest common divisor of two integers, also known as the greatest common factor or highest common factor...
- Kruskal's algorithmKruskal's algorithmKruskal's algorithm is an algorithm in graph theory that finds a minimum spanning tree for a connected weighted graph. This means it finds a subset of the edges that forms a tree that includes every vertex, where the total weight of all the edges in the tree is minimized...
- Gale–Shapley algorithm
- Prim's algorithmPrim's algorithmIn computer science, Prim's algorithm is a greedy algorithm that finds a minimum spanning tree for a connected weighted undirected graph. This means it finds a subset of the edges that forms a tree that includes every vertex, where the total weight of all the edges in the tree is minimized...
- Shor's algorithmShor's algorithmShor's algorithm, named after mathematician Peter Shor, is a quantum algorithm for integer factorization formulated in 1994...
Articles where example statements are proven
- See also: :Category:Articles containing proofs
- Basis (linear algebra)Basis (linear algebra)In linear algebra, a basis is a set of linearly independent vectors that, in a linear combination, can represent every vector in a given vector space or free module, or, more simply put, which define a "coordinate system"...
- Burrows-Abadi-Needham logicBurrows-Abadi-Needham logicBurrows–Abadi–Needham logic is a set of rules for defining and analyzing information exchange protocols. Specifically, BAN logic helps its users determine whether exchanged information is trustworthy, secured against eavesdropping, or both...
- Direct proofDirect proofIn mathematics and logic, a direct proof is a way of showing the truth or falsehood of a given statement by a straightforward combination of established facts, usually existing lemmas and theorems, without making any further assumptions...
- Generating a vector space
- Linear independenceLinear independenceIn linear algebra, a family of vectors is linearly independent if none of them can be written as a linear combination of finitely many other vectors in the collection. A family of vectors which is not linearly independent is called linearly dependent...
- PolynomialPolynomialIn mathematics, a polynomial is an expression of finite length constructed from variables and constants, using only the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and non-negative integer exponents...
- ProofMathematical proofIn mathematics, a proof is a convincing demonstration that some mathematical statement is necessarily true. Proofs are obtained from deductive reasoning, rather than from inductive or empirical arguments. That is, a proof must demonstrate that a statement is true in all cases, without a single...
- Pumping lemmaPumping lemmaIn the theory of formal languages in computability theory, a pumping lemma or pumping argument states that, for a particular language to be a member of a language class, any sufficiently long string in the language contains a section, or sections, that can be removed, or repeated any number of...
- Simpson's ruleSimpson's ruleIn numerical analysis, Simpson's rule is a method for numerical integration, the numerical approximation of definite integrals. Specifically, it is the following approximation:...
- Basis (linear algebra)
Other articles containing proofs
- See also: :Category:Articles containing proofs
- Addition in N
- associativity of addition in N
- commutativity of addition in N
- uniqueness of addition in N
- Algorithmic information theoryAlgorithmic information theoryAlgorithmic information theory is a subfield of information theory and computer science that concerns itself with the relationship between computation and information...
- Boolean ringBoolean ringIn mathematics, a Boolean ring R is a ring for which x2 = x for all x in R; that is, R consists only of idempotent elements....
- commutativity of a boolean ring
- Boolean satisfiability problemBoolean satisfiability problemIn computer science, satisfiability is the problem of determining if the variables of a given Boolean formula can be assigned in such a way as to make the formula evaluate to TRUE...
- NP-completeness of the Boolean satisfiability problem
- Calculus with polynomials
- Cantor's diagonal argumentCantor's diagonal argumentCantor's diagonal argument, also called the diagonalisation argument, the diagonal slash argument or the diagonal method, was published in 1891 by Georg Cantor as a mathematical proof that there are infinite sets which cannot be put into one-to-one correspondence with the infinite set of natural...
- set is smaller than its power set
- uncountability of the real numbers
- CombinatoricsCombinatoricsCombinatorics is a branch of mathematics concerning the study of finite or countable discrete structures. Aspects of combinatorics include counting the structures of a given kind and size , deciding when certain criteria can be met, and constructing and analyzing objects meeting the criteria ,...
- Combinatory logicCombinatory logicCombinatory logic is a notation introduced by Moses Schönfinkel and Haskell Curry to eliminate the need for variables in mathematical logic. It has more recently been used in computer science as a theoretical model of computation and also as a basis for the design of functional programming...
- Co-NP
- CosetCosetIn mathematics, if G is a group, and H is a subgroup of G, and g is an element of G, thenA coset is a left or right coset of some subgroup in G...
- Countable
- countability of a subset of a countable set (to do)
- CounterCounterIn digital logic and computing, a counter is a device which stores the number of times a particular event or process has occurred, often in relationship to a clock signal.- Electronic counters :...
- Angle of parallelismAngle of parallelismIn hyperbolic geometry, the angle of parallelism φ, also known as Π, is the angle at one vertex of a right hyperbolic triangle that has two asymptotic parallel sides. The angle depends on the segment length a between the right angle and the vertex of the angle of parallelism φ...
- Galois groupGalois groupIn mathematics, more specifically in the area of modern algebra known as Galois theory, the Galois group of a certain type of field extension is a specific group associated with the field extension...
- Fundamental theorem of Galois theory (to do)
- Gödel numberGödel numberIn mathematical logic, a Gödel numbering is a function that assigns to each symbol and well-formed formula of some formal language a unique natural number, called its Gödel number. The concept was famously used by Kurt Gödel for the proof of his incompleteness theorems...
- Gödel's incompleteness theorem
- Group (mathematics)Group (mathematics)In mathematics, a group is an algebraic structure consisting of a set together with an operation that combines any two of its elements to form a third element. To qualify as a group, the set and the operation must satisfy a few conditions called group axioms, namely closure, associativity, identity...
- Halting problemHalting problemIn computability theory, the halting problem can be stated as follows: Given a description of a computer program, decide whether the program finishes running or continues to run forever...
- insolubility of the halting problem
- Harmonic series (mathematics)Harmonic series (mathematics)In mathematics, the harmonic series is the divergent infinite series:Its name derives from the concept of overtones, or harmonics in music: the wavelengths of the overtones of a vibrating string are 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, etc., of the string's fundamental wavelength...
- divergence of the (standard) harmonic series
- Highly composite numberHighly composite numberA highly composite number is a positive integer with more divisors than any positive integer smaller than itself.The initial or smallest twenty-one highly composite numbers are listed in the table at right....
- Area of hyperbolic sector, basis of hyperbolic angleHyperbolic angleIn mathematics, a hyperbolic angle is a geometric figure that divides a hyperbola. The science of hyperbolic angle parallels the relation of an ordinary angle to a circle...
- Infinite series
- convergence of the geometric series with first term 1 and ratio 1/2
- Integer partition
- Irrational numberIrrational numberIn mathematics, an irrational number is any real number that cannot be expressed as a ratio a/b, where a and b are integers, with b non-zero, and is therefore not a rational number....
- irrationality of log23
- irrationality of the square root of 2
- Limit pointLimit pointIn mathematics, a limit point of a set S in a topological space X is a point x in X that can be "approximated" by points of S in the sense that every neighbourhood of x with respect to the topology on X also contains a point of S other than x itself. Note that x does not have to be an element of S...
- Mathematical inductionMathematical inductionMathematical induction is a method of mathematical proof typically used to establish that a given statement is true of all natural numbers...
- sum identity
- Prime numberPrime numberA prime number is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself. A natural number greater than 1 that is not a prime number is called a composite number. For example 5 is prime, as only 1 and 5 divide it, whereas 6 is composite, since it has the divisors 2...
- Infinitude of the prime numbers
- Primitive recursive functionPrimitive recursive functionThe primitive recursive functions are defined using primitive recursion and composition as central operations and are a strict subset of the total µ-recursive functions...
- Principle of bivalencePrinciple of bivalenceIn logic, the semantic principle of bivalence states that every declarative sentence expressing a proposition has exactly one truth value, either true or false...
- no propositions are neither true nor false in intuitionistic logicIntuitionistic logicIntuitionistic logic, or constructive logic, is a symbolic logic system differing from classical logic in its definition of the meaning of a statement being true. In classical logic, all well-formed statements are assumed to be either true or false, even if we do not have a proof of either...
- no propositions are neither true nor false in intuitionistic logic
- RecursionRecursionRecursion is the process of repeating items in a self-similar way. For instance, when the surfaces of two mirrors are exactly parallel with each other the nested images that occur are a form of infinite recursion. The term has a variety of meanings specific to a variety of disciplines ranging from...
- Relational algebraRelational algebraRelational algebra, an offshoot of first-order logic , deals with a set of finitary relations that is closed under certain operators. These operators operate on one or more relations to yield a relation...
(to do) - Solvable groupSolvable groupIn mathematics, more specifically in the field of group theory, a solvable group is a group that can be constructed from abelian groups using extensions...
- Square root of 2Square root of 2The square root of 2, often known as root 2, is the positive algebraic number that, when multiplied by itself, gives the number 2. It is more precisely called the principal square root of 2, to distinguish it from the negative number with the same property.Geometrically the square root of 2 is the...
- TetrisTetrisTetris is a puzzle video game originally designed and programmed by Alexey Pajitnov in the Soviet Union. It was released on June 6, 1984, while he was working for the Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the Academy of Science of the USSR in Moscow, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic...
- Algebra of setsAlgebra of setsThe algebra of sets develops and describes the basic properties and laws of sets, the set-theoretic operations of union, intersection, and complementation and the relations of set equality and set inclusion...
- idempotent laws for set union and intersection
- Addition in N
Articles which mention dependencies of theorems
- Cauchy's integral formulaCauchy's integral formulaIn mathematics, Cauchy's integral formula, named after Augustin-Louis Cauchy, is a central statement in complex analysis. It expresses the fact that a holomorphic function defined on a disk is completely determined by its values on the boundary of the disk, and it provides integral formulas for all...
- Cauchy integral theorem
- Computational geometryComputational geometryComputational geometry is a branch of computer science devoted to the study of algorithms which can be stated in terms of geometry. Some purely geometrical problems arise out of the study of computational geometric algorithms, and such problems are also considered to be part of computational...
- Fundamental theorem of algebraFundamental theorem of algebraThe fundamental theorem of algebra states that every non-constant single-variable polynomial with complex coefficients has at least one complex root...
- Lambda calculusLambda calculusIn mathematical logic and computer science, lambda calculus, also written as λ-calculus, is a formal system for function definition, function application and recursion. The portion of lambda calculus relevant to computation is now called the untyped lambda calculus...
- Invariance of domainInvariance of domainInvariance of domain is a theorem in topology about homeomorphic subsets of Euclidean space Rn. It states:The theorem and its proof are due to L.E.J. Brouwer, published in 1912...
- Minkowski inequalityMinkowski inequalityIn mathematical analysis, the Minkowski inequality establishes that the Lp spaces are normed vector spaces. Let S be a measure space, let 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞ and let f and g be elements of Lp...
- Nash embedding theoremNash embedding theoremThe Nash embedding theorems , named after John Forbes Nash, state that every Riemannian manifold can be isometrically embedded into some Euclidean space. Isometric means preserving the length of every path...
- Open mapping theorem (functional analysis)Open mapping theorem (functional analysis)In functional analysis, the open mapping theorem, also known as the Banach–Schauder theorem , is a fundamental result which states that if a continuous linear operator between Banach spaces is surjective then it is an open map...
- Product topologyProduct topologyIn topology and related areas of mathematics, a product space is the cartesian product of a family of topological spaces equipped with a natural topology called the product topology...
- Riemann integralRiemann integralIn the branch of mathematics known as real analysis, the Riemann integral, created by Bernhard Riemann, was the first rigorous definition of the integral of a function on an interval. The Riemann integral is unsuitable for many theoretical purposes...
- Time hierarchy theoremTime hierarchy theoremIn computational complexity theory, the time hierarchy theorems are important statements about time-bounded computation on Turing machines. Informally, these theorems say that given more time, a Turing machine can solve more problems...
- Deterministic time hierarchy theorem
See also
- Gödel's ontological proofGödel's ontological proofGödel's ontological proof is a formal argument for God's existence by the mathematician Kurt Gödel. It is in a line of development that goes back to Anselm of Canterbury. St. Anselm's ontological argument, in its most succinct form, is as follows: "God, by definition, is that for which no...
- Invalid proofInvalid proofIn mathematics, certain kinds of mistakes in proof, calculation, or derivation are often exhibited, and sometimes collected, as illustrations of the concept of mathematical fallacy...
- List of theorems
- List of incomplete proofs
- List of long proofs